GB922 Addendum 5PR Physical Resource R9-0 V9-3

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Information Framework

Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Release 9.0
GB922 Addendum 5PR
TM Forum Approved Version 9.3

October, 2010

©TM Forum 2010

Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions


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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Table of Contents
Notice.................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................ 3
Table of Figures................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Business Entities............................................................................................................................. 6
1.1. Physical Resource Domain.................................................................................................. 6
Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 6
Overview of “Physical Resource”............................................................................................... 9
Use Cases............................................................................................................................. 10
A Starting Point – Supporting Basic Inventory Concepts............................................................11
Equipment Requirements In More Detail..................................................................................13
Device Roles.......................................................................................................................... 26
1.2. PhysicalResource Business Entities in More Detail.............................................................28
Filling in the Details................................................................................................................. 28
PhysicalResource................................................................................................................... 29
PhysicalDevice in More Detail................................................................................................. 33
Hardware in More Detail......................................................................................................... 34
PhysicalConnector.................................................................................................................. 35
ManagedHardware................................................................................................................. 36
PhysicalPort........................................................................................................................... 38
PhysicalContainer................................................................................................................... 40
PhysicalRoles in More Detail................................................................................................... 42
EquipmentHolder in More Detail.............................................................................................. 44
Adapter and Holder Roles....................................................................................................... 50
Equipment in More Detail........................................................................................................ 52
Types of Cards....................................................................................................................... 54
AuxiliaryComponents.............................................................................................................. 55
PhysicalComponents.............................................................................................................. 56
1.3. Basic Business Entities That Interact with PhysicalResources..............................................57
Party and PartyRole................................................................................................................ 57
Location................................................................................................................................. 60
Capacity and Redundancy...................................................................................................... 62
Product.................................................................................................................................. 63
Additional Examples............................................................................................................... 68
1.4. References....................................................................................................................... 69
1.5. Business Entity Definitions................................................................................................. 70
2. Administrative Appendix............................................................................................................. 200
2.1. About this document........................................................................................................ 200
2.2. Document History............................................................................................................ 200
Version History..................................................................................................................... 200
Release History.................................................................................................................... 201
2.3. Company Contact Details................................................................................................ 201
2.4. Acknowledgments........................................................................................................... 202

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Table of Figures
Figure PR.01 - eTOM Level 0 Concepts and Domains 8
Figure PR.02 - Level One of the Resource Domain of the SID Framework 9
Figure PR.03. Different Aspects of a Device 17
Figure PR.04 - Relating the Physical and Logical Aspects of a Device to Each Other 19
Figure PR.05 - The Makeup of a Device 22
Figure PR.06 - The Concept of “Holding” Hardware 24
Figure PR.07. - Our Simple Example Router 26
Figure PR.08 - The Concept of a DeviceRole 29
Figure PR.9 - Attributes of a PhysicalResource 31
Figure PR.10 - The Relationship Between PhysicalResource and
PhysicalResourceSpecification 32
Figure PR.11 - Specifying the PhysicalDevice and Hardware Classes in More Detail 35
Figure PR.12 - Hardware in More Detail 36
Figure PR.13 - Physical Connector 37
Figure PR.14 - ManagedHardware in More Detail 38
Figure PR.15 - PhysicalPort in More Detail 40
Figure PR.16 - PhysicalContainer in More Detail 42
Figure PR.17 - PhysicalDeviceRole and HardwareRole 44
Figure PR.18 - Examples of PhysicalDeviceRoles 45
Figure PR.19 - Specifying Different Types of EquipmentHolders 46
Figure PR.20 - HolderAtomic in More Detail 48
Figure PR.21 - HolderComposite in More Detail 50
Figure PR.22 - AdapterRoles and HolderRoles 52
Figure PR.23 - Equipment in More Detail 54
Figure PR.24 - Relating PhysicalPorts to Cards and Chassis 55
Figure PR.25 - Types of Cards 56
Figure PR.26 - Exemplary Subclasses of AuxiliaryComponent 57
Figure PR.27 - Example Subclasses of PhysicalComponent 58
Figure PR.28 - Overview of Party and PartyRole 61
Figure PR.29 - Representing Administering and Owning a Resource 64
Figure PR.29 - Simplified Product Model 67
Figure PR.30 - Relationship Between ProductSpec, ResourceSpec and ServiceSpec 68

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Figure PR.31 - Relationship Between Product, Service and Resource 70

Figure 5PR- 35. PhysicalResource Business Entity Model 78
Figure 5PR- 36. PhysicalResourceSpecification Business Entity Model 81
Figure 5PR- 37. PhysicalResourceRole Business Entity Model 84
Figure 5PR- 38. PhysicalHolderRole Business Entity Model 87
Figure 5PR- 39. Hardware Business Entity Model 94
Figure 5PR- 40. ManagedHardware Business Entity Model 99
Figure 5PR- 41. PhysicalContainer Business Entity Model 102
Figure 5PR- 42. PhysicalDevice Business Entity Model 105
Figure 5PR- 43. PhysicalConnector Business Entity Model 115
Figure 5PR- 44. PhysicalPort Business Entity Model 119
Figure 5PR- 45. Equipment Business Entity Model 126
Figure 5PR- 46. Card Business Entity Model 132
Figure 5PR- 47. EquipmentHolder Business Entity Model 150
Figure 5PR- 48. HolderAtomic Business Entity Model 153
Figure 5PR- 49. Slot Business Entity Model 157
Figure 5PR- 50. HolderComposite Business Entity Model 161
Figure 5PR- 51. SecureHolder Business Entity Model 165
Figure 5PR- 52. Rack and Chassis Business Entity Model 168
Figure 5PR- 53. AuxiliaryComponent Business Entity Model 175
Figure 5PR- 54. CoolingDevice and Fan Business Entity Model 178
Figure 5PR- 55. PowerSupply Business Entity Model 185
Figure 5PR- 56. PhysicalComponent Business Entity Model 188
Figure PR.57 - Chip, ASIC, and MemoryComponent Business Entity Model 194

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

1. Business Entities

1.1. Physical Resource Domain


One of the goals of the SID model is to enable a seamless transition from business concepts and definitions to other
domains, such as networking. This addendum covers the definition of physical resources.

In looking at ‘”Physical Resource” for the SID model, the modelers used the notion of physical devices and equipment, as
defined in the Resource domain of the eTOM [eTOM], as the basis for defining the appropriate business entities. This
domain is concerned with the management of equipment. While this Addendum concentrates on using network entities as
examples of its concepts, it should be noted that these concepts are generic in nature and all but the network-specific
classes apply to other physical entities, such as laptops, servers, and printers. Physical resources can also represent things
that are sold, leased, and so forth, like a phone and SIM card, and don’t in general have any dependency to network entities.
However, this version concentrates on network entities, and will use network entities as examples, in order to better illustrate
a complete worked example and to explain some of the more subtle parts of the model.

Network entities are described at the physical network level. The eTOM provides a process model that defines functionality
to manage the physical inventory, plan and control physical changes to the network, and provide mechanisms to (for
example) measure performance, notify alarms / events and cater for routine administration. Clearly, most of these functions
are logical concepts, but equally clearly, appropriate entities need to be available in the physical model to enable it to support
these functions. While the initial physical model is aimed at describing networking resources, it contains generic elements
that will enable it to be used to represent other types of physical entities as well.

The eTOM [eTOM] implies this separation in its Level 0 Domain map, shown below.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Figure PR.0 - eTOM Level 0 Concepts and Domains

The reader is encouraged to refer to the eTOM for an explanation of the various business processes that are defined to
support the concepts in the above domains.

The SID uses the SID Framework, as defined in [GB922], to link the eTOM to the SID. Level 1 of the Resource Domain of
the SID Framework is shown in Figure PR.0 below. Please note that this is subject to change over time..

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Figure PR.0 - Level One of the Resource Domain of the SID Framework

This Addendum will concentrate on the Resource and Resource Specification ABEs, and set the stage for further work on
other ABEs shown in Figure PR.0 in subsequent phases of the SID.
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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

The key concepts looked at were the support of inventory and capacity management functions, as well as support for
planning equipment installation and maintenance. Rudimentary ties to related processes defined in the eTOM, as well as
relation to other major SID entities (e.g., Product, Party, and others) are also included. This model represents physical
resource entities from a business-oriented point-of-view, and uses the best of standard modeling patterns for this area to
build in extensibility. For example, patterns are used to capture common relationships and occurrences of physical
connections and structures, thereby making the model inherently extensible.

Three important examples of patterns that will be developed in this document are:
 Composite pattern, which provides a common structure for stand-alone and aggregate objects of a given type.

 Entity-EntitySpecification pattern, which separates the invariant characteristics and behavior of an object from its
changeable characteristics and behavior.

 Role Object pattern, which uses the notion of roles to extend the use and application of an object.

Overview of “Physical Resource”

This section outlines the approach taken to build the SID physical resource model. The approach used in this document is
to build up pieces of the model gradually due to the complexity of the domain and resulting model.

An important goal of the SID effort is to reuse standards (as opposed to reinventing the same concepts) wherever possible.
There are several important sources of information for these concepts. The most important of these are [M.3100], [DEN-ng],
[DEN], and [CIM]. Since this model is a federated model that draws from different standards, we need a starting point for
resolving the naming conflicts that inevitably arise. We have elected to start with [M.3100]. This has a number of
ramifications, the most important of which is that we will use names directly from [M.3100], or names that are compatible with
the names found in [M.3100], wherever possible. The final section of this document contains a detailed data dictionary that
defines where classes, attributes, relationships (e.g., associations, aggregations and compositions) presented in this model
were derived. Note that this section has a special “synonyms / aliases” section to provide easy correlation to these external

Consistent terminology in a federated model is critical. This terminology, as the model itself, will be introduced in stages. This
enables more complex ideas to build on simpler concepts, thereby enabling both an easier as well as a more thorough
understanding of the Physical Resource domain.

Regarding terminology, it is important to be able to relate this view (i.e., the “business” view) of the Physical Resource model
to other views (e.g., the “system” and the “implementation” views) of these same concepts. By doing this, we achieve the
important goal of being able to connect the business requirements to the system representation to how the system is
implemented. Thus, we will establish at the outset two important mappings. First, we will map business concepts to system

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concepts, and organize the system view in a way that facilitates various implementations. (Note that the reverse mapping is
also possible – the one chosen is based on the viewpoint of the modeler.)

Second, we will establish a mapping of terminology. For example, business people might think of a “Device” and types of
Devices, such as Routers and Switches. The eTOM [eTOM] refers to the term “resource” in its most general sense as
something that can represent physical equipment as well as other types of entities.

(Note: we define “Device” as a synonym for Equipment and PhysicalResource. “Device” implicitly means the hardware
characteristics of a “Network Device”, such as a router or firewall. Furthermore, a guiding assumption of all SID Addenda is
that we will only model objects that we want or need to manage. While a bolt is a useful and needed object, you won’t find an
object corresponding to a bolt in this Addendum)

We will over the course of this document define different types of Equipment. As we will see, we need to differentiate
between entities that are Equipment and entities that hold, or contain, Equipment. Therefore, we will also develop a suitable
class hierarchy to enable these and other concepts to be extended.

Use Cases

The primary use case that drove the design of this model is physical inventory. In this use case, it is important to be able to
represent how a particular physical device (equipment) is constructed. For example, for a specific router, we are interested in
the number and type of line cards installed in that router, which slots they occupy; whether it has a backup power supply, and
other important features that, taken together, describe completely the physical characteristics of this device. We are also
interested in being able to describe any spares that exist for the different components of the device being modeled.

There are many different uses of physical inventory as described above. For example, one important use is to be able to
understand how different components in a system are physically connected together. Another example is to relate the
physical infrastructure and topology to the logical topology of the system.

Another closely related use case is the ability to describe the composition and structure of a physical device as a Bill of
Materials. This use case demands a complete listing of all physical components that make up the device, as well as
descriptions of where they are located, so that the equipment may be constructed correctly.

There are many other use cases that require a detailed or partial knowledge of physical inventory. These will be explored in
future versions of this and other Addenda to GB922.

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A Starting Point – Supporting Basic Inventory Concepts

Let’s start by categorizing the key entities that need to be modeled:

 Equipment, such as Routers and Switches (for now, this document is focused on chassis-based
 Equipment components, such as line cards
 Equipment “containers”, such as racks and chassis
 Location of the Equipment (e.g., a Router is in this rack in this wiring closet…)
 Location of a physical item within an Equipment (e.g., ability to distinguish between different physical
ports on different cards of a Router)
 Important auxiliary Equipment (e.g., cables, connectors, and power supplies) that are necessary for
the correct operation of the Equipment

The idea of Equipment containers that can contain Equipment is modeled using three concepts. Fundamental to this is the need to have
separate classes to model Equipment and containers of Equipment. We accomplish this by defining two separate classes, called Equipment
and EquipmentHolder. While this models the different type of object categories that we need, what we haven’t yet done is model how
Equipment is contained in an EquipmentHolder. This is done using the EquipmentInHolder aggregation.

It is important to know and keep separate the different states that Equipment can exist in. For example, consider the
LineCard mentioned above. The function of the LineCard is (for example) to provide routing and forwarding of packets. This
means that a LineCard can not exist in the ether – it must interact with other elements (e.g., the other components of a
Router, of which the LineCard is but one component) and therefore must be contained by a type of EquipmentHolder.
However, LineCards can exist outside of being installed in an EquipmentHolder – as spares or as part of a kit that is yet to be
built in inventory storage, for example. This model is concerned solely with modeling the physical composition of Network
Devices. Thus, it will view Equipment and EquipmentHolders in this light, and concentrate on developing a model of physical
equipment that satisfies the use cases mentioned earlier. While identifying a spare LineCard is of course very important, that
identification is not done as a formal part of this model. However, it can be easily constructed as an extension of this model
(or as part of a new model) using this model and the Location model (and possibly others as needed). Note that the Location
model (Addendum 1L) can be used to provide a physical description of where an object is.

Back to the EquipmentInHolder relationship, the multiplicity of this relationship is 0 or 1 on the aggregate side, and 0 or more
on the component side. The “0” on the aggregate side means that this aggregation is an optional relationship and does not
need to be instantiated. This makes sense, because it is certainly possible to have a rack (a type of EquipmentHolder, as we
will see) and a Router (a type of Equipment) that are both sitting in an inventory shelf prior to installation. In this case, the
router is not yet installed into the Rack, and therefore this aggregation does not yet exist. However, if the EquipmentHolder is
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being used (the “1” part of its cardinality) then it may contain 0 or more Equipment. The cardinality of 0 or more is important,
because it reflects the process of first installing the EquipmentHolder and then populating it with one or more Equipment.

(Note that we could have implemented this as 0..* on both sides of the relationship. The motivation for this, of course, is to be
able to use the model to represent time variances (past, present and future states). Remember, however, that this represents
a “current state” model. Time variance can be accommodated by providing multiple instances of this state model, one each
to represent different time periods. The other problem with 0..* on the EquipmentHolder side of the relationship is that this
means that any Equipment can be put in any EquipmentHolder, which is clearly wrong. We can constrain the relationship
using EquipmentSpecifications, which will be described later in this document.)

When Equipment, such as our LineCard above, are not installed in an EquipmentHolder, then the EquipmentInHolder
relationship is not instantiated, and the Location model takes over, driving the description of where the LineCard is currently
located. When the LineCard is installed in an EquipmentHolder, then the position of the LineCard relative to its containing
EquipmentHolder is determined by this model. The Location model is still useful, and for example provides the physical
location of the Equipment that the LineCard is a part of. However, it does not provide the physical location of the LineCard
within its containing EquipmentHolder.

We notice that the multiplicity of EquipmentHolder, Equipment, and EquipmentComponent on the HolderLocatedAt,
EquipmentLocatedAt, and ComponentLocatedAt associations, respectively, is 0..n. This reflects the fact that each of these
objects can exist at multiple locations. The cardinality at the Location end for each of these three associations is 0..1,
meaning that if this (optional) association is instantiated, it specifies a particular Location that an EquipmentHolder,
Equipment, or EquipmentComponent is located at. Again, it is important to remember that if the respective cardinalities of
these associations was “1” instead of “0..1”, then that would mean that this entity must be instantiated. That is why these
cardinalities all have a “0” component (to indicate their optional behavior).

The above is a lot of detail. It was felt that one example was needed to orient the reader. Note that for brevity, this version of
this Addendum will not provide the amount of detail on each relationship and object as was just provided above. However,
similar thinking processes were used to construct these other relationships and objects.

Examples of EquipmentHolders include Racks and Chassis. Each of these can have other components attached to them
(e.g., fans, cable ducts, cards, and so forth). We’ll represent this set of entities by the generic name “EquipmentComponent”
for now – the real class hierarchy is more complicated and will be developed later in this Addendum. Given this type of
Equipment, we see that it can be attached to EquipmentHolders as well as Equipment. Thus, we need two additional
compositions – ComponentInHolder and ComponentInEquipment – to represent these relationships. Since
EquipmentComponent is the entity that is being associated with another entity, both of these relationships define the
cardinality on the EquipmentComponent side to be *. Similar to the above reasoning, both of these relationships define the
cardinality on the EquipmentHolder and Equipment side to be 0..1.

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Note that other parts of Error: Reference source not found have also been simplified. For example, in reality,
EquipmentHolders can of course contain Equipment as well as other EquipmentHolders – think of the case where a Chassis
is contained inside of a Rack. Both a Chassis and a Rack are EquipmentHolders. Details such as these were deliberately left
off of Error: Reference source not found in order to keep the diagram at this introductory stage of this Addendum as simple
as possible. These details will be added into the final model later in this document.

The final part of this first preliminary model is to realize that every object has a physical location. Some applications do care
about the exact physical location of every physical object, while others are content to abstract this into a physical location for
the overall Equipment and perhaps physical references to key components of the Equipment (e.g., this physical Port is on
this physical Card located in this Slot). Therefore, we’ve identified three generic associations – HolderLocatedAt,
EquipmentLocatedAt, and ComponentLocatedAt – that represent this capability. We’ll consolidate this as we develop the
class hierarchy throughout the remainder of this section.

Equipment Requirements In More Detail

Equipment is at the core of the overall SID model. As such, there are two distinct requirements that Equipment must meet.
First, it must be easy to differentiate who owns and administers the Equipment. Otherwise, the Equipment will not be
properly accounted for, let alone managed. Second, it is important that customers as well as Service Providers be able to
express their needs clearly in order to determine which Equipment can support their requirements.

In the SID, the Party Model (defined in Addendum 1P) is used to describe people as well as organizations. Ownership is
represented by a Party playing a particular role. Thus, we will use an association to relate an instance of the PartyRole class
to an instance of the Equipment class.

However, this brings us up against a conceptual problem: how do we classify Equipment? Remember that the business
person wants to use concepts such as Router, Switch, Firewall in addition to different types of cards, chips, and auxiliary
components, such as fans, cables, and power supplies. Clearly, we need to start working on a hierarchy that supports the
concept of different types of Equipment.

The objects that we’ve just described lend themselves to classification using three different categories:
 “Devices”, such as Routers, Switches and Firewalls, that perform one or more end-user functions
 “Device Components”, such as LineCards and chips, that fit into the Device and are managed components; these
objects are directly needed by the Device to perform its primary end-user function(s)
 “Auxiliary Components”, such as power supplies, fans and cables; that are required for proper operation of the
Device but have a function that is different than the primary end-user function(s) of the Device.
In the above, a “Device” is a managed entity that exists in a single physical structure, or “box”. Clearly, a managed entity
such as a Router can be a very complicated device, having its functionality supplied by multiple LineCards that it contains.

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However, it is still important to be able to refer to either the “Device” as a whole or to individual components of the Device
(e.g., a PhysicalPort of a particular LineCard in the Device).

Device Components and Auxiliary Components don’t form a complete function on their own – rather, their purpose is to
support the function(s) performed by their containing Device. However, the functionality of Device Components is directly
related to the primary purpose of the device, whereas the functionality of the Auxiliary Component isn’t. For example, a
LineCard is a type of DeviceComponent because it supplies routing and forwarding functions, which are related to why one
uses a router and not some other type of device. A power supply is an AuxiliaryComponent because while power is clearly
required by a router, power is not one of the salient characteristics that differentiate a router from other types of Devices.

The SIM tends to define Devices, as described above, as logical components. However, from an inventory point-of-view, a
Device usually corresponds to a single physical “box” that is located somewhere. (Alternatively, a Device could correspond to
multiple physical boxes. This gets interesting, because oftentimes such a Device appears as a single logical entity, even
though it consists of multiple physical entities. An example is a “stackable” switch, which consists of multiple physical
switches that can be connected so that they appear to be a single Device to the network). The challenge is to be able to
assign one or more locations to the physical box(es) that correspond to the Device.

By providing an entity to represent the physical manifestation of the Device, we can not only track changes to its location, but
we can also directly relate the physical manifestation of a router with its logical components (we need the System View of the
Physical Resource model to do this)..

An example will help to make this clearer. Consider a Router. People think of a Router as a Device in its own right. However,
a Router is in actuality a very complex object, having many components and concepts that exist as managed objects.

Some of these objects are shown conceptually in Figure PR.0. The reader will notice that all but Hardware and
AuxiliaryComponent (which represents the “Device Components” and “Auxiliary Components” categories, respectively, from
the above description) are logical in nature. The focus of this Addendum is, of course, on the physical aspects of a Device.
However, we must be cognizant of the other major entities, so that we have the correct set of classes defined to facilitate
relating these logical concepts to the appropriate objects in the physical model. The logical concept of a “Router” is really the
collection of the different aspects of a Router, some of which are shown below (note that “Device” in the figure below
represents physical and logical components).

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Note: these three inheritance relationships are for

illustrative purposes only. The real inheritance will
be shown later in this Addendum.

Figure PR.0. Different Aspects of a Device

In the above figure, the “Device” is the “center of the universe”. It is the entity that provides functionality. From the point-of-
view of this Addendum, this functionality takes the form of being the physical basis for:
 hosting services (conceptually represented by the DeviceHostsService aggregation – this is developed more in this
Addendum and in Addendum 4SO)
 containing (not running!) software (represented by the DeviceContainsSoftware aggregation)
 hosting protocols (represented by the DeviceHostsProtocols aggregation)
 containing hardware, which is the main subject of this Addendum
The first three aggregations represent that services, software, and protocols (which are all logical entities) all require a
physical medium to run on. The fourth aggregation enables us to focus on the the physical composition and characteristics
of a device.
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Devices also are the physical basis for hosting different types of management information, such as alarms, statistics, and so
forth. This is represented by the DeviceDescribedBy aggregation. ManagementEntity is the superclass for representing
entities that represent management information obtained in a managed environment. Specifically, in the process of
managing an entity, information of various forms are created. ManagementEntity is the base class for defining and
representing different types of management information.

If we remember that a “Device” is really just a type of Resource that can be managed, we can make it more extensible. This
is done by defining two classes – PhysicalResource and LogicalResource – that show the inherent correlation between the
physical and logical aspects of a given Resource. Then, we can represent particular physical and logical aspects of a
resource as subclasses of either PhysicalResource or LogicalResource. This also enables us to define a more accurate and
rigorous class structure for the various types of managed objects that are aggregated by a “Device”. This is illustrated in
Figure PR.0 below.

Note that this enables the physical and logical description of managed entities to be decoupled from each other. This
enables different subject matter experts to work on the areas that they are interested in. The description of
PhysicalResources is the subject of this Addendum. The description of LogicalResources is the subject of Addendum 5LR,
and an overview of how these Resources fit together is provided in Addendum 5RO.

Please see Addendum 4SO for an overview of Service entities, and how they interact with Resource entities.

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Figure PR.0 - Relating the Physical and Logical Aspects of a Device to Each Other

Note that PhysicalDevice is a subclass of PhysicalResource. PhysicalResource will be used to gather the common
management characteristics of “Devices” (which are represented by the PhysicalDevice class) and components of a
“Device” (which are represented by subclasses of the Hardware class). Similarly, the logical features seen in Figure PR.0 are
grouped under a common base class, called LogicalResource. Note that LogicalResource is explained further in Addendum
5LR (for Logical Resource), which is a separate Addendum. This Addendum also describes managed entities that are
associated with a LogicalResource, such as Software and Protocol. Similarly, Service is in a separate Addendum
(Addendum 4SO). Management information is not shown in Figure PR.0 above in order to keep the model as simple as
possible for right now.

This structure enables us to focus on specific relationships between PhysicalResource and other entities and
LogicalResource and other entities. It is imprecise to say that a Device hosts a Service (as we did in Figure PR.0) – there
are in reality several relationships that describe this. A PhysicalResource supports LogicalResources, as indicated by the
LogicalPhysicalResource aggregation in Figure PR.0 above. But the actual running of the Service is a logical concept, and
hence is associated with a LogicalResource. The value of this Addendum is that it describes all physical entities that are

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used to host or support logical entities, and corresponds to viewing a Resource as consisting of physical and logical aspects
that each needs to be managed.

At this point, we need to be cognizant of existing standards. M.3100 has defined the Equipment and EquipmentHolder
classes, as previously mentioned. Unfortunately, it defined those classes mostly from a logical point-of-view, and failed to
take into account important physical characteristics that we need. Therefore, we’re going to use the concept of “Hardware” to
represent Equipment, EquipmentHolders and AuxiliaryComponents.

This will pay dividends in the future, and enable us to assign common physical attributes, such as weight, length, and others,
to the Hardware class so that its subclasses can inherit them. Note that such aspects are missing from M.3100.

Other applicable standards include the original DEN specification, the DMTF’s CIM specification (which included some, but
not all, of the DEN work) and the new DEN-ng specification, from which this specification is based. There are similarities and
differences between the DEN and CIM specifications and this specification. These will be covered in detail in the Business
Entity definitions in the last part of this Addendum. At this point, it is appropriate to bring up two important points. First, the
original DEN specification defined a class called NetworkPackage that has the same function as the PhysicalDevice class
shown above. This class was deleted when the original DEN specification was incorporated into the CIM specification. Thus,
CIM has no concept of a PhysicalDevice. Second, both DEN and CIM have similar concepts to the Equipment and
EquipmentHolder classes, though their class structures were different. These will serve to enhance the resulting class
structure of this Addendum.

DEN-ng is a holistic combination of the original DEN specification and M.3100. Its aim is to integrate the heretofore separate
modeling concepts fostered in the ITU world with those of the original DEN specification. It should also be noted that the
DEN-ng physical model will be updated to match this specification as it changes. Currently, the DEN-ng physical model is a
system view; this Addendum, which is a business view, is a subset of the complete DEN-ng physical model.

Error: Reference source not foundA Device, such as a Router, is in reality represented by a PhysicalDevice, which is made
up of different Hardware entities. This enables different users having different use cases to represent the router as either a
single physical entity, or as a rich collection of interconnected entities.

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PhysicalDevice enables the router to be thought of as a single atomic object. This is necessary for a variety of different use
cases. For example, many types of resource planning processes require a single object to represent one or more complex
sets of objects. Even though each object in a group of objects can be individually manageable, the group of objects as a
whole has meaning. This enables us to refer to the router as, for example, the “Internet Gateway Router”.

The individual line cards that are contained within the Router are represented (as we will see) by subclasses of Equipment.
Equipment are particular types of Hardware objects, and are related to a particular PhysicalDevice using the consistsOf
aggregation. The following will expand on these concepts.

It is important to be able to manage the individual components of a higher-level object. This is the purpose of the Hardware
base class. Hardware consists of Equipment (e.g., a LineCard that performs routing), EquipmentHolders (e.g., a Chassis or
some other managed entity whose purpose is to “hold” Equipment), and AuxiliaryComponents (physical components that
are required by the “Device” to operate correctly, but whose individual purposes are orthogonal to the main purpose of the
device). This is shown in Figure PR.0 below.

The difference between Equipment and AuxiliaryComponents are whether or not the physical object performs a function
intrinsic to the main function of the Device. This is best understood by way of example. The main function of a Router is to
route and forward packets. A PowerSupply is an AuxiliaryComponent, because while it is needed for the proper operation of
the Router, it does not directly help in routing and forwarding packets. A LineCard (that provides routing functionality) is an
Equipment component, because its purpose is to route and forward packets. Similar examples exist for different types of
equipment, where their criteria may be different. For example, instead of whether it routes or forwards packets, the criterion
“does it carry signal” may be useful to appropriately classify components.

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These are for illustrative

Such classes are modeled using roles but
roles haven’t been introduced to the reader

Figure PR.0 - The Makeup of a Device

Figure PR.0 shows that what people conceptually think of a Router or a Switch is in reality a set of managed entities. (Again,
it is important to remember that while this Addendum uses network device examples for consistency, the principles and
models described in this Addendum apply to other types of physical entities as well.) The physical entity that one can pick up
and refer to as a Router or a Switch is represented in Figure PR.0 by an instance of the PhysicalDevice class, which is a
specific type of PhysicalResource. The PhysicalDevice may consist of zero or more Hardware components, depending on
the needs of the user. That is, it is perfectly reasonable for users of this model to use all or parts of it to suit their needs.

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Example classes only
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Note that the cardinality of the ConsistsOf aggregation is a “may”, not a “must”, as indicated by the 0..1 cardinality of the
composite end and the 0..n on the parts end of the aggregation).

Hardware is an abstract base class for defining managed components that are part of a PhysicalDevice. At this level of
abstraction, it consists of three principal classes - EquipmentHolder, Equipment, and AuxiliaryComponent. This enables us to
satisfy one of our main requirements, in that we can refer to the Network Device as a whole (using the PhysicalDevice
object), or specifically to the components of a Network Device (using entities that are subclasses of Equipment,
EquipmentHolder, and AuxiliaryComponent). This latter ability is the basis for constructing Bill of Materials, Spare Inventory,
and other applications that require a robust physical component model.

Note that AuxiliaryComponent, Equipment, and EquipmentHolder are all subclasses (i.e., children) of the Hardware entity.
This enables these objects to inherit the attributes and relationships of their superclasses (i.e., parents). Thus, instead of
having to define three relationships (one each between PhysicalDevice and Equipment, EquipmentHolder and
AuxiliaryComponent), all we need to do is to define a single relationship between PhysicalDevice and Hardware. This
relationship, ConsistsOf, is inherited by the three subclasses of Hardware, and enables each of these subclasses to be
“contained in” (or, more precisely, be a part of) a device.

The above model also lays the groundwork for modeling the physical properties of different types of devices. Think again
about a Router. A Router is what we refer to as a particular type of “Device”. A Switch is another type of Device. Thus, we
have the notion that a “Device” can be a Router or a Switch. This is fortunate, because we don’t want to have to go through
this entire procedure again for each new type of Device!

Almost all such Devices are Chassis-based Devices, meaning that the Router functionality is based around a chassis that
holds Hardware. The AuxiliaryComponents (e.g., a PowerSupply) are necessary for the Router to operate properly, while the
Hardware components supply functionality that directly contributes to the basic functions of the Router (i.e., routing and
forwarding packets).

Note that there are many different types of Cards – LineCards, SystemCards, MemoryCards, and so forth. Not all of these
Card types are Equipment from the Router’s point-of-view, because not all of them do routing and forwarding functions. A
MemoryCard is a good example of this. We’ll deal with this added bit of complexity later in the model by more fully
developing the difference between Equipment, EquipmentHolder, and AuxiliaryComponent.

Neither the LineCard nor the PowerSupply can simply exist in the ether, disconnected from the Router! Clearly, both need to
be physically contained in the Chassis, which is associated with the Router. Now the question is, are they contained in the
same EquipmentHolder, or are there different EquipmentHolders for different types of Equipment and AuxiliaryComponents?

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The answer depends on the manufacturer as well as the type and complexity of the device. Some use a single Chassis as a
“frame” into which other components plug into, and others use a set of nested EquipmentHolders. Therefore, we must
provide the ability for both options to be modeled.

What’s an example of nested EquipmentHolders? For large Routers and Switches, it is quite common to see a Chassis with
a number of Slots into which different types of Cards are plugged in. The Slot functions as a type of EquipmentHolder.
Therefore, we can define a single relationship, HoldsHardware, to enable an EquipmentHolder to hold any type of Hardware.
This is exactly analogous to our earlier use of the ContainsHardware relationship. This is shown in Figure PR.0 below.

Note: these three inheritance relationships are for

illustrative purposes only. The real inheritance will
be shown later in this Addendum.

Figure PR.0 - The Concept of “Holding” Hardware

(Before we celebrate too early, we must also realize that certain Cards have connectors on them into which “DaughterCards”
can attach. This, however, is too complicated for where we’re at in our model, so we’ll deal with that later in this document.)

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Recapping, this is what we know:

 A Router is-a type of Device
 There are two types of EquipmentHolders, Slots and Chassis
 A PowerSupply is-a type of AuxiliaryComponent
 A LineCard is-a type of Card, which is-a type of Hardware (for a more concrete illustration, we are substituting
different types of cards that are part of the “real” model that is being developed; a LineCard is a synonym for a
NetworkCard, but Figure PR.0 shows other types of Cards as well)
 A NetworkCard fits into a Slot of a Chassis
 A PowerSupply fits directly into the Chassis
 The physical part of the Router consists of all of the above Equipment and EquipmentHolders

Thus, what we conceptually have is the following model of our simple Router (note that not all subclasses are shown; rather,
this is a simple example to define the concepts that we have developed to date):

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These are for illustrative purposes

only. Such classes are modeled
using roles but roles haven’t been
introduced to the reader yet.

Note: these three inheritance relationships are for

illustrative purposes only. The real inheritance will
be shown later in this Addendum.
Figure PR.0. - Our Simple Example Router

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illustrative purposes only. The real inheritance will
be shown later in this Addendum.
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

The power of inheritance works well for us. Since PowerSupply and NetworkCard both ultimately inherit from Hardware, they
also inherit the attributes and relationships that Hardware participates in. Thus, both a PowerSupply as well as a LineCard
can be contained in an EquipmentHolder (not necessarily the same one) via the HoldsHardware aggregation. Similarly, both
can be used to build a Router via the ConsistsOf aggregation.

As for the two EquipmentHolders, we’ve chosen to make them siblings. That is, they are two separate objects that are
derived from a common superclass (EquipmentHolder). This is an example of the object-oriented concept of specialization.
Specialization is used to take a single concept and add detail to it. The added detail is in the form of subclasses that inherit
all of the attributes and relationships (and, in the System view, methods and constraints as well) of their parent superclasses,
but add their own characteristics and behavior (in the form of attributes and relationships, as well as methods and constraints
in the System view).

In this case, there is a fundamental difference between a Slot and a Chassis. However, since both of these classes are
subclasses (i.e., types) of EquipmentHolder, we can simply reuse the HoldsHardware composition to enable a Chassis to
contain Slots. Finally, the HoldsHardware aggregation can also be used to nest EquipmentHolders, as previously discussed.

We’ve also added some additional detail, showing that there are (for now) three different types of Cards – MemoryCards,
NetworkCards, and SystemCards. A MemoryCard is a type of Card that is dedicated to providing additional memory for use
by other components of a Resource. Such Cards can be used to expand memory, or provide different types of memory.

A NetworkCard is a type of Card that is dedicated to providing networking functions, such as routing and forwarding. Line
cards and port adapter cards are examples of this type of card.

Finally, a SystemCard is a type of Card that is dedicated to providing system functions. Main processor boards and controller
boards are examples of this type of Card.

Given this introduction, we will now introduce the concept of Roles. Roles are a fundamental means of providing an
extensible model. An innovative feature of DEN-ng is that it has physical as well as logical roles.

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Device Roles

Before we dive deeper, let’s clear up one thing that we previously hinted at. Figure PR.0 defined a Switch and a Router as
types of Devices. We all know the basic difference between a Switch and a Router – the former forwards traffic, while the
latter routes and forwards traffic. But what about the so-called “Layer 3” switches, which are Switches that have Routing

Assume that our model actually did implement a router and a switch subclass of PhysicalDevice. One would then be
tempted to invent a new subclass, called Layer3Switch, which subclasses a Switch and adds routing capabilities, to handle
this new type of device. However, this is a poor solution, because now every time routing changes, we have to update the
Router and the Layer3Switch class. Besides, this implies that a Layer3Switch can do everything that a full-blown Router can
do, which is almost never the case. There are other problems too, but this is enough for now.

One may then be tempted to use multiple inheritance to solve this problem. However, this creates a new problem – one of
extensibility. What if there is a “Layer4Switch” (unfortunately, some vendors do define such an animal!)? What if we want to
differentiate between the type of routing done in a Router vs. those done in the Layer3Switch vs. those done in the
Layer4Switch? What if there is a Router that has firewalling capabilities? The list is endless. Multiple inheritance cannot be
used to solve all of these problems, and besides, many implementations don’t support multiple inheritance. We don’t want to
compromise our ability to build a system view out of this business view!

Instead, a much more elegant and extensible solution is available – we can use the notion of roles. In fact, one of the
strengths of a good model is to be able to reuse the same set of patterns over and over. Roles form a core part of the Party
model, which (among other things) describes People, Organizations, and the functions (i.e., roles) that they play. This is
documented in Addendum 1P (the Common Business Entity Addendum that defines Party and PartyRole).

Our approach is now simplified. Instead of trying to either define many subclasses or introduce multiple inheritance, we can
instead define a set of roles that the device is meant to play. (It should be noted that this is another reason why the concept
of a managed device is a good one – now, we can define a base concept of a managed device, and model its functionality
by associating one or more roles to it as appropriate). This solves the mess of having the same generic function (such as
routing) assigned to two different types of devices that implement that same generic function in different ways, producing
different subsets of functionality.

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Since the networking industry has shown to be ever-evolving, inheritance is not appropriate for capturing this behavior, as
the behavior itself changes over time. In addition, by capturing the key functional concepts as roles, we can model present
and future Devices as entities that can play many roles at one time.

Thus, by modeling DeviceRole as a separate concept from Device, we can represent these complex behaviors in an
extensible manner.

Figure PR.0 shows a simple model introducing the concept of a DeviceRole:

Figure PR.0 - The Concept of a DeviceRole

It should be noted that Figure PR.0 does not define all of the different types of roles that a Device can take on. This concept
is clearly not a physical one, but rather a logical one, and will show up in other Addenda. It is brought up in this Addendum
because this is a critical concept for modeling different types of devices, and the Physical Resource model must be able to
interface with this concept. It also inspires us to see if there isn’t a similar concept that can be used to abstract similar
differences in the physical world. In fact, there is a similarity, and is defined in the section titled EquipmentHolder in More
Detail later in this Addendum.

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1.2. PhysicalResource Business Entities in More Detail

The purpose of this section is to take the basic model presented in Figure PR.0 and expand it to add more detail.

Filling in the Details

We’re now at the stage where we can add some detail. Given that we are building a Business Model, we will simply strive to
identify certain essential attributes and relationships for PhysicalDevice as well as Hardware. We will not define methods,
low-level attributes, association classes, and in general all of the detail that fully describe these entities. This detail will be
provided in an accompanying System model. This model has already been built and is currently being refined. It will be
formalized as part of a future phase of the SID work.

The following rules were used to define the set of attributes and relationships for this model:
 Keep to high-level, business-oriented concepts (e.g., while some applications might need to know specific details
about a physical object, the purpose of this model is to simply identify the key concepts necessary for the purposes
specified in our use cases)
 Note that these entities represent business concepts in a Service Provider that conforms to the eTOM process
model [eTOM] (specifically, the Resource Development and Operations processes).
 This is intended as a “minimalist” model. Subtypes and attributes should be added as required to suit the needs of a
particular application. The attributes shown should be considered as suggested, not required, unless they are
specified as mandatory.
 Parent attributes are not repeated in their subclasses
 Only significant entities are shown in the “related business entities” cells
 Entities that are outside the scope of this model facet are shown with a white fill color.

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We already introduced the notion of this entity as a superclass of our two main categories of physical objects: Device and
Hardware. Hardware defined three types of objects – Equipment, EquipmentHolder, and AuxiliaryComponent. We
abstracted this set of entities into a single entity, called PhysicalResource. This is defined as an abstract base class for
describing different types of hardware that constitute a Product. It has two main purposes: (1) to collect common attributes
and relationships for all hardware, and (2) to provide a convenient, single point where relationships with other managed
objects can be defined.

Now, it’s time to see if we can discover common attributes that these three types of entities have in common. We’ll tie this
into the concept of a PhysicalResourceSpecification in a minute.

The most obvious types of attributes that physical objects have in common are the set of attributes that define specific
characteristics about a given physical object. These include who manufactured it and when, and what the model number of
the object is. To this, inventory encourages us to add part number, SKU number, and serial number. This gives us the
following preliminary picture of a PhysicalResource:

Figure PR. - Attributes of a PhysicalResource

These six attributes are inherited by all subclasses of PhysicalResource.

The key in making the above model extensible and reusable is to use the concept of a Specification. A Specification is a way
of defining the invariant characteristics and behavior (attributes and relationships in the Business View, along with methods
and constraints in the System View) of a managed entity.

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Now, if we look at these attributes, we see that some of them lend themselves to being templatized, while some don’t. That
is, we can use the concept of a PhysicalResourceSpecification to supply the ModelNumber, PartNumber, SKUNumber, and
VendorName attributes, because these correspond to a generic specification describing a particular type of
PhysicalResource. The other two attributes (ManufactureDate and SerialNumber) are specific to a particular instance of a
PhysicalResource object, and therefore are not contained in the PhysicalResourceSpecification. Adding in the class
inheritance from the DEN-ng system view, we get the following revised picture:

Figure PR. - The Relationship Between PhysicalResource and PhysicalResourceSpecification

We separate PhysicalResourceSpecs from LogicalResourceSpecs because they are fundamentally different in nature. In
addition, they have different attributes, methods, constraints, and relationships in the System view.

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Both PhysicalResourceSpecs and LogicalResourceSpecs use the composite pattern for extensibility. Only the
PhysicalResourceSpec classes are shown in Figure PR. above for simplicity.

A PhysicalResourceSpecAtomic class is a concrete class for describing specific attributes, behavior, relationships,
constraints, and semantics for building PhysicalResource objects. The purpose of this class is to be able to track
PhysicalResourceSpecifications separately from other types of ResourceSpecifications. Note that this class inherits the
SpecifiesResource aggregation, and therefore can be used with the corresponding PhysicalResource class.

The difference between this class and the PhysicalResourceSpecComposite class is that this class represents stand-alone
PhysicalResourceSpecifications. The PhysicalResourceSpecComposite class represents a specification that is in reality
made up of a set (usually a hierarchy) of PhysicalResourceSpecifications.

The composite pattern is completed by defining the HasPhysicalResourceSpecs aggregation. This aggregation defines the
set of PhysicalResourceSpecs that are contained by this particular PhysicalResourceSpecComposite entity.

The SpecifiesResource aggregation defines the particular ResourceSpecification that is used to provide the invariant
characteristics (i.e., attributes and relationships, as well as methods and constraints in the System View) of a given
Resource. This enables multiple Resources that each use a common set of attributes, methods, constraints, and/or
relationships to be related to a single invariant specification of those characteristics and behavior. This facilitates their

The cardinality of the SpecifiesResource aggregation is 1 on the ResourceSpecification side and 0..n on the Resource side.
This means that a ResourceSpecification can be written that isn't related to any specific Resources, but if a Resource is built,
it must be derived from a ResourceSpecification. Furthermore, this is an aggregation because this is a whole-part
relationship: the ResourceSpecification defines the invariant attributes and behavior of zero or more Resources, and each
Resource derived from the ResourceSpecification uses all of thee invariant attributes and behavior (and presumably adds its
own instance-specific attributes and behavior).

Since this aggregation is defined at the Resource and ResourceSpecification level, each of the subclasses of Resource and
ResourceSpecification inherit its use. This is why (for example) there isn’t a relationship connecting a PhysicalResourceSpec
to a PhysicalResource.

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The LResSpecBindsToPResSpec association represents the binding between a set of LogicalResourceSpecifications and a
set of PhysicalResourceSpecifications. The semantics of this binding are represented by the LogicalPhysicalResourceSpec
association class.

A convenient way to view the Entity-EntitySpecification pattern is that EntitySpecifications represent templates for building an
Entity, while Entities themselves represent instances of managed objects.

The various subclasses of the PhysicalResource class shown in earlier figures still inherit all of the attributes and
relationships that were shown in, for example, Figure PR.0, because the SpecifiesResource association is used to add the
attributes and relationships of a ResourceSpecification to a Resource. In fact, inheritance means that each subclass now
inherits the ability to have its own PhysicalResourceSpecification (or subclass of PhysicalResourceSpecification). This
enables any specific needs of one of the various subclasses of PhysicalResource to be met by subclassing the
PhysicalResourceSpecification corresponding to that object.

We’ll look at the definitions of each of these major entities in the following sections.

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PhysicalDevice in More Detail

PhysicalDevice represents the completed physical assembly, including all components, of the network device. There are two
important aspects to a PhysicalDevice – its physical components and the role(s) that these components play in the network.

A PhysicalDevice may itself be a set of devices. This can become quite complex and will be treated in the next version of this
Addendum – the interested reader is referred to the system view of the DEN-ng Physical Resource model. Therefore, we will
use the composite pattern to model PhysicalDevices within PhysicalDevices. As an aid to applications, a special attribute
(deviceGroupID) is used to signify this.

Figure PR. - Specifying the PhysicalDevice and Hardware Classes in More Detail

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Hardware in More Detail

The various physical components that make up a PhysicalDevice have so far been grouped into a single class called
Hardware. In looking for common attributes for these three very different types of entities, we find that dimensions and
weight are all common attributes of these three entities. Therefore, we can add these attributes to the Hardware class (not to
PhysicalDevice, since we can derive these attributes for a PhysicalDevice from the Hardware entities that make up a
PhysicalDevice). Figure PR. shows these changes to the Hardware class.

Figure PR. - Hardware in More Detail

The ContainsHardware aggregation defines the ability for a given Hardware object to contain other Hardware objects. This
enables the different managed hardware components that make up a device to be explicitly defined.

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A PhysicalConnector is a concrete class that represents any type of hardware unit that is used to connect to other hardware
units and transmit signals and/or power between them. The attributes of this entity are described in more detail in the Data
Dictionary Section of this Addendum.

PhysicalConnector is a subclass of Hardware, as is shown in Figure PR. below.

Figure PR. - Physical Connector

The cableType and gender attributes define the type of connector and the type of cable that is attached to this connector (if
any). The pinDescription attribute is a free-form string describing the pin configuration and signal usage of a

The ConnectedTo association indicates that two or more PhysicalConnectors are connected together.

Note that a PhysicalConnector is a sibling to the ManagedHardware class, which is discussed in the next section. Thus, a
PhysicalConnector is a type of Hardware, but is not a type of ManagedHardware.

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ManagedHardware is a subclass of Hardware, and is an abstract base class that adds additional semantics to the Hardware
base class. These semantics are used to provide management information on the hardware. For example, attributes defined
by this class can provide the administrative and operational state of the entity, and tell whether it has any alarms. Such
attributes are physical in nature, and indicate physical things (e.g., a fiber cut). For most physical administrative and
operational states, there is one or more corresponding logical administrative and operational states. ManagedHardware is
shown in Figure PR. below.

Figure PR. - ManagedHardware in More Detail

The main difference between ManagedHardware and Hardware is that ManagedHardware entities have more than just a
physical presence – they also have physical semantics that describe how the entity is managed. This is why
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PhysicalConnector is not a type of ManagedHardware – a PhysicalConnector is managed by physically inserting and

removing it.

So, what is meant by physically managing a hardware entity? This is best explained by briefly examining the three attributes
of the ManagedHardware class.

The administrativeState attribute is an enumerated integer that describes the current physical state of the
ManagedHardware. Examples of this include starting up, shutting down, and in test.

The physicalAlarmReportingEnabled attribute is a Boolean, and defines whether physical alarm reporting for this object
instance is enabled or not. Note that some physical entities are not capable of reporting physical alarms, while some are. In
most cases, there are corresponding logical alarms. The ManagementEntity class hierarchy (which is described in
Addendum 5LR) defines logical alarms, and correlates them to physical alarms.

The physicalAlarmStatus attribute is an enumerated integer that indicates the occurrence of an abnormal physical condition
relating to an object. This attribute may also function as a summary indicator of alarm conditions associated with a specific
resource. This attribute expands on the standard ITU semantics and updates them to include eTOM concepts.

The ManagedHardware class has two important subclasses, called PhysicalPort and PhysicalContainer. These are
described in the next two sections, respectively.

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PhysicalPorts are an important type of object to keep track of. This is where communication begins and/or ends on a
PhysicalDevice. PhysicalPorts also play a prominent role in topology and FCAPS applications, and enable Service Providers
to determine what Customers are running what Services where in the network. Unfortunately, the M.3100 Equipment class is
oriented towards PhysicalDevices, and doesn’t have the concept of a PhysicalPort. The DMTF CIM also doesn’t have this
concept. However, the DEN-ng model does.

A PhysicalPort represents an actual or potential end point of a topological (physical) link, and corresponds directly to a
physical port on a topology map. PhysicalPorts are always contained by another physical object - they can't exist by
themselves. The two most common examples are PhysicalPorts on a Card and on a Chassis. These are represented using
separate aggregations, and will be described in the sections that explain Card and Chassis. Figure PR. illustrates the
concept of a PhysicalPort.

Figure PR. - PhysicalPort in More Detail

PhysicalContainer, as we will see in the next section, is the superclass for Equipment, EquipmentHolders,
PhysicalComponents, and AuxiliaryComponents. Note that a PhysicalPort is not a type of PhysicalContainer. This is
because a PhysicalPort contains logical components. This is described in more detail in Addendum 5LR.

The ifType attribute is an enumerated integer, and specifies the particular media type of the link. This is closely related to the
typeOfPort attribute, which is an enumerated integer that defines the particular type of PhysicalPort this instance is (e.g.,
Ethernet vs. ATM). The portNumber attribute is the number of this physical port as defined by the application, and the
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vendorPortName is a critical attribute that contains the name of the port according to the vendor. This enables an enterprise-
wide naming scheme to be correlated with vendor-specific names, which are necessary for configuring the port.

For example, an enterprise may need to assign either special strings, or a monotonically increasing number to distinguish all
of their PhysicalPorts. Or, an enterprise may want to reuse PhysicalPort numbers, so that “port 1” on any device has special
significance. Both of these schemes are very common, and must be accommodated in the model.

However, if an enterprise chooses to use their own naming scheme, then this makes it difficult, if not impossible, to program
the device. This is because a (logical) DeviceInterface is contained within a PhysicalPort, as described in Addendum 5LR.
Programming a device also means programming its device interfaces.

To achieve these diametrically opposite goals, the DEN-ng model provides a private (portNumber) and a vendor-specific
(vendorPortName) name for a PhysicalPort. This enables configuration management software to correlate between the two
different names of the same PhysicalPort.

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A PhysicalContainer is an abstract class that is used to add additional semantics to the ManagedHardware class. Its
attributes define whether a ManagedHardware object can be removed and/or replaced, and whether this action requires
power to be removed or not when the action is performed. It is shown in Figure PR. below.

Figure PR. - PhysicalContainer in More Detail

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The removable attribute is a Boolean that defines whether it is possible to insert and remove this object instance from the
Equipment in which it is installed, without impairing the function or packaging of the Equipment. TRUE means that it is
HotSwappable, and FALSE means that it is not.

The replaceable attribute is a Boolean that defines whether it is possible to replace this object instance with a physically
different instance of the same type. For example, some types of device allow various Chips to be upgraded. TRUE means
that it is HotSwappable, and FALSE means that it is not.

The hotSwappable attribute is a Boolean that defines whether it is possible to replace this object instance with a physically
different, but equivalent, object instance while the containing Equipment has power applied to it. TRUE means that it is
HotSwappable, and FALSE means that it is not. All HotSwappable PhysicalComponents are inherently Removable and

Thus, the purpose of the PhysicalContainer object is to add the removable, replaceable, and hotSwappable semantics to
ManagedHardware entities. By doing this, it serves as the subclass for our four remaining types of objects:
PhysicalComponents (such as chips and ASICs), AuxiliaryComponents (such as PowerSupplies), EquipmentHolders (such
as Racks, Chassis and Slots) and Equipment (such as Cards). These will be described in subsequent subsections of this

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PhysicalRoles in More Detail

We’ve talked about the different roles that a given device can have, and graphically represented this in Figure PR.0. Most of
the attributes (and all of the methods) defined for a PhysicalDevice are not appropriate for the business view – it is enough
simply to be able to refer to a PhysicalDevice, such as a router, as a complete, atomic unit. Please refer to the Physical
Resource System View Addendum for more information on non-business characteristics and behavior of this entity.

Physical roles, however, are appropriate for discussion in this Addendum. There are two types of physical roles that are
defined in the DEN-ng model. These are called PhysicalDeviceRole and HardwareRole.

Figure PR. - PhysicalDeviceRole and HardwareRole

There is a profound difference between the SpecifiesPhysicalResourceRoles aggregation and the

RolesDescribePhysicalResource aggregation. The former defines the set of PhysicalResourceRoles that a particular
PhysicalResource must have (since it is defined by the specification for that PhysicalResource). This enables functionality to
be specified for a particular physical component. The latter aggregation defines the set of physical roles that are used to
describe an instance of a particular PhysicalResource.

In other words, the difference between the SpecifiesPhysicalResourceRoles aggregation and the
RolesDescribePhysicalResource aggregation is that the former defines functionality of a PhysicalResource using

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PhysicalResourceRoles. In contrast, the RolesDescribePhysicalResource describes functionality using


The purpose of the PhysicalDeviceRole class is to define the different types of physical roles that a PhysicalDevice can take
on. This enables us to correlate different logical roles to specific physical devices. For example, there are different logical
characteristics that differentiate a CustomerPremise router from a ProviderEdge router, even though they are both “edge”
routers. Depending on the type of connection, different PhysicalDevices are often needed to support these logical functions.
Figure PR. shows some example subclasses of PhysicalDeviceRole. The PhysicalRouterRole and its subclasses are
explained in more detail in the MPLS VPN Addendum.

Figure PR. - Examples of PhysicalDeviceRoles

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EquipmentHolder in More Detail

EquipmentHolder represents a specific category of physical objects. This means that it has its own hierarchy of objects.
Specifically, we’ve already differentiated between Slots and Chassis (which are both subclasses of EquipmentHolder). The
M.3100 definition of this class describes it as representing physical objects that are both manageable as well as able to host,
hold, or contain other physical objects. Examples of physical objects that can be represented by instances of this object
class are Racks, Chassis, Shelfs, Cards, and Slots. (Note that M.3100 does not define all of these different types of

Some devices are built in such a way as to enable other devices to be mounted inside them. This can be modeled using the
composite pattern, which divides an entity into two subclasses. One subclass is used to model stand-alone objects, and the
other subclass is used to model objects that can contain more objects of that type. We can apply this pattern to the
EquipmentHolder class to obtain the following:

Figure PR. - Specifying Different Types of EquipmentHolders

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The acceptableEquipmentList attribute is an array of strings, based on M.3100, which identifies the types of equipment
objects that can be supported by this object. This attribute is defined for backwards compatibility with M.3100.

The typeOfHolder attribute is an enumerated integer that identifies the type of the Holder that this object instance is. It is
based on M.3100 but includes additional values.

The holderStatus attribute is also based on M.3100 (DEN-ng adds values to those defined in M.3100). It indicates the status
of the EquipmentHolder (e.g., is it installed).

The above figure has now formalized what we knew all along – there are really two different types of EquipmentHolders.
One type, designated by the AtomicHolder class, is meant to be used in a stand-alone way. This doesn’t mean that a Slot
exists by itself; rather, the Slot cannot be used to form another type of EquipmentHolder. Contrast this to either a Rack or a
Chassis. Both of these are subclasses of the CompositeHolder class, because both of them can be used to form more
complex types of EquipmentHolders. For example, a Chassis can contain either another Chassis or a Slot, and a Rack can
contain either a set of Chassis or a “sub-Rack”.

The HolderAtomic class represents atomic holders of Equipment that are individually manageable and do NOT form
composite, or nested, Equipment Holders. Each HolderAtomic object can be a Field Replaceable Unit.

The physicalDescription attribute is a free-form string that defines the physically unique characteristics of this holder. The
uniquePhysical and uniqueLogical attributes are Boolean attributes that signify that this holder is physically or logically
different from other holders.

A model of the HolderAtomic class is shown in Figure PR. below.

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Figure PR. - HolderAtomic in More Detail

A Slot is a concrete class that has two main purposes. One is to model the ability of a hosting board to accept a daughter
card to add or complete the base functionality of the hosting board. The second is to represent the different expansion slots
supported by a Chassis.

All Slots have a unique number – this is represented by the slotNumber attribute. The slotPurpose is an enumerated integer
that defines the purpose of this Slot. This enables Slots to be easily identified according to their functional purpose.

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This leaves the hasAdapter attribute. This attribute is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, indicates that this slot has an adapter
installed that enables it to accept other types of cards (e.g., fitting an adapter on two Slots enable them to accept a Card that
otherwise could not be accommodated).

Adapters are very important, as they enable an organization to keep its investment in expensive line Cards. This is
represented in more detail using the SlotInSlot association. This association represents the ability of a special adapter to
extend the existing Slot structure to enable otherwise incompatible Cards to be plugged into an EquipmentHolder. The
adapter effectively creates a new Slot and can be thought of (conceptually) as a Slot in a Slot.

The AdjacentSlots association describes the layout of Slots in an EquipmentHolder. In order to do this effectively, the System
view of the DEN-ng model implements this association as a class. This association class includes attributes that are used to
provide general layout information describing the Slots in the EquipmentHolder. An important use of this association is to
signal when two Slots are so close to each other that. if one of these Slots is populated by an adapter Card, the other Slot
must be left empty.

The HolderComposite class represents EquipmentHolders that are made up of other EquipmentHolders (i.e., instances of
this class as well as the HolderAtomic base class). This provides the semantics of collecting a set of components, each of
which is individually manageable, and being able to manage the set of objects as a whole. This containment is modeled
using the HasHolders aggregation.

Each HolderComposite element can be a FRU.

A characteristic of this class is that its subclasses are physical objects that have complex cabling and mounting options. This
class is meant to differentiate complex holders, like a Chassis, from simple holders, like a Slot. Thus, the
cableManagementStrategy attribute is a free-form string that contains information on how the various cables contained in the
Chassis, Rack, or other type of HolderComposite object are connected and bundled.

The mountingOptions attribute defines how Equipment in this entity is mounted (e.g., rack-mounted, free-standing, or
enclosed in another Chassis). Similarly serviceApproach defines how the entity is serviced (e.g., from the top or front),
whether it has sliding trays or removable sides, and/or whether the Frame is moveable (e.g., it has rollers).

Figure PR. shows the prominent subclasses of a HolderComposite entity.

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Figure PR. - HolderComposite in More Detail

The SecureHolder is a type of HolderComposite that serves as the parent for the Rack and Chassis classes. This class
generalizes common properties that apply to Racks and Chassis. This class defines various types of locks and alarms, and
adds the semantics of being able to indicate if a breach of this entity has been made.

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A Bay is a type of EquipmentHolder that is usually found in optical devices. It has a logical identifier, usually a component of
port AIDs in TL1 based switches. A Bay is usually built as a pre-wired hardware assembly that contains a set of shelves and
accompanying ancillary equipment.

A Shelf is a type of EquipmentHolder that is usually found in optical devices. It has a logical identifier that is often relative to
the Bay that contains the Shelf (i.e., the unique identifier for a Shelf is often a concatenation of the network element identifier,
the Bay identifier, and the Shelf identifier). Often, a Shelf is used to contain not just pluggable components (e.g., Cards,
Power Supplies, etc.) but also cabling (e.g., both fiber and wire), with optional connections to external fuse, alarm, and other
types of panels.

A Rack is a type of SecureHolder that represents an enclosure in which EquipmentHolders, such as Chassis, are placed.
Typically a Rack is nothing more than the enclosure, and all the functioning componentry is packaged in the Chassis. The
Rack typically serves as the "master enclosure" for Chassis, Shelves and Bays. In addition, Racks can have multiple
instances of multiple Devices mounted in them.

A Chassis is a type of SecureHolder that encloses other ManagedPhysicalEntities and provides a definable functionality in
its own right, such as a desktop or a network device (e.g., a router or a switch).

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Adapter and Holder Roles

While this is a workable model, it still isn’t capable of modeling some important cases. For example, think of a Card that has
a physical connector on it that accepts either another (daughter) Card or even a Chip (e.g., Memory, or a routing or
encryption ASIC). The model shown in Figure PR. above mandates the use of a Holder. However, in the above example,
there is no explicit EquipmentHolder – we are forced to either make a physical connector a holder, or insert an artificial
holder. Both are incorrect.

Recall the HardwareRole from Figure PR. above. The purpose of the PhysicalHardwareRole class is to represent the
different types of roles that various types of Hardware components can take on. For this first iteration, two specialized roles
have been defined: HolderRole and AdapterRole. Their purpose is to cover situations where an Equipment also acts like an
EquipmentHolder. Without these classes, such common situations are very difficult to model. We can use the
PhysicalConnector class to connect appropriate Hardware entities together, which transmit signals and/or power between
them. Thus, our previous model is modified as follows:

Figure PR. - AdapterRoles and HolderRoles

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The HolderRole enables different types of PhysicalResources, such as a Card, to take on the role of holding other
Equipment. This addresses the problem that we described above, where a Card took on the additional role of holding
another Card. This enables a single managed entity, such as a NetworkCard, to have multiple roles - it can function as a
Route Processor as well as a Holder of Equipment.

The Adapter role enables a piece of Hardware to adapt its use. For example, sometimes Cards and Chassis evolve along
separate paths, causing future versions of one to no longer be physically compatible with present and/or future versions of
the other. The solution to this is to use an intermediate piece of Hardware, called an Adapter, to extend the existing physical
structure of an EquipmentHolder to enable otherwise incompatible Equipment to be plugged into an EquipmentHolder. The
Adapter conceptually creates a new type of EquipmentHolder that fits into the existing EquipmentHolder. This enables Cards
that would otherwise be physically and/or electrically incompatible with the existing EquipmentHolder to be supported, by
interfacing to the old EquipmentHolder via the new Adapter.

The additional semantics provided by the Adapter can be captured as a second type of PhysicalResourceRole. This
represents the common practice of vendors providing special adapters that enable old Equipment or EquipmentHolders to
be used with new EquipmentHolders or Equipment, respectively.

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Equipment in More Detail

Equipment represents a specific category of physical objects. This means that it has its own hierarchy of objects. For
example, we’ve already identified Cards as a type of Equipment, and differentiated between Equipment and
AuxiliaryComponents (which are both subclasses of Hardware).

The M.3100 specification defines Equipment as a class of managed objects that represents physical components of a
managed element, including replaceable components. An instance of this object class is present in a single geographic
location. Equipment may be nested within another Equipment, thereby creating a containment relationship. Equipment, and
other sibling classes, are shown in Figure PR. below.

Figure PR. - Equipment in More Detail

PhysicalPorts can be placed on either a Card or a Chassis. Thus, we end up with:

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Figure PR. - Relating PhysicalPorts to Cards and Chassis

Note that the EquipmentInHolder relationship enables a LineCard to be attached to a Slot. We made two distinct
relationships to model the containment of Ports (PortsOnCard and PortsOnChassis) because the common superclass of
LineCard and Chassis is Hardware. If we had run a relationship between Hardware and PhysicalPort, then PhysicalPorts

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could contain PhysicalPorts, which is not correct. In addition, this differentiation will help us in the System view, since the
semantics of a PhysicalPort on a Chassis are different than those of a PhysicalPort on a Card.

Types of Cards

Figure PR. below illustrates the superclasses for defining different types of Cards.

Figure PR. - Types of Cards

MemoryCards are dedicated to providing additional memory for use by other components of a Resource. NetworkCards are
dedicated to providing networking functions, such as routing and forwarding. SystemCards are dedicated to providing
system functions (e.g., controller cards). Finally, the UnknownCard object is used as a generic placeholder to represent
Cards that are known to exist but are not yet identifiable via Software means.

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Figure PR. showed a third important subclass of PhysicalContainer, called AuxiliaryComponent. As stated previously, an
AuxiliaryComponent is an abstract base class that represents managed entities, such as power supplies, fans and cables,
wihch are required for the proper operation of the Device but have a primary function that is different than the primary end-
user function(s) of the Device. Two exemplary subclasses of AuxiliaryComponent are shown in below.

Figure PR. - Exemplary Subclasses of AuxiliaryComponent

The difference between AuxiliaryComponents and other subclasses of Equipment are whether or not the physical object
performs a function intrinsic to the main function of the Device. For example, a PowerSupply is an AuxiliaryComponent,
because even though it is needed for the proper operation of the Router, it does not directly help in routing and forwarding
packets. A LineCard (that provides routing functionality) is a subclass of Equipment because its purpose is to route and
forward packets.

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A PhysicalComponent was also shown in Figure PR.. A PhysicalComponent is a managed entity that can reside either in an
Equipment or an EquipmentHolder object, but cannot be used as a stand-alone object. From a management point-of-view,
this object either cannot or does not need to be split into its constituent parts. Any piece of hardware that is not a
PhysicalLink, PhysicalConnector, Equipment, or EquipmentHolder, is a subclass of this class. Some important subclasses of
PhysicalComponent are shown below in Figure PR..

Figure PR. - Example Subclasses of PhysicalComponent

The example subclasses are exemplified by the following description of the Chip class. A Chip is a concrete class that
models different types of Chips that are either directly configurable by the end-user (e.g., a programmable device) and/or
represent FRUs (e.g., a special ASIC that can be upgraded by replacing it with a new version of that same ASIC).

For complete definitions of each of these objects, please see the data dictionary section of this document.

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1.3. Basic Business Entities That Interact with


This section will outline some of the business entities that interact with business entities defined in the PhysicalResource
model. This section will of course be added to in every phase of the SID as appropriate.

Party and PartyRole

This has already been referenced briefly above. To recap, Party and PartyRole are needed for a number of important
reasons, including:
 Identification of an owner of the Device or Hardware
 Identification of the manufacturer of the Device and possibly the manufacturer of some or all of its components
 Identification of who is responsible to administer the Device or Hardware
 Identification of who installed the device
 Identification of what management domain the Device or Hardware is in
 Identification of who in a particular management domain can administer the Resource
 Identification of who last changed the device
The above are exemplary, and identify some of the links between these classes and the physical resource model. The above
is not meant to imply that these are the only links between these models.

It is important to realize that the owner of a Device or Hardware is not the same as the person or group that is responsible for
administering the Device or Hardware.

The existing PartyRole definition is driven by a section of the eTOM that defines the concept of a value network role [eTOM].
However, this definition is very high-level. Furthermore, while the eTOM talks about the need to administer different types of
managed objects, it doesn’t identify the concepts of owner and administrator. These are needed to support the inventory and
other use cases we introduced at the start of this document. Every effort will be made to take this data and feed it back to the
eTOM team.

Referring to the SID Party model (Addendum 1P), there is an 0..n to 0..n association (implemented as an association class)
with a PartyInvolvement attribute that define what responsibility the PartyRole (e.g., customer, provider, employee,
management domain) plays. Example responsibilities are owner, lessee, lessor, and administrator. Note that this
involvement does not have to be established via an Interaction; there can be a direct relationship that defines this

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involvement. It is important that the SID not dictate this, so that applications are free to implement the precise semantics of
this relationship according to their own needs. This is shown in Figure PR..

Figure PR. - Overview of Party and PartyRole

Given this background, we can define additional relationships needed to represent administration and ownership of

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Briefly, the owner of the Resource is the person or group that is responsible (e.g., organizational, financial, and so forth) for
the Resource. This is a different concept than the person or group that administers the Resource. From a business
perspective, the owner has to either appoint or give permission to the administrator to administer the Resource that is
owned. This is shown in Error: Reference source not found below.

The modeling of an Owner and an Administrator is not as straightforward as it would first appear. First, while one could
construct new PartyRole subclasses for representing an Owner and an Adminstrator, this will be very limiting. This is
because any PartyRole can own a Resource, but only ValueNetworkRoles can administer a Resource. Thus, if separate
subclasses were constructed, they would have to have relationships to PartyRole and ValueNetworkRole, respectively.

A simpler alternative is to define two associations, called OwnsResource and AdministersResource, to serve these roles.
Note that the OwnsResource aggregation defines the set of Resources (physical and/or logical) that a particular Party,
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playing the role of ValueNetworkRole, can administer (through the AdministersResource association). The owner of the
Resource is the person or group that is responsible (e.g., organizational, financial, and so forth) for the Resource.

In contrast, the AdministersResource association defines the set of Resources (physical and/or logical) that a particular
Party, playing the role of ValueNetworkRole, administers. From a business perspective, the owner has to either appoint or
give permission to the administrator to administer the Resource that is owned. This is shown in the system view, by first
implementing each of these two associations as classes, and then associating the classes with each other. However, this is
beyond the scope of this Addendum.

The third item, ManagementDomain, is fundamental to how network management is done. Addendum 1-POL defines a
ManagementDomain as follows: A ManagementDomain class represents a special grouping of ManagedEntities that has
two important properties. First, it is used to partition managed objects into a meaningful logical grouping. One important use
of such a grouping is to provide a means to define which EMS (as well as which NMS) manages, monitors, etc. which set of
devices. It also provides a means to show how management functions are distributed and scaled. Second, it defines a
common administrative domain that is used to administer the managed objects that it contains. This implies that all of the
managed objects contained in this ManagementDomain are administered similarly - either by the same user, group of users
or policy.

ManagementDomains often have a direct correlation with DeviceRoles. For example, in an MPLS VPN, there is a
fundamental difference between routers that are operating as customer premise, provider edge, and provider core routers.
(For those not familiar with MPLS VPNs, a customer premise device provides customer access to the Service Provider
network over a data link to one or more provider edge routers; provider edge routers function as the ingress and egress
routers of the Service Provider network; provider core routers provide connectivity between the provider edge routers. An
example of a high-level MPLS VPN model is provided in part of Addendum 4). This can be done by associating a type of
PartyRole (representing a ManagementDomain) with a type of DeviceRole. Note that in this use case, there are specific
hardware as well as software requirements of the different types of routers playing the CustomerPremise, ProviderEdge, and
ProviderCore roles. This is where the concepts of PhysicalDeviceRole and LogicalDeviceRole will pay dividends in the
overall model.

Thus, ManagementDomains are intelligent containers of managed entities, where different container represent different
domains of control that reflect one or more appropriate management structures, such as organizational structure.
PhysicalResources within a particular domain are administered by a particular person or group of people. While it is easy
enough to define a relationship between ManagementDomain and PartyRole, the management of PhysicalResources in
ManagementDomains by Party and PartyRole entities should be represented and controlled using policies. Thus, this topic
will be deferred to the Policy Addendum.


Location is used in two different ways and has two very different semantics:
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 The place of a Device (or perhaps an Equipment or EquipmentHolder)

 The position of a physical component
These are in reality two different concepts, though people tend to combine their meanings into one.

Figure PR.29 - Representing Administering and Owning a Resource

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The PlacePhysicalResourceAssociation association defines the location(s) that a particular PhysicalResource can be found
at. Note that there can be multiple locations assigned for a particular PhysicalResource. For example, a router can be
installed in a POSITION in a Rack, which is in a particular PLACE (e.g., a Room in a Floor), which is in a particular
STRUCTURE (e.g., a building) at a particular ADDRESS (e.g., the postal address that the main building is located at). The
PhysicalLocationDetails association class is used to help disambiguate these overlapping locations.

Figure PR 29 shows that “Place” is broken into two levels of granularity, represented by the two subclasses of Place.
 LocalPlace.
 GeographicPlace

Capacity and Redundancy

In theory, any physical entities can have one or both of these. However, in practice, Capacity and Redundancy are restricted
in this model to apply only to entities that have Roles. This enables us to maximize the ability to carry out performance
corrections. When Devices are identified that are negatively impacting management items of interest, such as network
performance and Service quality, the close association between Roles and Capacity / Redundancy will allow Capacity and
Redundancy associated with these Devices to be easily addressed.

Capacity implies a range of values – from a minimum acceptable level to a maximum permitted level – that a physical object
can hold, store or accommodate. For example, a Device may require a minimum of 128MB of RAM to operate correctly,
prefer 256MB, and accommodate up to 512MB.

Often, manufacturers make Devices using the same overall Chassis or frame and vary the number and type of cards that
can be installed. Different cards have different power, cooling, memory and other requirements. Therefore, it is often
economically easier to build one master frame and enable multiple variations of certain components, such as memory, to
have a minimum and maximum capacity.

Redundancy connotes additional entities of identical capabilities that can be used in case the primary entity fails or is no
longer able to provide its full capabilities. For example, Devices often have multiple power supplies to ensure that if one fails,
the Device can use a backup power supply and continue to operate. Again, most manufacturers plan for physically housing
one or more redundant components for essential physical hardware as part of the overall physical device.

It is recommended that the concepts of capacity and redundancy be further developed in SID phase IV. They will both
require extensions to the SID that are not currently in this release, as well as require a deeper understanding of both the
business and system views of physical objects.

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The SID Product business entities are defined in Addendum 3. The most important of these (from the point-of-view of the
Physical Resource model) are the Product, ProductOffering, and ProductSpecification entities.

A ProductSpecification defines the requirements of physical and logical objects that collectively are accessed via a Product.
Products are derived from ProductSpecifications, and Products can be wholly or partly physical objects. Products may define
the use of various Physical Resources, as shown in the following excerpt from Addendum 3:

Figure PR. - Simplified Product Model

The Product model has two obvious attachments to Resources in general and PhysicalResources in particular. These are at
the ProductSpecification and Product classes.

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A ProductSpecification is a template for defining various ProductOfferings. Therefore, it is natural for a ProductSpecification
to specify ServiceSpecifications as well as ResourceSpecifications. This is shown in Figure PR. below.

Figure PR. - Relationship Between ProductSpec, ResourceSpec and ServiceSpec

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The key idea that we can take from the Product Addendum (Addendum 3) of the SID is the concept of a Specification that is
used to define an object. This can be used to determine the essential physical characteristics of the PhysicalResource that
can later be customized for a particular ProductOffering. The PhysicalResourceSpecification helps integrate the otherwise
diverse worlds of Product and Physical Resources.

The ProductSpecDefinesCFSSpecs and ProductSpecDefinesPRSpecs enable a ProductSpecification to templatize the

definition of CustomerFacingServiceSpecs and PhysicalResourceSpecs, respectively.

The LResSpecBindsToPResSpec association represents the binding between a set of LogicalResourceSpecifications and a
set of PhysicalResourceSpecifications. The semantics of this binding are represented by the LogicalPhysicalResourceSpec
association class (not shown to keep Figure PR. as simple as possible).

Thus, we may make the following important observations concerning the relationship between a ProductSpecification and
PhysicalResourceSpecs and Services:
 A PhysicalResource is visible to a customer; therefore, a PhysicalResourceSpec can be directly aggregated by a
 A LogicalResourceSpec is not directly visible to a customer
 LogicalResources require PhysicalResources to host them, which is done using the LResSpecBindsToPResSpec
 A CustomerFacingServiceSpec is visible to a customer; therefore, a CustomerFacingServiceSpec can be directly
aggregated by a ProductSpecification
 A ResourceFacingServiceSpec is not directly visible to a customer
 ResourceFacingServices are contained in CustomerFacingServices, which is done using the
RequiresResourceFacingServiceSpec aggregation
Thus, the goals of separating PhysicalResources from LogicalResources (and also CustomerFacingServices from
ResourceFacingServices) through Products has been enforced at the Specification level.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Similarly, Products are related to Services and Resources as shown in Figure PR. below.

Figure PR. - Relationship Between Product, Service and Resource

The logic at the instance level (shown in Figure PR. above) mirrors the logic at the specification level (shown in Figure PR.
above). PhysicalResources and CustomerFacingServices are directly visible to a Product, using the
ProductHasPhysicalResources and ProductHasCustomerFacingServices aggregations, respectively. A set of
PhysicalResources supports a set of LogicalResources as defined by the PResourceSupportsLResource aggregation. This
enables Products to indirectly specify LogicalResources, though the Customer is not aware of this.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Similarly, a set of CustomerFacingServices requires one or more ResourceFacingServices to be implemented, as defined by

the CFServiceRequiresRFServices aggregation. Note that the cardinality of this aggregation is 0..n to 1..n, whereas the
cardinality of the PResourceSupportsLResource aggregation is 0..n to 0..n. This is because a CustomerFacingService must
have at least one ResourceFacingService in order for it to be implemented, whereas a PhysicalResource can exist
independent of any LogicalResources.

Note that a ResourceFacingService can specify the set of LogicalResources and PhysicalResources that it requires using
the LogicalResourcesImplementRFS and PhysicalResourcesHostRFS aggregations, respectively. This enables Services
that are visible to the Customer (i.e., CustomerFacingServices) to be specified in terms of the Resources (physical and
logical) that they need.

Policy is pervasive, even in the physical domain. For example, one can imagine policies for controlling:
 physical access to ManagedPhysicalDevices
 policies that define installation, power-up and power-down instructions for physical entities
 policies that define maintenance and service instructions
Clearly, there are many more types of policies that can be defined. There are several ways to implement policy for physical
objects. The Behavior and Control Team, a sub-team of the RedTeam, has elected to use the DEN-ng policy model. Phase 3
of the SID work will include flushing out and approving this model, and tying it to existing SID models such as this one.

The interaction between entities in the Policy domain and entities in the PhysicalResource domain are many. Numerous of
these interactions are rich in nature. Some of these relationships will be specified in the Policy Addendum (1-POL), because
they require an understanding of the Policy model.

Modeling a network (and other similar concepts) is out of scope for the first release of the SID. It is one of the key target
areas in the third phase of SID, and has already been modeled in DEN-ng.

The start of the work on the Service model is taking place in SID phase 2. An example of how Service and Physical
Resources interact using an MPLS VPN will be provided as a separate Addendum.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

The Interaction model will be used to model the various types of interactions between physical resources and other SID
entities (e.g., a PartyRole acting as an administrator that is performing maintenance on a particular Device). This is partially
defined in SID phase 2, but the details are a matter for the System view.

Additional Examples

To Be Determined and Added if Necessary

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

1.4. References

[053Main] TMF053, “The NGOSS Technology Neutral Architecture”, TMF

[Add 3] SID Product Model, GB922, Addendum 3

[Add 4SO] SID Service Overview Model, GB922, Addendum 4SO
[Add 5LR] SID LogicalResource Model, GB922, Addendum 5LR

[GB922] SID Concepts and Principles, GB922 (main document)

m.3100 Generic Network Information Model, ITU-T recommendation
CIM Common Information Model, DMTF
[CIMPROB] Mining Information from the DMTF CIM into the TMF SID, ed by John Strassner (This was a deliverable from
the TMF-DMTF liaison)
Zachman Zachman Framework
Larman Applying UML and Patterns, Second Edition, ISBN 0-13-095004-1
Baumer The Role Object (Design) Pattern. Download PDF from
[eTOM] Enhanced Telecoms Operations Map

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

1.5. Business Entity Definitions

The following sections will define the business entities referred to in the preceding portion of this Addendum. This section will
consist of a business entity definition, definition of any attributes appropriate for the business level, and finally provide a business
model in UML of that entity and its main relationships.

PhysicalResource Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalResource
Entity Name
This is an abstract base class for describing different types of hardware that constitute a Product. It has two main
Description purposes: (1) to collect common attributes and relationships for all hardware, and (2) to provide a convenient,
single point where relationships with other managed objects can be defined.
Sources DEN-ng, OSS/J
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. It is called PhysicalElement in the DMTF CIM (this is not a direct match with this class,
Aliases although the concepts are similar); no direct analog in M.3100
Related Resource (superclass), LogicalResource (sibling), PhysicalDevice (subclass), Hardware (subclass),
Business PhysicalResourceSpec (template)
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 70 of 203

Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalResource Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalResource
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to
Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have
manufactureDat This is a string attribute that defines the date of String This is a DEN-ng attribute. It is called
e manufacture of this item in the fixed format ManufactureDate in the
"dd/mm/yyyy". This is an optional attribute. PhysicalElement class of the DMTF
CIM. No analog in M.3100.
otherIdentifier This is a string that is used to contain other String
important identifying data, such as a bar code, of
the hardware item. This is an optional attribute.
powerState This is an enumerated integer that defines the Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute. CIM
current power status of the hardware item. Values defines a PoweredOn attribute, but it
include: is a Boolean. No analog in M.3100

0: Unknown
1: Not Applicable
2: No Power Applied
3: Full Power Applied
4: Power Save - Normal
5: Power Save - Degraded
6: Power Save - Standby
7: Power Save - Critical
8: Power Save - Low Power Mode
9: Power Save - Unknown
10: Power Cycle
11: Power Warning
12: Power Off

Value 1 means that the hardware item doesn't

require the direct application of power (e.g., a but
or bolt). If the value for this item is 3, then the
PowerCapability class will describe the particular
power requirements of this item through the
HasPower association.

This is an optional attribute.

serialNumber This is a string that represents a manufacturer- String This is a DEN-ng attribute. It is called
allocated number used to identify different SerialNumber in the PhysicalElement

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to

Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have
instances of the same hardware item. The class of the DMTF CIM, but it is not
ModelNumber and PartNumber attributes are required. No analog in M.3100.
used to identify different types of hardware items.
This is a REQUIRED attribute.
versionNumber This is a string that identifies the version of this String
object. This is an optional attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalResource

Figure 5PR- 35. PhysicalResource Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalResourceSpecification Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalResourceSpecification
Entity Name
This is a concrete class for describing specific attributes, behavior, relationships, constraints, and semantics for
building PhysicalResource objects.
Sources DEN-ng, OSS/J, MetaSolv model
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100, though analogs of some of the attributes
Aliases can be found in the DMTF PhysicalElement class.
Related PhysicalResource (subject), ResourceSpecification (superclass), PhysicalResourceSpecAtomic (subclass),
Business PhysicalResourceSpecComposite (subclass), LogicalResourceSpec, LogicalResourceSpecAtomic,
Entities LogicalResourceSpecComposite
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalResourceSpecification Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalResourceSpecification
Entity Name
Attribute Description Data Notes (used to map to
Name Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have
modelNumber This is a string that represents a manufacturer- String This is a DEN-ng attribute; no direct
allocated number used to identify the general type equivalent in the DMTF CIM; could be
and/or category of the hardware item. This, in represented by either the Tag or the
combination with the PartNumber and the OtherIdentifyingInfo attributes of
VendorName, identify different types of hardware PhysicalElement. No analog in
items. The SerialNumber can then be used to M.3100.
differentiate between different instances of the same
type of hardware item. This is an optional attribute.
partNumber This is a string that defines a manufacturer-allocated String This is a DEN-ng attribute; it is called
part number assigned by the organization that PartNumber in the PhysicalElement
manufactures the hardware item. This, in class of the DMTF CIM, but it isn’t
combination with the ModelNumber and the required. No analog in M.3100.
VendorName, identify different types of hardware
items. The SerialNumber can then be used to
differentiate between different instances of the same
type of hardware item. This is a REQUIRED
skuNumber This is a string that defines the manufacturer- String This is a DEN-ng attribute; it is called
allocated Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) number of the SKU in the PhysicalElement class of
hardware item. This is an optional attribute. the DMTF CIM. No analog in M.3100.
vendorName This is a string that defines the name of the String This is a DEN-ng attribute; called
manufacturer. This, in combination with the Manufacturer in the PhysicalElement
ModelNumber and the PartNumber, identify different class of the DMTF CIM, but it isn’t
types of hardware items. The SerialNumber can required. No analog in M.3100.
then be used to differentiate between different
instances of the same type of hardware item. This is
a REQUIRED attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalResourceSpecification

Figure 5PR- 36. PhysicalResourceSpecification Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalResourceRole Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalResourceRole
Entity Name
This is an abstract base class for representing the different types of roles that various physical resources can take
on. For this first iteration, two specialized roles have been defined: holder and adapter. This enables a single
object, such as a Card, to have additional functions. For example, a Card may also serve as a motherboard or
hosting board for another Card. In this situation, there isn’t a separate EquipmentHolder – rather, the Card acts as
a holder in addition to providing its normal functions. This class is the base class for defining different types of
physical resource roles.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related PhysicalResource, LogicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business EquipmentHolder, Equipment, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalComponent
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalResourceRole Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalResourceRole
Entity Name
Attribute Description D Notes (used to map to other
Name a models; blank is other models
t don’t have it)

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalResourceRole

Figure 5PR- 37. PhysicalResourceRole Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalHolderRole Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalHolderRole
Entity Name
This is a concrete class that represents any type of physical resource that can play a holding role. A common
Description example is a Card that can also serve as a motherboard, or a Card that can serve as a daughter card that
attaches to a motherboard.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related PhysicalDevice, PhysicalResource, Equipment, EquipmentHolder, AuxiliaryComponent, HardwareRole
Business (superclass), PhysicalAdapterRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, PhysicalResourceRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalHolderRole Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalHolderRole
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to
Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have it)
typeOfHolderRol This is an enumerated integer that defines Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no analog in
e the various types of holding roles that this the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
object can play. Values include:

0: undefined;
1: host (e.g., a motherboard)
2: client (e.g., a daughterboard)

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalHolderRole

Figure 5PR- 38. PhysicalHolderRole Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalAdapterRole Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalAdapterRole
Entity Name
This is a concrete class that represents any type of physical resource that can play a physical adapter role. The
Adapter role enables a piece of Hardware to adapt its use. For example, sometimes Cards and Chassis evolve
along separate paths, causing future versions of one to no longer be physically compatible with present and/or
future versions of the other. The solution to this is to use an intermediate piece of Hardware, called an Adapter, to
Description extend the existing physical structure of an EquipmentHolder to enable otherwise incompatible Equipment to be
plugged into an EquipmentHolder. The Adapter conceptually creates a new type of EquipmentHolder that fits into
the existing EquipmentHolder. This enables Cards that would otherwise be physically and/or electrically
incompatible with the existing EquipmentHolder to be supported, by interfacing to the old EquipmentHolder via the
new Adapter.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related PhysicalDevice, PhysicalResource, Equipment, EquipmentHolder, AuxiliaryComponent, HardwareRole
Business (superclass), PhysicaHolderRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, PhysicalResourceRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalAdapterRole Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalAdapterRole
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to
Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have it)
typeOfAdapterRol This is an enumerated integer that defines Integer No analog in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
e the various types of adapter roles that this
object can play. Values include:

0: undefined;
1: host (e.g., a motherboard)
2: client (e.g., a daughterboard)

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalAdapterRole

The business entity model for the PhysicalAdapterRole is the same as that of the PhysicalHolderRole, and was shown in Figure PR.37 above.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Hardware Business Entity Definition

Business Hardware
Entity Name
This is an abstract base class that represents any type of hardware unit that exists as an atomic unit that is not a
PhysicalLink or a PhysicalConnector. Its principal subclasses are Equipment, PhysicalDevice, and PhysicalPort.
Sources DEN-ng
This is a DEN-ng class; no direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100; some parts of the CIM PhysicalPackage
Synonyms /
can be mapped to this class, but that destroys the separation achieved by splitting PhysicalResource, Hardware,
ManagedHardware, and PhysicalContainer
Related Resource, PhysicalResource (superclass), LogicalResource (sibling), PhysicalDevice (which consists of a set of
Business Hardware), ManagedHardware (subclass), PhysicalConnector (subclass), PhysicalResourceRole,
Entities PhysicalDeviceRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Hardware Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Hardware
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to
Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have it)
depth This attribute defines the depth of the String This is a DEN-ng attribute; called Depth
ManagedComponent using the units in the PhysicalPackage class of the
specified in the MeasurementUnits attribute. DMTF CIM; datatype is real32. No
This is an optional attribute. analog in M.3100.
height This attribute defines the height of the String This is a DEN-ng attribute; called Height
ManagedComponent using the units in the PhysicalPackage class of the
specified in the MeasurementUnits attribute. DMTF CIM; datatype is real32. No
This is an optional attribute. analog in M.3100.
measurementUnit This attribute defines the Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; not present
s MeasurementUnits for the Depth, Height, in the DMTF CIM.
and Width attributes of this object. Values

0: Unknown (or not measured)

1: inches
2: feet
3: millimeters
4: centimeters
5: meters

This is an optional attribute. However, if any

of the Depth, Height, or Width attributes are
defined, then this attribute is REQUIRED.
weight This attribute defines the weight of the String This is a DEN-ng attribute; called Weight
ManagedComponent using the units in the PhysicalPackage class of the
specified in the WeightUnits attribute. This is DMTF CIM; datatype is real32. No
an optional attribute. analog in M.3100.
weightUnits This attribute defines the Units for the Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; not present
Weight attribute of this object. Values in the DMTF CIM.

0: Unknown (Not Measured)

1: ounces
2: pounds
3: grams
4: kilograms

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to

Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have it)

This is an optional attribute. However, if

Weight attribute is defined, then this
attribute is REQUIRED.
width This attribute defines the width of the String This is a DEN-ng attribute; called Width
ManagedComponent using the units in the PhysicalPackage class of the
specified in the MeasurementUnits attribute. DMTF CIM; datatype is real32. No
This is an optional attribute. analog in M.3100.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Hardware

PhysicalResource RolesDescribePhysicalResource PhysicalResourceRole

0..1 0..n

PhysicalDevice Hardware HardwareRole PhysicalDeviceRole
depth : String
height : String 0..n
0..1 0..1 0..n 0..n
measurementUnits : Integer
weight : String
weightUnits : Integer HardwareHasConnector
width : String


ManagedHardware PhysicalConnector 0..n



Figure 5PR- 39. Hardware Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

ManagedHardware Business Entity Definition

Business ManagedHardware
Entity Name
This is an abstract base class that adds additional semantics to the Hardware base class. These semantics are
Description used to provide management information on the hardware. For example, attributes defined by this class can
provide the administrative and operational state of the entity, and tell whether it has any alarms.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware (superclass), PhysicalContainer (subclass), Equipment,
Business EquipmentHolder, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

ManagedHardware Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business ManagedHardware
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used
Type to map to
blank is
other models
don’t have it)
additionalInfo This is a free-form string that is used to String
contain additional vendor-specific
information about the managed element.,
such as a vendor-specific asset tracking
number or special installation notes. It can
also be used to map vendor-specific naming
(e.g., Port 1 is the same as E0/2/1). This
can be NULL.

This is an optional attribute.

administrativeState This attribute is an enumerated integer that Integer This is based on similar
describes the current physical state of the M.3100 concepts, but
ManagedHardware. Values include: extends their semantics.
No real analog in the
0: Unknown DMTF CIM.
1: Unlocked
2: Locked
3: Shutting Down
4: Starting Up
5: Testing
6: Maintenance
7: Not Applicable
8: Not able to inform

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

physicalAlarmReportingEnable This is a Boolean attribute, and defines Boolean No concept of this in
d whether alarm reporting for this object either M.3100 or the
instance is enabled or not. TRUE means DMTF CIM.
that reporting is allowed, and FALSE means
that reporting is inhibited.

Note that some physical entities are not

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used

Type to map to
blank is
other models
don’t have it)
capable of reporting physical alarms, while
some are. For those that are not capable of
reporting physical alarms, this value MUST
be set to FALSE.

Remember that this is for physical alarm

reporting. In most cases, there are
corresponding logical alarms. The
ManagementEntity class hierarchy
describes and correlates these.

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

physicalAlarmStatus This is an enumerated integer that indicates Integer This attribute expands on
the occurrence of an abnormal physical the standard ITU
condition relating to an object. This attribute semantics and updates
may also function as a summary indicator of them to include eTOM
alarm conditions associated with a specific concepts.
resource. It is used to indicate the existence
of an alarm condition, a pending alarm No concept of
condition such as threshold situations, or this in the
(when used as a summary indicator) the DMTF CIM.
highest severity of active alarm conditions.

This attribute expands on the standard ITU

semantics and updates them to include
eTOM concepts. Values include:

0: unknown
1: activeReportable-Critical
2: activeReportable-Major
3: activeReportable-Minor
4: activeReportable-Indeterminate
5: activeReportable-Warning
6: activePendingDecision
7: active-underRepair
8: active-beingReplaced
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 92 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used

Type to map to
blank is
other models
don’t have it)
9: cleared

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

coolingRequirements This is a free-form string that specifies the String
cooling requirements for this
ManagedComponents. Specific cooling
information is defined by the Cooling
association. This is an optional attribute.
hardwarePurpose This is an enumerated integer that defines Integer
the purpose of the ManagedHardware.
Values include:

1: Required
2: Optional
3: Redundant
4: Fail-Over
5: Other

This is an optional attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – ManagedHardware

Figure 5PR- 40. ManagedHardware Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalContainer Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalContainer
Entity Name
This is an abstract class that is used to add additional semantics to the ManagedHardware class. Its attributes
Description define whether a ManagedHardware object can be removed and/or replaced, and whether this action requires
power to be removed or not when the action is performed.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware (superclass), Equipment (subclass),
Business EquipmentHolder (subclass), AuxiliaryComponent (subclass), PhysicalComponent (subclass),
Entities PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalContainer Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalContainer
Entity Name
Attribute Description Data Notes (used to map
Name Type to other models;
blank is other
models don’t have
hotSwappable This is a Boolean attribute that defines whether it is Boolean This is a DEN attribute, and is
possible to replace this object instance with a physically also present in the DMTF CIM
different, but equivalent, object instance while the PhysicalComponent class. Not
containing Equipment has power applied to it. TRUE present in M.3100.
means that it is HotSwappable, and FALSE means that
it is not.

All HotSwappable PhysicalComponents are inherently

Removable and Replaceable.

This is a required attribute.

removable This is a Boolean that defines whether it is possible to Boolean This is a DEN attribute, and is
insert and remove this object instance from the also present in the DMTF CIM
Equipment in which it is installed, without impairing the PhysicalComponent class. Not
function or packaging of the Equipment. TRUE means present in M.3100.
that it is removable, and FALSE means that it is not.

A Package can still be Removable if power must be 'off'

in order to perform the removal. If power can be 'on' and
this object instance can still be removed, then this object
instance is both Removable and HotSwappable.

This is a required attribute.

replaceable This is a Boolean that defines whether it is possible to Boolean This is a DEN attribute, and is
replace this object instance with a physically different also present in the DMTF CIM
instance of the same type. For example, some types of PhysicalComponent class. Not
device allow various Chips to be upgraded. TRUE present in M.3100.
means that it is replaceable, and FALSE means that it is

All Removable packages are inherently Replaceable.

This is a required attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalContainer

Figure 5PR- 41. PhysicalContainer Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalDevice Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalDevice
Entity Name
This is an abstract base class for representing hardware devices that can be managed. This class represents a
convenient aggregation point for combining different aspects of a device (e.g., its physical composition as well as
the set of services that it offers). It also enables the device itself to have a physical manifestation. Examples of this
class include routers and switches, computers, and other end-devices that are managed.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100; this is similar to the DEN NetworkPackage
Aliases class.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource (superclass), LogicalResource, PhysicalDeviceAtomic (subclass) ,
Business PhysicalDeviceComposite (subclass), Hardware, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 98 of 203

Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalDevice Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalDevice
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map
Type to other models;
blank is other
models don’t have
backplaneIndependen This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean
t indicates that this ManagedDevice has
independent backplanes that can be managed
separately. This is an optional attribute.
backplaneNumber This is an integer that defines the number of Integer
backplanes that this device has. This is an
optional attribute.
configurationOrder This is a free-form string that provides any String This is a DEN-ng attribute; not
order-specific instructions for configuring the set present in the DMTF CIM or in
of components that together constitute this M.3100.
PhysicalDevice. This is an optional attribute.
deviceGroupID This is a string, and is used to uniquely identify String This is a DEN-ng attribute; not
this device as a member of a group of devices. present in the DMTF CIM or in
This is an optional attribute. M.3100.
isComposite This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, means Boolean
that this physical device is in reality made up of
a set of physical devices, each of which can be
individually managed. This is an optional
canMixPower This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, means Boolean
that AC and/or DC power supplies can be used
in this device. If it is false, then only one or the
other can be used.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 99 of 203

Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalDevice

Figure 5PR- 42. PhysicalDevice Business Entity Model

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 100 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalDeviceAtomic Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalDeviceAtomic
Entity Name
This is a concrete base class for representing hardware devices that can be managed that contains no sub-
ordinate devices. In other words, this physical device is a stand-alone physical device.
This class represents a convenient aggregation point for combining different aspects of a device (e.g., its physical
composition as well as the set of services that it offers). It also enables the device itself to have a physical
manifestation. Examples of this class include routers and switches, computers, and other end-devices that are
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, LogicalResource, PhysicalDevice (superclass) , PhysicalDeviceComposite (sibling),
Business Hardware, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 101 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalDeviceAtomic Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalDeviceAtomic
Entity Name
Attribute Description D Notes (used to map to other
Name a models; blank is other models
t don’t have it)

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 102 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalDeviceAtomic

The business entity model for the PhysicalDeviceAtomic class is the same as that for the PhysicalDevice class, which was shown in Figure
PR.42 above.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 103 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalDeviceComposite Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalDeviceComposite
Entity Name
This is a concrete base class for representing hardware devices that can be managed that contains one or more
sub-ordinate devices. In other words, this physical device is not a stand-alone physical device; rather, it represents
an aggregation of physical devices. Each physical device in this aggregation can be managed.
Description This class represents a convenient aggregation point for combining different aspects of a device (e.g., its physical
composition as well as the set of services that it offers). It also enables the device itself to have a physical
manifestation. Examples of this class include routers and switches, computers, and other end-devices that are
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, LogicalResource, PhysicalDevice (superclass) , PhysicalDeviceAtomic (sibling),
Business Hardware, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 104 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalDeviceComposite Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalDeviceComposite
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used
Type to map to
blank is
other models
don’t have it)
numberOfDevicesTotal This attribute defines the total number of Integer
PhysicalDevices aggregated by this
PhysicalDeviceComposite object. Note that this
aggregation is for that particular level of aggregation.
Thus, if a PhysicalDeviceComposite, called A,
contains another PhysicalDeviceComposite, called
B, then B's instance of this attribute will define how
many PhysicalDevices are aggregated by B,
whereas A's instance of this attribute will defined how
many PhysicalDevices are aggregated by A (which
includes those aggregated by B).
numberOfDevicesCurren This attribute defines the current number of Integer
t PhysicalDevices aggregated by this
PhysicalDeviceComposite object that are active and

Note that this aggregation is for that particular level of

aggregation. Thus, if a PhysicalDeviceComposite,
called A, contains another
PhysicalDeviceComposite, called B, then B's
instance of this attribute will define how many
PhysicalDevices are aggregated by B, whereas A's
instance of this attribute will defined how many
PhysicalDevices are aggregated by A (which
includes those aggregated by B).

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 105 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalDeviceComposite

The business entity model for the PhysicalDeviceComposite class is the same as that for the PhysicalDevice class, which was shown in
Figure PR.42 above.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 106 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalConnector Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalConnector
Entity Name
This is a concrete class that represents any type of hardware unit that is used to connect to other hardware units
and transmit signals and/or power between them.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. Not present in M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, Equipment, EquipmentHolder, AuxiliaryComponent,
Business PhysicalComponent, PhysicalPort
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 107 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalConnector Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalConnector
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to other models;
Type blank is other models don’t have it)
cableType This is an enumerated integer, Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute. It is similar to the
and defines the particular type of ConnectorType attribute of the DMTF CIM
cable that is attached to this PhysicalConnector class. Main difference is that
connector. Values include: the DMTF attribute was an array that combined
this, gender, and other attributes into one. Also,
0: Unknown this was not a required attribute in the DMTF CIM.
1: RS-232 Not present in M.3100.
2: RS-422
3: RS-423
4: RS-449
5: RS-485
6: RS-530
7: V.35
8: X.21
9: 9 um single-mode
10: 62.5/125 um multi-mode
11: USB

to be continued, not done!

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

gender This is an enumerated integer Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute. It is similar to the
that defines the gender type of ConnectorType attribute of the DMTF CIM
the connector. Values are: PhysicalConnector class. Main difference is that
the DMTF attribute was an array that combined
0: Unknown this, gender, and other attributes into one. This was
1: Not Applicable not a required attribute in the DMTF CIM. Not
2: Male present in M.3100.
3: Female

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

inUse This is a boolean attribute that, if Boolean This is a DEN-ng attribute; not present in the
TRUE, indicates that this DMTF CIM or M.3100.
PhysicalConnector is in use by
some other component of the
system. This is an optional

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 108 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to other models;

Type blank is other models don’t have it)
pinDescription This is a free-form string String This is a DEN-ng attribute; it is similar to the
describing the pin configuration ConnectorPinout of the DMTF CIM
and signal usage of a PhysicalConnector class. Not present in M.3100.

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

typeOfConnecto This is an enumerated integer Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; it is similar to the
r that defines the type of connector ConnectorType attribute of the DMTF CIM
that this instance is. Values PhysicalConnector class. Main difference is that
include: the DMTF attribute was an array that combined
this, gender, and other attributes into one. This was
0: Unknown not a required attribute in the DMTF CIM. Not
1: DB-9 present in M.3100.
2: DB-15
3: DB-25
4: DB-36
5: DB-60
6: SC
7: SG

to be continued, not done!

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 109 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalConnector

Figure 5PR- 43. PhysicalConnector Business Entity Model

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 110 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalPort Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalPort
Entity Name
This class represents an actual or potential end point of a topological (physical) link, and corresponds directly to a
Description physical port on a topology map. PhysicalPorts are always contained by another physical object - they can't exist
by themselves. The two most common examples are PhysicalPorts on a Card and on a Chassis.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analogs in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, Equipment, EquipmentHolder,
Business Card, Chassis, ResourceRole, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 111 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalPort Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalPort
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to
Type map to other
models; blank is
other models don’t
have it)
duplexMode This is an enumerated integer that defines the duplex Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
mode of this port. Values are: analog in the DMTF CIM or
M.3100 since no PhysicalPort
0: Unknown exists.
1: Full Duplex
2: Half Duplex

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

ifType This is an enumerated integer, and specifies the Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
particular media type of the link. This attribute provides analog in the DMTF CIM or
additional detail beyond that provided in the ifType of an M.3100 since no PhysicalPort
ifEntry of a MIB (e.g., distinguishing between 10Base exists.
and 100Base ethernet). Values include:

0: Unknown
1: 10BaseT
2: 100BaseT
3: 10-100BaseT
4: 1000BaseT
5: 10000BaseT
6: DS-0
7: DS-1
8: DS-3
9: OC-3
10: OC-12
11: OC-48
12: OC-192

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

portNumber This is a non-zero integer that uniquely identifies this Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
PhysicalPort instance from all other instances. This is a analog in the DMTF CIM or
REQUIRED attribute. M.3100 since no PhysicalPort
typeOfPPort This is an enumerated integer that defines the Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 112 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to

Type map to other
models; blank is
other models don’t
have it)
particular type of PhysicalPort this instance is. Values analog in the DMTF CIM or
include: M.3100 since no PhysicalPort
0: Unknown
1: Ethernet
2: FastEthernet
3: Auto-Sensing
4: GigabitEthernet
5: FastGigabitEthernet
6: DS-0
7: DS-1
8: DS-3
9: T1
10: T3
11: E1
12: E3
13: OC-3
14: OC-12
15: OC-48
16: OC-192
17: RS-232C

This is a REQUIRED attribute.

vendorPortNam This is a string that contains the vendor-specific name String This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
e of this port. This is different from the commonName analog in the DMTF CIM or
attribute, which represents a system-wide naming M.3100 since no PhysicalPort
structure for all ManagedEntities. exists.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 113 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalPort

Figure 5PR- 44. PhysicalPort Business Entity Model

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 114 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Equipment Business Entity Definition

Business Equipment
Entity Name
This class is based on the M.3100 specification, and represents a class of managed objects that represents
physical components of a Resource, including replaceable components. An instance of this object class is present
Description in a single geographic location. An Equipment may be nested within another Equipment, thereby creating a
containment relationship. The Equipment type shall be identified by sub-classing this object class. Either the name
of the sub-class or an attribute may be used for identifying the Equipment type.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is an M.3100 class that has been modified in DEN-ng. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business EquipmentHolder, Card, Chassis, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalComponent, PhysicalResourceRole,
Entities PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 115 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Equipment Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Equipment
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes
(used to
map to
blank is
have it)
resourceFulfillmentState This attribute supports basic ResourceFulfillmentStat
administration of plug-ins. e
protectionSchemeState This attribute identifies the ProtectionSchemeState
individual lock of this equipment.
In case the equipment is not
protected, the value
"UNKNOWN" shall also be
protectionRole This attribute defines the ProtectionRole
protection role that this
equipment plays. In case the
equipment is not protected, the
value "NOT_APPLICABLE" shall
be used.
manufacturer This attribute identifies the String
equipment manufacturer name.
It is defined as a non-empty free
format string with no semantics.
ituArcStateAndStatusList See R_TMF518_NRB_I_0001 ItuArcStateAndStatusList
and R_TMF518_NRB_I_0004.
See supporting document SD1-
isReportingAlarms This attribute provides an Boolean
indication of whether alarm
reporting for this Equipment is
enabled (true) or disabled
installedVersion This attribute identifies the String This is a DEN-ng
vendor's resource version of the attribute; no analog in
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 116 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes

(used to
map to
blank is
have it)
installed equipment. the DMTF CIM or
installedSerialNumber This attribute contains the String
vendor's serial number of the
installed equipment. Unique, if
no default is provided. At least
one serial number has to be
installedPartNumber This attribute identifies the String
vendor's resource Part Number
(PN) of the installed equipment.
If PN is not available empty
string shall be used. If the part
and serial number are both non-
null then the part+serial number
together shall be unique.
installedEquipmentObjectType This attribute identifies the type String
of the installed resource. For
example, "Fan" or "STM16" for
the Equipment class and "Line
Shelf" for the Equipment Holder
class.) The installed equipment
type is invariant for the lifetime of
the hardware. This is an empty
string if there is no expected
expectedEquipmentObjectType This attribute identifies the type String
of the expected resource. For
example, "Fan" or "STM16" for
the Equipment class and "Line
Shelf" for the Equipment Holder
class.) This is an empty string if

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 117 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes

(used to
map to
blank is
have it)
there is no expected equipment.
installStatus This is an m.3100 attribute that Integer
represents the availability of the
type of Equipment that this
object represents. Its semantics
are as follows.

The attribute availability status is

used to indicate whether the
correct physical piece of
equipment (in m.3100, it is called
a "circuit pack") is isntalled or
not. This is a set valued attribute
and includes the values
notInstalled and empty. If the
type of the inserted physical
circuit pack matches the value of
the circuitPackType attribute
(relating to the circuitPack
instance) then the value of the
availabilityStatus is an empty
set. Otherwise, the value of the
availabilityStatus attribute is
notInstalled even if it is one of
the acceptable circuit pack type

This is implemented as an
enumerated integer. The values
will include at least the following:

0: Unknown
1: Operational (installed and
matches expected type)
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 118 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes

(used to
map to
blank is
have it)
2: Installed (buit does not
match expected type)
3: Not Installed
4: In Maintenance
5: Failed
6: Not operational

This is an optional attribute.

expectedEquipmentType This attribute identifies the type String This is a DEN-ng
of the expected resource. For attribute; no analog in
example, "Fan" or "STM16" for the DMTF CIM or
the Equipment class and "Line M.3100.
Shelf" for the Equipment Holder
class. This is an empty string if
there is no expected equipment.
This is an optional attribute.
installedEquipmentType This attribute identifies the type String This is a DEN-ng
of the installed resource. For attribute; no analog in
example, "Fan" or "STM16" for the DMTF CIM or
the Equipment class and "Line M.3100.
Shelf" for the Equipment Holder
class. The installed equipment
type is invariant for the lifetime of
the hardware. This is an empty
string if there is no installed
equipment. This is an optional
redundancy This is an enumerated integer Integer This is a DEN-ng
that describes the redundancy attribute; no analog in
capabilities of this particular the DMTF CIM or
Equipment. Values include: M.3100.

0: Unknown
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 119 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes

(used to
map to
blank is
have it)
1: Primary (supported by a
Redundant Equipment)
2: Redundant (supports a
Primary Equipment)
3: Stand-alone (no
Redundancy possible)

This is an optional attribute.

asapRef ObjectName

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 120 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Equipment

Figure 5PR- 45. Equipment Business Entity Model

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 121 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Card Business Entity Definition

Business Card
Entity Name
This class is based on the M.3100 specification, and represents a class of managed objects that represents
physical components of a Resource, including replaceable components. An instance of this object class is present
Description in a single geographic location. An Equipment may be nested within another Equipment, thereby creating a
containment relationship. The Equipment type shall be identified by sub-classing this object class. Either the name
of the sub-class or an attribute may be used for identifying the Equipment type.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is an M.3100 class that has been modified in DEN-ng. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM.
Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer (superclass),
EquipmentHolder, MemoryCard (subclass), NetworkCard (subclass), SystemCard (subclass), UnknownCard
(subclass), Chassis, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalComponent, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole,
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 122 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Card Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Card
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to
Type map to other
models; blank is
other models
don’t have it)
cardCompatibilityResults This is an attribute that is used to store the String
result of the negotiation process between
a Card and its EquipmentHolder to see if
they are compatible. This is the result of
the isCompatible() method, with the Card
being the source and the
EquipmentHolder being the target,
translated into a textual description.
daughterCardInstallStatus This is an enumerated integer that defines Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
the current installation status of this Card's analog in the DMTF CIM or
daughter Cards. Note that this defines the M.3100.
status of daughter Cards as viewed by the
hosting Card. Status values of individual
daughter Cards are defined by attributes in
the daughter card itself. Values include:

0: Not Applicable (doesn't have any

1: All Daughter Cards are installed
2: Some Daughter Cards are installed
3: No Daughter Cards are installed
daughterCardOperatingStatu This is an enumerated integer that defines Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
s the current operating status of this Card's analog in the DMTF CIM or
daughter Cards. Note that this defines the M.3100.
operating status of daughter Cards as
viewed by the hosting Card. Status values
of individual daughter Cards are defined
by attributes in the daughter card itself.

This attribute only defines the physical

operating characteristics of the daughter
card. It does not say whether the daughter
Card is functioning correctly, as that is a
logical attribute.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 123 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to

Type map to other
models; blank is
other models
don’t have it)

Values include:

0: Not Applicable (doesn't have any

1: All Daughter Cards are operating
2: Some Daughter Cards are operating
3: No Daughter Cards are operating
daughterCardRequirements This is an enumerated integer that defines Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
the relationship between this Card and all analog in M.3100. Called
DaughterCards. Values include: RequiresDaughterBoard in
the CIM, but lacks the
1: No DaughterCard can be attached semantics of the DEN-ng
2: Requires 1 or more DaughterCards to attribute.
function correctly
3: Can optionally use 1 or more
isConfigurablePhysically This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
indicates that this Card has one or more analog in the DMTF CIM or
options that can be physically configured. M.3100.
Each of these options has a distinct
physical manifestation (e.g., additional
memory, or faster CPU) that usually (but
not always) results in occupying more
room in the Card.
isMotherBoard This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
defines this Card as either a motherboard analog in M.3100. Called
or another type of hosting board. When HostingBoard in the CIM,
FALSE, it isn't. though the semantics are
slightly different.
isUniquePhysical This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
defines this Card to be physically different analog in M.3100. The CIM
from other Cards of the same type and has a similar attribute called
therefore requires a special slot. The SpecialRequirements but

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 124 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to

Type map to other
models; blank is
other models
don’t have it)
unique aspects of this Card are described there is a bug in the text.
in the UniqueRequirementsPhysical
attribute. An example might be a different
form factor than other Cards of its type, or
the ability to set jumpers on the Card to
control its functionality (e.g., clocking).
maxDataWidth This is an integer that defines the Integer
maximum bus width of this Card. Values

0: Unknown
1: Special
8: 8 bit data bus
16: 16 bit data bus
24: 24 bit data bus
32: 32 bit data bus
64: 64 bit data bus
128: 128 bit data bus

The value "1" can be used for any non-

standard data bus width.
slotLayout This is a free-form string that describes the String This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
positioning, spacing, typical usage, analog in M.3100. Called
restrictions, and any other pertinent SlotLayout in the CIM.
information that defines how the Card is to
be positioned into the Slot.
slotsRequired This is an integer that defines the number Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
of slots required to hold this Card. Since analog in the DMTF CIM or
this is usually 1, that value is assigned as M.3100.
its default value.
uniqueRequirementsPhysical This is a free-form string that contains the String This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
physically unique requirements of this analog in M.3100. Called
Card. For example, it must go in a certain RequirementsDescription in
slot number because it has special the CIM
dimensions. This attribute should only be
filled in if the value of the IsUniquePhysical
attribute is TRUE; otherwise, it should be

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 125 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to

Type map to other
models; blank is
other models
don’t have it)
hardwareVersion This is a string attribute that contains the String
hardware version number of this Card.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 126 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Card

Figure 5PR- 46. Card Business Entity Model

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 127 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

MemoryCard Business Entity Definition

Business MemoryCard
Entity Name
This is a type of Card that is dedicated to providing additional memory for use by other components of a Resource.
Description Cards that are used to expand memory, or provide different types of memory, are examples of this type of Card.
DEN-ng differentiates between this and other types of Cards, such as NetworkCards and MemoryCards.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business EquipmentHolder, Card, NetworkCard, SystemCard, UnknownCard, Chassis, AuxiliaryComponent,
Entities PhysicalComponent, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 128 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

MemoryCard Business Entity Attributes Definition

Currently, no attributes have been defined for this object since it is there primarily for classification purposes. Attributes may be added to this
object in the next phase of the SID once a more complete survey of MemoryCards has been completed.
Business MemoryCard
Entity Name
Attribute Description D Notes (used to map to other
Name a models; blank is other models
t don’t have it)

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 129 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – MemoryCard

The MemoryCard business entity model is the same as that of the Card business entity model, which was shown in Figure PR.46 above.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 130 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

NetworkCard Business Entity Definition

Business NetworkCard
Entity Name
This is a type of Card that is dedicated to providing networking functions, such as routing and forwarding. Line
Description cards and port adapter cards are examples of this type of card. DEN-ng differentiates between this and other types
of Cards, such as NetworkCards and MemoryCards.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business EquipmentHolder, Card, MemoryCard, SystemCard, UnknownCard, Chassis, AuxiliaryComponent,
Entities PhysicalComponent, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 131 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

NetworkCard Business Entity Attributes Definition

Currently, no attributes have been defined for this object since it is there primarily for classification purposes. Attributes may be added to this
object in the next phase of the SID once a more complete survey of NetworkCards has been completed. However, since NetworkCards are so
diverse (both in form as well as in function), it is highly likely that this class will remain as is and function as a means to classify different types
of Cards.
Business NetworkCard
Entity Name
Attribute Description D Notes (used to map to other
Name a models; blank is other models
t don’t have it)

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 132 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – NetworkCard

The NetworkCard business entity model is the same as that of the Card business entity model, which was shown in Figure PR.46 above.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 133 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

SystemCard Business Entity Definition

Business SystemCard
Entity Name
This is a type of Card that is dedicated to providing system functions. Main processor boards and controller boards
Description are examples of this type of Card. DEN-ng differentiates between this and other types of Cards, such as
NetworkCards and MemoryCards.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business EquipmentHolder, Card, MemoryCard, NetworkCard, UnknownCard, Chassis, AuxiliaryComponent,
Entities PhysicalComponent, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 134 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

SystemCard Business Entity Attributes Definition

Currently, no attributes have been defined for this object since it is there primarily for classification purposes. Attributes may be added to this
object in the next phase of the SID once a more complete survey of SystemCards has been completed. However, since SystemCards are so
diverse (both in form as well as in function), it is highly likely that this class will remain as is and function as a means to classify different types
of Cards
Business SystemCard
Entity Name
Attribute Description D Notes (used to map to other
Name a models; blank is other models
t don’t have it)

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – SystemCard

The SystemCard business entity model is the same as that of the Card business entity model, which was shown in Figure PR.46 above.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

UnknownCard Business Entity Definition

Business UnknownCard
Entity Name
This object is used as a generic placeholder to represent Cards that are known to exist but are not yet identifiable
via Software means.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business EquipmentHolder, Card, MemoryCard, SystemCard, UnknownCard, Chassis, AuxiliaryComponent,
Entities PhysicalComponent, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 137 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

UnknownCard Business Entity Attributes Definition

Currently, no attributes have been defined for this object since it is there primarily for classification purposes. It is unlikely that any business
attributes will be added to this object, since the purpose of this Card is to serve as a placeholder to log unknown Cards as part of an inventory
process. Thus, it is highly likely that this class will remain as is and function as a means to classify different types of unknown Cards.
Business UnknownCard
Entity Name
Attribute Description D Notes (used to map to other
Name a models; blank is other models
t don’t have it)

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 138 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – UnknownCard

The UnknownCard business entity model is the same as that of the Card business entity model, which was shown in Figure PR.46 above.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

EquipmentHolder Business Entity Definition

Business EquipmentHolder
Entity Name
This class is based on the M.3100 specification, and is a base class that represents physical objects that are both
Description manageable as well as able to host, hold, or contain other physical objects. Examples of physical objects that can
be represented by instances of this object class are Racks, Chassis, Shelfs, Cards, and Slots.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class, based on an M.3100 class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer (superclass),
Business Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolderAtomic (subclass), EquipmentHolderComposite (subclass), SecureHolder,
Entities Chassis, Rack, Slot, Shelf, Bay, PhysicalHolderRole, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 140 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

EquipmentHolder Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business EquipmentHolder
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes
(used to
map to
blank is
have it)
type This attribute identifies the String
type of the Holder (e.g., Rack
(or Bay), Shelf, Sub-shelf,
Slot, Subslot, Remote-unit or
state This attribute identifies the HolderState
state of the Equipment
manufacturer This attribute identifies the String
Equipment Holder
manufacturer name. It is
defined as a non-empty free
format string with no
manufactureDate The manufactureDate String
attribute identifies the
production date of the
Equipment Holder.
location This attribute identifies the String
geographical location of the
Equipment Holder.
ituArcStateAndStatusList See ItuArcStateAndStatusLis
R_TMF518_NRB_I_0001 t
See supporting document
isReportingAlarms This attribute provides an Boolean
indication of whether alarm
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 141 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes

(used to
map to
blank is
have it)
reporting for this Equipment
Holder is enabled (true) or
disabled (false).
expectedOrInstalledEquipmentRe This attribute identifies the ObjectName
f equipment object expected or
installed in the equipment
holder, if any. Null if the
equipment holder is empty or
if it only contains other
equipment holders.
asapRef This attribute indicates the ObjectName
assignment of an Alarm
Severity Assignement Profile
(ASAP) to the
acceptableEquipmentTypeList This attribute identifies the String
types of equipment that can
be supported by the
Equipment Holder.
acceptableEquipmentList This is an array of strings, String This is a DEN-ng
based on M.3100, that attribute, based on an
identifies the types of M.3100 class; no
equipment objects that can analog in the DMTF
be supported by this object. CIM.
This is an optional attribute.
typeOfHolder This is an enumerated integer Integer This is a DEN-ng
that identifies the type of the attribute, based on an
Holder that this object M.3100 class; no
instance is. It is based on analog in the DMTF
M.3100 but includes CIM.
additional values:
0: Unknown

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes

(used to
map to
blank is
have it)
1: Rack
2: Bay
3: Chassis
4: Shelf
5: Slot
6: Sub-Slot
7: Sub-Rack

This is a REQUIRED
isSolitaryHolder This is a Boolean attribute Boolean
that, if TRUE, defines this
EquipmentHolder as
containing only one
ManagedComponent. If this is
FALSE, then this
EquipmentHolder contains
ManagedComponents. This
is a REQUIRED attrinbute.
holderStatus This attribute, based on Integer This is a DEN-ng
M.3100, indicates the status attribute, based on an
of the EquipmentHolder. M.3100 class; no
Values include: analog in the DMTF
0: Unknown
1: Installed And Acceptable
2: Installed And Not
3: Not Installed
4: Mismatch Of Installed and
5: Unavailable
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 143 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Type Notes

(used to
map to
blank is
have it)

This is an optional attribute.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 144 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – EquipmentHolder

Figure 5PR- 47. EquipmentHolder Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

HolderAtomic Business Entity Definition

Business HolderAtomic
Entity Name
This class represents atomic holders of Equipment that are individually manageable and do NOT form composite,
or nested, Equipment Holders.
Each HolderAtomic object can be a FRU.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class, based on an M.3100 class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM, because there is no
Aliases difference between HolderAtomic and HolderComposite objects.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer, Equipment,
Business Card, EquipmentHolder (superclass), EquipmentHolderComposite (sibling), SecureHolder, Chassis, Rack, Slot
Entities (subclass), Shelf, Bay, PhysicalHolderRole, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 146 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

HolderAtomic Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business HolderAtomic
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to
Type map to other
models; blank is
other models don’t
have it)
physicalDescriptio This is a free-form string that defines the physically String This is a DEN-ng attribute,
n unique characteristics of this holder. This is an based on an M.3100 class; no
optional attribute. analog in the DMTF CIM.
uniquePhysical This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, means Boolean This is a DEN-ng attribute,
that this holder is physically different from other based on an M.3100 class; no
holders, and is intended to hold a special type of analog in the DMTF CIM.
equipment (e.g., a doublewide card, or a longer
card than normal). This is an optional attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – HolderAtomic

Figure 5PR- 48. HolderAtomic Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Slot Business Entity Definition

Business Slot
Entity Name
This is a concrete class that has two main purposes. One is to model the ability of a hosting board to accept a
Description daughter card to add or complete the base functionality of the hosting board. The second is to represent the
different expansion slots supported by a Chassis.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No counterpart in M.3100; the DMTF CIM has a Slot class but the semantics are different.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer, Equipment,
Business Card, EquipmentHolder, EquipmentHolderAtomic (superclass), EquipmentHolderComposite, SecureHolder,
Entities Chassis, Rack, Shelf, Bay, PhysicalHolderRole, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 149 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Slot Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Slot
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to
Type other models; blank is
other models don’t
have it)
hasAdapter This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean This is a DEN-ng; no analog in the
indicates that this slot has an adapter installed DMTF CIM or M.3100.
that enables it to accept other types of cards
(e.g., fitting an adapter on two Slots enable
them to accept a Card that otherwise could not
be accommodated). If its value is FALSE, then
no adapter is present. This is an optional
slotNumber This is a 16-bit unsigned integer attribute that Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
represents an index into the system slot table. analog in M.3100. The DMTF CIM
For example, this could be the hardware ID has an attribute named
number (starting with 1) for each expansion SlotNumber; however, the
slot. The number is independent of whether or semantics of the Slot class are
not the Slot is occupied. This is a REQUIRED different.
slotPurpose This is an enumerated integer that defines the Integer This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
purpose of this Slot. A specific value below, analog in M.3100. The DMTF CIM
such as System, means that the Slot is has an attribute called
intended only to accept System cards. Values SpecialPurpose, but it is only a
include: Boolean and thus has more
restricted semantics.
0: Unknown
1: System
2: Networking
3: Port Adapter
4: Memory
5: Hardware Assist
6: Video
7: General Computing
8: General Purpose

Hardware assist is a generic category for

specialty boards that provide hardware
functionality to assist in the processing of one
or more functions. Examples are special cards

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to

Type other models; blank is
other models don’t
have it)
for processing IPsec-based encryption.

General computing boards represent cards that

have additional and/or auxiliary computing
power that can be used for a variety of tasks
(not just video rendering or encryption).

General purpose boards represent cards that

have a variety of features (e.g., memory and

This is an optional attribute.

purposeDescriptio This is a free-form string that defines the String This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
n physically unique characteristics of this Slot. analog in M.3100. The DMTF CIM
This is an optional attribute. has an attribute called
PurposeDescription, but the Slot
class has different semantics.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Slot

Figure 5PR- 49. Slot Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

HolderComposite Business Entity Definition

Business HolderComposite
Entity Name
This class represents EquipmentHolders that are made up of other EquipmentHolders (i.e., instances of this class
as well as the HolderAtomic base class). This provides the semantics of collecting a set of components, each of
which is individually manageable, and being able to manage the set of objects as a whole. This containment is
modeled using the HasHolders aggregation.
Each HolderComposite element can be a FRU.

A characteristic of this class is that its subclasses are physical objects that have complex cabling and mounting
options. This class is meant to differentiate complex holders, like a Chassis, from simple holders, like a Slot.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class, based on an M.3100 class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM, because there is no
Aliases difference between HolderAtomic and HolderComposite objects.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer, Equipment,
Business Card, EquipmentHolder (superclass), EquipmentHolderAtomic (sibling), SecureHolder (subclass), Chassis, Rack,
Entities Slot, Shelf, Bay, PhysicalHolderRole, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 153 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

HolderComposite Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business HolderComposite
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map
Type to other models;
blank is other
models don’t have
cableManagementStrateg This is a free-form string that contains String This is a DEN-ng attribute; no
y information on how the various cables analog in M.3100. The DMTF
contained in the Chassis, Rack, or other CIM has a similarly named
type of HolderComposite object are attribute in its PhysicalFrame
connected and bundled. This property class, though the semantics are
contains information to aid in the assembly slightly different.
and service of the cables contained in a
SecureHolder object. This is an optional
mountingOptions This is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned Integer This is a DEN-ng class; no
integer that defines how Equipment in this analog in the DMTF CIM or
entity is mounted. Values include: M.3100.

0: Unknown
1: Stand-alone
2: Rack-mounted, free access
3: Rack-mounted, restricted access
4: Enclosed in another chassis

This is an optional attribute.

serviceApproach This is an enumerated, integer-valued array String This is a DEN-ng class; no
that defines how this entity is serviced (e.g., analog in the DMTF CIM or
from the top or front), whether it has sliding M.3100.
trays or removable sides, and/or whether
the Frame is moveable (e.g., it has rollers).
Values include:

0: Unknown
1: Custom
2: Service From Top
3: Service From Front
4: Service From Back
5: Service From Side
6: Sliding Trays

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map

Type to other models;
blank is other
models don’t have
7: Removable Sides
8: Moveable

This is an optional attribute.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 155 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – HolderComposite

Figure 5PR- 50. HolderComposite Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

SecureHolder Business Entity Definition

Business SecureHolder
Entity Name
This class is a type of HolderComposite that serves as the parent for the Rack and Chassis classes. This class
generalizes common properties that apply to Racks and Chassis.
Sources DEN-ng
This is a DEN-ng class, based on the original DEN spec. No direct analog in M.3100. The DMTF CIM defines
Synonyms /
similar attributes, but as part of the PhysicalFrame class, and lacks the semantics and classification of the DEN-ng
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer, Equipment,
Business Card, EquipmentHolderAtomic, EquipmentHolderComposite (superclass), Chassis (subclass), Rack (subclass),
Entities Slot, Shelf, Bay, PhysicalHolderRole, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 157 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

SecureHolder Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business SecureHolder
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map
Type to other models;
blank is other models
don’t have it)
audibleAlarm This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean No analog in M.3100; the DMTF
indicates that this SecureHolder is CIM has a similarly named
equipped with an audible alarm. This is attribute in PhysicalFrame.
an optional attribute.
audibleAlarmDescription This is a free-form string that provides String No analog in M.3100; the DMTF
supplementary information for the CIM defines an array called
AudibleAlarm attribute. It should only be ServiceDescriptions in
filled in when the value of the PhysicalFrame to do the same
AudibleAlarm attribute is TRUE. This is thing.
an optional attribute.
lockPresent This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean No analog in M.3100; the DMTF
indicates that this SecureHolder is CIM has a similarly named
protected by some type of lock. This is attribute in PhysicalFrame.
an optional attribute.
securityBreach This is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned Integer No analog in M.3100; the DMTF
integer attribute indicating whether a CIM has a similarly named
breach of the Rack was attempted. attribute in PhysicalFrame.
Values include:

0: Unknown
1: Other
2: No Breach
3: Unsuccessful Breach (but
4: Successful Breach

This is an optional attribute.

securityBreachDescriptio This is a free-form string attribute that String No analog in M.3100; the DMTF
n provides supplementary information for CIM has a similarly named
the SecurityBreach attribute. It should attribute in PhysicalFrame.
only be filled in when the value of
SecurityBreach is 1 ("Other").

This is an optional attribute.

visibleAlarm This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean No analog in M.3100; the DMTF
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 158 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map

Type to other models;
blank is other models
don’t have it)
indicates that the SecureHolder is CIM has a similarly named
equipped with one or more visible alarms attribute in PhysicalFrame.
(e.g., LEDs or gauges). This is an
optional attribute.
visibleAlarmDescription This is a free-form string attribute that String No analog in M.3100; the DMTF
provides supplementary information for CIM defines an array called
the VisibleAlarm attribute. It should only ServiceDescriptions in
be filled in when the value of PhysicalFrame to do the same
VisibleAlarm is TRUE. thing.

This is an optional attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – SecureHolder

Figure 5PR- 51. SecureHolder Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Rack Business Entity Definition

Business Rack
Entity Name
A Rack is a type of SecureHolder that represents an enclosure in which EquipmentHolders, such as Chassis, are
placed. Typically a Rack is nothing more than the enclosure, and all the functioning componentry is packaged in
the Chassis.

Note that the logical identifier of a Rack is NOT typically associated with the Device (i.e., the NetworkElement).
Compare this to either a Bay or a Shelf, whose logical identifier IS associated with the Device. This means that the
Rack is explicitly NOT a part of the logical model of a network.

The Rack typically serves as the "master enclosure" for Chassis, Shelves and Bays. In addition, Racks can have
multiple instances of multiple Devices mounted in them.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class, based on the original DEN spec. No direct analog in M.3100. The DMTF CIM has a Rack
Aliases class, but its semantics are slightly different.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer (superclass),
Business Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolderAtomic, EquipmentHolderComposite, SecureHolder (superclass), Chassis
Entities (sibling), Slot, Shelf, Bay, PhysicalHolderRole, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 161 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Rack Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Rack
Entity Name
Attribute Description Data Notes (used to map to other
Name Type models; blank is other
models don’t have it)
country This is the designation of the country for which String No analog in M.3100; the DMTF CIM has
the Rack is designed. Country code strings are a similar attribute named
as defined by ISO/IEC 3166. This is an optional CountryDesignation.
heightInUs This is the height of the Rack in 'U's. A 'U' is a Integer No analog in M.3100; the DMTF CIM has
standard unit of measure for the height of a Rack a height attribute higher in the hierarchy
or rack-mountable components. It is equal to and overrides that attribute in the Rack
1.75 inches or 4.445 cm. This is an optional class.
typeOfRack This is an enumerated integer that defines the Integer No analog in M.3100; the DMTF CIM has
type of Rack. Values include: a similarly name attribute.

0: Unknown
1: Standard 19 Inch
2: Telco
3: Equipment Shelf
4: Non-Standard

This is an optional attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Rack

Figure 5PR- 52. Rack and Chassis Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Chassis Business Entity Definition

Business Chassis
Entity Name
A Chassis is a type of SecureHolder that encloses other ManagedPhysicalEntities and provides a definable
functionality in its own right, such as a desktop or a network device (e.g., a router or a switch).
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / A Chassis is a type of SecureHolder that encloses other ManagedPhysicalEntities and provides a definable
Aliases functionality in its own right, such as a desktop or a network device (e.g., a router or a switch).
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer (superclass),
Business Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolderAtomic, EquipmentHolderComposite, SecureHolder (superclass), Rack
Entities (sibling), Slot, Shelf, Bay, PhysicalHolderRole, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Chassis Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Chassis
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map
Type to other models;
blank is other
models don’t have
heatGeneration This is an integer that defines the amount of Integer No analog in M.3100; the DMTF
heat generated by the Chassis in BTU/hour. CIM has a similarly name
This is an optional attribute. attribute.
installationOrder This is a free-form string that defines the order String No analog in M.3100 or the
of installation of components into the Chassis. DMTF CIM.
This is an optional attribute.
powerCordNumber This is an integer that defines the number of Integer
power cords which must be connected to the
Chassis in order for all of its contained
ManagedEntities to operate correctly. This is an
optional attribute.
numberOfChassisSlot This defines the number of Slots that are in the Integer No analog in M.3100 or the
s Chassis. This does NOT account for any DMTF CIM.
SlotAdapters used - these are described by the
CardInSlot association. This is an optional
chassisType This is an enumerated integer that defines the Integer
type of Chassis that this object is. Values

0: Unknown
1: Desktop
2: Low Profile Desktop
3: Pizza Box
4: Mini Tower
5: Tower
6: Portable
7: LapTop
8: Notebook
9: Sub-Notebook
10: Hand Held
11: Docking Station
12: Main System Chassis
13: Expansion Chassis

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map

Type to other models;
blank is other
models don’t have
14: Bus Expansion Chassis
15: Peripheral Chassis
16: Storage Chassis
17: Rack Mount Chassis

This is an optional attribute.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 166 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Chassis

The Chassis business entity model is the same as the Rack business entity model, which was shown in Figure PR.52 above.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 167 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

AuxiliaryComponent Business Entity Definition

Business AuxiliaryComponent
Entity Name
This is an abstract base class that represents managed entities, such as power supplies, fans and cables, wihch
are required for the proper operation of the Device but have a primary function that is different than the primary
end-user function(s) of the Device.

The difference between AuxiliaryComponents and other subclasses of Equipment are whether or not the physical
object performs a function intrinsic to the main function of the Device. This is best understood by way of example.
Consider a Router. Its main function is to route and forward packets. A PowerSupply is an AuxiliaryComponent,
because even though it is needed for the proper operation of the Router, it does not directly help in routing and
forwarding packets. A LineCard (that provides routing functionality) is a subclass of Equipment because its
purpose is to route and forward packets. Similar examples exist for different types of equipment, where their
criteria may be different. For example, instead of whether it routes or forwards packets, the criterion "does it carry
signal" may be useful to appropriately classify components.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / This is a DEN-ng class. No direct analog in the DMTF CIM or M.3100.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer (superclass),
Business PowerSupply, CoolingDevice, Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack, Slot, Shelf, Bay,
Entities PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 168 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

AuxiliaryComponent Business Entity Attributes Definition

The purpose of this class is to serve as a base class for defining different types of AuxiliaryComponents. Thus, it is primarily used for
classification purposes, and has no business attributes. Additional types of AuxiliaryComponents will be added in a future phase of the SID.
Business Entity AuxiliaryComponent
Attribute Description D Notes (used to map to other
Name a models; blank is other models
t don’t have it)

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – AuxiliaryComponent

Figure 5PR- 53. AuxiliaryComponent Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

CoolingDevice Business Entity Definition

Business CoolingDevice
Entity Name
This class represents the capabilities of a generic cooling device.
Additional detail will be supplied in a later version of the SID. It is present to provide an example of a type of
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / No direct analog in M.3100. (Note that the CIM has a completely different class hierarchy).
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business AuxiliaryComponent (superclass), PowerSupply, Fan, Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack, Slot,
Entities Shelf, Bay, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

CoolingDevice Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business CoolingDevice
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to other models;
Type blank is other models don’t have it)
hasActiveCoolin This is a Boolean that, if TRUE, Boolean Not present in M.3100. Present in the
g means that this CoolingDevice CoolingDevice class of the CIM, and called
provides active cooling. If it is ActiveCooling. However, this class is in the
false, then cooling is provided by LogicalDevice model. Thus, the class hierarchy
a passive means. and semantics are completely different than those
of DEN-ng.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – CoolingDevice

Figure 5PR- 54. CoolingDevice and Fan Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Fan Business Entity Definition

Business Fan
Entity Name
This class represents the capabilities of a generic Fan.
Additional detail will be supplied in a later version of the SID. It is present to provide an example of a type of
Sources DEN-ng, CIM
Synonyms / No direct analog in M.3100. (Note that the CIM has a completely different class hierarchy).
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business AuxiliaryComponent, PowerSupply, CoolingDevice (superclass), Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis,
Entities Rack, Slot, Shelf, Bay, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Fan Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Fan
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to other models;
Type blank is other models don’t have it)
currentSpeed This is the current speed of the String Not present in M.3100. The CIM derives this
Fan in revolutions per minute. attribute through an association with a tachometer.
isVariableSpeed This is a Boolean attribute that, if Boolean Not present in M.3100. Present in the Fan class of
TRUE, means that this fan the CIM. However, this class is in the LogicalDevice
supports variable cooling speeds. model. Thus, the class hierarchy and semantics are
If it is FALSE, then this fan only completely different than those of DEN-ng.
provides a single cooling speed.
desiredSpeed This is an integer attribute that Integer Not present in M.3100. Present in the Fan class of
defines the currently requested the CIM. However, this class is in the LogicalDevice
fan speed, defined in revolutions model. Thus, the class hierarchy and semantics are
per minute. completely different than those of DEN-ng. In
addition, the CIM only allows this attribute for
For non-variable speed Fans, variable speed Fans.
this attribute has the same
semantics as turning the Fan on
or off. For variable-speed Fans,
this attribute represents the
desired speed of the Fan.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Fan

The Fan business entity model is the same as the CoolingDevice business entity model, which was shown in Figure PR.54 above.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PowerSupply Business Entity Definition

Business PowerSupply
Entity Name
This class represents the capabilities of a generic PowerSupply.
Additional detail will be supplied in a later version of the SID. It is present to provide an example of a type of
Sources DEN-ng, CIM
Synonyms / No direct analog in M.3100. (Note that the CIM has a completely different class hierarchy).
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business AuxiliaryComponent (superclass), CoolingDevice, Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack, Slot, Shelf,
Entities Bay, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PowerSupply Business Entity Attributes Definition

Note: the CIM has a similarly named class. However, it is in the LogicalDevice model. Thus, the class hierarchy, attributes, and semantics are
completely different than those of DEN-ng.
Business PowerSupply
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to
Type map to other
models; blank is
other models
don’t have it)
acFrequencyLow This defines the low value of the AC Frequency range String Not present in M.3100. The
in Hertz. If this is a DC PowerSupply, this value is not CIM has two attributes for
applicable and should be set to NULL. defining two ranges, which are
Integer datatypes.
This is an optional attribute.
acFrequencyHig This defines the high value of the AC Frequency range String Not present in M.3100. The
h in Hertz. If this is a DC PowerSupply, this value is not CIM has two attributes for
applicable and should be set to NULL. defining two ranges, which are
Integer datatypes.
This is an optional attribute.
isAC This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, signifies this Boolean Not present in M.3100 or the
to be an AC PowerSupply. If FALSE, then it is a DC CIM (it can be derived by
PowerSupply. examining various other
This is a required attribute.
isSwitching This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, indicates that Boolean Not present in M.3100. The
this PowerSupply is a switching (vs linear) CIM calls this
PowerSupply. IsSwitchngSupply.

This is a required attribute.

inputVoltageLow This is a string that defines the low value for the Input String Not present in M.3100. The
Voltage Range for this PowerSupply. CIM has two attributes for
defining two ranges, which are
This is an optional attribute. Integer datatypes.
inputVoltageHigh This is a string that defines the high value for the Input String Not present in M.3100. The
Voltage Range for this PowerSupply. CIM has two attributes for
defining two ranges, which are
This is an optional attribute. Integer datatypes.
inputCurrentMax This is a string that defines the input current rating in String Not present in M.3100 or the
amperes for a fully populated chassis. For a DC CIM.
PowerSupply, this is the maximum current drawn when
operating at the lowest permissible value of its input
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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to

Type map to other
models; blank is
other models
don’t have it)
voltage range. For an AC PowerSupply, the value of
this attribute is the same as the value of the
InputCurrentMin attribute.

This is an optional attribute.

inputCurrentMin This is a string that defines the input current rating in String Not present in M.3100 or the
amperes for a fully populated chassis. For a DC CIM.
PowerSupply, this is the minimum current drawn when
operating at the lowest permissible value of its input
voltage range. For an AC PowerSupply, the value of
this attribute is the same as the value of the
InputCurrentMax attribute.

This is an optional attribute.

dcOutputPower This is the maximum value of the output power of the String Not present in M.3100. The
DC PowerSupply. If this is an AC PowerSupply, then CIM calls this
this attribute must be set to NULL. TotalOutputPower.

This is an optional attribute.

isRedundant This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, signifies this Boolean Not present in M.3100 or the
PowerSupply as a redundant PowerSupply. CIM.

This is a required attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PowerSupply

Figure 5PR- 55. PowerSupply Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalComponent Business Entity Definition

Business PhysicalComponent
Entity Name
This is the base class for different types of PhysicalComponents that can reside either in an Equipment or an
EquipmentHolder object. They can NOT be used as a stand-alone object.

Description From a management point-of-view, this object either can not or does not need to be split into its constituent parts.
For example, an ASIC (or Chip) can not , and a tape for data storage does not, need to be split up into their
constituent parts. Any piece of hardware that is not a PhysicalLink, PhysicalConnector, Equipment, or
EquipmentHolder, is a subclass of this class.
Sources DEN-ng
No direct analog in M.3100. (Note that the CIM has a similarly named class, but its function is different. The DEN-
Synonyms /
ng PhysicalContainer class contains those attribute. There is no configuration notion in the current version of the
CIM, and hence there is no counterpart in the CIM to this class.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer (superclass),
Business Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack, Slot, Shelf, Bay, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalResourceRole,
Entities PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

PhysicalComponent Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business PhysicalComponent
Entity Name
Attribute Description Data Notes (used to map to
Name Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have
isConfigurable This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, means Boolean No analog in either the M.3100 or the
that this PhysicalComponent is configurable by the DMTF CIM.
end-user. This is an optional attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – PhysicalComponent

Figure 5PR- 56. PhysicalComponent Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Backplane Business Entity Definition

Business Backplane
Entity Name
This class models the backplane that is present in devices.
The current version of this class is serving as a placeholder to illustrate different types of PhysicalComponents. It
will be further developed in the next version of the SID.
Sources DEN-ng
This class models the backplane that is present in devices.
Synonyms /
Aliases The current version of this class is serving as a placeholder to illustrate different types of PhysicalComponents. It
will be further developed in the next version of the SID.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer, Equipment,
Business Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack, Slot, Shelf, Bay, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalComponent (superclass),
Entities PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 184 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Backplane Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Backplane
Entity Name
Attribute Descriptio Data Notes (used to map to other models; blank is other models
Name n Type don’t have it)

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 185 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Backplane

The Backplane Business Entity Model is the same as that for PhysicalComponent, and is shown in Figure PR.56 above.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 186 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Chip Business Entity Definition

Business Chip
Entity Name
This is a concrete class that models different types of chips that are either directly configurable by the end-user
(e.g., a programmable device) and/or represent FRUs (e.g., a special ASIC that can be upgraded by replacing it
with a new version of that same ASIC).
Note that capacity characteristics (e.g., how much memory can a Flash chip hold) are defined through the
PhysicalCapacity association.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / No direct analog in M.3100. The CIM has a similarly named class, but its position in the CIM class hierarchy is
Aliases different than the position of this class in the DEN-ng class hierarchy. Therefore, the semantics are different.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer, Equipment,
Business Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack, Slot, Shelf, Bay, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalComponent (superclass),
Entities ASIC, MemoryComponent, Backplane, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 187 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Chip Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business Chip
Entity Name
Attribute Description Data Notes (used to map to other
Name Type models; blank is other
models don’t have it)
formFactor This is an enumerated integer that defines the Integer No analog in M.3100; this is a subset of
form factor of this PhysicalComponent. Values the DMTF CIM attributes.

0: Unknown
1: Other
2: Custom
3: SIP
4: DIP
5: ZIP
6: SOJ
9: PGA
10: RIMM
13: SOIC
14: LCC
15: PLCC

This is an optional attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – Chip

Figure PR.57 - Chip, ASIC, and MemoryComponent Business Entity Model

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

ASIC Business Entity Definition

Business ASIC
Entity Name
An ASIC is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit.

This class represents a special type of Chip that is used to upgrade the functionality of a networking device.
Examples include upgrading the modem function of a device, increasing the processing capability of a Card or
Device, and implementing some type of networking functionality, such as fast switching, directly in hardware (as
opposed to emulating it in software).
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / No direct analog in M.3100 or the CIM.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business PhysicalComponent, Chip (superclass), MemoryComponent, Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack,
Entities Slot, Shelf, Bay, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

ASIC Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business ASIC
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to
Type other models; blank is
other models don’t
have it)
functionalPurpos This is an enumerated integer that defines the Integer No analog in either the M.3100 or
e functional purpose of this ASIC. Values include: the DMTF CIM.

0: Unknown
1: Routing Traffic
2: Forwarding Traffic
3: Encrypting Traffic
4: Firewalling
5: Encoding
6: General Computational Functions

Additional values will be added in the next

release of DEN-ng.
isMandatoryASIC This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, Boolean No analog in either the M.3100 or
signifies that this ASIC is mandatory for the the DMTF CIM.
correct operation of the PhysicalResource that
contains it.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – ASIC

The ASIC Business Entity Model is the same as that for Chip, and is shown in Figure PR.57 above.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

MemoryComponent Business Entity Definition

Business MemoryComponent
Entity Name
This class represents memory devices that are implemented as Chips. Note that this only represents the physical
packaging of the Memory Chip – the logical functionality is defined in a separate class, called Memory, that is part
of the LogicalResource model.
The current version of this class is serving as a placeholder to illustrate different types of PhysicalComponents. It
will be further developed in the next version of the SID.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / No direct analog in M.3100 or the CIM. (Note that the CIM has a class named Memory, but its (class) derivation is
Aliases different. Hence, there is no counterpart in the CIM to this class.
Related Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
Business PhysicalComponent, Chip (superclass), ASIC, Backplane, Equipment, Card, EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack,
Entities Slot, Shelf, Bay, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalResourceRole, PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

MemoryComponent Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business MemoryComponent
Entity Name
Attribute Name Description Data Notes (used to map to
Type other models; blank is
other models don’t have it)
typeOfMemoryComponen This is an enumerated integer that Integer No analog in either the M.3100 or the
t defines the type of memory that this DMTF CIM.
Chip is. Values include:

0: Unknown
1: Proprietary
2: RAM
4: Synchronous DRAM
5: Cache DRAM
9: EDO
10: ROM
11: PROM
15: Flash
17: 3DRAM
21: DDR

This is an optional attribute.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – MemoryComponent

The MemoryComponent Business Entity Model is the same as that for Chip, and is shown in Figure PR.57 above.

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Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

FlashDisk Business Entity Definition

Business FlashDisk
Entity Name
FlashDisk are memory-based devices that conform to the PC Card (formerly PCMCIA) standard, and that present
an ATA (AT Attachment) interface to the device. The Flash Disk has controller circuitry that allows it to emulate a
hard disk and that automatically maps out bad blocks and performs automatic block erasure. Furthermroe, the
Flash Disk provides the capability to allocate noncontiguous sectors, which a Flash memory device can't.
Sources DEN-ng
Synonyms / No direct analog in M.3100 or the CIM.
Resource, PhysicalResource, PhysicalDevice, Hardware, ManagedHardware, PhysicalContainer,
PhysicalComponent (superclass), Chip, ASIC, MemoryComponent, Backplane, Equipment, Card,
EquipmentHolder, Chassis, Rack, Slot, Shelf, Bay, AuxiliaryComponent, PhysicalResourceRole,
PhysicalDeviceRole, HardwareRole
Business To be determined

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 196 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – Physical Resource Business Entity Definitions

FlashDisk Business Entity Attributes Definition

Business FlashDisk
Entity Name
Attribute Description Data Notes (used to map to other models; blank is
Name Type other models don’t have it)
memorySize This is the size of the Flash String No analog in either the M.3100 or the DMTF CIM.
disk in MBytes.

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Information Framework (SID) – PhysicalResource Business Entity Definitions

Business Entity Model – FlashDisk

The FlashDisk Business Entity Model is the same as that for Chip, and is shown in Figure PR.57 above.

GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 199 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – PhysicalResource Business Entity Definitions

2. Administrative Appendix
This Appendix provides additional background material about the TeleManagement Forum and this
document. In general, sections may be included or omitted as desired, however a Document History must
always be included.

2.1. About this document

This is a TM Forum Guidebook. The guidebook format is used when:
 The document lays out a ‘core’ part of TM Forum’s approach to automating business processes. Such
guidebooks would include the Telecom Operations Map and the Technology Integration Map, but not the
detailed specifications that are developed in support of the approach.
 Information about TM Forum policy, or goals or programs is provided, such as the Strategic Plan or
Operating Plan.
 Information about the marketplace is provided, as in the report on the size of the OSS market.

2.2. Document History

Version History
This section records the changes between this and the previous Official document release
Version Number Date Modified Modified by Description of changes
0.1 January 2002 J. Strassner GB915 Addendum Template created from TMF407 v1.1 Guideboo
0.2 February 2002 J. Strassner Initial population using DEN-ng physical model, which contains m
information from DEN, CIM, and M.3100
0.3 March 2002 J. Strassner Revisions and publication to Resource team
0.4 April 2002 J. Strassner Revisions from JohnR and Wayne incorporated
0.45 April 2002 J. Strassner Revisions to build closer link to Location model; additional busine
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 200 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – PhysicalResource Business Entity Definitions

0.5 May 2002 J. Strassner Final revisions per SID conference call
1.0 June 2002 TMF Formatted for Member Evaluation release
1.1 August 2002 J. Strassner Incorporation of review comments from Phase 2 work
1.5 September 2002 J. Strassner Incorporated final review comments from Phase 2 work and
implementation experience comments
1.6 October 2002 J. Strassner Minor revisions incorporated from final review
2.0 October 2002 TMF Formatted for Member Evaluation release
2.1 May 2003 J. Strassner Revisions to sync this model to other Addenda that are part of NG
release 3.5
2.2 June 2003 J. Strassner Final submission to team
2.3 June 2003 J. Strassner Minor corrections to PartyRole interaction
3.0 July 2003 TMF Formatted for Member Review with NGOSS R3.5
3.1 Aug 2004 TMF To reflect TMF Approved status
9.0 1 Mar 2010 John Wilmes Generated business entity section
9.1 28 Apr 2010 Alicja Kawecki Minor cosmetic corrections for web posting and ME
9.2 25 Jun 2010 Alicja Kawecki Updated Notice
9.3 22 October 2010 Alicja Kawecki Updated to reflect TM Forum Approved status

Release History
Release Number Date Modified Modified by: Description of
9.0 28 Dec 2009 Keith Dorking Addition of TIP model
and various
9.0 1 Mar 2010 John Wilmes Generated business
entity section

2.3. Company Contact Details

Company Team Member
GB922 Addendum 5PR, Version 9.3 © TM Forum 2010 Page 201 of 203
Information Framework (SID) – PhysicalResource Business Entity Definitions

Amdocs Name: Josh Salomon

Title: Senior Billing architect,
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +972 9 7764422
Progress Software Name: John Wilmes
Title: Chief Technical Architect
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 650 302 5198

2.4. Acknowledgments

This document was prepared by the members of the TeleManagement Forum SID team:

The Shared Information/Data Model is a genuinely collaborative effort. The TM Forum would like to thank the
following people for contributing their time and expertise to the production of this document. It is just not
possible to recognize all the organizations and individuals that have contributed or influenced the
introduction. We apologize to any person or organization we inadvertently missed in these

Key individuals that reviewed, provided input, managed, and determined how to utilize inputs coming from all
over the world, and really made this document happen were:

Name Affiliation
Cliff Faurer TeleManagement Forum
Ram Garg MetaSolv Software
Chris Hartley Telstra
Helen Hepburn British Telecom
Jenny Huang AT&T
Matt Izzo Agilent
Mike McLoughlin British Telecom
John Reilly MetaSolv Software
Wayne Sigley Telstra
John Strassner Intelliden (editor)
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