Effective Parenting Strategies Cybersecurity
Effective Parenting Strategies Cybersecurity
Effective Parenting Strategies Cybersecurity
commercial manipulation in the cyberspace (Livingstone, 2008; Mitchell et
al., 2010), privacy invasion (Livingstone et al., 2012), health and wellbeing
risks associated with inappropriate technology and internet usage (Leung,
2008) and many more. Unfortunately, there is generational divide between
the concerned parents and their children. Often, the concerned parents are
less knowledgeable, inexperience and lack of confident in technology and
internet usage than their children. Therefore they are not fully understood
the associated threats related to the technology and internet usage
(Subrahmanyam et al., 2012). Consequently the parenting styles adopted by
the concerned parents are often not applied to the digital culture to address
these threats. It implies that the concerns parents are not aware of the needs
for digital literacy and digital citizenship education and the importance of
cyberparenting in raising up mobile and web generation in the era of digital
In order to understand the digital culture, the concerned parents must fully
aware about the concept of becoming the digital citizens (or netizen). There
are four different phases of digital world i.e. digital divide, digital inclusion,
digital literacy and digital citizenship (Ribble, 2012) as shown in Figure 1.
Mohamed et al., 2012 describe that former U.S. President Bill Clinton first
coined the term of digital divide in 1994 that used to differentiate between
people with the internet service and those who do not. The digital divide can
be described as the economic challenges faced by individuals, homes,
businesses, and geographic areas to access, to use or to learn the
technology and internet services (Mohamed et al., 2012 and Ribble, 2012).
The factors that contribute to the digital divide namely due to the level of
education, income, age, and gender. Furthermore the deficiency in
technology and internet usage is appear to be competitive disadvantage in
the digital culture (Malecki, 2003). Mohamed et al., 2012 highlighted that
other factor also contributes to the digital divide that is poor electricity and
telecommunication infrastructure in the geographical areas.
Phase 2 - Digital Inclusion
Park, (2013) and Meneses et al., 2010 refer to the digital literacy as the ability
to use technology and internet services and it is prerequisite to participate in
digital culture as well as to acquire knowledge and skills in the 21st century.
Hence, the digital literacy focuses on proficiency and participation in
technology and internet usage. The significant of proficiency and
participation in digital literacy has transformed every aspect of our society
such as teaching and learning (Kaffash et al., 2010), social communication
(O'Hara, 2013) and job recruitment (Serenko et al., 2012).
among their children. However the parenting styles in digital culture remain
the main issues on how to engage with their children in today’s reality.
Maccoby & Martin, (1983) and Baumrind, (2005) stated that high
responsiveness and demanding parents adopt an authoritative parenting
style, low responsiveness but high demanding parents adopt an authoritarian
parenting style, high responsiveness but low demanding parents adopt a
permissive parenting style and low responsiveness and low demanding
parents adopt a neglectful parenting style. Hence, the concerned parents
must identify their parenting styles whether they are adopting
authoritative parenting style which guide their children to be
independent and encourage them make their own decision but still
have limitation on specific decision and action.
authoritarian parenting style which very restrictive parenting to comply
with their rules and expectation with minimal open communication
with their children.
permissive parenting style which very much involved with their
children’s social life, set their limit control over them but very
responsive to their needs.
neglectful parenting style which disengaged with their children’s social
life and dismissing their opinion and emotion.
These parenting styles will determine the specific behaviours that the parents
should be adopted to interact with their children which emphasizes mutual
respect, non-punitive and conflict-avoidance and parenting outcomes.
The technology and internet usage among mobile and web generation is
influenced by the parenting styles adopted by the concerned parents.
(Livingstone, 2008). However the concerned parents must gain the right
perspective on how the internet threats would impact on their children in
relation to their children’s technology and internet usage. Therefore, the
concerned parents should bear in mind that the internet threats can be
categorized into five different perspectives:
technology-based threats that targeted end-user devices, networks
and applications such as malicious codes, wireless hacking and reverse
engineering (Choo, 2011)
human-based threats that targeted the end users in order to achieve
emotionally, psychologically or monetary damages such as online
frauds/scams, cyberbullying, cyberstalking and oversharing personal
information (Mitchell et al., 2012)
the impacts of human psychology and behavioral as the results of
misuse, abuse or overuse technology and internet services such as
internet addiction, nomophobia and dataholic (Leung, 2008)
too much inappropriate and harmful contents such as pornographic,
violent and sedition contents that could influence human psychology
and behavioral to the unacceptable norms in the society (Mesch, 2009)
the deterioration of health and wellbeing in relation to technology and
internet usage such as insomnia, cupper tunnel and overeating (Brown
et al., 2011).
appropriate solutions implementation are highly desirable in raising up
mobile and web generation.
There are five different strategies that fall into three different implementation
plans i.e.
first implementation plan - cyberparenting competencies development
second implementation plan - finding appropriate solution
third implementation plan - establishing parent-children relationship
Strategy 1 - Choose the right mindset
The first strategy focuses on the parenting styles in the digital culture. The
concerned parents must identify which types of parents they are by
considering two dimensions: (parenting literacy) and (digital literacy and
digital citizenship) as shown in Figure 4.
The concerned parents can be one of four different types of parents in the
digital culture i.e.
primitive parents if the concerned parents possess high parenting
literacy but low digital literacy and digital citizenship - usually they
ignore on technology and internet usage
cyberparents if the concerned parents possess both high parenting
literacy and digital literacy and digital citizenship - the desirable
parenting styles in digital culture
ignorance parents if the concerned parents possess both low
parenting literacy and digital literacy and digital citizenship - the
irresponsible parents
geek parents if the concerned parents possess low parenting literacy
but high digital literacy and digital citizenship - usually they have
minimal or no relationship with their children.
digital culture and the type of literacy improvement they need in order to
become cyberparents.
Once the parenting styles in digital culture have been identified, the second
strategy focuses on the participation in digital literacy and digital citizenship.
This strategy is aimed to highlight the positive use of the technology and
internet usage as educational tools, productivity tools and useful social
platforms for their children. The concerned parents need to explore the use
of technology in order to experience the digital culture as children adopted
in their social life. Hence, the concerned parents would understand the
technology and internet usage, online social networking, information retrieval
and sharing and many more.
This strategy also includes the nine elements of digital citizenship i.e. digital
access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital
etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and
wellbeing and digital security. Ultimately, this strategy will produce the
concerned parents that have the knowledge and skills in digital culture and
confidence to establish the communication with their children about
technology and internet usage.
On the other hand, this strategy focuses on to the dark side of technology
and internet usage. These include technology and internet flaws that can be
manipulated by cybercriminals, privacy concerns, psychological and
behavioral impacts, health and wellbeing concerns and inappropriate
contents. It aims to increase security awareness among the concerned
parents that the participation of their children in digital culture do have
potential threats.
2. Second implementation plan - finding the appropriate solution
Parenting in the digital culture is not limited to the two dimensions i.e.
demandingness and responsiveness as discussed in the previous literature
(Maccoby & Martin, 1983; Baumrind, 2005; Livingstone, 2008 and Park,
2013). It requires the understanding of finding the appropriate solution to the
internet threats. Furthermore, the internet threats have five different
perspectives (see Internet Threats and Parenting Styles) that may potentially
harmful to the children in digital culture if the appropriate solution is not
considered. Hence the second implementation plan comprises two
strategies: (Secure the technology) and (Secure the meatware). Without
participation in digital literacy and digital citizenship education, the
concerned parents would not able to recognize these strategies.
the deterioration of health and wellbeing due to inappropriate
technology and internet usage
self misbehaviour in technology and internet usage
Figure 5: The parent-children relationship
The benefits of applying these strategies are the concerned parents would
be able to change their mindsets and adapting their parenting styles in
digital culture, participating in digital literacy and digital citizenship
education, knowing five different perspectives of internet threats, providing
appropriate solution to these threats and establishing good parent-children
communication about technology and internet usage.
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