Textural Characterisation of Rocks
Textural Characterisation of Rocks
Textural Characterisation of Rocks
ELSEVIER Engineering Geology 39 (1995) 123-136
Textural characteristics are a major factor in determining the mechanical behaviour of rocks and in the prediction
of performance of rock cutting and drilling equipment. The principal textural characteristics of rocks are grain size,
grain shape, grain orientation, relative proportion of grains and matrix material which were herein quantitatively
measured using a modern image analysis system. These features resulted in a texture coefficient represented by a
single number for each rock specimen. In this study a range of both textural and mechanical data for a range of rock
types are given with some of the textural determination methodology. Correlation between textural and physical
properties are also highlighted. The results of drilling tests using polycrystalline diamond compact (pin and hybrid)
and impregnated diamond core bits in the rocks are presented which demonstrate the influence of rock texture on
drillability. The rock texture can be used as a predictive factor for assessing the drillability and cuttability, mechanical
and wear performance of rocks.
1. I n t r o d u c t i o n Table 1
Classifications of rock characteristics for drillability
In all areas o f rock engineering, measurement Textural characteristics
o f the rock properties is essential in determining Grain size, grain shape, degree of grain orientation, packing
the behaviour o f the rock mass. In general, the density, relative proportion of grains, texture coefficient, min-
rock properties m a y be classified into four cate- eral content, matrix material and type, cement type and degree
gories according to drillability, cuttability and of cementation, porosity, grain boundary or grain contact rela-
tionships, bonding structure
machinability: that is textural, mechanical, struc-
tural and weathered characteristics, as shown in Mechanical characteristics
Strength, hardness, abrasiveness, density, pore pressure
Table 1. The first two categories are tightly inter-
related. The textural characteristics o f rocks sig- Struct~al characteristics
nificantly affect the mechanical performance o f a Joints, fracture, cleavages, foliations, faults, folds bedding,
banding; dip and strike
rock, drillability, cuttability and machine perfor-
mance. In rock engineering, the selection o f equip- Weathered characteristics
Alteration and water content
ment and o p t i m u m operation depends to a large
extent on the quality and quantity o f textural and
mechanical data available for the rock.
R o c k texture has been defined as "the degree o f crystallinity, grain size or granularity and the fabric
or geometrical relationship between the constitu-
*Corresponding author. ents o f a r o c k " (Williams et al., 1982). Here, the
textural characteristics refer to the geometrical were taken from drill cores or hand specimens.
features of rock particles such as grain size, grain Two thin sections were made for each rock, one
shape, grain orientation, relative areas of grain parallel and one perpendicular to the core plane.
and matrix (packing density) and compositional These thin sections help in detecting any three-
features such as mineral content, cement type and dimensional fabric formed in the crystals during
degree of cementation or crystallisation and bond- crystallisation and cooling of igneous rocks or
ing structure. Although grain boundary relation- during sedimentation and lithification of sedi-
ships also play an important role in crack mentary rocks. The sections were examined under
propagation and mechanical performance (partic- a polarising microscope to determine the mineral
ularly in igneous rocks), little specific literature constituents contained within the rock, their pro-
exists in this area. The grain boundary or contact portions and relationships to each other. Grain
relationships are complex and have been examined shape, bonding structure, type and degree of
elsewhere (Bieniawski, 1967; Stanton, 1972; Sprunt cementation or crystallisation were also described.
and Brace, 1974). Numerous investigations have The percentage mineral analysis was determined
been conducted on the relationship between a using a point counter with an average of 3000
single parameter of rock texture and mechanical counts from two thin sections of each rock. The
properties of rock (Smordinov et al., 1970, Ehrlich total silica content for the rocks were determined
and Weinberg, 1970; Dube and Singh, 1972; by using a automated X-ray fluorescence spectro-
Olsson, 1974; Bell, 1978; Irfan and Dearman, 1978, photometer (Phillips ® PW 1400), as described by
Hugman and Friedman, 1979; Onodera and Asoka Harvey and Atkin (1983). The quartz content is
Kumara, 1980; Barret, 1980; West, 1981,West, the "free" silica content of the rock which was
1986; Howarth and Rowlands, 1986,Howarth and determined by thin section examination. The total
Rowlands, 1987; Hawkins and McConnell, 1991 ). silica content of the rock includes the free silica
However, little attention has been given to assess- (quartz) and the silica content of the silicate miner-
ing quantitatively the whole rock texture (as a als such as olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, feldspar,
single parameter) and its relationship with mechan- mica, clay minerals, epidote, garnet, etc.
ical performance and drillability or cuttability of A range of rock types were used during this
rocks. study, their geographic origin and stratigraphic
The sedimentary and igneous rock types used position, mineral constituents and proportions,
for drilling in this research were specially selected total silica content and summarised petrographic
for this study. The main objectives of the study description are presented in Table 2. In the table,
can be summarised as follows: the terminology used for the description of weath-
(a) To describe and determine mineralogical and ering, bonding structure, interlocking texture and
compositional features of the rocks. grain boundaries of the rocks is according to Irfan
(b) To measure the geometrical features of the and Dearman (1978). The details of the rocks
rock particles which result in texture coefficient. description can be found in Ersoy (1995).
(c) To present a wide range of mechanical and
intact rock properties and to establish links
between these and the rock texture. 3. Mechanical and intact properties of the rocks
(d) To illustrate the effect of texture coefficient on
the performance of polycrystalline diamond com- Knowledge of the mechanical and intact proper-
pact (PDC) and impregnated diamond core bits. ties of rocks and strata is essential to rock engineer-
ing. A wide range of these properties were
measured including mechanical, hardness and
2. Mineralogical examination of the rocks abrasivity index. The mechanical properties were
uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), indirect
Mineralogical studies were based on the exami- (Brazilian) tensile strength (BTS), Young's
nation of thin sections of rock specimens which Modulus and density which were all determined
A. Ersoy, M.D. Waller~EngineeringGeology 39 (1995) 123-136 125
Table 2
Description of the rocks
according to the I S R M (Brown, 1981) suggested Where tr¢ is the stress value at failure, P is the
methods. Uniaxial compressive strength is the m o s t failure load ( N ) and A is the area o f specimen
widely used index o f the strength, deformation and (m2). Fifteen core samples f r o m each rock were
fracture characteristics o f rock and, therefore, o f subject to the U C S test which was carried out
cuttability. The U C S is characterised b y loading a using an Electronic Servo Controlled Stiff press
cylindrical specimen (with a length to diameter o f testing machine.
2:1) axially until the specimen fails with the Tensile strength test were c o n d u c t e d o n at least
strength o f the material given by I S R M (Brown, ten samples f r o m each rock type used. The test
1981): m e t h o d consists o f loading a disc o f the rock until
failure occurs across the diametrical axis. The disc
P was prepared f r o m 38 m m core diameter samples
trc - (1)
A with a thickness to diameter ratio o f 1:2. The rock
126 ~1. Ersov. M.D. H'a//er:E)l~meering Geology 39 ! 1995) 123 136
discs were loaded using an Avery Denison testing denoted an order of hardness, and had no quantita-
machine. The tensile strength of the specimen is tive significance or regular mathematical relation-
calculated from the formula, ship (Borner, 1962; Milner, 1962; West, 1981;
Gerrard, 1987; and Rogers, 1991). On the other
hand, the work of West (1986) in assessing Cerchar
abrasivity index on the standard minerals defined
Where P is the load at failure (N). l) is the in the Moh's scale (2-7) showed that there was a
diameter of the test specimen (ram), and I thick- rank order of abrasiveness equally spaced in a
ness (mm). systematic manner. Accordingly, Gundlach and
Modulus of Elasticity of the rocks was deter- Park (1978), A1-Ameen and Waller (1992) have
mined from the stress/strain graphs obtained revealed that the standard minerals used in the
during the UCS test. The Young's Modulus values Moh's scale showed a systematic increase in Moh's
in this study were calculated from gradient of the scale with Vickers hardness. Hardness measure-
stress strain diagram at 50% of the mean UCS. ments are affected by mineral anisotropy, different
The density of the rocks was determined by values being obtained on different crystal/grain
taking the dimensions of core samples and calculat- ti~ces as well as quite considerable variation on
ing volume and weighing after air drying. individual faces, and by the relations between
The hardness is a function of the type, size. cleavage plane orientations and the direction of
shape and quantity of the various mineral constit u- the indentation. However, the authors of this paper
ents of the rock and the bond strength that exist believe that individual mineral hardness has a great
between the mineral grains. Generally, there are influence in the determination of abrasiveness
three types of test used to evaluate rock hardness: lCerchar index, F-abrasivity factor and DIAI) and
(a) Mineralogical (e.g. Moh's and Rosiwal's hard- drillability of sedimentary rocks particularly those
ness scale); which have been weakly bonded and loosely
(b) Indentation tests (e.g. Brinell, Rockwell, cemented by soft material. Thus, the overall rock
Knoop, Vickers hardness); and Moh's hardness was one of the parameters which
(c) Dynamic or rebound tests (e.g. Shore schlero- was included in the prediction of drill bit per-
scope test). formance using multi-variable linear regression
The first is a petrological method and the last analysis (Ersoy and Waller, 1995a). The main
two tests are mechanical. In this study, the first disadvantage of Moh's method is that it ignores
and the last methods were used. The Vickers. the bonding strength of the matrix material.
Brinell and Rockwell tests have been developed as The Schleroscope hardness works by dropping
standard metallurgical hardness tests which rely a small tungsten carbide hammer (2.3 g in weight
on the homogeneous nature of man made materials and 5.73 mm in diameter) with a small diamond
such as metals and various alloys, tbr integrit} insert from a fixed height and measuring the
and accuracy. However, natural rock is completely rebound height. The height of rebound is gradua-
different from homogeneous man made metal ted arbitrarily from 0 to 140 on a dial gauge
materials. Nevertheless, the Knoop and Vickers mounted directly above the vertical barrel contain-
tests may be adapted to petrographic microscopes ing the diamond hammer. The rock specimens
and used to determine micro hardness of individual have flat surfaces of 25 cm 2 with a thickness of
mineral grains. 5 cm. ISRM (Brown, 1981 ) recommended that the
The Moh's hardness of a mineral grain measures test should be repeated 20 times. However, in
its resistance to being scratched. The overall rock practise this number is too low, with a sample size
hardness (Moh's hardness) was determined from of 100 values being more representative. Therefore,
the summation of individual mineral hardness at least 100 readings were made for each rock
(Moh's scale) multiplied by the corresponding specimen. Most of the rock characteristics are
mineral percentage, divided by 100. Until recently involved in the results of the Shore test.
the numbers 1 to 10 on the Moh's scale merely Various factors affect the abrasiveness of rock.
A. Ersoy, M.D. Waller~EngineeringGeology 39 (1995) 123-136 127
Particularly important factors are mineral com- Where Fis the Schimazek's wear factor (N/mm),
position, the hardness of mineral constituents, EqQtz is the equivalent quartz volume percentage,
grain characteristics such as size, shape and angu- ~b is the grain size (mm) and BTS is indirect
larity, the type of matrix material or the type and Brazilian tensile strength. It has been suggested
degree of cementation, and strength, hardness and that if the grain size is less than 0.025 mm, the
specific energy. Abrasivity tests index conducted grains have little influence on abrasivity. Tensile
include Cerchar abrasivity index, Dynamic impact strength is taken as a measure of the bond strength
abrasive index (DIAI) and Schimazek's between grains. Hardness of minerals other than
F-abrasivity factor. The Cerchar Abrasive index is quartz may be accounted for by expressing their
a simple test to conduct and is used widely to hardness relative to that of quartz. Certainly in
assess the abrasiveness of rock. The Cerchar abras- Europe the F value is used to assess abrasivity of
ivity test consists of scraping a sharp steel, coni- sedimentary rocks, especially in coal mining and
cally pointed stylus; En24 or En25 grade, tunnelling. The F value has shown a tendency to
accurately heat treated to 610 Vickers hardness, be linearly related to abrasive wear (Schimazek
ground to a cone angle of 90 °, across the rock and Knatz, 1970; Braybrooke, 1988; Verhoefet al.,
specimen for a distance of 10 mm under a normal 1990; Verhoef, 1993).
load of 7 kg. The abrasiveness of rock is deter- Mechanical and index properties of the rocks
mined by measuring the wear flat produced on the are presented in Table 3. Note that for all tests
steel stylus by using a travelling microscope fitted mentioned above, the test methodology and
with a dial micrometer with 0.001 mm resolution. description of the equipment used can be found
The abrasiveness of rock is defined by the wear more detail elsewhere (Ersoy, 1995).
flat diameter in mm multiplied by 10. A minimum
of 50 scratch tests for each rock have been made
in order to obtain reliable and representative
results. The Cerchar index is largely influenced by 4. Quantitative analysis of the rock texture
the abrasive mineral content, silica content and
the hardness of individual minerals (Table 9). 4.1. Experimental procedure
However, the Cerchar index is not applicable to
unconsolidated or weak or friable rock and soil. The rock particles were assessed using a micro-
It is useless when a rock contains large grains scopic image analysis of thin sections. A series of
(> 10 mm). thin sections were prepared from core or hand
The dynamic impact abrasive index (DIAI) specimens of each rock type with approximate
method of assessing the potential abrasiveness of dimensions of 35 by 50 mm. Image processing was
rocks was developed at the University of performed using an IBAS 2000 automatic image
Nottingham; details may be found in A1-Ameen analysis system, with video camera input of thin
and Waller (1992). The DIAI has the advantage section photographic prints. Manually, any aspect
of being applicable to a range of rocks from fully of discrimination or measurement is laborious and
competent to weak friable material. This clearly time consuming. However, with the advent of
provides the benefit of testing at the lower end of automatic measuring systems, any relevant infor-
the strength scale where other abrasive tests cannot mation can be derived rapidly often to a greater
be executed due to sample shape or condition. The degree of accuracy. The principals and procedures
DIAI is a function of hard and abrasive mineral of automatic image analysis are described in more
content of the rock. detail in Jones (1987) and Allen (1993). In prac-
F-abrasivity factor (Schimazek and Knatz, tise, direct analysis of thin section is impossible
1970) is defined as: under the image analyser. Therefore, the following
steps were developed:
F - EqQtz x ~bx BTS (a) Several photomicrographs from each rock
100 (N/mm) (3) type were taken using a polarising microscope.
128 A. Ersov, M.D. Waller~EngineeringGeology 39 (1995) 123 136
Table 3
Mechanical and intact properties of the rocks
UCS (MPa) BTS (MPa) Young's Modulus Dry density Moh's Shore Cerchar DIAI(%) F-abrasivity
(GPa) (g/cm 3 ) hardness hardness abrasive (N/mm)
28.17 2.86 9.74 2.23 2.85 19 0.63 1.50 0.06
37.45 3.2I 9.85 2.27 6.44 41 3.83 68.39 1.13
90.54 7.49 17.70 2.39 5.51 51 1.70 44.23 0.41
106.15 8.6(I 19.78 2.61 5.74 85 3.75 70.76 3.02
375.20 30.26 37.38 2.99 5.95 95 3.31 72.41 2.48
(b) Colour prints ( 101 by 149 mm) were prepared. formula which was suggested by Howarth and
The prints of the very fine grained rock type Rowlands (1986,Howarth and Rowlands 1987).
(siltstone) were enlarged to A4 size.
(c) Grain boundaries were outlined using 0.4 mm
pencil on tracing paper. TC = AW L( No
(d) These traces were directly analysed with the
image analyser to determine geometrical parame-
ters of rock particles. + (No
N~-NlXAR1 xAF 1 )1 (4)
The data were recorded for analysis, which
consisted of percentage area of grains and matrix, where,
length, breadth, perimeter, orientation (angle) and
area of each grain in the each viewing window. As TC = Texture coefficient
a result, a single number of the texture coefficient, AW = Area weighting (grain packing density)
which models the interaction between the rock N 0 = N u m b e r of grains with aspect ratio (maxi-
structure and the drill bit, was calculated for mum Feret's diameter or length to minimum
each rock. Feret's diameter or breadth) less than 2.0
The method of quantitative analysis of geometri- N1 = Number of grains with aspect ratio greater
cal properties of rock particles or rock texture than 2.0
comprises the following components: FF0 =Arithmetic mean of form factor of all No
(a) To measure and analyse grain shape. grains
(b) To measure and analyse grain elongation (to AR1 = Arithmetic mean of aspect ratio of N1 grains
calculate grain circularity shape factor and aspect AF~ =angle factor orientation which were com-
ratio). puted for all N 1 grains
(c) To measure and quantify grain angle
(orientation). 4.2. Measurement and calculation of the
(d) To calculate total grain area to total reference geometrical parameters
area (including matrix) or weighting factors based
on the degree of grain packing. Individual analysis consisted of selecting a refer-
The results can be derived from the following ence area or observation window, containing a
A. Ersoy, M.D. Waller~EngineeringGeology39 (1995) 123-136 129
fractions of the total number of angular differences The second example is given from real data.
in each class. Where there are hundreds of elongated particles
in a given rock, derivation of the number of
LV x, -1. angular differences in each class or the combina-
Angle factor (AFI)=i~ILN(N-~I)/2f (8)
tions of each particle are difficult manually.
where, Therefore, it is carried out automatically and the
results are presented in Table 6. For instance,
N = total number of elongated grains calculation of the angle factor of sandstone is
Xi = number of angular differences in each class shown as follows:
i = weighting factor and class number (a) Number of elongated particles 23 (N)
In order to better understand the deviation of (b) Angular orientations from horizontal,
the angle factor, two examples are given here. The AngleDmax (ODMAX)is computerised.
first is simply illustrated in Fig. 4. The figure shows (c) Total number of unique angular differences
three elongated particles (N= 3; A, B, C), angular 253 (Table 6)
orientations from horizontal (ODMAX): A(0°), Thus, from Eq. 8, the angle factor of sandstone
B(50°), C(120 °) and number of unique angular is:
differences from Eq. 7, N(N-1)/2 = 3: [(28 x 1)+(29 x 2)+(39 x 3)+(25 x 4)+(25 x 5)+
ODMAXg - - ODMAXB = 0 ° - - 5 0 ° = 5 0 ° (27 x 6)+(29 x 7)+(21 × 8)+(30 x 9)]
ODMAXA - - ODMAXC = 0 ° __ 120° = 1 2 0 °
Table 6
Derivation of the number of angular differences in each class in the analysed rock types
Table 7
Summary of the geometrical parameters of rock particles t TPa: total particle area, TRA: total reference area including particles and
matrix areas)
Table 8
Texture coefficient derivation and average grain size and grain shape lactor determined for the rocks
0.72 0.80 1.61 0.20 2.46 0.97 1.26 0.410 0.597
0.30 0.75 1.40 0.24 2.44 0.92 0.47 0.085 0.677
0.58 0.45 1.54 0.54 375 0.89 1.44 0.744 0.512
1.00 0.59 1.94 0.40 2.90 0.98 2.27 0.703 0.468
1.00 0.44 1.79 0.55 3.08 0.99 2.45 0.24t 0.480
2.5.7 ,~ 0
20 I
i 1.0
0,5J ~.a I
Silt~me Immm~ Granite Diorite
sivity factor F (Table 9, R=0.83). This is because However, inter granular fi'acture modes (along
average grain size is included in the derivation of grain boundary) are predominant through low
factor F. Cerchar abrasivity index is not influenced strength rocks (Howarth and Rowlands, 1987:
by texture to the same degree as the abrasivity Rogers, 1991). Texture coefficient models grain
factor F, since mineral content, mineral hardness. shape, orientation, degree of interlocking, in a
bonding structure and type and degree of cementa- qualitative sense and it is apparent that TC posi-
tion all influence the Cerchar index as well as the tively influences drilling performance. An inter-
grain characteristics. There is also some correlation locked texture simply presents a physical barrier
between TC, density and Shore hardness, respec- to crack propagation. It can be concluded that the
tively (Table 9, R=0.73, 0.69). drilling and cutting process and fracture mecha-
An example of the relationship between drilling nisms in the rock are to some extent related to
and dependent on aspects of the rock texture.
performance (for PDC and impregnated diamond
core bits while drilling at 1150 rpm) and the texture
coefficient is given in Fig. 6, Note that a more 6. C o n c l u s i o n
comprehensive set of drilling data tbr these rocks
and bits may be found in Ersoy and Waller A wide range of compositional, mineralogical,
(1995a,b); Waller and Ersoy (1995) and Ersoy mechanical and intact rock properties were pre-
et al. (1995). The relationship of texture coefficient sented and their relationship with the rock texture
with rate of penetration (ROP) is clearly signifi- were statistically established. Many of the rock
cant. However, sandstone behaves differently from properties used in this study were found to have
the other rocks. The polycrystalline diamond com- high degree of correlation for a given rock type.
pact (pin and hybrid) attain the highest ROP in The characteristics of rock particles are important
the sandstone. This change in ROP in the sand- as the basis of an objective quantification of rock
stone is basically caused by the quantity of silicate texture. Texture coefficient is simple in concept
matrix, porosity and weak bonding of particles and empirical. The mechanical properties of the
which produce high drilling rates tbr the bits. In test rocks are significantly influenced by their
general, the fracture mechanism and crack propa- texture. Texture coefficient and intact rock prop-
gation in high strength rocks, particularly igneous, erty relationships are linear to some degree. The
are complex and varied. It has been suggested that relationship between rock texture and drill bits
these rocks tend to fracture by the propagation of perfbrmance was shown. However, TC is not
sufficient alone to assess all the rock properties,
cracks along cleavage planes (intra granular).
because hardness and abrasiveness of rock constit-
uents, bonding structure, type and degree of
cementation are not quantitatively involved in the
determination of the texture coefficient. Therefore,
• Pin * Hybrid J- Impregnated
the effects of these features on the performance of
rock properties should be considered simulta-
12. ~ o~ neously, because there is no single test which
10' ~ determines the whole of the rock properties at the
same time. The rock texture can be used as a
6 ~ predictive tool for assessing the mechanical perfor-
mance, drillability, cuttability and wear perfor-
mance of the rocks.
0 ; : : : : : : ; : I
04 06 08 I 12 14 I~ 18 2 22 24 2o
Texture Coefficient
Fig. 6. The effect of texture coefficienton tile drilling perfor-
mance of PDC (pin and hybrid) and impregnated core bits The authors would like to acknowledge the
at 1150rpm. technical staff and research students of the
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