Trust Receipts Law: People of The Philippines, G.R. No. 195117, August
Trust Receipts Law: People of The Philippines, G.R. No. 195117, August
Trust Receipts Law: People of The Philippines, G.R. No. 195117, August
No. Section 122 of the Corporation Code prohibits a In relation to Question Number 2, will the
dissolved corporation from continuing its business, dissolution render the complaint moot and
but allows it to continue with a limited personality academic?
(3) The aforesaid control and breach of duty To summarize, piercing the corporate veil based on
must have proximately caused the injury or the alter ego theory requires the concurrence of
unjust loss complained of. three elements: control of the corporation by the
stockholder or parent corporation, fraud or
The first prong is the "instrumentality" or "control" fundamental unfairness imposed on the plaintiff,
test. This test requires that the subsidiary be and harm or damage caused to the plaintiff by the
completely under the control and domination of fraudulent or unfair act of the corporation. The
the parent. It examines the parent corporation’s absence of any of these elements prevents piercing
relationship with the subsidiary. It inquires whether the corporate veil.
a subsidiary corporation is so organized and
controlled and its affairs are so conducted as to In applying the alter ego doctrine, the courts are
make it a mere instrumentality or agent of the concerned with reality and not form, with how the
parent corporation such that its separate existence corporation operated and the individual
as a distinct corporate entity will be ignored. It defendant’s relationship to that operation. With
seeks to establish whether the subsidiary respect to the control element, it refers not to
corporation has no autonomy and the parent paper or formal control by majority or even
corporation, though acting through the subsidiary complete stock control but actual control which
in form and appearance, "is operating the business amounts to "such domination of finances, policies
directly for itself." and practices that the controlled corporation has,
so to speak, no separate mind, will or existence of
The second prong is the "fraud" test. This test its own, and is but a conduit for its principal." In
requires that the parent corporation’s conduct in
31. APO’s by-laws, a non-stock non-profit Yes. There is indubitable link between closure of
corporation, provide that its members are CBB and the incorporation of the new corporation,
those that are issued certificates of which was done to avoid payment of the
ownership, with only one certificate being obligations to L. CBB ceased to exist only in name; it
issued for one member. The same by-laws re-emerged in the person of the new corporation
provide that not more than 500 certificates for an urgent purpose — to avoid payment by CBB
of ownership will be issued. However, its of the last two installments of its monetary
articles of incorporation provide that obligation to L, as well as its other financial
members enjoy membership rights, upon liabilities. Freed of CBB’s liabilities, especially that
payment of a membership fee, upon owing to L, the new corporation can continue, as
payment of which, they will be issued a it did continue, CBB’s business. It has long been
membership fee certificate, which shall not settled that the law vests a corporation with a
be issued in excess of 250, with only one personality distinct and separate from its
Thus, a corporation can only execute its powers and (1) The board of each corporation draws up
transact its business through its Board of Directors a plan of merger or consolidation. Such plan
and through its officers and agents when must include any amendment, if necessary,
authorized by a board resolution or its by-laws. to the articles of incorporation of the
In the absence of conformity or acceptance by surviving corporation, or in case of
properly authorized bank officers of petitioner’s consolidation, all the statements required in
counter-proposal, no perfected repurchase contract the articles of incorporation of a
was born out of the talks or negotiations between corporation.
(3) Execution of the formal agreement, 37. KMBI’s by-laws and articles of
referred to as the articles of merger o[r] incorporation provide that its board of
consolidation, by the corporate officers of trustees shall consist of 9 members to
each constituent corporation. These take serve for one year. But, due to resignation
the place of the articles of incorporation of of five of them, and the death of another,
the consolidated corporation, or amend the only 3 members of the board remain. Can
articles of incorporation of the surviving the remaining 3 members continue the
corporation. regular business of the corporation and fill
up the vacancies in the board?
(4) Submission of said articles of merger or
consolidation to the SEC for approval. The general rule is well-settled that the power of
the board is not suspended by vacancies in the
(5) If necessary, the SEC shall set a hearing, board unless the number is reduced to below a
notifying all corporations concerned at least quorum, the rule being that the number necessary
two weeks before. to constitute a quorum under a by-law which
provides that a majority of the directors shall be
(6) Issuance of certificate of merger or necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum, is
consolidation. a majority of the entire board, notwithstanding that
there may be vacancies in the board at a time. In
Indubitably, it is clear that no merger took place the case of KMBI, the presence of 9 members
between BOC and TRB as the requirements and would be required to constitute a quorum. There
procedures for a merger were absent. A merger being no quorum with only 3 remaining members
does not become effective upon the mere of the board, then the board has no authority to
agreement of the constituent corporations. All the transact business. Also, they do not have authority
requirements specified in the law must be complied to fill-up vacancies in the board. Not only is there
with in order for merger to take effect. Section 79 no quorum, but the circumstances are not one of
of the Corporation Code further provides that the those which would allow the remaining directors to
merger shall be effective only upon the issuance by fill in a vacancy. Based on 29 of the Corporation
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of a Code, the remaining directors/trustees can fill-up
certificate of merger. the vacancies in the board when: (1) such vacancies
were occasioned by reasons other than removal by
Here, BOC and TRB remained separate corporations the stockholders/members or expiration of term;
with distinct corporate personalities. What
Shares belonging to corporations or partnerships at Sec. 2, Article XII of the Constitution focuses on the
least 60% of the capital of which is owned by State entering into different types of agreements
Filipino citizens shall be considered as of Philippine for the exploration, development, and utilization of
nationality, but if the percentage of Filipino natural resources with entities who are deemed
ownership in the corporation or partnership is less Filipino due to 60 percent ownership of capital is
than 60%, only the number of shares corresponding pertinent to this case, since the issues are centered
to such percentage shall be counted as of Philippine on the utilization of our country’s natural resources
nationality. Thus, if 100,000 shares are registered in or specifically, mining. Thus, there is a need to
the name of a corporation or partnership at least ascertain the nationality of petitioners since, as the
60% of the capital stock or capital, respectively, of Constitution so provides, such agreements are only
which belong to Filipino citizens, all of the shares allowed corporations or associations "at least 60
shall be recorded as owned by Filipinos. But if less percent of such capital is owned by such citizens."
than 60%, or say, 50% of the capital stock or capital
of the corporation or partnership, respectively, Elementary in statutory construction is when there
belongs to Filipino citizens, only 50,000 shares shall is conflict between the Constitution and a statute,
be counted as owned by Filipinos and the other the Constitution will prevail. In this instance,
50,000 shall be recorded as belonging to aliens. specifically pertaining to the provisions under Art.
XII of the Constitution on National Economy and
The first part of paragraph 7, DOJ Opinion No. 020, Patrimony, Sec. 3 of the FIA will have no place of
stating "shares belonging to corporations or application. As decreed by the honorable framers of
partnerships at least 60% of the capital of which is our Constitution, the grandfather rule prevails and
owned by Filipino citizens shall be considered as of must be applied.
Philippine nationality," pertains to the control test
or the liberal rule. On the other hand, the second Paragraph 7, DOJ Opinion No. 020, Series of 2005
part of the DOJ Opinion which provides, "if the provides:
percentage of the Filipino ownership in the
corporation or partnership is less than 60%, only The above-quoted SEC Rules provide for the
the number of shares corresponding to such manner of calculating the Filipino interest in a
percentage shall be counted as Philippine corporation for purposes, among others, of
nationality," pertains to the stricter, more stringent determining compliance with nationality
grandfather rule. requirements (the ‘Investee Corporation’). Such
manner of computation is necessary since the
shares in the Investee Corporation may be owned
both by individual stockholders (‘Investing
1. A complaint was filed by joint account 1. N Corp. shipped goods to UMC from Japan
holders, G, T, and L, against Citibank NA to Manila. The goods were insured by P
and its officials for violation of the Revised Insurance against all risks. When they
Securities Act (RSA) and the Securities arrived in Manila, it was found that one
Regulation Code. It was alleged that G, T, package was in bad order. UMC declared
and L were induced by the bank’s VP and the damaged goods as a total loss. P
Director to sign a subscription agreement insurance paid UMC for the loss, and filed a
to purchase income notes. Later on, they complaint against N Corp. and the brokers.
were again made to purchase other income The goods were delivered to UMC on May
notes. They found out that the investments 12, 1995, and it filed a bad order survey on
declined and that the notes were not that same day. The action was filed by the
registered with the SEC in accordance with insurer on January 18, 1996. Has the action
the law. Citibank and its officials alleged prescribed?
that the action had already prescribed.
What is the prescriptive period applicable No. The prescriptive period for filing an action for
in the instant case? the loss or damage of the goods under the COGSA
is found in paragraph (6), Section 3, thus:
The SRC does not provide for a prescriptive period
for the enforcement of criminal liability, thus, RA (6) Unless notice of loss or damage and the
3362 would come into play. Under Section 73 of the general nature of such loss or damage be given
SRC, violation of its provisions or the rules and in writing to the carrier or his agent at the port
regulations is punishable with imprisonment of not of discharge before or at the time of the
less than seven (7)years nor more than twenty-one removal of the goods into the custody of the
(21) years. Applying Section 1 of Act No.3326, a person entitled to delivery thereof under the
criminal prosecution for violations of the SRC shall, contract of carriage, such removal shall be
therefore, prescribe in twelve (12) years. prima facie evidence of the delivery by the
carrier of the goods as described in the bill of
Hand in hand with Section 1, Section 2 of Act No. lading. If the loss or damage is not apparent, the
3326 states that "prescription shall begin to run notice must be given within three days of the
from the day of the commission of the violation of delivery.
the law, and if the same be not known at the time,
from the discovery thereof and the institution of Said notice of loss or damage maybe endorsed
judicial proceedings for its investigation and upon the receipt for the goods given by the person
punishment." [Citibank N.A. v. Tanco-Gabaldon, taking delivery thereof.
G.R. No. 198444, September 4, 2013]
The notice in writing need not be given if the state
of the goods has at the time of their receipt been
the subject of joint survey or inspection.
7. When the judgment of the court awarding a No. Jurisprudence establish that the 24% p.a.
sum of money becomes final and executory, stipulated interest rate was not considered
the rate of legal interest, whether the case unconscionable, thus, the 23% p.a. interest rate
falls under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, imposed on M’s loan in this case can by no means
above, shall be 6% per annum from such be considered excessive or unconscionable. In
finality until its satisfaction, this interim Medel v. Court of Appeals, the Court found the
period being deemed to be by then an stipulated interest rate of 66% p.a. or a 5.5% per
equivalent to a forbearance of credit. And, month on a P500,000.00 loan excessive,
in addition to the above, judgments that unconscionable and exorbitant, hence, contrary to
Accordingly, the MB can immediately implement its No. Considering that it had yet to release the entire
resolution prohibiting a banking institution to do proceeds of the loan, DBP could not yet make an
business in the Philippines and, thereafter, appoint effective demand for payment upon G Corp. to
the PDIC as receiver. The procedure for the perform its obligation under the loan. Being a
involuntary closure of a bank is summary and banking institution, DBP owed it to G Corp. to
expeditious in nature. Such action of the MB shall exercise the highest degree of diligence, as well as
be final and executory, but may be later subjected to observe the high standards of integrity and
to a judicial scrutiny via a petition for certiorari to performance in all its transactions because its
be filed by the stockholders of record of the bank business was imbued with public interest. The high
representing a majority of the capital stock. standards were also necessary to ensure public
Obviously, this procedure is designed to protect the confidence in the banking system. The stability of
interest of all concerned, that is, the depositors, banks largely depends on the confidence of the
creditors and stockholders, the bank itself and the people in the honesty and efficiency of banks. Thus,
general public. The protection afforded public DBP had to act with great care in applying the
interest warrants the exercise of a summary stipulations of its agreement with G Corp., lest it
closure. erodes such public confidence. Yet, DBP failed in its
duty to exercise the highest degree of diligence by
Management take-over under Section 11 of R.A. prematurely foreclosing the mortgages and
No. 7353 was no longer feasible considering the unwarrantedly causing the foreclosure sale of the
financial quagmire that engulfed ECBI showing mortgaged properties despite G Corp. not being yet
serious conditions of insolvency and illiquidity. in default. [Development Bank of the Philippines
Besides, placing ECBI under receivership would (DBP) v. Guariña Agricultural and Realty
effectively put a stop to the further draining of its Development Corporation, G.R. No. 160758. January
assets. [Alfeo D. Vivas, on his behalf and on behalf 15, 2014]
of the Shareholders or Eurocredit Community Bank
v. The Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral ng 14. The spouses S applied for a loan which was
Pilipinas and the Philippine Deposit Insurance granted by BPI for a term of six months,
Corporation, G.R. No. 191424, August 7, 2013] secured by a mortgage over land owned by
the Spouses S. the Spouses S later on
13. G Corp. obtained a loan from DBP bank to obtained a credit line from BPI in the
finance its development of a resort amount of P5.7 million. The mortgage was
complex. To secure it, a promissory note released on the representation of the
was executed by the G Corp. and spouses that the proceeds will be used to
mortgages were constituted on its pay the loans, but the same remained
properties. Also, a cash equity was put up. unpaid. Having defaulted on their loan
The loan was released to G Corp. in obligations, BPI demanded payment.
Anti-Money Laundering Law months after it was issued; and (c) the
freeze order is provisional in character and
1. The AMLC filed an Urgent Ex-Parte not intended to supplant a case for money
Application for the issuance of a freeze laundering. Should L’s Motion for
order with the CA against certain monetary Reconsideration be granted?
instruments and properties of the L et al.,
pursuant to the Anti-Money Laundering Act Yes. A freeze order is an extraordinary and interim
of 2001. This application was based on the relief issued by the CA to prevent the dissipation,
February 1, 2005 letter of the Office of the removal, or disposal of properties that are
Ombudsman to the AMLC, recommending suspected to be the proceeds of, or related to,
that the latter conduct an investigation on unlawful activities as defined in Section 3(i) of RA
L and his family for possible violation of the No. 9160, as amended. The primary objective of a
law. The CA granted the application and freeze order is to temporarily preserve monetary
issued the freeze order. Thereafter, an instruments or property that are in any way related
Urgent Motion for Extension of Effectivity to an unlawful activity or money laundering, by
of Freeze Order was filed, arguing that if preventing the owner from utilizing them during
the bank accounts, web accounts and the duration of the freeze order. The relief is pre-
vehicles of L not continuously frozen, they emptive in character, meant to prevent the owner
could be placed beyond the reach of law from disposing his property and thwarting the
enforcement authorities and the State’s effort in building its case and eventually
government’s efforts to recover the filing civil forfeiture proceedings and/or prosecuting
proceeds of the L’s unlawful activities the owner.
would be frustrated. In support of the
motion, it was alleged that various cases The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001, as
against L were presently being investigated amended, from the point of view of the freeze
by the Ombudsman. The motion for order that it authorizes, shows that the law is silent
extension was also granted by the CA. L on the maximum period of time that the freeze
sought to have the extended freeze order order can be extended by the CA. The final
lifted, arguing that there was no evidence sentence of Section 10 of the Anti-Money
to support the extension of the freeze Laundering Act of 2001 provides, "the freeze order
order, and that the extension not only shall be for a period of twenty (20) days unless
deprived them of their property without extended by the court." In contrast, Section 55 of
due process; it also punished them before the Rule in Civil Forfeiture Cases qualifies the grant
their guilt could be proven. The CA of extension "for a period not exceeding six
subsequently denied this motion. The Rules months" "for good cause" shown.
on Civil Forfeiture took effect and stated
that an extension of a freeze order was Nothing in the law grants the owner of the "frozen"
only for a maximum period of 6 months. property any substantive right to demand that the
Thus, L asked the CA to reconsider its freeze order be lifted, except by implication, i.e., if
resolution denying his motion, insisting he can show that no probable cause exists or if the
that the freeze order should be lifted 20-day period has already lapsed without any
considering: (a) no predicate crime has extension being requested from and granted by the
been proven to support the freeze order’s CA. Notably, the Senate deliberations on RA No.
issuance; (b) the freeze order expired six 9160 even suggest the intent on the part of our