Phil Corn Industry - Prospects

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Issues and

of the
Corn Industry
Hazel Tanchuling

Joyce Sierra
Jessica Reyes-Cantos


Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

Copyright 2007
Rice Watch and Action Network
All rights reserved.

R1 encourages the use of this monograph, with appropriate credit

given to the author and publisher. The content of this monograph
may be reproduced by civil society groups for non-commercial pur-
poses. Any form of reproduction, storage, in a retrieval system or
transmission by any means for commercial purposes requires R1’s per-

Production management: Hazel Tanchuling

Cover, layout & photography: Nonoy Regalado

Rice Watch and Action Network


orn is an important crop in the Philippines. Just like rice, it
is also a staple for Filipinos specifically those from the
Southern Philippines.
Rice Watch and Action Network (R1) wanted to work on both
rice and corn in its earlier stage. However, the network decided to
initially focus on rice crops because corn was as complex a sector
with multifaceted issues as rice. It might be difficult for R1 to pursue
the different issues covering the sector.
After two years of existence, R1 now sees the need to study the
corn sector and bring to the front of the network’s issues and agenda.
But this is actually a perfect time to study the sector.

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

In recent years, the rising cost of oil propels the need to develop
renewable sources of energy such as the use of bio-fuels. The United
States—a major producer of corn has been saving its corn produce
for its bio fuel industry for some time now. This has pushed the corn
prices at its highest in recent history. While the farmers are happy
about it, the livestock sector is not. Although consumed as food, corn’s
other biggest purpose is the production of animal feeds. And the
growing livestock and poultry sectors are already complaining about
the high cost of inputs.
To guide R1 in its attempt to develop its position on the corn
sector, this paper provides an overview of the sector’s performance,
the industry’s major issues and concerns as well as trends and expe-
riences in the international market.

Rice Watch and Action Network

Brief Industry

ata from the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics reveal that the
country is almost sufficient in corn at 99%. Our sufficiency
ratio has gone up over the years from 96% in 2001 to 99%
in 2004-2005.


Year Production National Corn Self-Sufficiency
Requirement* Ratio
2001 4525 4710 96
2002 4319 4542 95
2003 4616 4737 97
2004 5413 5456 99
2005 5253 5311 99
Note: *- represents requirement for food, for feeds and wastes, seeds,

However, if you look at the country’s needs on a per corn variety

basis, the country is deficient in yellow corn production. The general
varieties of corn planted are yellow and white corn. Yellow corn is
the one used for feeds. White corn is the variety preferred for food
in the country although yellow is edible as well. According to Mr. Jess
Binamira, former DA Corn Director, yellow corn is highly preferred in
Mexico for food because of its yellow fat while in the Philippines, it
is preferred for feeds also for the yellow fat because it gives poultry
and hogs a good color.

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

The requirement for yellow

corn for feeds is pegged at 3.414
MMT in 2005 while production was
at 3.01 MMT only. This places our
self-sufficiency ratio for yellow corn
at 88%.
Our demand for feeds is around 64% of the total demand for
corn and only about 22% of supply is consumed as food. Other uses
of corn are for seeds (1%) and processing (13%) (Please see table
The production doesn’t seem to match this demand for yellow
corn. About 43% of the total corn production is devoted to white
while the rest is for yellow. In terms of production areas, 61% of the
total area for corn is devoted to white corn production and only 39%
was devoted for yellow corn production (Please see table 3). Food
use is only about 1.147 million metric tons while the white corn pro-
duction was 2.251 MMT leading to a surplus of about 1.1 million
metric tons in 2005. In a roundtable discussion on the corn industry,1
Director Binamira however failed to give a concrete answer on where
the surplus in white corn goes.
The biggest corn producing provinces are Isabela and Bukidnon.
Corn productivity over the last 5 years is said to be low at an average
of 1.98 tons per hectare. Farmers are largely using native Tinigib
varieties and Open Pollinated Varieties (OPV) corn seeds. Over the
last two years, the yield per hectare has reached the 2 tons per hect-
are mark.
1. The Roundtable Discussion on Corn was sponsored by R1 last February 7, 2007.

Table 2. CORN: Supply and Utilization Accounts, Philippines, 1990 -2005
(in thousand metric tons)
Net Food Disposable
Beginning Gross Feeds and Per Capita Grams Ending
YEAR Production Imports Exports Seeds Processing Total
Stock Supply Waste Kg./Yr. /Day Sock
2001 190 4525 172 4887 a/ 50 2941 604 1115 14.31 39.21 177
2002 177 4319 278 4774 a/ 48 2807 576 1111 13.97 38.27 232
2003 232 4616 100 4948 a/ 48 3000 616 1073 13.23 36.25 211
2004 211 5413 23 5647 a/ 51 3518 722 1165 14.09 38.60 191
2005P 191 5253 71 5515 a/ 49 3414 701 1147 13.46 36.88 204
Rice Watch and Action Network

P - Preliminary data
a/ - Less than 1 thousand metric tons

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry


By Variety of Corn Per Province
Yield Per
Production Area Hectarage
All 5,253,160 80,237 2.15
White 2,251,617 46,479 1.51
Yellow 3,001,543 33,758 3.16
All 130,464 107,030 3.11
White 24,809 45,988 1.79
Yellow 105,655 28,185 3.75
All 300,184 67,298 4.46
White 49,473 17,420 2.84
Yellow 250,711 49,878 5.03
Cagayan Valley
All 769,506 258,180 2.98
White 54,460 27,918 1.95
Yellow 715,046 230,262 3.11
Central Luzon
All 182,333 44,500 4.10
White 15,893 9,164 1.73
Yellow 166,440 35,336 4.71
All 64,102 36,365 1.76
White 21,719 12,807 1.70
Yellow 42,383 23,558 1.80
All 94,161 36,407 2.59
White 8,578 6,181 1.39
Yellow 85,583 30,226 2.83
All 118,115 80,237 1.47
White 37,183 46,479 0.80
Yellow 80,932 33,758 2.40

Rice Watch and Action Network

Table 3. continued
Yield Per
Production Area Hectarage
Western Visayas
All 193,736 107,030 1.47
White 52,821 45,988 0.80
Yellow 140,915 61,042 2.40
Central Visyas
All 188,525 246,463 1.81
White 170,859 235,094 1.15
Yellow 17,666 11,369 2.31
Eastern Visayas
All 68,416 58,589 0.76
White 63,772 55,264 0.73
Yellow 4,644 3,325 1.55
Zamboanga Peninsula
All 223,208 163,365 1.37
White 206,847 157,218 1.32
Yellow 16,361 6,147 2.66
Northern Mindanao
All 938,227 381,499 2.46
White 339,889 219,401 1.55
Yellow 598,338 162,098 3.69
All 293,413 200,409 1.46
White 215,174 172,257 1.25
Yellow 78,239 28,152 2.78
All 959,286 398,343 2.41
White 397,273 196,406 2.02
Yellow 562,013 201,937 2.78
All 98,595 55,765 1.77
White 75,521 49,129 1.54
Yellow 23,074 6,636 3.48
All 630,889 265,328 2.38
White 517,346 227,651 2.27
Yellow 113,543 37,677 3.01

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

Topping the white corn producers are ARMM, SOCKSARGEN and

Northern Mindanao regions. The biggest yellow corn producers are
Cagayan Valley, Northern Mindanao and SOCKSARGEN regions. Since
livestock raisers are mostly in Laguna, Batangas and Rizal in
CALABARZON area, yellow corn are transported either as processed
feeds or raw materials to these areas.
Meanwhile, the country imports yellow corn as well as make
use of cheaper corn substitutes to address the supply gap. Corn im-
ports comprise 3% of the total importation in 2005 while corn sub-
stitutes represent 13% and the bulk of these come from the US.
Corn substitutes are soybean meal, wheat, and the like that cost
lower than locally grown corn. Feedmillers, livestock and poultry in-
dustries are trying to find ways to lower production costs and are
using cheaper corn substitutes as an option to tide them over the
shortage. Feedmillers sometimes prefer imported corn because this
normally meets the 14 percent moisture content requirement that
would prevent formation of aflatoxin.
Prices of corn have increased from PH6.50 to Ph 7 rate before
2004 to the current price of PH 12.20 per kilo.

Rice Watch and Action Network

Major Stakeholders
of the Corn Industry


he Department of Agriculture is implementing the Corn Pro-
gram that focuses on the intensification of yellow corn pro-
duction. Areas or farm clusters were selected for planting of
yellow corn hybrids, either from the single cross hybrid (IPB-911)
variety or triple corn hybrid variety. The program aims to engage
some 75,000 corn farmers in
100,000 hectares with a poten-
tial annual production of 1.0
The regional units of the DA
have a dedicated program for
this with coordinators who will
implement the corn program in
their respective areas.

Corn Farmers
There are almost a million corn
farmers in the country. Many of
them are mostly smallholders
and marginal, dependent totally
on rainfall.

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

Data gathered by the National Corn Competitiveness Board from

Region X showed that corn farmers are earning a net income of Ph
16 thousand for one hectare (please see cost benefit analysis of hy-
brid yellow corn). This is believed to go down especially if the farm-
ers plant the Open Pollinated Variety (OPV).

Table 4. Cost and Return Analysis for One Hectare of

Hybrid Yellow Corn*
Activity Unit Qty Cost Total Cost
(Php) (Php) /kg
I. Labor Cost 15,597 3.12
Production 5,000 1.00
1. Land Preparation 2,100 0.42
a.Plowing TR 1 1,500 1,500 0.30
b.Furrowing MAD 2 200 400 0.08
c.Lime/manure spreading MD 2 100 200 0.04
2. Planting MD 10 100 1,000 0.20
3. Fertilizer Application MD 3 100 300 0.06
4. Cultivation 1600 0.32
a.Off-baring MAD 1 200 200 0.04
b.Hilling-up MAD 2 200 400 0.08
c.Weeding MD 10 100 1,000 0.20
5.Harvesting (sharing with MD
Post Production 10,597 2.12
7. In field Hauling (either by Sacks 225 2 450 0.09
8. Hauling by piecework
(2 moves) Sacks 225 2 450 0.09
9. Shelling MD 5 100 500 0.10
10.Drying MD 28 100 2,800 0.56
11.Machine/Eqpt. Services/Facilities 3,375 0.68
a.Sheller Kg. 5,000 0.35 1,750 0.35
b.Solar Dryer Kg. 5 0.1 500 0.10
c.Truck Hauler (from farm to Sacks 225 5 1,125 0.23
12.Other Cost 3,022
a.Interest Ha. 1 2,122 2,122 0.42
(18% pax 4 months ave.)
b.Overhead and Contingency Ha. 1 900 900 0.18
*Data for region X

Rice Watch and Action Network

Table 4. continued
Activity Unit Qty Cost Total Cost
(Php) (Php) /kg
II. Material Cost 12,693 2.54
10.Seed Bag 12,200 2,200 0.44
12. Fertilizer 8,904 1.78
a.Urea Bag 3 820 2,460 0.49
b.14-14-14 Bag 2 732 1,464 0.29
c.Di-Ammonium Phosphate Bag 3 1,300 3,900 0.78
d.Chicken Manure Bag 40 20 800 0.16
e.Lime Bag 80 4 280 0.06
13.Insecticide Bottle 1.25 585 731 0.15
14.Sacks (for corn in cobs,2 uses) Pcs. 225 2.5 563 0.11
15.Sacks (for grains use,2 uses) Pcs. . 2.5 250 0.05
16.Twines Kg. 1 45 45 0.01
Total Cost of Production 28,290 5.66
Yield (kg./Ha) 5,000
Corn Price ( P/kg.) 9
Gross Income 45,000
Net Income 16,710 3.34
Source: National Corn Competitiveness Board

Meanwhile, a look at the cost and returns analysis by technol-

ogy used would reveal that return on investment is smallest for corn
farmers using the traditional planting method.

Table 5. Cost and Return Analysis for Corn Production in Region II

Technology Level
Details Traditional Recommended Mechanized Mechanized
Planting 12 Steps (borrowed (own
Method Planting capital) capital)
Inputs* 7,782.00 7749.00 5649.00 5649.00
Cash Labor/Rentals 10,800.00 9,900.00 11,000.00 11,000.00
Fixed Cost 743.28 705.96 656.96
Total Expenses 19,325.28 18,354.96 17,314.96 16,649.00
Gross Sales 24,000.00 30,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00
Net Income/ha 4,674.72 11,645.04 18,685.04 19,351.00
ROI 24.19% 63.44% 107.91% 116.23%
* Cost of items as of June 2000
Source: Department of Agriculture Region 2, cost of items during June 2000

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

A group of corn farmers have formed PHILMAIZE or the Philip-

pine Federation of Corn Producers. It has around 3000 members
nationwide and is quite supportive of emerging technologies in corn,
including BT corn or genetically-engineered corn. PHILMAIZE sits at
the National Corn Competitiveness Board as the corn producer rep-
Meanwhile, the National Corn Competitiveness Board is a pri-
vate sector initiative that brings together all the stakeholders of the
industry-from input suppliers, producers, transport and logistics to
feedmillers and end users. It aims to raise the level of competitive-
ness of the industry by jointly solving problems from pre-production
to post production issues.

Feedmillers are the ones who process yellow corn as feeds. The end
users of feeds are the livestock and poultry sectors. The Philippine
Association of Feed Millers, Incorporated (PAFMI) represents some
of the biggest stakeholders in the feedmilling sector. PAFMI is com-
posed of companies also known to have big stakes in agri-agro pro-
duction, like San Miguel Foods, VITARICH, General Milling Corpora-
tion, Universal Robina Corporation, Swift Foods, Liberty Flour Mills,
Far East Agricultural Supply, Foremost Farms, Purefoods Corporation
and a lot more from the big agribusiness companies.
In 2006, PAFMI requested the government to increase the WTO-
approved Minimum Access Volume (MAV) Plus mechanism increas-
ing corn imports from 216,000 tons to 336,000 tons or 120,000
tons more. This would allow the Philippines to import corn at the
preferred tariff duty of 35 percent as opposed to over-MAV tariff
rate of 50.2

2-06.pdf, US Grains Council, 2 JUNE 2006 MARKET PERSPECTIVES

Rice Watch and Action Network

Livestock and Poultry Sector

Both the livestock and poultry industries are among the end users of
corn. Livestock industry includes the swine, carabao, cattle, goat and
dairy industries. The demand for corn by the livestock and poultry
sectors is expected to increase by 1 million metric tons in 2007.
The swine industry dominates this sector. For the swine industry
alone, the three top-producing provinces are Batangas, Laguna and
Rizal. By region, Central Luzon produces the highest number of swines
at 15.86% in 2005 followed by CALABARZON at 13.42%.
Meanwhile, the poultry sector, particularly the broiler industry
is also expected to grow. The industry’s 2005 output totalled 1.215
million metric tons in liveweight, valued at P48.07 billion. It com-
prises 73% of the total value of poultry production at P79.687 bil-
lion. The broiler egg production contributes about Ph20.820 billion
pesos in additional production value.
Both sectors are complaining of increasing costs of inputs. Ac-
cording to the hogs sector, the high cost of inputs such as imported
soybean meal and corn pushes pork and poultry prices to rise.
Corn is about 20% of the total costs in hog production and 21%
in poultry. Over-all, the feeds’ cost constitutes about 40% in the cost
of total swine production and about 60% in poultry. Prices of inputs

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

are also volatile as 70% to 80% of the total ingredients in manufac-

turing feeds are imported, including corn and corn substitutes.
Farmgate and retail prices per kilogram of hogs were found to
be increasing over the 5 year period (2000-2005). The price per
kilo of pork increased by almost Ph20 from the 2001 level. Mean-
while, the retail price of pork lean meat costs around Ph139.28 per
kilo. This is around Ph68 additional amount from the farmgate price.


Particulars P/Kg Percent
01. Cost of Stock/Piglet 27.74 35.75
02. Land Rental 0.41 0.53
03. Feeds
Corn 15.37 19.81
Others 20.56 26.49
04. Drugs & Biologies
FMD 1.11 1.44
Others 4.95 6.38
05. Labor 3.34 4.31
06. Utilities 1.10 1.42
07. Depreciation 0.75 0.97
Sub Total 75.34
08. Cost of Money (%) 0.75 0.97
Management Cost (2%) 1.51 1.94
Reservation Cost (less 3 kg) -2.86
Margin 0.54

Rice Watch and Action Network

Table 7. COST OF PRODUCTION - Poultry

Integrator Non-Integrator
Particulars % %
P/Kg P/kg
Share Share
Cost of Stock/DOC 10.00 16.70 14.39 22.16
Land & Building Rental -- 2.19 3.37
Growers Fee 7.50 12.52 -- --
Corn (50%) 13.00 21.71 13.80 21.54
Others (50%) 23.90 39.91 25.31 38.67
Biologics 1.69 2.82 2.50 3.85
Labor -- -- 1.13 1.13
Brooding Expenses -- -- 1.40 1.40
Overhead Cost
Electricity /Water -- -- 1.03 1.03
Repair/Maintenance -- -- 0.31 0.31
Misc. (Hauling/Licensing/Etc.) -- -- 0.31 0.31
Fixed Cost 1.50 2.50 -- --
Sub Total 57.59 -- 62.39 --
Management Cost (2%) 1.15 1.92 1.25 1.92
Cost of Money (2%) 1.15 1.92 1.25 1.92
TOTAL COST 59.89 100.00 64.89 100.00
Margin 7.11
FARM PRICE / Transfer Price 59.89 72.00

Table 8. Swine and Poultry Production, lightweight (in MT),

Philippines, 200-2005
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Average
Swine 1,517,793 1,584,516 1,667,763 1,733,087 1,722,447 1,761,787 1,664,566
% GR 4.40 5.25 3.92 -0.61 2.28 3.05
Chicken 997,816 1,098,793 1,173,738 1,231,794 1,231,794 1,238,351 1,154,872
% GR 10.12 6.68 1.28 3.62 0.53 4.47
Note: Swine- 3.05% Growth Rate (2000-2005), Chicken-4.47% Growth Rate

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

Table 9. Total Projection of Swine and Poultry in (MT),

Philippines, 2005-2010
Average 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
(Prj) (Prj) (Prj) (Prj) (Prj)
Swine 1,664,566 2,203,885 2,917,944 3,863,558 5,115,086 6,772,374
Chicken 1,154,872 1,785,432 2,760,278 4,267,390 6,597,385 10,199,557
Prj - Projected
Swine - 3.05 GR, Chicken - 4.47% GR

Rice Watch and Action Network

Trends in World Corn
Supply and Demand

n 2005, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) re-
ported that the year registered the lowest in international corn
supply stocks in 25 years because consumption is indeed increas-
ing. Prices increased further due to falling global wheat production-
a corn substitute. Wheat production in recent years has suffered pro-
duction losses due to drought and other calamities. According to an
importer, “Eight percent of US wheat is having drought. Russia and
wheat-producing areas in Eastern Europe are being hit by Russian
cane or winter kill. Southern hemisphere-producing wheat (Argen-
tina) will also produce less”3

3. Statement by trader Eric Bailon of Paritas Trading Corp as cited by Melody Aguiba in, Melody Aguiba ,
Manila Bulletin Online

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

US and China are the two largest producers of corn. The US re-
mains the biggest corn producer at 41% of world production or
255.54 Million metric tons of the world’s total production of 624.33
million metric tons. China produces about half of the US' production.
A look at the quantity of exports of these two countries over the
last five years would reveal that the loss of one is the gain of the
other. When the US’ exports dropped in 2003, China's exports sig-
nificantly rose only to go down in 2004 when the US recovered on
the same year.

Table 10. Export quantity including Food Aid

(1000 tonnes) on Maize
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
USA 50,506,854.11 50,711,828.47 45,807,274.98 50,525,566.54 47,790,530.88
CHINA 5,654,952.75 11,309,911.54 16,051,435.67 3,022,936.99 8,983,726.53
Sour ce: FAO

However, the US lowered its corn exports in 2005 when its corn
use for ethanol doubled from 17% in 2003 to 27% in 2005. The use
of corn for ethanol is said to contribute to the increasing demand for
China is as well believed to be gearing up for increased use of
biofuels as its economy grows bigger. It is already investing in other
biofuel crops like sorghum as in the case in the Philippines through
the recently-signed RP-China Agreement. In recent years, the Philip-
pines has been buying most of its corn from China as freight costs
from Chinese ports were seen to be much lower than the rates from
the ports of US and Argentina .
Dr. Binamira summarized the US’ possible hand in the increas-
ing corn prices. The US, by developing and subsidizing its ethanol
industry, has created an assured domestic market for corn. They can
command the movement of corn prices in the world market because
they are, by far, the biggest corn producer in the world. According to
Mr. Binamira, this saves the US government on subsidies to corn farm-

Rice Watch and Action Network

ers by around US$20 billion dollars. At the same time, the US is

assured of their corn market in the ethanol industry and a renewable
source of ifs energy use.
But some are raising another question of whether this overwhelm-
ing demand for corn will remain. The development of other biofuel
sources such as cellulose is feared to make this demand for corn for
biofuels, a history. Cellulose, a fibrous molecule found in all plants,
is abundant and is a favoured subject of renewable, plant-based
biofuels research.

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

Rice Watch and Action Network

Identifying Potential
Policy Issues in Corn

he corn sector is a vital industry. Addressing the needs of the
corn sector would also lead to benefiting its allied industries-
livestock and poultry sectors, etc. The competitive advantage
of local livestock and poultry in the domestic and export markets
will depend on the cost-efficiency of the domestic corn industry. Corn,
on the other hand will have to contend with cheaper imported corn
and feed substitutes.
Corn in terms of importance, remains second only to rice. The
sector received very little public investment compared to rice.
PHILMAIZE is advocating for more support to the corn industry
coming from ACEF to improve its competitiveness and effectively
supporting poultry and livestock industries in the end. They argue
that all tariffs generated by corn imports should go to a competitive-
ness fund for the corn industry. Please see table below for actual
amount of tariff earnings from corn from 1998 to 2001 (see last
column of Table 11).

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

Table 11. Approximation of MAV Utilization by Selected

Commodities, 1998-2001
Utilization In-Quota
HS Utilized Amount MAV Tariff
Commodity MAV (MT) Volume Tariff
Code (Wtd. (PhP)
(MT) (%)
Corn 1005 1,070,600 773,633 88.9 35 1,230,235,766.64
Pork 0203 254,760 62,423 29.1 30 769,247,869.50
Poultry 0207 111,756 45,045 49.4 45 656,267.125.61
Frozen Beef 0202 470,760 103,877 58.2 30 1,199,428,769.52

Chilled Beef 0201 29,139 2,144 14.5 30 31,320,668.52

Total 3,886,500,199.80
Source:, sourced, July 2, 2007

Since many of the corn farmers are subsistence in nature, ad-

dressing their issues would help improve their lot. Their production
issues are also not very different from rice and other crops. Their
yield per hectare is relatively low according to Mr. Butch Umengan
of the National Corn Competitiveness Board. Almost all of the corn
farms are rainfed.
Obviously, the yellow corn production has to be increased. Live-
stock raisers are claiming that they are in dire need of supply for
feeds. United Broilers and Raisers Association (UBRA), for example
said they are willing to go into contract growing with corn farmers to
ensure the supply of feed inputs.
Post harvest wastage is also a major problem of the sector. There
are very little drying facilities which can help minimize corn losses.
Farmers need to change their attitude towards the farming prac-
tice for corn. Corn farmers are believed to care less for their corn
farms than they do with other crops.
Corn quality needs to be improved also. According to PAFMI,
they prefer imported corn than locally-grown corn. The imported
corn normally meets the 14 percent moisture content requirement
that would prevent the formation of cancer-causing aflatoxin.4

4., Melody Aguiba,

Manila Bulletin Online

Rice Watch and Action Network

Transportation from farm to market is also a major hurdle. Since

livestock and poultry farms are mostly in Luzon, logistics and han-
dling of corn from the corn growing provinces of Cagayan Valley and
Mindanao is crucial. As of now, transporting is getting a big share in
their cost of production, as well.
This is the very same rationale behind the Grains Highway Pro-
gram of the government that was implemented by the Office of the
Million Jobs under former DA Secretary Cito Lorenzo and has also
been revived by Secretary Arthur Yap. Under the program, it has iden-
tified interventions from seed to shelf, including increasing produc-
tion to make any investments in post harvest and bulk handling fa-
cilities viable.
The introduction of BT corn came with this program. The BT corn
was expected to trigger corn production throughout the year.5 The
government’s claim is that this will ensure there is corn cargo the
whole year, maximizing the investments provided for the post-har-
vest and bulk-handling facilities.
Currently, the logistics cost of corn remains high because accord-
ing to the Domestic Shipowners Association, cargo volume is low and
the hauling of corn products is done manually. The ports have no
bulk-handling facilities that can handle fast roll off-roll on of cargoes.
With the projected tightening of supply a major likelihood in
the years to come,6 expect the livestock and poultry industries to use
the same issue to justify the high domestic prices of pork, beef and
other meat products. As of now, the government is promoting the
planting of more corn to take advantage of projected increase in
The dilemma that this situation poses is that it is advantageous
to farmers while dreaded by the livestock and poultry sector and
possibly to the meat-eating public. This is probably one policy issue
that has to be resolved.

5. BT Corn claims to be corn borer resistant. Hence, it will be possible to plant corn even
during months when corn borer normally attacks.
6. USDA, GAIN Report, 2003

Issues and Prospects on the Philippine Corn Industry

Although the demand for corn for bio ethanol is valid, the politi-
cal economy of corn has to also be given some thought. The US is a
big player in world corn production that in the end, having a sound
policy for corn self-sufficiency should be foremost in the government’s
The rising cost of oil—a major input in fertilizers can also be
seen as an opportunity to demand for the shift to organic inputs. The
use of Bio-N—a biological fertilizer that replaces the chemical fertil-
izer, for example, has been found to be effective in reducing require-
ments for chemical inputs in corn. Bio-N has been promoted in Cebu
where corn is a staple crop. The use of Bio-N increased corn produc-
tion by up to 6.0 tons/ha from the average of 0.5-2.0 tons/ha.7
Another issue is the accessibility of inputs. If this becomes ac-
cessible and affordable, then farmers would surely use the right
amount of inputs for their corn farms. According to Mr. Umengan,
farmers normally use lower amounts of needed inputs.
Finally, the productivity issue also brings to fore the contentious
issue of the use of BT corn. The commercialization of Bt corn is still
allowed although the Department of Agriculture has not pursued it
with the same vigor as during the time of Sec. Cito Lorenzo. This
implies that the BT corn issue will remain and this is something that
organizations, like R1, that are opposed to genetic engineering of
life forms, such as crops should think about as it tries to develop
further its campaign and analysis on GMOs.


Philippines, sourced from the internet on June 30, 2007,

Rice Watch and Action Network


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