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Fate of SRY, PABY, DYS1, DYZ3 and DYZ1 Loci in Indian Patients Harbouring Sex Chromosomal Anomalies

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Molecular Human Reproduction Vol.11, No.2 pp.

117–127, 2005
Advance Access publication December 3, 2004 doi:10.1093/molehr/gah135

Fate of SRY, PABY, DYS1, DYZ3 and DYZ1 loci in Indian

patients harbouring sex chromosomal anomalies

Anu Bashamboo1, Mohammed Mahidur Rahman1, Aparna Prasad1, Sebastian Padinjarel

Chandy1, Jamal Ahmad2 and Sher Ali1,3
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi-100 067, and 2JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh-202 002, India
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: sheralib5@hotmail.com or sherali@nii.res.in

We analysed chromosomes, conducted hormonal assays and screened genomic DNA of 34 patients with or without detectable
Y chromosome for the presence/absence of SRY, PABY, DYS1, DYZ3 and DYZ1 loci and for mutations in the SRY gene. The
samples studied represented cases of oligozoospermia, cryptorchidism, Swyer syndrome, Turner syndrome, male pseudoher-
maphroditism, XXY female syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, repeated abortion and instances of male infertility. Chromoso-
mal constitutions and the level of hormones (FSH, LH, PRL, E2 and TSH) were found to be abnormal in several cases. A
phenotypic female (P20) positive for all the Y-linked loci screened, showed mutations upstream of the HMG box in the SRY
gene. In addition, one or more of the Y-linked loci were detected in several phenotypic females. Fluorescence in-situ hybridiz-
ation of metaphase chromosomes and interphase nuclei of an aborted fetus with DYZ1 probe detected signals from normal to
low levels to its complete absence confirming a complex Y chromosome mosaicism. Upon DNA analysis, the fetus was found to
be positive for all the above-mentioned Y-linked loci. Organizational variation within the DYZ1 arrays and its correlation with
recurrent spontaneous abortion may be followed-up in subsequent studies to substantiate this observation. This would augment
genetic counselling to the affected couples. Prospects of this approach in the overall management of clinical cases with sex
chromosome-related anomalies are discussed.

Key words: indels/oligozoospermia/SRY gene/Turner syndrome/Y-linked loci

Introduction stature, dull intelligence, delayed speech and some learning pro-
The human Y chromosome is reported to have about 76 protein cod- blems (Fryns et al., 1995). Similarly, in case of TS, with 45,XO
ing genes, though only 27 distinct proteins have been identified thus chromosome constitution occurring in the range 1:2000 to 1:5000
far (Page, 2004). Some of these genes are envisaged to be involved female live births (Hook and Warburton, 1983), over 90% of the
in the control and regulation of spermatogenesis (Lahn and Page, pure XO conceptuses are eliminated during early prenatal develop-
1997; Skaletsky et al., 2003). Earlier thought to be a genetic waste- ment. After birth, chromosomal mosaicism involving both the X and
land, the Y chromosome is now found to have expanded its reper- the Y chromosomes have been reported. The commonly encountered
toire during the course of evolution by sequence amplification and TS karyotypes include 45,X; isochromosome X; 45,X/45,XX;
selectively importing genes from autosomes and X chromosomes 45,X/46,XY; 45,Xi(Xq); 46,Xi(Yp); 46,Xt(X;X); 46,Xi(X;Y);
(Saxena et al., 1996; Skaletsky et al., 2003). Contrary to earlier 46,Xi(Xp); 46,X,del(Xq) r(X); 46,Xr(X) (including small ring X
belief, the Y chromosome was found to have gene-rich palindromes chromosome); 45,/X/46,XX; 45,X/47,XXX; 46,X/46,XX/47,XXX;
of unprecedented magnitude (Kuroda-Kawaguchi et al., 2001; 45,X/46,XY; and 45,X/46,XXqþ 46,Xþmar(X); 47,XXq þ ,
Skaletsky et al., 2003). Despite gene conversion and palindromic þ mar(X); 46,Xþmar(Y); 47,XXqþ, þ mar(Y) (Ogata and Matsuo,
arrangement of the sequences maintaining structural integrity of the 1995). Based on chromosomal imbalance, genomic imprinting and
Y chromosome, organizational and/or numerical changes leading to haploinsufficiency, attempts have been made to explain the genetic
sex chromosome anomalies are often encountered. These changes basis of the TS phenotype (Ogata and Matsuo, 1995) involving loci
include XY gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer syndrome), XYY males, in the pseudoautosomal regions on the short arms of the X and Y
recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA), Klinefelter’s syndrome and chromosomes (Ogata et al., 1995; Joseph et al., 1996; Schwinger
Turner syndrome (TS). The patients with XY female type of gona- et al., 1996). However, the number and type of genes likely to be
dal dysgenesis (Swyer syndrome) appearing normal at birth fail responsible for TS phenotype remain unclear. The only TS feature
to develop secondary sexual characters at puberty, have ‘streak present consistently in patients with small distal Xp deletions is
gonads’ and are unable to menstruate. Small deletions in the short their short stature, suggesting that the loci responsible for other fea-
arm of the Y chromosome resulting in 46,XY females have been tures lie outside the pseudoautosomal region (Spranger et al., 1997).
reported (Disteche et al., 1986). The other type of XY female gona- During the process of developing a physical map of the human Y
dal dysgenesis is also caused due to mutation in the Y chromosome chromosome, a total of 758 DNA markers were identified of which
(Berta et al., 1990; Jager et al., 1990). The XYY syndrome, esti- 136 were found to have multiple locations in the non-recombining
mated to occur once in a thousand live births is correlated with tall regions of the Y chromosome (Tilford et al., 2001). Ideally, these

Molecular Human Reproduction vol. 11 no. 2 q European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 2004; all rights reserved 117

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A.Bashamboo et al.

markers may be checked in a clinical setting to uncover their poss- transferred onto the nylon membrane (Southern, 1975) and UV fixed using
ible involvement with abnormal phenotypes. However, logistic con- Strata linker (Stratagene, San Diego, USA), and the blots were hybridized
straints may not allow such analysis during routine screening of the with oligoprobe OAT20Y as mentioned earlier (Gauri Bala et al., 1996). The
patients’ DNA samples. We analysed genomic DNA of 34 patients OAT20Y probe uncovered a 3.4 kb band representing the Yqh region of the
human Y chromosome.
with or without cytogenetically detectable Y chromosome for the
presence/absence of DYZ1, DYS1, DYZ3, PABY and SRY loci
encompassing both the arms, and conducted chromosomal analyses Chromosome analyses and estimation of hormonal levels
and hormonal assay. Several phenotypic females were found to har- Wherever possible, chromosome analyses of the patients were conducted fol-
bour one or more of the Y-linked loci and showed multiple point lowing standard protocols (Gauri Bala et al., 1996). However, due to logistic
constraints, karyotype analyses of several cases could not be done. For asses-
mutation(s). This work broadens our understanding of the muta-
sing hormonal profiles, 100 ml of serum from each sample was used to esti-
tional profile of the Y-linked loci, leading to more accurate DNA
mate E2, LH, TSH, PRL and FSH levels by radioimmunoassay using
diagnosis and augmenting genetic counselling to the affected commercial kits purchased from Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Bombay
couples. and Immuno Corp., Canada following the supplier’s specifications

Materials and methods Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH)

In an independent study, a blood sample from an aborted fetus (not listed in
Collection of blood samples and genomic DNA isolation Table II) was used for chromosome preparation and for analysing the presen-
Blood samples were collected with informed consent from normal males, ce/absence of the Y chromosome using FISH. Metaphase chromosomes were
females, patients and donors/volunteers from J.N. Medical College, Aligarh, prepared following standard methods (Gauri Bala et al., 1996). FISH was
India, strictly in accordance with the institute’s ethical and biosafety commit- conducted with a labelled DYZ1 cloned probe using a Nick Translation Kit
tee. Collection of these samples spanned a period of about 9 years. Genomic from Vysis (Illinois, USA). Hybridization, washing, counterstaining and
DNA from a total of 34 patients together with normal males was isolated mounting of the slides with DAPI were conducted following established pro-
following standard protocols (Ali et al., 1986). Of these samples, 19 (P2A/2, tocols (Rahman et al., 2004). The slides were screened under the Olympus
P2B/14, P2C/16, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P15, P65971, P65972, fluorescence microscope (BX 51) fitted with a vertical fluorescence illumina-
P65975, P6697, P17698, PHK-459) represented TS, three (P18, P20, PR- tor U-LH100HG UV, excitation and barrier filters. Metaphase images were
137) Swyer syndrome, six (P1, P13, P65973, P65974, P7797, P060600) cryp- captured with a CCD camera and chromosomes were karyotyped using Cyto-
torchidism and hypogonadism, two (P060500MS, P250500) RSA and one Vision 2.81 software from Applied Imaging Systems.
each of Klinefelter’s syndrome (P19), male pseudohermaphroditism (P12),
oligozoospermia (P60199bl) and XXY female syndrome (P21). Mutational analysis of the SRY gene
Mutational status of the SRY gene in patients was assessed by PCR, followed
Primers and probe for PCR amplification of genomic DNA by cloning and sequencing of the resultant amplicons. In order to ascertain
and hybridization the authenticity of the mutations detected in other phenotypic females, the
A set of oligoprimers representing four different loci (PABY, SRY, DYZ3 SRY sequences from four normal males, amplified by PCR, were cloned and
and DYS1) of the Y chromosome encompassing both the arms were used for sequenced. In addition, PCR products were also used for direct sequencing.
PCR amplifications following standard protocols (Bashamboo et al., 2003). The SRY sequences from four normal males (accession nos. AY601852,
For the SRY locus, two sets of primers were selected. RG4 and RG7 primers AY601853, AY601854 and AY601855) and five phenotypic female patients
specific to a 231-base pair band were used for typing all the samples. The (accession nos. AY601856, AY601857, AY601858, AY601859 and
other set of primers encompassing the HMG box, which generated a 612 AY601860) were deposited with GenBank. The patients’ DNA sequences
base pair fragment, was used for analysing the DNA from the phenotypic were subjected to multiple alignments with normal DNA (accession no.
female(s) positive for all the five Y-linked loci. The details of the probe and X53772) downloaded from GenBank using the CLUSTALW program on the
PCR primers, their annealing temperatures, size of the expected amplicons default server (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/clustalw).
and corresponding references are given in Table I.

Restriction digestion, agarose gel electrophoresis and Southern Results

blot hybridization
Y chromosome variability in patients with
Approximately 0.5 mg of genomic DNA was digested with Hae III enzymes
genetic anomalies
in a 20 ml reaction volume, following the supplier’s specifications (New
England Biolabs, USA). Digested DNA was electrophoresed on a 20 cm long Hormonal and chromosomal profiles of the patients studied were
1.5% agarose gel in 0.5 £ Tris/borate/EDTA buffer (pH 8.2). The DNA was found to be abnormal in several cases compared to that of

Table I. Y chromosome-related PCR primers and hybridization probes used for assessing different loci
S. no Loci Set of primers Annealing Amplicon Reference
temp. (8C) size (bp)

1 SRY, RG4 and RG7 (i) 50 GGTCAAGCGACCCATGAAYGCNTT 30 55 231 Griffiths and Tiwari, 1993
2 SRY2 and SRY3 (i) 50 CCCGAATTCGACAATGCAATCATATGCTTCTGC 30 65 612 Nagafuchi et al., 1992
3 PABY (i) 50 GTACTACCTTTAGAAAACTAGTATTTTCCC 30 54 970 Nagafuchi et al., 1992
4 DYZ3 (i) 50 ATGATAGAAACGGAAATATG 30 54 120 Nagafuchi et al., 1992
5 DYS1 (i) 50 AATAGAGCCTTATCAGCAGA 30 54 120 Nagafuchi et al., 1992
6 DYZ1 50 TTCCATTCCATTCCATTCCA 30 (OAT20Y oligo probe) Southern hybridization Gauri Bala et al., 1996

Note: (i) and (ii) represent forward (50 ) and reverse (30 ) primer sequences, respectively. For each reaction, reproducibility of the results was confirmed by con-
ducting PCR amplification on three occasions.


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Table II. Details of the clinical, chromosomal and hormonal profiles of patients
S. Patient Phenotype Karyotype Clinical features Anomaly Hormonal profile SRY PABY DYZ3 DYS1 DYZ1
no sex status/syndrome

1 NM M 46,XY Normala Normal FSH-5– 20 IU/l LH- þ þ þ þ þ

0.007– 0.024 IU/l
2 NF F 46,XX Normal Normal FSH-3-20 IU/l LH-5– 2 2 2 2 2
20 IU/l PRL-10–25
3 P1 M 46,XY Hypogonadism, undescended testis Cryptorchidism and FSH-13.2 IU/l LH- þ þ þ þ þ
hypogonadism 27.0 IU/l
4 P2A/2 F 46XX/46XY/ Primary amenorrhoea, SSC absent, hypogonadism, Turner syndrome LH-42.0 IU/l FSH- þ þ þ þ þ
47XXXp- uterus not seen, external genitalia normal, no 46.0 IU/l PRL-
skeletal deformation, webbing of neck 24.5 mg/l TSH-
3.2 nm/l
5 P2B/14 F 45,XO 46,XX Primary amenorrhoea, no breast or pubic hair Turner syndrome LH-37.0 IU/l, FSH- þ þ þ þ þ
46,XY development, USG shows small, nodule type 450.0 IU/l, PRL-
hypoplastic uterus 27.0 mg/l
6 P2C/16 F NA Primary amenorrhoea, underdeveloped breasts, Turner syndrome FSH-72.0 IU/l PRL- þ þ þ 2 2
USG shows an underdeveloped and small uterus 14.0 IU/l
7 P3 F NA Short stature, webbed neck, primary amenorrhoea, Turner syndrome FSH-3.0 IU/l E2- 2 2 2 2 2
breast and external genitalia normal, normal pubic 54.0 pg/ml PRL-
and auxiliary hair 7.0 mg/l
8 P4 F 45,XO 46,XX Turner variant, Primary amenorrhoea, USG reveals Turner syndrome LH-27.0 IU/l, FSH- þ þ þ þ þ
46,XY extremely hypoplastic uterus, breast and external 40.0 IU/l, PRL-
genitalia were underdeveloped, Sparse auxiliary 22.0 mg/l
pubic hair
9 P5 F 45,XO/46,XX Primary amenorrhoea, USG shows no evidence of Turner syndrome LH-56.0 IU/l FSH- 2 2 2 2 2
a uterus or ovaries, underdeveloped breast, sparse 48.0 IU/l PRL-
pubic hair 105.0 mg/l
10 P6 F 46,XX/47,XXXp- Short stature, webbed neck, primary amenorrhoea, Turner syndrome LH-22.6 IU/l FSH- 2 2 2 2 2
USG shows hypoplastic uterus and ovaries, normal 7.0 IU/l
external genitalia

Indian patients harbouring sex chromosomal anomalies

11 P7 F 45,XO/46,XX/ Short stature, webbed neck, primary amenorrhoea, Turner syndrome LH-53.0 IU/l FSH- 2 2 2 2 2
47,XXX USG reveals small uterus, atopic external genitalia 47.0 IU/l
12 P8 F 46,XX/47,XXX Short stature, primary amenorrhoea, poorly Turner syndrome NA 2 2 2 2 2
developed SSC
13 P9 F 46,XX/47,XXX Short stature, primary amenorrhoea, poorly Turner syndrome NA 2 2 þ þ þ
developed SSC, USG does not reveal a uterus,
dysgenic gonads, abdominal testis were surgically
14 P10 F 45,XO/46,XX Short stature, webbed neck, shield-like chest, Turner syndrome NA 2 2 2 2 2
secondary amenorrhoea
15 P11 F 45,XO 46,XX Short stature, shield-like chest, no breast nodules, Turner syndrome NA 2 2 þ þ þ
47,XX, idic (Yq) auxillary hair or pubic hair, primary amenorrhoea,
absence of SSC, external genitalia normal, USG
did not show an ovary but a streak gonad was
16 P12 M NA Male pseudohermaphroditism, external genitalia Male NA þ þ þ þ þ
ambiguous pseudohermaphroditism
17 P13 M 46,XY Cryptorchidism, USG did not show testis in Cryptorchidism and NA þ þ þ þ þ
inguinal and abdominal region hypogonadism
18 P15 F 45,XO/46,XX Primary amenorrhoea, atopic vagina, small uterus Turner syndrome FSH-0.075 IU/l LH- 2 2 2 2 2
seen during gynaecological examination, no 0.062 IU/l PRL-
endometrial tissue seen in biopsy, USG showed 6.4 mg/l
anteverted and anteflexed uterus

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A.Bashamboo et al.
Table II. Continued
S. Patient Phenotype Karyotype Clinical features Anomaly Hormonal profile SRY PABY DYZ3 DYS1 DYZ1
no sex status/syndrome

19 P18 F 46,XY Physically resembles a normal female, with normal Swyer syndrome NA 2 þ þ þ þ
external genitalia
20 P19 M 46,XX Klinefelter’s syndrome, external genitalia and testis NA þ þ þ þ þ
are apparently normal, well-developed breasts
21 P20 F 46,XY A phenotypic female with male internal organs, Swyer syndrome NA þ þ þ þ þ
absence of uterus
22 P21 F 47,XXY Ambiguous genitalia, more like a male, no vaginal NA þ þ þ þ þ
opening, USG showed ovaries and uterus is smaller
in size. No testis or testicular tissue seen
23 P65971 F 46,XX/46,XY/ Turner variant, primary amenorrhoea, tall stature Turner syndrome NA þ þ þ þ þ
24 P65972 F NA Primary amenorrhoea Turner syndrome NA 2 þ þ þ 2
25 P65973 M NA Cryptorchidism and hypogonadism Cryptorchidism and NA þ þ þ þ þ
26 P65974 M NA Cryptorchidism and hypogonadism Cryptorchidism and NA þ þ þ þ 2
27 P65975 F NA Turner syndrome Turner syndrome NA 2 2 2 2 2
28 P6697 F NA Short stature, hirsutism, primary amenorrhoea Turner syndrome NA þ þ þ 2 2
29 P7797 M NA Cryptorchidism Cryptorchidism and NA 2 þ þ þ þ
30 P17698 F NA Short stature, shield-like chest, primary Turner syndrome FSH-0.012 IU/l LH- þ þ þ þ þ
amenorrhoea, USG revealed hypertrophied kidneys, 0.032 IU/l, PRL-
kidney showed dilated pelvis and calyces, ureter 8.5 mg/l
not seen, uterus not seen, vaginal echo present,
ovaries absent
31 PHK-459 F 45,XO/46,X(mar) Primary amenorrhoea, normal developmental Turner syndrome E2-0.01 pg/ml FSH- 2 2 þ þ 2
milestones, proportionate but short stature, sparse 52.33 IU/l LH-
auxiliary and pubic hair, normal external genitalia, 23.37 IU/l
no webbing of neck, no breast nodules seen. USG
revealed both kidneys normal in size, shape,
outline and echotexture. Uterus is small and
infantile. Ovaries not seen
32 P60199bl M NA Infertile male, oligospermic Oligozoospermia FSH-4.2 U/l, LH- þ þ þ þ þ
2.1 IU/l, PRL-
14.0 mg/l, TSH-
7.5 ng/ml
33 P060600 M NA Hypogonadism Cryptorchidism and NA þ þ þ þ þ
34 P060500MS F NA Recurrent spontaneous abortions Recurrent spontaneous NA 2 þ 2 2 2
35 P250500MS F NA Recurrent spontaneous abortions Recurrent spontaneous NA 2 2 þ 2 2
36 PR-137 F 46,XY Swyer syndrome Swyer syndrome NA þ þ þ þ þ
Normal ranges of hormones in males and females are given. M ¼ male; F ¼ female; NA ¼ not available; SSC ¼ secondary sexual characters; USG ¼ ultrasonography; PRL ¼ prolactin releasing hormone;
LH ¼ luteinizing hormone; FSH ¼ follicle stimulating hormone; TSH ¼ thyroid stimulating hormone.

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Indian patients harbouring sex chromosomal anomalies

the normal ones (Table II). PCR-based analysis and Southern blot of the patients with TS showed varying levels of aberrant Y chromo-
hybridization showed presence/absence of the Y-linked loci in sev- some. One sample (P60199bl) representing oligozoospermia was
eral cases where the Y chromosome was not detectable cytogeneti- found to be positive for all the 5 loci. The number of patients belong-
cally. Of the 19 cases of TS analysed, 7 were found to be positive for ing to different categories of genetic anomalies/syndrome and positi-
SRY, 8 for PABY, 11 for DYZ3, 9 for DYS1 and 7 for DYZ1 loci. ve/negative status of different Y-linked loci therein are given in
Interestingly, of all the cases of TS, only 5 samples were positive for Table III. The amplicons from the representative patient samples cor-
all 5 loci, whereas, 7 were found to be negative. Thus, the majority responding to the SRY, PABY, DYZ3 and DYS1 loci are shown in

Table III. Status of Y-linked loci in patients with sex chromosome-related anomalies
S. no Clinical features No of Positivity for different Y-linked loci

1 Turner syndrome 19 8 7 11 9 7
2 Swyer syndrome 3 3 2 3 3 3
3 Cryptorchidism/hypogonadism 6 6 5 6 6 5
4 Repeated spontaneous abortion 2 1 0 1 0 0
5 Klinefelter’s syndrome 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 Male pseudohermaphroditism 1 1 1 0 1 1
7 XXY (female) syndrome 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 Oligozoospermia 1 1 1 1 1 1

Figure 1. A representative gel showing PCR amplification of patients’ genomic DNA. Panels A, B, C and D represent SRY, PABY, DYZ3 and DYS1 specific
amplicons of 231, 970, 120 and 710 base pairs, respectively. As given in Table I, SRY primers RG4 and RG7 generating a 231 base-pair band were used for
screening all the samples. The other set of primers, specific for SRY encompassing HMG box were used for the amplification of genomic DNA from the pheno-
typic female patients (data not shown). DNA from normal individuals of both the sexes was used as control and FX174/Hae III DNA (M) as molecular size
marker. Of the 34 patients whose DNA were analysed, results of only 10 samples are shown here. The remaining ones have been included in the diagrammatic
illustration of Figure 7.

Figure 2. Typing of Hae III digested genomic DNA of 27 patients with OAT20Y probe representing DYZ1 locus that shows a 3.4 kb band in the normal
males. The remaining seven samples analysed independently, not shown here, have been included in the diagrammatic illustration of Figure 7. Note the pre-
sence of a male-specific 3.4 kb band in the patients. l\HindIII DNA was used as the molecular size marker given in kb.


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A.Bashamboo et al.

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the novel mutations detected in the SRY gene in a patient (P20). Positions of the mutations are marked with arrows in
the 50 non-HMG box region (a: upper panel). The lower panel (b), shows the sequences (partial) from a normal and a mutant SRY gene. Mutations in the patient
at nucleotide 46, 61 and 62 are underlined.

Figure 1. The patients’ samples positive for the DYZ1, based on the DYS1, 64.7%; and for the DYZ1, 55.9%. However, in cases of
Southern blot hybridization, are shown in Figure 2. Of those patients TS, the patients positive for PABY were 42.1%; SRY, 36.84%;
belonging to other categories, one phenotypic male (P7797) suffering DYZ3, 57.9%; DYS1, 47.4%; and DYZ1, 36.8%. Interestingly, in
from cryptorchidism was found to be negative for the SRY sequence. both the categories, maximum numbers of samples were found to be
On the other hand, five phenotypic female patients (P2A/2, P21, positive for the DYZ3 locus. Presence/absence of the Y chromo-
P65971, P6697 and P20) were positive for the SRY gene. some-linked loci in patients with their corresponding phenotypic sex
Of these patients P20, an XY female with Swyer syndrome, was is shown in a schematic illustration (Figure 7). The filled blocks cor-
positive for all the Y-linked loci. Sequence analysis of the SRY gene respond to the presence of the loci, whereas the empty ones denote
from this patient (accession no. AY601858), encompassing HMG their absence.
box, showed transition and transversion mutations (Figure 3). These
mutations are predicted to alter the spatial organization of the SRY
protein (Figure 4) and may affect its function. In addition, CLUS- Discussion
TALW multiple sequence alignment (www.ebi.ac.uk/clustalw) This study was undertaken with a view to ascertain loss or gain of
showed mutations in the 30 region at nucleotide positions 507 and five well-defined Y chromosome-linked loci in patients suffering
564, in patient P20, where G was changed to C and A to T, respect- from sex chromosome-related anomalies. Several phenotypic female
ively. However, these mutations did not alter the amino acid patients were found to be positive for one or more of the Y-linked
sequences. Besides these changes, two deletions were detected at
nucleotide positions 567 and 577 involving C at both positions. In a
phenotypic female patient, P2A/2, multiple sequence alignment with
CLUSTALW showed point mutation in the extreme 50 region of the
SRY gene at position 1 changing nucleotide A to T in the start
codon. This caused a change in the amino acid from methionine to
leucine. Thus, of the five phenotypic females, three (P21, P65971
and P6697) showed normal SRY sequences, whereas two (P2A/2
and P20) showed mutations in the SRY gene. The result of CLUS-
TALW alignment of the SRY sequences from these patients and nor-
mal individuals is given in Figure 5.
FISH analysis of an aborted fetus in an independent study (not
listed in the Table II) showed complete absence of DYZ1 signal in
some cells and varying levels of this signal in others (Figure 6a)
portraying a gross level of Y chromosome mosaicism. Several meta-
phases from the normal males used as control showed discernible
DYZ1-specific signals in the Yqh region of the Y chromosome(s)
(Figure 6b). The DYZ1 signals on the long arm of the Y chromo-
some in normal males were clearly noticeable within the expected
range (Figure 6b, C-I) compared to those in the cells devoid of such
a signal from the aborted fetus (see Figure 6a). Thus, the present
study establishes a correlation between the varying levels of the Y Figure 4. Predicted secondary structure of the SRY peptide encompassing
chromosome mosaicism uncovered by the presence/absence of the the mutated region using default server (http://dot.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu:9331/
DYZ1 specific signals and RSA. seq-search/struc-predict.html). Normal peptide sequences (partial) and
mutated ones in the 50 non-HMG box region at codons 16 and 21 are marked
Of all the samples analysed (Table II), the patients positive for by an asterisk (*). An arrow shows a small helix in the normal SRY peptide,
the PABY locus were 64.7%; the SRY, 52.9%; the DYZ3, 73.5%; which is absent in the mutated one.


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Indian patients harbouring sex chromosomal anomalies

loci. This suggests that Y chromosome mosaicism is not uncommon, conformation may affect the spatial organization of the SRY pro-
though the cause or the effect of such aberration remains unclear. tein, rendering it incapable of functioning accurately as a transcrip-
Patients with genetic anomalies showed an abnormal hormonal pro- tion factor, as demonstrated by the predicted secondary structure
file indicating possible involvement of the autosomal genes in the analysis. Mutations in the SRY gene in Swyer syndrome have been
diseased phenotype. This opens up newer vistas for the in-depth reported to be involved in the sex reversal of the patient. Subject
analysis of the candidate genes related to paracrine systems. P20 appears to belong to this category substantiating that
mutation(s) in the SRY gene could be a prime cause for sex reversal.
A phenotypic male patient (P7797) with cryptorchidism and
Mutations in the SRY gene hypogonadism positive for the four loci (PABY, DYZ3, DYS1 and
Mutations in the SRY gene have been reported in about 20% of the DYZ1) was found to be negative for the SRY gene. The resultant
cases with XY gonadal dysgenesis. In the present study, mutations phenotype could either be caused by the apparent deletion of the
causing substitution of amino acids at codons 16 (Asp ! Tyr) and SRY gene or mutation(s) in some other genes. The patient (P19) suf-
21 (Val ! Pro) in the SRY gene result in the loss of a small helix fering from male pseudohermaphroditism (positive for all the Y loci
prior to the HMG box in the 50 region (Figure 4). This altered studied), seemed to have a structurally intact Y chromosome as

Figure 5. CLUSTALW (1.81) multiple alignment of subset sequences of the SRY gene from four normal males and five phenotypic female patients. Note the
normal SRY sequence in all the males and indels in P20. The patient P2A/2 showed point mutation at the 50 position of the SRY gene resulting in a change in
the start codon from methionine to leucine.


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A.Bashamboo et al.

Figure 5. (Continued.)

revealed by DNA analysis, but the same was undetectable cytogen- evidence, no such conclusion can be drawn. These observations at
etically. Like other instances, this could also be a case of acute best provide indirect evidence that in phenotypic females, presence
mosaicism with only fewer cells having a Y chromosome that of one or more Y-linked loci may be the cause of genetic anomalies,
escaped detection during cytogenetic analysis. A phenotypically though involvement of autosomal genes may not be ruled out.
male patient (P60199) suffering from oligozoospermia was also
found to be positive for all the five loci, indicating the presence of Y chromosome mosaicism and Turner syndrome
an intact Y chromosome. However, on the basis of screening of a Turner patients with Y chromosomes have 15 –20% increased risk
single sample, it is difficult to establish a correlation between pre- of developing gonadoblastoma (Verp and Simpson, 1987) but the
sence/absence of these loci and oligozoospermia. In addition, actual percentage of Y chromosome-bearing cells in the neoplastic
mutation(s) in autosomal genes responsible for such an anomaly tissue remains unclear. Thus, the assessment of the extent of the Y
may not be ruled out. In a phenotypic female patient with Swyer chromosome mosaicism in the infertile or subfertile cases is of rel-
syndrome (PRK137) and another with XXY syndrome (P21), the evance. In this context, we used DYZ1 repeat fraction as probe for
SRY gene was apparently intact since no mutation was detected. FISH and its core sequences for DNA typing. The high copy num-
Nonetheless, mutation(s) in the flanking regions of the SRY gene ber of DYZ1 (2000– 4000 copies per Y chromosome) facilitated the
leading to its ectopic expression or silencing of this gene may not detection of the Y chromosome even in the aberrant forms as shown
be ruled out as reported earlier (Kwok et al., 1996; Poulat et al., in our FISH study (Figure 6a). Cryptic mosaicism of the Y chromo-
1997; Vietia et al., 1997). A phenotypic female proband some has been reported to be a rare event and may be less than 1%
(P060500MSF) suffering from RSA (Figure 7) was found to be posi- (Medlej et al., 1992; Larsen et al., 1995; Jacobs et al., 1997; Yori-
tive for the PABY locus. In the absence of other causes, it is tempt- fugi et al., 1997). In our study, Y chromosome mosaicism in Turner
ing to construe that this region may be responsible for abnormal cases was found to be about 57%, which is apparently much higher
exchange during zygotic cell divisions, leading to mitotic instability than those reported from US and European populations. In the
and eventually the loss of fetus. However, in the absence of direct absence of sufficient data from other parts of India, no conclusion

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Indian patients harbouring sex chromosomal anomalies

Figure 6a. FISH using DYZ1 probe with metaphase chromosomes (A) and interphase nuclei (B, C, D, E and F) from the blood sample of an aborted fetus
(not listed in Table II). A shows signal in the qh region of the Y chromosome; B, miniscule signal; C and D, complete absence of signal and E and F, detect-
able but reduced levels of signal compared to that of the normal Y chromosome.
Figure 6b. A comparative profile of DYZ1 signals detected by FISH in metaphase chromosomes (A) and interphase nuclei (B) of the aborted fetus and Y
chromosomes from several unrelated normal males (C– I). Note the signal variation within the Y chromosomes amongst different individuals.

can be drawn. However, these observations are envisaged to be of as demonstrated in a sample of RSA in the present study (Figure
great relevance in the context of future studies along these lines. 6a). We hypothesize that a critical number of DYZ1 copies on the
long arm of the human Y chromosome may be necessary for the
maintenance of its structural and functional integrity. It has been
DYZ1 locus and its (in)stability argued that individuals with loss of almost all (or all) of the hetero-
A putative role of DYZ1-related sequences for the development of chromatin have normal male phenotypes. While this may be true,
normal males has been postulated (Lau and Schonberg, 1984; Manz not all such males may be genetically fertile since the deletion of
et al., 1992). Typing of the patients’ genomic DNA with a DYZ1 heterochromatin from the Yqh region, at times, may include neigh-
probe showed an allelic profile similar to that of normal males in bouring functional gene(s) as well. Analysis of such males for copy
more than 50% of cases (Figure 2). However, this typing system number variation of the DYZ1 fraction and assessment of their ferti-
does not demonstrate loss or gain of the DYZ1 arrays resulting in lity status would prove to be informative. In the present study (see
copy number variation. FISH uncovers this copy number variation FISH data in Figure 6a and b), fewer copies of DYZ1 arrays in


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Figure 7. Diagrammatic illustration highlighting the screening results of the patients’ DNA with five Y chromosome-linked loci (PABY, SRY, DYZ3, DYS1
and DYZ1) used as markers. The filled blocks denote presence of the loci, whereas the empty ones correspond to absence of the same loci. Several phenotypic
females, positive for one or more of these markers, suggest that low levels of Y chromosome mosaicism are common in the patients with sex chromosome

some cells and near normal ones in others from RSA may be a true Bashamboo A, Bhatnagar S, Kaur A, Sarhadi VK, Singh JR and Ali S (2003)
reflection of its still uncharacterized biological significance. Molecular characterization of a Y-derived marker chromosome and identi-
fication of indels in the DYS1 region in a patient with stigmata of Turner
syndrome. Curr Sci 84,219–224.
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Acknowledgements ated with structural X abnormalities or mosaicism. Hum Genet 64,24–27.
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