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Alcatel GSM

BTS Terminal Installation

BTS Software Download
(OFF-Line Commissioning)

BTS Document

User Guide
Release B9

Prepared By: RIZWAN AHMED RAFIQ 1 of 45

Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )

All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use

and communication of its contents not permitted without
written authorization from Mobiserve Pakistan.

Prepared By: RIZWAN AHMED RAFIQ 2 of 45

Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )
1 Install and Start the Terminal ..................................................................................................................... 04
1.1 Terminal Description ...................................................................................................................... 05
1.1.1 Hardware Requirements . . . .................................................................................... 05
1.1.2 Software Requirements . . ....................................................................................... 05
1.1.3 Communications Protocol . . . .................................................................................. 06
1.2 Install the Terminal . . . ................................................................................................................. 07
1.3 Start the Terminal Software . . . .................................................................................................... 08

2 Terminal Menus and Functions ................................................................................................................. 12

2.1 BTS Terminal Modes and Functions . . ....................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Standalone and Online Modes . . . .......................................................................... 13
2.1.2 Toolbar . . . ............................................................................................................... 14
2.1.3 Status Bar . . . ........................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Standalone Mode Terminal Menu ................................................................................................. 17
2.3 A9100/A9110/A9110-E/A9110-E BTS Terminal Menus . . . ........................................................ 18
2.4 Set Terminal Properties ................................................................................................................. 19

3 BTS Software Download ( OFF-Line Commissioning )........................................................................... 23

3.1 Steps before BTS Software ( OFF-Line Commissioning ) Download .......................................... 24
3.1.1 Disconnection of Power ............................................................................................ 24
3.1.2 Transmission Break. ................................................................................................. 25
3.1.3 Power Up the BTS Rack ........................................................................................... 26
3.1.4 Connect the Laptop with BTS ................................................................................... 27
3.2 Download BTS Software ............................................................................................................... 28
3.2.1 Download BTS Software ( OFF-Lining Files ) .......................................................... 28
3.2.2 Initial Setting .............................................................................................................. 33
3.2.3 SUMA Board Setting ................................................................................................. 36
3.2.4 Initialize All Sector ..................................................................................................... 39
3.2.5 Test Station Unit ........................................................................................................ 40
3.2.6 End Commissioning .................................................................................................. 42
3.2.7 Attach Abis ................................................................................................................ 43
3.2.8 Hard Reset ................................................................................................................ 44

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Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )
1 Install and Start the Terminal

This chapter tells you how to install the terminal hardware and software and then
start it.
It describes the terminal and its requirements.

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Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )
1.1 Terminal Description
The BTS terminal is a PC connected to a BTS and running terminal software
for accessing BTS O&M functions. For more information about the BTS, refer to the
BTS Functional Description and the Evolium BTS A9100/A9110/A9110-E Functional
You can use the BTS terminal to:
Initiate actions in the BTS and view reports associated with these actions

Observe system behavior

Perform local management functions such as monitoring alarms, events, and


1.1.1 Hardware Requirements

The following table shows the hardware requirements for the BTS terminal.

Description Characteristics (minimum)

Processor Pentium II, III, 266 MHz

RAM 128 MBytes

Hard disk At least 60 MBytes free for program and data storage
(except software environment).

Diskette drive One drive 3 1/2", 1.4 MByte

CD-ROM drive yes

Interfaces 1x serial interface + 1x PS/2 or 2x serial interface

Video adapter SVGA with 1024x768 pixel resolution

Monitor SVGA

Mouse Serial mouse or PS/2 mouse.

The BTS terminal is connected to the BTS via an RS-232 asynchronous link cable.
This cable is different for each type of BTS to be connected.

1.1.2 Software Requirements

The BTS terminal requires the following software:

Windows 2000™ or Windows XP™

BTS Terminal application software.

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1.1.3 Communications Protocol
Data exchange between the PC and the BTS uses an RS-232 link and an Alcatel
proprietary local protocol.
If a transmission failure in either direction is detected, a retransmission is
attempted automatically. If the transmission is unsuccessful after three
attempts, the terminal software informs you that the interface is malfunctioning.
If transmission is unsuccessful:

Verify that the BTS terminal is not in standalone mode.


Check that the cable is connected correctly between the terminal and the BTS

Restart the BTS terminal software.

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1.2 Install the Terminal
You do not need to connect the BTS terminal to the BTS before installing the
terminal software. However, once it is physically connected, you have to run the
terminal software and execute ’Connect’ to initialize the link.

Prerequisite The user must have administrator rights for the terminal PC.
To install the BTS terminal:
1. Connect the RS-232 asynchronous link cable from the COM1 port on the
terminal PC to the MMI port on the BTS.
The terminal software also supports COM2, COM3, or COM4.
2. Insert the first BTS Terminal Installation diskette or the CD-ROM, if available.
3. Installation of the BTS Terminal software from diskettes or CD-ROM is

If installing from... Then...

Diskettes Select Run from the Windows

Start menu and enter the following
command (assuming the diskette drive is

A CD-ROM subdivided into disk1 to Select Run from the Windows

disk3 Start menu and enter the following
command (assuming the CD-ROM drive
is ’D’):
setup.exe *)
is an example and can be different
because it depends on software
version and kind of installation on the

A CD-ROM available as one file Copy the file to the hard disk.
BTSW *.* (e.g., BTSW AV01.exe)
Run the file to generate the
subdirectories disk1 to disk 3.

Run setup.exe on the subdirectory disk1

to start the installation

The BTS Terminal Welcome window is displayed.

4. Follow the procedure on screen.

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1.3 Start the Terminal Software
Note: There are two different customer privilege levels: Level 2 and Level 3.
The Level 2 user/group name and password allows you to perform all the tasks
described in this handbook. Functionally, the Level 3 user/group name and password
is identical to Level 2. But in case of discrepancies between the BTS release and the
BTS terminal release, Level 3 users (but not Level 2 users) can download the
terminal software.
The current default user/group name and password are handed over by Alcatel
support personnel.
To start the BTS terminal software:
1. Click on the Start menu item and follow the path:
Start  Programs  BTS-Terminal release Bxx  BTS-Terminal
release Bxx
The User Login window is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

The window indicates the BTS terminal software version this guide is based
You have 60 seconds to log on before the program terminates automatically.
A countdown timer is displayed in the bottom right corner of the window.
2. Enter your user name or group name in the User/Group Name field in
the User Login window.
3. Enter your log file name in the ’Your log file is’ field. If there is no entry,
the log file name will be the user name or group name entered in the
’User/Group Name’ field.
4. Enter your password.
5. Click on [Logon].

 Group-1: User / Group Name ------ COMMTE Password ------ COMMTE

 Group-2: User / Group Name ------ UPGRAD Password ------ SUMSUP

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The first time you start the software, a Setup Information window is
displayed, as shown in the following figure.

6. If you want to set up the serial interface, click on [ Baud rate ] to display the
Properties - Serial Interface panel, as shown in the following figure.
Otherwise, click on [ Close ] to display the BTS Terminal Standalone Mode
window, (see Figure 1) and then go directly to Step 9.

7. Click on the appropriate COM Port and Baud rate check boxes in the BTS -
Terminal pane, as required.
8. Click on [ OK ] to activate and store these serial interface settings for this
and future terminal sessions.

The BTS Terminal Standalone Mode window is displayed, as shown in

the following figure.

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Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )
9. From the menu bar, follow the menu path:
Select  BTS Terminal (G1 MKII/G2)
Select  CT Terminal (G1 MKII/G2)
Select  BTS Terminal (Evolium BTS)
as appropriate, to select the type of terminal.

BTS Terminal Standalone Mode Window (Detail)

10. From the menu bar, follow the menu path:

File  Connect/Disconnect

or click on to connect the terminal to the BTS.

The terminal is connected to the BTS and the transferred messages are shown
in the Log File window, as shown in the following figure. (The Log File window
is a ’child’ of the BTS Terminal application.)
The BTS Log File window displays a new set of menus and shows a log file
listing. This log file listing is automatically updated if the TRACK field is
activated (indicated by a checkmark (X)). If you click on the checkmark or on
TRACK the field is deactivated and the log file listing is no longer updated.
The log file is opened when the terminal is connected to the BTS.

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Note: The data in the Log File window are saved in a file. The file name is defined in
the Log-on dialog box, as described in step 3, above.
The directory where the file is located is given during the installation procedure.

BTS Log-on Window (Detail)

11. If the log file is needed for further use, the log file has to be closed.

Click on [ Close ] or on
12. For report purposes, the log file can be copied with Window Explorer or any
equivalent tool.

Note: The capacity of a log file is 64 KByte. If a log file exceeds this range, a second
(third, fourth, etc.) log file is created automatically. The log file extension ’LOG’
is changed to ’000’, ’001’, ’002’, etc.
If this log file has to be used for report purpose, all extensions have to be taken
into account.

Prepared By: RIZWAN AHMED RAFIQ 11 of

Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )

2 Terminal Menus and Functions
This chapter describes the terminal menus and the functions they provide.

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Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )

2.1 BTS Terminal Modes and Functions
This section describes the different BTS modes and the functions available in each
of them.

2.1.1 Standalone and Online Modes

The BTS terminal runs in two modes, Standalone and Online. ’Standalone’ in the
status bar indicates that the terminal is not connected to a BTS. ’Online’ in the status
bar indicates that the terminal is connected to a BTS.
In Standalone Mode, some menu options are not active and appear grayed-out in the
menus. All the options are only available in Online Mode.
The terminal Standalone Mode menus are listed in the menu bar of the
BTS Terminal Standalone Mode window, as shown in the following figure in a
schematic presentation.

The toolbar and status bar are also shown.

BTS Terminal for Windows

Menu Bar File Select Settings View Help

Tool Bar

Status Bar

BTS Terminal Standalone Mode Window (Schematic Presentation)

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2.1.2 Toolbar
The toolbar contains shortcut icons to all menu items as follows:

Open an existing log file when the terminal is in Standalone mode.

Save the contents of special windows such as log file windows.

Display the Help/About Btsw window.

Display help.

Close the log file or open a new one.

Display the SBL Management window.

Display the A9100/A9110/A9110-E BTS Sector Mapping window.

Display the SBL Module States window.

Connect/disconnect the terminal to the BTS.

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2.1.3 Status Bar
The status bar at the bottom of the terminal window shows the current terminal
The status bar in Standalone Mode is shown in the following figure.

Status Bar in Standalone Mode

The status bar contains the following information.

System Messages System messages are displayed in

the left side of the status bar. In this case,
the message ’For help, press F1’ is

Terminal Mode The terminal mode is displayed in the

middle of the status bar. In this case, the
mode is Standalone.

PPP Link Status The PPP link status is displayed only

for multi standard BTS.

Baud Rate The default terminal baud rate for the

connection to the BTS is displayed
on the right side of the status bar. In
this case, the baud rate is 9600.

The status bar in Online mode is shown in the following figure.

Status Bar in Online Mode

The terminal baud rate configured for the connection to the BTS is displayed on the
right side of the status bar. In this case, the baud rate is 57600.
While the terminal is connected to a BTS, a flashing asterisk (*) is displayed at the
end of the status bar on the right.
Note: If the connection is lost, a warning message is displayed and the asterisk (*)
stops flashing and stays on.
The following additional information is shown in the status bar when in Online

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Log File Name The name of the log file is displayed
next to the terminal mode. In this
case, the name of the log file is

BTS Name The name of the connected BTS is

displayed next to the log file name.
In this case, the name of the BTS is
BTS 1.

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2.2 Standalone Mode Terminal Menu
The detailed Standalone Mode terminal menu (see menu bar in figure 3) tree is
shown in the following figure.
Menu Bar
File Select Settings View Window*) Help

Connect/Disconnect BTS Terminal Terminal Toolbar Cascade Index

Log (G1 MKII/G2) Status Bar Tile Using Help
Open CT Terminal System Information Arrange Icons About Btsw
Open log file (G2) Clear Placement
Open Logfile BTS Terminal
Collection (Evolium BTS)
Save As
Recent File *) Window is displayed
Exit when opening a log file

The BTS terminal menu options specific to Standalone Mode are described in the following table.

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2.3 A9100/A9110/A9110-E/A9110-E BTS Terminal Menus
When the terminal is connected to a A9100/A9110/A9110-E BTS and goes into
Online mode, a new set of menus is displayed in the terminal window.
The A9100/A9110/A9110-E BTS Terminal menu tree is shown in the following figure.

Prepared By: RIZWAN AHMED RAFIQ 18 of

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2.4 Set Terminal Properties
You can set the following terminal properties:
Serial interface - for the terminal connection to the BTS

Misc. - for monitoring BTS_TEL, displaying SBL module states, and for
commissioning tasks
Spy Sim - for message window font and color

Tracer - for message window font and color.

To set the BTS terminal properties:

1. From the menu bar, follow the menu path:
Settings  Terminal
The Properties window with the Serial Interface panel is displayed, as shown
in the following figure.

2. Check the appropriate COM Port and Baud rate in the BTS - Terminal
pane, as required.

3. Enter the required polling time for the BTS terminal to interrogate the serial
interface for new messages.

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4. Click on the Misc. tab to display the Properties - Miscellaneous panel
(shown below).

5. Select ’Monitoring BTS_TEL’ to monitor logical SBLs in the BSC.

6. Put in a dummy VSWR margin (normally: 1.9) in the field ’VSWR dummy
security margin’.
This VSWR margin will be used as a default value, if no current VSWR
values are measured. This value becomes valid when ’Edit Sector Mapping’ is
7. Select ’New SBL monitoring dialog’ to display the SBL module states in a
newly designed configuration.
8. Path to ’INVENTAR’ shows the path of the inventory program rem2inv.exe
which is used to create an inventory file of the BTS. The program is invoked,
when the command Commissioning -> Inventory File -> Save RI to file and
execute INVENTAR... is given during commissioning only.

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9. Click on the Spy Sim tab to display the Properties - Spy Sim panel, shown

Properties - Spy Sim Panel

10. Click on [ Request ] to open the Font window, as shown below.

Font Window

11. Select the font and other required parameters.

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12. Click on [ OK ] to return to the Properties - Spy Sim panel.

13. Repeat Steps8, 9, and 10 for the Request and Report windows for Tracer.
The batch feature is for internal use only to distinguish between internal
terminal commands and outgoing requests for Report and Batch windows.
14. Click on the Tracer tab to display the Properties - Tracer panel, shown in
the following figure.

Properties - Tracer Panel

15. Repeat Steps 8, 9, and 10 for the Request and Report windows for Tracer.
The batch feature is for internal use only to distinguish between internal
terminal commands, outgoing requests and incoming reports.

16. Click on [ OK ] to close the Properties window.

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Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )

3 OFF-Line Commissioning

This chapter tells you the steps to perform OFF-Line Commissioning and describes

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3.1 Steps before BTS Software ( OFF-Lining Files ) Download
This section describes the steps before OFF-Line Commissioning.

3.1.1 Disconnection of Power

Turn OFF the BTS power through breakers installed in the BTS Rack. You can also
turn OFF the BTS through rectifier.

Power Breakers at top of BTS Rack.

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3.1.2 Transmission Break

Break the Abis either from DDF or BTS Rack.

If you can’t find the appropriate port for BTS on DDF Panel, on which
OFF-Line Commissioning is going to be conducted than you can also break
the Abis from SUMA by unplugging the Abis Cable from Abis port on SUMA.

Abis Cable

SUMA with Abis Cable. Abis Connectivity at DDF Panel.

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Abis Port at the top of BTS Rack.

3.1.3 Power Up the BTS Rack

Restore the BTS Power by switching the power breakers installed on the
top of BTS Rack to the ON position.

Power Breakers at top of BTS Rack at ON positions.

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3.1.4 Connect the Laptop with BTS

Connect the Laptop with BTS by using B9 or B10 software as described in chapter-1.

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3.2 Download BTS Software
3.2.1 Download BTS Software ( OFF-Lining Files )
To download BTS software from the BTS terminal and to check the initialization of
BTS modules:
1. From the Online Mode menu bar, follow the menu path:
Commissioning  Download  BTS-SW
The BTS Software Download window is displayed.

BTS Software Download Window

2. Select the required master file and the CPF file using the [ Browse ] button.

BTS Software Browser Window

Note: Always select the 1 file in both cases (i.e Master File & CPF File). In this
case select BM0SAW19.MSF for Master File & AGC3AVW4.DDL for CPF
File. CODA File will be selected automatically.

3. Click on [ Download ] to start the BTS download.

A BTS SW download in progress window is displayed. It shows the file which
is being downloaded.

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BTS SW download in progress Window

During the download (the period depends on the selected baud rate) these
messages are displayed:

BTS SW Download Message (1)

BTS SW Download Message (2)

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BTS SW Download Message (3)

Wait for the Edit Frequencies window, as shown in the following figure.

Edit Frequencies Window

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4. Select a ’Frequency Band’ (GSM 850/GSM 900/DCS 1800/DCS
i. Select GSM for GSM cabinet

ii. Select DCS1800 for DCS cabinet

iii. Select GSM for GSM+DCS ( Combined ) cabinet

In the ’Selected ARFNs’ list, the default ARFNs of the selected frequency band
are displayed.
5. Select the required test frequencies by clicking on [ Add ] or [ Remove ] in
the ’Available ARFNs’ list to have the correct frequencies in the ’Selected
ARFNs’ list.
6. Repeat the ARFN selection for each frequency band.
7. Click on [ Submit ] to confirm and activate the selected frequencies.

If the BTS is equipped with TWIN TRE modules, wait for the TWIN TRE Mode
Configuration window, as shown in the following figure.

TWIN TRE Mode Configuration Window

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8. Enter the TWIN TRE configuration.
9. Click on [ Save ] to store the data.

Note: If the BTS is not equipped with TWIN TRE modules, then the above
Configuration window will not appear.

Following windows will appear after the configuration of TWIN TRE’s.

Wait for the TMA Setting windows, as shown in the following figure.

TMA Setting Window

10. Enter different parameters of TMA ( Tower Mount Amplifier ) in the above
window like TMA Thresholds & Losses and Gains etc.

Note: If TMA is not installed with RF Antenna, than [ Cancel ] the TMA Setting window.

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3.2.2 Initial Settings
For Initial Setting option, follow the menu path:

Settings  Transmissions  Initial Setting

The SUM Initial Settings window, allows modification of some or all settings, as
described below.

SUM Initial Settings Window

Use the SUM Initial Settings window to modify the:

Qmux Address and Baud Rate

SUM Environment
Cyclic Redundancy Check Clock

Listener Side
Line Impedance

Display hardware and software Information.

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The Initial Settings window also contains the buttons described in the following

Button Action

Get Config Retrieves and displays the currently valid SUM board
configuration settings. The settings should be displayed
and examined before any new settings are transmitted.

Transmit Sends the changed and modified settings to the

SUM board. The settings become at the SUM board
configuration settings, displayed when Get Config is

Close Closes the Initial Settings window and returns to the

Transmission dialog box.

Initial Settings Buttons

Modify Qmux Addressing

Modifying the Qmux Address assigns a logical reference number to the address of the
SUM board. The reference number is used by other Qmux entities to locate the SUM board. It must not
conflict with the logical addressing of other Qmux boards in the system.

Modify Qmux Baud Rate

Modifying the Qmux Baud Rate (data transfer rate in bits per second) changes the data
transfer rate on the Qmux Bus. The transmission rate can be set to 1200 or 2400 Baud, as required.

Modify the SUM Environment Settings

Modifying the SUM Environment settings defines the transmission configuration of which
the SUM board is an element.

 Chain – end position –

 Chain – middle position –

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Modify the Clock Reference

The Clock reference can be either internal (free-running) or external (Abis synchronized).

Check Cyclic Redundancy

The CRC window allows Cyclic Redundancy to be toggled On/Off. CRC improves data
integrity and bit error observation of Abis traffic to and from the SUM Board.

Select Line Impedance

The line impedance can be selected for Abis 1 or Abis 2. If Abis is patched through BNC
connector then select Line Impedance 75 Ohms. If Abis patched through Tag Block ( DDF Panel ) then
select Line Impedance 120 Ohms.

Display SUM HW and SW Information

The SUM HW (Hardware) and SW (Software) Information Box contains information relevant
to inventory purposes. To display the SUM HW and SW Information Box:

SUM HW + SW Information Pane

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3.2.3 SUMA Board Configuration
For Initial Setting option, follow the menu path:

Settings  Transmissions  Board Configuration

The SUM Board Configuration window allows you to define how the traffic and corresponding
signaling data are mapped on the Abis time slot(s).

SUM Board Configuration Window

Use this window to:

Select the TREs

Define the SUM functionality

Display and edit control bits F, S and R

Modify the Abis time slot mapping

Modify the Qmux value

Modify Abis mapping (both 64 and 16 kbit)

Display Extra Time slot mapping on Abis 1 and Abis 2.

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Note: The second Abis interface is supported only by SUMA board and in order to use this
interface the Environment for Abis 1 must be declared as Chain - end position-.

Define SUM Settings

Modify Abis Time Slot Mapping

Modifying the Abis Mapping changes the time slot in which the data transmission
occurs. The following number of time slots can be mapped: 32 time slots per
interface, labeled 1 to 31 (0 (zero) is not allowed).

Modify Qmux Nibble Value

Each time slot contains 4 nibbles of 2 bits, i.e., 8 bits in total. As the Qmux does
not require an entire time slot, the Nibble value indicates the location of the Qmux transmission in time slot
(0 to 3) specified in the Qmux Abis Mapping dialog box.

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Modify Abis Mapping

Abis mapping allows you to modify the configuration of TREs to TCHs and their
signaling time slots. The system automatically defines the TCH for each TRE in the order of selection.
For instance if TRE 1 and TRE 4 are selected, then time slots 1, 2 are allocated to TRE1 and time slots
4, 5 to TRE 4 (time slot 3 is allocated to signaling). The system allows you to manually allocated TCHs
and time slots, as required.
The current configuration can be displayed, by clicking on [ Get Config ].

Note: If Abis Mapping data is not provided by the service provider than Un-Check all TRE’s.

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3.2.4 Initialize All Sectors
From the Online Mode menu bar, follow the menu path:

Commissioning -> Initialization -> All Sectors

HW Configuration Check Window

Wait for the ’Initialization for Commissioning in progress’ message to disappear. Wait for the end of TRE
and ANx modules downloading (check the LED states). The activation is finished when the options in the
commissioning menu become active.

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3.2.5 Test Station Unit
This task is used to test the station unit by performing internal or external loop

To test the station unit:

1. From the Online Mode menu bar, follow the menu path:
Commissioning -> Station Unit Test
The Station Unit Test window is displayed.

Station Unit Test Window (1)

[ Cancel ] can be used to break off the test. [ Start ] is used to start the loop
test after having selected the required loop.
2. Select [ internal Loop ] test mode to run an internal loop test. If an external
loop test has to be run, go to step 5.
3. Click on [ Start ] to start the internal loop test.

During test the [ Start ] button changes to [ Stop ] and afterwards back to[ Start ].
The test ends automatically after eight to ten seconds.
Test progress is monitored and shown in the Progress Monitor pane.

A report also gives the test results ( with other test results) when performing ’End
of Commissioning’.

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Station Unit Test Window (2)

4. Click on [ Cancel ] to terminate the internal loop test or continue with step 5.
5. Select the [ external Loop ] test mode for an external loop test.
6. Click on [ Start ] to start the external loop test.
During the test, the [ Start ] button changes to [ Stop ] and then back to
[ Start ] when the test is over. Test progress is monitored and shown in the
Progress Monitor pane.
7. Follow all instructions displayed during loop test. For example as shown
in the following figure where you are ordered to plug in the ’Abis Shortcut

Station Unit Test Window (3)

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8. Click on [ OK ] to continue when the connector is plugged in.
If an error occurs, a message appears in the (BTS Terminal for Windows

Station Unit Test Window (4)

9. Click on [ OK ] to continue.
When all test steps are done, the test ends automatically. Test progress
is monitored and shown in the Progress Monitor pan. A report also gives
the test results (including errors) when performing ’End of Commissioning’.
During test the [ Stop ] button can be used to interrupt the test.
10. Click on [ Cancel ] to terminate the station unit test.

3.2.6 End Commissioning

After BTS Software Download ( OFF-Line Commissioning ) successfully
completed, follow the following path to bring the BTS our of Commissioning mode.

Commissioning  End Commissioning

Prepared By: RIZWAN AHMED RAFIQ 42 of

Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )

3.2.7 Attach Abis

Attach the Abis by verifying Trans & Receive at DDF Panel.

Prepared By: RIZWAN AHMED RAFIQ 43 of

Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )

3.2.8 Hard Reset

Give Hard Reset to BTS to bring it in Downloading Mode.

Prepared By: RIZWAN AHMED RAFIQ 44 of

Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )

BTS Software Download

( OFF-Line Commissioning ) completed


Prepared By: RIZWAN AHMED RAFIQ 45 of

Engineer ( Training & Consultancy )


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