Unit 2: After The Storm
Unit 2: After The Storm
Unit 2: After The Storm
Introduction: Geoscientists use data that include spatial and temporal context. In other words, the data
have particular locations and times associated with them, and the distribution of those data in space
and time are critical to their interpretation. You may not have worked with this kind of data before, so
this unit will give you the opportunity to explore geoscience data in order to develop your geoscientific
thinking skills and prepare for developing a lesson plan that makes use of geoscientific thinking for use
in your classroom in the future.
Note: Unit 2 has three activities. Use Tables 1, 2, and 3 (see handout) to record your work from Activity
1, 2 and 3 respectively. You will fill out Tables 1, 2 and 3 as a team to complete this unit. You might
consider downloading the tables and then uploading them to Google Drive, where you can use the
"sharing features" so that each member can add and edit information that the team collects.
2. Using Table 1: The Issue (OWL Chart), record what you “observed” and what you “wondered
about” in the second and third columns for each of the following links:
NBC Learn-Rising Sea Levels: Link to the video Rising Sea Levels from the NBC Learn series Changing
Planet: http://www.nbclearn.com/changingplanet/cuecard/53460
Article: Link to After Sandy: Why We Can’t Keep Rebuilding on the Water’s Edge, by Brian Walsh:
3. Next, based on what you observed and what you wondered about from the climate data, video,
and article, record what you learned that you did not know before in the last row.
Activity 2.2: Investigating the Issue
Introduction to the Issue
Due to extreme weather events such as hurricanes, policy makers and private citizens, among others,
wonder about the viability of spending billions of dollars of private and public money to rebuild coastal
communities. For instance, Hurricane Sandy, which is anticipated to be the second costliest natural
disaster, is estimated to cost at least $50 billion. This kind of weather event is hypothesized to be linked
to climate change. To address the issue, the goal for this investigation is for you to write an evidence-
based position paper that responds to the problem below.
Problem: To what extent should we build and/or rebuild coastal communities?
Position Paper Criteria:
Write a 500-1000 word position paper that…
Makes an argument and supports the argument with reasons and evidence.
Demonstrates organization and use of transitions to clarify relationships among ideas.
Demonstrates use of a formal style and standard English.
General Guidelines:
In groups of 2-3, follow the steps below (step 1, 2, 3…) to collect, organize, and analyze geoscience
climate data and forecast models. This data is the evidence for your position paper. In addition, read
the most recent scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This
research is additional evidence for your position paper.
Step 3: Research geoscience data
Record a summary of the CO2 and temperature trends from Table 1: The Issue into Table 2: Investigating
the Problem. Include the temperature data from your study area, too. Then, divide Data Set 1, 2 and 3
(see below) among the group members. For each data set, read the “Data Collection Procedures” and
“Guided analysis Questions” for assistance.
After you collect the data, construct a graph for each data set. Record the summaries and analyses of
the data in Table 2.
NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with Google Earth, KML/KMZ files, or MS Excel graphing, you might want to
use the Data Analysis Resources at the end of this handout. Ask your instructor for guidance, too.
Data Set 3: Intensity of Tropical Cyclones (Hurricanes)
Link: http://wind.mit.edu/~emanuel/Atlantic_SST_PDI_1949-2009.xls
The data from the link above is the Atlantic tropical cyclone power dissipation and Main Development
Region (MDR) sea surface temperature (SST) from 1949 to 2009. Below are key terms.
A tropical cyclone is defined as a system that originates over tropical ocean waters and can
develop into a destructive storm, which is known in the U.S. as a hurricane.
Power dissipation is defined as the sum of the maximum one-minute sustained wind speed
cubed, at six-hourly intervals, for all periods when the cyclone is at least tropical storm strength
(minimum of 34mph).
MDR is defined as the region bounded by 6N and 18N, and 20W and 60W; note that the SST
data is averaged from August through October of each year.
Data Collection Procedures:
Use Google Earth and describe where the MDR is located.
Download the data spreadsheet (click on link). An MS spreadsheet will appear with three
columns of data including: 1) Years, 2) the MDR SST, and the 3) Power Dissipation. Please follow
the instructions below to create the graph.
o Highlight only the “MDR SST” and “Power Dissipation” data, including the labels (e.g.
MDR SST). Click on the “Insert” tap at the top of the page.
o Click on “Line.” Several options will appear. Click on “stacked line” option. A graph will
appear—but the graph will not be organized properly.
o To organize the graph, double click on the “Power Dissipation” line on the graph itself. A
box will appear titled “series options.” Click on “secondary axis.” A double line graph will
appear with the MDR SST labels on the left-hand side and the Power Dissipation labels
on the right-hand side.
o Next, fix the horizontal or x-axis. To do this, right click on the horizontal or x-axis. A
menu will appear. Click on “select data source.” Click the “edit” button on the
horizontal axis labels. A new box will appear, “axis labels.” Highlight the year column
from 1949-2009 from the MS Excel sheet (do not highlight “year”) and hit “ok.”
o Finally, use the “layout tab” at the top of the page to label all axes and to create a title.
Guided Analysis Questions:
What is the relationship between sea surface temperature and wind power? Is there a
correlation between the two variables?
Step 5: Construct initial working hypotheses
As a group, create a list of three or more “initial working hypotheses” that respond to the problem: To
what extent are coastal communities at risk due to climate change? Record these initial hypotheses in
Table 2. Consider the following questions when constructing your initial working hypotheses:
1. What data sets (e.g. intensity of hurricanes) or products (forecast models) correlate or link to
one another?
2. Do certain data sets/products seem to affect other (e.g. feedback loops)? To what extent?
3. How robust are these correlations, links, and feedback loops? What is the level of certainty?
4. How might the working hypotheses predict the future of climate change from your community?
Optional Research
Research the literature about climate change and tropical cyclone intensity AND the costs of rebuilding
coastal communities (both claims and counter claims). Divide the tasks of researching the literature.
Take individual notes to share with the “study area” group.
Climate Change and Tropical Cyclone Intensity
The two links below will provide more information on climate change and tropical cyclone activity.
Climate Change Indicators in the United States: Tropical Cyclone Activity:
Link: http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/indicators/weather-climate/cyclones.html
Kerry Emanuel: Papers, Data, and Graphics Pertaining to Tropical Cyclone Trends and Variability:
Link: http://eaps4.mit.edu/faculty/Emanuel/publications/tropical_cyclone_trends
Cost of Rebuilding Literature:
Below are selected links about the costs of rebuilding coastal communities. Collect additional articles
that provide the case for and against rebuilding coastal communities.
Calculating the True Cost of Global Climate Change
Link: http://e360.yale.edu/feature/calculating_the_true_cost_of_global_climate_change/2357/
East Coast Rebuilding, Vulnerable to Future Sandy’s
Link: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/51574383/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/east-coast-
Will Climate Change Increase Damage Costs?
Link: http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/hurricane-cost-rising-climate-
Step 7: Construct a Climate Change Concept Map of your study area
With your "study area" group, construct a concept map on poster paper with the evidence collected.
This map must have links that depict the relationships (e.g. feedback loops*) among the parts of the
climate system as well as the human-built system (e.g. coastal communities).
*For more about feedback loops, please go to: http://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/models/loops.html
Construction Procedures
1. Based on what you have learned thus far, create a list of as many concepts that you can think of.
Consider the following questions. Note: You may record these concepts on post-its.
o What concepts correlate or link with one another?
o Do certain concepts seem to affect other concepts (e.g. feedback loops)? To what
o How robust are these correlations, links, and feedback loops? What is the level of
o How might the working hypotheses predict the future of climate change from your
2. From the list of concepts, organize and group related concepts.
3. Connect related concepts using lines with arrows that show a direct relationship.
4. Label each line with words or short phrases that describes the relationship between two or
more concepts (e.g. how one concept affects another concept).
Evaluation Procedures
5. Examine the “lines” and “arrows” that link the concepts to make sure they are valid.
6. Rearrange and remove concepts to simplify the concept map.
7. When you are satisfied with your concept map, make sure it is neat and clear.
Step 8: Feedback from peers
Post your group’s concept map. Each “study area” group will then evaluate other “study area” group’s
concept maps. Record what you “agree” with as well as what you “question” on post-it notes and place
them on the concept map.
After all of the group evaluations are complete, review the comments from your concept map. Take
notes regarding the “agrees,” “questions” as well as any other comments that were posted. Finally,
make final revisions to your concept map.
Step 9: Revise the working hypotheses and making claims
Reexamine the “initial working hypotheses” from Table 2. In light of the new evidence, create a list of
three or more revised hypotheses based on your concept map that provides evidence to answer the
problem: To what extent should we build and/or rebuild coastal communities?
Finally, cite a final claim that you wish to state based on you final working hypotheses that clearly
answers the problem. Record this in the last row of Table 2.
Assessment for Activity 2.1: I used to think…but now I know
Create a T-chart. On the left-hand side, write “I used to think” and on the right-hand side, write “but
now I know.” Record at least three ideas for each side of the T-chart.
Activity 2.3: Constructing Your Argument
Write a position paper to respond to the socio-scientific issue: To what extent should we build and/or
rebuild coastal communities?
As a group, complete Table 3: Constructing Your Argument. Each member should complete their own
Table. After you complete Table 3, independently write your 500-1000 word position paper. Review the
criteria in the left-hand column as well as the performance levels.
Position Paper Rubric
Criteria 3—Lead Scientist 2—Scientist 1—Scientist in Training
States a valid claim and States a claim and counterclaim Missing one claim or
counterclaim that responds to that responds to the problem. counterclaim. At least some
Claim and the problem. Valid evidence Evidence support claim and evidence does not logically
counterclaim supports the claim and counterclaim. The scientific support the claim and/or
counterclaim. The scientific reasoning does not make a counterclaim. There is a little or
reasoning makes a convincing convincing argument (e.g. lack of no scientific reasoning that
argument. evidence, logic). provides a convincing argument.
The working hypotheses describe The working hypotheses describe Working hypotheses describe
scientific concepts of climate and scientific concepts of climate and concepts from climate or human-
Working human-built systems. Explains human-built systems. Explains built systems, but not both. Not
hypotheses— how the concepts correlate or how the concepts correlate or all concepts correlate or link with
evidence from link with one another. The link with one another, but lacks one another and/or lack logic.
geoscience data working hypotheses support and logic. The data or data products Data is limited and/or does not
align with the data (intensity of lacks alignment with the working align with working hypotheses.
hurricanes) and/or the data hypotheses at least once.
products (e.g. forecast models).
The scientific literature (e.g. IPCC The scientific literature provides The scientific literature provides
reports) provides strong support support for the working little or no support for the
and aligns with the working hypotheses and geoscience data. working hypotheses and/or
support from
hypotheses, including the Working hypotheses lacks geoscience data. Misalignment
geoscience data. Strong logic. support and/or alignment at and/or lack of logic are evident.
least once.
Position paper begins by Position paper begins by Position paper begins by
introducing the topic and introducing the topic and introducing the topic and
Organization and purpose. Consistently uses purpose. Inconsistently uses purpose, but they are
use of transitions transitions to make clear the transitions to make clear the underdeveloped and not clearly
to clarify organization, to link major organization, to link major related to the ideas in the
relationships sections of the position paper, sections of the position paper, Position Paper. Uses few or no
among ideas. and to clarify relationships and to clarify relationships transitions and/or has unclear
among ideas. among ideas. organization.
Position paper consistently uses a Position paper inconsistently Position paper does not use a
formal style and standard English uses a formal style and standard formal style. Position Paper uses
grammar and usage, including English grammar and usage, limited standard English
Use of a formal
accepted use of capitalization, including accepted use of grammar and usage. Response
style and
punctuation, and spelling. capitalization, punctuation, and contains three to four errors that
standard English.
Response contains few or no spelling. Response contains one limit understanding.
errors. or two errors that limit
Note: A score of zero will be given if no response was given. Response does not answer the prompt.
Response is unintelligible or undecipherable.
Data Analysis Resources:
Google Earth
Google Earth User Guide:
Drawing Paths and Polygons:
Elevation Profiles
Measuring Distances and Area:
Measuring Tools Features and Options
Printing and Saving Maps:
MS Excel
How to Make Graphs in MS Excel