On The Night of July 16, 1997, Sisters Marijoy and Jacqueline

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For most of the Cebuanos, the proceedings in these cases will

always be remembered as the “trial of the century.”

-These cases involve the kidnapping and illegal detention of a
college beauty queen along with her comely and courageous sister.
-Appellant Francisco Juan
Larrañaga was supposed to testify on his defense of alibi but the
prosecution and the defense, through a stipulation approved by the
trial court, dispensed with his testimony. Nineteen witnesses testified
for the appellants, corroborating their respective defenses of alibi
-On the night of July 16, 1997, sisters Marijoy and Jacqueline
Chiong, who lived in Cebu City, failed to come home on the
expected time. It was raining hard and Mrs. Thelma Chiong thought
her daughters were simply having difficulty getting a ride
-Thus, she
instructed her sons, Bruce and Dennis, to fetch their sisters.
-Immediately, at 5:00 o’clock in the
morning, her entire family started the search for her daughters, but
there was no trace of them. Thus, the family sought the assistance of
the police who continued the search. But still, they could not find
Marijoy and Jacqueline
-Meanwhile, in the morning of July 18, 1997, a certain Rudy Lasaga
reported to the police that a young woman was found dead at the
foot of a cliff in Tan-awan, Carcar, Cebu
-Attached to her left
wrist was a handcuff.11 Her pants were torn, her orange t-shirt was
raised up to her breast and her bra was pulled down. Her face and
neck were covered with masking tape.
-It was Marijoy
dressed in the same orange shirt and maong pants she wore when
she left home on July 16, 1997. Upon learning of the tragic reality,
Mrs. Chiong became frantic and hysterical.
-Rusia, bothered by his conscience and recurrent nightmares,14
admitted before the police having participated in the abduction of
the sisters.
-He declared that his conduit to Francisco Juan
Larrañaga was Rowen Adlawan whom he met together with brothers
James Anthony and James Andrew Uy five months before the
commission of the crimes charged.
-Rowen told him to stay put
at the Ayala Mall because they would have a “big happening” in the
evening. All the while, he thought that Rowen’s “big happening”
meant group partying or scrounging. He thus lingered at the Ayala
Mall until the appointed time came.
-At 10:30 in the evening, Rowen returned with Josman. They met
Rusia at the back exit of the Ayala Mall and told him to ride with
them in a white car.
-Josman stopped the white car in front of the waiting shed and he
and Rowen approached and invited Marijoy and Jacqueline to join
-But the sisters declined. Irked by the rejection, Rowen
grabbed Marijoy while Josman held Jacqueline and forced both girls
to ride in the car.
-Not taking anymore chances, Rowen elbowed Jacqueline on
the chest and punched Marijoy on the stomach, causing both girls to
-Thus, the cars sped to a house in Guadalupe, Cebu City known as
the safehouse of the “Jozman Aznar Group.” Thereupon, Larrañaga,
James Anthony and James Andrew got out of the red car.
-Thereafter, the group brought Marijoy and Jacqueline back to the
white car. Then the two cars headed to the South Bus Terminal
where they were able to hire a white van driven by Alberto.
-James Anthony taped their mouths anew and Rowen
handcuffed them together.
-Jacqueline out of the van and
told her to dance as they encircled her. She was pushed from one end
of the circle to the other, ripping her clothes in the process.
-Marijoy was to breathe
her last for upon Josman’s instruction, Rowen and Ariel led her to
the cliff and mercilessly pushed her into the ravine27 which was
almost 150 meters deep.
-As for Jacqueline, she was pulled out of the van and thrown to
the ground. Able to gather a bit of strength, she tried to run towards
the road.
-Rowen beat her until
she passed out. The group then headed back to Cebu City with
James Andrew driving the white car.
-Meanwhile, Mario Miñoza,35 a tricycle driver
plying the route of Carcar-Mantalongon, saw Jacqueline running
towards Mantalongon. Her blouse was torn and her hair was
-Against the foregoing facts and circumstances, the appellants
raised the defense of alibi, thus: Larrañaga, through his witnesses, sought to establish that on
16, 1997, he was in Quezon City taking his mid-term examinations
at the Center for Culinary Arts. In the evening of that day until 3:00
o’clock in the morning of July 17, 1997, he was with his friends at
the R & R Bar and Restaurant, same city. Fifteen witnesses testified
that they were either with Larrañaga or saw him in Quezon City at
the time the crimes were committed.
teacher Rowena Bautista,52 on the other hand, testified that he
attended her lecture in Applied Mathematics.
-Meanwhile, James Anthony Uy testified that on July 16, 1997, he
and his brother James Andrew were at home in Cebu City because it
was their father’s 50th birthday and they were celebrating the
occasion with a small party which ended at 11:30 in the evening
-Clotilde Soterol testified for Alberto and Ariel.
-To lend support to Josman’s alibi, Michael Dizon recounted that
on July 16, 1997, at about 8:00 o’clock in the evening, he and
several friends were at Josman’s house in Cebu.
-Concerning state witness Rusia, on August 7, 1998, when the
prosecution moved that he be discharged as an accused for the
purpose of utilizing him as a state witness,
-In the Order dated August 25, 1998, the trial court denied the
motion for inhibition of the defense lawyers and ordered them to
continue representing their respective clients so that the cases may
undergo the mandatory continuous trial
-Thereafter, Larrañaga, Josman and brothers James Anthony and
James Andrew moved for the postponement of the hearing for
several weeks to enable them to hire the services of new counsel
-On May 5, 1999, the trial court rendered the assailed Decision,
the dispositive portion of which reads
-“WHEREFORE, all the accused Francisco Juan Larrañaga, Josman Aznar,
James Andrew Uy, James Anthony Uy, Rowen Adlawan, Alberto Caño, and
Ariel Balansag are hereby found Guilty beyond reasonable doubt of two
crimes of Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention and are hereby
sentenced to imprisonment of Two (2) Reclusiones Perpetua each—which
penalties, however, may be served by them simultaneously

-Appellants’ assignments of error converge on four points, thus: (1)

violation of their right to due process; (2) the improper discharge of
Rusia as an accused to be a state witness; (3) the insufficiency of the
evidence of the prosecution; and (4) the trial court’s disregard and
rejection of the evidence for the defense.
The appeal is bereft of merit.
-Violation of Appellants’ Right to Due Process
In evaluating a due process
claim, the court must determine whether life, liberty or property
interest exists, and if so, what procedures are constitutionally
required, to protect that right.72
- A. Right to Counsel
-Constitutional guaranty of right to
representation by counsel does not mean that accused may avoid
trial by neglecting or refusing to secure assistance of counsel and by
refusing to participate in his trial.82 It has been held that where the
accused declined the court’s offer to appoint counsel and elected to
defend himself, the denial of his motion made toward the end of the
trial for a
-B. Right to Confront and Cross-Examine the Prosecution Witnesses.
-Appellants also fault the trial court for depriving them of the right to
cross-examine Rusia and the other prosecution witnesses.

-For one, it
is not true that they were not given sufficient opportunity to crossexamine
Rusia. All of appellants’ counsel de parte had a fair share
of time in grilling Rusia concerning his background to the
kidnapping of Marijoy and Jacqueline. The records reveal the
following dates of his cross-examination:

-That the trial court imposed limitation on the length of time counsel
for appellants may cross-examine Rusia cannot be labeled as a
violation of the latter’s constitutional right. Considering that
appellants had several lawyers, it was just imperative for the trial
court to impose a time limit on their cross-examination so as not to
waste its time on repetitive and prolix questioning.
Indeed, it is the right and duty of the trial court
-Records show that the failure of the PAO lawyers to crossexamine
some of the prosecution witnesses was due to appellants’
obstinate refusal.
-C. Right to Impartial Trial
Appellants impute bias and partiality to Judge Ocampo when he
asked questions and made comments when the defense witnesses
were testifying.
Canon 14 of the Canons of Judicial Ethics states that a judge may
properly intervene during trial to promote expeditious proceeding,
prevent unnecessary waste of time and dilly-dallying of counsel or
clear up obscurities. The test is whether the intervention of the judge
tends to prevent the proper presentation of a cause or the
ascertainment of the truth in the matter where he interposes his
questions or comments.
-D. Right to Produce Evidence
-Appellants assail the trial court’s exclusion of the testimonies of four
(4) airlines personnel104 which were intended to prove that Larrañaga
did not travel to Cebu from Manila or from Cebu to Manila on July
16, 1997. According to Judge Ocampo, it was imperative for appellants’
counsel to prove that Larrañaga did not take a flight to Cebu before
July 16, 1997.
-It is a known practice of students
who are temporarily residing in Metro Manila to return to their
provinces once in a while to spend time with their families.

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