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The Sustainable Mobility Paradigm: Transport Policy February 2008

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The sustainable mobility paradigm

Article in Transport Policy · February 2008

DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2007.10.005 · Source: RePEc


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1 author:

David Banister
University of Oxford


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Transport Policy 15 (2008) 73–80


The sustainable mobility paradigm

David Banister
Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, Oxford, UK
Available online 19 November 2007


This paper has two main parts. The first questions two of the underlying principles of conventional transport planning on travel as a
derived demand and on travel cost minimisation. It suggests that the existing paradigm ought to be more flexible, particularly if the
sustainable mobility agenda is to become a reality. The second part argues that policy measures are available to improve urban
sustainability in transport terms but that the main challenges relate to the necessary conditions for change. These conditions are
dependent upon high-quality implementation of innovative schemes, and the need to gain public confidence and acceptability to support
these measures through active involvement and action. Seven key elements of sustainable mobility are outlined, so that public
acceptability can be more effectively promoted.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Behaviour; Acceptability; Engagement; Participation

1. The problem substantially (Banister, 2006; Deakin, 2006; Duranton,

2006; Kahn, 2006). Local public transport, cycle and
It has often been said that transport planning is at a walking have become less attractive, and this in turn has
crisis point and that it underestimates the key challenges resulted in the greater use of the car. Car dependence and
facing urban planners (Banister, 2005; Balaker and Staley, the increased decentralisation of cities are difficult processes
2006; Wickham, 2006). Yet it has also been remarkably to reverse—this is the transport-led future.
robust and it has ‘‘survived’’ all these crises to emerge Sustainable mobility provides an alternative paradigm
almost intact, perhaps with some minor alterations. Two within which to investigate the complexity of cities, and to
fundamental principles are embedded in the approach used, strengthen the links between land use and transport. The
namely that travel is a derived demand and not an activity city is the most sustainable urban form and it has to
that people wish to undertake for its own sake. It is only the provide the location where most (70–80%) of the world’s
value of the activity at the destination that results in travel. population will live. Empirical research has concluded that
The second principle is that people minimise their general- the key parameters of the sustainable city are that it should
ised costs of travel, mainly operationalised through a be over 25,000 population (preferably over 50,000), with
combination of the costs of travel and the time taken for medium densities (over 40 persons per hectare), with mixed
travel. These two underlying principles have important use developments, and with preference given to develop-
consequences, as they are embedded in most analysis and ments in public transport accessible corridors and near to
evaluation studies. They help explain the predominance of highly public transport accessible interchanges (Banister,
transport solutions to urban problems, and the huge growth 2005, 2006). Such developments conform to the require-
in faster and longer distance travel, as the increased speed of ments of service and information-based economies. Settle-
travel has outweighed the increased costs of travel. Even ments of this scale would also be linked together to form
though travel time may have remained constant as cities agglomerations of polycentric cities, with clear hierarchies
have spread, both distances and speeds have increased that would allow a close proximity of everyday facilities
and high levels of accessibility to higher order activities
E-mail address: [email protected] (Hall and Pain, 2006).

0967-070X/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
74 D. Banister / Transport Policy 15 (2008) 73–80

Such urban forms would keep average trip lengths below the Internet (e.g. viewing, deciding and buying) and travel
the thresholds required for maximum use of the walk and (e.g. collection or delivery).
cycle modes. It would also permit high levels of innovative The knowledge base is extended and this may again
services and public transport priority, so that the need to result in more travel, but more important is the transfer of
use the car would be minimised. Through the combination power from the producer to the consumer. Increasingly,
of clear planning strategies, cities would be designed at the users will control their leisure and shopping activities
personal scale to allow both high-quality accessibility and a tailored to their own specific requirements. Consumers will
high-quality environment. The intention is not to prohibit determine what type of leisure activity they participate in,
the use of the car, as this would be both difficult to achieve where and when it takes place, who actually goes with
and it would be seen as being against notions of freedom them, and the range of alternatives will also increase
and choice. The intention is to design cities of such quality substantially. For an accessible sustainable city to become
and at a suitable scale that people would not need to a reality requires active citizen support and new forms of
have a car. communication between experts and citizens, through new
This alternative approach requires clear and innovative forums for discussion and the involvement of all major
thinking about city futures in terms of the reality (what is stakeholders (Section 4).
already there) and the desirability (what we would like to
see), and the role that transport can (and should) play in 2.2. Time minimisation and reasonable travel time
achieving these objectives. This paper describes these two
fundamental problems with the traditional perspective on There is a contradiction between the desire to speed up
transport planning, and it then goes on to discuss what and the desire to slow traffic down. For evaluation
have been called schizophrenic paths, when it is clear that purposes, much of the user benefit (often over 80% of
action is needed but no effective action is taken to remedy total benefits) is derived from the savings in travel time and
the situation (Banister, 2005, p. 234). the desire to travel faster. This is not the place to enter the
debate on how these values of timesaving are derived, or
2. Two dilemmas how they are used by the beneficiaries, or in the analysis.
But there does seem to be an inconsistency in the travel
2.1. Transport as a derived demand or as a valued activity? timesavings argument within cities, where much effort is
now going into slowing traffic down for environmental and
With respect to the work journey, travel time is safety reasons. Although it is not explicitly stated, a certain
important, but as travel patterns change and there is an level of congestion on roads is now seen as ‘‘desirable’’ and
increase in leisure-based travel, travel time may become in many locations (e.g. residential streets and around
more of a positively valued activity (Loo and Chow, 2006; schools), new low speed limits have been introduced, to-
Schlich et al., 2004; Mokhtarian et al., 2006). The notion gether with appropriate enforcement measures (e.g. speed
that all travel is a derived demand may become weaker as cameras).
incomes rise and as leisure time becomes more valuable So, on the one hand, there are the perpetual complaints
(Mokhtarian and Salomon, 2001). Escape theory (Heinze, from industry that the time lost in congestion is costing
2000) hypothesises that leisure mobility is an attempt to business money, and on the other hand, there is a transport
compensate for a declining quality of life and travel strategy that both tries to speed traffic up and slow it down.
opportunities are sought to get away from ones everyday The notion of a transport system with no congestion has
environment to do something completely different. A never been a realistic objective, and much of the recent
substantial amount of leisure travel is undertaken for its debate has been over what should be considered as a
own sake and the activity of travelling is valued. reasonable level of congestion (Urry and Lyons, 2005). The
Conventional transport analysis is based on the premise key policy objective now becomes that of reasonable travel
that travel is a cost, and that travel times should be as short time, rather than travel time minimisation. People and
as possible. But this is changing as the new technology businesses are already concerned about knowing how
allows much greater travel time flexibility, including mobile much time it should take to travel to their destination with
working. It provides tremendous opportunity and choice in a reasonable degree of certainty. It is the reliability of the
leisure activities, whether this means time spent online in system that is crucial (Noland and Polak, 2002).
the home, or taking the opportunity to book a last minute
holiday overseas, or adapting existing activities (such as 3. Contrasting approaches to transport planning
shopping). In each case, there seems to be a strong
complementarity between the old (transport) and the new These two points are both important in terms of
(ICT) technologies. Travel can be replaced by more ‘‘at- understanding the rationale behind transport analysis, as
home’’ activities, whilst in other cases more spontaneous many of the methods used cannot handle travel as a valued
travel is generated, and in a third group there is a activity or travel time reliability. But they also have
modification of existing activities, as shopping for example important implications for transport planning, if it is to
becomes a multitasking activity through a combination of embrace the concepts of a sustainable mobility. The
D. Banister / Transport Policy 15 (2008) 73–80 75

primary concerns over the physical dimensions (urban restricting access and reallocating space, and making more
form and traffic) should be balanced by the social dim- effective use of the available capacity. A much wider notion
ensions (people and proximity), as illustrated in Table 1. of the street is being created, as it is no longer only being
The sustainable mobility approach requires actions to considered as a road but also as a space for people, green
reduce the need to travel (less trips), to encourage modal modes and public transport. Creative use of this space at
shift, to reduce trip lengths and to encourage greater different times of the day or day of the week means also
efficiency in the transport system. that new uses can be encouraged (e.g. street markets or
play zones). Measures to encourage modal shift must be
3.1. Reducing the need to travel—substitution combined with strategies to make the best use of the
‘‘released space’’, so that there is a net reduction in traffic
In its pure form this means that a trip is no longer made, (Banister and Marshall, 2000).
as it has either been replaced by a non-travel activity or it
has been substituted through technology, for example 3.3. Land-use policy measures—distance reduction
Internet shopping. The impact of ICT on transport is
complex and most recent thinking (Banister and Stead, These measures address the physical separation of
2004) argues for complementarity between transport and activities and the means by which distance can be reduced.
ICT. Although there is a large substitution potential, the The intention is to build sustainable mobility into the
relationships between transport and ICT seem to be patterns of urban form and layouts, which in turn may lead
symbiotic with a greater opportunity for flexibility in to a switch to green modes of transport. It is one area of
travel patterns, as some activities are substituted, whilst public policy where intervention can take place, through
others are generated, and some replaced by fewer longer increasing densities and concentration, through mixed use
distance journeys (Lyons and Kenyon, 2003). development, through housing location, through the design
of buildings, space and route layouts, through public
3.2. Transport policy measures—modal shift transport oriented development and transport development
areas, through car-free development, and through estab-
Transport policy measures can reduce levels of car use lishing size thresholds for the availability of services and
through the promotion of walk and cycle and the facilities. The timescale over which sustainable mobility
development of the new transport hierarchy (Table 1). might be realised is similar to the turnover of the building
This can be achieved through slowing down urban traffic stock (about 2% per annum), but decisions on the location
and reallocating space to public transport, through parking of new housing will have a single dramatic effect on travel
controls and road pricing, and through making it easier to patterns and these effects will impact over the lifetime of
use public transport. Demand management is effective in this housing (Banister and Hickman, 2006).

Table 1 3.4. Technological innovation—efficiency increase

Contrasting approaches to transport planning

The conventional approach— An alternative approach—sustainable The role of technology is important as it impacts on the
transport planning and mobility efficiency of transport directly through ensuring that the
engineering best available technology is being used in terms of engine
Physical dimensions Social dimensions
design, alternative fuels, and the use of renewable energy
Mobility Accessibility sources. Standards can also be introduced to reduce levels
Traffic focus, particularly on the People focus, either in (or on) a vehicle of noise and emissions at source, and measures can be
car or on foot taken to ensure that access to certain parts of the city is
Large in scale Local in scale restricted to those vehicles that are seen to be environmen-
Street as a road Street as a space
Motorised transport All modes of transport often in a
tally cleaner than other vehicles. This is a combination of
hierarchy with pedestrian and cyclist technological efficiency and behavioural change (e.g.
at the top and car users at the bottom ecological driving and adherence to speed limits). It would
Forecasting traffic Visioning on cities also include increasing load factors in both the passenger
Modelling approaches Scenario development and modelling and freight sectors.
Economic evaluation Multicriteria analysis to take account
of environmental and social concerns
Summarising these four actions, it seems that the key to
Travel as a derived demand Travel as a valued activity as well as a such a shift in thinking is the creation of spaces and
derived demand localities in the city that are attractive and affordable, as
Demand based Management based neighbourhood quality is central to sustainable mobility.
Speeding up traffic Slowing movement down Transport planning must involve the people,1 so that there
Travel time minimisation Reasonable travel times and travel
time reliability
is an understanding of the rationale behind the policy
Segregation of people and traffic Integration of people and traffic
People are used here to cover all stakeholders with an interest in the
Source: Adapted from Marshall (2001) (Table 9.2). quality of their local environment.
76 D. Banister / Transport Policy 15 (2008) 73–80

changes and that behavioural change follows. Public accepted as a major constraint on individuals’ quality of
acceptability is core to successful implementation of radical life and the efficiency of business. Increasingly, surveys of
change, and it must involve community and stakeholder public opinions in the EU are indicating that change is
commitment to the process of discussion, decision-making essential and that action is expected. Both the general
and implementation. public and business support priority being given to
environmentally friendly modes, and even decision makers
4. Involving the people agree (usual levels of support are about 80%). Yet the same
people are less positive in their views of the support of
4.1. The issues others (e.g. the public’s perceptions of the politicians’
views) for the same policies (typically around 40%). This
There has been much discussion over delivering sustain- suggests that there may be a greater than expected
able mobility, and the measures available are well known. willingness to experiment with policies to reduce trip
There is even agreement between the main actors lengths, to combine trips, to switch modes, or to cancel
concerned about what should be done. There is also a trips altogether and to reduce the need to use the car
growing literature on the barriers to implementation and (Section 3).
why outcomes never match up with expectations. The In addition, it seems necessary to understand the
commonly used economic arguments of rationality and implications and expectations of the individual. There are
complete knowledge do not seem to apply in transport.2 two key elements to the personal (rather than the social)
Much of the debate has centred on awareness raising, dimension. The first is that there is an acceptance that the
information, education, the use of the media and advertis- policy package being proposed will work and is efficient.
ing as the means to achieve sustainable mobility (OECD, The second is that it is fair, both to the individual
2002). But there always seems to be a reason for not travellers, and more generally to society as a whole. A
changing and maintaining the status quo. However good small initial change, if sufficiently well supported and
public transport is, there will always be an additional publicised (e.g. European Mobility Week involved 964
reason for still using the car. The car manufacturers are cities—19–23 September 2006), can lead to new attitudes to
adept at selling the symbolism and seductiveness of the car the car. It is through the active involvement of users of
(Cass et al., 2005). transport in a partnership that change can be realised.
Ownership of cars as with all other consumer goods will There are many such events happening in cities through
always become cheaper over time, so that more people can direct action (e.g. Reclaim the Streets), through the
afford to own one. The main barriers to entry are not the reallocation of spaces and streets to people (e.g. the World
cost of the vehicle, but the costs of insurance and the need Squares initiative, pedestrianisation, street closures),
to pass the driving test. Charges to use the car may increase through lowering speed limits (e.g. Home Zones), through
substantially, but political pressures are always present to travel plans, and through cycle networks and exclusive bus
moderate any substantial rises in price, so that motoring networks. It must be seen as an active process that is
remains relatively cheap. The key is looking at other ways participatory and inclusive.
to reduce car use, through the use of ‘‘push and pull’’
measures (OECD, 2004), but much of the literature relates 4.3. Healthy transport
to the difficulty if not the impossibility of effective
implementation of sustainable mobility (Banister and Transport-induced emissions are linked to declining
Marshall, 2000; Banister, 2005). This section outlines the public health, and there is now evidence of the strong
means by which public acceptability can be raised to levels links between lack of exercise and obesity (Pucher and
that will encourage support and engagement in actions to Dijkstra, 2003). Walking, cycling and public transport are
promote sustainable mobility. all more healthy than using the car and are promoted as
active transport. However, there are still the indirect effects
4.2. Public acceptability of pollution, which damages health and causes problems
related to asthma, bronchitis, leukaemia and lung disease.
Public acceptability drives political acceptability, and it There are also the wider effects of increases in CO2 and the
is only when there is sufficient public support for change, other greenhouse gases. Sustainable mobility offers im-
that action will take place. For example, congestion is now provements in individual health as well as a cleaner and
healthier environment (Woodcock et al., 2007).
Note that the Nobel prize for economics was awarded to Daniel Healthy transport means strong action on separating
Kahneman (November 2002). His research in the 1970s argued against people from traffic and having exclusive routes for people
rationality, suggesting that people worry more about losing what they and cyclists. It also means the promotion of travel plans for
have rather than about winning a bigger stake. Although his work focused all businesses and activities that are major generators of
on behavioural finance and the way in which markets sometimes have
‘‘bursts irrational exuberance’’, prospect theory still seems relevant to traffic. For example, every school in the UK will have their
individuals’ transport decisions today, as it relates actions to uncertainty own School Travel Plan by 2010. It is often thought that
and risk. such policies are politically unpopular, but there now seems
D. Banister / Transport Policy 15 (2008) 73–80 77

to be strong support for action and many decision makers Table 2

have underestimated the strength of feeling for change. Impacts of congestion charging in Central London

1. Traffic down 20% entering the congestion charging zone and some
4.4. Demonstration effects 16% within the zone
2. Speeds increased 15% within the zone and delayed !30%
To many people, sustainable mobility requires a radical 3. Increase of 5% in traffic on Inner Ring Road around the zone, but
change in the way in which travel decisions are made. little change in traffic speeds
4. About 100,000 motorists pay each day
Naturally, people feel nervous about it, and they are 5. Most travellers have switched to bus services—which run more freely
reluctant to alter their behaviour,2 so there should be and services have been increased, with +16% bus patronage,
positive demonstration effects. In the EU, there is an reliability improved (30% reduction in wait time) and speeds have
acceptance that transport users ought to pay their full increased by over 15% in the central area
external costs, and several pricing initiatives have been 6. Environmental improvements with !19% in CO2 emissions
7. Net revenues from the congestion charging scheme are about £120
introduced under the umbrella of fair and efficient pricing million per annum (2006)
(CEC, 1995, 2006). 8. Public acceptance is now 55% for the scheme and 30% against it, when
Some countries in the EU now relate the annual taxation before implementation the figures were 40% for and 40% against
for vehicles to their pollution profile. Germany has
established different classes of cars for annual taxes levied
Source: Transport for London (2006).
on owners of cars. Electric cars are completely tax-free for
the first 5 years. There are dramatically reduced tax rates
for the more energy-efficient and least polluting cars, and in the proposed charge of £15 for lorries to £5, minor
much higher rates for large cars that are energy inefficient boundary changes, and a slight shortening of the charging
and more polluting. Cars meeting Euro IV standards are period (07.00–18.30 on weekdays and shortened again to
considered especially sustainable and benefit from a large 18.00 in February 2007 when the scheme was doubled in
tax reduction (German Federal Ministry for Finance, size). Much analysis and monitoring is being carried out to
2003). In the UK, annual vehicle taxation is related to determine both the transport and the non-transport
the CO2 emissions figures, with six bands. This provides impacts of congestion charging (TfL, 2006; Table 2).
some incentive for car owners to buy more efficient and Such an example raises important policy dilemmas. The
cleaner vehicles. Car-sharing promotes new forms of potential demonstration effects of the congestion charging
ownership and there are more than 70,000 members scheme are substantial, as many other cities may learn from
Europe, in particular in Germany and Switzerland London and introduce their own schemes (e.g. Stockholm).
(APTA, 2004). But in order to achieve implementation, many concessions
Probably the best example of demonstration effects is the have been made, and these may in turn reduce the
experience from congestion charging in Central London. effectiveness of congestion charging. A balance must be
This is the most radical transport policy that has been struck between the desired scheme and an acceptable
introduced in the UK in the last 20 years. It represents a scheme. The potential risk is substantial, but such choices
watershed in policy action. The idea had been around for have to be made if radical sustainable mobility polices are
many years, but no politician had the conviction of actually to be introduced at all. Conversely, implementation of a
taking it forwards. Even with a new mayor hugely scheme could be seen as the first step in a process where
committed to congestion charging, it was a struggle to incremental changes are then added to the basic scheme
get it through the legal, planning and political processes until the final goal of a full electronic road-pricing scheme
within a 30-month period (1 July 2000 to 17 February in London is achieved. In the first 3 years (February 2003
2003). This relates strongly to the issue of the conflicts to 2006), the scheme and the technology have worked well
between long and short-term strategies (Banister, 2003). and gained widespread acceptance, with measurable
The long-term view is that congestion charging is an reductions in both traffic levels (15–20%) and congestion
essential element of a sustainable transport strategy, whilst (over 20%) in Central London and around the congestion
the short-term view is that it is almost impossible to charging area. In this case, both the social norms and
introduce in a 4-year electoral cycle that exists in the UK. perceptions of its effectiveness were sufficiently high for
To achieve public acceptability, there has been extensive implementation, and the outcome has exceeded expecta-
consultation with all parties, resulting in some compro- tions (Table 2).
mise. For example, under half (45%) of vehicles coming
into the Central London congestion charging zone actually 4.5. Individual marketing
pay the full charge (£5—raised to £8 in July 2005), while a
further 29% have discounts of varying kinds, and the Much of conventional choice theory assumes that each
remaining 26% of vehicles are exempt. The large number individual has complete knowledge of the alternatives and
of discounts and exemptions has reduced the effectiveness can make a rational choice. More recent empirical research
of the policy, and problems may be created later if these (Brög et al., 2004) suggests that a much more proactive
exemptions are to be reassessed. There was also a reduction approach is required that not only informs individuals
78 D. Banister / Transport Policy 15 (2008) 73–80

about the alternatives that are available but also helps them Table 3
decide which is most suitable for them. Information has to Key elements in promoting the public acceptability of sustainable mobility
be taken to the customer, rather than assuming that they Information Education, awareness campaigns, and
will find it themselves. Individualised marketing is a good promotion through media and social
example of this dialogue-based technique for promoting pressure are an essential starting point
the use of public transport, cycling and walking as Explanation of the need for sustainable
alternatives to the car. It has been developed and applied mobility, emphasising the positive
economic, social and health benefits to
in several European and Australian cities with positive the individual and businesses
outcomes (reductions in car use of around 10%), and more Involvement and The process must be inclusive, with clear
importantly, it seems that changes in travel behaviour are communication aims and an understanding of the
maintained over time (see Curtis, this volume). consequences to those on whom the
Public acceptability of sustainable mobility seems to be strategy will impact
Designed to gain support and
high provided that social norms can be changed and the understanding, so that stakeholders can
policy measures are presented as a package that can buy into the proposals
effectively be implemented. The process needs to build up Raise levels of consistency between
trust and respect between the different actors over time, so expectations and outcomes
communication and active involvement are essential. It Packaging Push and pull policies measures need to
be combined in mutually supporting
also seems that legitimacy must be based on a participatory packages. Policies restricting car use or
and inclusive approach that involves ‘‘selling’’ the message raising its costs should be accompanied
of sustainable mobility to individuals, groups and localities by well-publicised programmes to
through explaining the need for changes in behaviour and improve the availability and
convincing them of the importance of their contribution. attractiveness of alternatives to driving
alone, including car pooling, public
This responds to the Schade and Schlag (2003) goals of transport, cycling and walking, all
importance and fairness in urban transport pricing financed by dedicated revenues from car
strategies, and the need to both guide and force change pricing measures
(Vlek, 2000). In many situations, there are strong positive Selling the benefits It is necessary to widely publicize the
measures (reducing global warming and healthy transport) benefits, even if there are costs,
inconvenience and sacrifice. Car drivers
that can be promoted, but underlying success is the need support funding of alternative modes to
for a high-level commitment to sustainable mobility and reduce congestion on the roads they
strong leadership. drive on. Overweight or obese
individuals would directly benefit from
5. Principles of the sustainable mobility paradigm better walking and cycling conditions.
Everyone benefits from cleaner air and
safer traffic conditions. More walking,
The four basic types of actions to achieve sustainable cycling and public transport use would
mobility have been outlined in Section 3 and some help relieve parking shortages. These are
innovative means by which the people can be involved important and direct impacts that all
have been identified in Section 4. The principles of a individuals can support
Adopt controversial policies in Support needs to be built up in terms of
sustainable mobility paradigm need to combine these stages positive outcomes and measurable
elements into a series of consistent policy measures. Four improvements in the quality of life
key elements are suggested here: Politics is about reflecting prevailing
preferences and also forming opinions
(a) Making the best use of technology, including invest- Acceptance of responsibilities and
commitment to change through actions
ment in technology in transport modes, information is the key to success
systems and in the transport system itself, and in giving Consistency between different Some measures (e.g. pricing) that are
industry directions on priorities (e.g. on hybrid and fuel measures and policy sectors common to all futures. Such measures
efficient vehicles and alternative fuels). For the general need to be implemented now, even
public, these options are not controversial, as they though their impacts may not be
enable them to carry out their activities with minimal Regulations, standards, subsidies and
change. But, there would also need to be behavioural tax incentives should all be used to
change, with ecological driving and driving within encourage manufacturers and other
speed limits, as well as looking at ways to increase transport suppliers to develop and adopt
occupancy levels. This would help achieve the efficiency the most energy efficient and
environmentally friendly technology
objective, but there may be rebound effects, as people possible
may drive more because the vehicles are more efficient. The precautionary principle should be
(b) Regulation and pricing means that the external costs of followed, particularly on the global
transport should be reflected in the actual costs of warming effects of transport emissions,
travel through higher fuel prices or through some form
D. Banister / Transport Policy 15 (2008) 73–80 79

Table 3 (continued ) implementing policies on sustainable mobility, through

providing information, through ensuring effective involve-
and actions should be consistent over the
longer term ment and communication, through packaging of policy
Many of the problems created for the measures and through selling the benefits. Given the direct
transport system do not emanate from benefits it would provide, this is a message that should
the transport sector, but from other provide an effective source of public and political support.
sectors. So a more holistic perspective is
But the scale of change required to promote a more
needed that integrates decision-making
across sectors and widens the public effective strategy on sustainable mobility means that a
discourse deeper understanding of acceptability is needed. Rather
Adaptability Decisions today should not than trying to encourage automatic responses and con-
unnecessarily restrict the scope for tinuous evaluation in terms of the benefits to individuals,
future decisions, so that the adaptive
the debate must also embrace reasoned actions that
behaviour of individuals and agencies
can be assessed examine the whole process in terms of societal benefits,
There is no prescription or blueprint for where all options and implications are considered. Beha-
the correct procedures to follow. Each vioural change must be seen as part of the solution and the
situation requires separate analysis and last three elements are more controversial (Table 3). Here
implementation, including flexibility to
the intention is to be realistic yet consistent in implement-
change policy measures if intentions and
outcomes do not match up. Assessment ing policy packages on sustainable mobility, through a
of risk and reversibility are both strong phased approach that moves flexibly in the direction of
components of sustainable mobility longer term goals.
Adaptability is not an excuse for
inaction or weak action. It is an
6. Conclusions
argument for clear decision making,
leadership, supported by analysis and
monitoring to check on the effectiveness The messages are clear. There is strong support for
of policy action enlarging the scope of public discourse and empowering
the stakeholders through an interactive and participatory
process to commit themselves to the sustainable mobility
of road user charging. Demand management reduces paradigm. The open and active involvement of all parties
congestion and improves environmental quality, but it would be far more effective than the conventional passive
does require public support to work effectively. This means of persuasion. Thus, broad coalitions should be
would help reduce the numbers of trips, trip distance, formed to include specialists, researchers, academics,
change modal shares and promote more efficient practitioners, policy makers and activists in the related
vehicles. areas of transport, land use, urban affairs, environment,
(c) Land-use development, including planning and regula- public health, ecology, engineering, green modes and
tions, needs to be integrated, so that physical restraint public transport. It is only when such coalitions form that
measures and development patterns are used to support a real debate about sustainable mobility can take place.
shorter travel distances. Improved levels of proximity There must be a willingness to change and an acceptance of
would help reduce distance travelled, and contribute to collective responsibility. To achieve sustainable mobility,
trip reduction and modal split changes. the arguments must be sufficiently powerful to overcome
(d) Clearly targeted personal information, including social the dependence on the car and the possibility that the costs
pressure, awareness raising, demonstration, persuasion of delay and congestion have already been internalised
and individual marketing, is also crucial. Acceptability by drivers.
is an essential (yet often neglected) element of sustain- The measures needed to achieve sustainable mobility in
able mobility. cities are already well known and many have been
implemented in different situations with varying degrees
The sustainable mobility paradigm is moving towards an of success. The sustainable mobility paradigm goes beyond
objective-based planning system that is trying to implement the actual measures and attempts to understand the
a range of policy interventions, but with an important reasons behind effective implementation. The concepts of
additional element, namely the support of all stakeholders. travel as a derived demand and time minimisation have
Underlying this discussion is the need to understand been questioned, and a case made for more flexible
behaviour, and to explore the means by which cooperation interpretations of why people travel and how they use
and support can be obtained, so that real change can take time. Effective implementation of sustainable mobility
place. The notion of personal utility must be placed in the requires the engagement of key stakeholders, so that they
wider context of social welfare. can understand the reasoning behind different policy
Table 3 summarises the key elements in promoting initiatives and support their introduction. Some of the
public acceptability. The first four elements are widely processes to achieve such a change are outlined and the key
used, as many cities are already actively involved in elements in promoting the sustainable mobility paradigm
80 D. Banister / Transport Policy 15 (2008) 73–80

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