Toxicology Reports: Brent D. Kerger, M. Joseph Fedoruk

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Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472

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Pathology, toxicology, and latency of irritant gases known to cause

bronchiolitis obliterans disease: Does diacetyl fit the pattern?
Brent D. Kerger ∗ , M. Joseph Fedoruk
Exponent, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) is a rare disease involving concentric bronchiolar fibrosis that develops
Received 28 September 2015 rapidly following inhalation of certain irritant gases at sufficiently high acute doses. While there are
Accepted 21 October 2015 many potential causes of bronchiolar lesions involved in a variety of chronic lung diseases, failure to
Available online 2 November 2015
clearly define the clinical features and pathological characteristics can lead to ambiguous diagnoses. Irri-
tant gases known to cause BO follow a similar pathologic process and time course of disease onset in
humans. Studies of inhaled irritant gases known to cause BO (e.g., chlorine, hydrochloric acid, ammonia,
Fibrotic lung disease
nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, sulfur or nitrogen mustards, and phosgene) indicate that the time course
Fixed obstructive lung disease
between causal chemical exposures and development of clinically significant BO disease is typically lim-
Food flavorings ited to a few months. The mechanism of toxic action exerted by these irritant gases generally involves
widespread and severe injury of the epithelial lining of the bronchioles that leads to acute respiratory
symptoms which can include lung edema within days. Repeated exposures to inhaled irritant gases at
concentrations insufficient to cause marked respiratory distress or edema may lead to adaptive responses
that can reduce or prevent severe bronchiolar fibrotic changes. Risk of BO from irritant gases is driven
substantially by toxicokinetics affecting concentrations occurring at the bronchiolar epithelium. Highly
soluble irritant gases that cause BO like ammonia generally follow a threshold-dependent cytotoxic mech-
anism of action that at sufficiently high doses results in severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
and the bronchiolar epithelium concurrently. This is followed by acute respiratory distress, pulmonary
edema, and post inflammatory concentric fibrosis that become clinically obvious within a few months.
In contrast, irritant gases with lower solubility like phosgene also follow a threshold-dependent mech-
anism of cytotoxicity action but can exhibit more insidious and isolated bronchiolar tissue damage with
a similar latency to fibrosis. To date, animal and human studies on the highly soluble gas, diacetyl, have
not identified a coherent pattern of pathology and latency that would be expected based on studies of
other known causes of bronchiolitis obliterans disease.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (


1. Clinical definitions of fixed obstructive lung disease and bronchiolitis obliterans disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1464
2. Risk factors for restrictive and obstructive lung diseases and bronchiolitis obliterans disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1465
2.1. Cigarette smoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1465
2.2. Fetal exposures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466
2.3. Possible role of chronic sinusitis in obstructive lung diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466
3. Time course and pathology associated with inhaled irritant gases known to cause bronchiolitis obliterans disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1467
4. Adaptive response to irritants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1468
5. Evidence on time course and pathology of diacetyl-induced lung damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1468
6. Diacetyl toixokinetics and mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1469
Competing interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1470

∗ Corresponding author at: 320 Goddard, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92618, USA. Fax: +1 949 242 6099.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.D. Kerger).
2214-7500/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1464 B.D. Kerger, M.J. Fedoruk / Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472

Transparency document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1470

Author contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1470
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1471
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1471

1. Clinical definitions of fixed obstructive lung disease and Table 1

Generally accepted diagnostic criteria for bronchiolitis obliterans disease.
bronchiolitis obliterans disease
1. Pulmonary function tests show clinically important fixed obstructive
Obstructive lung disease is “characterized by an increase in deficits indicating small airways disease without appreciable impacts on
total lung volume and gas exchange measurements.
resistance to airflow owing to partial or complete obstruction at
2. The obstructive changes are resilient to treatment by corticosteroids or
any level from the trachea and larger bronchi to the terminal and bronchodilators.
respiratory bronchioles” [50]. In contrast, restrictive lung disease 3. The patient’s lungs show a mosaic pattern of attenuation on high resolution
is caused by the “reduced expansion of lung parenchyma, with computed tomography (HRCT) scans indicating air trapping, especially
decreased total lung capacity” [50]. The major types of obstruc- during exhalation.
4. Lung biopsy shows definitive histopathology of widespread and severe
tive disorders are emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis,
concentric fibrosis of the bronchioles.
and asthma [50]. Several bronchiolitis diseases, including bronchi-
olitis obliterans (BO), are also considered obstructive lung diseases
[50,73]. Each of these clinical disease entities, and a variety of more
specific conditions, can occur in the same individual but each can
differ greatly with respect to pathology, functional consequences, early damage and later clinically significant disease with impair-
medical treatments, and known or suspected risk factors. In par- ment [73]. As a result, many forms of bronchiolitis are described as
ticular, there are several disease states and exposures that can indolent and unlikely to have fatal consequences; however, some
lead to obstructive bronchiolar lesions and/or obstructive bronchi- acute bronchiolitis entities can result in more severe and deadly
olitis obliterans (BO) disease, so attribution of BO disease to one conditions, and chronic bronchiolitis can also evolve to BO disease
particular exposure or risk factor may be scientifically tenuous. [73].
Additionally, diagnosis of BO disease is hampered by its similarity BO disease is a rare disease entity that specifically involves
to other obstructive bronchiolitis conditions [73]. irreversible obstructive fibrosis of the small airways (bronchioles)
It should be noted that the terminology ‘bronchiolitis obliter- [50,52,73]. BO disease is characterized by extensive fibrosis of the
ans syndrome’ (BOS) was originally used to describe bronchiolar respiratory bronchioles that limits air exhalation or ventilation
fibrosis occurring as a common element of tissue rejection and/or leading to reduced oxygenation especially with physical exertion
infectious insults in lung transplant patients who undergo phar- [31,52,73]. The clinical course following inhalation of irritant gases
maceutical therapy to avoid tissue rejection [40]. In such cases, the known to cause BO disease initially involves acute respiratory
newly implanted lungs may be diagnosed with BOS assumed to distress associated with lung edema that occurs within days of suf-
be caused by the complex interactions of the individual’s immune ficiently high exposure [50]. Onset of respiratory symptoms occurs
system and hence lung biopsies are not considered necessary for without an appreciable delay, i.e., the latency between causal expo-
diagnosis of BOS. Some authors of occupational investigations of sure and evidence of disease onset is relatively immediate [83].
lung disease have borrowed the BOS terminology to apply to However, BO disease may also demonstrate a longer latency due to
diacetyl- or flavoring-related lung disease (e.g., [2,94]). However, other causes, such as when it develops as an exaggerated healing
such use of this terminology could be a misnomer in that, based response following acute or chronic bronchiolitis [52,73] or during
on currently available information, no similar conditions (e.g., in the late stages of hypersensitive pneumonitis [50,73]. Addition-
terms of causal agents or risk factors) apply for BOS in lung trans- ally, bronchiectasis, chronic emphysema, and chronic bronchitis
plant patients as distinguished from BO disease potentially related can progress to BO disease [50,73]; thus determination of cause
to occupational chemical exposures. and effect can be very complex. In acute or chronically developed
Fixed airway obstruction is a nonspecific and relatively com- BO disease, clinically significant pulmonary function deficits and
mon lung condition in people over the age of 50 with varied confirmed histology can be apparent. The diagnostic criteria for BO
degrees of breathing difficulties that are not reversible with med- shown in Table 1 have been reviewed by several researchers with
ications, e.g., bronchodilators for asthma or steroid treatment for essentially concordant views [50,52,73,92,96,97].
acute lung inflammation [50]. Fixed airway obstruction, including The diagnostic criteria used for BO disease overlap with the
BO disease, is a subset of conditions under the general cate- manifestations of other lung disorders having variable etiologies.
gory of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD [50]. For example, mosaic lung attenuation has also been observed in
Obstructive lung diseases and associated bronchiolar lesions may asthma and emphysema [52,92]. There are also similarities with
also occur in combination with or as a later consequence of clinical presentation and pulmonary function testing between BO
restrictive lung changes, such as various diffuse interstitial lung disease and other obstructive lung diseases [52]. In addition to
diseases: pulmonary fibrosis, respiratory bronchiolitis, respiratory a detailed medical and exposure history, a lung biopsy is often
bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease, hypersensitiv- essential to distinguish BO disease from various other diseases
ity pneumonitis, collagen vascular diseases, and various types of potentially affecting the bronchioles [73].
pneumonia, including bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneu- Laohaburanakit and colleagues [52] noted that:
monia (BOOP) and pneumoconioses (dust-related lung diseases) “In the case of BO that is not related to transplantation, the diagno-
[50,52]. Bronchiolitis lesions can be found in association with these sis is much more challenging and requires a high index of suspicion. The
obstructive and restrictive clinical conditions, with overlapping clinical presentation, as well as pulmonary function testing character-
imaging and histopathological features [17,73]. Although bronchi- istics of BO, are non-specific and resemble other obstructive diseases
olar lesions represent permanent damage to the lung architecture, such as asthma and COPD [chronic bronchitis and emphysema]. [· · ·]
the vast number of small airways and excess oxygenation capacity Surgical lung biopsy, either by open lung biopsy or video-assisted tho-
of normal human lungs can provide a substantial buffer between racoscopic surgery (VATS) is usually required when BO occurs outside
B.D. Kerger, M.J. Fedoruk / Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472 1465

of transplantation and the diagnosis cannot be made by transbronchial symptoms. Accurate distinction between diseases is essential for
biopsy.” predicting the clinical severity and progression of the obstructive
Chan and Allen [12] noted that: symptoms. Furthermore, the etiologies of these various bronchiolar
“Lung biopsy is the only way to definitively diagnose BO, whether disorders vary significantly, from inhaled irritant gases or cigarette
or not it is related to organ transplantation.” smoke to infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases [73]. As a
“Constrictive bronchiolitis” is recognized as a synonymous term result, failure to establish the correct diagnosis may lead to incor-
for describing BO lesions. However, some investigators have broad- rect conclusions regarding cause and effect. Full consideration of
ened the definition of constrictive bronchiolitis to include indolent, the criteria and methods for diagnosis, the observed disease pro-
subclinical, and/or relatively isolated bronchiolar lesions with- gression, and the patient’s underlying conditions and alternative
out fixed airway obstruction and with no appreciable impact on exposures is essential for proper diagnosis as well as for cause and
blood oxygenation or other objective clinical indicators of disease effect determinations regarding BO disease.
[32,48,47]. Furthermore, cases of possible subclinical constrictive
bronchiolitis have not been confirmed by lung biopsy [33]. This
2. Risk factors for restrictive and obstructive lung diseases
broadened definition increases the difficulty in establishing cause
and bronchiolitis obliterans disease
and effect relationships because it encompasses other obstructive
bronchiolitis entities, with varied risk factors, pathologies, and clin-
BO is a multi-factorial disease with critical host and non-
ical severities.
occupational environmental determinants of risk [73]. Generally,
For example, a clinical disease entity that often results in
a variety of known or suspected risk factors have been identified
mixed obstructive-restrictive spirometry findings can be caused
for restrictive and obstructive lung diseases that may include BO
by long-term, heavy cigarette smoking: respiratory bronchiolitis-
lesions, including cigarette smoke, fetal exposures, environmental
associated interstitial lung disease [50,84,96]. The less severe
exposures, pharmaceutical treatments, and infectious and autoim-
condition known as respiratory bronchiolitis or “smoker’s bron-
mune diseases. Since BO lesions are associated with a variety of
chiolitis” is a common histological finding in the lungs of smokers
chronic lung diseases, it is important to understand the differences
and ex-smokers [50,84]. Respiratory bronchiolitis among smokers
in clinical features and risk factors between BO disease and other
has subtle histological similarities to BO, with mild peribron-
lung diseases.
chiolar fibrosis, but apparently develops more slowly and the
The number of risk factors for obstructive lung disease can
bronchiolar changes typically don’t play a critical role in the ulti-
hamper epidemiology studies seeking to identify causative agents.
mate loss of normal lung function due to smoking and associated
Balmes [8] noted that exposures potentially causing chronic
emphysema [50,73]. The interstitial lung disease component is
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the workplace have been
characterized by the presence of mild fibrosis and pigmented intra-
difficult to define clearly in epidemiological studies for the follow-
luminal macrophages (“smoker’s macrophages”) within the first
ing reasons:
and second-order respiratory bronchioles [50]. Most instances of
“First, COPD is multi-factorial in cause with critical (and mostly
this disease are associated with mild clinical symptoms, mild to
unknown) host, as well as non-occupational environmental determi-
moderate obstructive-restrictive patterns on pulmonary function
nants, of risk. Second, unlike workers with pneumoconiosis, individuals
tests, and ground-glass attenuation on high resolution computed
with COPD caused by occupational exposures cannot be distinguished
tomography lung scans (HRCT) [84]. This disease may occur in con-
from those with disease resulting from other causes. Third, many work-
junction with emphysema in persons with over 30 pack-years of
ers with COPD have concurrent exposure to cigarette smoke (direct
cigarette smoking, typically in their fourth or fifth decade of life
or second-hand) and workplace irritants. Fourth, exposed workers
at baseline usually have better overall health and higher ventilatory
Another disease that could be mistaken for BO disease if the
function than the general population, the so-called healthy worker
broader definition of constrictive bronchiolitis was accepted is
effect. Fifth, workforce studies are often limited to a survivor popu-
bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia or BOOP [96]. BOOP
lation because of the inability to assess or follow workers who leave
is also called cryptogenic organizing pneumomia and is considered
their jobs, thereby underestimating the chronic effects of occupational
primarily an interstitial lung disorder, in contrast to BO disease
which is primarily a small airway disorder [17,28,50]. BOOP has
There is a broad range of agents that have been reported as
been historically confused with BO due to its nomenclature; how-
known or suspected causes of either chronic bronchitis, bronchi-
ever, it is a clinical disease entity that is distinctly different from BO
olitis, BO disease, and/or similar small airways disease in humans,
disease in terms of its pathology, diagnostic criteria, and associated
as illustrated for environmental exposures and disease states in
risk factors [17,28,52,73,85,96]. BOOP may exhibit features of ‘infil-
Table 2 [3,5,8,10,12,52,56,68,73,79,85,87,97,106,110]. With respect
trative bronchiolitis’, describing serious acute infiltration of the
to pharmaceutical or iatrogenic associations (see Table 3), most
bronchioles with immune cells typically in response to lung infec-
cases of BO disease are linked to heart/lung and bone marrow trans-
tions or an autoimmune disease [28,52]. BOOP can lead to fibrotic
plants and autoimmune connective tissue disease risk factors listed
polyp lesions that may obliterate patchy areas of bronchioles, which
in Table 3, with the infectious agents more prominently affecting
only on biopsy can be distinguished from the concentric fibrotic
young children [12,17,79]. Additionally, many drugs used to treat
lesions of the bronchioles seen in BO disease [52]. BOOP is most
BOOP and/or underlying diseases that may cause BOOP have been
often a reversible acute condition causing restrictive (not fixed
identified as possible risk factors (perhaps mistakenly) for BO dis-
obstructive) lung changes and requiring antibiotics and corticoste-
ease in some individuals [5,10,29,106]. As noted earlier, repeated
roid treatment to resolve [50]. BOOP is not thought to lead to clinical
serious infections like BOOP may lead to BO lesions but not clinically
BO disease; however, repeated and/or serious infections can result
defined BO disease [17,28].
in BOOP leading to fibrotic bronchiolar lesions that upon biopsy
may resemble patchy occurrence of BO lesions and/or bronchiecta-
sis [17,28,85]. Indeed, BO and bronchiectasis lesions are commonly 2.1. Cigarette smoke
seen in late stages of many chronic lung diseases as explained by
[73]. The predominant cause of chronic bronchitis, emphysema,
In sum, bronchiolitis diseases include a wide variety of patho- respiratory bronchiolitis, and respiratory bronchiolitis-associated
logically unique entities, with overlapping histology and clinical interstitial lung disease throughout the world is cigarette smok-
1466 B.D. Kerger, M.J. Fedoruk / Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472

Table 2 may be unknown to the affected individual when onset of lung

Environmental exposures and disease states associated with bronchiolitis and/or
disease occurs decades later.
bronchiolitis obliterans disease.

Irritant gases, fumes or dusts:

Ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, mustard gas, smoke inhalation, sulfur
2.3. Possible role of chronic sinusitis in obstructive lung diseases
dioxide, oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2 , N2 O4 ), phosgene, di-isocyanates,
volatile flavoring agents, hot gases, fly ash, zinc chloride, metals (osmium,
vanadium), metal oxide fumes (welding fumes), organic dusts (cotton, grain, Irritant gases, particularly those with high water solubility, may
wood), mineral dusts (coal, vitreous fibers, oil mist, Portland cement, silica, be capable of causing chronic sinusitis that can lead to obstructive
silicates), smoke (engine exhaust, tobacco smoke, fire smoke), overheated lung disease including small airways disease, bronchiolitis oblit-
cooking oil fumes, spice dust.
erans lesions, and bronchiectasis [51]. Chronic sinusitis involves
Ingested toxins: Sauropus androgynus
Drug interactions: cocaine the persistent occurrence of abnormal sinus drainage and associ-
Infectious and autoimmune diseases: ated swelling, pain, and associated problems for 12 weeks or more;
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis it is usually associated with allergic rhinitis and changes in sinus
Childhood infections: (measles, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza,
and lung responses to allergens with increasing age [78]. In most
parainfluenza, adenovirus, mycoplasma, mycobacteria, pertussis)
Infections per se: (Herpes simplex virus, human immunodeficiency virus-1,
cases, this condition is associated with chronic inflammation of
Cytomegalovirus, Rubeola, Parainfluenza type 3, Adenoviruses, Mycoplasma nasal/sinus tissues related to abnormal increases in certain immune
pneumoniae, Klebsiella, spp., Haemophilus influenzae, Bordatella pertussis, cells (eosinophils) that trigger swelling and edema in a manner
Mycobacterium chelonae, Nocardia asteroides, Cryptococcus neoformans, that prevents normal drainage [11,14,78]. The chronic eosinophil-
Pneumocystis carinii)
related inflammatory process is commonly related either to an
Graft vs. host disease: (bone marrow, lung or heart-lung transplants)
Auto-immune connective tissue disorders: (rheumatoid arthritis, eosinophilic allergic response (e.g., dust mite allergy of the respiratory tract),
fascitis; polymyositis, cystic fibrosis with chronic infections, inflammatory to abnormal immune responses (which may relate to nutritional,
bowel disease, Swyer-James syndrome, Sjogren’s syndrome, Systemic lupus genetic, or age- and immune disease-related factors), or possibly
to an anatomical abnormality of the nasal sinuses (e.g., congenital
deviated nasal septum that can readily exacerbate sinus drainage
Table 3 problems).
Pharmaceutical and iatrogenic factors associated with bronchiolitis and/or bronchi- Chronic sinusitis is extremely common and its prevalence
olitis obliterans disease. increases with age, particularly starting around the fifth decade
[54]; it is reported to affect more than 30 million people in the
Minocycline, nitrofurantoin, cephalosporin, amphotericin-B, daptomycin, United States population [20], or about 1 in every 7 American adults
abacavir, tiopronin, lomustine, sulfasalazine, penicillamine [11]. Chronic sinusitis is highly prevalent in adults with severe
Anticancer agents: asthma [105] and in persons who develop bronchiectasis and asso-
Bleomycin, busulphan, doxorubicin, methotrexate, mitomycin-c,
ciated permanent obstructive lung changes [36].
chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, dihydroergocryptine, dihydroergotamine,
hexamethonium, cytarabine ocfosfate, rituximab, oxaliplatin, Allergy testing is important because it is often the case that res-
aurothiopropanosulfonate, radiation therapy, Sauropus androgynus piratory allergens can exacerbate chronic sinusitis and more severe
Cardiovascular agents: cases (of allergic rhinitis) are linked to the occurrence of adult-onset
Amiodarone, acebutolol, pravastatin, simvastin, sotalol, ticlopidine,
asthma. For example, Magnan and colleagues [55] reported that
Anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive agents:
55% of asthmatics have allergic rhinitis, and that more severe res-
Gold, sulfasalazine, methotrexate, aurothiopropanosulfonate, infliximab piratory allergies correlate with greater asthma severity and worse
mesalamine/mesalazine, bucillamine, D-penicillamine, azathioprine, asthma control. Indeed, persistent allergic rhinitis is considered a
6-mercaptopurine, tacrolimus, sirolimus, everolimus strong risk factor for adult-onset asthma and it has been reported
that up to 80% of patients with persistent allergic rhinitis have clin-
Carbamazepine, phenytoin
Miscellaneous drugs: ical asthma or a related condition called bronchial hyperreactivity
Interferons alpha, beta and gamma, hexamethonium, L-tryptophan, FK 506, [15,16,90]. Thus, adults who develop severe and persistent aller-
barbiturates, nilutamide, tacrolimus, topolean, and free-base cocaine use, gic rhinitis are at increased risk of developing chronic sinusitis and
sulindac, ticlopidine, heroin, fluvastatin, venlafaxine, risedronate, lomustine
related asthma and/or bronchial hyperreactivity that may be a risk
factor for permanent obstructive changes [55].
More severe cases of chronic sinusitis can increase the risk of
ing [84]. As noted above, mild fibrotic peribronchiolar changes permanent obstructive lung changes and specifically small airways
are associated with respiratory bronchiolitis and respiratory disease with end stage changes that may also include bronchiec-
bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease [50]. Furthermore, tasis. Ragab and colleagues [80] reported that 60% of patients with
chronic bronchitis and emphysema can progress to concurrently chronic sinusitis had lower airway (bronchi, bronchioles, and alve-
involve BO lesions but are not clinically defined as BO disease oli) disease including 24% with clinical asthma and 36% with small
[50,52]. airways disease (i.e., bronchiolar disease) as indicated by reduced
spirometry measurements of forced expiratory flow at 25–75%
2.2. Fetal exposures (FEF25–75 ). Lamblin and colleagues [51] studied 46 patients hav-
ing persistent chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps and reported that
Maternal drug intake as well as premature birth (and associated non-reversible obstructive changes were observed on spirometry
hyaline membrane disease or bronchopulmonary dysplasia) may testing of most cases who were followed over a 4-year period.
have substantial detrimental long-term effects on the lung [91,99]. Greater obstructive changes were observed in 28 of the 46 patients
Wang [98] noted that fetal exposure to nicotine from maternal who were considered to be ‘non-responders’ to aerosol steroid
smoking produces small airway changes in experimental animals therapy used to treat the chronic sinusitis, and significant declines
and human fetuses that may affect bronchiolar function and disease in spirometry parameters (FEV1, FEV/FVC ratio, and FEF25–75 ) were
risks in adulthood [13,64,100]. Thus, in some individuals a substan- observed for these patients regardless of whether or not they exhib-
tial portion of the cumulative lung damage that results in clinical ited clinical asthma [51]. Guilemany and colleagues [36] reported
obstructive lung disease during adulthood may date back to expo- that chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps was present in 25% of
sures or diseases affecting the fetus or newborn. Such risk factors patients with clinical bronchiectasis, also an irreversible obstruc-
B.D. Kerger, M.J. Fedoruk / Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472 1467

tive lung lesion. Thus, chronic sinusitis may be a risk factor for fixed clinically significant symptoms [47,58]. However, such a broad def-
obstructive lung disease. inition of BO disease provides little insight on causal elements
In sum, there are many chronic lung diseases that in later stages and timing of disease onset, and such diagnoses are more likely
can result in the occurrence of BO lesions that often have limited to be confounded by idiopathic or secondary bronchiolitis condi-
clinical significance and hence are not considered to represent BO tions such as concurrent and/or repeated infections, underlying
disease. The wide variety of risk factors and commonality of COPD autoimmune or immune deficiency diseases, or other risk factors
can make the determination of cause and effect relationships for [73,98]. Similarly, the timing of onset for many forms of fixed air-
obstruction from BO lesions difficult. Resolution of this problem is way obstruction is often dependent on the cumulative damage to
assisted by more specific definition of BO disease as widespread the lungs that occurs as an end result of a variety of chronic expo-
concentric bronchiolar fibrosis causing clinically significant respi- sures or disease states [98,101], e.g., chemical, physical, infectious,
ratory impairment such as reductions in lung function and/or blood and other insults that may have occurred from fetal development or
oxygenation due to unequivocal bronchiolar obstruction. This defi- early childhood through the point where symptoms are sufficiently
nition of BO disease generally avoids more equivocal or subclinical severe to lead to a doctor visit and diagnosis. Because the early signs
cases and is inferred in our use of this terminology going forward. of fixed airway obstruction—easy fatigue and shortness of breath
on exertion—can be explained by common factors such as decon-
3. Time course and pathology associated with inhaled ditioning, viral infections, and even depression, an early diagnosis
irritant gases known to cause bronchiolitis obliterans is rare in the absence of spirometry screening or onset following
disease a severe respiratory infection like pneumonia [52,96]. Moreover,
the rare clinical entity that most researchers define as BO disease is
Additional insights regarding the potential causes of BO dis- characterized by confirmed fibrotic pathology of the bronchioles in
ease can be gleaned from the magnitude of exposure and timing the absence of other potentially causal disease processes [12,52,73].
between the suspected causal exposure and the onset of airway The range of pathology findings that can be associated with var-
injury responses. Schacter and colleagues [87] noted, ied doses of irritant gases reaching the bronchiolar epithelium is
“Historically, airway injury has been one of the most common occu- summarized in Table 5, ranging from normal healing or lung epithe-
pational hazards. The difficulty facing the physician who suspects an lium remodeling at low doses to severe bronchiolitis obliterans
occupational airway disease is to sort out whether the illness is truly disease and possibly bronchiectasis at high doses. The potential for
related to workplace exposure. non-traumatic inhaled irritant gas exposures (i.e., those not asso-
Bronchiolitis obliterans is a well-characterized inflammatory ciated with an acute respiratory distress syndrome within hours to
response of the terminal airways. Inflammation results from a usu- days after the causal exposure) to cause BO disease years or decades
ally massive exposure to irritant gases that penetrate to the lower later has also been discussed in recent literature pertaining to sul-
airways (for example, nitrogen dioxide). Characteristically, after initial, fur mustard gas exposures; associated clinical presentations range
relatively mild symptoms of mucous membrane irritation, pulmonary from unimpaired to severe impairment with respect to shortness of
edema follows in an explosive manner. If the patient survives, bron- breath and lowered blood oxygenation [32,33,86,102]. The occur-
chiolitis obliterans may develop. Frequently, a persistent, chronic rence of BO lesions is not a definitive disease state unless there
obstructive lung disease ensues”. are clinically important fixed airway obstruction and/or impaired
Schacter and colleagues [87] indicated that pulmonary edema blood oxygenation related to bronchiolar fibrosis [12,52,73].
and acute respiratory distress from “massive” exposures that may It is scientifically tenuous to attribute non-traumatic inhaled
lead to BO disease are uniformly observed within days. This is irritant gas exposures as a primary cause of BO disease. For exam-
in agreement with other reviewers on the sequelae of massive ple, the threshold-dependent mechanism of toxic action leading to
inhaled irritant exposures [30,31,52,56,73,103]. In such instances of BO disease from sulfur mustard gas is driven by cytotoxicity, DNA
acute respiratory distress from massive inhaled irritant exposure, alkylation, and overwhelming of antioxidant defenses at doses suf-
do Pico [30] noted that the most common outcomes may include ficient to denude the respiratory epithelium, while lower doses do
reactive airways dysfunction (an asthma-like condition) or com- not cause bronchiolar fibrosis [4,9,46,57,60,83,95]. One must also
plete recovery. BO disease is an uncommon clinical outcome. When consider that reported associations between non-traumatic sul-
it occurs due to acute inhalation exposures, BO disease develops fur mustard gas exposures and delayed BO disease have not been
quickly with a characteristic clinical course as described in Table 4 supported by biopsy confirmation [33], and hence other possible
[30,44,52,81,103,104,107]. Thus, there is a general scientific con-
sensus that traumatic acute exposures to certain inhaled irritant Table 5
gases follow a predictable time course. Characteristic pathology findings of bronchiolitis obliterans disease from acute irri-
As explained earlier, some researchers have adopted a broader tant gas exposures.
definition of ‘constrictive bronchiolitis’ and BO disease that Low acute doses (not sufficient to denude bronchiolar epithelium):
includes more indolent forms without obstructive changes or With infrequent exposures, e.g., 2 week intervals—Normal healing and
replacement of bronchiolar epithelium
With frequent exposures, e.g., daily—Remodeling of more sensitive cell
Table 4 types (e.g., clara cells) to less sensitive types
Time course of bronchiolitis obliterans disease from acute irritant gas exposures.
Threshold-dependent responses (doses sufficient to denude bronchiolar
Within typically 1–3 days: epithelium)
Lung edema/chemical pneumonia Severe bronchiolar inflammatory response
Severe shortness of breath Cytotoxicity with severe basement membrane damage
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Severe neutrophilic infiltration
Lymphocytic and neutrophilic infiltration DNA-alkylation and stunted healing and remodeling

Within typically 3 weeks to 3 months (without timely steroid and antibiotic Possible longer-term responses (without timely steroid and antibiotic
therapy): therapy):
Fixed obstructive lung changes from widespread concentric bronchiolar Widespread concentric bronchiolar fibrosis
fibrosis Possible chronic bronchitis (purulent) from repeated infection
Superinfection and bronchiolitis obliterans obstructive pneumonia (BOOP) Possible bronchiectasis (in addition to concentric fibrosis) from
Alveolar and upper airway lesions depending on agent and acute dosage repeated/chronic infection
1468 B.D. Kerger, M.J. Fedoruk / Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472

causes of underlying fixed airway obstruction were typically not 5. Evidence on time course and pathology of
ruled out. Moreover, the influence of subsequent chronic infec- diacetyl-induced lung damage
tious disease (e.g., chronic bronchitis and repeated pneumonia
episodes) or other risk factors for fixed airway obstruction may pro- The likelihood that an inhaled irritant gas will reach the smaller
vide more credible explanations for the development of BO disease airways at sufficiently high concentrations to cause clinically
years or decades later in persons not exhibiting an acute respiratory important tissue damage is essential with respect to the timing and
distress response soon after the causal exposure [93]. Similar con- localization of BO lesions or BO disease [73,74]. To evaluate this, it
siderations may apply to reports of delayed BO disease and other is necessary to understand how the physical/chemical properties
obstructive diseases in a group of soldiers exposed to a sulfur plant of the suspected causal agent interact with the lungs. For example,
fire or burn pits during the recent war in Iraq [1,7,44,67]. Maier [56] noted,
Chlorine and phosgene are toxic gases that have been used as “The effect of the substance inhaled depends on the physicochemi-
chemical weapons to induce rapid lung edema and act as ‘choking cal properties of the substance, with water-insoluble substances being
agents;’ they are also known inducers of BO [74]. Most survivors more likely to reach the lung and cause acute lung injury. The pH, chem-
of high acute exposures to these choking agents have no long- ical reactivity, properties of the gas or aerosol, such as particle size and
term consequences with proper treatment, although exertional amount of substance inhaled or ingested, also determine toxicity.”
dyspnea and increased bronchial resistance may persist for sev- Similarly, Schacter and colleagues [87] noted that,
eral months to years [21,74,83]. Similar to mustard gas exposures, “Not all gases that irritate mucous membranes are equally danger-
the mechanism of toxic action for phosgene-induced BO disease is ous to the airways. For example, formaldehyde is potentially far more
driven by extensive cytotoxicity and denuding of the respiratory irritating to the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose than are sulfur
epithelium that only occurs with relatively high concentrations dioxide or nitrogen dioxide, yet it has little or no airway effect at usual
reaching the bronchioles [19,23,24,34,37,39,45,70,88]. The timing occupational levels, although sensitization may occur. Gases such as
of potential development of BO disease following phosgene expo- formaldehyde, which are highly soluble and are maximally absorbed
sure is typically within months following traumatic exposures in in the upper airways, may not reach the lower airways in concentra-
humans [22,70] and is more rapid (i.e., typically within days) in tions high enough to cause damage or irritation. The solubility of the
certain laboratory test species [45,75,77,76]. Also, patients surviv- gas and its ability to reach the lower airway is felt to be an important
ing the lung edema phase after traumatic phosgene exposure who factor in promoting airway effects.”
do not receive preventive antibiotic therapy may develop “superin- Thus, the more water soluble agents, such as acetaldehyde and
fective pneumonia” and repeated/chronic infections that can lead ammonia gases, cause severe irritation of the eyes, nose and throat
to bronchiectasis and/or BO disease [21]. It has also been noted concurrent with effects occurring in the lower respiratory tract at
that individuals with pre-existing lung damage may be at greater the bronchioles.
risk of developing BO disease years after traumatic phosgene expo- Diacetyl vapors are highly water soluble and thus become
sures [22,70]. In such cases of pre-existing lung damage prior to a absorbed primarily in the mucous of the nasal sinuses, trachea and
traumatic phosgene exposure, it may be difficult or impossible to bronchi [35]. Like ammonia, diacetyl is irritating to the mucous
determine which risk factors were most important in subsequent membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat at sufficiently high concen-
development of BO disease. trations and is expected to cause irritation, acute inflammation, and
associated avoidance responses in exposed individuals [103]. Thus,
severe eye, nose, and throat irritation would occur at exposures to
4. Adaptive response to irritants these agents that might cause clinically important tissue damage
in the bronchiolar region. Highly water soluble irritants therefore
Phosgene has been used as a research tool to understand the usually have strong irritant properties that cause workers to avoid
influence of adaptation on dose-response relationships for acute acute high exposures. In contrast, less water-soluble chemicals like
and chronic lung injury. With respect to fibrotic changes developing phosgene and nitrogen dioxide have a greater potential for causing
after traumatic phosgene exposures in animals, there are species- ‘insidious’ bronchiolar tissue damage, i.e., in the absence of frank
related differences in susceptibility (e.g., mice do not develop signs of upper respiratory inflammation [21,103].
fibrotic bronchiolar changes while rats and dogs develop such Diacetyl exhibits good warning properties due to its water sol-
changes within days to weeks) [24,39,45,77,75,76]. Rats appear to ubility (up to 200 g/L; [61], pungent odor, and acute irritation
be about 10-fold more susceptible to phosgene-induced bronchio- effects on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat [38].
lar fibrosis compared to dogs or humans due to differences in lung Upper respiratory irritants such as diacetyl and simple aldehydes
anatomy and breathing characteristics [23,77]. In rats, it has been (like formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein) cause immediate
shown that pretreatment of animals with nontraumatic doses of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and
phosgene will increase adaptation leading to greater phosgene tol- throat at sufficient doses which leads to immediate avoidance
erance, i.e., reduced occurrence/severity of lung injury compared responses in workers. Workers involved in jobs with intermittent
to responses in newly exposed animals [34,39]. Hatch and col- exposures to irritant gases can learn how to avoid getting a sting-
leagues [39] noted that such lung adaptation/tolerance reactions ing dose by using breath-holding, body positioning away from the
from phosgene pretreatment may be analagous to ultraviolet light emission path, and by using personal protective equipment or other
exposures to human skin, where a series of smaller, nontraumatic techniques to prevent regular or substantial self-exposures.
exposures (e.g., inducing suntan but not sunburn) can be subse- Diacetyl is far more water soluble than phosgene [61]. Thus,
quently protective against sunburns that are strongly correlated while phosgene is capable of reaching the bronchiolar region at
with skin cancer risk. In the context of phosgene-induced bronchi- higher concentrations following inhalation [70] diacetyl becomes
olar fibrosis in rats, it is the number and timing of exposure events absorbed primarily in the nasal passages and bronchi of test ani-
leading to significant cytotoxicity and denuding of the bronchio- mals. Diacetyl is also rapidly metabolized and eliminated from
lar epithelium that equates with risk and severity of lung fibrosis; the body upon inhalation [35,65] and as a result does not partici-
this is because regular low concentration exposures (e.g., daily or pate in disease processes occurring months or years after diacetyl
weekly events not capable of causing denuding of the bronchiolar exposure has ceased. Gloede and colleagues [35] developed a phar-
epithelium) foster adaptation and greater tolerance to phosgene- macokinetic model of rat and human respiratory uptake of diacetyl
induced lung injury [34,39]. and reported that mouth-breathing humans under light exercise
B.D. Kerger, M.J. Fedoruk / Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472 1469

might develop bronchiolar tissue concentrations 40-fold higher Table 6

Characteristics of diacetyl chemistry and kinetics that don’t fit with causation of
than those occurring in rats. However, as noted above for phosgene,
bronchiolitis obliterans disease at plausible human exposure concentrations.
the rat model may be at least 10-fold more sensitive to bronchiolar
injury than dogs or humans due to differences in lung anatomy and Relatively high water solubility (200 g/L):
Good irritant warning properties (eye, nose and throat inflammation,
breathing characteristics [23,76].
sensory irritant)
Consistent with phosgene research, diacetyl did not induce Implies good potential for learned avoidance for individuals with repeated
fibrotic bronchiolar changes in mice [62] but was capable of pro- exposures
ducing some degree of bronchial and/or bronchiolar inflammation Good tissue distribution for respiratory uptake
in rats at sufficiently high inhalation doses, e.g., time-weighted Low chance of insidious occurrence at the bronchioles

average (TWA) diacetyl concentrations of 50 ppm or higher [71]. Rapid metabolism and excretion like a sugar/ketone body:
Since rats are considered to be at least 10-fold more sensitive Accumulation at bronchiolar target tissue unlikely
than humans to bronchiolar inflammation from phosgene (due to Not a cumulative or insidious toxicant at the bronchioles

lung anatomy and breathing physiology [21,76]), the TWA diacetyl Threshold-type dose-response for epithelial tissue injury:
concentration capable of causing similar bronchiolar responses in Poor dose-response correlation in epidemiology studies; marker vs. actual
humans may be 500 ppm or higher. For context, surveys of food or
‘Textbook’ dose-response relationship for animal inhalation studies of acute
flavoring workplaces that involve handling of concentrated diacetyl irritants
[108,109] typically involve TWA diacetyl concentrations in the low Rats are 10-fold more sensitive than humans (bronchiolar inflammation at
ppm range, e.g., between 0.1 and 3 ppm. Bronchiolar fibrotic lesions 50 + ppm TWA)
have also been reported to result from direct intratracheal instil- Based on rat lung inflammation response, human effective dose may start at
500 ppm TWA
lation of diacetyl [72], although these investigators acknowledged Typical workplace exposure concentrations with handling of concentrated
that intratracheal instillation is not physiologically relevant human diacetyl: 0.1–3 ppm
exposure pathway for diacetyl.
Type of pathological responses should be comparable to other irritant gases:
The timing of diacetyl-induced bronchiolar fibrosis follow- Acute chemical burn to bronchioles seen in animals and humans with
ing intratracheal instillation in rats [72] was comparable to that known causes
observed for phosgene (i.e., within days). Bronchiolar fibrotic No bronchiolar fibrosis in diacetyl inhalation studies in animals, unclear in
lesions observed in some human cases associated with occupa- human studies

tional diacetyl exposure have reportedly occurred within a span of Latency to onset of pathological responses should be comparable to other
a few months following start of exposure, although many suspected irritant gases:
Rapid lung edema, ARDS, and bronchiolar fibrosis in animals and humans
cases reportedly occurred many years after first occupational expo-
with known causes
sure and in workers with relatively low diacetyl exposures [48,47]. Latency pattern inconsistent among human BO cases associated with
Assuming the rat studies on diacetyl intratracheal instillation [72] diacetyl
and of 2,3-pentanedione inhalation [63] are relevant to predicting
No apparent mechanistic differences for cytotoxicity compared to other
fibrotic lung injury in humans, the mechanism of injury leading to irritant gases:
bronchiolar fibrosis proposed by these researchers appears to be Acute chemical burn to the bronchioles; no unique mechanistic factors to
similar to that reported for phosgene. Specifically, development of date
bronchiolar fibrotic lesions induced by diacetyl in rats is thought to No known inter-individual susceptibility factors yet recognized:
be driven by extensive cytotoxicity and denuding of the respiratory No unique susceptibility factors identified to date
epithelium that is observed only at sufficiently high concen-
trations [48,47,63,72]. Unfortunately, available animal studies of
diacetyl have not examined the potential for adaptation/tolerance bronchiolar tissue concentrations of diacetyl in mouth-breathing
to occur with regular exposures to lower concentrations, as has adults under light exercise conditions. As shown in Table 7,
been observed for phosgene-induced lung fibrosis in rats [34,39]. with an inhaled concentration of 1 ppm for each of these com-
In sum, there are many considerations with respect to the tim- pounds in the model, acetaldehyde had predicted bronchiolar
ing, pathology, and toxicology of diacetyl that do not fit the common tissue concentrations nearly 4 orders of magnitude higher than
pattern observed for better characterized agents like phosgene (see those predicted for acrolein or diacetyl. This greater relative accu-
Table 6 ). Continuing research is therefore needed to determine mulation of acetaldehyde results from its much slower metabolism
whether or not diacetyl exposure is the true cause of the observed and greater resistance to mass transfer that causes greater depo-
clusters of BO disease, or is simply a marker for other workplace sition in the more distal respiratory epithelial tissues, despite its
exposure(s) that provide a more coherent scientific basis for estab- high water solubility [42]. If this finding is validated, then it is
lishing cause and effect. likely that acetaldehyde could be a considerably greater health con-
cern than diacetyl or acrolein with respect to bronchiolar tissue
cytotoxic injury and possible fibrotic disease affecting the small
6. Diacetyl toixokinetics and mechanism airways in humans. Since diacetyl may be a marker for, rather
than the cause of, bronchiolitis obliterans disease in available epi-
Kerger and colleagues [42] recently examined the influence demiological studies, it is important to consider such respiratory
of water solubility, diffusivity, metabolism, and other parame- dosimetry information pertaining to diacetyl and other chemicals,
ters on application of the Gloede and colleagues [35] respiratory like acetaldehyde and 2,3-pentanedione, which are common but-
tract dosimetry model to compare predictions of bronchiolar tis- ter flavoring components used and produced in conjunction with
sue concentrations of acetaldehyde, acrolein, and diacetyl. Table 7 diacetyl.
provides a summary of the model parameters utilized, includ- Just as tissue partitioning and metabolism can greatly affect
ing kinetics parameters for acetaldehyde and acrolein reported by the presumed target organ (bronchiolar) concentrations of irritant
Asgharian and colleagues [49] and those for diacetyl reported by gases, recent findings by Scott and colleagues [89] point out the
Gloede and colleagues. Substantial differences in water solubility, importance of liquid-to-air partitioning in exposure assessment
partitioning, and metabolism between the three compounds lead of diacetyl in various flavoring mixtures. Specifically, Scott and
to distinctly different outcomes with respect to an example sce- colleagues [89] reported on headspace and small chamber stud-
nario used by Gloede and colleagues [35] involving prediction of ies showing that diacetyl added to soybean oil (as occurred in
1470 B.D. Kerger, M.J. Fedoruk / Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472

Table 7
Respiratory tract dosimetry model parameters for acetaldehyde, acrolein, and diacetyl and model predictions for human bronchiolar concentrations.

Property Acetaldehyde Acrolein Diacetyl

Diffusivity in air (cm2 /s) 0.128 0.105 0.091

Diffusivity in water (cm2 /s) 1.35E-05 1.22E-05 4.30E-06
Tissue:air partition coefficient 140 88 572
First order constant, Kp (1/s) 0.0357 0.05 0.005
Saturable pathway constant, Km (ug/L) 1320 0.5 861
Saturable pathway rate constant, Vmax (ug/m3 /s) <1.0E-08 6.1E-07 0.964
Water solubility (g/L) 1000 212 200
Modeled concentration (ppm) in human bronchiolar epithelium with light exercise and 74 0.0077 0.0077
mouth-only breathing at 1 ppm inhaled air concentration

Dosimetry model by Gloede and colleagues [35] for a mouth-breathing human under light exercise. Parameters for acrolein and acetaldehyde reported by Asgharian and
colleagues [49] and for diacetyl as reported by Gloede and colleagues [35].

microwave popcorn factory worker exposures) led to unexpectedly [25] conducted molecular orbital energies analysis of diacetyl and
high emissions of diacetyl when compared to aqueous or propylene toluene di-isocyanate and concluded that diacetyl is unlikely to
glycol-water solutions used for adding diacetyl to dairy products have significant respiratory sensitization potential. Dermal sen-
and candies. They also determined that more dilute mixtures may sitization from diacetyl has been demonstrated in mice [6,82],
emit disproportionately higher diacetyl concentrations (i.e., after but there is no known connection between dermal sensitization
normalizing to liquid diacetyl content) due to diminishing “like dis- and pulmonary disease. In sum, these studies to date have failed
solves like” attractive forces at lower diacetyl concentrations (e.g., to identify strong, specific and coherent alternative mechanistic
in solutions below 0.1%). Thus, diacetyl emission rates and expo- considerations that advance the understanding of diacetyl-related
sures depend on the type of flavoring mixture and/or food to which respiratory effects at relevant exposure concentrations in humans.
it is added. Further research is needed to characterize the degree to Regardless of the mechanism leading to cytotoxicity, the bronchio-
which this may affect dosimetry in certain workplaces, e.g., those lar fibrosis is triggered by sufficient acute insult causing denuding
utilizing more hydrophobic and/or heated flavoring mixtures [89]. of the epithelium down to the basement membrane followed by
One pathway of possible genetic susceptibility for irritant gas neutrophil infiltration and fibrotic tissue replacement of the bron-
lung toxicity was evaluated recently by Kerger and colleagues [43]. chiolar epithelium [63].
In this study, diacetyl and three other alpha-diketones were eval- In summary, diacetyl has been demonstrated to have certain
uated for their capability to cause activation or synergistic effects physical/chemical and kinetics-related characteristics (see Table 6)
on the human Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4). Human embryonic kid- that help to explain why the animal inhalation toxicology studies
ney cells with either human TLR-4 or mouse TLR-4 were tested, but to date have failed to demonstrate bronchiolar fibrosis at plausible
there was no evidence of receptor activation or synergistic effects human exposure concentrations. Each of these factors, in addition
with any of the tested diketones. TLR-4 receptor activity in humans to workplace exposure assessment differences, must be taken into
is part of the “inflammasome” cascade [66] that can lead to exces- careful consideration when assessing whether or not a suspected
sive cellular immune responses and lung fibrosis in patients with chemical like diacetyl is a cause of bronchiolitis obliterans disease
certain autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, in humans.
and rheumatoid arthritis [5,18]. Possible connection to TLR-4 recep-
tor activity was consistent with the observed time course studies of Competing interests
neutrophilic infiltration and bronchiolar fibrotic changes that fol-
lowed diacetyl-induced denuding of the epithelium and disruption BDK and MJF are employed by Exponent, Inc., a United States
of the basement membrane in studies of intratracheal instillation firm that provides scientific research and consulting services under
[72]. Similar findings were reported for 2,3-pentanedione inhala- contracts to industry and government clients. MJF is also employed
tion [63] in rats. Kerger and colleagues [43] showed that the human by the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at the
TLR-4 receptor does not appear to be involved in diacetyl or 2,3- University of California, Irvine, an academic medical institution
pentanedione toxicity. where he conducts research and performs medical examinations
Other investigators have argued that alternative mechanisms and medical intern training. BDK and MJF have provided research
might exist to explain potential inter-individual differences in and consulting services to clients through their employers includ-
human responses to diacetyl inhalation. For example, Hubbs and ing medical monitoring of patients with workplace flavoring and
colleagues [41] argued that diacetyl may have biological interac- other chemical exposures (MJF) and in relation to health claims in
tions parallel to methyl glyoxal which is thought to play a key role in litigation (MJF and BDK). Funding of this manuscript was solely
atherosclerosis in diabetes. Hubbs and colleagues [41] also reported through the authors’ employers and no outside party provided
that diacetyl may damage olfactory nerves in the nasal sinuses of input regarding the study design, methods, interpretations, or con-
mice. Larsen and colleagues [53] analyzed available rodent study clusions of this work. Opinions expressed in this manuscript are
data suggesting that diacetyl is a sensory irritant and that sustained solely those of the authors and not necessarily of their employers.
human exposures over 20 ppm may cause sensory irritation. Mor-
gan and colleagues [63] suggested that diacetyl may cause injury Transparency document
to the airway epithelium by alteration of cellular proteins con-
taining arginine, and considered that hapten formation might act The associated
as a susceptibility factor for causing BO disease in humans [59]. with this article can be found in the online version.
Also, Egilman and colleagues [26,27] considered the possibility that
diacetyl and toluene di-isocyanate may share the same chemical Author contributions
reaction mechanism based on analysis of molecular orbital ener-
gies, and considered the hapten hypothesis as an explanation for BDK and MJF each independently researched the topics
respiratory bronchiolitis interstitial lung disease possibly related described in this manuscript and BDK wrote the first draft. MJF
to diacetyl in chronic cigarette smokers. Dworak and colleagues reviewed the draft manuscript and provided substantial further
B.D. Kerger, M.J. Fedoruk / Toxicology Reports 2 (2015) 1463–1472 1471

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