Social Media in Tourism - A Double-Edged Sword

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific

Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal
ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | | Volume - 2 | Issue – 1

Social Media in Tourism- A Double-Edged Sword

Ms. Priyanka Sharma Mr. Ravi Kumar Ms. Asha Rani

Research Scholar, School of Lecturer of Physical Education, Research Scholar, Department of
Hospitality and Tourism Govt. Higher Secondary School, Commerce, University of Jammu,
Management, University of Katra, Vaishno Devi, Jammu and Jammu & Kashmir, India
Jammu, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India
Kashmir, India

Extensive spread of the Internet and speedy Keywords: social media, destination, tourism
technological advancement have revolutionized all marketing
industries in the World specifically tourism. The
presence of the information and communication Introduction
technology have fundamentally change the way how
Over the years tourism have based majorly on the
tourists collect detailed information, how do they can
power of word of mouth marketing; it used to be our
carefully map decision substitutes, how they book their
family and friends who motivated and helped us in
travel and how they share their unique travel experience
planning our travels. However, nowadays with the
with others. A vital step forward in the progress of the
development of the information and communication
internet has been made by a noteworthy growth in the
technology, the word of mouth information has
popularity of social media platforms. Social media
stretched beyond a limited group to the whole world.
plays a very important role in tourism which is an
As an inseparable part of digital technology, social
information based industry. Consumers need
media provide an advantage to the tourists to get
information that can assist them in the process of travel
connected with suggestions and opinions of millions of
planning and making decisions related to selection of
people, including friends, family and the travellers they
tourism destination and other travel related products.
have never even met. Tourism organizations have taken
Social media has also extended the reach of industry as
benefit of this remarkable technology by increasing the
now they can easily target consumers sitting far away
advertisement and promotion of their destinations and
without even meeting them. Destination marketer use
other tourism related products on social media platform
social media before the travel so as to engage and
with the aim of creating a distinct image of their
inform the tourists, during the travel so as to facilitate
tourism products in the mind of existing and
at destination and after the travel to remember and
prospective travellers as well as to reach out the
share experiences. But social media in tourism
marketing can be both an aid and a threat as social
media influences the tourism industry both in positive A tourism destination is a unique entity which has in
and negative ways, as the decisions of prospective term of tourism some unique properties and conditions
travellers have been strongly affected by comments and which differentiate it from other destinations. Today's
personal experiences of other users on social media. visitors have a large substitute of destinations to select
The main objective of the paper is to understand the from, but very less time to make a buying decision. It is
relationship between social media and destination very important for marketers to promote their
marketing and to examine the positive and negative destinations in order to remain competitive in the era of
impact of social media marketing in tourism industry. strong competition. In order to develop basic elements
of the destination, to attract potential tourists to visit a

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
destination and to effectively use the facilities and persuade a prospective traveller to visit a particular
services within in the destination, marketing strategies destination, in the same way it may stop a prospective
are designed by the tourism marketers with the sole aim traveller to go to that particular destination if the
of satisfying the needs and aspirations of visitors. negative word of mouth is spread about the destination
Social media can be seen as dominating marketing tool on social media by the past travellers. Thus, it is very
in the current tourism marketing scenario. Nowadays important for destination marketers to use social media
tourists create an image about a destination and other platforms for marketing in such a way that it will make
travel products on the basis of their past experience, the destination competitive as compared to other
press reports, word of mouth and common beliefs, destinations so as to minimize the negative impacts of
before visiting to a particular destination (Baloglu & social media marketing on tourism destination’s image.
Brinberg, 1997 and Chon, 1992). An attractive
destination has the power to satisfy the needs and wants Literature Review
of the visitors by providing them individual benefits
The tourism destination’s business has revolutionized
(Mayo& Jarvis, 1981). The development of information
both in terms of a sales channel and as a source of
technology and their increasing use has drastically
information due to advancement in internet. Traveller’s
changed the relationship between the destination and
assessments, photos, videos, stories, suggestions and
the travellers. To remain competitive a destination
recommendations and especially the digital marketing
should be successfully promoted in the target markets.
are bringing destinations closer to the prospective
Social media has made the travel companies
visitors irrespective of where in the world they are
accountable for what they communicate, promote and
located. There are several ways used to collect research
promise through its various channels. Use of social
papers and studies in order to understand the
media marketing by the tourism organization generally
relationship between social media and tourism
helps them to distribute and communicate information
marketing. One of the methods was Google scholar
to the masses. Some of the major activities in which the
search engine which provided me promising research
marketing organizations can engage on the social
papers and literature on keywords like – social media,
platform are:
tourism marketing and destination. The most helpful
 It helps the organizations to collect the user piece of paper that was found was on- Role of Social
generated content from the blogs, comments, photos Media in Tourism Marketing, which was published in
and videos which are generally posted by the 2015 by Anwesha Mukherjee and Manasa
visitors after the trip to destination. Nagabhushanam. Apart from this a number of literature
and articles that defined the effects and use of social
 It helps the organization to add photos and videos media marketing were collected.
of the destination on different social media channels
so as to provide a cue about the destination to the Tourism Destination
prospective travellers. Traditionally, tourism destinations are defined as
geographical areas, territories, such as a country, a
 To share new stories about the destination to the
town or an island, which have legislative and political
group of people that have indicated an interest in
framework for tourism marketing and planning
the destination.
(Davidson & Maitland, 2000). Destinations in simple
 Helps in encouraging word of mouth suggestions words, can be defined as the places toward which
and recommendations. The positive comment and people travel and where they choose to stay for a
recommendation of the previous traveller may certain period of time (Leiper, 1995). Destinations can
influence others to go and visit the destination. also be defined as geographical areas, which are
considered by tourists as a unique entity, and where the
 It helps the marketing organizations to get products and services are designed specifically in order
feedbacks about their tourism products from the to meet the needs and wants of tourists (Cooper,
past travellers. Fletcher, Gilbert, Shepherd & Wanhill, 1998). A
tourism destination is basically a perceptual concept,
Social media in tourism industry is a double edged which is interpreted by the travellers subjectively, and
sword which has both its positive as well as negative where combination of products, services, facilities and
impacts. Whereas, comments and information shared experiences are provided locally (Buhalis, 2000).
about a destination by the past traveller on social media Unlike other products, tourism products are purchased

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
in advance before their use and are generally away media allow the destination to contact visitors at
from the point of consumption. Travellers, thus base relatively low cost and higher level of efficiency as
their travel decisions on description that is provided in compared to traditional communication tools (Kaplan
advance about the destination. Thus, in order to & Haenlein, 2010). In order to remain competitive in
enhance the visitor’s experience and tourism the market, a tourism destination must be different from
destination competitiveness it is very important to other destinations (Porter, 1996). The destination will
provide accurate and timely information to the be different from others with a strong and systematic
prospective travellers (Buhalis, 1998). Therefore, the marketing and communication strategy with special
tourist decisions regarding the purchase of a tourism focus on social media. Since, the social media is
destination based on certain emotional and irrational overcrowded with information, it is very difficult to
factors such as word of mouth, advertisements, journals attract attention of the users- however some schemes
and uniqueness of destination. In the modern era, are there like novelty, involvement of celebrities,
potential visitors are ready to more in case the quality chance to win, competition, exclusivity, consonance
product is easily accessible. Social media create a good and attractive geographical design.
opportunity for the destination marketers to maintain
good and long term relationships with the busy Research Objectives: -The purpose of the paper is:
customers (Yadav & Arora, 2012). Technology
 To understand the relationship between social
evolution, globalisation and changing customers’ needs
media and tourism marketing so as to understand
and attitudes have increased the level of information
the concept of social media marketing in tourism
that the destination marketers have to analyse in order
to remain competitive in dynamic tourism market.
Social media nowadays plays a very important role as a  To study the both positive and negative impacts of
marketing tool to enhance the reputation of the social media marketing in tourism industry.
destination. Tourism is a fast growing industry which
relies heavily on the use of internet and online Relationship of Tourism Marketing with Social
transaction (Werthner and Ricci, 2004). Media
Social Media In order to sustain the success, profitability and benefits
the national and international tourism sector should be
Social media refers to those web applications that allow in position to apply the advancements in the field of
the users to share and post their contents. They provide social media in its own promotional and marketing
four different benefits: collaboration, communication, activities. In this continuously changing environment, it
community and collective intelligence opportunities is very important to ensure the efficient and effective
(Jucan & Rotariu, 2013). Most commonly used social use of internet and digital technology for tourism
media applications are- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, activities (Yavuz & Haseki, 2012). Consumer
LinkedIn, Google +, Flicker, YouTube, Pinterest, awareness and dynamic market scenario makes it
Flicker. According to some authors social media is compulsory for the marketing organisations to take
classified into six types: social networking sites, virtual more strategic on product development, pricing,
social worlds, content communities, virtual games publicity choices and place factors (Meydan & Bayram,
world, blogs and collaborative projects (A.M., Kaplan 2013). Social media and social networking sites act as
& Haenlein, 2010). Like other industries the increasing major marketing tools and perform many functions.
use of social media has also impacted the tourism These tools generally provide the platform to the users
industry. Use of social media has taken the travel and to collect information about product and services, raise
tourism industry to a new level. Social media helps the their awareness, share their opinions, after travel
visitors to collect first-hand information from the other experiences and travel assessments, whereas, for
travellers and to make decision about the experiences companies it provide an opportunity to market their
and destination. Information gathering is possible destination, enhance brand loyalty and to create long
through story writing, blogging, experience writing, term relationships ( Albayrak, 2013).
travelogues that ate published by the past travellers on
their personal social networking sites and destination’s Use of social media as amarketing tool provides
site. The most important source of information in competitive advantages to companies over their
tourism are,,, competitors. Nowadays number of people take part in, and online content. Social social networking sites thus there are high chances that

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
information will be exchanged rapidly (Magnold & media impact the travel very deeply. While the positive
Faulds, 2009). Due to increase in the consciousness statements will include the good experience and
level of customers, availability of information and satisfaction of the visitors, negative comments will
possibility of examining many comments in digital include disappointments and bad experiences. So it is
environment in this globalized world make it obvious very important to analyse the impact of negative
for tourism destinations to be examined by consumers comments on destination image and traveller decisions.
in a much faster, easier and economical way. Many Social media impact the decisions of the travellers
people use internet for planning their travel. They before the travel, during the travel and after the travel;
generally visit several social media sites before actually before, to search the alternatives, to reduce travel
making a travel decision because of the reason that they preferences, to confirm whether the choice is right, to
believe that social assessment to be beneficial for their look for entertainment and accommodation facilities;
purchasing decisions (Sarıısık & Özbay, 2012). As the during, to get information about local facilities, to stay
social media sites include comments and assessments, connected with friends and family, to comment on sites
they influence the image of the destination in the mind to share their experiences with others; after, to share
of prospective travellers and thus impact the loyalty of photos with friends after travel, to assess and comment
travellers toward the destination (Wang & Hsieh, on the destination sites and to make decisions for next
2011). Certain studies conducted on the use of social travel plan (Fotis, 2012). On social media sites
media as a marketing tool concluded that tourism travellers can easily access the information about rates,
industry is getting benefit due to advancement in social attributes and experiences of the past travellers. As the
media as it allows the companies to conduct mass social media contents is easily accessible and very
promotions. Most of the companies use social media influential, thus it can either put-off potential visitor or
platforms for destination marketing because they have encourage them to book.Social media also impacted the
seen the increasing usage of social media in regular customer services and satisfaction. Presence on social
lifestyles by the masses and the awareness quotient of media assist the marketers to address the complaints
social media is much higher than other marketing tools. and problems of customers so as to create a strong
Certain social media campaigns are conducted across reputation among current and future customers.
the years to promote the destination to the whole world. Responding to customers complaints helps companies
The other reason of using social media as a marketing to humanize their brand and to create a perception in
tool is that it provides a less expensive approach to the mind of customers that they are valued. The major
marketing a tourism destination. Nowadays travellers negative impact of social media are the negative
don’t trust ads that focuses on attributes and speciality comments and opinions about your destination and
of destination, they requires a personal touch, product that are shared by the past travellers on the
intelligent, communicative and creative message that destination sites and on their personal sites just because
include empathy and emotions. The DMO’s focuses on of their bad experience and dissatisfaction. These
participation of social media marketing and make sure comments are highly visible on the destination site and
that their presence on social media is so strong that will be visible to those who are connected with you on
their destination USP is always available whenever your personal networking sites. Using social media
potential travellers search for a similar destination. tools for marketing is good idea but it is very difficult
to calculate the ROI for all campaigns. A single piece
Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media of content becomes a topic of interaction between
Marketing in Tourism Industry multiple users, on social media platforms. Social media
interactions like likes, shares, comments, re-tweets
In general, the potential traveller, who want to collect
helps to shape the image of the destination, but it can
information on destination that will be accommodate
turn against marketing activities, if the social
for the first time will be influenced by the comment and
interactions are negative. This negative interaction will
opinions shared by the past travellers on the social sites.
not spread only to followers, but also to the persons
The main objective of every tourism organization is to
reach the masses to hold the reservation. And the most who like, share and re-tweet the content.
economical and easy way is to achieve this is through Suggestions and recommendations
internet. As the potential traveller will be influenced by
the comments and statements on social media at the  The most important thing that the marketing
reservation stage, thus the reputation and brand name of organisations have to take into account is that both
the destination depend on these comments. Thus social current travellers and prospective traveller can share

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any type of information. In order to avoid any effective marketing tool to reach the target audience,
trouble it is very important for marketers to creating destination awareness and to communicate
maintain an ethical code of conduct in their with the users, but in order to avoid its adverse effects it
marketing perspectives. is very important to avoid posting any content which is
sensitive to your prospective and existing customers to
 Ethical code of conduct simply means that manage it professionally.
marketers should not provide misleading
information and incorrect advertisement content. REFERENCES
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