Customer Service Assignment - Niraj - Final Draft

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Customer Service 2015

Table of Contents
1.1) Discuss reasons for using customer service policies. ................................................... 4
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 4
Provides Guidelines for Employees ................................................................................... 5
Consistent and uniform service throughout ........................................................................ 5
Gain competitive advantage through proper uniform service ............................................. 6
Places accountability over employees who fail to deliver proper customer care ................. 6
Reduces cost and increases efficiency................................................................................ 6
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.2) Discuss the purpose of evaluating a customer service policy, indicating how this can
assist future staff training and development. [M1] ............................................................ 8
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 8
Basis for training programs and provides guidance to new hires ........................................ 8
Point of reference during unique/unusual events ................................................................ 9
Increases efficiency and effectiveness of job performance of future staffs ....................... 10
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.1) Evaluate different communication methods and how these are used to best effect.
[M2] ................................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 12
Verbal Communication ................................................................................................... 12
 Oral Communication ............................................................................................. 13
 Written Communication ........................................................................................ 13
Non-verbal Communication ............................................................................................ 14
 Symbolic Communication ..................................................................................... 14
 Tone of the language ............................................................................................. 14
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.2) Analyse how customer perception is influenced by customer service provision. [D1]
........................................................................................................................................... 16
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 16
Prompt accurate responses ............................................................................................... 16
Sense of value and care ................................................................................................... 17
Sense of being equals ...................................................................................................... 17

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Sense of loyalty due to improved services ....................................................................... 18
Peer Influence ................................................................................................................. 18
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 18
3.1) Assess sources of information on customer requirements and satisfaction levels.
[D3] .................................................................................................................................... 20
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 20
Research (Primary and Secondary) .................................................................................. 20
Customer Feedbacks and Suggestions ............................................................................. 21
Customer discontent ........................................................................................................ 21
Study of customer behaviour and pattern through past data.............................................. 22
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 22
3.2) Carry out research on customer requirements and satisfaction levels for a selected
business, suggesting potential improvements. [M3] ......................................................... 23
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 23
Objective ......................................................................................................................... 23
Research Question ........................................................................................................... 23
Methodology and Procedure ............................................................................................ 24
 Sample of Prepared Questionnaire ..................................................................... 24
Findings .......................................................................................................................... 25
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 26
Further Suggestions for Potential Improvements ............................................................. 26
4.1) Deliver customer service in a business and service environment. ............................ 28
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 28
Instance 1: An Angry lady due to spilled food ................................................................. 28
Instance 2: Discontent Family due to delay ...................................................................... 29
Instance 3: A Drunk Customer asking for more drinks..................................................... 29
Instance 4: A Chinese Customer with language barrier .................................................... 29
Instance 5: An old lady (lack of attention) ....................................................................... 30
Instance 6: A customer with special needs ....................................................................... 30
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.2) Review own performance in the delivery of customer service and make
recommendations for improvement. [D2] ...................................................................... 32
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 32
Review and recommendation for Instance 1: Dealing with an angry customer ................. 32

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Review and recommendation for Instance 2: Handling discontent customers. .................. 33
Review and recommendation for Instance 3: Controlling a drunk. ................................... 33
Review and recommendation for Instance 4: Providing customer service when there is
language barrier............................................................................................................... 34
Review and recommendation for Instance 5: Providing customer service to the old people.
........................................................................................................................................ 34
Review and recommendation for Instance 6: Treatment and service delivery for the
disabled. .......................................................................................................................... 34
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 35
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 36

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1.1) Discuss reasons for using customer service policies.

There is a saying in Nepal, ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ which translates to ‘Guests are like gods’
and it is logically relevant and as a matter of fact applied widely in the present business
environment throughout the world. A business exists because of their customers as they are
the only source of revenue for an organization and the business environment today has
become more competitive due to technological advancement and globalization, hence, the
ever growing need for customer satisfaction and their retention. Not only are customers the
eventual source of revenue for an organization but they can also be an effective marketing
tool as well as the basis for the establishment of a brand image. The importance of a customer
for a business can be highlighted from a quote by Mahatma Gandhi which is mentioned in the
book Customer Service a Practical Approach by Harris E.K.[2013]which states, ‟a customer
is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us; we are dependent
on him. He is not an interruption in our work; he is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in
our business; he is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him; he is doing us a
favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.‟ Therefore, the need for customer care in
businesses especially in services industry is significant, because, unlike other industries there
is a constant need to interact with guests and thereupon it becomes important to present
yourself well during these interactions all the while delivering quality of service so as to
leave positive impression on the guest’s perception. It becomes imminent for an organization
to have a way of delivering proper and consistent customer care which is done through the
formulation of customer care policies, usually a written document, and it states the stance of
an organization towards their customers and outlines methodologies that need to be followed
while delivering customer care. The ultimate goal of any organization for developing
customer care policies is to provide guidelines to the staffs for delivering proper customer
care, eventually leading to increased customer satisfaction and their retention. However, it
also assists in creating uniformity or consistency while delivering services, gives sustainable
competitive advantage to an organization, places accountability in case of lack of
performance and also leads to efficiency due to reduced cost and workload reduction.

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Provides Guidelines for Employees
Customer care policies provide guidelines for employees to deal with customers while
performing their services. The position of an organization on their customers might be
different, yet, the goal of every organization is to strengthen their position on the market and
eventually increase their revenue which can only be possible through increase in their
customer base. It becomes necessary for an organization to strive for customer satisfaction
which leads to customer retention. Moreover, satisfied customers can be a good marketing
tool through recommendations and admirations eventually increasing an organization’s
customer base and loyalty. In order to satisfy the customers, the employees, especially in
services industry who need to constantly interact with them, require proper guidance on the
way of delivering the service and should have knowledge of needed mannerisms and the
ability to handle situations which is outlined in the customer care policies adapted by the
organization. It is stated in the customer care policy of Delta Hotels and Resorts specifically
for the disabled that colleagues will be trained on policies, practices and procedures as it
pertains to their specific roles and responsibilities and will be updated as necessary [Delta
Hotels and Resorts, no date]. An employee who is well guided and educated delivers a good
service which in turn leads to a good experience for the customers and leaves them satisfied.
Thus, the reason for using customer care policies by an organization is to provide guidance to
its employees regarding the ways and methods of handling and caring for their customers
eventually leading to a higher level of customer satisfaction and on the long run is beneficial
for an organization for developing its customer base and establishing a good image.

Consistent and uniform service throughout

Customer care policies also helps in delivering consistent and uniform customer services to
all the guests regardless of their age, gender or religion. As per the article written by
Simmonds David [no date] for Service Skills, Australia regarding Federation Square in
Melbourne, consistency in services was required to provide exceptional seamless service that
would inspire visitors, customers and clients time and time again. It was envisaged that the
approach would create an environment that would ensure that the customer experience was
great for every single visit and that in turn would build sustainable, profitable businesses. In
absence of proper guidance the services delivered might not be consistent and is bound to
vary according to the individuals who provide the service and also according to the time and
mood of the service provider. This creates bad reputation for an organization as it is
responsible for creating confusion among the guests which can be perceived as partiality. In

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other words, in absence of proper customer care policies, the services and the considerations
the guests receive will be different for similar circumstances for different instances, which
can be attributed as a major source of confusion and can also be perceived as a partiality
which is detrimental for an organization’s image. Furthermore, as the policies are clearly
mentioned and should be strictly adhered to, it restricts an employee from discriminating the
customers on the basis of their race, religion, gender or age and establishes good control and
at the same time enhances the reputation of an organization.

Gain competitive advantage through proper uniform service

A well prepared and established customer care policy gives competitive advantage to the
organization among its rivals. Customers are bound to visit the place which has good and
uniform customer service and staffs who adhere to it and are accountable. Thus, the business
where policies regarding customer care are good and well implemented is certain to attract
more customers than the one where it is absent. Hence, an organization with good and
effective customer care policies can gain considerable competitive advantage among its

Places accountability over employees who fail to deliver proper customer care
In cases where there is absence or inefficiency of performances relating to customer care,
customer care policies help in placing the accountability to the responsible staff or to the
organization as a whole. When problems such as complaints or grievances arise due to
improper care or even disregard for the customers it can be difficult to pinpoint the reason for
the problem in absence of customer care policies. Customer care policies are written
documents and it underlines the responsibility of each and every staff for delivering proper
customer care thus it helps in pinpointing the problem relating to inefficiency or disregard.
When a company writes the customer service policy it holds itself accountable for its actions
and provides promises to customers thus striving itself for improvement and eventually helps
in establishing good image.

Reduces cost and increases efficiency

As the customer service policies provide guidance and establish methodologies to deliver
customer care, it helps in avoiding mistakes and improves efficiency of the staffs. When there
is no customer care policy in place, an employee is bound to make mistakes which might
result in loss of revenue, loss of time and loss of employee’s effort for an organization. For
instance, when there is a mistake or lack of proper performance a customer can be expected

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to demand returns or repetition of service. On the long run, absence of customer care policies
might be costly as well as inefficient for an organization.

In conclusion, an organization exists to fulfill the demands of the customers and in today’s
competitive business environment it is the customers who can make or break a business as
they have unlimited options regarding access to the products or the services. An organization
in return should strive to satisfy their customers to succeed and gain an advantage among its
rivals. An employee should have proper guidance for the methodology and mannerisms
required in delivering customer care especially in services industry where there is a constant
need for interaction with the guests and it is provided by the customer care policies developed
and implemented by the organization. It facilitates in meeting the expectation of the customer
and eventually results in customer satisfaction which is essential for success of any business
as it helps in building an image and growing the customer base. Furthermore, the customer
service policies in place create consistency in delivering customer care and also help an
organization gain a competitive advantage among its rivals. It also gives accountability to an
organization regarding the delivery of customer care which is essential for sustainable growth
and reduces overall cost and inefficiency in operations on the long run. A business today
cannot expect to succeed in the market without proper, well-designed customer service
policies in place.

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1.2) Discuss the purpose of evaluating a customer service policy, indicating how this can
assist future staff training and development. [M1]

In hospitality industry, customer’s expectations change rapidly due to number of factors such
as ongoing trends, competitor innovation and constantly changing environment and with it
come the demand for improved services. An organization in the industry, therefore, should
keep on evaluating and improving its customer service policies so as to satisfy its customers
to the highest level possible through constant improvements on their service deliverance
techniques. In other words, formulation and implementation of customer service policy is an
ongoing process as there always is a room for improvement and an organization can
strengthen its position through constant evaluation and refinement of their service policy.
Evaluation of a customer service policy not only helps an organization improve its services
and satisfy its customers but it also is helpful for future staff training and development.
Policies regarding customer service provide guidelines for the employees, present or future,
on the methodology of their service operations as deemed fit by the management. Training
programs and guidelines for the future staff is based on the customer service policy devised
by the management which is supposed to fulfil the customer’s expectation in the most
effective manner. Furthermore, customer service policy acts as a point of reference for future
staffs during unique circumstances that may arise during the course of operations and
additionally increases the efficiency of the performance in the future.

Basis for training programs and provides guidance to new hires

Training programs for new hires that is developed by an organization is based on the
prevailing service policies in place in an organization. A customer service policy that is
implemented by an organization provides mechanism for training programs and is helpful in
guiding the new employees to carry out their daily services. Staff development and training is
an ongoing process because there is always something new to learn and an employee should
always look to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the rendered service. Staff
development, from the foregoing perspectives, can be illustrated through the concepts of the
Getzels-Guba [1957] social systems model. Each individual employee has unique need

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dispositions based on personality factors. The institution has certain expectations for the
purposes of the organization and what it desires from each employee. The areas of agreement
between personal needs and institutional expectations for the employee constitute areas of
high potential for progress. Through the use of effective motivation and a system of rewards
related to improved performance, personal development becomes an ongoing, continuous
process. Evaluation, review and upgrade of the customer service policies in an organization
enables it to devise training programs for future staffs based on the present policy and service
expectation of the institution towards its customers and furthermore, provides valuable
guidance to the new employees to achieve maximum satisfaction of the guests.

Point of reference during unique/unusual events

The nature of operations in services industry is such that a business needs to render services
individually to all the customers and at the same time every customer has different
background and character which is bound to create unique and unusual circumstances from
time to time. An employee during their course of operations may have to deal with unusual
events such as flirtations, food spillage or misdemeanour by a drunk. These circumstances
can be hard to deal with especially for someone who is newly hired and may create problems
that might disrupt the overall business performance. Furthermore, a customer may demand
something that is unusual and a new hire might not have knowledge about even the
possibility of achievement of the said request. Therefore, future staffs need point of reference
from past such experiences in order to solve the unusual circumstances that might arise
during their job performance. Periodic evaluation of customer service policy updates it and
provides instructions during such unique events on ways to effectively deal with the situation.
This not only helps in the development of the future staff by instilling confidence and giving
them ability to deal with unforeseen circumstances but also is helpful in regulating business
performance and enhancing the service experience. Any such unique event that arises for the
first time while rendering service, when dealt with and updated in the service policy can be
very helpful for future employees in order to deal with similar instances that may arise in the
future. To further illustrate the point we can refer to the experience of Cameron Mitchell, a
restaurant operator himself, mentioned in the book by the Cornell School of Hotel
Administration. As per his experience he took his family on his son‟s birthday to a full-
service-restaurant where his son ordered a milkshake. The server refused to provide the
milkshake as they did not have it in the menu. Cameron was furious and asked if they had
milk, chocolate ice cream and blender, and if they did they had the means to make the

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milkshake which was not particularly hard. Ever since then the restaurant has updated its
policy and started providing milkshakes along with other easy services whenever possible.
[Enz C.A., 2003]. One such unique instance in the above mentioned restaurant has acted as a
point of reference for future operations and has provided the future staffs with the required
guidance to carry out their services.

Increases efficiency and effectiveness of job performance of future staffs

Evaluation of customer service policy enables its improvement through constant update and
changes in service deliverance techniques and ideologies. Formulation and subsequent
advancement of customer service policies is an ongoing process and it increases the
efficiency of performance of the staffs through experience and repetition. When a policy is
evaluated from time to time and upgraded when necessary, an organization through
experience can understand the requirement of the customers and can additionally develop
techniques to tackle problems. On the long run, this can be helpful to increase the efficiency
of performance of the future staffs and ensures the effectiveness of service policies in place.
Upgrade and enhancement of service methodology allows the institution to determine the
most effective course of action and apply it to the existing policy for better result in the future
for prospective hires. For similar reasons, it is much easier for a new hire to work in an old
restaurant with years of performance in comparison to the one which is relatively new
because the older one through years of experience knows what to expect and can provide
proper guidance for the new employees to solve problems more easily and in a timely

In conclusion, it is necessary for an organization in services industry to constantly evaluate
and improve its customer service policy in order to improve its overall services and satisfy its
customer to the maximum level possible. Evaluation and upgrade of the customer service
policy also is immensely helpful in future staff training and development. Evaluation and
improvement of customer service policy allows organization to develop training programs
based on their principles and culture regarding the customers and provides guidance to the
new hires allowing their progressive development. Moreover, it acts as a point of reference
for future staffs during unusual events and helps them render service and solve problems with
ease. Therefore, an organization must have customer service policy in place and upgrade it

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regularly in order to increase the efficiency of performance of the future staffs and guide
them for continual development.

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2.1) Evaluate different communication methods and how these are used to best effect.


Bovee and Thill [2014] in their book Business Communication Essentials define
communication as the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and
receivers, using one or more written, oral, visual, or electronic media. The essence of
communication is sharing—providing data, information, insights, and inspiration in an
exchange that benefits both you and the people with whom you are communicating. An
organization specifically in services industry needs communication to carry out all of it
activities may it be normal day to day operations, promotion, research or management. A
method of communication that is effective for one purpose may not work for another and
similarly an organization at times may need to use varieties of communication methods for
any single purpose to achieve maximum result. Written communication is used mostly for
official intentions whereas oral communication is used for casual conversations and day to
day operations. In hospitality industry while rendering services, methods of non-verbal
communication such as body gestures and symbolism is equally significant and should be
used together with verbal communication in order to improve the quality of services and
build positive perception. It is important for an institution to know the effectiveness of
different communication methods for particular circumstances so that information can be
transferred in the most efficient manner and the objectives of communication process can be

Verbal Communication
Communication method that requires formation of words and use of language for
communication purposes is verbal communication. It may be used in different form and
media and is the most effective means of communication as it relays accurate information
which is clear and concise. Based on the form it is used, verbal communication may be oral
or written.

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 Oral Communication
Communication that is done through mouth and requires production of sound is oral
communication. The features and advantages of oral communication can be recognized from
the statement made by Ashwin and Walker [2009]. The spoken word has the benefit of being
able to make a point directly, the audience can see the face and body language of the sender
and feedback is often immediate. It is especially useful in situations where decisions need to
be made quickly. Oral communication can be used during presentations although, depending
on the size of the audience, may not allow for individual feedback in the same way. An
organization in hospitality industry uses oral communication during day to day operations as
guests need face-to-face interactions during admission as well as while rendering services. It
is also the communication method used in inter departmental exchanges as it is fast and the
effect is immediate. Moreover, an institution may use oral communication for promotional
activities in different media such as radio and television because oral communication can be
effective to reach the masses when used appropriately.

 Written Communication
Method of communication that is performed through use of language in written form either in
paper or devices such as computer is written communication. Compared to oral
communication written communication takes longer time but is more reliable and thoughtful.
Healy and Mulholland [2012] further mention the advantages of written communication by
stating, ‘written communication survives a lot longer, and with accuracy, whether in print,
email or fax. Many written documents are almost permanent, and are certainly far more
important in law and other areas of society than what is remembered of what is said and may
remain for readers to consult for years.‟ As written communication is reliable and carries
legal implications, it is used by business in services industry for official purposes. Requisition
forms, purchase orders, guest registration and transactions, payments and contracts are all
performed through written means because it has legal implications and can be stored for a
long period of time for future reference. Organizations develop and implement its policies
and SOPs in written paper because the form of communication is the most accurate and
therefore avoids deviations. Furthermore, an organization may use written communication for
promotional activities to target the literate masses by advertising in media such as newspaper
and billboard.

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Non-verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication does not involve use of language or formation of words and is
performed through secondary means such as symbols, signs, body language, gestures and
tone. When used in tandem with verbal communication, non-verbal communication can be
very useful and can relay information in the most effective manner. The importance of non-
verbal communication in services industry is immense because service operations need face-
to-face interaction and the communication method can be used while assuring the guests,
calming them or improving their overall service experience.

 Symbolic Communication
Symbolic communication is a method of non-verbal communication that uses symbols and
signs to relay information from one person to another. Kraus [2002] gives few examples of
symbolic communication where he asserts, ‘The "thumbs-up" gesture conveys the message of
success, approval or hope; the wedding ring and the mourner's ribbon publicly proclaim the
wearer's current status; a facial grimace in response to the question "How did you like the
movie?" symbolically and effectively expresses the person's assessment.‟ Employees in
services industry should use symbols and signs from time to time while carrying out their job.
Greeting the employees, constantly smiling, maintaining eye contact, giving them indications
through hand movements when unable to reach them through words are some examples of
symbolic communication that can be used by employees in the industry to enhance the
service experience of the guests. Perception of a guest and his experience can be improved
considerably through use of gestures and proper body language. Use of proper symbolic
communication is a must for hospitality industry because the guests have direct personal
contact with the employees and expect high level of service and care.

 Tone of the language

Oral communication can be improved and its efficiency can be maximized through use of
proper tone of language. A manager needs to be assertive in his tone whereas a supervisor
needs to be persuasive. Use of the right tone can motivate the staffs and can also demand
improvements when necessary. The tone towards the customer however should be respectful
and when used accurately can give them a sense of pride and is helpful in increasing the
satisfaction level. Therefore, it is important for the organization to select the employees with
the right attitude and behaviour and train them accordingly so that they can communicate
easily in the right manner.

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In conclusion, the use of number of communication methods by an organization is dependent
on different circumstances. A communication method that is effective for one event may
prove useless in another and at times an organization may need to use of number of methods
together for maximum result. Oral communication is faster and used for daily operations
within the organization while carrying out services whereas written communication is more
reliable and accurate and used for official purposes. These methods can be used for
promotional activities as well and the selection of the particular method for a particular
campaign depends on the nature of the media on which the promotional activity is carried
out. It is also helpful in carrying out research activities and management process of the
enterprise. Proper use of non-verbal communication methods is a must in services industry as
it requires constant personal interaction with the guests while carrying out normal daily
operations. Non-verbal communication such as symbols, gestures, tone and body language
should be used together with oral communication to improve the overall objective of the
communication process resulting in enhanced service experience for the guests as well as
efficient functioning of the departments.

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2.2) Analyse how customer perception is influenced by customer service provision. [D1]

Customer service provisions are in place in an organization to improve the effectiveness of its
customer service and its deliverance method so that the expectation of the customers can be
well met and they can be well satisfied. Institutions today in service industry allocate huge
amount of resources in training employees and implementing policies regarding customer
service in order to influence the perception of its customers and to impact their decisions in
sustainable way. Angelova and Zekiri [2011] define perception as „an opinion about
something viewed and assessed and it varies from customers to customers, as every customer
has different beliefs towards certain services and products that play an important role in
determining customer satisfaction.‟ Today’s market in hospitality industry is a consumer
driven market as they determine the type of product served and the quality of service
rendered, therefore, it is necessary for an organization to influence the perception of the
consumers, and customer service provisions in place plays vital role in doing so. Most of the
organizations in the industry have customer service policies in place and they devise new
innovative techniques regarding service provisions because of the role it plays and
advantages it has on impacting the mindset of the guests regarding the image of the
organization. When an organization employs and implements customer service provision,
then, it allows for prompt accurate responses while dealing with customers and gives them
sense of being equal, valued, cared and on the long run is crucial in achieving customer
loyalty. Moreover, in the mind of the customers, a well placed value of the product or the
service can be beneficial in creating peer pressure which is advantageous to an organization
to build its customer base. Proper service provision in place through number of its advantages
can be immensely helpful in influencing the perception of the customer, present or future, and
is crucial for success in competitive environment.

Prompt accurate responses

Customers today are busy and have unlimited options regarding a service or a product due to
advancement in technology. Thus, it is essential for an organization to provide services in a

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fast and accurate manner. Services delivered though faster must be accurate and reliable and
should fulfil the desire of the clients effectively. The importance of reliability and accuracy
while delivering service is further emphasized by Berry et. al. [1994] by mentioning,
„reliability is the core of quality service. Little else matters to customers when a service is
unreliable. When a firm makes frequent mistakes in delivery, when it doesn't keep its
promises, customers lose confidence in the firm's ability to do what it promises dependably
and accurately.‟ When organizations has customer service provision in place then through
constant review, upgrade and experience over time the services rendered is bound to be more
accurate and faster. Therefore, customer service provision is helpful in creating positive
impact on the perception of the customer regarding the business through prompt and accurate
service delivery.

Sense of value and care

Customer service provision exercised by a firm is extremely helpful in increasing the quality
of service as it instructs the service provider to treat every individual customer with care and
respect. A customer demands individual attention and an institution should give proper value
to every customer for prosperity due to the hostile nature of businesses in the industry. Knox
et. al. [2003] talk about value in customer‟s mind and state that „the value the customers
receive derives from the total experience they have with both the core product and the
product surround. In fact, customers are not buying goods or services, but specific benefits,
which solve problems. They value the offer according to their perception of its ability to solve
their problem.‟ Service provision in place provides the employees with instructions and
guidance on service delivery method and allows them to solve customer problems in the most
effective manner. Moreover, it also provides each customer with individual attention and
gives them sense of being cared which is critical in influencing the perception of the
customer regarding the business and its employees.

Sense of being equals

It is the basic principle of any service provision to provide consistent and unique service by
treating every customer equally irrespective of their gender, age, race, background or
religion. Customer service provision in place provides consistent service to all and gives the
customer sense of being equal. In other words, service provision in place is extremely vital to
avoid discrimination and partiality and can have positive impact on the mindset of the
customer, enhancing the image of the organization.

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Sense of loyalty due to improved services
As already mentioned, customer service provision devised by an organization is beneficial in
improving the quality of service and customer experience through consistent, accurate,
prompt and valued service delivery. Thus, it helps an organization attain higher level of
customer satisfaction and eventually builds customer loyalty. Oliver [1997] defines customer
loyalty as „a deeply held commitment to re-buy a preferred product or service in the future
despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching
behaviour.‟ Through consistently delivered higher level of service that is achieved by use and
compliance of customer service provision in place, the perception of a customer regarding the
business can be positively influenced which is eventually helpful in developing customer
loyalty. On the long run, loyal customers stick with the firm thorough thick and thin and the
positive influence on their perception can be long lasting.

Peer Influence
Customer service provision improves the quality of service of an organization and meets the
customer expectation most effectively. It is helpful in creating brand image and over time
influences the perception of the prospective consumers as well. The image of the organization
in the market can be well established and build upon through peer influence. The suggestion
from a friend or a family is more valued than through any other promotional activities and is
less costly as well. As stated by Paddi Lund arguably the most successful dentist, quoted in a
book by Silverman [2011] „even those deaf to the bragging cries of the marketplace will
listen to a friend.‟ When an organization positively influences the perception of one
individual through improved services, then, the perception of others can be influenced as well
by word of mouth. Peer influence is the most effective marketing tool for an organization and
can have huge impact on the perception of the future customers, achieved through excellence
in service through proper customer service provision.

In conclusion, customer service provision that is employed by an organization can have
immense impact in influencing the perception of the customers regarding the business and its
image. Customer service provision in place leads to improved service resulting in more
satisfied customers which is a key to the success of any business. It allows prompt and
accurate responses to customer problems and gives them sense of equality, value and care
which has positive influence on the perception of the consumer. Moreover, it creates loyalty

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and peer pressure which is necessary for long lasting influence on the mindset of the
customers in the present as well as in the future. An organization, therefore, should have
proper service provision in place to positively impact the perception of its guests which is
essential for success and sustainability in today’s hostile market environment.

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3.1) Assess sources of information on customer requirements and satisfaction levels.

An organization exists for the customers, to meet their demands as they are the only source of
revenue for any business. It is therefore, mandatory for an organization to know its
customer’s demand and fulfil it accordingly in order to sustain and succeed in the competitive
business environment. However, due to number of factors and influences such as economy,
changing trends and technology the demand of the customers keep on changing and it can be
very difficult for an organization to keep up with the changing needs and wants of its
customers. A business needs to know about the requirements of its customers and their
satisfaction levels so that it can improve itself and meet the expectations thereby ensuring
customer retention and sustainable development. There are number of ways a business can
determine the requirements and satisfaction level of its customers in order to improve its
services and fulfil the required demands for efficient operations and enhanced business
performance. The information required may be obtained from carrying out research activities,
listening to customer feedbacks and suggestions or simply through evaluation of customer
discontent. Furthermore, observation of changing trends, study of past records and analysis of
changing customer behaviour and patterns can be crucial sources of information for
determination of customer requirements and measurement of satisfaction levels.

Research (Primary and Secondary)

Depoy and Gitlin [2011] define research as „multiple, systematic strategies to generate
knowledge about human behaviour, human experience, and human environments in which
the thinking and action processes of the researcher are clearly specified so that they are
logical, understandable, confirmable, and useful.‟ Research activities may be carried out for
determining both, requirement and satisfaction level by formulating questions that is needed
for any particular purpose. Research may be primary or secondary and its differentiation is
based on the source of data used by an organization. An organization may use surveys,
interviews or questionnaires through number of media to carry out its research activities in
determining customer requirements or their satisfaction level. Additionally, results from
researches already conducted by a third party can be used for one’s purpose and is termed as
secondary research. Research, primary or secondary, allows institutions to retrieve direct

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responses from the customers and is a major source of information on foundation of which
service operations are formulated based on customer expectation.

Customer Feedbacks and Suggestions

The feedbacks and suggestions given by customers after receiving a service or using a
product can be a major source of information for measurement of satisfaction level as well as
assessment of their additional requirements. The feedback may come in oral form or written
and is mostly delivered through the employee who renders the service. However, in modern
times reviews and feedbacks maybe provided online and might not necessarily be directed at
the organization. As mentioned by Lackermair et. al. [2013] product reviews and ratings are
generated by the user (i.e. the customer of an online shop) and published on the website of
the retailer. In recent times, has become a popular website to rate and review
the experiences in restaurants and hotels and is sought by prospective customers for their
eventual decision. Generally, while giving feedback a customer provides details of their
experience and mentions the quality of service or its lack thereof. A customer may or may not
provide suggestions for improvements but an organization should be able to assess one’s
position and have knowledge on ways for improvements through reviews and ratings given
by the customers. Feedbacks received directly can help determine the satisfaction level of the
customers and an organization should encourage its employees to collect the feedback
whenever possible. Indirect feedback can have significant impact on the buying decision of
the masses and an organization should be able to seek external sources so that it can assess its
position. In both cases improvement and consideration of given suggestions is necessary to
fulfil the demand and increase satisfaction level of the guests.

Customer discontent
Discontent received from a customer should not be viewed negatively but should be taken as
a good opportunity for further improvements. A customer normally expresses discontent
when they are not satisfied or their requirement is not being met properly. Customer
complaints are like medicine. Nobody likes them, but they make us better. Actually, customer
complaints are probably more like preventative medicine because they provide advanced
warning about problems. Customers who take the time to complain are also taking the time
to tell you what went wrong with your process, your product or your communication. It takes
some effort for a customer to contact you and tell you how the product, process or
communications did not live up to expectations [Chauhan and Sharma, 2011]. Discontent

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from a customer signifies that the requirement of the customer is not fulfilled and his
satisfaction level is not met. An organization should determine the cause of discontent and
plan improvements for better service delivery in the future. Therefore, discontent customer
help an organization grow and improve by making necessary adjustments for improved

Study of customer behaviour and pattern through past data

Study of consumer behaviour and pattern over time can help an organization determine their
satisfaction level and their subsequent needs. Businesses maintain guest records over a period
of time which can be a beneficial tool to evaluate the satisfaction level regarding a particular
product or a service. For instance, when a new product is introduced in a hotel its
performance can be measured through guest’s transaction history and the frequency of its use
can help assess the satisfaction level regarding the given product. Business performance of
any individual component signifies its satisfaction level for a particular customer. Abrupt
change of normal behaviour in buying decisions such as change in frequency of visit or
increased use of a particular product means that the satisfaction level of the customer has
changed significantly and an organization should be able to determine the cause to improve
business performance.

In conclusion, an organization exists for the customers and therefore, should be able to
determine their requirements and their satisfaction level concerning a particular product or a
service. There are number of ways an organization can obtain information regarding
customer requirements and satisfaction levels. Research allows direct interaction with the
guests and through use of surveys, interviews or questionnaires can be immensely helpful in
determining both customer satisfaction level as well as their demand. A feedback or a
suggestion given by the guests after the use of a product or acceptance of a service
determines the perception of the guests regarding the service and helps measure their
satisfaction level. A discontent customer signifies that the requirement and satisfaction level
is not being met and allows room for further improvements. Past customer data and study of
their buying decision helps an organization assess the performance of individual components
and see if satisfaction level is being met. An institution should be able to collect information
on satisfaction levels and requirements from various sources in order to improve itself and
enhance its business performance.

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3.2) Carry out research on customer requirements and satisfaction levels for a selected
business, suggesting potential improvements. [M3]

As stated by Eliashberg et al [1997], „there is a widely held view that a lack of, “…customer
understanding,” is one of the main reasons for product failure.‟ It therefore is essential for a
business to conduct customer research to determine customer requirements and satisfaction
levels. I had worked with Mr. Jeewan Raj Baral, a prominent chef, in undertaking market
research and planning an appropriate advertisement campaign for a restaurant. We were able
to open a restaurant named Himalayan Vansa Ghar in Jamal which has been operating for
few months now. For the purposes of my assignment, I decided to carry out research on
customer requirements and satisfaction levels for the restaurant and Mr. Baral seemed
ecstatic and permitted me to carry out the research. It would be helpful for his restaurant as I
would have to suggest potential improvements for improved customer service and I would
also have an exciting opportunity to learn from the experience.

The objectives of our research are as follows:

1) To determine the requirement of the customers in the market.

2) To measure their satisfaction levels concerning the product and the service.
3) To suggest potential improvements on customer requirements and service methods.

Research Question
Creswell J.W.[2005] highlights the importance of research question by saying „determining
the research question(s) is an extremely important step in both the quantitative research
process and the qualitative research process because these questions narrow the research
objective and research purpose to specific questions that researchers attempt to address in

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their studies.‟ Therefore our research question on basis of which we performed our customer
research is listed below:

1) What are the needs and wants of the customers in the restaurant?
2) Are the customers satisfied with the available services and the products?
3) What could be potential improvements to improve the service and products?

Methodology and Procedure

Our sources of information for the research were the customers that visited the restaurant and
used the services offered. The customers that came into the restaurant were the ones that used
the service and knew about the experience. Therefore, they were better suited to talk about
the satisfaction level and additional requirements necessary for further improvements. We
decided to prepare questionnaires and distribute it among customers at the end of their service
experience. The questionnaires prepared were kept short because we did not want to consume
a lot of customer’s time and drive them away. The day we picked to distribute the
questionnaires and collect results was on the weekend of the second week of March because
the number of customers was high during the weekends and weekends further guaranteed
proper blend of customers from different backgrounds.

 Sample of Prepared Questionnaire

Note: Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions honestly and provide
suggestions whenever possible.

1) Did you find the products reasonably priced?

Yes____________ No___________

2) Is the behaviour and attitude of the staffs appropriate?

Yes____________ No___________

3) Is the method of the food delivery to your liking?

Yes___________ No___________

4) Was the taste of the food to your preference?

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Yes___________ No___________

5) Did you get the food in time?

Yes___________ No___________

6) How was the overall environment of the premises?


7) Was there anything in the menu you didn’t like?


8) Is there anything else you would like to try?


9) Please suggest further improvements as per your opinion.


The findings of the research were varied due to subjective nature of the questions. We
collected the answers and selected the best ones or the frequent ones to reach an ultimate
conclusion. The answers we thought irrelevant or insignificant were skimmed and discarded
out of our findings. The following are the individual aspects of the findings of our research:

1) Price: The majority of the customers thought that the price of the foods was slightly
2) Staff attitude and behaviour: Almost all the customers thought that the staffs were
well behaved and properly mannered.
3) Method of food delivery: Most of the customers thought that the food delivery
method was adequate.
4) Taste of the food: Majority of customers liked the taste of the food offered.
5) Environment of the premises: Most of the customers liked the environment of the

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6) Timing of delivery: About half the customers were discontent about the timing of
delivery of the food.
7) Disliked food in the menu: There was no response on any disliked food in the menu.
8) Preferred new items: Only few customers suggested new items for the menu. Most of
the customers suggested sea food as possible new item and few suggested freshly
squeezed juices in the beverage section.
9) Further Suggestions: Very few customers suggested methods for further
improvements. The ones that stood out suggested possibility of varieties in vegetarian
items as well. And another customer suggested packaged price for number of products
which was relevant for the purpose of the research.

In conclusion, we conducted research on different aspects of customer requirements and
satisfaction levels in the restaurant. We prepared questionnaire where we asked number of
questions relevant to customer requirements and satisfaction levels and distributed it among
the guests that came in to the restaurant. We received individual answers and were able to
determine the satisfaction level of customers on different aspects of price affordability,
service deliverance method, timing, taste preference and environment. Through our research,
we further were able to determine additional requirements and desires of the guests related to
new products, pricing strategy and varieties in items available. Therefore, our research was a
success because we were able to answer our research question as we determined the needs
and wants of the customers, their satisfaction level on different aspects and got few
suggestions on potential improvements.

Further Suggestions for Potential Improvements

As we concluded our research we were able to ascertain few areas where improvements were
necessary and possible. The research and subsequent response from the customers regarding
their needs and satisfaction was helpful in suggesting potential improvements for better
performance. Some of the key areas where improvement is necessary or achievable are
mentioned in the following points.

1) The price of the products if lowered slightly can drive huge number of people in to the
restaurant and increase their satisfaction level.
2) The timing of food delivery should be improved and additionally the timing should be
consistent for all the customers.

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3) Sea food should be included in the menu to meet the requirements of the customers
4) Similarly, if freshly squeezed juices can be provided, customer requirement will be
properly met and will eventually result in higher level of customer satisfaction.
5) Varieties should be provided in vegetarian food items as well to satisfy all the
6) If customers want huge quantity of food packaged deals should be provided with
discounts to encourage volume of sales which can have eventual gain for the

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4.1) Deliver customer service in a business and service environment.

In today‟s competitive environment delivering high quality service is the key for a sustainable
competitive advantage. Quality customer service leads to customer satisfaction which in turn
leads to repeat purchase, brand loyalty, and positive word of mouth. [Angelova and Zekiri
[2011]. I had a chance to work for Mr Jeewan Raj Baral for whom I conducted number of
research for restaurant establishment and additionally planned an advertisement campaign for
the established business. The restaurant was named Himalayan Vansa Ghar as already
mentioned and we developed slogans and devised plan to compete in the present market
environment of Kathmandu. To gain some experience in service delivery methodology and
develop skills in dealing with customers I thought it would be appropriate to work for the
restaurant as an employee for a day or two and requested Mr. Baral to provide me with the
opportunity. Mr. Baral was more than helpful and suggested me to work as a waiter as it
involves direct contact with the guests and would be valuable for my experience. I was
thankful and decided to take on the opportunity and meet the challenges. During my course of
involvement I was presented with number of challenging instances which has been briefly
outlined in the following points.

Instance 1: An Angry lady due to spilled food

During the course of action a couple arrived and as usual I seated them and took their order.
The restaurant was busy as it was a weekend but I made sure I was extra cheerful and the
communication was clear. However, while delivering the food someone dashed me from
behind and I accidentally spilled the food on the dress of the lady. The dress was beautiful
and I knew the blunder was huge as soon as it happened. The lady was extremely angry,
however, I made sure I was exceptionally apologetic and remained silent. Due to my limited
experience I had no idea what to do and the situation got out of hand when she started
throwing verbal tantrums. It is funny now when I recall the incident because at that moment I
was almost at the point of breaking down when the manager had to finally intervene and
control the situation. The manager calmed the lady down by offering her free food and
instructed me to carry on with my activities.

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Instance 2: Discontent Family due to delay
Another instance I remember while carrying out my operations is arrival of a family in the
group of 4. As usual I seated them and made sure I was appropriately cheerful and talking
clearly. I took their order and transferred it to the kitchen whereas I served them drinks while
they were waiting. Due to some unavoidable reasons, there was delay in food preparation and
I was the one who had to deal with the family. They waited patiently for a while but started
getting eager and upset as the time passed by. I made sure I told them that there would be
slight delay in delivery of food and the staffs were doing the best they could. However, as
more time passed and there was no sign of food to be seen, expression of discontent was clear
in their face and body language. I had to think of something to control the situation and I
finally decided to offer them free refill of drinks and my PSP for the kids until the food
arrived which they accepted. This was helpful in calming them down a little and in a while
the food was ready which I served them in a pleasant manner. Overall, the experience of the
guests was slightly less annoying than it could have actually been and the guests were smiling
when they were leaving.

Instance 3: A Drunk Customer asking for more drinks

During the course of operation a customer arrived who looked very drunk already and
demanded for more drinks. From the look of things, he arrived in a car and by the way he
parked it could be deduced that he was drunk driving too. I decided to refuse to serve him any
alcohol but he was insistent and started getting angry when I wouldn’t oblige. It took me a
while to reach a decision but I finally complained to the manager about the situation. We both
decided that the best course of action would be to report to the police so that drunk driving
and possible accident could be avoided.

Instance 4: A Chinese Customer with language barrier

While I was delivering service, a Chinese customer arrived who couldn’t speak English or
Nepali and had language barrier. I had no idea what to do as I couldn’t speak a word of
Chinese and he seemed unable to understand whatever I said. It was a frustrating experience
but I maintained my calm and greeted him through hands. I made sure my body language was
proper and instructed him to follow me to the tables. He was able to order food by pointing at
the picture in the menu and I obliged and delivered what he ordered. During the course of
service deliverance and interaction I made sure my body language and facial experience was
polite and I remained respectful. He seemed happy with the service and the meal and had a

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smile in his face while he was leaving. When he was leaving he uttered words ‘xie xie‟ which
at time I thought meant bye-bye but later realized that it meant thank you. So, I learned a new
word in Chinese while dealing with a foreigner and shall always remember the incident.

Instance 5: An old lady (lack of attention)

My work experience presented me with the opportunity to serve an old lady who looked kind
and full of wisdom. She was alone though but nevertheless was polite in requesting for
service. I took her to a table and took her order. During the interaction I made sure I was
polite, clear and looked interested to what she had to say. We interacted a lot but most of the
talking was done by her and all I had to do was listen and keep a smile on my face. Before
she left she said it was one of the best experiences she ever had and thanked me for my
services. She also confided in me by saying that she felt ignored in other establishments and
was just alone as she grew older. She provided me with assurances of coming back for the
experience which almost brought tears to my eyes. I shall never forget the old lady.

Instance 6: A customer with special needs

As I was carrying on with my responsibilities a guy with special need arrived in a wheelchair.
I made sure he was well received and promptly took him to a table where I took his order. It
was my first experience with such incident and I didn’t know what to do but I did make sure
that I gave preferential treatment because I thought he deserved it. I don’t know if what I did
was right or wrong but I did make sure that I never showed feeling of pity so as to not
degrade the guy or his pride. To think about the situation now, it baffles me to know that
neither the restaurant nor the country as a whole has provisions in place for the disabled
allowing them easy access to services available. I cannot tell if it is in the law but I can surely
tell that even if it is, it’s not implemented at all in practice. For instance, there are no reserved
parking spaces for the disabled nor is there act to avoid discrimination while hiring.
Nonetheless, the guy seemed happy enough and thanked me for the services with a smile in
his face.

In conclusion, I had a good overall experience when working as a waiter in the restaurant and
learned many important techniques to deal with the customers in different instances. I did try
my best to deal with the situation in the most effective manner as I thought possible but now I
realize that there were some things that I could have done better to improve the service
experience and maintaining peaceful environment. Nevertheless, my experience in customer

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service deliverance as a server was helpful in giving me ideas and knowledge about ways to
deal with angry and discontent customers, a drunk, a customer with language barrier, a
customer with special needs and a lonely old customer who just needs a friend once in a

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4.2) Review own performance in the delivery of customer service and make
recommendations for improvement. [D2]

I had the opportunity to work in a restaurant named Himalayan Vansa Ghar as a waiter and I
was able to deliver customer service to regular guests in course of my operations. There were
number of instances that stood out and was challenging for my performance in delivering
customer care. However, I used my best judgement and tried hard to tackle the problems and
control the situation to deliver the best customer service I thought was possible at the time.
My inexperience and limited knowledge on customer behaviour meant that there were
significant room for improvements to deliver the service in the most effective manner. I
thought I would review my own performance in order to determine the best course of action
for a given circumstance which would provide me with valuable knowledge for future
reference. I performed research and also asked other experienced staffs and the manager to
realize the best way of dealing with different scenarios so that proper review was possible
through comparison and would allow me to make recommendations on further
improvements. Review of my performance in particular instances and respective
recommendations for improvements are mentioned individually in subsequent paragraphs.

Review and recommendation for Instance 1: Dealing with an angry customer

While delivering customer service as a waiter I was unfortunate to accidentally spill the food
on to the dress of a lady who was extremely angry and vocal. The best solution is to avoid
such problems at all costs, however, due to rush and obstacles in a restaurant it may happen
from time to time. I made sure I was calm and extremely apologetic but still was unable to
contain the anger of the lady. Beitz and Riddiford [1999] provide us with ways to deal with
angry customers by asserting to „never talk down to customers, accuse them of being at fault
or try to catch them out. Instead, maintain a positive, professional, polite and respectful
attitude. Assume the problem can be solved and never forget to thank them for bringing the
situation to your attention.‟ Dealing with an angry customer can be particularly hard but
nevertheless to control the situation more efficiently I could have thanked them for bringing
the problem to my attention and tried my best to explain the reason for the accident. It
required eventual intervention from the manager and offer of free food to control the anger

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and looking back now, I am positive that I could have dealt with the situation in the same
way and controlled it more effectively than I actually did.

Review and recommendation for Instance 2: Handling discontent customers.

As a waiter I had to serve to a family who were discontent due to delay in delivery of their
food. Discontent customers are unhappy and may influence the perception of the surrounding
guests as well which can be harmful to the restaurant. Simmons Kathy [2003] outlines ways
to deal with discontent customers as she provides guidance by stating to „take complaint as
compliment, listen carefully, don‟t be too proud to say I m sorry, involve the customer in the
solution and don‟t put customers on hold.‟ Throughout the service delivery process I made
sure I was calm, patient, well behaved and smiling even though discontent could be clearly
deduced from their reaction and body language. The preparation of food was out of my
hands, however I made sure the customers were well informed about the problem and offered
them free drink and PSP for the kid to lessen their displeasure and improve their service
experience. Reviewing my performance now, there was very little I could have done and the
techniques I implemented to deal with the situation were appropriate. However, an
organization can have policies in place to provide complimentary foods in case of delay and
should be transparent in conveying the problems to the guests. This is bound to enhance
service experience and lessen the discontent of the guests when problems arise.

Review and recommendation for Instance 3: Controlling a drunk.

Drunk customers and drunk driving is a major problem for the society and institutions in
services industry should be responsible in avoiding excessive drinking by the customers and
allowing them to drive. According to the data published by National Centre of Statistics and
Analysis [2014] in USA in 2013, „10,076 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving
crashes, an average of one alcohol-impaired-driving fatality occurred every 52 minutes.
These alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities accounted for 31 percent of the total motor vehicle
traffic fatalities in the United States.‟ In my experience while dealing with an excessive
drunk I refused to serve him any drinks even though he was insistent. After deducting that he
was drunk driving too by the way he was parked, I took some time to make a judgement and
decided to complain him to the manager. We together decided that the best course of action
would be to report him to the authorities. Reviewing on the decision now, I am assured that
the decision I took was proper and the only improvement I could make on it is by reporting
him faster than I actually did.

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Review and recommendation for Instance 4: Providing customer service when there is
language barrier.
When a Chinese customer came to the restaurant but was unable to verbally communicate it
posed a significant challenge in the delivery of customer service. I had to rely solely on body
language and facial expression for the delivery of customer service which was insufficient for
achieving maximum result. Upon self review I concluded that there was very less I would
have been able to do but I could have been better prepared for the situation. Therefore, it is
important for staffs that are delivering customer service to have basic knowledge of wide
number of languages. Even knowledge of basic greetings in number of different languages
can be extremely helpful and can have huge impact on the perception of a customer.

Review and recommendation for Instance 5: Providing customer service to the old
My experience with an old lady brought me to a conclusion that in context of Nepal, most of
the elderly are lonely or are simply looking for someone to talk to. Being polite and calm and
listening well while smiling was the right thing to do as it made her happy and improved her
overall service experience. For further improvements, the restaurant can have number of
activities directed towards the elderly which would engage them on social level and fulfil
their requirements. Furthermore, an institution should make sure that all of its employees
listen to the elderly with care and are polite and considerate while talking with them during
service deliverance.

Review and recommendation for Instance 6: Treatment and service delivery for the
I was presented with an opportunity to render services to a guy with special needs on a
wheelchair and it was my first experience with such instance. I made sure I treated him with
equal respect and gave him preferential treatment while delivering the food. At the time I
didn’t know if I was right in giving him preferential treatment but I thought he deserved it
and now through research and consultation I m sure that I did the right thing. As mentioned in
the report published by Prime Minister‟s Strategy Unit [2005] in the UK, disabled people
experience significant disadvantages in society as they are more likely to live in poverty, less
likely to have educational qualifications, more likely to be economically inactive, more likely
to experience problems with hate crimes and face problems in transport. Therefore,
government together with disabled people themselves, employers, health professionals,

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educators, local communities, and providers of goods and services all have a key role in
improving the life chances of disabled people. In context of Nepal, it saddens me to mention
that proper policies regarding the disabled is absent or is ineffective in legal setting as well as
in practice. There are number of ways the service experience of a disabled person can be
improved and we, people as a society should put those policies into practice. For instance, our
restaurant should have reserved parking specifically for the disabled and should give them
preferential treatment while serving them. Not only does it improve the service experience of
people with special need but it also is helpful in enhancing the image of the organization.

In conclusion, my experience as a waiter in a restaurant was helpful in providing me with
practice and knowledge on ways to deal with customers in different instances. However, I
was inexperienced and there were significant rooms for potential improvements. I was able to
review my own performance through research and consultation by determining the best
course of action which was helpful in providing me with useful recommendations on
improvements for future reference. Reviewing my own performance was extremely helpful in
evaluating the effectiveness of the actions I took for particular scenarios and helped me
realize what I could have done differently for improved results.

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