Global Compliance and Reporting Services

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Global Compliance

and Reporting
Global Compliance
and Reporting

Accounting and financial systems and The objective of this service is to maintain
controls are at the heart of effective accounting records for an entity in the local
business and stakeholder management. or group financial reporting framework, e.g. IFRS
We can help you get it right or others. This includes recording purchases, sales,
employees, taxes, depreciation, amortization,
Accounting Compliance and Reporting is a truly accruals, reserves and sundry transactions
integrated service that provides the outsourcing journal entries in the general ledger maintained
answer to our clients’ compliance and reporting for the entity.
challenges around the world. Our services are
designed to help national and multinational The service also includes cost center or segment
companies achieve greater visibility and control accounting records (a divisional or separate part of
across the Tax and Finance functions. the general ledger) as well as accounts payable and
receivable sub-ledgers and fixed assets.
Having efficient and accurate accounting and
financial processes in place is critical to providing a We also reconcile purchase orders approved by
complete and accurate view of your business at any an entity and match them with supplier invoices
one time. From time to time, enhancements may as well as reconciling accounts receivable and
be necessary to increase the efficiency, accuracy accounts payable sub-ledgers or intercompany
or timeliness of management information, and accounts, including defining the reconciliation
deficiencies or weaknesses in reporting systems process and sending an inter-company accounts
may occasionally need to be addressed. reconciliation request on a timely basis. EY
communicates any mismatch to the entity.
Our team works with clients to assess their needs
and help them enhance their accounting and In addition, we may perform bookkeeping for the
financial reporting processes as well as their key following purposes:
performance indicators. • Assistance with the accounting setup phase
of a (new) business and daily operations,
Global Compliance and Reporting services include:
including the incorporation process, support for
• Accounting and Bookkeeping services accounting software implementation/migration,
• Statutory Reporting Preparation services chart of accounts definition, finance/accounting
• Financial Statements Close Process (FSCP) processes design and implementation,
accounting control systems design and
Accounting and implementation, and training
Bookkeeping Services • Accounting remediation, account reconciliations,
Accounting and Bookkeeping services are administrative accounting support or
valued by both large and mid-sized companies. participation in an accounting project for an
The operational support we provide facilitates entity’s finance/accounting department on a
­year-end closing and ensures the quality of temporary basis (for example, because the entity
information for audit purposes as well as the lacks resources or expertise)
quality of tax data for business, employment • Restoration of local accounting books in
or corporate tax disclosures. accordance with the requirements of local
accounting legislation
Accounting and Bookkeeping services help
our clients • Preparation of accounting, tax and management
reporting based on accounting books maintained
• build a strong data foundation for a more by EY as well as on data provided by clients
efficient compliance and reporting process
Permanent and one-off consulting services on
• navigate local reporting during finance accounting, tax and management accounting.
transformations as they transition to Shared
Service Centers
EY’s Strength:
Project concept
Practical Approach
EY specialists will provide your company with
continuous access to new knowledge and
solutions as well as our unique experience Company function
in solving similar problems. We will minimize
the risk of expenses due to accounting errors, Decision
make the company’s use of internal resources making
more effective and optimize the structure of
Work in tandem Decision
your financial divisions. optimization

EY function Accounting and reporting

Cooperation with tax and other
administrative bodies

Accounting and Financial Reporting Benefits

Services are simple for your company

1 An agreement is concluded. • An opportunity to focus attention

on the company’s core activities and
2 The procedure for circulating and storing make them more effective
documents is agreed with the client. • More effective utilization of financial
3 Employees that you have authorized
regularly provide our specialists with • Assurance that services are in full and strict
current primary documentation required compliance with rapidly changing legislation
for processing. • Minimization of risks related to mistakes
and misstatements of information
4 Based on the information received, our in financial books
specialists maintain all of the company’s
accounting records (transaction
• Analysis and optimization of the accounting
process and document flow
statements, business transaction ledger,
payroll sheet, cash ledger), generate tax • Preparation of financial statements
ledgers, calculate taxes and prepare and in accordance with RAS, IFRS and
submit your reporting. management reports
• Professional, highly skilled employees
Statutory Reporting Preparation
Statutory Reporting and Financial Statement Our Statutory Reporting service also includes
Close Process (FSCP) services are valued as an assisting with the preparation of a group reporting
outsourcing option by both large and mid-sized package in accordance with the local financial
companies. The support we provide facilitates the reporting framework. This service is always based
financial statement year-end close and financial on the availability of a final trial balance from the
statement compilation. We also assist our clients client. If the client needs assistance in creating a
by continuously improving the finance function, final trial balance, EY may provide this service as
providing insight and analysis to support business well, but in that case it will be regarded as support
decisions, and helping to eliminate the uncertainty for the FSCP.
around growing statutory fees around the world.
When required by an entity, Statutory Reporting
The objective of the Statutory Reporting may include the preparation of a group reporting
service is to assist with the preparation of package in accordance with the local financial
statutory financial statements or other financial reporting framework or IFRS.
information which may comprise a complete
The service also includes the preparation of
set of financial statements or, as required, less
supporting information (as requested, for example,
comprehensive financial information based on
by external or internal auditors) and, as authorized
local requirements (for example, a balance sheet
by management, liaising with external auditors on
and income statement with notes, but excluding
the year-end statutory audit.
other statements that make up a complete set of
financial statements).

Work process

1 Information Request for information required for the preparation of

request Statutory reporting
• Analysis of information provided by the company
• Communication with the company’s representatives to clarify
issues identified (one conference call or meeting)

2 Preparation of Identification of accounting principles that are:

adjustments and • identical to IFRS
• require regrouping or additional accounting transactions
(if any)
• differ completely from IFRS with respect to recognition
and evaluation principles
Recording of initial data with IFRS adjustments (if any) in the
transformation table

3 Preparation of Preparation/compilation of the annual Statutory Financial

Financial Statements reporting package (Statement of Financial Position, Statement
of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity,
Cash Flow Statement, Notes to the Financial Statements) in
accordance with IFRS and sending it to the Company for approval

Provision of Provision of Statutory Reporting to Company management

Statutory Reporting for review; approval, signing and submission along with
to the Company the CIT return
Financial Statements Close Process
(FSCP) Services
In today’s environment, having an effective and This service includes:
efficient financial close process is critical for • Assisting with closing Group/Local accounting
managing your stakeholders and your business. records and producing a trial balance from which
We can work with you to develop and implement the financial statements, and, if applicable, the
the most appropriate option. group reporting package are prepared.
Shareholders’ and regulators’ expectations have • Reconciling account balances to the underlying
placed increasing pressure on companies to records and identifying adjusting entries required
provide clear and accurate accounting information to prepare statutory financial statements or other
on a timely basis. This information is critical to financial information. This may involve identifying
management and their ability to make informed cut-off entries; inventory valuation adjustments;
decisions quickly. closing and consolidation entries, such as
calculating and recording taxes; depreciation
At the same time, businesses have become more or amortization; identifying accruals; updating
complex, and accounting functions are being reserves; and identifying sundry transactions and
challenged to keep up with ongoing changes in the journal entries in the general ledger.
market – particularly accounting changes – while
meeting management’s reporting needs. • Reconciling the final local statutory financial
statements or other local financial information
A fast and accurate close process is thus key, with the information provided in the group
enabling more informed decisions to be made reporting package and identifying any
with regard to your strategy and operational adjustments required in the entity’s accounting
processes, and this means fewer risks and records to “true up” the information.
lower costs. • Data gathering for tax accounting and tax
compliance work.
Our approach: identify, diagnose,
design and deliver. • If the accounting records are maintained using
the group’s financial reporting framework and
We take a phased approach to improving not the local financial reporting framework,
your financial close, starting with a review of reconciling the group’s financial reporting
your current processes to identify areas for framework with the local financial reporting
improvement by means of in-depth interviews framework. This may require the assistance of EY
across your finance function. Using the results, professionals familiar with the group’s financial
we are able to diagnose options for process and reporting framework, particularly when this is
system enhancement and help design solutions IFRS or US GAAP.
that are right for your business. In the delivery
phase, we work with you to implement the • Preparation of the tax provision for the statutory
financial statements.
proposed solutions and deliver a more effective
and efficient financial close. • This service may include the preparation of other
financial information for other periodic reporting
requirements (for example, interim financial
information, customer and supplier aging, cash
flow reporting, budgeting and forecasting).

Advantages for your company

The goal of fast closing is to optimize (accelerate) and improve the quality
of preparation of financial statements and data for external auditors.

Consolidation and The possibility of

enhancement of company preparing not only annual,
status from the point of but also quarterly financial
view of financial stability statements (accelerated
transformation of financial
operating statements)
A higher level of A reliable basis for
corporate management timely management
and a correspondingly decisions
enhanced company image
for the community of investors
EY  |  Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and
advisory services. The insights and quality services we
deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital
markets and in economies the world over. We develop
outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises
to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical
role in building a better working world for our people, for
our clients and for our communities. 
EY works together with companies across the CIS
and assists them in realizing their business goals.
4,500 professionals work at 20 CIS offices (in Moscow,
St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan,
Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Togliatti, Vladivostok,
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Bishkek,
Baku, Kyiv, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Minsk).
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to
one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young
Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity.
Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by
guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more
information about our organization, please visit

© 2016 Ernst & Young Kazakhstan LLP.

All Rights Reserved.

The information contained in this publication is for general

guidance only. You should neither act, nor refrain from acting,
on the basis of such information. The application of laws and
regulations will vary depending on particular circumstances and
may also undergo frequent change. You should take appropriate
professional advice relating to your particular circumstances
and the current status of the laws and regulations. EY disclaims
all responsibility, including negligence, for all consequences of
any person acting on, or refraining from acting in reliance on,
information contained in this publication.

Contact information

Amangeldy Mussayev
Global Compliance and Reporting
Теl.: +7 727 258 5960
[email protected]

Botagoz Bassanova
Senior Manager
Global Compliance and Reporting
Теl.: +7 727 258 5960
[email protected]

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