Currently, high-precision isotope ratios are determined using special-purpose isotope-ratio mass spectrometers
(IRMS) that are fairly costly, require experts to operate and maintain, and are not portable – facts that have limited
Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) – How it Works A B
C16O16O (ppm)
the area under the curve 1500 shown in (C). The large amount of noise in the baseline of (C)
arises from the low concentrations of CO2. As the sample passes
Gas Chromatograph Catalytic Combustor Isotopic CO2 • Picarro’s patented Wavelength Monitor controls the laser position with incredible accuracy, ensuring the measurement is
through the instrument, the higher concentrations of CO2,
1000 - 1150ºC Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer independent of potentially interfering gas species 1000 Methane especially 12C16O16O, allows for more precise measurements that
Organic Mixture • Importantly, CRDS is a measurement of time not of absorbance and so offers unmatched precision results in the δV-PDB13C calculation to be made with a precision
(x, y, z) 500
x y z CO2 + H2O • CRDS has complete immunity to laser noise since the laser is actually off during the measurement, thereby offering significantly of less than 1 ‰
better sensitivity than other laser techniques
C16O16O 0 100 200 300 400 500
Fig 1. GC-C-CRDS scheme. The sample is separated with a gas chromatograph, combusted to produce carbon dioxide,
Materials & Methods Volume Injected (µL)
and measured using cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Mass flow controllers are used to add oxygen before the catalytic A Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II gas chromatograph (Agilent, Santa Clara, California, USA) is connected to a prototype CRDS Propane
combustor and nitrogen before the CRDS instrument instrument through a homebuilt combustion chamber for this study. Injections of a mixture of methane, ethane, and propane (all
2000 B C
99.5% or higher grade purity) are separated on a GC capillary column (Agilent J&W, HP-PLOT Q, 30 m x 0.53 mm I.D., 40 µm film Ethane
thickness). The helium carrier gas linear velocity (Ultra-High Purity 99.999%) through the column is 30 cm/s. For mixtures, the GC
Schematic of CRDS Analyzer
C16O16O (ppm)
Select wavelength Measure decay time oven temperature program is as follows: 40ºC for three minutes, then increased at a rate of 80ºC/min to 80ºC, and held there for 4 1500
using wavelength monitor using CDRS
minutes. For individual samples of methane, ethane, and propane the temperature is held constant at 30ºC, 40ºC, and 80ºC, 0
δ13C (‰)
respectively. The injector temperature was set to 80ºC for all the analyses. The output of the column is connected with a stainless steel
Sample 5.0x10-6 1000 Methane
Tee-connector (Swagelok®, 1/8 inch) to a nonporous alumina tube (McMaster-Carr, 0.125" O.D. x 0.040" I.D. dual bore, 20" length)
gas inlet Icirc(t) = Icirc(t0)exp[-tτ]
Absorbance (1/cm)
4.0x10-6 held in a resistively heated furnace with a feedback temperature control (Extech Instruments, Massachusetts, USA) operating between
Detector Signal
Pressure 3.0x10-6 1000ºC and 1150ºC. One platinum and three nickel wires (Elemental Microanalysis, 0.125 mm) are inserted into each bore of the
High-finesse optical gauge
“Ring-down” cavity with combustion tube and the nickel wires were initially oxidized at an elevated temperature with oxygen passing over the wire. 10 Vespel
2.0x10-6 -80
3 high-reflectivity mirrors Temperature ferrules (SGE, GVF8-8) are used to seal the connections between the combustion tube and the connectors. The combustion tube is
gauge 1.0x10 -6
positioned so the ends of the tube are at least 5 cm from the furnace to reduce heating of the fittings on the end of the tube. A flow of 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Outlet gas
flow 0.0 one cubic centimeter per minute of oxygen (99.6% purity) is passed though the combustion tube, via the orthogonal port of the Time (Seconds) Time (Seconds)
(to pump) Tee-connector, during analysis runs to ensure the availability of excess oxygen supply for the complete oxidation of the sample and to
1391.6 1391.81392.01392.21392.4 Time (micro-seconds)
Tunable Wavelength Wavelength (nm) regenerate the catalyst. All gases used were supplied by Praxair.
diode laser monitor
Calculate loss
Optical Photo- The combustion products from the oxidation reactor are fed directly into a prototype CRDS fast analyzer (Picarro, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) Compound
components detector Individual Componenets Individual Componenets From Mixture
using a stainless steel Tee-connector (Swagelok®, 1/4 inch). A flow of 10 to 20 cm 3/min of either nitrogen (99.95% purity) or
approximately 500 ppm carbon dioxide in nitrogen is concurrently fed into the instrument to help control the flow rate of the sample
Laser control Data collection & Gas concentration is proportional Where: passing through the CRDS cavity. Methane -44.07 ± 0.46 -47.16 ± 0.68 -44.76 ± 0.61
electronics analysis electronics to the area under the curve I: Light intensity
in the cavity The chromatograms from the instrument are analyzed using third party software (WaveMetrics Igor or Microsoft Excel). Details of the
c: Speed of light
d: Loss per unit length peak integration algorithm are discussed in the results section. Ethane -37.68 ± 0.41 -39.63 ± 0.89 -36.15 ± 0.89
∆δ13C (‰)
∆δ13C (‰)
near 6251 cm-1. The traces are for carbon dioxide in the 1:30) and the GC-C-CRDS (25 μL, splitless). The GC-C-CRDS individual component amounts are scaled to have the same value for
atmosphere at 45 ºC and a total pressure of 140 torr. 0 0 propane as for GC-C-IRMS. Also shown are the results from running a mixture of approximately 25 μL methane, 25 μL ethane, and 25 μL
1.0 -5 -2 propane on the GC-C-CRDS, which have not been adjusted from the measurements obtained using GC-C-CRDS. Due to variations in the
sample preparation process, differences in isotopic composition between samples run individually and as a mixture are expected.
-10 -4
-15 -6
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
CO2 Volume Injected (µL) Volume Injected (µL) The GC-C-CRDS system proved to be linear over a three-fold injection volume dynamic range with an average precision of 0.95 ‰ and
0.67 ‰ for ethane and propane, respectively. The calibrated accuracy for methane, ethane, and propane is within 3 ‰ of the values
0.8 Fig 3. Measured δ(13C) values for (A) ethane and (B) propane. The average of the measurements with volumes of 15 μL and greater is determined using isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), which is the current method of choice for compound-specific isotope
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 defined as zero. Error bars represent one standard deviation, which have been calculated for the five measurements whose average is analysis. With anticipated improvements, the low cost, portable, and easy-to-use CRDS-based instrumental setup is poised to evolve
Optical Frequency Offset (cm-1) the data point shown. into a credible challenge to the high-cost and complex IRMS-based technique.