Instrument Documents

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Instrument Document
1. Tubing Schedule
Tubing Schedule is a document containing list of instrument tubings which serves as impulse line,
hydraulic/pneumatic supply and return line, process tubing such as chemical injection line, fusible loop.
This document also shows details of tubing required for connecting between two points.
Minimum information provided in the tubing schedule shall consists of:

 Tubing tag number

 Description of source and destination points
 Tubing size
 Tubing wall thickness
 Tubing material
 Tubing length
 Tubing rating
Reference drawing:
The following document shall be referred during tubing schedule preparation:
 Instrument Hook-Up Drawing
 Instrument Tubing Block Diagram
 Instrument Tubing Network Diagram
 Instrument Tubing Routing Layout
 Fusible Loop Layout.
The purpose of Tubing Schedule
Tubing schedule is a reference in preparing Material Take-Off for procuring the material. Tubing schedule
will be referred also during construction phase as a comprehensive installation list, however tubing length
stated in this document should be verified at field before making any cutting.
2. Instrument Data Sheet
Instrument Data Sheet is a document containing specification and information of an instrument device. It
specifies general information of instrument such as tag number identification, service description, location
(line number/equipment number), P&ID number or drawing number reference, process data (if
applicable), calibrated range (if applicable), material, performance details (such as accuracy, linearity – if
applicable), hazardous certification (for electrical device), accessories required, etc. The details of
information in data sheet may differ among each types of instrument such as transmitter, switch, gauge,
control valves.
Reference document: Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID), Heat and Material Balance (HMB), line
list, instrument specification, piping specification, calculation, vendor catalog.
Preparing a data sheet requires some document/drawing references. The following steps describe the work

1. P&ID provides general information such as instrument tag number, service description, line
number/equipment number, P&ID number.
2. Process data. Some of the following process data should be available for selection of instrument; fluid
type, fluid state (gas/liquid), design pressure, operating pressure, design temperature, operating
temperature, flow rate, density, viscosity, specific gravity, ratio specific heat (gas), molecular weight
(gas). However, the information of process data which is required to be specified in the data sheet varies
depends on the instrument type. For example, a pressure gauge data sheet does not require ratio of
specific heat. By knowing those process data, Instrument engineer may select material of instrument,
calibrated range, body rating, etc. Process data can be obtained from process discipline document
named “Heat and Material Balance”. Other way, instrument engineer may look to the line list, also
issued by process discipline, to get general process data. However, compared to HMB, only limited
process data is provided in line list document.
3. Project specification. Company has specification which details minimum requirement for
instrumentation. In addition, it also provides standard that shall be applied to instrument in order to
have uniform specification for certain instrument throughout the plant. This is intended to minimize
the spare part and tools, also to give ease of maintenance.
4. Calculation. Some instrument need to be calculated to have a proper size. This calculation is required
prior data sheet preparation. Control valve, pressure safety valve, orifice plate, thermowell are some of
instruments which need to be calculated.
5. Vendor catalog. It is recommended to refer vendor catalog during data sheet preparation to ensure
that the device is available on the market. Skipping this activity could result difficulties in finding the
instrument on the market during procurement phase. If the instrument is not available on the market,
it could change the design, not only the instrument design but also could revert back up to process
design. Not only re-work, it also could result to project delay.
6. Code and Standard. Last but not least, cross check to the related code and standard is needed
although this issue mostly has been covered in project specification.
The purpose of instrument data sheet
When the data sheet completed, it is attached to requisition which to be sent to several vendors. Vendors
will offer their quotation with various model and manufacturer among the offers. It is an instrument
engineer responsibility to evaluate all quotation and determine which offer is technically acceptable.

Having been considered its technical and commercial aspects, the instrument is purchased. Following the
purchase order, vendor will submit supporting document and drawing. Based on vendor data, instrument
data sheet may be updated to accommodate details to make the data sheet “as-built”.

Finally, data sheet along with its supporting vendor data are stored in library or document control and will
be referred during construction, operation and maintenance.

3. Cable Schedule
Cable Schedule is a document containing list of instrument cable. This document shows cable as well as
gland required by each instrument or connection. The information of the cable schedule shall consist:
 Cable Number
 Cable Type / Specification
 Cable Size
 Cable Length
 Source and destination termination description
 Cable gland type and size for each incoming cable
Reference document: Instrument Index / I/O List
Reference drawing: Instrument Cable Layout, Interconnection block diagram
Filter tag numbers that has a wire from instrument index.
I/O list will cover most of the tag number, because it only show instrument tag number which has I/O and
therefore require wires.
Please note that instrument which is not loop powered requires additional cable for power.

Instrument cable layout and interconnection block diagram will make the preparation of cable schedule
more convenience in specifying cable source and destination.
The purpose of Cable Schedule
Cable schedule is a reference in preparing Material Take-Off of cable for procurement. However, cable
length shown on this document are approximate only. Therefore, there should be contingency for material
procurement to allow spare for cable cutting, unexpected barrier in the field, riser, etc.

Cable schedule will be referred also during construction phase, however it is not recommended to cut the
cable based on the length information stated on the cable schedule. For actual cutting during installation,
the common practice is to pull the cable from its drum and cut in the field.

Example of cable schedule >>

4. Cause and Effect
Some project categorizes Cause and effect is part of process document and some other projects consider
Cause and effect is part of instrument deliverables. Literally, “cause” means something that makes
something else happen and “effect” is what happens as a result of the cause.

The interaction between cause and effect could simple to complex. For a simple example in process
control: cause could be a tank high liquid level alarm and effect could be open the tank outlet valve. The
complex example could be like this: If minimum two flame detectors detect fire in area 1 and coincide
with one flame detector detect fire in area 2, then it should close valve A, close valve B, open valve C, de-
energize the power outlet, etc.

Cause and effect is presented as a form of matrix. The causes are listed in left section while the effects are
listed on top section, both are described in form of tag number with their descriptions (other additional
information such as P&ID may supplement). The marked intersection between both means that they are
related as cause-effect. Marks could be in form of letter “X” which mean effect will be activated, “T” which
mean effect will be activated with time delay, “P” which mean cause will give permissive to an effect.

There are two categories of Cause and Effect Diagram:

 ESD C&E Diagram

 Fire and Gas C&E Diagram
Reference document: SAFE Chart, ESD Logic Diagram, Philosophy
SAFE Chart presents the required safety devices for each process equipment. SAFE Chart shall ensure all
safety requirements have been fulfilled and what executive actions the safety devices take.

Philosophy provide the narration and engineer shall translate it to cause and effect interaction so that the
plant operates as the intended philosophy.

ESD Logic Diagram shows the plant shutdown hierarchy and describes input that initiate the shutdown
and output as the results upon shutdown.
The purpose of Cause and Effect document
Cause and effect document will be translated to program language by control system engineer and
implemented in control system as logic. These logics will always monitor plant during operation and
works if pre-determined condition attained.

Example of Cause and Effect document >> Cause and Effect

II. Instrument Drawing

1. Control System Architecture
Control system architecture depicts the architecture of the plant control systems and the interface among
the systems required for overall operation of process plant.

The required Control System is determined by the level of functionality, complexity and safety of a plant.
This may comprise of process control system, safety instrumented system, HIPPS, fire and gas system,
package unit control system.
Control system architecture drawing shall also shows supervisory level equipment such as operators
workstation, engineering workstation, HMI server, OPC server, historian server, control panel such as
ESD panel (push button and lamp), fire and gas matrix and also network equipment.

Control system architecture shall clearly define the locations, both main locations, remote I/O locations,
indoor/outdoor location, control room/building limit.

The major control, Ethernet and communication cables are also shown and specified.
The control system architecture is conceptual in nature and is used for specifying the requirements of the
control system to the DCS Supplier. This drawing is provided as supporting documentation for the
process control system requisition.

2. Instrument Tubing Layout

Instrument Tubing Layout shows routing of instrument tubing according to plant layout and the location
of source and destination points connected by tubing. In addition, instrument tubing layout shows the
details related to instrumentation tubing such as:

 Tubing number/identification
 Tubing going up/down
 Type of fluid carried inside the tubing i.e hydraulic or pneumatic (air/gas) by appearance of different
tubing symbol
Instrument tubing layout covers the following scope, but not limited to:
 Tubing from instrument air distribution manifold or instrument air header to control valve
and actuated valve
 Tubing for utility air from instrument air header to vendor package
 Tubing for panel purging from instrument air header to panel enclosure
 Tubing from chemical injection to process tapping point
 Tubing for fusible plug loop
Those tubing may be drawn in separate instrument tubing layouts for convenience

Reference drawing: Instrument Location Plan, Piping Plot Plan

 From Instrument Location Plan, disregard the instrument which does not require tubing. Point out
the instrument which requires instrument air such as control valve, actuated valve and utility air such
as vendor package, outdoor panel requiring purging
 Instrument air header pipe could be extracted from piping plot plan
 Location of process tapping could be obtained from piping plot plan
Routing should be as short as possible, however consider some factors which should be avoided such as
hot source, fire, accidental mechanical abuse, etc. Tubing slope shall also be considered and pocket
shall be avoided.

The purpose of instrument tubing layout

Instrument tubing layout is to be used as a reference for preparing instrument tubing schedule in
determining the following:
 List of the tubing required and its length
 The point of source and destination of tubing
Instrument tubing layout is also a reference to identify the existence of all instruments tubings in the
plant or platform.
No example is provided here since instrument tubing layout depends on plant or platform layout.
However below symbols may be used for items retaled to instrument tubing layout.

3. Instrument Cable Layout

Instrument Cable Layout shows routing of instrument cables according to plant or platform layout. In
addition, instrument cable layout shows the details related to instrumentation cable such as:
 Location of field devices to be wired
 Location of junction box
 Cable number
 Cable going up/down

Reference drawing: Instrument Location Plan

 From Instrument Location Plan, disregard the instrument which does not require wiring such as
Gauges, Pressure Safety Valve, etc.
 Route the electronic instrument to the nearest junction box accordingly (make necessary separation
to junction box for analog or digital, SIS or BPCS or Fire & Gas, IS or Non-IS).
 Route the multi-pair/multi-core cable from junction box to control room/other rooms.
Cable routing should be as short as possible, however consider some factors which should be avoided
such as high interference noise, hot source, etc. Please refer to API 552.

The purpose of instrument cable layout

Instrument cable layout together with interconnection block diagram are to be used as a reference for
preparing instrument cable schedule in determining the following:
 List of the cable required and its length
 The point of source and destination of cable end connection
Instrument cable layout is also a reference to identify the existence of all instrument cables in the plant or

No example is provided here since instrument cable layout depends on plant or platform layout. However
below symbols may be used for items related to instrument cable layout.

Note that, above example

shows symbols which may differ among projects. The important thing is one shall be consistent with the
symbol in the entire instrument cable layout drawing and shall list the symbols in the legend section.
Note that, above example shows symbols
which may differ among projects. The important thing is one should be consistent with the symbol in the
entire instrument tubing layout drawing and listed the symbol in the legend section.
4. Shutdown Logic Diagram
Shutdown logic diagram (also known as ESD logic diagram) shows a hierarchy of shutdown levelwithin a
plant or platform. Shutdown logic diagram start from telling a big picture of shutdown level, typically the
level starts from 0 continues with the higher number (1, 2, …). The lower number represents the more
critical shutdown. The subsequent sheets continues with detail hierarchy for each process unit.
Shutdown logic diagram describes the ‘cause’ that may trigger the shutdown and the effect that may results
once signal is activated. This diagram also shows the action such as time delay, start-up inhibit, reset that
will be performed for each action.

The location of each instrument that act as a trigger/cause shall be specified clearly.

Reference document: SAFE Chart, philosophy

SAFE chart presents the required safety devices for each process equipment. SAFE chart shall ensure all
safety requirements have been fulfilled and what executive actions the safety devices have to take.
Philosophy provide the narration and engineer shall translate it to cause and effect interaction so that the
plant operates as the intended philosophy.

The purpose of Shutdown logic diagram

Shutdown logic diagram may be used as a reference in preparing cause and effect diagram.
Example of Shutdown logic Diagram Drawing >>
III. Instrument Designer
1. Tubing and Fitting Design Guide
The following points provide brief guideline in tubing and fitting design for instrument tubing and
fittings. The selection preferences may vary between projects.

 Selection of hook up materials shall consider process fluid pressure and pressure rating to ensure
good sealing and integrity.
 Tubing thickness shall be selected based on application pressure rating. Consult with the
manufacturer for pressure rating of each tubing thickness.
 Double compression-type tubing fittings are preferred.
 It is absolutely necessary to use a single manufacturer’s type components of tubing and fitting for the
whole project.
 Mixing different threaded fittings from different manufacturers is not allowed as it could lead to poor
fitting sealing
a. Tubing Schedule
Tubing Schedule is a document containing list of instrument tubing which serves as impulse line,
hydraulic/pneumatic supply and return line, process tubing such as chemical injection line, fusible loop.
This document also shows details of tubing required for connecting between two points.
Minimum information provided in the tubing schedule shall consists of:

 Tubing tag number

 Description of source and destination points
 Tubing size
 Tubing wall thickness
 Tubing material
 Tubing length
 Tubing rating
Reference drawing:
The following document shall be referred during tubing schedule preparation:
 Instrument Hook-Up Drawing
 Instrument Tubing Block Diagram
 Instrument Tubing Network Diagram
 Instrument Tubing Routing Layout
 Fusible Loop Layout.
The purpose of Tubing Schedule
Tubing schedule is a reference in preparing Material Take-Off for procuring the material. Tubing schedule
will be referred also during construction phase as a comprehensive installation list, however tubing length
stated in this document should be verified at field before making any cutting.

2. Instrument Cable Screen Grounding

Why the cable screen shall not be grounded at instrument field device?
Cable screen protects the signal carried on the conductor from external interference. Cable screen blocks
the external interference and noise, then directs it to the ground.
Screen shall only be grounded at one source. The grounding is usually made in equipment panel or cabinet
while field device point is left ungrounded and insulated. This is to eliminate the ground-loop current that
may arise if screen is grounded at both end. In this case, the ground loop current becomes a noise for the
signal conductor itself.
The following wiring diagram shows ungrounded instrument cable screen at field device.

3. Side Mounted vs Top Mounted Level Instrument

What is the consideration on deciding whether level instrument (transmitter or switch) to
be top mounted type or side mounted with external cage type?
Top mounted means the sensor or measuring element of level instrument is inserted into the vessel or
tank from the top. Side mounted with external cage means sensor or measuring element is installed
integrally in manufacturer prefabricated external cage.

The price of level instrument with external cage is higher than that of top mounted type. This is due to the
cost for the cage, moreover for special material such as Duplex Stainless Steel. However, external cage
level instrument can have isolation valve installed in between vessel and cage. This arrangement allows
instrument maintenance without the need of process shutdown. Therefore external cage level instrument
is preferred in most application.
Top mounted level instrument is utilized in some cases such as:

 Buried vessel, since it has no side access.

 Semi-submersible tank such as caisson.
 Liquid which may change properties/form due to temperature change and the use of steam or
electrical heat tracing is not feasible.

Above picture shows the arrangement of top mounted level transmitter and side mounted level
transmitter. The isolation valve(s) can only be installed on the arrangement of side mounted with external
cage type.

4. Instrument Cable – Fire Resistant Vs Flame Retardant

What is the difference between Fire resistant cable and Flame retardant cable? Please also
explain the typical application for both of them.
Fire resistant cable is cable which will continue to operate normally in the presence of prolonged fire for a
specified time under defined conditions. Fire resistance cable shall pass test as per IEC 60331.
Flame retardant cable are not rated to continue to operate under fire circumstance but it will resist the
propagate of fire into a new area by having behavior in fire under defined conditions which is proven by
passing the test as per IEC 60332.

Fire resistant cable is applied to critical circuit which operates on energized to trip or energized to operate
and circuit which needs to still operate during fire such as:

 Instrument Cable related to signal for activating ESD2, ESD1, abandon platform.
 Instrument Cable for firefighting equipment such as deluge valve solenoid valve.
 Cable for safety evacuation and emergency service.
Flame retardant cable is applied to circuit other than mention above. It serves for instrument loop which
operates in fail safe mode.

In term of cable construction, it is essential to distinguish the outer sheath color between flame retardant
cable and fire resistant cable. Commonly, fire resistant cable has red outer sheath/jacket while flame
retardant may have grey or black outer sheath/jacket.

5. Instrument Cable Specification

Instrument Cable Specification
During detailed design project, the cable shall be selected with suitable specification for the intended
application. In the beginning of the project, the specification for each cable part shall be carefully specified
to satisfy the requirement of application and environmental condition. Normally the instrument cable
consists of conductors, insulation, screen/shield, armor and outer jacket therefore the specification
should cover and details each of them. The following information only describes the structure and its
example, however the specification for each project may differ and shall be evaluated case by case hence
details specified herein is not recommended to be copied and used directly.
Conductor (to transfer the electrical current from higher voltage to lower voltage point)
 Conductor material, commonly used material is copper. Tinned coated copper may also be selected to
prevent copper oxides which provides more durable and corrosion resistance
 Design of the conductor, whether solid, stranded, flexible. Stranded conductor means the conductor is
no single, instead it consists of several smaller size conductors which allow more flexibility.
 Size of the conductor cross section. Determining the size of the conductor requires information of the
device operating voltage and current, length and resistance of the cable as they will contribute to the
voltage drop across the cable. Cable shall be sized and ensured that the device at the end of the cable
will function properly at a given voltage.
Insulation (to physically and electrically separate each conductors)
 Insulation material
The choice of insulation material is driven by several requirements such as electrical transmission
properties, minimum and maximum temperature rating, burning behavior, abrasion and corrosion
 Insulation thickness
The selection of insulation thickness, together with conductor specification, will be determined from the
requirement of the voltage rating and cable strength. Note that the insulation thickness also contributes to
the flexibility of the cable.

Screen (to prevent interference)

Screen is constructed from aluminized polyester film/tape which provide protection from external
interference. The aluminum tape is spirally wrapped with 25% overlap to guarantee 100% coverage of
cable element including in bending area. Screen also consists of copper drain wire of which shall be
electrically in contact with the screen along the cable.

Armor (to protect the cable against mechanical stress/load during construction and operation)
The selection of cable armor mainly depends on the cable installation and required mechanical properties
such as maximum tensile loads, pressure loads, protection against rodent, minimum bending radius,
direct burial installation. There are several types of cable such as galvanized steel wire braid, galvanized
steel wire tape and galvanize steel wire round armor which each has advantages over each other’s.

Outer Sheath / Jacket (to physically protects the internal components of a cable)
Material of outer cable sheath/jacket shall be selected with regards to the following consideration:

 Environmental condition (humidity, temperature, solar radiation)

 Method of installation (indoor, outdoor, direct buried, on trays, etc.
 Possibility of oil, chemical spills or abrasion
 Behavior in fire (low smoke, zero halogen to avoid toxicant)
 Flame retardant or fire resistant
Sparing philosophy
Determining the number of wire in multipair or multicore cable shall consider future expansion and

Other requirement
Twisted pair shall be specified in 4-20mA analog signal cable to reduce the effect of interference. As
recommended by API 552 Transmission System, twisted wire shall have minimum of six crossovers per
foot. Eight crossover per foot is a typical specification
6. Stanchion (Instrument Mounting Stand)
Stanchion is the other term for instrument mounting stand. It is a structure where instrument is
mounted. Stanchion is commonly constructed from 2” pipe with base plate. The instrument is attached to
the stanchion by means of bracket for 2” pipe.

Stanchion can accommodate single instrument or more. The form of stanchion depends on the number of
instrument to be mounted.
Stanchion may be furnished as necessary with earth boss for instrument protective earth of electrical
instrument, nameplate identifying to which tag number the stand belong to, and cable tray for cable
installation to the instrument. For instrument device which does not have electrical parts such as gauge,
the requirement of earth boss and cable tray can be eliminated.

Instrument drawing which details stanchion (instrument mounting stand) is shown in Instrument
Installation Drawing. This drawing contains detail of stanchion dimension and bill of material required
for installation.

7. Junction Box
Junction box is an enclosure used for cables interconnection between field devices and control room. It
encloses terminal strips for cable termination. Junction box shall be designed to suit environmental
condition where the box will be installed and shall have certification of Ingress Protection code and
hazardous area protection which conform to the classified area.

Junction Box consists of the following parts, but not limited to:

 Terminal block which comprises terminal strips for cable connections

 Gland plate (for non-metallic junction box) for cable gland earthing
 An insulated earth bus bar for overall cable screen termination (optional, drain wire could be
connected to terminal strip)
 Breather/drain plug
 Mounting Rail complete with end bracket
Instrument Junction box typical schematic:

Below is picture of instrument junction box:

Junction Box for instrument digital signal

should have bus bar for connecting screen of individual cables and overall screen of multipair cable.
In common practice, junction box shall be separated for the following purposes:
 PCS signals and SIS signals
 Analog signals and Digital signals
 Signal with different voltage level
8. Air Distribution Manifold (Instrument Air)
Instrument air distribution manifold is a pipe shaped chamber (manifold) with several branches of outlets
for delivering instrument air to multiple consumers such as control valve, actuated valve or other
pneumatic operated instrument.
The number of outlet of an instrument air distribution manifold may vary depend on the number of
nearby pneumatic instrument or valve. Each outlet is fitted with block valve which could be of ball valve
or needle valve type. Each outlet should have instrument tag number to which the outlet delivered the
instrument air.
At the bottom of instrument air distribution manifold, a block valve is fitted for drain purpose. This drain
valve is required during maintenance to bleed the built-up condensed liquid.

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