University of Delhi Internal Assessment Scheme

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Academic Council Resolution No. 43 dated 18-07-2003

Executive Council Resolution No. 78 dated 30-09-2003


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At its meeting held on 18th July 2003, the A.cademic Council considered the.recommendations of the
Task Force constituted by the Vice-Chancellor, chaired by Professor S.K.. Tandon, to work out the
modalities for internal assessment in pursuance of the Executive Council Resolution No. 05 dated 1st
May 2003, and resolved as follows:

(1) (i) That Internal Assessment be made applicable to the students admitted from the academic
session 2003-04 onwards (i.e: to begin with for the first year students) in both undergraduate
and post-graduate degree courses.

(ii) That Internal Assessment marks be shown separately in the Narks Sheet issued by the
University and these marks be added to the annual/semester examination. marks for determining
the division of the student.

(2) That 25% of the maximum marks in each paper in undergraduate courses be assigned for Internal
Assessment and the remaining 75% marks for the annual/semester University Examination; that
the time duration and other modalities of the annual/semester Examination with respect to this
75% component shall remain as per existing schemes of examination for various undergraduate

(i) (a) That 10% weightage be assigned to House Examinations to be conducted by each college
preferably in the beginning of the third term Of else, towards the end of the second term
for all courses where annual examinations are held. That the House Examination be
~.' conducted for all subjects in Pass course and B. Sc. (General) and all papers of the Main
Subject in Honours courses. [The conduct of the House Examination should be completed
in not more than 7 to 8 working days; there should be llO gaps in between except Sundays
or gazetted holidays].

(b) That for courses following the semester examination scheme, the House Examination shall
be conducted in each semester. That the House Examination shall be conducted
continuously on 5 days beginning the first Monday immediately after the Autumn vacation
for the odd semester and the first Monday of March for the even semester.

(c) That, ordinarily, before the conduct of the House Examinations, at least two-thirds of the
syllabus, would be covered in papers taught over the full academic year, and at least one-
half of the syllabus would be covered for papers taught over one semester .

Internal Assessment Scheme University of Delhi, 2003 • 1


(d) That the duration of each the House Examination shall be the same as the duration
in the University Examination. That the maximum marks for each paper of the House
Examination shall be 100 or the same as the maximum marks in the corresponding
University Examination. The marks obtained shall be subsequently scaled down
appropriately carrying fractions wherever they occur.

(e) That the scripts of the House Examination be shown to the students (who may be allowed v
to make a photocopy of their own scripts if they so wish) a~ collec~ed ba~1£_!9J)e~..
pre~.~~~~ .t.i~I§..~!!_~L!:h~.JJmyg.silY_.f:_xagti...Q~.!t9.!!. That the University
reserves the right to scrutinize some or all the scripts of any paper in any course in a
College during this period. That a copy of the question paper shall be sent to the
Examination Branch of the University and a proper record of the question papers of the
House Examination shall be maintained by the College.

(f) That every teacher shall submit a copy of the result of the House Ex.amination in the
College office immediately after the scripts have been shown to the students and that he/
she shall maintain a record of the marks with himlher.
(ii) (a) That each student shall be assessed on the basis of written assignments/tutorials as well
as on the basis of project reports / term papers / seminars. That 10% weightage shall be for
such written assignments, and project reports/presentations/term papers I seminars. In the
beginning of the session, every teacher shall provide a list of questions for written
assignments/ tutorials and an illustrative list of topics on which students can prepare
projects. Each student shall be given at least one written assignment per paper in each term,
subject to a minimum of 12 written assignments per year for all the papers taken together.

That the total marks for assignments (one or more) during each term shall be 25 per paper
which adds up to 75 marks per paper per annum. 25 marks per paper per annum shall be
for projects / term papers / seminars. The average marks obtained for assignments per paper
per term shall be considered. The total of the marks obtained for written assignments in the
three terms and the marks for projects / term papers / seminars for each paper, which adds
to 100, shall then be scaled down appropriately carrying the fractions wherever they occur.

(b) That where the maximum marks in a paper are less than 100, for example 50 marks, the
nature of written assignments/tutorial work shall stand adjusted pari passu.
(c) That the score of written assignments / tutorials shall be submitted to the College office
at the end of each term along with the attendance record, and the score for project reports /
term papers / seminars shall be submitted at the end of the third term.
(iii) (a) That 5% weightage he given for regularity in attending lectures and tutorials. That the
credit for regularity in each paper, based on attendance, shall be as follows:
More than 67% but less than 70% 1 mark
70% or more but less than 75% 2 marks
75% or more but less than 80% 3 marks
80% or more but less than 85% 4 marks
85% and above 5 marks .;.

2 • University of Delhi, 2003 Internal Assessment Scheme

(:-"'f.edical certificates shall be excluded while calculating credit towards marks to be
awarded for regularity, though such certiflcates shill. cOl\tin.ueto \)e takel\ fito acco\mt
for the purpose of calculating eligi\)ility to appear for examinations as per the existing
provisions of Ordinance Vll.2.(9)(a)(ii).]

That the attendance for each term be compiled by the College administration and
displayed on the Notice Board within a week of the end of the first and second terms
respectively, and by 28th March for the third term; that each teacher shall maintain
a record of the term-wise attendance of each student for lectures and tutorials
At the end of the third term, the attendance of every student in each paper in lectures
and tutorials be summed up, converted into percentage, and marks awarded for Internal
r: Assessment by the teacher.
! (iv) That the marks scored by the candidates in all the three components (i.e. House Examination,
written assignments, and attendance) be summed-up, and scaled-down appropriately for papers
in which maximum marks are less than 100. The Internal Assessment marks for each paper
shall then be rounded-off to the nearest whole number. These Internal Assessment marks shall
be communicated to the University before the 7th of April each year as per University Roll
Numbers, along with a soft copy.

(v) That there shall be a Moderation Committee for Internal Assessment in each College,
discipline-wise, which shall comprise of the senior most teacher in the department, the teacher-
in-charge of the department and the previous teacher-in-charge of the department: provided
that if, for any reason, the membership of the Committeefalls below 3, the Principal of the
college shall nominate suitable members from among the teachers of that department/college
to fill the vacancies.

(3) That, with the introduction of Internal Assessment, the maximum marks for the University
Examination in each paper shall stand reduced accordingly. For example:

for a 100 marks paper, the University Examination shall be of 75 marks.

for a 75 marks paper, the University Examination shall be of 55 marks.

for a 50 marks paper, the University Examination shall be of 38 marks.

for a 33 marks paper, the University Examination shall be of 25 marks.

(4) That the promotion criteria shall be as per the existing Ordinances for University Examinations, as
applicable to respective courses. In addition, the same criteria shall apply to the total of the University
Examination and the Internal Assessment, taken together.

(5) (i) . That there shall be a Monitoring Committee for Internal Assessment at the University level
consisting of the Dean of Colleges as the Chairperson along with three other Deans, one of
whom shall be a member of the Executive Council, and the Controller of Examinations as
Member-Secretary. That the Committee shall monitor the receipt of Internal Assessment marks
from various colleges and ensure timely compliance. If a College fails to submit the Internal
Assessment marks in time, the University shall not declare the result .for such a course in that

Internal Assessment Scheme University of Delhi, 2003 • 3

CoH.ege. The responsibility for non-declaration of the result of any course in· any college in
such circumstances will be solely that of the college.

(ii) That there shall be a Monitoring Committee for Internal Assessment in every College, .ch
shall be chaired by the Principal of the College and will be made up of the Vice-Principal·
(arid in case there is no Vice- Principal, the Bursar), Secretary Staff Council, and two senior
faculty members to be nominated by the Principal. This Committee shall be responsible for
the entire process of Internal Assessment in the College, including redressal of rievances .t
if any. i
.6) (i) That in the case of students who repeat one or more paper(s), or all papers of Part-I or Part 1
II or Part III, the Internal Assessment marks shall be carried forward.

(ii) That in the following special cases, in lieu of Internal Assessment, students shall be awarded
marks (for the previous years' papers) in the same proportion as, the marks obtained in that
paper in the University Examination:

(a) Students who migrate from other Universities to the University of Delhi in the IInd Year;

(b) Students who fail in the Part I Examination of Honours Courses and join Pass/General
Courses in the IInd year; and
./ ,
(c) Students who transfer from 1st year Pass / General Courses to Honours Courses in the
IInd Year.

(iii) Students who migrate from non-formal streams in the University of Delhi (i.e. School of
Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education, Non-Collegiate Women's Education
Board and External Candidates Cell) to the regular stream and' vice versa, shall carry as such I
, the marks obtained in the preceding year(s). I
That tutorials be held regularly for the post-graduate courses of the University by the concerned
Department in cooperation with Colleges; that at least 25 per cent marks be assigned for Internal
Assessment in each paper of the post-graduate courses. That the Internal Assessment in the post- I,
graduate courses may be based on regularity and attendance; class tests and house examinations;
and written assignments, projects/ term papers/ seminars/ field-work. That Departments may assign j
5 per cent for regularity and attendance, 10 per cent for class tests and house examinations, 10 per I
cent for written assignments and projects / term papers I seminars I field-work. That post-graduate
courses where the weightage of Internal Assessment is 25 per cent or more may continue with the,
existing schemes. '.

~ That in the case of a student who is selected as a member of the N.C.C. to participate in the annual
N.C.C. Camps or is deputed to undertake Civil Defence work and allied duties, or in the case of
a student who is enrolled in the National Service Scheme and is deputed to various public
assignments by or with the approval of the Head of the institution concerned, or a student who is
selected to participate in sports or other activities organized by the Inter-University Board or in
national or international fixtures in games and sports approved by the Vice-Chancellor, or a student
" who is required to represent the University at the Inter-University Youth Festival, or a student who
, is required to participate in periodical training in the Territorial Army, or a student who is deputed
by the College to take part in Inter-College sports, fixtures, debates, seminars, symposia or social

~ • University of Delhi, 2003 Internal Assessment Scheme

~ork projects, or a student who is required to represent the College concerned in debates and other
extra-curricular activities held in other Universities or such other activities approved by the Vice-
Chancellor, the following provision will apply:

(i) A student in the categories listed above, will have to fulfil the requirement of written
assignments and projects! term papers/ seminars! field-work with the flexibility, however, that
he!she may, if necessary, be allowed additional time fo~ submission of written assignments.

(ii) A student in the categories listed above, who is unable to write the House Examination on
account of his/her participation in such aforesaid activities, may be assessed by the. College
through an alternative mode in lieu of the House Examination. This may be done only in
exceptional circumstances.

(iii) A student in the categories listed above, will get the benefit of attendance for Internal
Assessment for the classes missed as per the existing provisions of Ordinance Vll.2.(9)(a)(i).

9) (i) That the University reserves the right to review, and if necessary moderate the marks in Internal
Assessment in any paper I. papers in any College! Department,

(ii) That the respective University Moderation Committees in each subject shall moderate, if
necessary, the Internal Assessment marks across Colleges.

(10) That the scheme for Internal Assessment be followed, for the present, in the regular stream only
with exclusions as per the Appendix. This scheme of Internal Assessment shall not be applicable
to the School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education, Non-Collegiate Women's
Education Board and External Candidates Cell.

Internal Assessment Scheme University of Delhi, 2003 • 5


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a) Medical Sciences
b) Technology·

c) Management Studies
d) Education (except BA Passin Education)
e) Law
. ,
f) Ayurvedic & Unani Medicine


a) Department of Nursing Faculty of Science
b) Department of Fine Arts Faculty. of Music

c) Department of Pharmacy Faculty of Science

d) Department of Home Science Faculty of Science

a) B.Sc. (H) Bio-Medical Sciences

b) B.Sc. (H) Physiotherapy

. c) BA (H) Journalism

d) B.A. (H) in Mass Media & Communications


6 • University of Delhi, 2003 Internal Assessment Scheme .

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