Minimum No. of Stocks Needed For Diversification

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The Minimum Number of Stocks

Needed for Diversification
Gerald D. iVewbould and Percy S. Peon

GerakiD. Newbouid is the Hilton Distinguished Professor and

Percy S. Peon is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University
of Nevada, La Vegas, NV.

H A risk-averse investor seeking to improve investment perfor- Exhibit 1. Recommendations for Minimum Number of Stocks
mance by reading investment textbooks will learn the important in a Portfolio
distinction between diversitiable risk and non-diversitiable risk.
The textbooks will then typically recommend that a portfolio of Source a Exhibit 2 or Similar #of Stocks
between eight and twenty stocks is the minimum necessary to
[12] p. 100 8-16 (p. 99)
eliminate diversifiable risk. (See Exhibit 1.)l In our view, this
common recommendation, which originates from the work of [6] p. 698 8-20 (p. 697)
Evans and Archer [3], seriously understates the minimum number [4] nab 10-15 Qx231)
of stocks that a risk-averse investor should aim for as a portfolio.
This article argues that it may be desirable to have substantially [8] p. 14 10-15 (p. 144)
more thun 20 stocks in a portfolio to eliminate diversifiable risk. [7] na 10-20 (p. 674)
[13] na 12-15 (p. C16)
‘he article fmt briefly reviews investment texts to show the
pervasiveness of the standard recommendation to invest in eight to [9] p. 288 12-18 (p. 288)
twenty stocks, and then argues that the standard recommendation is [1] na 12 or more (p. 335)
flawed — briefly, the standard recommendation is based upon the (14] p. 111 15- 20(p. 110)
average risk that results from a very large number of equal-number
stock portfolios. An individual investor, however, does not have a [5] p. 153 20 (p. 154)
large number of such portfolios; the investor normally has one [10] na 20 (p. 218)
portfolio in any particular universe of stocks, and the risk outcome
[2] p. 139 20 (p. 139)
on this one portfolio could be other than the statistical average.
Section II analyzes returns on the Standard& Poor’s (S&P) 500 to
demonstrate the variability of portfolio returns. The empirical a See References.
results from analyzing these &ta lead to a recommendation that b Not Available.
substantially more than 20 stocks maybe needed to nearly eliminate
diversifiable risk, depending on the weighing scheme used to con- in risk due to diversification. To illustrate this, the S&P 500 was
struct pmtfolios and the personal risk preference. A fmrd section chosen as a possible universe of stocks from which to construct
provides a summary. portfolios, and the market value of each company was used as the
stock’s weight in each portfolio. ‘hen 1,000 portfolios in each
L The Standard Recommendation category (i.e. 1,000 one-stock portfolios, 1,000 two-stock
portfolios, etc.) ~ere constructed over the period January 1988 to
The risk on aportfoliois determinedly the nsksof the individual December 1990. Using volatility of monthly returns, average risk
stocks, the relationships (covariances) between the risks of the on each sized portfolio was measure& Exhibit 2 shows the results.
individual stocks, and the percentage of the portfolio money in- The steep fall of the curve shows average diversifiable risk being
vested in each of the stocks. The risk of a portfolio can be graphed reduced as the number of stocks in the portfolio increases. Hlbit
against the number of stocks in the portfolio to show the reduction 2 is similar to that which appears in many textbooks, as listed in
Exhlblt 1.
1 The eight-~twenty stock recommendation in the textksoks is based on naive or
random diversitieation. Therefore we will not discuss other medds of achieving 2 Since the estimation period was a fahly consistent bull marke~ our analysis would
diversification, such as the Markowitz method. understate the volatility of portfolio risk.



Exhibit 2. Average Portfolio Risk Exhibit 3. Upper and Lower Contldence Lhnits of Portfolio

14- 14

1: 12

e ‘..
4 ~:................... ..............=.—-—--
!: c i?====

—-S*— Wb*----Bw
—m- — -- ..... --

Exhibit 1 also cites the interpretations provided by the various one-stock portfolio risk, when compared with the average one-stock
authors of what this curve implies. The minimum number of stocks portfolio, has a 0.5 percent chance of being 185 percent greater than
recommended by these authors for a risk-efficient portfolio varies the average, a 2.5 percent chance of being 164 percent greater than
from a low of eight to a high of twenty. Some authors imply that the average, and a 5 percent chance of being 154 percent greater
further diversification is unnecessary; others are emphatic: “Further than the average. Perhaps the best way to read Exhibit 4 is to choose
spreading of the portfolio’s assets is superfluous diversljication a probability level at wtdch the typical investor would feel comfort-
(author’s emphasis) and should be avoided” [4, p. 231]. Even able and then run down that column until the pementage risks are
without such clear guidance, our interpretation of these recommen- also acceptable. While this must essentially be a personal decision
dations is that the investor with, say, $10,000, would be indifferent (different investors have different degrees of “risk-aversion”), it
in terms of risk between buying, say, ten random S&P stocks and would seem that the usual recommendation of eight to 20 stocks is
investing in an S&P index fund. (Note that the whole discussion is a severe underestimate of the minimum size needed to diversify
in terms of risk, returns are not tilng analyzed, so professional with comfort. The actual minimum number of stocks for an investor
management fees and transaction costs are not being considered.) would depend on the universe of stocks being analyzed, the personaJ
risk preferences, and the desired conlldence intervals.
However, the flaw in these recommendations lies in overlooking
the fact that an investor typically has but one portfolio (in any Exhibit 4. Upper Risk Rangea of Mean Portfolio Risk
particular universe of stocks), and so perhaps should be unwilling
to jeopardize his/her funds on the basis of the average outcome of Upper Confidence Limit
a large number of equal-size portfolios chosen from that same
universe. Having but one portfolio from a particular universe, the #of stocks 99% 95% 90% Mean Risk a
investor has to face the fact that the risk on hidher portfolio can be
1 185 16’4 154 100
slightly, or even substantially, above or below the average. Briefly,
the standard recommendations hide the fact that a range of outcomes
underlies every point on the curve in Exhibit 2. tlb 141 131 126 100
10b 137 128 124 100 +
IL The Proposed Recommendation 12b 135 127 123 100
15b 133 125 121 100
To illustrate the range of risk that is hidden by Exhibit 2, Exhibh 2ob 130 123 119 100
3, with similar axes to Exhibit 2, shows the curves that would
statistically accommodate 99 percent, 95 percent, and 90 percent
confidence intervals of the 80,000 simulated portfolios. The effect 30 127 121 118 100
of portfolio size on reducing diversifiable risk is still clear in the 40 124 118 115 100
new exhibit — for any pair of curves does converge; but notice how 50 121 116 114 100
risk reduction is delayed. Diversifiable risk is not effectively
eliminated at eigh~ 10, 15, or even at 20 stocks. The upper and 60 119 114 112 100
lower limit curves become virtually parallel only at a portfolio size 70 116 112 110 100
much greater than 20 stocks. 80 115 111 110 100
Perhaps a more illustrative procedure than Exhibit 3 is to assign
the mean risk on a portfolio a value of 100 and expms possible
aThe mean risk of each size portfolio is standardized at 100.
portfolio risks as a percentage of this. (Some Exhibit 2s are in fact b These am the recommendations for the minimum number of
constructed this way.) Exhibit 4 gives some examples. Thus the stocks in a portfolio, in fiy textbooks. See Exhibit 1.

Two other points should be noted. Firstly, a conclusion that at Exhibit 5. Market-Value Weighted versus Equal Weighted
least 30 stocks is the appropriate minimum has been arrived at Portfolio6
previously, but by a diffemmt route. Statman [11] argued that
diversification should be increased as long as the average marginal
benefits (risk reduction) exceed the average marginal costs (trans-
action costs of buying more stocks) [p. 354]. Essentially, Statman
was exploiting the slope in Exhibit 2 that continues between the
usual recommendation (eight to 20 stocks) and the final leveling out
of the average curve. As noted above, our argument that the
minimum size is much greater than 20 stocks is based purely on the
premise that an investor cannot afford to gamble on the probability
of his or her being the average investor and should, if truly risk-
averse, consider the range of risk outcomes that underlies the

Secondly, the 500 stocks used in our study had an equal chance his/her portfolio is exposed to a range of risk which could be
of being selected for any portfolio, but once selected a stock was substantially different from the average. Probably there would be
weighted in the portfolio according to the market value of the little consolation to the investor with an eight-stock portfolio ex-
company. If investors weight their stock selections equally, it is periencing a risk that was 141 percent of the risk on the average
possible that mean risk or convergence of risk range in Exhibit 3 eight-stock portfolio if he.khe was told that there was another
might be different. The 80,000-portfolio simulation was rerun investor at the other end of the distribution balancing him/her out --
using equal probability of selection and equal weight once selected. yet this is what the standard recommendation is doing. To recog-
The results am summarized in Exhibit 5. With equal weights, mean nize that each individual investor is risk averse on hk!?ter own
portfolio risk is higher but the deviation of risk is lower. However, individual portfolio outcome (and not merely risk averse on the
Exhibit 5 does not appear to change our conclusion that the mini- average of all investors’ outcomes), the standard dlagrarn, ExMbit
mum number of stocks needed for diversification is substantially 2, should, in our view, k modified to conform to Exhibit 3. The
more than 20. empirical results from anrdyzing the S&P 500 data indicate that the
recommendation would place the minimum number of stocks
IrL Smmw’y needed to achieve diversification much higher than 20 stocks. The
actual number would depend upon the particular universe of stocks
The recommendation that owning eight to 20 stocks achieves a being analyzed, the weighting scheme used to construct portfolios,
risk-efficient portfolio pervades the investment literature. The risk- and the individual investor’s desired confidence intervals and risk
averse investor using this recommendation will find that in reality preference. ■


1. J. Barnford. J. Blyskaf, E. Card, and A. Jacobson, ~ 9. F. K. Reilly, ~, 3rd d.,

~, Mount Vernon, NY, Consumers Union, 1989. Chicago, IL, The Dryden Press, 1992.

2. R. A. Breafey and S. C. Myers, ~, “ “ 4th cd., 10. W. F. Sharpe and G. J. Alexander, ~ 4th cd., Etsglewood
Hightstown, NJ, McGraw-Hill, 1991. Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1990.

3. J. L. Evans and S. H. Archer, “Diversification and the Reduction of 11. M. Statrnars,“How MarryStocks Make a Diversified Portfolio?” ~
. .
D@ersion: An Empirical Anafysis,”~ (December 1968), and 0~ - (September 1987), pp. 353-363.
pp. 761-767.
12. R. A. Stevenson, E. H. Jennings, and D. Loy, ~~s of Inv~,
4. J. C. Francis, ~, 5th d., 4th cd., St. Paul, MN, West, 1988.
Hightstown, NJ, McGraw-Hilt, 1991.
13. The Rewards and Pitfalls of High Dividend Stocks, ~ Wall ~
5. D. W. French, ~, “ Columbus, OH, August 2, 1991.
Merrill, 1989.
14. B. J. Wirrgerand R. R. Frascx ~
6. L. J. Gitrnan and M. D. Joehnk, ~ of IrtvG%klg,4th d., Plar@g, 2nd cd., New York, NY, Macmillan, 1991. -
New York, NY, Harper & Row, 1990.

7. Wewould like to thank the participants at the UNLV Finance Researrh Seminar.
G-A. Hirt ad S. B Bl”~ ~. We are also gratefil to the anonymous referees and the editor, Jerry Stevens, for
3rd cd., Homewood, IL, Irwin, 1990.
their helpjid suggestions. l%e research grant from the First Interstare Bank In-
stitute for Business Leadership at UNLV is gmtefilly acknowledged
8. E. A. Moses arsdJ. M. Cheney, ~
Any error is our own responsibility.
~ St. Paul, MN, West, 1989.

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