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About The Tcs-68 Cassette Tape Channel The Controls

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The TCS-68 was made to pay homage to one of the most icon- Trim
ic cassette tape based 8-track recorders introduced in 1990, a
The trim knob allows to adjust the input signals drive level into
little while before digital multitrack recording solutions forced
the saturation stages described below. The gain range is -24
their way through into the consumer market.
thru +40 dB. Turn the knob clockwise for more saturation. The
trim gain is auto compensated for after the saturation stages
The original unit comprised a powerful 10-channel mixer that
so the perceived volume remains approximately the same. It
included a simple 3-band EQ, mic and line inputs as well as in-
only affects the signal when any of the two saturation stages is
sert loops for each channel, an 8-track recorder with an ad-
vanced noise reduction system and a clearly arranged meter
bridge. Given that it used compact cassettes as a recording
medium it's obvious that it was far from high fidelity sounding
and thus aimed at semiprofessional users and smaller studios. The overload LED indicates that your input signal is hitting the
clipping region of the currently enabled saturation stage or
The goal when creating the TCS-68 was to do justice to the ori- stages.
ginal sound. So the preamp, the tape system and the EQ have
been faithfully recreated.

EQ High Pan
The high knob controls the EQ's high shelving band in a range Use the pan knob to adjust the output signal's balance
of roughly -/+15 dB in the extreme positions. The shelving fre- between the left and right channels. This control is only avail-
quency is at 10 kHz. The high and low bands are implemented able in stereo instances of the plugin.
as an active 3rd order Baxandall network so the two bands
slightly interact in the 1 kHz region. Output fader
The output fader adjust the output level. A setting of 0 corres-
EQ Freq / EQ Mid ponds to -60 dB while 7 is equal to 0 dB gain. Turn it all the
The EQ's mid band is a proportional Q style peaking band with way up to 10 for a gain of +8 dB. The output gain is implemen-
a frequency range that can be tuned between approximately ted in a completely linear fashion so it doesn't add any colora-
220 and 5.5 kHz using the yellow mid frequency knob. Use the tion or THD unlike the Trim knob.
orange knob below it to adjust the peaking gain between
roughly -/+15 dB. Left / Right PP meters
The left and right meter bars monitor the output peak pro-
EQ Low gram levels in the -20 thru +8 dB range. Clicking the meter
The low knob lets you adjust the EQ's low shelving band from area brings up a pop-up menu in which you can select the
approximately -/+15 dB. The shelving point is at 100 Hz. meter reference level, i.e. the emulated analog signal level that

corresponds to a readout of 0 dB on the meters in dB FS. The Hiss
emulation is calibrated for -20 dB FS = -10 db V. The red region
Enable the hiss button to emulate the tape's noise floor.
above 0 dB displays peak hold indicators. The hold time is 1.7
The EQ button lets you bypass the EQ stage.
Depress the preamp button to enable the preamp emulation.
The preamp stage sounds brighter than the subsequent tape The power button lets you bypass the processing altogether.

Depress the tape button to enable the emulation of the tape
system. The tape stage adds a significant frequency response
and the distortion spectrum sounds a little warmer than the
preamp stage.



VST hosts You can test our plugins for 14 days without any restrictions.
Simply click the "Activate Trial" button in the plugin GUI after
Ctrl/CMD+Click: Reset to default
the installation to start your trial period.
Alt+Drag: Switch to circular knob mode
Shift+Drag/Mouse wheel: Fine control
To activate your full license you can purchase a product activa-
tion key on our website. The activation key will be sent to you
AU / AAX hosts
by email once the payment process has been completed, suc-
Alt+Click: Reset to default cessfully. Click "Activate plugin..." in the plugin GUI or the drop
Shift+Drag/Mouse wheel: Fine control down menu below, enter your email and product activation
key and hit the "Activate" button to proceed.

• An Intel Pentium 4 compatible CPU
• 1GB RAM An overview of Frequently Asked Questions can be found on
• Mac OS 10.8 or newer (Mac users) our website under the following link
• Windows 7 or newer (PC users)
• A display resolution of 1280x1024 pixels or more https://fuseaudiolabs.de/#faq
• A VST2, VST3, AAX or Audio Units compatible host
Our tech support can be reached via the following link


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