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6. Axillary lymph node dissection is routinely used for all of the Lots of Surgery Pamphlets
following conditions except:
A. 2-cm. pure comedo-type intraductal carcinoma.
B. 1-cm. infiltrating lobular carcinoma.
C. 8-mm. infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
D. A pure medullary cancer in the upper inner quadrant.
Answer: A
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7. Failure to perform radiation after wide excision of an invasive
cancer risks which of the following outcomes?
A. Recurrence of cancer in the ipsilateral breast.
B. Shorter survival time.
C. Regional nodal recurrence.
D. Greater chance of breast cancer mortality.
Answer: A
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radical mastectomy is appropriate, particularly if there is a great
likelihood of occult invasive disease, making axillary dissection
logical. For small foci of disease excised to clear surgical margins,
observation is an acceptable recommendation to a well-informed
patient. Several noncontrolled reviews and the National Surgical
Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) trial for intraductal
disease would indicate a greater chance of ipsilateral breast
recurrence for lumpectomy only; however, the magnitude of the risk
is small, and survival is excellent and unaffected. The only mode of
treatment that cannot be recommended for routine management is
leaving residual disease in the breast and treating only with radiation.
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breast radiation therapy for LCIS. Most surgical oncologists
recommend close follow-up for patients who have LCIS only; the
alternative surgical treatment that makes most sense is bilateral
simple mastectomies, with or without reconstruction.
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if the recurrence rate is 10%, the absolute difference between treated
and control groups will be less than 5%. This means that many
patients need to be exposed to the risks and side effects of
chemotherapy to benefit a very small number. This kind of thinking is
currently used to decide who should receive adjuvant chemotherapy
after primary treatment (mastectomy or lumpectomy).
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vein. Extensive postmastectomy defects necessitate the use of the
larger rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap, which is based on the
superior epigastric vessels. A “free” microvascular rectus abdominis
or other myocutaneous flaps may be used. The thoracodorsal or
anterior serratus vessels can usually be anastomosed to the inferior
epigastric vessels of the rectus abdominis flap.
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immediate free nipple grafting.
The breast abuts against the fascia of the pectoralis major and
serratus anterior muscles. Projections of the fascia course through
the breast to the skin, forming a supporting framework of the breast
parenchyma. These fascial bands, called suspensory ligaments of
Cooper, are better developed in the upper breast. The structure of
the breast can be divided into lobular and ductal elements. The lobule
is the functional unit of the breast. Within a lobule, the terminal
elongated tubular ducts are referred to as alveoli. Ten to one hundred
alveoli coalesce to form a larger duct which defines a lobular unit. The
lobular ducts join to form progressively larger ducts and ultimately an
excretory duct. The alveolar ducts, lobular ducts, and excretory ducts
are all lined with either cuboidal or columnar epithelium. Eventually,
10-20 excretory ducts, each dilate into a short excretory sinus (lined
with squamous epithelium) just beneath the areola. Excretory ducts
then course perpendicular to exit through the nipple.
The lymphatic anatomy of the breast is of interest to the surgeon
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because of the tendency of breast cancer to involve the regional
lymph nodes. Studies using radioactive tracers demonstrate at least
97% of lymphatic flow from the breast is into the axilla; the remainder
courses into the internal mammary nodes. These studies also show
that lymph flowing into the internal mammary gland chain is not
restricted in origin to the medial half and sub-areolar region of the
breast, as was thought, but can originate in any quadrant of the
breast. In the axilla, lymphatic vessels terminate in the lymph nodes
embedded within the axillary fat pad. Also within the axillary fat pad
are the intercostal brachial nerves (a sensory nerve supply in the
under arm), the long thoracic nerve (a motor nerve to the serratus
anterior and subscapularis muscles) and the thoracodorsal nerve (a
motor nerve to the latissimus dorsi adjacent to its accompanying
arteries and veins).
14. Which of the following statement (s) is/are true concerning the
recurrence of breast cancer?
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recur at any time. However, of those who relapse, 50% to 70% do
within two years and over 85% relapse within five years. More than
70% of recurrences are distant, but anywhere from 10% to 30% of
recurrences are local. Bone and lung are the most common initial sites
of distant relapse (50% and 25%), respectively. A breast-conserving
procedure can be associated with a local tumor recurrence rate. The
rate of local recurrence falls from 40% to 10% if postoperative
radiation therapy is given to the entire breast. Despite potentially
curative resection, at least 20% of node-negative and 60% of node-
positive breast cancer patients have recurrence of their disease at
some time after surgery.
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mammographically are not palpable. Conversely, palpation recognizes
10%–20% of tumors not detectable mammographically. The incidence
of breast cancer begins to rise sharply at age 40, and the sensitivity
of mammograms increases with age as the dense parenchymal tissue
of young women is progressively replaced by fatty tissue. Routine
screening mammography has been shown to decrease breast cancer-
related mortality in asymptomatic women over the age of 50.
Controversy exists concerning the role of screening in younger
woman. However, currently the American Cancer Society recommends
that mammographic screening begin at age 40. Although sensitive,
mammography is not specific. Only about 25% of nonpalpable lesions
detected mammographically are found to be malignant at biopsy. A
spiculated density with ill-defined margins on mammogram is almost
certainly malignant. Most commonly, features are seen that are
suggestive but not diagnostic of cancer. These include clustered
microcalcifications, asymmetric density, ductal asymmetry, and
distortion of normal breast architecture and/or skin or nipple
a. The total dose given to the breast is usually in the range of 2500 to
3000 cGy
b. Radiation to the axillary nodal bed is normally part of the procedure
in most patients
c. Long-term complications of radiation therapy include rib fractures
and arm edema
d. Breast edema and skin erythema usually resolves within a few
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e. None of the above
Answer: c
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Answer: a, b, d
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Pathologic staging begins with the initial biopsy. Unless previously
secured, fresh tumor needs to be obtained for hormone receptor
analysis prior to placement into formalin solution. A period of warm
ischemia as short as 30 minutes may cause underestimation of
estrogen receptor levels. The need to remove axillary nodes must be
determined preoperatively. Axillary lymph node metastasis will be
found in approximately one-third of clinically negative axillae, but
only if proper axillary dissection is performed. Removal of only level I
nodes or “sampling” of axillary lymph nodes in a haphazard fashion
increases the risk of injury to major axillary neurovascular structures
and may understage up to 25% of women. Proper staging of axillary
lymph nodes should include en bloc removal and examination of level I
and level II nodes. When conducted for staging, axillary lymph node
dissection should not include removal of level III axillary nodes; in
fewer than 2% are metastases present in level III nodes when level I
and level II nodes are negative. Removal of level III nodes, however,
does increase the incidence of postoperative arm lymph edema
almost fivefold. Therapeutic axillary lymph node dissection performed
for palpable disease in the axilla should include removal of all levels to
clear gross disease.
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d. Milk production and secretion after childbirth are maintained by
ongoing secretion of prolactin by the anterior pituitary gland
Answer: b, d
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secretion of prolactin by the anterior pituitary.
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21. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning
intraductal papilloma?
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c. The mass should always be excised
d. The lesion should be considered pre-malignant
Answer: b
a. Nulliparity
b. Oophorectomy before age 35
c. Use of oral contraceptives
d. High-fat, high-caloric diet
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e. Post-menopausal use of conjugated estrogens
Answer: a, d
Age more than 30 y
Female gender (130:1 female/male ratio)
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Radiation—exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation in childhood or
Previous breast cancer—low-grade, node-negative, or receptor-
positive; lobular histology
Other cancers—colon or endometrial cancer
Diet—high-fat or high-calorie diet
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characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance with a high degree
of penetrance. Almost 60% of women inheriting the gene will develop
breast cancer by age 50, and a lifelong risk approaches 85%. Another
breast cancer susceptibility gene, dubbed BRCA 2, has been localized
by linkage analysis to a small region of chromosome 13q12-13. BRCA
2 apparently confers the high-risk of early onset female breast
cancer. Similar to BRCA 1, the lifetime breast cancer risk approaches
90% in carriers of this gene.
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26. Which of the following treatment(s) is/are of proven benefit in
the treatment of mastodynia associated with fibrocystic breast
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young women, oral contraceptives have a variable effect on
mastodynia. A trial and error search for optimal preparations may be
necessary as the effect of oral contraceptives is dependent on the
formulation of the pill.
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synthetic prostheses to recreate a breast mound. Prosthetic
reconstruction is usually accomplished by sub-pectoral placement of a
saline-or silicone gel-filled implant. Maintenance of an effective sub-
pectoral pocket for an implant requires preservation of the pectoralis
fascia and the medial pectoral nerve during mastectomy. The
transferase rectus abdominous myocutaneous (TRAM) flap is the
autogenous reconstruction of choice. The TRAM operation is complex
and time consuming. Despite the magnitude of the procedure, it is
still commonly used for immediate reconstruction.
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appellation of scirrhous carcinoma. A number of less common types of
breast cancer arise from the ductal epithelium and are hence
classified as variants of invasive ductal carcinoma. There are distinct
histologic criteria for classifying these lesions; these criteria must be
met throughout the entire tumor. Prognostically, histologically pure
examples of these variant tumors are associated with a better long-
term survival than ordinary type invasive ductal carcinoma. When
mixed histologies are encountered, the clinical behavior parallels that
of the invasive ductal element, not the other sub-type. Hence, these
mixed tumors are considered together with pure invasive ductal
carcinoma for prognostic purposes. In many cases, when areas of in
situ ductal carcinoma are seen, the presence of an in situ component
does not adversely affect prognosis, although it jeopardizes the
attempts at breast conservation. Medullary carcinoma is one of the
more common variants, accounting for approximately 6% of all
invasive breast cancers. These tumors may grow to be a rather large
size within the breast (5 to 10 cm) and are characteristically well-
circumscribed. Mucinous carcinoma, also referred as colloid
carcinoma, is encountered in 1% to 2% of breast cancer cases.
Invasive lobular carcinoma arises from the lobular component of the
breast and in most series accounts for approximately 10% of breast
cancers. Almost every series has stressed the higher incidence of
bilateral cancer in patients with invasive lobular carcinoma. The
contralateral breast is involved either synchronously (3% of patients)
or metachronously in up to 30% of patients.
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b. Total mastectomy is necessary for all patients with this diagnosis
c. Axillary lymph node dissection is not necessary for malignant
cystosarcoma phyllodes
d. Most patients with the malignant variant of cystosarcoma phyllodes
die of metastatic disease
Answer: c
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initial site of failure following mastectomy is similar for node-
negative and node-positive patients
b. Most patients with local-regional recurrence of their disease will
eventually die of metastatic disease
c. The treatment of local recurrence following mastectomy includes
local radiation therapy and systemic chemotherapy
d. In-breast recurrence following breast conserving surgery is not a
negative prognostic factor
e. Regional lymph node recurrence following axillary node dissection is
Answer: a, b, c, e
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axillary node dissection.
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Adjuvant tamoxifen leads to a prolonged disease-free interval in
post-menopausal ER-positive women with histologically positive nodes
and in pre-menopausal and post-menopausal ER-positive women with
negative nodes. Because of similar results and, because tamoxifen is
generally less toxic than chemotherapy, this treatment is the
treatment of choice for post-menopausal, node-positive, ER-positive
women. CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil) is
associated with both a longer disease-free survival and overall
survival time in pre-menopausal patients with positive lymph nodes.
In post-menopausal women with positive nodes, there is an improved
disease-free survival, but there is no significant difference in overall
survival. Several trials of adjuvant chemotherapy with CMF or related
regimens have been conducted in node-negative patients. The early
results of all of these trials have been similar: disease-free survival is
definitely improved with adjuvant chemotherapy. These studies are
definitely not mature enough to draw definitive conclusions regarding
overall survival. Therefore, the National Cancer Institute has
recommended the use of adjuvant chemotherapy for all patients with
tumors large enough to have hormonal receptor levels measured.
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radiographically detected lesions
Answer: b
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a. A needle localization and excision of the mass is necessary to
establish the diagnosis
b. Frozen-section examination is particularly useful in the diagnosis
of this lesion
c. Intense interlobular fibrosis and proliferation of small ductules with
loss of orientation of lobules and epithelial cells may suggest
d. This finding is associated with an increased risk of cancer
Answer: a, c
35. Which of the following conclusion(s) can be drawn from the results
of the NSABP prospective randomized trials completed in the 1970’s
and 1980’s?
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b. Removal of clinically negative nodes has no therapeutic benefit
c. Breast irradiation reduces both local recurrence and overall survival
d. Modified radical mastectomy offers no advantage of lumpectomy
with axillary node dissection
Answer: a, b, d
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a. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is associated with a significant risk
of development of invasive ductal carcinoma in the same quadrant of
the same breast as the initial lesion
b. DCIS should not be treated with breast conservation therapy
c. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is the most common form of non-
invasive breast cancer
d. When LCIS is found, there is an up to 50% chance of lobular
carcinoma in situ of the contralateral breast
e. About one-third of patients with biopsy-proven LCIS develop
invasive cancer, always of the same breast
Answer: a, d
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the disease-free survival following lumpectomy and radiation therapy
is worse than that achievable with simple mastectomy. Therefore,
breast conservation for DCIS commits patients to more careful long-
term follow-up and will likely subject them to additional subsequent
treatment to deal with the recurrences. Lobular carcinoma in situ
(LCIS) accounts for one-third of the non-invasive breast cancers. LCIS
patients are significantly younger than patients with invasive breast
cancer. Three-fourths of affected women are pre-menopausal. LCIS is
an infrequent finding in women over 75. When the opposite breast is
sampled at the time of diagnosis, contralateral LCIS is found in 30–
50% of cases. The prognosis of LCIS is solely related to the
subsequent development of invasive carcinoma. About one-third of
patients with biopsy-demonstrated LCIS develop invasive cancer; half
occur in the index breast and half in the contralateral breast. The
subsequent breast cancers can be either lobular or ductal in histology.
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most common physiologic basis for nipple discharge is lactation. Milk
may continue to be secreted intermittently for as long as two years
after breast feeding has stopped, particularly with breast stimulation.
A milky whitish discharge, usually bilateral, that is not related to
lactation or breast stimulation is termed “galactorrhea.” The
presence of bilateral galactorrhea should prompt an evaluation for
underlying endocrinopathy causing increased prolactin secretion by
the pituitary. Classically, this is associated with amenorrhea, but
galactorrhea may be the only sign of hypoprolactinemia. Nipple
discharges associated with fibrocystic disease are generally, green,
yellow, or brown, Intraductal papillomas and cancer lead to a bloody or
blood-tinged serous discharge. The brownish discharge of fibrocystic
disease can easily be confused with old blood. A guaiac test or simply
dabbing the discharge with a gauze pad and examining the stain can
usually differentiate the two. A bloody or blood-tinged discharge must
be promptly evaluated to exclude carcinoma. If the discharge is
expressible at the time the patient is seen, a contrast ductogram may
be obtained.
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clinical syndrome include breast warmth, tenderness, erythema, and
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