OpenDSS CtrlQueue Interface PDF

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OpenDSS COM Documentation

CtrlQueue Interface
Sept 2012
Updated Mar 2015

The CtrlQueue interface contains properties and methods for interactions between
internal DSS control objects and control algorithms written in programs driving the
OpenDSS program through its interface.

DSS Control Queue

The OpenDSS program has an internal control dispatching process implemented as a
queue of action requests at specified times. This control queue is primarily for managing
discrete controls such as tap-changing voltage regulators and switched capacitors that can
have delayed actions. For example, when a voltage regulator goes out of band, it pushes a
message on the Control Queue with a requested time for a tap-changing action. This
simulates starting the timer in the control. When the requested time is reached, the
message is sent back to the regulator, which decides at that time whether or not it really
needs to change taps. This simulates the timer expiring and putting a signal on an AND
gate with the out-of-band signal, which is the way some regulator controls work.

Continuous controls generally act directly on variables within the program and any delay
is accomplished through time integration. Continuous controls are primarily used in
dynamics simulations while discrete controls are mainly for sequential power flow
simulations. They are often implemented by user-written DLLs.

The Control Queue gets populated after a converged solution is achieved. All of the
control objects currently enabled in the circuit are polled. If they determine that they need
to make a delayed change, they will push a control action onto the Control Queue using
codes that are unique to each class of control object. When it comes time to execute the
action, the OpenDSS pops the appropriate control actions off the Control Queue and
dispatches each of them to the appropriate control handler (a virtual function called
DoPendingAction in the module that pushed the action code onto the control queue).

The CtrlQueue COM interface instantiates a proxy that provides a DoPendingAction

function to the OpenDSS and, thus imitates an internal OpenDSS control object.

COM Interface Control Proxy

The COM interface contains a proxy for any control objects that might be implemented in
some program external to the OpenDSS and driving the OpenDSS through the COM
interface. The COM Control Proxy contains an Action List that contains a list of actions
that have been popped off the OpenDSS Control Queue (see Figure 1) and sent back to
the module that pushed the message onto the control queue. User-written control

algorithms should check this List and execute the requested action, if it is still appropriate
to do so.

The Action List dispatches control requests using a Device Handle and an Action Code.
Controls implemented in external languages via the COM interface should be associated
with a particular user-assigned Device Handle for dispatching by the COM Control Proxy
object. At this time, Device Handles and Action Codes are defined in the external user-
written code, but a future version may also employ handles and codes managed by the

Typically, an external control would step through the solution one step at a time. After
achieving a converged circuit solution, the control would execute the functions that
sample the quantities of interest. It could then Push any control actions onto the
OpenDSS Control Queue and rely on the OpenDSS to dispatch the control. The
OpenDSS would know the action request came from the COM Control Proxy and
dispatch any actions back to the Proxy where they are accumulated in the Action Queue.
The user-written control would then be responsible for checking the Action List, setting
the Active Action (directly or by popping off the list in sequence), and then dispatching
the action code to the proper control algorithm.

All discrete external controls with time-delayed actions should employ the OpenDSS
Control Queue for proper synchronization with other active controllers in the circuit.
When the time comes to execute an action, external controls may act directly upon circuit
objects through the COM interface. For example, if a user-written relay control
determines that a device terminal needs to be opened, it can do so through either the text
interface or the CktElement interface.

Note that accessing most of these properties and methods without an active circuit
defined will result in no action.

COM Interface Control Proxy Operation

COM Interface


USER CODE Action List



DSS Control Queue

Action Code
Proxy Handle
Control Addr

Figure 1. Illustration of how the COM Control Proxy interacts with the DSS Control Queue


NumActions:Integer (Read only)

Returns the number of actions in the COM Control Proxy Action List. Check this value to
see if the OpenDSS control queue has popped any actions off the list that are destined for
the user-written control.

Action(Index: Integer): (Write Only)

One way to set which of the Actions in the Action List is the Active Action. Sets it by
index value after checking to make sure that Index is within the valid range (based on
NumActions). This is a zero-based index - the first element in the Action List is index 0.

ActionCode: Integer: (Read Only)

Action Code for the Active Action in the COM Control Proxy Action List. Use this to
determine what the user-defined controls are supposed to do. Can be any long (32-bit)
integer of the programmer’s choosing and is the same value that the control pushed onto
the control queue earlier.

DeviceHandle:Integer (Read only)

Returns a handle to the user’s control device from the Active Action. The user-written
code driving the COM interface may support more than one control element as necessary
to perform the simulation. This handle is an index returned to the user program that lets
the program know which control is to perform the active action.

PopAction: Integer (Read Only)

Sets the Active Action by popping the next action off the COM Control Proxy action list.
Returns zero when there are no more actions to pop.

Function ClearQueue: HResult;
This clears all actions from the DSS Control Queue. The return value is always zero.

Function Delete (ActionHandle: Integer): HResult

Deletes an Action from the DSS Control Queue by the handle that is returned when the
action is added. (The Push function returns the handle.) The return value is always zero.

Function Push (Hour: Integer; Seconds: Double; ActionCode: Integer;

DeviceHandle: Integer): HResult;
Pushes an Action onto the DSS Control Queue. The return value is the handle to the
action on the queue. Specify the time of the requested action in Hour, Seconds. Push an
ActionCode that is meaningful to the user-written control object. DeviceHandle is a user-
defined handle (a 32-bit Integer) to the control object that will be used to dispatch the

control action to the proper control device managed by the user-written code when the
Action is popped off the Control Queue. The DSS will automatically return this handle to
the control proxy in the COM interface when the action is popped.

The actual internal DSS Control Queue Push function passes one more argument not
shown in this COM interface method. For internal control objects, it is the Self variable;
for any control model coming through the COM interface, it is the address of the
COMControlProxyObj variable. When an action destined for the user-written code is
popped off the DSS Control Queue, the COMControlProxyObj.DoPendingAction
function is called. This dispatches the action message to the Action List in the user-
written code. Then the user-written code must decipher it.

Function Show: HResult;

This function executes the procedure inside the OpenDSS to show a text file in CSV form
containing the present contents of the DSS Control Queue. The return value is always

When this command is complete the Result property of the Text interface contains the
name of the file, which you may use for further processing. (The Result property must be
accessed before doing anything else or it will disappear.)

Function ClearActions: HResult;

This clears all actions from the Control Proxy’s Action List (they are popped off the list).
The return value is always zero.

Example 1

The following MATLAB snippet demonstrates how to execute a single solution by

performing the solution and control sampling separately. After polling all the control
elements (SampleControlDevices) the contents of the CtrlQueue are displayed. This
example uses the IEEE 123 bus test feeder.
[DSSStartOK, DSSObj, DSSText] = DSSStartup;
if DSSStartOK
DSSText.command='Compile (C:\opendss\IEEETestCases\123Bus\IEEE123Master.dss)';

% Set up the interface variables


DSSText.Command='Set MaxControlIter=30';

DSSSolution.SolveNoControl; % solve power flow with no control sampling or actions

disp(['Result=' DSSText.Result])
if DSSSolution.Converged
a = 'Solution Converged';
a = 'Solution did not Converge';


DSSText.Command='Export Voltages';

DSSCircuit.CtrlQueue.Show; % show the contents of the control queue
DSSSolution.DoControlActions; % execute the control actions
DSSCircuit.CtrlQueue.Show; % see what is left on the queue

a = 'DSS Did Not Start'

Example 2 (requires or later)

Here is a VBA macro for Excel that implements a capacitor control based on voltage. It
uses the DSS script below that describes a simple circuit with a 4-step capacitor. It starts
off turning all steps off and then increments load (using the Loadmult option) until all
steps turn on because the voltage goes low. Then it reverses direction on the load
multiplier until all steps turn off because the voltage goes too high. In Excel VBA, the
output will show up in the “Immediate Window” (ctrl-G will open it).
Option Explicit

' VBA code for Excel

Public DSSobj As OpenDSSengine.DSS

Public DSSText As OpenDSSengine.Text
Public DSSCircuit As OpenDSSengine.Circuit
Public DSSSolution As OpenDSSengine.Solution
Public DSSControlQueue As OpenDSSengine.CtrlQueue
Public DSSCktElement As OpenDSSengine.CktElement
Public DSSPDElement As OpenDSSengine.PDElements
Public DSSMeters As OpenDSSengine.Meters
Public DSSBus As OpenDSSengine.Bus
Public DSSCmath As OpenDSSengine.CmathLib
Public DSSParser As OpenDSSengine.Parser
Public DSSIsources As OpenDSSengine.ISources
Public DSSMonitors As OpenDSSengine.Monitors

' Execute this first

Public Sub StartDSS()

' Create a new instance of the DSS

Set DSSobj = New OpenDSSengine.DSS

' Start the DSS

If Not DSSobj.Start(0) Then
MsgBox "DSS Failed to Start"
' MsgBox "DSS Started successfully"
' Assign a variable to each of the interfaces for easier access
Set DSSText = DSSobj.Text
Set DSSCircuit = DSSobj.ActiveCircuit
Set DSSSolution = DSSCircuit.Solution
Set DSSControlQueue = DSSCircuit.CtrlQueue
Set DSSCktElement = DSSCircuit.ActiveCktElement
Set DSSPDElement = DSSCircuit.PDElements
Set DSSMeters = DSSCircuit.Meters
Set DSSBus = DSSCircuit.ActiveBus
Set DSSCmath = DSSobj.CmathLib
Set DSSParser = DSSobj.Parser
Set DSSIsources = DSSCircuit.ISources

Set DSSMonitors = DSSCircuit.Monitors

Range("DSSVersion").Value = "Version: " + DSSobj.Version

End If

End Sub

Public Sub TestCtrlQueue()

' Example of implementing a simple voltage control for Capacitors via the COM interface

Dim hour As Long, secDelay As Double

' Run simple capacitor interface test and execute local cap control that emulates
' with these settings:
' PT=125.09 Type=voltage onsetting=118.8 offsetting=121.2

Dim DSSCapacitors As OpenDSSengine.Capacitors

Set DSSCapacitors = DSSCircuit.Capacitors ' set a variable to the Capacitors

' this test case has a four-step capacitor bank named "cap" and can be found in the
Test Folder

DSSText.Command = "Compile

' Set all capacitor steps open for first capacitor

Dim i As Long, iCap As Long, iStates(1 To 10) As Variant
Dim strValue As String

iCap = DSSCapacitors.First ' should check iCap for >0

For i = 1 To DSSCapacitors.NumSteps
iStates(i) = 0
Next i
DSSCapacitors.States = iStates ' push over the interface to OpenDSS

' check to make sure it worked

DSSText.Command = "? Capacitor.Cap.States"
strValue = "Starting Capacitor Step States=" + DSSText.Result ' should be [0 0 0 0]
Debug.Print strValue

' Base solution


' Each message we push onto the queue will get a 5 s delay
hour = 0
secDelay = 5 ' delay

Dim V As Variant ' for getting bus voltages

Dim PTratio As Double, Vreg As Double
Dim ONsetting As Double, OFFsetting As Double
Dim ActionCodeAdd As Long, DeviceHandle As Long, ActionCodeSub As Long

PTratio = 125.09 ' for 26 kV system

ONsetting = 118.8
OFFsetting = 121.2
ActionCodeAdd = 201 ' just an arbitrary action code
ActionCodeSub = 202 ' just another arbitrary action code
DeviceHandle = 123 ' arbitrary handle that signifies this control

' now, we'll crank the load up in 10% steps, checking the voltage at each step
' until all cap steps are on (no more available)

i = 0
Do While DSSCapacitors.AvailableSteps > 0

i = i + 1
DSSSolution.LoadMult = 1# + i * 0.1 ' 10% more each time
DSSSolution.SampleControlDevices ' sample all other controls

' Emulate the cap control Sample Routine and get the bus voltage
DSSCircuit.SetActiveBus "feedbus"
V = DSSBus.VMagAngle
' check the first phase magnitude
Vreg = V(0) / PTratio
Debug.Print "Step "; i; " Voltage="; Vreg; " LoadMult="; DSSSolution.LoadMult
If Vreg < ONsetting Then ' push a message to bump up the number of steps
DSSControlQueue.Push hour, secDelay, ActionCodeAdd, DeviceHandle
End If

DSSSolution.DoControlActions ' this sends actions to the local action list

If DSSControlQueue.NumActions > 0 Then

Do While DSSControlQueue.PopAction > 0

Select Case DSSControlQueue.DeviceHandle

Case 123
iCap = DSSCapacitors.First ' Sets designated capacitor active
End Select

Select Case DSSControlQueue.ActionCode

Case 201
Case 202

End Select

' Print result

DSSText.Command = "? Capacitor." + DSSCapacitors.Name + ".States"
Debug.Print "Capacitor " + DSSCapacitors.Name + " States=" +

End If


' Now let's reverse Direction and start removing steps

Do While DSSCapacitors.AvailableSteps < DSSCapacitors.NumSteps

i = i - 1
DSSSolution.LoadMult = 1# + i * 0.1 ' 10% more each time
DSSSolution.SampleControlDevices ' sample all other controls

' Emulate the cap control Sample Routine and get the bus voltage
DSSCircuit.SetActiveBus "feedbus"
V = DSSBus.VMagAngle
' check the first phase magnitude
Vreg = V(0) / PTratio
Debug.Print "Step "; i; " Voltage="; Vreg; " LoadMult="; DSSSolution.LoadMult
If Vreg > OFFsetting Then ' push a message to bump down the number of steps
DSSControlQueue.Push hour, secDelay, ActionCodeSub, DeviceHandle
End If

DSSSolution.DoControlActions ' this send actions to the local action list

If DSSControlQueue.NumActions > 0 Then

Do While DSSControlQueue.PopAction > 0

Select Case DSSControlQueue.DeviceHandle

Case 123
iCap = DSSCapacitors.First ' Sets designated capacitor active
End Select

Select Case DSSControlQueue.ActionCode

Case 201
Case 202

End Select

' Print result

DSSText.Command = "? Capacitor." + DSSCapacitors.Name + ".States"
Debug.Print "Capacitor " + DSSCapacitors.Name + " States=" +

End If


End Sub

The DSS script for the circuit (from the Test folder).

New Circuit.CapInterface
~ basekv=161 pu=1.05 angle=0.0 freq=60.0 phases=3

!************** Begin Transformers **************!

new transformer.TR1 phases=3 windings=2 buses=(genbus,feedbus) conns=(delta,wye)
~ kvs=(161,26) kvas=(42000,42000) XHL=9.049 %r=0.2961
new transformer.TR2 phases=3 windings=2 buses=(genbus,feedbus) conns=(delta,wye)
~ kvs=(161,26) kvas=(42000,42000) XHL=8.26 %r=0.2877
!************** End Transformers **************!

!************** Begin Lines **************!

! R and X are real values Base V=161kV
! Assumed zero sequence R and X is 3X positive sequence
NEW line.line1 bus1=sourcebus bus2=genbus R1=0.9357 X1=6.9987 R0=2.8071 X0=20.9961
!************** End Lines **************!

!************** Begin Capacitors **************!

New Capacitor.Cap Bus1=feedbus phases=3 kv=26 numsteps=4 kvar=[5400 5400 5400 5400]
// New CapControl.CapCtrl element=transformer.TR2 terminal=2 capacitor=Cap
// ~ PT=125.09 Type=voltage onsetting=118.8 offsetting=121.2
!************** End Capacitors **************!

!************** Begin Loads **************!

!2006 Med. Summer Extreme Pk Forecast, updated PF to match PSS/E data
New Load.Load_TH_Summer bus1=feedbus phases=3 kv=26 kw=57000 pf=0.95 model=1
!************** End Loads **************!

Set voltagebases=[161 26]


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