A Mine Planning Model

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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3

A Mine Planning Model Using a Modified Greedy Algorithm

J.E. Everett

Faculty of Economics and Commerce, University of Western Australia, Nedlands 6009

[email protected]


Planning an iron ore mine uses a rectangular block model, from exploration drilling. The
objective is to produce ore close to target grade vector through the life of the mine, without
rehandling and blending. The target grade includes iron and also contaminants, phosphorus,
silica and alumina. While maintaining the grade objective, the mining sequence must be
technically feasible, removing overlying material in sequence, with walls within a safe height.

The problem is NP hard, with astronomically many feasible sequences for mining several
thousand ore blocks. The unattainable global optimum necessitates a “satisficing” mining

The multiple-grade objective is recast as minimising a single dimensionless “stress” measure.

Viewing feasible mining as a sequence of “Available Block Lists” (ABLs), a greedy algorithm
trims each ABL for a short-term optimum. The greedy algorithm does not immediately yield a
long-term optimum, but it can be modified to provide a long-term satisficing solution.


An open pit mine is planned from exploration data. Samples collected during exploration drilling
are assayed to evaluate the mineral grade and its distribution. The mineral grade is generally a
vector of multiple components, comprising the mineral or minerals of value, plus relevant
contaminants. For example, with an iron ore mine the grade vector includes not only iron but
also the major contaminants silica, alumina and phosphorus, which affect the behaviour of the
ore when fed into a blast furnace.

The source data comprise assay values of samples taken from the exploratory drill holes, which
are usually widely spaced across the proposed mine site. Standard geo-statistical techniques are
used to create a block model, a rectangular grid of uniform spacing in each of the three
dimensions. Vulcan (2008) is a commercial computer package for creating block models.

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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3

Hustrulid and Kuchta (2006) discuss the planning of an open pit mine. Essentially, the problem is
to design a mining sequence that maximises the expected value of the mine, where the expected
value is the net present value of the revenue for the extracted ore, minus the costs of extraction
and restoration of the site. Atael and Osanloo (2003) and Cacetta and Hill (2003) discuss aspects
of this problem.

Given a rectangular block model, each block can be characterised as either ore or waste.
Typically ore is defined as material satisfying a cut-off vector grade (for example, above a
minimum value in iron, and below minimum values in the contaminants silica, alumina and
phosphorus). The mine planning problem is then to devise a mining sequence so that marketable
ore is delivered through the life of the mine, to maximise the mine’s lifetime value.

At any stage during the mining process, there will be an Available Block List (ABL), which is
the set of ore blocks each of which can be accessed without first removing any other ore blocks.
For a feasible mine plan, each ore block mined is within the current ABL, with the ABL being
revised after the removal of the block. Selection of the optimal sequence is NP hard (like the
travelling salesman problem). For example, a moderate sized project might have 9,000 ore
blocks, with a typical ABL of 300 blocks. So each of the 9,000 blocks mined is taken from about
300 choices. The number of feasible mine sequences is therefore of the order of 3009000, or 10 to
the twenty thousand. Clearly these cannot all be enumerated, and the problem is not continuous,
because each choice made can discontinuously alter the following choices that become available.
Accordingly, whatever the objective function, no solution can be assuredly optimal.

The problem is further complicated by the following considerations:

1) The block model grade values are, at best, estimates, with statistical uncertainty

2) The distinction between ore blocks and waste blocks is not clear-cut. An apparently waste
block may be useable as ore if it can be combined with rich ore blocks.

3) The composition that can be produced may vary over the life of the mine. This is highly likely,
because the ore composition usually varies with depth, and the mine will tend to reach greater
depths through its life.

4) The mine output may be blended with output of different composition, from other mines.

5) The composition required by market demand is not uniquely defined: a range of products
might be marketable, at a range of prices that may vary over the life of the mine.

6) The composition supplied by competitors’ is also not defined uniquely and may also vary over
the life of the mine.

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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3

The optimally marketable composition is potentially a compromise between the above six

Given the market uncertainties and statistical variation, it is unreasonable to seek a hard and fast
mine plan. Instead, an adaptive planning method is required, which can be revised continually as
the mine and market unfold.

From experience, mine planning as practiced suffers two major deficiencies:

Feasible Path

There tends to be an assessment of the whole mine value, without adequate consideration of the
feasible path by which it is to be achieved.

Grade Quality

Choice of material to be mined is commonly based on constraints. For example, a mineral grade
will typically have a target value and a tolerance. Ore just within tolerance and ore spot on target
are treated as equally acceptable, but ore just outside tolerance is rejected. Because of statistical
error, ore just outside tolerance could actually be just within, and vice versa. Treating tolerance
as a constraint is in effect applying vertical walls, with the requirement that each mineral lies
within its tolerance range (see Figure 1).

The method to be described treats tolerance as a continuum, so that instead of vertical walls we
have a U-shaped continuum, with the requirement that the grade lies preferably close to the
bottom of the U. Thus, the tolerance constraint is replaced by a tolerance-based objective

This paper outlines a method to identify a feasible quasi-optimal mine plan by establishing an
objective function for the grade vector, and applying a greedy algorithm to link together a series
of selection steps. The method enables adaptive plans, since the model can be re-run with
different target grade vectors, which may be time variant across the life of the mine.


Let the ore have grade vector X = {Xk}, where k = 1 ... K represent the minerals of concern.
Consider a target grade vector T, with a tolerance of +/-t. The objective could be defined as
producing a stream of ore with composition lying in the range T+/-t. This constraint-based
approach is often applied in practice, but suffers from three deficiencies: grade estimates are
subject to error, the grade components have to be given a priority order, and the method is
essentially discontinuous and therefore unstable.

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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3

Stress as an Objective Function

A preferable approach is to define an objective function “Total Stress”, to be minimised.

For a grade vector X, we define its total stress “S” as a vector with dimensionless components:

S2 = (X-T)/t |S|2 = |(X-T)/t|2 = ∑[(Xk-Tk)/tk]2 (1)

Figure 1 shows the difference between using the target and tolerance to define a smooth
objective function instead of using the tolerances discontinuously as constraints. Each mineral
component’s contribution to the total stress function is squared, so departure from target adds a
U-shaped contribution to Total Stress, as shown.

Contribution to
Constraint Stress Function
Stress Function
Allowed Range Increasing Stress Increasing Stress

Lower Limit Target Upper Limit Target­Tolerance Target Target+Tolerance

Figure 1: Tolerance as a Constraint, or to Define an Objective Function

The Total Stress provides an objective function, to be minimised over the life of the mine. If the
Total Stress is kept below 1.0, then no mineral grade will fall outside its tolerance range. If four
component grades were at their tolerance limits, then the Total Stress would be 2.0.

This leaves the timing unresolved, because short-term grade optimisation may be achieved at the
cost of greater future stress.

There is also the question as to what tonnage of ore the stress is to be measured over. Clearly,
small tonnages will show more grade variability than large tonnages. If there were no serial
correlation in variability, then the squared stress would decline in proportion to the tonnage over
which it is averaged, though in practice positive serial correlation generally causes the stress to
decline more slowly with tonnage. Ore is generally stockpiled, or handled in large shipments, so
we need to control the stress smoothed over such parcels. A moving average could be used, but
an exponentially smoothed average is better behaved. Everett (2007) discusses this issue.
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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3

Selecting Ore from the Available Block List

At each point in the mine’s life, we have an Available Block List (ABL) of all the ore blocks that
could each be mined without any other ore block being removed. Figure 2 illustrates the
definition of an ABL. The ABL comprises all the Live Ore blocks that can be mined without
removing any other ore blocks. Dead Ore blocks are unavailable because either they are
overlayed by other ore blocks, or extraction would create walls more than one block high.

Figure 3 shows how the removal of Live Ore revises the ABL.

Waste Waste
Waste Waste Waste Waste
Waste Waste Waste Live Ore Waste Leave
Leave Live Ore Dead Ore Dead Ore Leave Leave
Figure 2: The Live Ore Blocks Comprise the Available Block List (ABL)

Waste Waste
Waste Waste Waste Waste
Waste Waste Waste Mined Ore Waste Leave
Leave Live Ore Live Ore Live Ore Leave Leave
Figure 3: Mining an Ore Blocks Revises the ABL

A Real Example

The discussion will be illustrated by a real iron ore prospect, for which the mine plan had to be
based upon about 9,000 ore blocks. For the present discussion, the target grade will be taken as
the mine life average composition of the ore blocks, so the problem is essentially to examine
whether the mine could operate at constant grade output through its lifetime. This is only the first
step in mine planning, but we will see how the method to be described can be applied iteratively
to develop a time variant mine plan.

Extracting Complete ABLs

The simplest mine plan would be to mine the first ABL, creating a second ABL which can be
mined exposing a third ABL, and so on until the mine is exhausted.

Figure 4 shows the total stress history over the life of the mine, if this policy were followed. It is
clear that such a simple policy is unacceptable. Mineral grades would be well outside their
tolerance limits early and late in the mine life.

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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3

Total Stress, Complete ABLs Mined

Ore Mined, Mt
0 50 100 150 200

Figure 4: Total Stress over the Mine Life, Mining Complete ABLs

Figure 5: Trimming the First ABL (116 Live Ore Blocks)

Using a Greedy Algorithm

In the example being considered, the first ABL comprises 116 ore blocks. Aggregating all 116
blocks gives a Total Stress of about 4.0. Of the 116 blocks, remove the block whose removal
minimises the Total Stress of the remaining 115 blocks. This process can be repeated,
successively trimming the remaining portion of the ABL so as to minimise its Total Stress at each
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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3

step. Figure 5 shows the resulting decline in Total Stress as the ABL is trimmed. Moving down
the curve towards the left, we see that the Total Stress can be reduced to about 0.3 before it
passes its first minimum and begins to behave erratically.

This process defines a greedy algorithm, comprising the following steps:

1) Trim the ABL successively until its Total Stress reaches a minimum.

2) Mine the trimmed ABL

3) Identify the new ABL.

Repeating the three steps until the mine is exhausted gives a Total Stress history as shown in
Figure 6. The results using this greedy algorithm are worse than for the naive method of Figure
4. It illustrates the common situation that brutally optimising the short-term outcome can
jeopardise the long-term performance.

Total Stress, Using Greedy Algorithm

Mined, Mt
0 50 100 150 200

Figure 6: Trimming ABLs with the Greedy Algorithm

Modifying the Greedy Algorithm

Referring back to Figure 5, it is clear that there was no need to trim the first ABL back to its
minimum Total Stress. A perfectly acceptable Total Stress of 1.0 is achieved if the trimming
stops at 75 blocks. If this modified algorithm is applied, trimming each ABL back until its Total
Stress is reduced to 1.0, the greatly improved performance of Figure 7 is achieved.

Figure 5 shows that, by relaxing the trimming a little more, 77 blocks can be retained to give the
first ABL a Total Stress of 1.1. Applying this criterion to all the ABLs gives the quite satisfactory
performance shown in Figure 8. The Total Stress can be kept within the limit of 1.1 until the
mine is very nearly exhausted, by which time the stripping ratio (waste needing to be removed
divided by ore recoverable) would probably be unacceptably high anyway.
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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3

 Total Stress, ABLs Trimmed to Stress <  1.0 

Ore Mined, Mt
0 50 100 150 200

Figure 7: Modified Greedy Algorithm, Trimming Total Stress < 1.0

4  Total Stress, ABLs Trimmed to Stress < 1.1

Ore Mined, Mt
0 50 100 150 200

Figure 8: Modified Greedy Algorithm, Trimming Total Stress < 1.1

Individual Minerals

Figure 8 showed the Total Stress performance achieved.

The component stresses for each of the important minerals {Fe, P, SiO2, Al2O3} are in Figure 9.
These graphs show that none of the minerals fall outside the tolerance range during the life of the
mine (until close to its end). However, while the iron grade can be maintained constant, there
could be some advantage in planning a gradual increase in the phosphorus grade through the life
of the mine. The silica target might also be usefully decreased during the life of the mine. These
considerations may be especially relevant if the mine output is to be blended with the output
from other mines.

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Figure 9: Component Stresses, Trimming Total Stress < 1.1

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2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3


The method described here allows for quick re-runs changing any parameters, targets and
tolerances as desired. It thus provides a useful discussion tool for the development team. In any
mine planning and development process there are many constraints and objective function
components that cannot be readily programmed. Accordingly, a tool like this provides a
convenient means of combining human judgement skills with the computer’s speed and

One feasible extension of the method is to compute the discounted Net Present Value of the
exponentially smoothed Total Stress. The model can then be run iteratively, changing the values
of the ore/waste cut-offs and the grade targets so as to minimise the Net Present Value of the
exponentially smoothed Total Stress. This would provide a point of interaction with marketing
personnel, potentially enabling the Net Present Value to be computed in dollars rather than stress.


Atael, M. and Osanloo, M. 2003. Using a combination of genetic algorithm and the grid search
method to determine optimum cut-off grades of multiple metal deposits, International Journal
of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 18(1), 60-78.

Caccetta, L. and Hill S.P., 2003. An application of branch and cut to open pit mine scheduling,
Journal of Global Optimization, 27, 349-365.

Everett J.E., 2007. Computer aids for production systems management in iron ore mining,
International Journal of Production Economics, 110(1), 213-223.

Hustrulid, W. and Kuchta, M. 2006. Open pit mine planning and design, 3rd ed., Taylor &
Francis Inc, Bristol, PA, USA.

Vulcan. 2008. http://www.vulcan3d.com/index.html Maptek Vulcan.

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