The VRIO Framework of Competitive Advantage

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The document discusses using the VRIO framework to assess project management and organizational innovations as potential sources of competitive advantage. It also discusses applying insights from project management research to innovation research.

The document mainly discusses using the Resource Based View (RBV) framework to analyze organizational innovations as a source of competitive advantage.

The VRIO framework is used to assess if assets like project management are valuable, rare, inimitable, and involve organizational focus in order to be a source of competitive advantage.


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The VRIO Framework of Competitive Advantage:

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Kam Jugdev
Athabasca University


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The VRIO Framework of Competitive Advantage:

Preliminary Research Implications for Organizational Innovations

as Drawn from a Project Management Study

Kam Jugdev1
Athabasca University, 8311-11 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2V 1N7


Inventions, innovations, and creativity are cornerstones of technology-based industries.

Organizations working in technology-intensive industries must constantly balance

creativity with order and innovation with efficiency. In this paper, I focus on

organizational innovations as potential sources of competitive advantage. Strategic assets

can be assessed with the VRIO framework. Strategic assets are “Valuable” (important),

“Rare” (unique), “Inimitable” (hard to copy), and involve an “Organizational Focus”

(VRIO). I am currently using the VRIO framework to assess project management as a

source of competitive advantage. The approach I am using to assess project management

can be applied to research on organizational innovations. The paper discusses the

appropriate use of innovation dimensions, the use of innovation process performance as

the dependent variable, and the selection of independent variables. The paper is relevant

to innovation researchers interested in using the Resource Based View lens to study

organizational innovations as a source of competitive advantage.


Innovation research is important, because it is the basis of a country’s economic

development [1]. And in the ever competitive marketplace, innovations are fundamental

to entrepreneurship and shape business success because innovations can improve an

organization’s profit margin [2].

Innovation spans a vast and complex field in the academic literature and the body of

literature on project management is evolving. Advances in project management research

may be applicable to innovation and vice versa. By viewing organizational innovations as

involving project management principles, researchers can begin to draw some

comparisons and contrasts between the two fields. In addition, since both innovation and

project management are young fields, researchers can apply well-developed management

theories to help them advance conceptual thought in these two domains.

In this paper, I draw from the Resource Based View (RBV) of the organization, from a

strategic perspective, to discuss organizational innovations as a source of competitive

advantage. I begin this paper with a brief introduction to innovations and project

management. Then, I introduce readers to the RBV and follow this with an overview of

the conceptual framework I developed to study project management as a strategic asset. I

then discuss the ways that researchers could apply this conceptual framework in assessing

organizational innovations as strategic assets. I conclude with suggestions for further

research on organizational innovations.

Innovations and Project Management

A central concept of entrepreneurship involves entering markets with new or existing

goods. Innovation, however, is a broader concept: it addresses implementing new ideas,

products, or processes and may not always involve new markets [3]. Since business

success has to do with competitive advantage, there is heightened interest in the role

innovation plays in helping companies maintain their competitive advantages [2].

Innovation is defined broadly as:

Any action that either puts the organization into new

strategic domains or significantly alters the way the

organization attempts to serve existing customers or

constituents…Examples of organizational innovation

include the development or adoption of a new product or

service, a new manufacturing process or technology or a

revised strategic orientation [4, p. 117].

The above examples of organizational innovations closely reflect a basic definition of a

project. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)

describes a project as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or

service” [5, p. 5]. Project management encompasses the tools, techniques, and

knowledge-based practices applied on projects to achieve organizational goals and

deliver products or services. In some ways similar to the project management stages of

initiation, planning, execution, and closeout, innovation involves a number of stages such

as initiation, adoption, implementation, and diffusion. Whereas the initiation phase of

innovation connotes originality, inventiveness, and ingenuity, the implementation phase

of innovation implies a linear and methodical approach based on careful planning,

monitoring and controlling, and balancing the variables of time, cost, and scope. The

implementation phase of innovations then reflects project management practices. These

seemingly opposing ways of managing the phases of an innovation are also apparent in

some of the theories of innovation.

The theoretical foundation of innovation evolved rapidly over the past four decades [6].

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the literature on innovation focused on incremental changes

within public sector organizations. In the 1980s and 1990s, the emphasis turned to radical

change in private sector organizations, change that included flexible manufacturing,

robotics, and automated materials handling [1]. Theories of innovation include those

rooted in organizational behavior that view the organization as mechanistic or organic

(with organic organizations considered the more innovative), the dual core model that

examines administrative and technical innovations [7], and the ambidextrous model

consisting of an initiation and implementation stage [8]. For example, [9] relate the

mechanistic and organic forms of the organization to the initiation and implementation

stages of innovation. They note that companies initiating innovations can be managed

more organically because this phase involves greater uncertainty and creativity, whereas

companies implementing innovations can be managed mechanistically because this phase

relates more to execution and control.

The result is that innovations can contribute to business success. In the next section I

introduce the RBV of the organization, a perspective from strategy that discusses sources

of competitive advantage as originating from within the organization.

Resource Based View (RBV) of the Organization

Singular innovations rarely sustain advantages. Singular innovations can readily be

copied by competitors, particularly when competitors use one off innovation to pursue

other innovations [10]. As such, a company must be on constant alert, adapting to its

environment and capitalizing on its assets to create new innovations. Since innovations

can be viewed of as tangible and intangible assets stemming from within the

organization, the RBV of the organization is a useful perspective to consider when

engaging in innovation research.

According to the RBV literature, a competitive advantage is rooted in developing key

resources that are different. The RBV explains organizational existence based on internal

assets that are valuable, rare, inimitable, and have an organizational focus (VRIO) [11-

16]. Resources that meet the VRIO criteria contribute to an organization’s competitive

advantage [17-19].

Most companies have many resources (both tangible and intangible) but few that are

strategic in nature. Most strategic assets tend to be knowledge-based and are intangible.

Although tangible resources enable a company to execute business processes, it is the

intangible ones that are more likely to serve as sources for competitive advantage [14,

20]. Strategic assets involve a mix of explicit and tacit knowledge embedded in a

company’s unique internal skills, knowledge, and resources [21, 22]. Such strengths are

difficult to purchase, let alone copy; as a result, these can contribute to an organization’s

ability to move beyond competitive convergence toward a competitive advantage.

Examples of strategic assets include quality, reputation, managerial skills, brand

recognition, patents, culture, technological capability, customer focus, and superior

managerial skills [16, 23-26]. Thus the key to creating innovative products/services is

thru tacit knowledge as explicit knowledge alone is unlikely to lead to innovations [27].

In the RBV context, strategic assets can be assessed using the VRIO framework [11].

Reference [11] proposes four questions that can be used to assess resources as potential

sources of competitive advantage. These questions are equally applicable to innovations.

Valuable: Reference [11] suggests that the research question regarding value is: “Do a

firm’s resources and capabilities enable the firm to respond to environmental threats or

opportunities?” Valuable resources contribute to an organization’s efficiency and

effectiveness [28]. A resource has value when it exploits opportunities and neutralizes

threats in the environment [13]. In the RBV context, valuable resources are defined in

economic terms, that is, these generate above normal returns [11].

Rare: Reference [11], p. 160 proposes the following question about rarity: “Is a resource

currently controlled by only a small number of competing firms?” Resources present in

other organizations are common; those resources not widely held by other organization

are rare. Common or generic resources are not sources of competitive advantage. At best,

these are a source of competitive convergence or parity. However, rare resources can

offer temporary competitive advantages and are sources of strength [29]. Rareness, then,

is necessary but not the only characteristic of a competitive advantage [12].

Inimitable: If resources can be easily copied, an organization stands to only achieve

competitive parity through value and rareness. Reference [11] says the question of

inimitability that researchers should focus on is: “Do firms without a resource face a cost

disadvantage in obtaining or developing it?” Inimitability means organizations protect

their resources so that competitors cannot easily copy them.

Organizational Focus: Finally, in terms of the key questions to ask about the VRIO

framework, [11], p. 160 suggests that researchers also examine the organization: “Are a

firm’s other policies and procedures organized to support the exploitation of its valuable,

rare, and costly to imitate resources?” Organizational focus, then, refers to integrated and

aligned managerial practices, routines, and processes. It also connotes managerial

leadership and decisions that support key assets in terms of how these assets are

developed and sustained. An organization’s formal processes and production functions

are the backbones that support strategic assets; organizations protect their assets through

business practices.

Within the VRIO framework, if a resource is only valuable, it leads to competitive parity.

Both value and rarity are required for a temporary competitive advantage. Value, rarity,

and inimitability are required for a sustained competitive advantage [12] and an

organizational focus is necessary to both develop a competitive advantage and sustain it


Since the RBV addresses intangible, knowledge-based assets as sources of competitive

advantage, the next section briefly discusses the concepts of absorptive capacity and

knowledge sharing.

Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Sharing

The concept of absorptive capacity is rooted in RBV[30]. Absorptive capacity shows an

organization’s capability to exploit the value of new, external information, assimilate it,

and apply it for commercial purposes. Absorptive capacity functions as an organization’s

prior knowledge and criticizes an organization’s innovative capabilities. It is a capacity to

innovate that enables organizations to successfully adopt or implement a new idea,

process, or product [3].

Organizations have a certain capacity to absorb new knowledge the way sponges absorb

liquids [31]. The capability of such a capacity is demonstrated by the way an organization

generates outcomes. Organizational outcomes are limited by the amount and nature of

what organizations have absorbed. What researchers wring out from their research

depends on how they squeeze the sponge—showing how much and how continuously the

organization absorbed material. Fiol points out that the stream of literature that focuses

on filling the sponge is analogous to knowledge diffusion. This stream draws from

organizational change, learning theories, and institutional theories. Literature on squeeze

the sponge may be called the new product/process development literature; its focus is

efficiency and effectiveness. This literature looks at relationships between innovation and

specialization, functional differentiation, professionalism, participatory work

environments, administrative intensity, and slack resources [8]. These studies tend to

ignore the accumulation of organizational knowledge that provides the source of the

capability. The fields of innovation diffusion and absorption have been relatively

separated from the field of organizational determinants of effective new product

development [31]. It could be argued that this idea also applies to project management:

the literature predominantly emphasizes squeezing the sponge, in terms of project

management efficiency and effectiveness, but not on filling the sponge (knowledge

accumulation), in terms of organizational change and learning.

Absorptive capacity, more specifically, connotes the concept of knowledge sharing in its

various forms—explicit and tacit knowledge. The literature shows that knowledge is an

intangible asset that is difficult to capture using traditional accounting or financial metrics

[32]. Knowledge is a unique commodity that increases in value with use [32]. The

common thread between knowledge, data, and information is that these all involve a

personal dimension [33]. A useful way of looking at knowledge is with the iceberg

analogy [27, 33]. The tip of this iceberg represents the explicit or visible body of

knowledge, such as the knowledge developed and shared through the tangible project

management practices. Explicit knowledge is more formal, codified, and transmitted

systematically [34]: it is the know-what that researchers can document. What is ignored,

however, is the larger part of the iceberg, the part that is submerged and tacit.

Tacit knowledge involves the ability to innovate. This knowledge assumes significance

when considering innovation as a source of competitive advantage [35]. Tacit knowledge

is personal, experiential, context-specific, and rooted in action [34]. Reference [27]

divides tacit knowledge into a technical and cognitive dimension. This technical

dimension covers informal personal skills and crafts and could be called know-how, and it

involves beliefs, ideals, values, and mental models. Stories allow people to relate new

concepts with those already known [36]. Such tacit knowledge is shared through

socialization [37]. More specifically, project teams share what they know through

communities of practice.

Communities of practice have social capital underpinnings. This social capital is based on

making connections with others, promoting durable networks, enabling trust, and

fostering cooperation [38]. Reference [39] discusses four modes of knowledge

conversion in the dynamic knowledge spiral. Knowledge can be converted from tacit to

tacit (through shared experiences), explicit to explicit (through information processing),

explicit to tacit (often called internalizing learning), and tacit to explicit (through

meaningful dialogue to draw out tacit knowledge).

I found that the RBV is relevant to project management because project management is a

knowledge-based practice that emphasizes human and organizational assets based on

explicit and tacit knowledge.

VRIO Instrument

In an earlier study, I applied the VRIO framework to project management using a

qualitative case study approach. During my textual data analysis of 67 interview

transcripts from four organizations within the telecommunications, manufacturing,

financial, and utility sectors, I discovered that the concept of knowledge sharing emerged

as a strong theme. The following summarizes the key concepts from the qualitative study

that helped develop the items for the VRIO framework project.

1. Leadership: Managerial attention, commitment, and support for project management. One of

the organizations in the study, the Financial Institute provided constant and ongoing support

in terms of resources, funding, and leadership on project management committees.

2. History: Project management evolves over the years. It takes time to embed practices and

make them unique. The Telecom and the Financial Institute developed their project

management programs 20 years ago and went from strength-to-strength.

3. Periods of stabilization: Durations during which major changes do not occur to allow

practices to gel as organizational routines. The Financial Institute allowed for a few years

after introducing new project initiatives where no further changes were made.

4. Link organizational and project management culture: The study showed alignment between

the firm’s culture and its project management culture. The Telecom’s culture was described

as open, relaxed, and multi-cultural, as was its project management culture.

5. Organization-wide project management program: The Telecom and the Financial Institute

had organization-wide project, program, and portfolio management practices, thus reflecting

the organization’s view of valuing the discipline and its wide-scale use of the discipline for

other practices.

6. Trade-offs and integration points: Managerial decisions weigh the pros and cons of actions

and consider the implications of each. When the Telecom scaled back its project management

office, it was aware of the negative implications to its business units.

7. Social networking and knowledge-sharing practices: Only the Financial Institute seemed

aware of the benefits of these practices and made a conscious effort to try them.

8. Link project management to business outcomes: Project management metrics go beyond time,

cost, and scope, and involve benefits realization. In benefits realization, the project value is

related to the advantages the business unit gains from the initiative.

9. Causal ambiguity: Most of the individuals interviewed acknowledged that their codified

project management practices were easy to copy; they said, however, that the informal, tacit

practices they used to exchange project management knowledge were not. They also

indicated that tacit knowledge was not valued or invested in.

10. Social complexity: A firm’s culture, relationships, and reputation are rooted in social capital

and involve tacit knowledge. To various degrees, all four firms used informal social exchange

practices; each was unaware of its value.

11. Continuous improvement: Strong elements of quality improvement and benchmarking metrics

are in place and integrated with project management.

12. Staff embraces project management: There is steadfast, historical support for project

management at all levels of the firm. Project management is embraced and there is an

excitement for it. “It’s our bible,” noted one Telecom manager.

13. Methodology: A scalable, flexible project management methodology is in place and

integrated with program, portfolio, and knowledge management practices.

14. Alignment: Alignment is a theme that is interwoven throughout the 14 elements.

These organizational elements refer to processes and practices that help organizations

develop and sustain project management as a strategic asset. The elements also reflect a

combination of organizational practices and resource characteristics.

This led me to further examine the literature on knowledge management and explicit and

tacit knowledge. Although the case studies provided rich in-depth details on project

management processes and practices, I found that the results of my study could not be

generalized to larger populations. I used the case study findings and concepts from the

RBV, especially the VRIO—as well as project management and knowledge

management—to develop a survey. I pre-tested the survey in 2004 and launched it

electronically in February 2005 to 2,000 randomly selected North American members of

the Project Management Institute (PMI) 1 . I am presently—during the summer of 2005—

analyzing the survey responses.

As I developed the instrument, and read some literature on innovation, I began to see that

researchers could apply strategic asset concepts to innovations because innovations

involve considerable tacit knowledge and contribute to an organization’s competitive

advantage position [10]. In the next section, I present my theoretical framework and then

discuss it in relation to organizational innovations.

Theoretical Framework

I developed my theoretical framework by examining the project management and RBV

literature. My primary research question asks: What is the relationship between the

tangible and intangible assets in project management and the performance of the project

management process?

A copy of the instrument is available upon request to the author.

Figure 1: Theoretical Model

In this model, tangible and intangible assets constitute independent variables that are

correlated. Key examples of tangible assets include methodologies, bodies of knowledge,

software, project management offices, and tools and techniques. Examples of intangible

assets include knowledge sharing practices (e.g., communities of practice and Nonaka’s

four modes of knowledge conversion [39]). I focus on the relationships between these

variables as the interconnections contribute to a stronger VRIO profile for the project

management process.

Projects are conducted in complex, dynamic environments and involve a strong

knowledge-based component. In order to assess project management as a strategic asset,

researchers should also examine the intangible assets of the discipline, such as

knowledge-sharing, tacit knowledge, and social capital practices. In contrast to tangible

assets in project management that enhance the “Valuable” (V) and “Organizational

Focus” (O) dimensions, I posit that an investment in the intangible project management

assets enhances the “Valuable” (V), “Rare” (R), “Inimitable” (I), and the “Organizational

Focus” (O) dimensions. I suggest that companies do not appreciate the importance of

intangible assets in the project management context. For example, companies tend to

codify this knowledge at the best of times rather than allow it to remain a fluid way of

exchanging ideas. People learn from informal exchanges, and they tend to learn more

from negative experiences than good ones [40].

Several studies have examined performance at the business process level [41, 42].

Similarly, my dependent variable is the performance of the project management process

as assessed with the VRIO criteria. I use an intermediate variable (project management

process performance) rather than a highly aggregate one (organizational performance)

because results from using highly aggregate variables can mislead for several reasons

[14]. First, multiple business processes can affect an organization’s performance.

Companies can have a competitive advantage in some business activities but may lack

such advantages in other activities. Looking at the relationship between resources

associated with different processes within the same company may lead to misleading

conclusions on whether these contribute to the organization’s performance [14]. Second,

different stakeholders may appropriate profits before the organization can realize them

[14]. Third, using business processes, such as project management, as a dependent

variable shows that “resources are not valuable in and of themselves, but they are

valuable because they allow organizations to perform activities…business processes are

the source of competitive advantage” [19, p. 108]. Nonetheless, I do ask questions about

organizational performance so that I can assess the independent and dependent variables

in relation to the aggregate dependent variable of organizational performance.

Based on the aforementioned theoretical model and overview of the independent and

dependent variables, I developed a number of propositions for testing, two of which

follow as these reflect the main relationships in the theoretical model:

Proposition 1: An investment in tangible project

management assets will primarily enhances the “Valuable”

(V) and the “Organizational Focus” (O) dimensions of the

VRIO framework.

Proposition 2: An investment in intangible project

management assets will enhance the “Rare” (R) and

“Inimitable” (I) dimensions of the VRIO framework.

In the next section, the paper draws from the VRIO framework and relates some research

concepts to organizational innovations. The section is relevant to those interested in

applying the VRIO framework I used for project management towards organizational


Relating the VRIO Framework to Innovation Research

This section covers several topics related to the VRIO framework in relation to

innovation research. I selected these topics based on my experiences with the VRIO

framework for project management as well as on the basis of methodological issues that

may help researchers develop VRIO instruments specific to organizational innovations.

Appropriate Use of Innovation Dimensions

Although innovation typologies abound, the lack of a coherent, agreed to typology for

classifying innovations consistently makes it hard for researchers to compare studies or

build on the works of others [43]. For example, [43], describe the innovation process as

involving radical, incremental, really new, discontinuous, imitative, architectural,

modular, improving, and evolutionary innovations. Reference [2] groups the vast

literature on innovation research as publications that focus on the individual, the

relationship of the organization to the environment, political context of innovation, and

systems of innovations. As such, an innovation can be described by distinguishing

product complexity (number of subsystems involved), locus of innovation in a product’s

hierarchy (core or peripheral to the business), different types of innovation (generational,

architectural) and the innovation’s characteristics (incremental, radical) [44].

The innovation literature involves four dimensions [45]:

1. The stage of the innovation process (does the organization generate the innovation

or adopt it)

2. The level of analysis (industry, organization, strategic business units, or


3. Type of innovation (technical or administrative innovation, product or process

innovation, radical or incremental innovations)

4. Scope of innovation.

These examples reflect the many ways in which researchers can study innovations. A

consistent typology would help advance the field of innovation research as it would allow

researchers to focus on the same concepts and hence operationalize them in more

consistent ways. The breadth of the literature appears to be captured with the four

dimensions [45]. Researchers assessing innovations as sources of competitive advantage

using the VRIO framework should be clear on the dimension(s) they are investigating.

Although researchers have studied innovations as singular innovations or the diffusion of

an innovation, most studies examine innovations as multi-dimensional concepts across

multiple industries as well as the rate of innovation [1]. This means that researchers can

use these findings to further develop the theoretical foundation of the field because

studies that span multiple organizations or industries are more generalizable as opposed

to singular studies. The VRIO framework can be used to gather information at the

organizational level so it lends itself to studies that could be generalizable.

Innovation Process Performance as the Dependent Variable

The project management literature on project success focuses on time, cost, and speed—

as well as the criteria of a successful project. Other than a few noteworthy publications,

such as the works by Belasssi & Tukel, Pinto & Slevin, and Shenhar, Levy, & Dvir, the

project management literature is sketchy on empirical works based on well-developed

conceptual models [46-48]. For these reasons, I did not try to use project management

frameworks to assess the project management process as the dependent variable. Instead,

I used the RBV VRIO concepts to gauge—using both subjective and objective

measures—the effectiveness of the project management process. For corroborative

purposes, I included questions on project management success. Future studies on

innovation management could take a similar approach: Researchers could develop a

construct for gauging the effectiveness of innovation-focused projects and processes that

shows both subjective and objective measures. However, with the breadth of concepts

discussed in the literature on this topic, developing such a construct may prove


The effectiveness of implementing innovation refers to the consistency and quality of the

organization’s use of an innovation in terms of the benefits it derives, benefits that can

include improved profitability, productivity, customer service, and employee morale [49].

Reference [50] identified four categories of variables that determine the success of an


1. Business, strategic, and organizational

2. Research and development (R&D) and production

3. Marketing

4. Market and environmental.

Similar to project effectiveness, innovation effectiveness involves both a subjective and

objective dimension. The literature considers how much better an innovation is relative to

other innovations, innovation compatibility, how consistent the innovation is with values,

past experiences and the needs of adopters, innovation complexity, trialability, and

observability [50]. Innovation researchers could consider combining questions from the

VRIO framework with questions from Frambach’s categories of innovation success [50].

In addition, just as not all projects improve organizational performance, neither do all

innovations improve organizational performance [4]. For a sample study of North

American insurance companies, Reference [14] convincingly used an intermediate

dependent variable to study the factors determining the effectiveness of the customer

service business process in the insurance industry. I followed their logic in my use of the

VRIO framework for project management. Rather than relating my independent variables

to organizational performance (because organizational performance is a highly aggregate

variable), I assessed the relationships between my independent variables and intermediate

dependent variable—the project management process performance [14]. Researchers who

are considering using the VRIO framework to study innovations may want to consider

using this approach.

Selecting Independent Variables

The literature indicates that many independent variables have been used as organizational

level determinants of innovations. These variables include specialization, functional

differentiation, professionalization, formalization, centralization, management attitude to

change, managerial tenure, technical knowledge resources, administrative intensity, slack

resources, external communication, internal communication, and vertical differentiation

[8]. My brief review of the innovation literature generated many questions about

innovation and competitive advantage.

Reference [51] discuss how the antecedents to innovation speed contribute to project

success. These authors developed a conceptual model on innovation speed that focuses

on the need for speed, the strategic orientation for speed, organizational capability for

speed, product quality, innovation speed, cost of development, and project success. If

innovation speed contributes to a competitive advantage, because it helps companies

bring new products/services to market before competitors, then researchers may find it

helpful to consider the variable of speed as an element of project success.

Some researchers argue that organizational decline leads to an increase in innovation;

others argue that it decreases innovation [4]. Some of the variations in these findings are

attributed to the different ways that researchers study concepts [6]. Reference [4] show

how organizational decline is moderated by environmental, organizational, and decision-

maker variables in terms of the organizational decline-innovation relationships. If

organizational decline relates to a competitive disadvantage, then the elements

moderating decline may be useful ones to consider in the context of using the VRIO

framework for innovation studies.

Some researchers say size inhibits innovation because large organizations are more

hierarchical, while other researchers argue that larger organizations are more innovative

[6] [45]. Reference [45] recently conducted a narrative review and meta analysis of

innovation and organizational size. In this, they found a significant positive relationship

between size and innovation: They attribute prior contradictory results to divergent

methods used to operationalize variables. These authors also indicate that there are other

moderating variables involved in the size-innovation relationship, such as types of

innovation: technical, administrative, product, process, radical, incremental, intensity in

R&D, spending on R&D, and number of innovations. They then claim that organizational

size is more positively related to innovation in service organizations than industrial

organizations. Researchers interested in using the VRIO framework to assess innovations

as a source of competitive advantage should be mindful of issues related to organizational

decline and organizational size as they select independent variables.

I encourage those researchers who are interested in applying the VRIO framework to

innovations to select several independent variables that reflect the appropriate tangible

and intangible dimensions, as opposed to attempting to assess the breadth of variables

available. For example, in my project management study, I assessed tangible (codified)

project management knowledge sharing practices by asking questions on project

management tools and techniques, project management maturity, project management

offices, and know-what knowledge sharing. I assessed intangible project management

practices by asking questions about tacit knowledge sharing practices (e.g. know-how

knowledge). I also used the four modes of knowledge conversion to assess which modes

are used in project management [52]. I specifically focused on those independent

variables that related to my research question and reflected the concepts predominantly

covered in the academic literature.

Many moderating variables can affect the relationship of organizational factors and

innovation, including the type of organization (entrepreneurial or conservative, not for

profit and for profit), type of innovation, stage of adoption, and number innovations [8].

A further impediment to theoretical and empirical advancement is confusion on concepts,

measures, and units of analysis. Many innovations are measured and conceptualized at

the product level, but data is gathered at the subsystem levels [44]. These are all factors

that innovation researchers should bear in mind as they consider using the VRIO

framework. In my project management study, I decided to use a cross-section of PMI

members because my study is exploratory. Once I have analyzed the study results, I will

then build on these findings by examining additional variables such as moderating

variables within a specific industry.

In one study specific to innovation, Anderson implores researchers to ensure that they

address specific research question that are well-grounded in theory [53]. Such studies

should clarify what the levels of analysis are in terms of innovation, because researchers

can complete such studies at the individual, group, organizational, or multi-organizational

level. Such studies should use appropriate measures that are based on concepts from the

field. The researchers working on such studies should take into account the ways that

interaction effects variables, such as mediating and moderating variables [53].

To summarize, there are many challenges related to developing good research designs.

Many of these challenges relate to the methods researchers use when selecting

independent and dependent variables. The presence of many independent variables raises

the issue of variable interdependence. Such a presence may warrant using multivariate

analyses. Not only can such analyses be complicated, these will also require adequate

sample sizes [54]. In the VRIO study on project management as a strategic asset, I plan

on using structural equation modeling techniques because I have multiple independent

and dependent variables.


In this paper, I introduced readers to the RBV as well as the VRIO framework that I used

to study project management as a strategic asset. The paper discussed how the conceptual

framework could be applied to organizational innovations to assess them as strategic

assets. Then the paper presented three key issues for innovation researchers to consider in

terms of study designs.

In the preface to the 1996 issue of the Academy of Management Review on innovation

[31], despite the proliferation of papers on innovation, a consistent body of knowledge on

the topic remains to emerge. She attributed this problem, in part, to researchers failing to

present specific characteristics for the innovations they have studied, the stage of

innovation they studied, and the types of organizations they studied. These issues are

equally relevant to researchers interested in using the VRIO framework in innovation

studies. When fields such as innovation are evolving, and when such fields lack a holistic

body of knowledge or well-developed corpus of theories (for example, strategy and

human resources) [55] [56], these researchers draw from other disciplines. This is

especially helpful to understand because more evolved theories involve well-developed

conceptual frameworks—as well as instruments—that are valid and reliable.

To advance the field of innovation study, researchers should be receptive to the

applicability of well-developed theories from other fields and those from related

conceptual frameworks and instruments. Researchers should also ensure that they address

study design and methodological issues. Many such issues are common to fields of

management, which means other researchers have already addressed these issues through

empirical studies in other fields. Over time, by drawing from the research methodology

lessons our colleagues in other fields have learned, we can continue to advance research

on organizational innovations.


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