Things To Do in La-La-Land 1. Find A Hotel 2. Shopping Clothes 3. Native Restaurant 4. Beach 5. Go Dancing 6. Art Gallery

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Final Written Exam

Units 1- 2
Teacher’s Name:…………………………………….

I. Circle the correct answer. (1 pt. each)

1) My mother called / ’ve called while I was preparing dinner.

2) My friend Mika is in a band; they ‘ve formed / formed the group in January, and
since then they ‘ve spent / were spending almost every day together.
3) When Jacky arrived / was arriving home, some fiends ‘ve waited / were waiting
for her.
4) I wasn’t / haven’t been at my house when you called this morning, because I ‘ve
been / was at the dentist since 8 o’clock.
5) Jim ‘s been / was in my school for four weeks now and he ‘s starting / ‘s started
playing for the football team and has scored / scored 5 goals and won 2 games.

II. Imagine you have just arrived to a new country and need some important
information, so you go to a Tourist Information Office with a list of thing you want
to know. Write the questions you want to ask as a polite request. (2 pts. each)

1. …………………………………………….
Things to do in La-La-Land
2. …………………………………………….
1. Find a hotel
2. Shopping clothes 3. …………………………………………….
3. Native restaurant
4. Beach 4. …………………………………………….
5. Go dancing
5. ..............................................................
6. Art gallery

6. …………………………………………….

III. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Conditionals: zero, first and second. (1 pt. each)

1) If you ________ (be / not) so stubborn you _________ (find) it a lot easier to keep
your friends.

2) I don’t know what I __________ (do) if you ________ (be /not) here to help me.

3) My sister is a very honest person: If she _____ (find) some money in the street, I’m
sure she ___________ (take) it to the police.

4) He says that if he _________ (be / not) so busy he ___________ (go) with you to the
movie tomorrow.

5) All the things I ___________ (do), if only I _____ (have) more free time.

IV. Listen to 6 people talking about their jobs, write each person’s job. (3 pts. each)

1) Julie:

2) Jake:

3) Henry:

4) Lila:

5) Claire:

6) Robert:

V. Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the words from the box
above. There are two extra words. (2 pts. each)

Gamble capital earn profit

Interest invest loss win

1) She used to be wealthy but she ________ most of her money in Dot Com company in
the 1990s.

2) The director _____ twenty times as much as the teachers.

3) Martin _____ all his money after his company was declared bankrupt.

4) I opened my restaurant with a starting ________ of £ 1 000 000.

5) I have to repay my loan to the bank with a high rate of _______.

6) The company made a good ______ on the deal with the Chinese.

VI. Read the summary of a short story called The Model Millionaire by Oscar
Wilde and add this information in the right order in the gaps in the story, using
relative clauses (Like the first example) Include comas where necessary. (2 pts.

a. She was annoyed because he had given away his last pound
b. His financial skills had made him a millionaire
c. He was an artist
d. He was a charming and attractive young man
e. It was all the money he had
f. Her father had demanded £10,000 to allow them to marry
g. He was wearing torn, shabby old clothes and holding out his hat for money
h. It had a cheque for £10,000 inside it
i. He met Alan Trevor there

Hughie Erskin(1) , who was a charming and attractive young man was unfortunately
not very successful in business and therefore did not have much money.
He was in love with a beautiful girl called Laura Merton(2)…………………………...
………………… One day Hughie went to visit his friend Alan Trevor(3)……………
…………… Trevor was just putting the finishing touches to a portrait of a beggar. The
beggar(4)……………………………………………………………………. look sad

and tired. ‘Poor old man,’ thought Hughie, ‘he looks so miserable,’ and gave the man a
pound(5)…………………………………………………. The beggar smile and said,
‘Thank you, sir, thank you.’ Hughie spent the rest of the day with Laura(6)…………
……………………….. and he had to walk home because he had no money for the bus.
The next day he went to a bar(7)………………………………………….. Trevor told
him the ‘beggar’ was in reality Baron Hausberg (8)……………………………………
…………………….. Hughie felt deeply embarrassed about giving him the pound. The
following day he received an envelope from the Baron(9)……………………………..
……………….. The message on the envelope said: ‘a wedding present to Hughie and
Laura from an old beggar’.

VII. Imagine you are a member of a club (golf, tennis, chess, etc.), write its history
using passing and relative clauses. (22 pts.)














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