PVC Specification
PVC Specification
PVC Specification
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections apply to the work of this section.
A. This section includes an exterior architectural tensile membrane roof structure system.
C. Subcontractor’s work shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the structural design,
supply, fabrication, shipment, and erection of the following principal items:
1. The architectural membrane as indicated on the drawings and in these specifications.
2. Cables and end fittings.
3. Perimeter, catenary, and sectionalized aluminum clamping system.
4. Structural steel, including masts, trusses, struts, beams, and / or weldments, as indicated
on the drawings.
5. Fasteners and gasketing.
D. The architectural mesh membrane used in these structures shall be polyvinylchloride (PVC).
All references to “membrane” in this Section, without exception, and whether singular, plural,
or capitalized or not, are to such architectural membrane.
E. Related Sections:
1. 033000 – Cast-In-Place Concrete. (Are we providing 033000 spec?)
A. General: Except as otherwise shown or noted, all work shall comply with the requirements of
the following codes and standards:
1. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC).
a. Specifications for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for
b. Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
c. Specification for Structural Steel Buildings – Allowable Stress Design and Plastic
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A. General: Provide a structural tensile membrane system that complies with requirements
specified herein by testing the Subcontractor’s corresponding membrane system in
accordance with the indicated test methods.
B. Building Code Criteria: The tensile membrane structure shall comply with the International
Building Code, 2010 edition.
● Ground Snow Load:
● Snow Load Importance Factor:
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C. Life Safety: All tensile membrane structures shall be detailed so that no life safety issue is
created in the event of a loss of a part of the membrane. The tensile membrane structure
shall not rely on the membrane for structural stability.
D. The shade structures shall conform to all DSA requirements and the current adopted version
of the California Building Code 2010 including DSA amendments and additions to the code
and shall have a PC or an A number. (Only use if DSA)
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6. All bidders will need to provide a Payment & Performance Bond. The bidder needs to
provide proof of a minimum bonding capacity of $13,000,000 by providing a signed letter
from their surety company with their bid.
7. All bidders shall be able to provide proof with their bid of a minimum of $2,000,000
general/public liability insurance, $3,000,000 professional liability (PL) insurance and
additional $10,000,000 umbrella/excess liability insurance.
8. All bidders must provide a signed letter with their bid from their legal representative
stating that they are not or have not been in litigation with Owners, Contractors or A/E
firms for failed structures within the past ten (10) years.
9. The Subcontractor must demonstrate their company’s steel fabrication capability by
submitting a copy of their IAS Approved Fabricator Status. This is to be provided directly
by the Subcontractor and Outside third party fabricators will not be accepted. (Use only if
steel will be fabricated at SMI.)
B. General: Not withstanding any provisions of these specifications that may appear to be to the
contrary, any and all submittals by the Subcontractor shall be subject to review, approval, and
adoption by the Architect/Engineer as part of the overall project design and engineering, and
shall not create a contractual or other professional design relationship between the
Subcontractor and either the Architect/Engineer or the Owner.
D. Design Drawings: Subcontractor shall submit tensile membrane structure drawings defining
the completed structure, anchorage, and connection details, interfaces with building
construction and general membrane seam arrangements. Design Drawings are to be signed
and sealed by a Choose an item. Engineer in the State of Click here to enter text..
E. Design Calculations: Subcontractor shall submit complete calculations for the tensile
membrane structure, as one package with the design drawings, signed and sealed by a
Choose an item. Engineer licensed in the State of Click here to enter text.. Structural
calculations shall include all required loading cases and load combinations used in the design
and resulting member forces, reactions, deflections and drift. The magnitude of maximum
reactions on the supporting structures from all critical load combinations shall be separately
tabulated. Critical load conditions used in the final sizing of the members shall be
emphasized. The design analysis shall include the name and office phone number of the
designer to answer questions during the design drawing review.
F. Quality Assurance Submittals
1. Test Reports: Provide test reports from a qualified testing laboratory that show
compliance of the Subcontractor’s PVC/PVDF-coated polyester mesh tensile membrane
system with specification requirements, as follows:
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a. Physical test data of the actual fabric roll goods to be used in the project confirming
conformance with specifications for the membrane.
2. Certificates: Product certificates signed by the Subcontractor certifying materials comply
with specified characteristics, criteria, and physical requirements.
B. Materials shall be packed, loaded, shipped, unloaded, stored, and protected in a manner that
will avoid abuse, damage, and defacement.
A. The Subcontractor shall furnish the Owner with a written warranty, which warrants the
membrane, its perimeter attachment system, and the structural support system as supplied
by the Subcontractor have been installed in accordance with the project specifications and
will be free from defects in materials and workmanship that will impair their normal use of
service. The warranty shall start from the date of substantial completion of the tensile
membrane structure; which shall be the first date on which the entire tensile membrane
structure is subject to design pre-stress conditions.
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C. Approved bidders must meet all qualifications in Section 1.5 – Quality Assurance and show
written proof for each item listed to become an approved equal.
A. General: The mesh membrane used in these structures shall be polyvinylchloride (PVC) with
Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) top surface coating. All references to “membrane” in this
section, without exception, and whether singular, plural, or capitalized or not, are to such
architectural membrane.
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2. Weave: The weave shall be plain weave, panama weave, or malimou weave. The weave
shall be uniform, with the warp and fill at right angles to each other with a tolerance of 5
degrees. The bow in the fill direction shall not exceed 1 inch or 1 in 30 offset to width over
3. PVC Coating: After weaving, the base fabric shall be cleaned and primed to achieve
optimum mechanical properties of the coated fabric. The PVC coating shall consist of
new PVC resin, plasticizers, UV inhibitors, mold inhibitors, flame retarding agents, and
extenders. These materials shall be applied to form a weatherized barrier between the
polyester yarns and the environment. The formulation shall be demonstrated to have
given satisfactory performance in the past with regard to flexibility in handling, adhesion,
and durability in use. The coating shall be applied evenly to both sides of the fabric and
shall be of sufficient thickness to permit proper high frequency (HF) welding of joints.
4. Top Coating: To achieve a completely uniform surface with no discontinuities, spots, or
lumps that would be objectionable to the unaided eye from a distance of fifteen (15) feet,
either one of the following surface-top and bottom coats, PVC-coated polyester
architectural mesh fabrics may be supplied:
a. PVDF Topcoat: Shall have a non weldable grafted Kynar® (i.e. polyvinylidene
fluoride or PVDF) surface topcoat.
b. Weldable: PVC / PVDF blended top coat. (use only for S top)
A. Materials
1. All structural wire rope cables shall conform to the latest revision of ASTM A 603.
2. All structural strand cables shall conform to the latest revision of ASTM A 586.
3. All cables shall be coated to “Class A” zinc coating throughout.
B. Fabrication
1. Cable fabricator shall provide effective quality control over all fabrication activities.
Inspection of the place of fabrication may occur at any time to verify proper quality
control. This inspection does not relieve the fabricator from meeting the requirements of
this specification.
2. Cables that are designated to be pre-stretched shall be pre-stretched per ASTM A 603
for wire rope and ASTM A 586 for structural strand. Cables of the same type shall have
the same modulus of elasticity.
3. All cables shall be manufactured to the following length tolerances at 70° Fahrenheit (23°
a. Length < 70 feet (213 meters) ¼ inch (6.4mm)
b. Length 70 to 270 feet (32.3 to 82.3 meters) 0.03% of length
c. Length > 270 feet (82.3 meters) 1 inch (25.4 mm)
4. Cables shall have a continuous longitudinal paint stripe (1/8 inch wide max.) along their
top surface unless noted otherwise.
5. Index markings shown shall be a circumferential paint stripe (1/8 inch wide max.).
6. All cables and end fittings shall be delivered clean and dry.
7. All swaged and speltered fittings shall be designed and attached to develop the full
breaking strength of the cable. Thimble end fittings shall develop a minimum of 90
percent of the cable breaking strength.
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8. Swaged end fittings, pins, nuts, and washers shall be electro-galvanized. Any damage to
the zinc coating shall be cleaned and painted with gray zinc-rich paint per ASTM A 780.
9. Speltered end fittings shall be hot dip galvanized per ASTM A 153. Any damage to the
zinc coating shall be cleaned and painted with a gray zinc-rich paint per ASTM A 780.
A. Materials
1. All structural aluminum clamping systems shall be ASTM alloy 6061-T6.
2. Bent Plates shall be formed from ASTM B 221-08 alloy 6061 and then heat-treated to T6.
3. All structural “U straps” shall be ASTM B 221-08 Aluminum Alloy 6063, heat-treated to
4. All structural aluminum clamping shall have the following finish:
a. Polyester thermosetting powder coating with a tri-glycidyl di-isocyanurate (i.e. TGDI)
curing agent/hardener per American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA)
603 to a thickness of 3 mils, whit in color
b. Clear anodized per MIL-A 8625C, Type 2, Class 1.
5. Structural sheet aluminum shall be ASTM B 209 alloy 5052-H32.
6. Non-structural sheet aluminum shall be ASTM B 209 alloy 1100 series.
B. Fabrication
1. Aluminum fabricator shall provide effective quality control over all fabrication activities.
Inspection of the place of fabrication may occur any time to verify proper quality control.
This inspection does not relieve the fabricator from meeting requirements of this
2. Fabricated aluminum shall have no sharp edges.
3. Stamp all parts with the appropriate mark number.
4. All fabricated aluminum shall be free of oil, grease, and machining chips.
5. Tolerances shall be as follows:
a. Cross sectional dimensions +/- 10%, 0.03 in. (0.8 mm) max.
b. Bolt hold locations +/- 1/32 in. (0.8 mm)
c. Overall length +/- 1/16 in. (1.6 mm)
6. All welded joints shall conform to AWS D1.2.
A. General: The structural steel fabrication shall comply with the latest revision of all applicable
codes, standards and regulations including the following:
1. ASTM (as referenced)
2. AISC: “Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for
Buildings” and “Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges”
3. SSPC: “Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volumes 1 and 2”
4. Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints: “Specification for Structural
Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts”
5. AWS D1.1 and AWS A2.4
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B. In the event of conflict between pertinent codes and regulations and the requirements of the
references standards or these specifications, the provisions of the more stringent shall
C. Submittals
1. General: Submit the following under provisions of Section 013300 – Submittal
2. Shop Drawings:
a. The structural steel fabricator shall submit shop drawings to the Subcontractor for
b. The drawings shall show all shop and erection details including cuts, copes,
connection holes, threaded fasteners, bolts, stands and spacing, etc.
c. The drawings shall show all welds, both shop and field, by the currently
recommended symbols of the AWS.
d. A welding procedure must be submitted to the Subcontractor for approval of welds
that are not pre-qualified.
e. Shop drawings shall be carefully checked before being submitted for approval, and
shall be submitted in the order in which they are needed for the executive of the
work, well in advance and not all at one time. Submitted drawings shall show all
structural steel required for the work, whether or not indicated on the drawings.
f. The fabricator shall not fabricate any material until after receipt of approved shop
g. The fabricator shall immediately make all corrections to his drawings as required by
the Subcontractor and shall keep a satisfactory history of all changes by separately
numbered and dated revision block on a convenient portion of each drawing affected.
h. Certification of material conformance that includes chemical and physical properties
for all structural elements shall be submitted to the Subcontractor.
D. Materials
1. Structural steel for plates and bars shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 36 or
ASTM A 572, Grade 50, unless noted otherwise.
2. Structural pipe shall conform to ASTM A 53, Types E or S, Grade B.
3. Structural tubing shall conform to ASTM A 50, Grade B or C.
4. Structural bolts
a. High strength bolts: ASTM A 325, unless noted otherwise
b. Common bolts and nuts: ASTM A 307
c. Threaded rods: ASTM A 36, unless noted otherwise
5. Other materials: All other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete
and proper installation of structural steel, shall be provided and shall be new, free from
rust, first quality of their respective kinds, and subject to the approval of the
E. Accessories
1. Base Plates and Anchor Bolts
a. Base plates supported on concrete, whether shop attached or shipped loose, shall be
furnished and set on shims or leveling plates. Grouting shall be by the General
b. Anchor bolt locations shall be furnished by the Subcontractor and used by the
General Contractor to set the bolts. The General Contractor is to check carefully the
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setting of the bolts to their proper position prior to pouring of concrete. Anchor bolts,
provided by the General Contractor, shall have two (2) nuts and washers. Damaged
threads shall be repaired or be cut to permit full tightening of nuts.
F. Fabrication
1. Workmanship: All members when finished shall be true and free of twists, bends, and
open joints between the components parts. Members shall be thoroughly straightened in
the shop by methods that will not injure them, before being worked on in any way.
a. Properly mark materials, and match-mark when directed by the Subcontractor, for
field assembly.
2. Connections:
a. Connections shall be as indicated on the drawings. When details are not shown the
connections shall conform to the requirements of the AISC.
b. Provide high-strength threaded fasteners for all structural steel bolted connections,
unless noted otherwise.
c. Combination of bolts and welds in the same connection are not permitted, unless
otherwise detailed.
d. Welded Connections
1) Definitions: All terms herein relating to the welds, welding and oxygen cutting
shall be construed in accordance with the latest revision of “Standard Definitions
of Welding Terms and Master Chart of Welding Processes” of the AWS.
2) Operators: only operators who have been previously qualified by tests, as
prescribed in AWS D1.1 to perform the type of work required shall make Welds.
3) Welding equipment shall be of sufficient capacity and maintained in good working
condition, capable of adjustment in full range of current settings. Welding cables
shall be adequate size for the currents involved and ground methods shall be
such as to insure proper machine operation.
4) No welding shall begin until joint elements are clamped in proper alignment and
adjusted to dimensions shown on the drawings and allowance for any weld
shrinkage that is expected. No members are to be spliced without prior approval.
5) All welding shall be done in accordance with the reference specifications, with
the following modifications and additions:
a) All field welding shall be done by manual shielded metal-arc welding.
b) All groove welds shall have complete penetration, unless otherwise specified
on the drawings.
c) The minimum preheat and inter-pass temperature requirements shall be as
required per AWS D1.1.
6) Welding Sequence: Heavy sections and those having a high degree of restraint
must be welded in a sequence with the proper preheat and post-weld heat
treatment such that no permanent distortion occurs. Submit a welding sequence
for approval for these types of connections.
7) Oxygen Cutting: Manual oxygen cutting shall be done only with a mechanically
guided torch. Alternatively, an unguided torch may be used provided the cut is
not within ½ inch of the finished dimension and the final removal is completed by
chipping or grinding to produce a surface quality equal to that of the base metal
edges. The use of oxygen-cut holes for bolted connections will under no
circumstances be permitted and violation of this clause will be sufficient cause for
the rejection of any pieces in which oxygen-cut holes exist.
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3. Tolerances: All tolerances shall be as per the AISC “Code of Standard Practice for Steel
Buildings and Bridges”.
4. Paint System, Two-Part:
a. Source Quality Control: Primary materials shall be obtained from a single
manufacturer. Second materials shall be those recommended by the primary
b. Surface Preparation and Base Coat
1) The surface shall be commercial blast cleaned in conformance with SSPC-
SP10/NANCE 2, after all fabrication operations such as machining and welding
are completed. There shall be no more than an eight hour time lapse between
the surface preparation and the application of the primate coat.
2) The base coat shall be Sherman Williams Macropoxy 646 PW color mil white or
light blue or approved equal, and shall conform to SSPC-Paint 22.
3) The base coat shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and shall meet the requirements of SSPC Paint Specification No. 22.
The minimum thickness shall be 2.0 to 4.0 mils dft.
c. Finish Coat
1) The finish coat shall be Sherman Williams Hi-Solid Polyurethane (semi-gloss) or
approved equal, and shall conform to SSPC-paint number 36, level 3.
2) The finish coat shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and the minimum thickness shall be 3.0 to 4.0 mils dft.
d. Two-Part System Thickness: The minimum system thickness shall be 8.0 mils dft.
e. Color: The paint color shall be as selected by the Architect
f. Finish Quality: The dry paint shall be uniform and continuous with no voids or
puddles and shall not be broken by scratches or nicks. Although the Subcontractor’s
Quality Assurance personnel may witness the painting operation, this does not
relieve the painting subcontractor of the responsibility for meeting the quality and
workmanship requirements of these specifications.
g. Care and Handling: The painting subcontractor shall make every reasonable effort to
ensure that the painted steel is thoroughly dry and that it is handled carefully to
prevent damage to the paint and to reduce field repairs. Nylon slings should be used
when handling the painted steel.
h. Certification: The painting subcontractor shall be required to certify the paint
manufacturer’s name, paint identification, conformance with manufacturer’s written
instructions and the paint dry mil thickness.
4. Paint System, Three-Part:
a. Source Quality Control: Primary materials shall be obtained from a single
manufacturer. Second materials shall be those recommended by the primary
b. Surface Preparation and Base Coat
1) The surface shall be commercial blast cleaned in conformance with SSPC-SP10,
after all fabrication operations such as machining and welding are completed.
There shall be no more than an eight hour time lapse between the surface
preparation and the application of the primate coat.
2) The base coat shall be Sherman Williams inorganic zinc rich coating (zinc clad II
ethyl silicate). Color gray-green or approved equal and shall conform to SSPC-
Paint 20.
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3) The primer shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and shall meet the requirements of SSPC Paint Specification No. 20.
The minimum thickness shall be 2.0 to 4.0 mils dft.
c. Intermediate Coat
1) The intermediate coat shall be Sherman Williams Macropoxy 646 fast cure epoxy
color Mil white or light blue or approved equal and shall conform to SSPC Paint
Specification 22.
2) The surface preparation is to conform to SSPC-SP10/NANCE 2.
3) The intermediate coat shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. The minimum thickness shall be 4.0 – 6.0 mils dft.
d. Finish Coat
1) The finish coat shall be Sherman Williams Hi-Solid Polyurethane (semi-gloss), or
approved equal, and shall conform to SSPC – Paint number 36, Level 3.
2) The finish coat shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and the minimum thickness shall be 3.0 to 4.0 mils dft.
e. Three-Part System Thickness: The minimum system thickness shall be 10.0 mils dft.
f. Color: The paint color shall be as selected by the Architect.
g. Finish Quality: The dry paint shall be uniform and continuous with no voids or
puddles and shall not be broken by scratches or nicks. Although the Subcontractor’s
Quality Assurance personnel may witness the painting operation, this does not
relieve the Painting Subcontractor of the responsibility for meeting the quality and
workmanship requirements of these specifications.
h. Care and Handling: The painting subcontractor shall make every reasonable effort to
ensure that the painted steel is thoroughly dry and that it is handled carefully to
prevent damage to the paint and to reduce field repairs. Nylon slings should be used
when handling the painted steel.
i. Certification: The painting subcontractor shall be required to certify the paint
manufacturer’s name, paint identification, conformance with manufacturer’s written
instructions, and the paint dry mil thickness.
4. Powder Coating
a. Galvanized steel tubing preparation prior to powder coating shall be executed in
accordance to solvent cleaning SSPC-SP1. Solvents such as industrial thinner are to
be used to remove foreign matter from the surface. Power Tool Cleaning SSPC-SP3
will be performed prior to any solvent cleaning preparation; utilizing wire brushes
abrasive wheels and needle gun, etc.
b. Carbon structural steel tubing preparations prior to powder coating shall be executed
in accordance to commercial blast cleaning SSPC-SP5 or NACE #1. A commercial
blast cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible
oil, grease, dirt, mill scale, rust, coating, oxides, corrosion, products and other foreign
c. Powder coating shall be sufficiently applied with a minimum 2.5 – 3 mils thickness
and cured at the manufacturer’s specified temperature to provide proper adhesion
and stability to meet salt spray and adhesion tests as defined by the American
Society of Testing Materials (ASTM).
d. Powder utilized in the powder coat process shall have the following characteristics:
1) Specific Gravity: 1.2 – 1.8
2) Coverage at 1.0 Mil: 110 – 160 ft2/lb
3) Mass loss during cure: <1%
4) Maximum storage temperature: 80o F
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e. Rust protection under powder coat primer will be required on all structures in high
humidity and salt content areas. Powdura® Epoxy Powder Coating Z.R Primer shall
be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Primer is to be fused
only, then top coated with the selected powder coat to ensure proper inter-coat
The Epoxy Powder Coating Primer Characteristics:
1) Adhesion (ASTM D 3359) 5B
2) Flexibility (ASTM D 552) Pass 1/8” Mandrel Bend
3) Pencil Hardness (ASTM D 3363) H-2H
4) Impact Resistance (ASTM D 2794) 20-160 Dir/Rev
5) Salt Spray Resistance (ASTM B 117) 2000 hours
6) Humidity Resistance (ASTM D 4585) 2000 hours
7) 60o Gloss: 20.0 – 100.0%
8) Cure Schedule (metal temp): 10 min at 400o F
9) Film Thickness Range: 3.0 – 4.0 mils
Above in blue for coastal primer only***
H. Product Handling and Protection: Use all means necessary to protect structural steel before,
during, and after installation, and to protect the installed work and materials of all other
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J. Qualifications of Steel Fabricator: The steel fabricator shall have not less than five (5) years
continuous experience in the fabrication of structural steel.
A. General: Provide fasteners used to secure clamp systems to curbs and cables, assemblage
of clamp systems, and other fasteners as required to complete the work specified herein.
B. Materials:
1. All work shall comply with the latest edition of ASTM standards and American Iron and
Steel Institute (AISI), as referenced herein.
2. Fasteners used in membrane clamping systems shall be stainless steel. Bolts and studs
shall conform to ASTM F 593, type 304. Nuts shall conform to ASTM F 594, Type 316.
Washers shall be plain, narrow, and conform to AISI Type 18-8.
3. All clamping systems subjected to relative movement between clamping and curb shall
receive a split-ring lock washer conforming to AISI Type 18-8.
4. Unless otherwise specified on the drawings, all other bolts and nuts shall conform to
ASTM A 307-76B, zinc plated to conform to ASTM B 633 Class FE/ZN 8 type III.
C. Source Quality Control: The manufacturer shall certify that all fasteners comply with the
above referenced specifications.
A. General: All work shall comply with the latest edition of ASTM standards, as referenced
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A. Architectural Membrane Maintenance Kit: The owner shall be supplied with the following
materials for emergency repair or maintenance. The materials shall be neatly packaged into a
maintenance kit for storage by the owner.
● 6 12” / 305mm diameter PVC outer membrane patch
● 12 5” / 127mm diameter outer membrane patch
● 12 4” x 8” / 102 x 204mm
● 2 sq. yds. Outer Membrane
● 1 2” / 50mm roller
● 1 Hand held hot air sealer
● 1 5/8” / 16mm hole punch
● 1 Utility knife
● 25 Repair clips
● 1 Spool of No. 36 x 8 oz. (268’) nylon twine
● 36 yds. Cormar B29/4 x 15 Kevlar® thread
● 1 Hand awl
● 1 pkg. C-29 curved needles
● 1 Repair manual
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A. General
1. Membrane assembly design drawings shall include all information necessary for the
fabrication by the Subcontractor of the tensile membrane structure. They shall include
size and shape of envelope, type, and location of shop and field connections, size, type
and extent of all radio / high frequency (RF/HF) seams.
2. The Subcontractor shall take necessary care to plan and assemble the fabricated
sections such that the assembly has not shop patches. Splices, if any, shall be patterned
into a symmetrical and repetitive geometric arrangement within the assembly, shown on
the design drawings and, where feasible, hidden by structural members.
3. All fabricated joints shall have a minimum of 90 percent of the total strength of the coated
membrane in strip tensile testing. All structural joints shall be fused in accordance with
industry standards and shall maintain the integrity of the coating. PVC/PVDF-coated
polyester membranes shall be RF/HF seamed only.
4. Biaxial Test: At least one (1) representative sample of the outer membrane shall be
biaxially test loaded. Membrane compensation in patterning shall be based upon results
of the biaxial test loading.
A. Prior installation of the membrane assemblies, the Subcontractor shall meet with the General
Contractor to review the erection procedure and scheduling. The Subcontractor shall
coordinate all work with other trades.
B. No trade shall have access to, or work from the membrane, unless authorized by the
Subcontractor in writing.
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5. Erection tolerances shall be specified in the AISC “Code of Standard Practice for Steel
Buildings and Bridges”, unless otherwise noted.
C. Steel Cleaning:
1. Cleaning and touchup steel finishes field welds, bolted connections and abraded areas
shall be completed per the manufacturer’s field repair recommendations.
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