Graphical Representations of Derivatives Lesson Plan
Graphical Representations of Derivatives Lesson Plan
Graphical Representations of Derivatives Lesson Plan
Connect notation to
different representations
(graphical, numerical,
analytical, and verbal).
Academic Language: Students must be familiar with the following terminology in order to gain a good
understanding of the concepts in this lesson:
Derivative, first derivative, second derivative, slope, rate of change, cubic function, quadratic
function, linear function, cubic function
Students’ Needs: In order to meet the learning expectations of this lesson students must already have an
understanding of what a derivative is and how to find derivatives of basic polynomial functions using
the power-down rule. Students must also have a general understanding of the graphs of linear, quadratic,
and cubic functions. To bring this information back to the forefront of students’ minds, they will
complete a few warm up problems which ask them to characterize functions based on their power and to
derive a few functions. The following modifications will also be made to meet the needs of any diverse
Language Function:
Identify the order of a derivative based on the order of the original polynomial function
Graph the derivative of a function
Compare/Contrast the graph of a function and the graph of its derivative
Predict the graph of a function based on the graph of its derivative and vice versa
Lesson Plan
Before: To activate students’ prior knowledge, they will complete the following warm-up problems:
c) y – 2x = 9
2) Find the first and second derivatives of the following functions
a) g(x) = 1/2x2 + 10
b) f(x) = 7x3 – x2 + 5x – 1
During: To complete the Desmos activity, students will be working in pods of three to four. Students
will be allowed and encouraged to collaborate with one another; however, every student is expected to
go through the entire activity on his/her individual Chromebook. The code for the activity will be
written on the font board. Students will be given the majority of the period to work. While students
are working, I will be monitoring student progress and providing support when necessary. I will
especially be paying attention to any common misconceptions that come up, and if there are some, I
will address them while the students are still working to avoid any further confusion that might hinder
students’ understanding of the rest of the activity.
After: Upon completion of the activity, we will have a class discussion on the connection between
the graph of a function and the graph of its derivative. Special effort will be made to discuss how one
can determine one graph from the other and why we are able to make such predictions/how we can
justify those predictions. From this point, I will introduce the next unit on curve sketching in which
students will be required to construct graphs of original functions from scratch based on
characteristics of the derivative graph.
Assessment: I will be monitoring student progress throughout the lesson as I walk around the room and
by utilizing the teacher screen in Desmos. The card sort slide at the very end of the Desmos activity will
be used to assess student understanding.
1. Formative Through their Students who are Completion of the Desmos Activity
Assessment: responses, especially having a difficult
Observation and the open-ended ones, time making the
Formal Discussion students will be able connections
to demonstrate their between the
knowledge. graphs of the
functions and
their derivatives
will receive help
from their peers
and/or myself so
they may get to
the necessary
level of
2. Summative Completion of the Students who are Getting four of the five card matchings
Assessment: Card slide having a difficult correct will display sufficient
Sort slide in time with the card understanding.
Desmos Activity sort will be given
more time and the
option to get extra
Finding Derivatives Graphically YouTube video: