Homework Grading Policy

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Dear Parents and Students,

In an effort to best prepare your child for the expectations facing them at the high school
level, we are implementing a grading policy similar--but more fitting for a middle school
student. The following is an explanation of how your child is earning their math grade.

Daily Work (30% of overall grade): ​Each lesson of this new curriculum takes 2 days
on average. Your child has homework assigned each night (usually 10-15 problems).
This online assignment ​is not​ recorded as a grade, but is merely designed as
independent practice. After the lesson is completed, a homework check using 4-5
problems from the online assignments will be completed during class time and is
recorded in PowerSchool as a ​homework/daily work​ grade. Your child is expected to
show all necessary work, labels, etc… to receive full credit for each problem. If your
son/daughter needs to fix this check, that can be done ONLY if they have completed the
computer homework with a grade of 80% or higher. Redos must be done within ​3​ days
of receiving the graded homework check or quarter end (whichever comes first). Each
homework check may be redone ONE time.

Tests (70% of overall grade): ​Tests are given at the end of each chapter. If your child
would like to improve their test score, he/she will need to have ALL computer homework
and chapter review done BEFORE the test was taken or they cannot redo the test.
Redos must be done within ​2 weeks​ of receiving the graded test or quarter end
(whichever comes first). Each test may be redone ONE time.

Thank you for your continued support in educating your child,

The Middle School Math Department

Angela Blank Nichole Poland Bobbi Byerly

Cedar Hollow St. Libory One-R
My son/daughter and I have read and understand the grading policy for the Northwest
Middle School Math classes.

Please sign and return only this sheet to Mrs. Byerly by Friday, August 17, 2018.

(Needs to be signed by ​BOTH​ student and parent/guardian.)

______________________________________________ _______________
Print Student’s Name Date

Signature of Student

______________________________________________ _______________
Print Parent/Guardian Name Date

Signature of Parent/Guardian

**Please keep the policy sheet for your reference throughout the school year**

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