Autodesk Revit Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
Autodesk Revit Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
Autodesk Revit Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
Paul F. Aubin
AB3529-L If you are new to Autodesk Revit Architecture software and want to get a quick hands-
on overview of the recommended practices for using BIM in architecture and its associated workflows,
then this is the class for you. We highlight several workflows, including conceptual design,
documentation, visualization, and multidiscipline coordination. These workflows highlight the
capabilities of Revit Architecture, and touch on some of the Autodesk® BIM 360™ cloud-based
offerings as well. In this hands-on lab, you walk through exercises that highlight each of the major
phases of design, with an emphasis on recommended workflow, while simultaneously incorporating
features that are new to Revit Architecture 2014.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to:
• Incorporate a massing study into a building design
• Explain how to lay out basic architectural objects, such as walls, openings, and floors
• List the newest features in Revit Architecture 2014, such as alternate dimensions and room
calculation point
• Move a Revit Architecture model through the various phases of architectural design
2. Zoom out a little and click on the Level to Exercise 2 – Join Forms
Continue in the previous file.
make it the active work plane.
3. On either the Create or Modify tab, on the 1. On the Modify tab, on the Geometry
Draw panel click the Rectangle icon. panel, click the Join button.
2. Click the box just created.
3. Click the smaller box to the West.
The two forms will join with a resolved edge between
Exercise 3 – Create a Solid and Void 8. Cancel the command, select this rectangle
Continue in the previous file. and then click the drop-down portion of
the Create Form button and choose Void
1. Zoom in on the shapes on the East side of Form.
the building.
2. Select the L shape on the left.
3. Click the Create Form button.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
2. Select the wedge shape and then using 7. Click the Modify tool or press ESC to
the CTRL key; click the path on the ground cancel.
to select it as well. 8. On the QAT, click the Default 3D View
3. Click the Create Form button. icon.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
1. Select one of the Mass Floors (use the TAB Exercise 8 – Adjusting Schedule Formatting
key if necessary). Continue in the previous file.
2. Take note of the area and other values on Let’s adjust some formatting and add a total at the
the Properties palette. bottom.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
1. Click in the header above the Floor Area 9. Click the Formatting tab, select Floor Area
column (labeled “B”). and then check the Calculate Totals box.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
9. In one of the elevation views, select the • Browse to the file named:
CAD object and move it up 4". 11_Arch_Model_Start.rvt.
10. Click in the 3D view. Select the CAD object • Select it and click Open.
and then on the ribbon, click the Explode 2. Verify that the floor plan view named Basic
button. Elements is open.
3. On the Architecture tab, click the Wall tool.
• On the Properties palette, from the
Type Selector, choose I_MtlStud - 4
7/8" Partition.
• Near the bottom of the plan, draw a
horizontal wall across the space from
the centerline of the wall on the left to
The exploded solids will become 3D Free Form the centerline of the wall on the right.
elements. The exploded lines will become Model Lines.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
All of the other walls will shift with it to match the 12'-0"
7. Above the dimension string, click the small Exercise 13 – Adding Doors
equality toggle (the letters EQ with a slash Continue from the previous file.
through it).
8. Click the Modify tool (or ESC twice).
1. On the Architecture tab, click the Door tool.
9. Select one of the walls in the middle.
10. On the Options Bar, click the Activate • On the Properties palette, from the
Dimensions button. Type Selector, choose Single-Flush-w-
Metal-Frame: 36" x 84".
• Highlight the long horizontal wall drawn
above and click to place a door in one
of the rooms.
11. Locate the small boat anchor icon and drag
it to the far right wall.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
This will display the outline of the floor slab above. You
can use this to move the stair to the correct location in
The extension will apply to both railings since we are
editing the Type.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
3. Starting at the end of the existing railing 1. Open the file named:
path sketch, add additional lines as shown.
• Open the floor plan view named:
2. On the Insert tab, click the Link Revit
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
• For Positioning, choose: Auto – Origin Three other modes are included:
to Origin.
• Select the file named: 56750_S.rvt and • Pinned elements, prevents pinned
then click Open. elements from being selected.
• In the warning, click OK. • Faces allows you select elements in 3D
The structural model will appear onscreen. by clicking on the surface rather than
the edges.
3. Move your mouse near the edge of the link. • Press and Drag allows you to select and
move in a single motion.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
On the left side of the plan, some of the rooms that fall Exercise 24 – Add Door Tags
outside the crop region received tags. We can remove Continue from the previous file
these by either manually deleting them or adjusting the
annotation crop region.
1. Repeat Tag All Not Tagged (You can find it
on the Annotate tab as well).
• At the top of the “Tag All Not Tagged”
dialog, be sure that the “All objects in
current view” radio button is selected.
• From the list of tags, choose the Door
Tag:Door Tag item.
• Click OK to place the tags.
2. Zoom and pan around the view to check the
3. Delete any tags you don’t need.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
You should now have the floor plan and schedule views
side by side.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
• On the Appearance panel, click the 2. Right-click the new sheet and choose
Align Horizontal drop-down button and Rename.
choose Right. • Change the number to A103.
• Change the name to Enlarged Plans and
then click OK.
• In the “New Sheet” dialog, accept the 6. For the Show Title parameter, change it to
defaults and click OK. No and then click OK.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
5. Repeat the steps with the other two • To return to the previous axonometric
shading devices. view, highlight the ViewCube and then
• Move the middle one in the Y direction click the Home icon that appears.
only away from the face of the building
• Move the lower one away from the face
of the building and down slightly.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features
Further Study
You can find more information and tutorials in
The Aubin Academy Master Series: Revit Architecture.
If you want a deep dive into the Family Editor try my new book:
Renaissance Revit: Creating Classical Architecture with Modern Software.
Past Autodesk University Class:
The Revit Family Editor course is devoted entirely to the Family Editor and content creation. The
Advanced Modeling course covers the Massing Environment as well as many other related topics.
If you have any questions about this session or Revit in general, you can use the contact form at to send me an email.
All of your lab monitors from today also have resources available and teach classes here at Autodesk University. Do
a search for:
Brian Mackey, Founder, BD Mackey Consulting, Desiree Mackey, Professional Engineer, BIM Manager:
Martin/Martin, Steve Stafford, CEO, AEC