Autodesk Revit Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

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The key takeaways are learning Revit workflows including conceptual design, documentation, visualization and multidiscipline coordination as well as new features in Revit 2014.

The purpose of the class is to provide a quick hands-on overview of recommended practices for using BIM in architecture and its associated workflows.

Some of the workflows covered in the class include conceptual design, documentation, visualization, and multidiscipline coordination.

Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New

Paul F. Aubin

AB3529-L If you are new to Autodesk Revit Architecture software and want to get a quick hands-
on overview of the recommended practices for using BIM in architecture and its associated workflows,
then this is the class for you. We highlight several workflows, including conceptual design,
documentation, visualization, and multidiscipline coordination. These workflows highlight the
capabilities of Revit Architecture, and touch on some of the Autodesk® BIM 360™ cloud-based
offerings as well. In this hands-on lab, you walk through exercises that highlight each of the major
phases of design, with an emphasis on recommended workflow, while simultaneously incorporating
features that are new to Revit Architecture 2014.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to:
• Incorporate a massing study into a building design
• Explain how to lay out basic architectural objects, such as walls, openings, and floors
• List the newest features in Revit Architecture 2014, such as alternate dimensions and room
calculation point
• Move a Revit Architecture model through the various phases of architectural design

About the Speaker

Paul F. Aubin is the author of many CAD and BIM book titles including the widely acclaimed: The Aubin Academy Mastering
Series: Revit Architecture and MEP titles. Paul’s newest title: Renaissance Revit: Creating Classical Architecture with Modern
Software debuts here at AU. Paul is also the author of Revit video training for He is an
independent architectural consultant who travels internationally providing Revit® Architecture and AutoCAD® Architecture
implementation, training, and support services. Paul’s involvement in the architectural profession spans over 20 years, with
experience that includes design, production, CAD management, mentoring, coaching and training. He is an active member of the
Autodesk user community, and has been a top-rated speaker at Autodesk University for many years. Paul has also spoken at the
Revit Technology Conference (RTC) in both the US and Australia and other regional events such as the Central States Revit
Workshop and CAD Americas. His diverse experience in architectural firms, as a CAD manager, and as an educator gives his
writing and his classroom instruction a fresh and credible focus. Paul is an associate member of the American Institute of
Architects. He lives in Chicago with his wife and three children.

Contact Paul via the Contact link at

Follow Paul on Twitter: @paulfaubin

Building a Mass Model
In this exercise you begin in a Massing model that is
already begun. To it we will add additional forms to
complete a basic building model form.

5. Click the Modify tool or press ESC to finish.

6. Move the mouse near the rectangle just
created. It will highlight the entire shape
(chain). Click to select the chain.
You do the following: 7. On the ribbon, click the Create Form
• Create solid mass forms button.
• Create voids and combine solids

Exercise 1 – Create a new Solid Form

1. Open the file named:
01_Mass Model_Start_V2.rfa

• Open the {3D} view.

• On the ViewCube, click the Home icon
8. Click away from the form to deselect it.

2. Zoom out a little and click on the Level to Exercise 2 – Join Forms
Continue in the previous file.
make it the active work plane.
3. On either the Create or Modify tab, on the 1. On the Modify tab, on the Geometry
Draw panel click the Rectangle icon. panel, click the Join button.
2. Click the box just created.
3. Click the smaller box to the West.
The two forms will join with a resolved edge between

4. Repeat for the for to the East.

4. Snap to each of the points located on the

ground plane.
AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Exercise 3 – Create a Solid and Void 8. Cancel the command, select this rectangle
Continue in the previous file. and then click the drop-down portion of
the Create Form button and choose Void
1. Zoom in on the shapes on the East side of Form.
the building.
2. Select the L shape on the left.
3. Click the Create Form button.

9. Click away from the element to deselect it

and see the result.

4. Highlight the green arrow on the form

and drag it to the right across the top of
the roof.
5. Change the temporary dimension value to 75.

Exercise 4 – Create a “Lofted” Form

Continue in the previous file.

1. Zoom in on the shapes on the North-West

side of the building.

• The lines on the ground will be the

6. Click directly on the vertical surface on path.
the East side of the new roof form. • The wedge shape will sweep along the
This will set this as the active work plane. path.

7. Draw a rectangle directly on this surface.

Make it approximately 18 x 28.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

2. Select the wedge shape and then using 7. Click the Modify tool or press ESC to
the CTRL key; click the path on the ground cancel.
to select it as well. 8. On the QAT, click the Default 3D View
3. Click the Create Form button. icon.

9. Save the file with a new name.

Exercise 6 – Creating Mass Floors

Continue in the previous file. If you closed the file, you can
open 06_Schematic Project_V1.rvt and make sure that on
the Massing & Site tab, that Show Massing by View is
toggled on. Make sure you are in a 3D view and zoom to fit.
Exercise 5 – Save and Load Into Project
1. Close all files. 1. Select the massing model onscreen.
2. On the QAT, click the Open icon. 2. On the Modify | Mass tab, click the Mass
Floors button.
• Browse to file named: 05_Schematic
• Select it and then click Open.

3. On the QAT, click open again.

• Select the 05_Mass Model_V2.rfa file
and open it.
3. In the “Mass Floors” dialog, check GROUND
4. On the ribbon, click the Load Into Project TOWER.
button. 4. Click OK.

5. In the dialog that appears, simply click

This will enable the display of masses in the project.

6. On the Modify | Place Mass tab, ensure

that Place on Work Plane is active and
then click a point in the middle of the
screen to place the model.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

3. On the View tab, click the Schedules drop-

down and choose Schedules/Quantities.
4. In the “New Schedule” dialog, from the
Category list, choose Mass Floor.

It can be a little easier to see what we have done if we

shade the model.

5. On the View Control Bar, click the Visual

Style pop-up and choose Shaded.

5. In the “Schedule Properties” dialog, on the

Fields tab, choose Level, then Floor Area
and then Floor Perimeter.
6. Click OK to display the schedule.

Exercise 7 – Analyzing Mass Floor Area

Continue in the previous file. If you closed the file, you can
open 07_Schematic Project_V2.rvt and make sure that on
the Massing & Site tab, that Show Massing by View is
toggled on.

1. Select one of the Mass Floors (use the TAB Exercise 8 – Adjusting Schedule Formatting
key if necessary). Continue in the previous file.
2. Take note of the area and other values on Let’s adjust some formatting and add a total at the
the Properties palette. bottom.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

1. Click in the header above the Floor Area 9. Click the Formatting tab, select Floor Area
column (labeled “B”). and then check the Calculate Totals box.

10. Click OK.

2. On the Modify | Schedule/Quantities tab,

on the Appearance panel, click the Align
Horizontal drop-down and choose Right.

Exercise 9 – Update the model

Continue in the previous file.
Changes to the model are immediately reflected in the
schedule and vice versa.

1. On the View tab, click the Tile button to tile

the schedule and other views onscreen.
3. Repeat for column “C” (the Floor Perimeter 2. In the Mass Model_V1 file, make a change
column). to the shape of the model.
4. Click in the Level header and drag across
the other two headers. (Do this in a single
motion, click and drag across the columns
This will highlight all three headers

3. Reload the model into the project.

4. When prompted, choose Overwrite the
existing version. (Watch the area values in
5. On the ribbon, click the Font button and the schedule view as you do).
choose Arial Black. Click OK.
6. Click the Align Horizontal drop-down again
and choose Center.
7. On the Properties palette, click the Edit
button next to Sorting/Grouping.
8. Check the Grand Totals box.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Exercise 10 – Energy Analysis

Continue in the previous file. If you prefer, you can open
the file named 10_Schematic Project_V3 instead.

1. On the Analyze tab, on the Energy Analysis

panel, click the Use Conceptual Mass Mode

6. Click the Enable Energy Model button.

7. Click OK to dismiss the warning dialog.

2. Click the Energy Settings button.

3. In the “Energy Settings” dialog, for the
Building Type, choose Hospital or
4. Click in the Location field and in the dialog
that appears, input the address of your
5. Review the remaining settings. Accept the
defaults and click OK.

8. Click the Run Energy Simulation button.

9. If prompted, enter your Autodesk Sign in
credentials and click Accept on the license
10. In the “Run Energy Simulation” dialog, click
the Continue button.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Using CAD Files in Families

In this exercise you create a new Family based on an
existing CAD file. New in Revit 2014, you can explode a
CAD file containing 3D solids and they become
converted to Free Form elements in the Family Editor.

Exercise 11 – Using Solids in Families

New feature for building content.

1. From the Application menu, choose New >

2. In the “New Family – Select a Template File”
The model thus generated can be analyzed further in
dialog, choose Furniture and then click
the viewport. Click to select various portions of the Open.
model and view their properties on the Properties 3. Tile windows and zoom all to fit.
palette. 4. On the Insert tab, click the Import CAD
Additional Schedules can be created to list each Mass
Zone and its properties.

Click the Results & Compare button to see a report with

comparisons to the various analysis run.

5. In the “Import CAD Formats” dialog, choose

the RollingFile.dwg file.
6. Set the Colors to Black and White and the
Units to Inch.
7. Set Positioning to Auto – Origin to Origin
and then click Open.

The file’s origin places it a little below the level. We can

move it up.

8. Select the imported CAD file and unpin it.

11. Close all files.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

9. In one of the elevation views, select the • Browse to the file named:
CAD object and move it up 4". 11_Arch_Model_Start.rvt.
10. Click in the 3D view. Select the CAD object • Select it and click Open.
and then on the ribbon, click the Explode 2. Verify that the floor plan view named Basic
button. Elements is open.
3. On the Architecture tab, click the Wall tool.
• On the Properties palette, from the
Type Selector, choose I_MtlStud - 4
7/8" Partition.
• Near the bottom of the plan, draw a
horizontal wall across the space from
the centerline of the wall on the left to
The exploded solids will become 3D Free Form the centerline of the wall on the right.
elements. The exploded lines will become Model Lines.

4. Repeat the process to create five vertical

walls, making six rooms.

5. Click the Modify tool or press ESC twice to

11. Save the Family As and give it a name.
complete the command.
12. Load it into a project to test it.
Exercise 12 – Using Dimensions
Continue from the previous file.
Exploded Free Form elements can have parameters 1. Select the new wall on the right.
applied to them to make them flex. 2. Click on one of the temporary dimensions
and edit the value to 11.
Developing your Design
In this exercise you refine your model by adding simple
building elements like walls, doors, windows and stairs.

Exercise 11 – Adding Walls

This exercise shows basic Revit elements

1. From the Application menu, choose Open >


AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

This is a quick way to move elements precisely, but a

permanent dimension is also effective and sometimes

3. On the QAT, click the Aligned Dimension


12. Select the first wall to the right of the

4. Click the left edge of each wall to create a exterior wall.
continuous string of dimensions across the 13. Edit the temporary dimension that appears
plan. to a value of 12.

5. Continue clicking on the left edge of each

wall until you reach the last wall you drew.
6. Click in empty space (not on a wall) to

All of the other walls will shift with it to match the 12'-0"

7. Above the dimension string, click the small Exercise 13 – Adding Doors
equality toggle (the letters EQ with a slash Continue from the previous file.
through it).
8. Click the Modify tool (or ESC twice).
1. On the Architecture tab, click the Door tool.
9. Select one of the walls in the middle.
10. On the Options Bar, click the Activate • On the Properties palette, from the
Dimensions button. Type Selector, choose Single-Flush-w-
Metal-Frame: 36" x 84".
• Highlight the long horizontal wall drawn
above and click to place a door in one
of the rooms.
11. Locate the small boat anchor icon and drag
it to the far right wall.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

(Note: The room was previously added to the file via a

Room Schedule – add new row).

2. Click in the space at the far left to place the

room and its tag.

2. Repeat in each room placing a door at 6"

from the adjacent walls.
• If necessary, use temporary dimensions
to fine tune placement.

3. Click the Modify tool (or press ESC twice).

Revit will cut the holes in the walls automatically.

3. Change the Room to 42 DR OFFICE.
4. Select the horizontal wall. 4. Click in the next space to add the room.
5. Click the temporary dimension that appears
and edit the value to 13.

The adjacent walls will stay connected and the doors

will move with the parent wall.

Exercise 14 – Adding Rooms

Continue from the previous file.

1. On the Architecture tab, click the Room

• On the Options Bar, next to Room, click
the drop-down (labeled New) and
choose: 41 MECH.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

5. Repeat for the remaining doctor’s offices.

6. Click the Modify tool (or press ESC twice).

Note the change.

Notice the square footage on the tags for all of the
doctor’s offices is equal. This is because of the equality 5. Select the windows in one of the offices.
constraint applied to the dimension above. 6. On the Project Browser, double-click to
open the North elevation view.
Exercise 15 – Changing Elements
Continue from the previous file. Or if you prefer, open

1. Select one of the walls separating the

2. On the Properties palette, from the Type
Selector, choose: Interior - 6 1/8" Partition Note how the windows are still selected.
Sometimes the element type you want is not in the
project. You can load families from outside files.

7. On the Properties palette, click the Edit

Type button.
8. In the “Type Properties” dialog, click the
Load button.
9. Browse to Windows folder and choose
another window such as: Archtop with Trim.
Notice the wall get a bit thicker and also the other walls 10. Click Open, choose a size and then click OK.
adjust as well. This is again due to the constrained
dimension. Notice the change in square footage in one
of the offices.

3. Select each of the office doors (make a

window selection or click with the CTRL key).
4. On the Properties palette, from the Type
Selector, choose: Door Single s Side Light:

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Exercise 16 – Using Dockable Windows

Continue from the previous file. Or if you prefer, open

New in this release, we can dock the Properties palette

and Project Browser together into a single tabbed

1. Click and drag at the titlebar of the

• On the Modify | Place Ceiling tab, click
Properties palette.
the Sketch Ceiling button.
3. On the Draw panel, click the Pick Walls icon.

2. Drag it on top of the titlebar of the Project

Browser and release. • Click on the wall to the left between the
MECH room and the office.
• Click on the lower horizontal wall
shared by all offices.
• Click on one vertical and one horizontal
exterior wall.
You will have clicked a total of four walls.

The two palettes will now combine with tabs at the

bottom to switch between them.

If you later decide to remove this, simply drag one

palette away to “tear” it off (drag it away). Then drag
back to your preferred location.

Exercise 17 – Interconnecting Elements 4. On the Modify panel, click the Trim/Extend

Continue from the previous file. to Corner icon.
• Clean up each corner to form a closed
1. On the Project Browser, double-click to
open the ceiling plan named: Doctors
2. On the Architecture tab, click the Ceiling

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

5. On the Properties palette, from the Type

Selector, choose: 2' x 2' ACT System.
6. On the Modify | Create Ceiling Boundary
tab, click the Finish Edit Mode (Green
checkmark) button.
This places a single ceiling across all of the offices.
Let’s connect the walls to the underside of this ceiling. 9. Select the ceiling.
• On the Properties palette, change the
Height Offset from Level to: 10'-0".
7. On the QAT, click the Section tool. 10. Select the far left wall (the one between the
office and the MECH room).
• Click the first point inside the MECH
room and the second point outside the • Move it about a foot to the left. (ignore
rightmost office. any error).

• Open the new section.

8. Select just the four walls separating the
offices on the second floor.
You can use a very thin crossing selection (drag right to
left) across the very tops of the walls. Notice how the connections to other elements are
maintained in both the moving of the ceiling and the
(If you have trouble getting just the wall, click the Filter
button on the ribbon and uncheck everything except
walls). Exercise 18 – Add a Stair
Creating a new component-based Stair.

1. Open the file named:

• Open the floor plan view named:
• On the ribbon, click the Attach • Open the 3D view named: 3D Stair.
Top/Base button. • Tile the two windows and zoom in on
the lobby area.
2. On the Architecture tab, click the Stair by
Component button.
• On the Properties palette, verify that
the type is: Assembled Stair: 7" max
• Click on the ceiling. riser 11" tread.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

• For the Base Level, choose GROUND

• For the Top Level, choose SECOND
3. In the plan view, click a point in the lobby to
• On the Options Bar, for the Location
Line, choose: Run: Left.
Notice the cursor position relative to the stair run.

• On the Options Bar, for the Location

Line, choose: Exterior Support: Left.
Again notice the cursor position relative to the stair run. 11. Click on the small run. (Be sure to click the
run and not the supports or landing).
• Drag the small triangle grip at the end
of the run slightly to the left.
Watch the 3D view as you drag. Notice that the long run
will shorten by the same amount of risers and that the
landing height will also adjust.

• On the Options Bar, for the actual Run

Width, input 4 and then press ENTER.
4. Move the mouse to the right to create
about 6 risers and then click.

12. Click on the landing.

• Drag the small triangle grip at the edge
of the landing.
• Drag it about the distance of one tread.
• Repeat on the other side of the landing.

5. Click the next point above the end of the

first run and keep it lined up.
• Move to the left until all the remaining
risers are used up and then click.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

14. Create a window selection around the

entire stair (drag from left to right to
surround it).
15. On the Modify tab, click the Move tool and
use object snaps to move the stair and snap
it to the correct location relative to the floor

Notice the runs will move with each adjustment to keep

the stair components connected to one another.

If necessary, move again to fine-tune the placement

13. On the Properties palette, click the drop- and/or use the grips to adjust the runs as desired.
down at the top and choose Floor Plan:

16. On the Modify | Create Stair tab, click the

Finish Edit Mode button (green checkmark).

Exercise 19 – Add Railing Extensions

Continue from the previous file or Open

1. Highlight the top rail of one of the railings.

• Press TAB to highlight just the top rail
• Change the Underlay to SECOND and then click to select it.
FLOOR. 2. On the Properties palette, click the Edit
Type button.
• For the Extension (Beginning/Bottom),
change the Length to 1 and then click

This will display the outline of the floor slab above. You
can use this to move the stair to the correct location in
The extension will apply to both railings since we are
editing the Type.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

3. For the Extension Style, choose Floor and

then click Apply.

4. Try Post next.

5. Click OK when finished.

Exercise 20 – Modify a Railing

Continue from the previous

1. Delete the guard rail at the top of the stairs

at the second floor.
2. Select the stair railing on the outside edge
of the stair.
• On the Modify | Railings tab, click the 4. Click the Finish Edit Mode button.
Edit Path button.
• On the Options panel, click the Preview
checkbox. Notice that the railing is now continuous from the stair
up to the guard rail.

Exercise 21 – Select Lock Toggles

Open 21_Arch_Model_Lock_Toggles_Start.rvt.

3. Starting at the end of the existing railing 1. Open the file named:
path sketch, add additional lines as shown.
• Open the floor plan view named:
2. On the Insert tab, click the Link Revit

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

7. Turn off the next toggle.

• Try to select and move again.

Notice that this time they will not select or move.

• For Positioning, choose: Auto – Origin Three other modes are included:
to Origin.
• Select the file named: 56750_S.rvt and • Pinned elements, prevents pinned
then click Open. elements from being selected.
• In the warning, click OK. • Faces allows you select elements in 3D
The structural model will appear onscreen. by clicking on the surface rather than
the edges.
3. Move your mouse near the edge of the link. • Press and Drag allows you to select and
move in a single motion.

It will highlight. Documenting your Design

In this section we look at annotating you designs and
4. Click to select it. Try to move it. creating documentation.
• Undo the move.
5. On the Status Bar at the bottom right, click Exercise 22 – Create a non-rectangular
the first toggle icon. callout
• Try to select and move the link again. This exercise shows the process to set up a new view with
annotation to document your project.

1. From the Application menu, choose Open >

• Browse to the file named:
• Select it and click Open.
2. Verify that the floor plan view named

Notice that it will no longer select or move.

6. Zoom in at the lobby and notice the

underlay linework (grayscale lines).
• Try to select and move some of these.
• Undo.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

3. On the View tab, click the Callout drop-

down button and choose Sketch.

4. Sketch lines down the middle of the

corridor on the right side of the plan.
• Draw the first segement down, then
turn to the right then continue down
again following the shape of the
• Complete the in a rectangular shape
surrounding the right portion of the

5. On the Modify | Edit Profile tab, click the

Finish Edit Mode button.

Use the grips on the midpoint of each edge to fine-tune

the shape of the callout if desired.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Exercise 23 – Add Room Tags

Continue from the previous file or Open

1. Make sure that the Enlarged Lobby Floor

Plan is open.
2. On the Architecture tab, click the Tag Room
• Click a point in the entrance foyer at the
bottom of the plan.

You can continue to click in other rooms to add their

tags, or you can add them all at once using Tag All Not

3. On the Architecture tab, click the Tag Room

6. Select the callout, right-click and then drop-down button and choose Tag All Not
choose Go to View. Tagged.
• At the top of the “Tag All Not Tagged”
dialog, be sure that the “All objects in
current view” radio button is selected.
• From the list of tags, choose the Room
Tag:Room Tag With Area item.
• Click OK to place the tags.

7. On the Project Browser, right-click the

Callout of GROUND FLOOR view and choose
• Type: Enlarged Lobby Floor Plan and
then click OK.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

On the left side of the plan, some of the rooms that fall Exercise 24 – Add Door Tags
outside the crop region received tags. We can remove Continue from the previous file
these by either manually deleting them or adjusting the
annotation crop region.
1. Repeat Tag All Not Tagged (You can find it
on the Annotate tab as well).
• At the top of the “Tag All Not Tagged”
dialog, be sure that the “All objects in
current view” radio button is selected.
• From the list of tags, choose the Door
Tag:Door Tag item.
• Click OK to place the tags.
2. Zoom and pan around the view to check the
3. Delete any tags you don’t need.

Exercise 25 – Add Dimensions

Continue from the previous file

1. On the QAT, click the Aligned Dimension

• On the Options Bar, choose Faces of
4. Click to select the crop region. Core from the first drop-down.
• Click and drag the control handle on the
dashed rectangle surrounding the
irregularly shaped crop region.
• Drag it closer to the plan.

2. Click on the left vertical wall of PUBLIC

Any tag intersected by this dashed annotation crop will RESTROOM 17.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

• Click the next vertical wall on the other

side of the room and continue with the
two walls of the elevator.
• Click a point above the rooms in the
empty space of WAITING 35 to place
the dimension.

• Click above the wall to place the

4. Repeat the process to add dimensions in dimension.
other locations.
5. Return to the dimension tool.
• From the second drop-down, choose
Entire Walls

• Click the Modify tool or press ESC twice

• Click the Options button. to finish.
• Check Openings and choose Widths.
• Click OK.
Exercise 26 – Make modifications
Continue from the previous file or open the file named

1. Select one of dimensioned walls such as the

one between the PUBLIC RESTROOM and
the corridor.
• Move the wall slightly.

Note the change to both the dimension and the room


6. Click on the exterior horizontal wall at the

top of the plan.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

2. Select and move one of the dimensioned

windows on the exterior wall.

3. On the Project Browser, open the floor plan


As you might expect, all changes to the model are

reflected here as well, even though the annotation may

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Exercise 27a – Alternate Dimension Text

Continue from the previous file
Exercise 27 – Working with a Schedule
Continue from the previous file
1. Reopen the view named Enlarged Lobby
Floor Plan.
2. Select the dimension you added at the top. 6. Verify that the floor plan view named
3. On the Properties palette, click the Edit GROUND FLOOR is open.
Type button. 7. On the Project Browser, beneath the
• Click the Duplicate button and add the Schedules/Quantities branch, double-click
suffix: w MM to the name. to open the Room Schedule.
• On the View tab, on the Windows
panel, click the Tile button.

You should now have the floor plan and schedule views
side by side.

4. Scroll down and for Alternate Units, choose

Below. 8. In the schedule view, click to select the first
• Verify that Alternate Units Format is set room.
to MM.

Notice it highlight in the plan as well.

9. Repeat by selecting a different room.

You can modify the settings if you like. 10. Click and drag through several rooms.

5. Click OK to see the results.

Notice them all highlight in the plan.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

5. Click again in the title field at the top.

• Click the Font button again.
• Change the font to Arial Black and the
height to 1/4" and then click OK.

11. With the rooms still highlighted, click the

titlebar of the floor plan view to switch
focus to the plan. 6. On the Modify Schedule/Quantities tab, on
the Titles & Headers panel, click the Insert
• On the Properties palette, change the
Image button.
Limit Offset to 10 and press ENTER.
• Browse to the image file named:
patient_room_icon w Title.png and then
Note the change in both the Properties palette and click Open
schedule. Note in particular the Unbounded Height
which is tied to the Limit Offset parameter.

3. In the schedule view, click on the title.

• Change the name to Room List and
then press ENTER.
4. Click in the Level header field and drag
through all of the headers. (They will all 7. Click on the letter above the Unbounded
highlight) Height column header (Letter E).

• On the Modify Schedule/Quantities tab,

click the Font button.
• In the “Edit Font” dialog, change the
Font size to 3/16".
• Check the Bold checkbox and then click

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

• On the Appearance panel, click the 2. Right-click the new sheet and choose
Align Horizontal drop-down button and Rename.
choose Right. • Change the number to A103.
• Change the name to Enlarged Plans and
then click OK.

8. Repeat for the Limit Offset column.

3. On the Project Browser up under the Floor
9. Click on Column F.
Plans branch, drag the Enlarged Lobby Floor
• On the Columns panel, click the Delete
Plan view and drop it on the sheet.
• On the Options Bar, from the Rotation
on Sheet drop-down, choose 90°

4. Move the viewport to fit in the titleblock

Exercise 28 – Adding a Sheet area.
Continue from the previous file or open the file named 5. Select the viewport and on the Properties
28_Arch_Model_Doc_V3.rvt palette, click the Edit Type button.
• At the top of the dialog, click Duplicate.
• In the Name field type Viewport no
1. On the Project Browser, right-click the
Title and then click OK.
Sheets branch and choose New Sheet.

• In the “New Sheet” dialog, accept the 6. For the Show Title parameter, change it to
defaults and click OK. No and then click OK.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Visualizing your Design

In this section we look at visualization tools and
techniques you can use to present your designs.

Exercise 29 – Using Displace Elements

This exercise shows the process to create an “exploded”
3D view of a portion of your design.

1. From the Application menu, choose Open >

• Browse to the file named:
• Select it and click Open. A small colored displacement icon will appear on the
2. Verify that the 3D view named Displace is selected element. Red moves along the X, green moves
open. along the Y and blue moves along the Z.

4. Highlight the green arrow and drag it away

from the face of the building.
• With the element still selected, drag up
slightly with the blue arrow.

3. Select the top shading device element.

• On the Modify | Generic Models tab, on
the View panel, click the Displace
Elements button.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

5. Repeat the steps with the other two • To return to the previous axonometric
shading devices. view, highlight the ViewCube and then
• Move the middle one in the Y direction click the Home icon that appears.
only away from the face of the building
• Move the lower one away from the face
of the building and down slightly.

Displace one more element.

7. Select the Curtain Wall. (Be sure to click the

6. To fine-tune placement, click the Right face curtain wall itself – dashed outline – not the
of the ViewCube. mullions or glass).
• Displace this element and move it
slightly away from the exterior wall with
the green arrow.
• Make any further adjustments to the
positions of any of the four displaced
8. Select one of the displaced elements.
• On the Modify | Displacement Set tab,
on the Displacement Set panel, click the
Path button.
• Click on each shading device and use
the green and blue arrows to fine-tune
the positions.

• Click near the ends of the shading

device to add a few paths.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

• Continue clicking at the edges of the

other displaced elements.
• Click the Modify tool or press ESC twice
to finish.
Try orbiting the view. Notice that the displaced elements
and lines orbit with the rest of the model.

9. Select the Section Box surrounding the

10. On the Modify | Section Boxes tab, on the
View panel, click the light bulb icon and
choose Hide Elements. 11. Open another 3D view.

Notice that the elements are not displaced elsewhere.

Try duplicating the view.

• Duplicate will not copy the

• Duplicate with Detailing will also
duplicate the displaced elements.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Exercise 30 – Accessing Materials

Continue from the previous file or open the file named
30_Arch_Model_Vis_V1.rvt 3. Scroll down and select the material named:
Render 255-0-0.
Notice the red color assigned to the Shading value. This
1. On the View Control Bar, click the Visual material is assigned to the blades of the shading device,
Style pop-up and choose Realistic.
however this color is not being used to render it.

4. Click OK to dismiss the dialog.

• Change the Visual Style to Shaded.

Realistic mode displays the materials live in the shaded

viewport. If you want to edit the materials, use the Notice that the shading devices now use the red color.
Material Browser. When rendering however, Revit will use the same
settings shown in the Realistic visual style.

2. On the Manage tab, on the Settings panel,

click the Materials button. 5. Change back to Realistic Visual Style.
• Reopen the Materials dialog and select
the material named: Render 255-0-0
• Right-click it and choose Rename.
• For the name type: Shading Louver

Materials in the current project are listed on the left. Edit

the currently selected material on the right in one of
• Click the Appearance tab.
several tabs.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

Another way you can access the materials on an

element is to select it and edit its properties. The
Here you can see that the color is dark gray instead. shading device is part of a displacement set, so to edit
Appearance settings are used for rendering and it, we need to use the TAB key.
Realistic shading.

8. Highlight the shading device, press the TAB

• Click on the color swatch. key. Verify that the Status Bar shows that
• In the “Color” window that appears, the Generic Model is highlighted and then
choose a color that you like. click.
6. Click back on the Graphics tab.
• Check the “Use Render Appearance”

• On the Properties palette, click the Edit

Type button.
• Click the small browse button in the
field next to Support Material.

• Click OK to see the result.

7. Zoom in on the louvers
• Try both shaded and Realistic Visual 9. In the “Material Browser” click the Show
Styles. Library Panel icon at the top.
Notice that the color will now display in both modes.

• At the bottom of the dialog, on the left

side, scroll down and select the Metal
• In the right panel, scroll down and
locate a metal material you wish to use
like Steel, Polished.
• Place your mouse over the material and
when the small arrow appears, click it.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

• Under Shadows, check the Cast

Shadows box.
• Under Lighting , for the Scheme, choose
Exterior: Sun only.
• Under Background, choose Gradient
and accept the default colors.
• Click OK to dismiss the dialog and apply
This adds the material to the current document.
the changes.
If an error appears, click Replace.

10. Click OK to assign the material.

• Click OK twice more to dismiss the
“Material Editor” and “Type Properties

Exercise 31 – Create a Cloud Rendering

Continue from the previous file or open the file named

1. On the Project Browser, verify that the

Displace 3D view is open.
First prepare your settings for Rendering.

2. On the View Control Bar, click the Visual

Style pop-up and choose Graphic Display

3. In the “Graphic Display Options” dialog,

configure the following settings:
• Under Model Display, choose Realistic
for Style.

AB3529-L Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Workflow Fundamentals and New Features

4. On the View tab, on the Graphics panel,

click the Render in Cloud button.
• If prompted, log into your Autodesk
5. In the “Render in Cloud” dialog, click

If you check the box, Cloud Rendering will email you

when the rendering is complete.

8. On the View tab, on the Graphics panel,

click the Render Gallery button.
6. In the second “Render in Cloud” dialog, • Login to your 360 account.
configure the following: • View and/or download your rendering.
• For the 3D View, choose: Displace.
• For the Output Type, choose: Still
• For the Render Quality, select your
desired quality. (Higher quality takes
• Choose an Image size. (Larger image
size takes longer).
• Choose an Exposure setting and
preferred File Format.
7. Click Start Rendering.

Further Study
You can find more information and tutorials in
The Aubin Academy Master Series: Revit Architecture.

If you want a deep dive into the Family Editor try my new book:
Renaissance Revit: Creating Classical Architecture with Modern Software.
Past Autodesk University Class:

“Autodesk® Revit® Families: A Step-by-Step Introduction” visit: to learn more.

I also have Revit video training available at: I have

several Revit courses at Revit Essentials (2011 and 2013), Revit Family
Editor, Revit Architecture Rendering and Advanced Modeling in Revit
Architecture, Phasing and Design Options, Up and Running and more on
the way soon.

The Revit Family Editor course is devoted entirely to the Family Editor and content creation. The
Advanced Modeling course covers the Massing Environment as well as many other related topics.

If you have any questions about this session or Revit in general, you can use the contact form at to send me an email.

Follow me on twitter: @paulfaubin

All of your lab monitors from today also have resources available and teach classes here at Autodesk University. Do
a search for:

Brian Mackey, Founder, BD Mackey Consulting, Desiree Mackey, Professional Engineer, BIM Manager:
Martin/Martin, Steve Stafford, CEO, AEC

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