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1 author:
Achilles Costales
University of the Philippines Baguio
All content following this page was uploaded by Achilles Costales on 23 March 2016.
August 1994
Achilles Costales
The study focuses on how the pasture leases had been responding to the
_u_gesti.ons that the lands are to be subject to agrarian reform. As part of the public
domain, the pasture lease areas were initially (but not formally) considered for inclusion in
.The study-involved a survey of _!45 p_tsture leases in three regions in_the ......
Philippines where the pasture leases were concentrated, represented by the provinces of
Masbate, Bukidnon, and South Cotabato. The survey instrument was designed to obtain
information on the leases' history of bwestments; land use and carrying Capacities; herd'
inputs, and revenue patterns. The instrument also obtained information on pasture
leaseholders' asset holdings and income patterns outside the pasture lease, their investment
responses to reported major sources of uncertainties in the pasture leases , namely: the
The study relies mainly on the descriptive method of analysis. The frequency
distribution of pasture lease characteristics were analyzed and the patterns were compared
.among the three regions (provinces) selected. From these, inferences about the pasture
lease performance in terms of investments designed to make the pasture leases productive
were made.
The study has determined that over an average of a 15-year period, investments in
improved pasture grass area expansion, maintenance, and management had remained
insignificant. For this reason, the average carrying capaelty of the leases have remained
genetic material of the breeding stock had also been minimal. The resulting calving rates
by the breeding cows was deemed to be less than half of the normal rates.
Introduction I
Objectives 9
Conceptual Framework 11
•. .... Analytical Framework 14
Results and Discussion 22
Summary, Conclusions and
Recommendations 57
Appendix A
Appendix B
I. Introduction
At first glance, the cattle industry seems to occupy a natural niche in Philippine
the cattle population is raised under backyard-farm conditions where, on the average,
two heads of cattle are raised and fed with residues from crop farming activities
natural sideline activity where free labor hours are put to productive use. In cases
.where the children do the rearing, a productive economic activity is realized with
minimal opportunity cost. Cattle coul(l also be made to perform some light draft before
The apparent natural integration of cattle raising into the smallholder farms,
however, has not led to such expected consequences as expansion of the cattle
inventory and production of beef. Amid the rapid growth of economic activity in the
swine and poultry business, which has propelled the livestock industry to its stature as
the fastest-developing and most consistent growth sector in agriculture through the
second half of the last decade, the cattle population exhibited, in contrast, a continuous
Significant reductions in the cattle inventory had been taking place in the
commercial sector of the industry, with a depletion rate of close to 20 percent of the
standing stock every year (BAS, 1991). In the backyard sector, a consistent reduction
in the population was also observed, although at a much slower pace. The commercial
and backyard systems, in fact, are not independent of each other. The general case is
that the breeding and reproduction of cattle take place in the commercial farms, while
fattening and a host of other cattle-raising activities are subsequently performed at the
backyard level (Yazman, 1991). Thus, under a closed system, unless the depletion of
decline in the stocks which this sector has been working with through the years has
problems that beset the backyard sector reveals that among others, the critical
bottlenecks have been (i) the shortage _:r,_ithe high prices of feeder cattle from
domestic sources (Winrock International, 1991); (ii) low level of technology in cattle
raising (Molina, 1990); and Off) lack of availability and high cost of credit, and the
dependence in government credit for the acquisition of cattle to raise (Mangum, 1991;
The observed rapid reduction in economic activity and cattle stock in the
commercial sector has been often attributed to the uncertainties imposed on commercial
ranching activities by, among others, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL
or R.A. 6657 of 1988). Such uncertainties are also said to be compounded by the
claims have in fact contributed to the rapid reduction in the cattle population in the
temporarily been diffused. On the seventh of March 1991, the Supreme Court of the
Philippines declared as final and executory its December 4, 1990 decision of declaring
Sections 30a), 11, 13 and 32 of RA No. 6657 null and void for being unconstitutional.
referred to the inclusion of the raising of livestock, poultry and swine in the Law's
coverage. The Court Ruling therefore exempts, among others livestock activities,
Apart from the private commercial ranches, the more significant magnitude of
Pasture leases are covered by long-term Pasture Lease or Forest Land Grazing
To date not much is known about the current state of the pasture leases in the
•unavailable. Holders of pasture lease agreements (PLAs) are required by the terms of
the contract to submit a pasture development plan as well as annual reports on stocks
decline in the submission of PLA reports. Less than 40 percent of PLA holders
actually submit records, with reliability open to question. Furthermore, not all the
reports reach the central office. As a result, reported investments account for less than
Pasture leases proliferate mostly in the main islands of Luzon and Mindanao.
As of May 1991,. Reg-i _ns !I, I.V.and V a_.count for 70.percent total _tiumbef 0f PLAs _
and 72 percent of total lease area in the island of Luzon. In Mindanao, Regions X and
XI lead the rest, combining for a total of 88 percent of all PLAs and about 75 percent
of leasedarea in the island. The average size of pastui:e leases is close to 400 hectares,
with higher averag,_r _ Mindanao at 540 hectares, and least in Luzon at around 350
The rate at which the pasture leases are currently stocked is not exactly known.
Previous conjectures about the average stocking rate in the pasture leases are put at
around 0.2 animal units (a.u.) per hectare (Quisumbing, 1987). Under improved
pasture conditions, the stocking rate can be technically raised to 2.0 au. per hectare
(PCARRD, 1985). Well managed pastures can carry up to 5.0 au. per hectare
(Yazman, 1991).
decline by 1,036 from its 1980 figure Of 2,009 leases. In terms of area, the remaininng
1980 level of 882,000 hectares. Exit from the pasture lease is registered as cancellation
of lease by the DENR. From the viewpoint of the DENR, the cancellation of lease
agreements were mainly due to failure of payment of rental fees and other charges,
abandonment of the area by the lease holder, and failure to submit Annual Grazing
•Reports (AGRs).
In the originally targetted (i.e. regions IV,V,X and XI) study regions alone, a
total of 241 leases covering 131,044 hectares were cancelled between 1980 to 1991.
....On the other hand,-187-leaseswere granted- covering 37,65f-hectares Ove_-the gan'ie :"
period. From the perspective of the commercial ranchers, the poor performance of the
pasture leases which lead to either poor compliance of the conditions attached to the
agreements or abandonment of the lease, were traced to the unstable peace and order
conditions in the countryside _n.d the h_" _7:y to control illegal evcroachment
decline by 1,036 from its 1980 figure Of 2,009 leases. In terms of area, the remaininng
1980 level of 882,000 hectares. Exit from the pasture lease is registered as cancellation
of lease by the DENR. From the viewpoint of the DENR, the cancellation of lease
agreements were mainly due to failure of payment of rental fees and other charges,
abandonment of the area by the lease holder, and failure to submit Annual Grazing
Reports (AGRs).
In the originally targetted (i.e. regions IV,V,X and XI) study regions alone, a
total of 241 leases covering 131,044 hectares were cancelled between 1980 to 1991.
'On the other hand, 187 leases were granted, covering 37,656 hectares over the same
period. From the perspective of the commercial ranchers, the poor performance of the
pasture leases which lead to either poor compliance of the conditions attached to the
agreements or abandonment of the lease, were traced to the unstable peace and order
some indications to the existence of serious problems that beset the pasture, lease sector.
Among others, the problems identified and ranked according to the order of importance
•were said to be (i) intrusion into the pasture lands by illegal occupants (squatters); (ii)
tmfavorable peace-and-order_,_tuation; (iii) lack of long term loans, high interest rates,
and stringent collateral conditions; (iv) high cost of materials for investments in pasture
lease improvements; and (v) high cost of animal health maintenance 0Ninrock
International, 1991).
A more recent object of blame has been the uncertainty of tenure brought about
While the matter of security of tenure with respect to the privately-owned cattle
.ranches has been resolved by the Supreme Court in its March 1991 ruling, the same
could not be said of the status of the pasture leases. The remaining areas affecting the
livestock industry to which the CARL obtains effectivity are in the alienable and
disposable public lands under pasture leases as provided for tinder Phase Two in
Section 7 of RA 6657 defining the priorities for acquisition and distribution of lands
subjected to the CARP. Included in this section, among others, are all alienable and
disposable public agricultural lands, all arable public agricultural lands under agro-
forest, pasture and agricultural leases already planted to crops in accordance with
Section 6, Article III of the Constitution. The Constitution declares that the state
The extension of the CARP to the public lands opens up to the access to pasture
The main objectic,a to subjecting the cattle ranches to agrarian reform is the
claim of the existence of economies of scale in cattle ranching (Abad, 1990; Alo, 1990;
and Abellada, 1988). Taiwan is said to laave exempted the cattle ranches from land
The intrusion of illegal occupants into the pasture lands may arise from the
inability of the DENR personnel to enforce property rights over an extremely vast area
under its jurisdiction. The Department also administers and is supposed to enforce
property rights over all forest lands, far wider in area than those covered by pasture
leases. In some areas, there are other forestry programs of the DENR with designated
areas which overlap existing pasture lease agreements. One such program cited has
been the Integrated Social Forestry Program (ISFP) for landless upland dwellers.
Where judicial cases of such conflicts drag on in the Courts, the ranchers involved
often prefer to liquidate their herd and give up their rights than wait for the resolutions
operations, has often been linked with the insurgency problem. When the
ranchers are unable to cope up with the pressures, the pasture lease rights are
given up. Where the rancher decides to stay, he often is able to establish a
At the regional level, there has been at least one attempt to identify
problems and issues confronting the PLA holders, the sources of these problems,
and possible courses of action. Such was undertaken by the Federation of Cattle
The Workshop results identified three major problem areas from the viewpoint
of PLA holders: (i) proliferation of illegal squatters inside the existing pasture
lease areas; (ii) uncertainty of tenure due to the CARP; and (iii) prevailing peace
the problems associated poor compliance with pasture lease regulations and
production targets would naturally be resolved as long as the three major problem
areas identified were dealt with. Moreover, although problems related to credit
interest rates and penalty charges) were expressed, no clamor for strong
pasture lease holders. This may stress the primacy of the environment of
II. Objectives
The study aims to describe and analyze how the pasture lease holders have been
I. to provide a profile of the pasture lease holdings, their locational concentration and
size distribution;
2. to describe the patterns of ir_ estments in the pasture" leases at the initial start of
operations, obtain a profile of pasture lease holders and relate general lease holder
attributes to investment behavior in the pasture leases, and to determine how the
3. determine the extent to which the pasture lease holders have undertaken investments
in pasture land improvement and improved breeding stocks, and relate these with
4. determine the pattern of labor and material resource allocation in all activities
5. to provide a profile of the herd structure and composition of the pasture leases, their
movement over a one year period, and relate these to the production and revenue
to circumstances that challenge their rights over the pasture leases; in particular, the
CARP, the existence of contending claims on the pasture leases, and the experience
7. to determine the profitability of pasture leasing activities and relate this to the
pasture lease holders in maintaining lease rights over the pasture; and
pave the path towards making them more productive for the interest of both the
I. Conceptual Framework
The rationale for introducing a reform in the holding of lands ct, rrently
used as pasture leases involves both equity and efficiency grounds. From the
large tracts of land (in some cases extending tip to areas larger than 2,000
P1.00 per hectare per year, be in the control of the current holders. From the
etc.) - are undertaken. The pasture lands, left as natural pastures, are
higher stocking rates (per hectare) and higher livestock productivity are greater
by which the variable inputsare used over the herd and the given pasture lease
area. The relationship between inputs and output are depicted in Chart I. It
has to be noted that where non-livestock activities are also undertaken in the
pasture leases, income may also be derived from them. It is to be expected that
in the activities where the higher rates of return lie, pasture lease resources
FLGLAs is an indication that at the time of application for rights, the pasture
leasing activity must have been attractiveenough to yield acceptable positive net
returns. That such is possible rests partly on the rather low cost of rights
acquisition, pegged at PI.00 per hectare per year, among others. It is,
financing of such investments come into play. At the initial investment stage,
the financial market may be utilizedto bridge the gap between current demand
for investment spending and future income. If the effective cost of borrowing,
from his own resources. In the case where own resources are also limited, the
would not materialize. And as long as the pasture leases could still turn out
acceptable positive net returns under a regime of pure natural pasture grazing,
then the pasture lease would still be maintained, but with relatively low realized
carrying capacities.
The schema for relating the size of initial investments in the pasture lease
with financing from the loans marketand/or from own resources is presented in
Over time, the investments in the pasture leases are expected to grow.
in terms of increasing the hectarage for improved grasses and increasing the
carrying capacity of the land, among others - provides ground for cancellation
•of lease rights. Whether of not such rules are enforced, however, is +an
lease areas, is the main reason why pasture leases are not as productive as they
leases, the uncertainties provoked by the CARP, and the unstable peace-and-
investments that would normally have been undertaken. If such indeed were the
income. And as long as incomes from other sources are relatively higher, then
the pasture lease areas and investments for pasture lease improvements is
2. Analytical Framework
The primary data used by the study were obtained from he pasture lease
survey enacted from February 8 to May 15, 1993. The set of pasture
leaseh01ders were obtained from the master list of the Bureau of Forest
Development (BFD) of the DENR as of 1991. The top five (5) regions in the
Philippines in terms of the number of PLAs granted and area covered were
due to additional information from the ocular inspection and pretesting stage
that majority of the ranches in the sarnple province (Occidental Mindoro) had
the remaining regions were chosen as the study areas. These were Masbate of
'relative positions of the study sites in their respective regions with reference to
the number of pasture leases and area-covered are given in Table la.
From the chosen study sites, stratified sampling was applied. At the
The major objective of the study was to establish how the pasture leases
had been adjusting to the propositions that as part of the public domain, the i
pasture leases, barring exceptions to the general rule, would be under the scope
relative to other uses. Also, the study also aimed to establish whether or not
significant investments had been and were being made to make the pasture
between the economic environment induced by the CARP and the level of
profitability, lneome from the pasture lease as an entity may, however, not be
defined by revenue from sales of cattle plus the value of the change in
of non livestock output, priced at the farmgate level. Total pasture lease income
5 5 5
(I) Y = X PiLi+ X Pl INVI + E PjNj
i =l i =1 j =l
Y - total pasture lease income;
Pi - farmgate price of livestock category i;
Li - heads of cattle of category i sold;
INV i - change in inventory of livestock category i
i = 1, 2,...,5, where
1 = breeding bulls
2 -- breeding cows
3 = heifers
4 = steers
5 = calves
•Nj - quantity of output of non-livestock output j
Pj - price of non-livestock output j
j -- 1,2, ..., 5, where
I = palay
2 = corn
3 = sugarcane
4 = copra
5 = others
cattle raising as an activity would also be checked in the manner in which inputs
are allocated between cattle and non-livestock activities. Thus, the structure of
land use, allocation of material inputs, and allocation of labor inputs would give
.the structure of variable costs. On the material inputs side, the items of
For cattle production, the structure o(costs would reveal whether expenditures
are geared towards simply maintaining the cattle stock or are also geared to
It may, however, be the case that joint use of inputs between livestock
market at the initial investment stage. The proportion of the value of the initial
describe the relative importance of the financial market at the initial investment
market in the last three years would indicate the growing or declining role of the
investment expenditures at the initial stage of the pasture lease. The relative
securing the pasture lease by fencing, among others, would be revealed by the
among others.
investments in the pasture lease and current investments are approached from
particular items of investment. In the cases where none of the cited problems
some other factor was a major determinant in deferring some investments in the
pasture lease. Where none is identified, then the current pattern of investments,
and the subsequent productivity of the pasture lease are deemed to be governed
income from the same, indicates the decision of the pasture leaseholder to
spread his assets between pasture and non-pasture undertakings. The relative
importance of the pasture leasing activity is to be obtained from the relative size
of investments placed in the pasture lease and the magnitude of income derived
from it compared to size of assets held in some other forms and the magnitude
In the final analysis, the gravity of the negative impacts of the often-
of the pasture leaseholder to retain or let go off the pasture lease once the
profitable at all. This has to be reconciled with level of profits obtained form
rates (Pl.00/ha per year), the expected net grains are positive even with the
order problems.
of P20/ha. per year, would reveal that the economic rents currently obtained
from the pasture leases, even in an "adverse" climate described by them, are
Two measures of the rental value of the pasture lease are obtained. One
is the maximum rate which the leaseholders are willing to pay for the privilege
to renew the exercise of rights over the pasture lease after expiration of the
contract. The second is the difference between the market value of the assets
within the pasture lease and the price at which the leaseholder is willing to sell
the ranch. The computed difference between the two is taken to be the estimate
of the size of economic rent obtainable from the pasture lease over the
Finally, the level of profits obtained the pasture lease as recorded in the
relations are to be established between the level of farm profits from all
various rates for the rights to return the pasture lease after expiration of
1. Educational background
The average pasture lease holder, in general, is rather highly educated. More
" .t,har 60 percent _i'e hol'Jers of ae_'li2g'__degree: - ;_I...e_t_in-80 percen( haVe finished at
the very least a high school education, as could be observed in Table l. Looking at
regional differences, the pasture lease holders of Masbate and Bukidnon have the
in South Cotabato, those with only a high school education were a little greater than
The average size of pasture leases is 363 hectares. Among the regional
locations, South Cotabato has the highest average size at 474 hectares. Masbate and
Bukidnon are about even at 313 and 320 hectares, respectively. Pasture lease sizes
The pattern of distribution of pasture lease area is skewed to the left, as shown
in Figure 2. Lease sizes cluster around the 100 to 300 hectare range, with 50 percent
Masbate, where close to 60 percent of the leases are less than 200 hectares.
3. Start of Operations
pasture leases were granted in the last two decades, with 35 percent obtained in the
1980s, and around 20 percent secured in the 1970s. The distribution of the start of
The pasture leases started with an average carrying capacity of 0.2 (head of
cattle per hectare), or around one head of cattle in every five (5) hectares leased. Most
of the farms (about 60 percent) started with not more than 50 heads (Table 4). As
_ould be ,:ibser_ecl i_ Figt/re 4, _he greater: con'centration of the farms which started
with 10 to 50 heads were found in Masbate, consistent with the clustering of relatively
At the initial investment phase', the loan market was not much utilized. Less
than a quarter (23 percent) of the leaseholders avail_,;! of loans to finance investments
loan market to finance investments to star pasture lease operations. In the last three
years prior to 1992, the loan market has become even less resorted to, with only. five
(5) percent borrowing for financing pasture lease activities (Table 6).
These results were quite unexpected. The investment was not designed to
capture what lay behind the non-utilization of the financial market. External sources of
information are thus resorted to partly lend intelligibility to a rather puzzling result. In
the Philippines, pasture leases are not acceptable as collateral for loans obtainable from
the formal sector. The pasture leases being government lands, the banks cannot obtain
possession of the leases, nor the rights to them, in case the lease holder fails to repay
A question arises on whether the pasture leases could have continued operations
over time without the benefit of external financing in general. On this matter.
information generated from other sections of the instrument may shed more light. The
pasture lease holder, as would be shown in the later sections, in general, also possess
holdings of significant value (other agricultural lands, real estates) and/or are engaged
in other business enterprises. While the instrument was unable to show this, external
financing for certain operations in the pasture leasing activity could indirectly be
undertakings outside the pasture lease, with non-pasture assets used as collateral.
Where no such "detours" are resorted to, the only way the financing needs of the
pasturelease operations c6uld be met wouldbe for the leasehoiders to use income from
non-pasture agricultural and business activities for such purposes. The magnitude of
such declared incomes from other sources, as would be shown in the later sections,
The drastic decline in the use of the financial mark-_ts could also be seen from a
different perspective. As the later zeetions would show, the insignificance of more
recent investments in pasture land improvements may in fact, signify the extent to
which resources are infused into the pasture leasing activity. The ability to manage to
subsist through an extensive mode of natural pasture grazing diffuses the pressure for
Investments in the pasture lease, valued at 1992 prices, total to around P325.1
million for all farms. In absolute terms, investments were largest in South Cotabato,
accounting for about 43 percent of the total, and least in Masbate (26 percent). This is
shown on Table 7. On the average, investments made was put at P2.2 million per
At mean values per farm, the highest investment value is recorded for Masbate,
at P7.7 million. The values at the farm level do not radically diverge, as could be
observed in Figure 6. The pattern of investments more or less follow the aggregate.
There are, however, legal constraints with respect to the extent to which the
area leased for pasture activities may be used for other economic activities. At most,
Table 9 shows the distribution of land use of the pasture leases across locations.
In general, more than half of the pasture leases have remained as natural pastures. The
undeveloped portions occupy another quarter of the areas. To this classification may
Note that the area devoted to food crops, posted at ar_nd two percent, does not
even approach the legal maximum allowable portion. This is rather surprising, as
would be discussed in the later sections. It is possible that the proportion devoted to
food crops may be underdeelared for reasons of demonstrating compliance with the
legal stipulations.
__n,_i_ure-_ is shcwn the re_ti_._ l;,sitions Of various land uses of the pasture.
lease. Noteworthy is the information that in the aggregate, the area devoted to
.improved pastures is extremely small - less than 10 percent of the total pasture area.
This is consistent with the information in .investments where only two percent of
The day-to-day activities of the pasture lease is run by a ranch manager who, in
most cases, is hired by the leaseholder. In certain cases, the leaseholder himself is the
ranch manager. When the leaseholder decides to let his farm be run by manager,
On the whole, around 70 percent of the farms are run by a hired manager, not
by the leaseholder himself. Forty-two (42) percent of the farms are managed by a
relative of the leaseholder, while only 26 percent of all the farms are done so by a non-
Across regions, the South Cotabato farms deviate from the common
management structure of the other two (Figure 11). Half of the farms are run by the
leaseholders themselves, while the rest is split evenly between a relative and non-
related managers.
Most of the ranch managers (60 percent) fall in the age range between 30 and
50 years. The ranch managers in Masbate and Bukidnon are relatively younger with
four-fifths and two-thirds of the ranch managers, respectively, falling in the 30-50 age
range. In contrast, aeound 70 percent fall within the age range beiween 50 and '70
The ranch manager, like the leaseholder, is also likely to have finished a high
•level of education, with about two-thirds of the ranch managers having finished some
:_gioos !. s_'3wn in Figure 12. Thus, one can say t_mt ra_,ch "_anagers are aiso a
obtained. Two thirds of the ranch managers refused to disclose monthly compensation
(Table I1). For those declaring monthly compensation, +the mean rates were close to
each other in the Mindanao sites, placed at P4,310 and P3,567/month, respectively, in
Bukidnon and South Cotabato. Relatively high rates occur almost only in these two
locations (see Figure 13). If the Mindanao mean figures are indicative of the monthly
compensation per head of cattle managed was derived. Compensation rates are now
comparable between Masbate and South Cotabato, with Bukidnon paying the highest
monthly rates per head of cattle managed. Average monthly rates are put at P27/head
from stipulated share of net sales. Most managers, however, do not get a share of net
sales. Only 28 percent of them do. For those receiving such compensation, the mean
all practiced, the percentage share is the lowest, with a value about half th_ average.
The herd composition gives a picture of the relative importance of the categories
of the stock, either as investment or as livestock for sale. Figure 14 provides the
aggregate picture of the distribution of animal types age and sex, in the pasture lease.
The most important stock kept is the breeding cow, comprising almost half of the herd.
The heifers, the fuiure breeding cows are the next most widely held. The proportion of
calves provide an indicator of the productivity of the breeders (cows and bulls). The
steers are those expected to be normally disposed for sale in the market. Figure 1.5
shows the relative composition of the stock, by location. In general, the patterns of
composition are similar, with some deviations occurring in the proportion of breeding
bulls and steers.
On the whole, a minor net decrease of 0.4 percent in livestock was registered
over the period of one year in 1992. The sources of decrease were from significant
reduction in heifers (-26 percent) and steers (-17 percent), (Table 13 and Figure 16).
For heifers, gross reductions arise either from promotion to breeding cows or disposal
duplicated in Masbate (Table 14 and Figure 17), but with a greater proportional decline
in heifers and steers, and in the whole herd. In Bukidnon, a different pattern for
heifers and steers is observed, where a net increase was registered (Table 15 and Figure
2. Change in Stock
The average opening stock for all farms was 159 heads of cattle per lease. On
relative terms, the deviation from this figure across regions was not very great (Table
In the aggregate, the rate of birth of calves is rather low at 11.3 percent per
annum. Furthermore, death/loss rate of three (3) percent reduces a net increase of onl',
8.3 percent by natural means. Infusions to the stock by new blood from the outside i_::
very insignificant at 3.8 percent. Sales Of 13.2 percent of stock plus a slaughter rate e
0.6 yields an extraction rate greater than net additions to stock. In general, the averag,:
farm ended up with a lower stock level for the next period.
Cotabato had the highest percentage of calves born at almost 18 percent of the -initial
stock, with Bukidnon following closely at about 15 percent. Fresh infusiods from ihe
outside is most significant for Bukidnon at about 7 percent of stock. Both Mindanao
provinces realized relatively high sales rates 06 - 17 percent). Bukidnon realized a 1.7
Almost all indicators point out to a rather poor performance by the Masbate
farms, Birth rates are lowest at 2.1 percent, negated by a death rate of equal
magnitude. The sales rate is relatively low at 7 percent of the herd. Even with an
external infusion rate of 2. I percent, the stock falls by a large 8.4 percent for the next
3. Infusion of Herd with'Stock from Outside.
question, only 47 percent of the farms made a purchase of livestock from external
sources. Of all farms, only 21 percent made a purchase of a breeding bull, and only 17 '-
of livestock from external sources. About a quarter purchased breeding bulls, while a
fifth obtained either a breeding cow or a heifer. The lowest incidence of livestoc;,c
Most of the purchases for infusion of new stock into the herd is in the form c :
the breeding bull. For all purchases, breeding bulls comprised about 46 percent. Thi!:
followed by new infusion in the form of breeding cows or heifers (Table 20)i _Ti_er:i
The South Cotabato farms appear to give premium to breeding bulls. The Masbate
farms give a high importance also to breeding cows and heifers. The Bukidnon farms,
on the other hand, also give attention to calves and steers. Although steers have no
breedir:g -.due,_ theymay be purchased for rapid fattening purposes, for resale in the
The most popular breeds sought for stock improvement is definitely the
Brahman in the Mindanao farms. Most of the Masbate farms appear to have settled for
The sources of new stock appear to be most varied for the Masbate farms, being
able to obtain cattle from another ranch, via direct importation, or from the livestock
attction market (LAM). The South Cotabato farms appear to have been the most
limited in source (from another ranch). The Bukidnon rely mostly on traders for new
stock. The regional differences are depicted in Figure 24. It appears that direct
importation has been a remote possibility in Mindanao, except for an isolated case.
In all, 961 new livestock were purchased. The Bukidnon farms made the most
purchases of new livestock, accounting for more than half (56.2 percent) of total
livestock purchased (Table 21). South Cotabato made the least number of purchases.
On a per farm basis, new additions were 12 he'ads per pasture lease in Bukidnon, more
Cotabato, a relatively high share of calves stands out in contrast to a low share of
breeding bulls.
Most of the transactions are done at the ranch level. In almost 90 percent of the
cases, the buyer fetches livestock at the farm and shoulders transportation cost (Table
24). Thus, no significant transport expenses arehidden in the prices of cattle sold.
Average prices for various categories of livestock are shown in Table 25. On
the whole, breeding bulls are most expensive at around P19,553 per head. Next comes
-. . . ,'...
the breeding Cow at an average ot' P14,364 per head. Across regi0ns, the Masbate
livestock are, in general, less expensive than the Mindanao cattle (see Figure 26). The
mature breeding bull and cow, and the full grown steer are most expensive in South
Cotabato. This may probably be tracod to the almost 100 percent Brahman breeds in
South Cotabato.
Sales of cattle obtained a total revenue of P3.38 million for the whole sample.
More than 83 percent of total revenue were generated in Mindanao, almost evenly split
between the two locations (Table 26). The average revenue per farm was P234,839.
Bukidnon and South Cotabato realized a little higher than average farm revenues from
sales. At P132,230, the average farm revenue in Masbate was way below the norm.
The sources of potentially large revenue could also be seen in Table 26 and
Figure 27. On the whole, the largest single revenue was generated by sales of breeding
cows. Second is the sales of fully matured breeding bulls. Across regions, the highest
revenue earner in Bukidnon is the fully matured breeding bull. In South Cotabato,
summarized in Table 27. Breeding bulls and breeding cows dominate as major sources
of revenue. Across regions, breeding bulls stand out as main revenue earner in
Bukidnon (Figure 28). Steers also stand out. In South Cotabato, breeding cows
1. Workload
by the number of workers hired per unit area or the number of workers hired per uni:.
The 145 pasture leases employed a total of 1,290 workersl The average farm of 363
-hectares with 152 heads of cattle employs abod, 9 Workers. O'a the average, a Worke:
is employed for every 40 hectares and 17 heads of cattle (Table 28). Across locations,
almost all workers are externally hired (96 percent), not family members,
Across regions, the Bukidnon-farms are relatively the most labor intensive,
accounting for almost half of the employment in the sample. Although the average
farm size it, Bukid-'en lies midway b._w,..:.n those of the two otKc_r locations, the
Bukidnon ranches employ twice more workers than the two others.
The Bukidnon average worker operates on an area roughly half that of the
average Masbate ranch worker, and an area less than a third of that of the average
South Cotabato ranch worker. On the basis of the number of heads of cattle per
worker, those in the South Cotabato ranches handle more than twice (27 heads) the
The mean values may not be reflective of the ordinary pasture lease employment
behavior. A fifth of all ranches employ just a worker or two, and a large proportion
(40 percent) employs only four workers or less. A large majority (60 percent) do not
employ more than six workers (Table 29). Across regions, the South Cotabato ranches
employ the least with 30 percent of the farms employing not more than two workers;
almost half, not more than four, and 70 percent, not more than six workers.
In Figure 29, it could be observed that the Bukidnon farms generate the most
employment per farm, having the lowest cumulative percentage at lower levels of
e.mployment per farm. In terms of the area operated on per worker, Table 30 shows
.that about a quarter of the workers operate on an area greater than 125 hectares. Mor_:
Locationwise, each worker covers a relatively wider area in the South Cotabat_
farms. More than a quarter cover an effective area greater than 150 hectares. Mor_
than a third cover an area greater than 125 hectares, and, more than half of the worker_:
cover an .area larger than 75 hectares (Figure 30). As could be seen, the Bukidnor_
The workload of hired workers in terms of the number of cattle handles pe::
worker, is shown in Table 31. Almost two-thirds of the workers handle more than 1(_
heads of cattle; close to 40 percent work on more than 20 heads each, and a quarte_:
work on more than 30 each.
Acro_ _egions, a fifth of the wc_";in South Cota_ato work no more than 50 ":
heads each, and close to half handle more than 30 heads of cattle each. In contrast,
more than three-fourths of the workers in Bukidnon handle less than 21 heads of cattle
each, with a large portion (40 percent) working on about 10 or less heads of cattle each
(Figure 31).
2. Worker Functions
Of the total 1,290 workers, only about 20 percent are employed for purely
livestock-related functions (Table 32). A little more than a quarter are engaged in
mainly livestock-related fimctions but also do some other functions part of the time.
About a third of the entire workforce are employed for non-livestock elated work in the
.This relative proportion of mainly non-livestock workers is almost duplicated across the
three locations. Thus, overall, a greater majority (53 percent) of the workforce are
Total cash and kind compensation for 1992 amounted to P10.27 million (Table
37). Across regions higher expenditures were made in the Mindanao locations (Figure
On the average, worker cash compensation per farm amounted to P120,164 for
the year 1992 (Table 38). •Across regions, worker compensation per farm in Masbate
was only half those made in the Mindanao ranches (Figure 38).
•about half the amount of cash compensation (Table 39). In i:ontrast to the distribution
of cash compensation, the highest amount of in-kind compensation per farm was
registered in Masbate, more than five times than incurred in the Mindanao pasture
On the whole, regular hired workers and family workers received disproportionately
greater rates (almost 10 times) than contractual workers (Table 40). Locational
differences are significant. Very high compensation rates for family and regular hired
workers (greater than P20,000 per worker for 1992) were registered in South Cotabato,
while lowest rates for the same category were recorded in Masbate (Figure 40).
Compensation-in-kind per worker for 1992 was very minimal. They were
relatively significant only in Masbate, again with the family workers getting
Most of the pasture leases (65 percent) provide fringe benefits to the workers
(Table 42). Fringe benefits are mostly in the form of meals, housing, and others,
the workforce (Table 43 and Figure 42). On the average, the value of fringe benefits
The structure of expenditures on variable inputs would indicate the inputs which
the leaseholders or managers give relative importance to. TaMe 44 itemizes the
components of variable inputs and the respective expenditures into them, by location.
The list of expenditures excludes those incurred by the pasture leases for the purchase
of livestock for replacements for deaths, losses, and/or culls. A separate section and
...... - discussion for livestock purchases has been provided. ' .... ': ..........
Expenditures were classified into general categories such as: (i) pasture
improvements; (ii) livestock care; (iii) equipment and facilities repairs and
The bulk of expenditures went into livestock care, accounting for a large 45.6
pasture improvement, valued at P2.54 million (28.3 percent of the total), then followed
percent). Across regions, the rather high relative position of expenditures on livestock
__ were relatively significant. On livestock care, the major expenditures were'on feed and
concentrates, and veterinary items. Under the heading of equipment, facilities repairs
uuminate. Under rentals, machine and vehicle .rentals accounted for the bulk of
improvement and on repairs and maintenance of facilities come in with 28 percent and
21 percent of total expenditures, respectively. Both rentals and other expenditures have
and repairs and maintenance (See Figure 44). Only in Masbate is pasture improvement
also prominent (44 percen0. For South Cotabato, repairs and maintenance costs are
Table 47. On the whole, it could be observed that the bulk of expenditures under
(Figure 47). This is consistent with the observation on the pattern of investments over
time where the share of investments on farm machineries and vehicle were rather "
relatively significant. The figure also suggests that on the whole, buildings and
;facilities for pasture lease operations are of such nature that their repairs a_d
Some areas within the pasture lease can, in fact, be used for some agricultur_
the leasehold operators can only devote a maximum of I0 percent in the area
foodcrops, as stipulated in the contract. The declared land-use pattern in the pastu:
leases shows, however,-that the maximum allowable •seem not to have been expioited.
The main agricultural commodities where income was realized were con
palay, copra, and sugarcane. In all, close to 48 percent of the respondents were able
realize income from non-pasture activities within the pasture lease. The most prevale_
activity was corn growing, engaged upon by about 23 percent of the respondents (Tabi
Across locations, the highest incidence of deriving income from other activities
within the lease was highest in Bukidnon, where about 78 percent of the farms wer:_
able to do so. The most prevalent activity was corn production, with income realized
In Masbate, the incidence of deriving income from =other activities in the pastur,_
was around 38 percent, with palay production the more popular activity. In Sout?_
The highest income from other activities were derived from corn. Most of tla_:.
The next most important source of other income was copra. Masbate practicall?
generated all the copra output in the sample (Table 50). On the other hands, sugarcan_
was practically produced only in Bukidnon (Table 51). Palay was produced in Masbate
and Bukidnon, with roughly similar share of the output (Table 52). Incomes from
other sources were generated in Bukidnon and South Cotabato (Table 53).
A total of P3,925 million was generated by the f,arms which engage in ot!_er
production activities within the pasture leases. Corn production turned at the larg_:'st
share of total income at around 46 percent (Table 54). Copra production contfibu_:d
the next-highest, with around 26 percent of total income. The relative contributions of
production and copra production, generating P142,160 and Pl12,883 per far_,
respectively. The weighted mean of"incomes from other activities in the pasture le_
iII Pasture Lease Holders Perceptions on CARP and the Pasture Leases.
More than .80 percent own a residential house and lot, and close to 70 percent own at
least a parcel of agricultural land. A third own assets in a business enterprise, and
about a quarter own son': real estate property (Fable 55). On Figure 49, the
ownership of non-pasture assets have an almost similar structure across locations, with
the Masbate leaseholders mostly holding the first three types of"assets.
asset is shown in Figure 50. The highest average value were those related to real
estate property. Second are those related to the business enterprises of the
noticeable. In almost all types of assets outside the lease, the holdings of the
average South Cotabato leaseholder are significantly higher in value than the
rest. Furthermore, the valt,e of wealtholdings of the average Masbate leascholder poles
most of which were held by the Mindanao pasture lease holders, accounting for
about 83 percent of the total, almost evenly distributed between Bukidnon and
South Cotabato.(Table 56). The mean value of agricultural land holdings is about
P1.9 million per lease holder. The South Cotabato leaseholders have the highest
PI.5 million,:both higher than the average. Figure 51 gives the average size_ _0f the ....
Figure 52. The distribution is. highly skewed to the left, with 66 percent of
•South Cotabato, however, has almost a third of its !easeholders owning large
P101.4 million, at 1992 market prices. Most of these were held by the South
Cotabato leaseholders, accounting for three-fourths of the whole wealth (Table 57).
On a per leaseholder basis, the average wealth in business enterprises was P2.3
million. Across locations, the South Cotabato leaseholders had an average value of
P4.8 million, dwarfing those of leaseholders in the other two locations (Figure 53).
,The distribution of business wealth holdings vary across locations, being most
skewed to the left in Masbate and most evenly distributed in South Cotabato (Figure
million. Most of the amount (71 percent) was again held by the South Cotabato
leaseholders (Table 58). On the average, the value per leaseholder was about P3.8
million. Leaseholders in South Cotabato held an average of P5.7 million worth or real
the left, with the South C'otabat0leaseholders as the sole ones holding business assets
(Table 59). The wealth in terms of residential properties, this time, more or less
evenly distributed among the locations. On the average, residential property per
leaseholder was valued at P797,015. Again, the average value of holdings of this
amounted to P457.7 million (Table 60). A huge proportion of this wealth (88.5
'percent) was held in the Mindanao, with more than half (55 percent) of this wealth
was held by the South Cotabato pasture leaseholders The proportion held in
The non-pasture wealth holding of the average leaseholder was about P3.5
million. The South Cotabato leaseholders had a significantly higher average value of
wealth at P6.3 million (Figure 59). Figure 60 shows the distribution of non-
pasture wealth within and across locations. The distribution is most skewed to the
Aside from deriving income from the pasture lease, two other sources of income
leaseholders derive income also from their business enterprises. In addition, more than
half derive income from wages and salaries (Table 6l). Locational differences exist.
While more deriveincome from business enterprises in South Cotabato and Bukidnon;
extra income derived from wages and salaries is relatively more widespread in Masbate
(Figure 61. The structure and sizes of incomes from other sources, for the average
household, vary among locations as shown in Figure 62. At once, the incomes of the
P30.5 million (Table 62). Almost 80 percent of this income was generated in the
Mean pasture lease incomes were computed to amount to about P254,000 per
lessee household. The Mindanao households had mean pasture lease incomes above
The distribution of pasture lease income shows that a large portion (40
percent) generated incomes not more than P50,000 in 1992. Majority had incomes not
more than P100,000 (Figure 64). Incomes were more skewed to the left in
Total income of lease households from their bt,siness enterprises for 1992
amounted to P49.7 million (Table 63). Most of this amount were generated by the
:South Cotabato pasture lease holders, accounting for 71 percent of the business
P534,000. The average South Cotabato leaseholders had about twice this amount at
PI.04 million (Figure 65). On the other hand, the Masbate leaseholders
distribution is even more skewed in Masbate where close to 80 percent did not earn
Total salary and wage income of the households amounted to P10.1 million in
1992. It is only in the salaries and wages as source of income that the Masbate
mean income over reporting households reveal, however, that the advantage did
not necessarily hold on the average household level, where the Masbate mean income
from this source was still slightly below the overall mean to P130,000 per
household in 1992 (Figure 66). The distribution of income from salaries and
wages in Figure 67 is shown to be more or less evenly distributed, for all locations.
A.2.4 Various Other Sources of Income
There were a few respondents who still had some sources of income other than
those cited. Most of this income (90 percent) was generated in South Cotabato.
Total income from these other sources was P2.7 million (Table 65).
Total reported income of the pasture lease households from all sources
amounted to P92.9 million for 1992. Most of this income (58 percent) accrued -to the
South Cotabato pasture lease holders. On the other hand, the share of the Masbate
The average household income was about P664,000 (Table 66). The
average. household income of the lessee households in South Cotabato was about
among the three locations. Masbate has the most skewed distribution, and South
sources, accounting for more than half (53 percent) of total incomes generated.
Income from the pasture lease was just one-third of total incomes.
"sources of income for the lessee households. As could be observed in Figure 60,
pasture lease income is most important in Masbate, and still relatively important in
pasture lease incomes are supplemented mainly by wages and salaries. In South
Cotabato, income from business enterprises towers above all other sources,
B. Contending Claims and Peace & Order Problems in the Pasture Leases and
The floating of ideas suggesting the pasture leases to be "CARPable" has been
said to have encouraged other interested parties to stake their own claims on portions of
any of the often-cited problems above, with the highest incidence of deferment in South
The deferment of investments were also checked for other reasons (e.g.
weather, financial constraints, etc.) but the incidence for such was significant only for
The activities where the incidence of deferment were rather significant were
seen in Table 69. A more detailed inspection regional variations reveals that the
incidence of deferred investments in breeding cows was most acute in South Cotabato
(52 percent), as shown in Table 70.- Total declared value of deferred investment in
breeding cows put at P43.2 million. On a per lease basis, the value is around
investments do not diverge very much among locations, with an overall average of
For declared investments in improved pasture, the relative area coverage was
highest for South Cotabato, put at 41 percent of leased area (Table 71). In absolute
-terms, as well as per hectare equivalents, the value of deferred investments were lowest
pastures is just around P280,000. This just redounds to P240 per hectare, and an
The value of deferred investments in breeding bulls are rather similar across
regions, with an average value of P117,000 per lease, and about P372 per hectare of
land occupied Total value of deferred investments in breeding bulls was put at P3.4
The report on deferred investments in herd expansion seem to point out to rather
ambitious plans beyond the current capacity of the pasture lands, tn all, herds were to
current carrying capacity, at least for those leaseholders reporting. Total value of
deferred investment in herd expansion was put at P47.7 million, averaged at P1.8
million per reporting farm, or about P5,875 per hectare (Table 73).
million, computed at P177,000 per farm, and P602 per hectare (Table 74).
(Table 75). This redounds to about P550,000 per lease, or PI,824 per hectare.
million. For pasture leases, reporting, the investment value per lease is about P3.6
million. On a per hectare basis, the figure is put at around Pl 1,700 per ha.
The security occurrence of expenditures for pasture lease security purposes may
be indicative of the necessity to privately enforce property rights over the pasture lease
against parties who try to challenge it by encroachment, or against parties who operate
outside the law (e.g. cattle rustlers, insurgents). The magnitude of expenditure may be
indicative of thegravity of the problem. Table 76 show the incidence of capital outlay
by farms on items used for security purposes of the pasture lease. Over 70 percent of
all the farms provided expenditures on any significant item for farm security. About
two-thirds of the farms incurred expenditures on horses and 29 percent on vehicles for
making rounds over the pasture lease area. One third made expenditures on guns,
expenditures for farm security purposes, involving 84 percent of the farms. The
Bukidnon farms also registered the highest incidenceof"expenditt,res on each of' the
Total outlay on farm security is significant at P16.16 million (Table 77) The
Bukidnon farms incurred the highest expenditures (P8.16 million), accounting for
roughly half of total expenditures. A third was accounted for by the South Cotabato
farms, the sizes of the exPenditure items are shown on Figure 76.
On the average, capital outlay for security purposes amounted to P158,402 per
farm. The Bukidnon farms registered the highest average expenditures at P214,667
(Table 78).
Despite the many documented reports about the closing down of pasture leases
due to unstable peace and order conditions in the pasture lease areas, almost all of the
holdings, and renewing their contracts after the year of expiration. In fact, none in
Masbate, is willing to let go of their respective areas at the current rates of P 1.00 per
A figure of P20 per hectare per year has, in recent years, been floated around as
the new proposed rate for renewal of pasture lease contracts. The new rates have not
yet been imposed. "At such rates, more than 80 percent of the leaseholders would still
be willing to renew their contracts. Masbate, again, leads with more than 90 percent• of
holders willing to renew contracts at P20/ha. per year (Table 80 and Figure 77).
For those willing-to-pay at least P20 per hectare per year, the maximum rates
they were willing to pay for the privilege of renewing their contracts after expiration
were tested. The results may have been influenced by the starting value of P20. Table
P30/ha./year. With a minimum of P50/ha./year rental rates, there are still about 20
percent willing to renew their pasture leases at those rates. Across regional locations, it
•appears that the Bukidnon leaseholders are willing to pay higher rates. The least
On the average, the value of assets invested in the farm, excluding lease rights,
is put at around P2.25 million per farm, in 1992 prices. The distribution is skewed to
the left, with two-thirds of the leases having asset values not more than P2 million
(Table 82). Consistent with the prev_ence of relatively smaller lease sizes in Masbate,
close to 60 percent of the leases have asset value of not more than P1 million (Figure
78). In contrast, half of the leases in South Cotabato have asset values ranging from
PI - 3 million.
The estimated market value of the lease does not only include the value of assets
invested within the ranch but also the perceived value of the lease in its capacity of
lease sizes, most (56 percent) of the leases have a market value of not more than P3
million. In fact, more than 40 percent would have market value not greater than P2
There are noticeable regional differences, with Masbate ranches clustering about
the P2 million-or-less mark (56 percent), and the South Cotabato ranches bundled
The divergence between the market value of the pasture lease and value of
assets infused can be taken to indicate value of the rights to the lease from the
viewpoint of the leaseholder. The lease rights for most (64 percent) of the leaseholders
is put at a value no exceeding P1 million. Close to 40 percent would have rights values
_ot greater than P500,000 (Table 84). The distribution is also skewed to the left
2.4. Assets,:Market and Rights Values:- per hectare basis.
On a per hectare basis, the value of assets cluster about the range of P2,000 -
P6,000 per hectare (Table 85). At the regional level, this pattern is observed in
Masbate and South Cotabato. For ]3ukidnon, the clustering is about the figure not
Market values per hectare moves.the distribution to ,:;e 6ght, that of-
asset values. On the whole, market values greater than PI0,000 per hectare increase to
44 percent, compared to only about a quarter of the pasture leases, evaluated at asset
values (Table 86 and Figure 80). The pattern is repeated on the regional levels
On a per hectare basis, the Bukidnon ranches emerge to be the most investment-
.intensive, with close to PI0,000 per hectare worth of investments. The farms in the
two other regions lag far behind. On the average, the value of assets is P6,347 per
Rights value, evaluated on a per hectare basis was put at an average of P6,576
per hectare. This may be an indication of the present value of lease rights, excluding
the value of assets (Table 87). Comparing rights values across regions, the Bukidnon
The distribution of the value of lease rights per hectare is skewed to the left, -but
there is a more dispersed distribution as rights values go beyond the Pl0,.000 per
The rental value of the pasture lease may be obtained by evaluating the rights
value per hectare, over the remaining duration of the lease until its expiration date.
A straightforward averaging of the values yields the following results: the rights
value per hectare per year is about PS00/ha. per year. This value may be taken to
indicate that if this reflects the average net present value Of the rents obtainable per
year, then this must be, on the average the maximum "willingness-to-pay" for the
The highest registered average rights value per hectare per year is in Bukidnon,
place d at P966/ha per year. This result is consistent with the previous result that the
maximum rental fees to retain rights over the lease after expiration.
The results, however, are reversed for Masbate and South Cotabato. While the
Masbate leaseholders were the least willing to pay rental rates higher than P20/ha. per
year, they registered rights values rather close to that of Bukidnon, somewhat around
P900/ha. per year. South Cotabato yield a relatively low figure at about P510/ha. per
.year. Nonetheless, even this figure is high, relative to the highest rental fees willingly
The distribution of lease rights values per hectare per year is shown on Figure
85. In the aggregate, there is a skewed distribution of values off lease rights. A little
more than half (57 percent) of the respondents have lease rights values/ha, per year
between the P300/ha./year mark (Table 88). After the P400/ha/yr level, distribution
By either indicator of the existence of economic rents in the pasture leases, i.e.
ground to state that there are significant interests to protect in the pasture leases over
and above the value of physical investments incurred and designed for the duration of
the leases.
The potential inclusion of the pasture leases in the CARP would in effect,
a'cduce the absolute sizes of economic rents to that to be obtainable from pasture lease
whose ceilings are to be stipulated by law. From the private interest viewpoint, the
extension of the CARP into the pasture lease would understandably be opposed by the
current leaseholders, except, of course, by those whose business have become non-
There are diverging perceptions about the inclusion of pasture leases in the
CARP. While on the average, 60 percent of the leaseholders are certain that the
pasture leases are not included in the Program, only nine percent of the leaseholders in i
South Cotabato have that conviction (Figure 86). The leaseholders of Masbate appear
robe the most unperturbed about the CARP. In Bukidnon and South Cotabato, the
All leaseholder comments on the effect of CARP on the pasture leases were
negative. Consistent with the higher degree of uncertainty in Bukidnon and South
Cotabato, a greater portion of the negative comments were obtained from them.
Observing Figure 87, a third of the leaseholders in Bukidnon perceive the CARP as
destructive to the cattle industry and would cause a reduction in tile cattle population.
Furthermore, about a quarter of the leaseholders of Bukidnon and a fifth of those in "
South Cotabato consider the pasture lease areas as t,nsuitable for crop production
all locations, the_pasture leases were on the average incurring substantial losses from
pure livestock operations. The magnitude of revenues from livestock sales contrasted
to the structure off costs of pasture lease operations as shown on Table 89. Reported
operating expenditures in all locations were substantially higher than revenues trom
cattle sales. Total losses from livestock operations run to P4.3 million in Masbate up
Livestock revenue, however, _as not the sole constitution of farm revenue by
the pasture lease holders as income was also generated from non-livestock activities
within the pasture Jeases. Focusing on revenue from cropping activities within the
farm (mainly corn, palay, sugarcane and coconut), it could be noted from row D1 of
cropping activities within the pasture leases was able to reverse the profitability position
'of the pasture leases in this location, registering a total profit of P3 million for 1992, or
In Masbate, the extent of reported losses was greatly reduced. The same holds
true in the aggregate. Taking all locations, reported losses fall from P15.9 million to
just P29 million, or an average loss of P19,712 per farm, or an insignificant P0.37 loss
per hectare.
Still, the losses from pure livestock operationsare rather intriguing. On the one
hand, it has to be recalled that about a third of the sample reportedto have made no
sales of livestock for the year. One has to suspect that if this were indeed the case, one
would have witnessed a significant increase in inventory, as sales are postponed for
later months in anticipation of higher cattle prices. But no such surge in herd
only be made up to the maximum capability of the farms to turn out livestock for sale.
It is thus asked whether some under-reporting, or even a greater degree of revenue
from cropping activities on the pasture leases would have been in the interest of the
ranch manager or pasture lease holder. Considering that there are legal stipulations on
the extent to which the pasture lands could be used for other activities, a reporting of
high incomes from non-livestock activities within the pasture leases would have
generated suspicions about the possible violation of the existing rules. There was no
systematic procedure in the survey instrument which would have checked for under-
.reporting of incomes from the pasture lease.
_me from all activities within the pasture lease from the pasture leaseholder's
mate. The declared estimates of all revenues are reported in Table 90. except in
:idnon, where reported income was almost identical to recorded revenues, reported
mates of gross income from all activities within the pasture lease were significantly
aer. In Masbate, leaseholder estimates summed up to P6.3 million as compared to
pasture lease.
I'25.7 thousand per farm. In Bukidnon, the level is estimated at P2.7 million, with a
mean of 1:'49thousand per farm. Finally, for South Cotabato, estimated profits sum up
In the aggregate, the estimated profit from the pasture leases is put at around
Pasture leases are, on the average, relatively large tracts of land, with a
mean area of about 360 hectares. The distribution of leases are, however, skewed,
with about 60 percent of the pasture leases smaller than 200 hectares in size. There
exists large leases ranging from 1,000 to 2,700 hectares. The larger-sized pasture
leases are mostly found in Mindanao, particularly South Cotabato. The smaller sized
Lease contracts are effective for 25 years, renewable for another 25 years.
Most of the current leases in existence were those granted in the last two decades,
although about a quarter were very old pasture leases which had been constantly
Initial investments in the pasture leases at the start of operations had rather
The rest were minor expenditures on fencing the area, then developing some areas for
improved pastures. On the whole, the average farm started with about 70 heads of
cattle, utilizing about 5 hectares per head of-cattle, or about a starting carrying
capacity figure of about 0.20, unadjusted for cattle class group. Distributionwise,
Formal loans market almost did not directly play a part at all in the finance of
initial investments in the pasture leases, and even declined in incidence of use during
the operational phase. In part, this was because pasture leases are not eligible as
collateral for formal loans. The pasture leaseholders do not constitute the average
even greater value than the assets sunk in the pasture leases. Substantially higher
incomes also are earned from them than from the pasture lease activities.
That the loans market had little direct role in the finance of the initial
investments and almost none in the operating phase of the pasture leasing activity may
be understood in the light of the activity indirectly being financed from substantial
income from and/or ability to obtain loans for other business activities.
Over time, the pattern of investments in the pasture lease, for those with
recorded investments, deviated from the initial structure. The relative importance of
Increasing rapidly were the investments in vehicle and large tractors (and implements),
For the establishment and expansion of areas for cultivating improved grass
(trucks and other utility vehicles) would normally be used for transporting animals.
The phenomenon, however, that over time, the area developed for improved pasture
grasses remained stagnant at only about I0 percent of total leased area, makes the
Such behavior would have been a little better understood had it been generally
acknowledged that significant areas within the pasture lease were declared to be
cultivated for non-pasture activities. The land area declared to be in-use for food and
other crops, however, was extremely miniscule as a percentage for the .total area. On
the other hand, it was determined that in the disposal of marketable cattle, the livestock
other significant non-livestock production activities taking place within the pasture
lease, not declared in survey instrument, for which large tractors, trucks, and other
utility vehicles would be rational to use. These indicators include (i) the
acknowledgment that half of the workforce have either nothing to do, or relatively little
to do, with livestock production; and (ii) the earning of a relatively substantial amount
of pasture lease income from non-livestock production activities.
The derived average stocking showed some improvement from the initial
investment phase carrying capacity of the pasture lease, from 0.20 to 0.45 heads per
hectare. The distribution, however, revealed that in fact, the larger majority had
realized carrying capacities lower than the mean (about 60 percent), after an average
period of 15 years.
A stipulation in every lease contact provides that within five (5) years after the
start of the operation, the farm must be able to reach a carrying capacity of at least
1.0 (1 head/ha.). The inability to improve stocking rates beyond the current levels can
Improving the starting levels of the productivity of the stock also requires that
the breeding stock be genetically improved. This could be done by either purchasing
improved breeds of cows and bulls, or exotic breeds of bulls could be rented for mating
with the breeding cows. Since no signif'w.ant figures were obtained for expenditure on
mating services by breeding bulls, the remaining resource for improving the stock
The incidence of the purchase of new breeding stock, however, was shown to
be very minimal, with only about 20 percent of the farms doing so. And among these,
only the Masbate farms had some access to acquiring some fresh breeding stock via
The relatively low incidence of purchase of breeding stock from the outside
reveals that the pasture leases do not, in general, undertake the specialized function of
cattle breeding, for which the use of large tracts of land would have been justified.
Cattle raising and/or production (as opposed to breeding) thrives even in small and
"clan" enterprise. Almost a third of the pasture leases are directly managed by the
leaseholder. In all, about three-fourths of the pasture leases are managed by somebody
The ranch manager, like the ieaseholders, are also mostly highly schooled.
Most of the ranch managers were highly secretive about the amount of compensation
they receive as ranch managers. For the few declaring the value of their compensation,
the declared values are considered to be within the lower range of the time distribution.
definitely not a labor intensive activity. Even the employment indicators at the mean,
already in themselves not labor intensive - nine (9) worker per farm; an effective area
The disclosure that over half of the workers employed in the pasture lease either
have nothing to do, or have only little to do with livestock production, indicates that
the total number of workers (1,290) in the 145 pasture leases cannot be directly related
to livestock production in the pasture leases. Furth¢.lmore, with 63 percent of the hired
'workers employed as eontractuals, hired only for specific functions and occasions, one
cannot even say that the level of employment above could be directly related to the
Pasture leases, however, are not necessarily destined to be very land extensive
per worker as the relatively more productive ranches of Bukidnon have demonstrated.
Compensation wise, the position of the contractuals - the large majority of the
workforce, is rather extremely precarious with total compensation in cash and kind
valued only at around PI,400 per worker for the duration of the entire year of 1992.
This figure can only make sense if the contractuals in the pasture leases were grossly
Expenditures on variable inputs were about the same level as the expenditures
•on workers. The structure of expenditures, however, show that the bulk of
expenditures are made on the "maintenance" of the livestock and the maintenance of
vehicles and machineries in the farm.
improved grasses with nutrition from market sources. With this in mind, the
"necessity" to use wide tracts of land, such as an average of 160 heads of cattle per
farm, arises not so much on rigid technical land-cattle coefficients but on the relative
is seen as a natural offshoot of the relatively rapid growth investments of the same in
The incidence of the absence of sales of livestock for the year, put at about one
third of the pasture leases, is rather high. This phenomenon would have been
intelligib!e had it been the ease that a significant' increase in livestock inventory
occurred over end of the one-year period. But with the occurrence of a decline in total
inventory of around four percent, the foregoing of positive revenue by a third of farms
becomes puzzling. The only conclusions that could be made are either (i) no activity
was taking place in faet; (ii) the leaseholder was just maintaining a token stock of
• cattle; (iii) a gross underreporting and/or unreporting of sales was being practiced; or
(iv) the phenomenon is a fact, but the pasture leases are being used for other more
the sales rate was about 13 percent of the opening stock. This birth rate was an
offshoot of a calving rate of around 30 percent, i.e., only 30 percent of the breeding
cows were able to deliver a calf over the one-year period. On technical efficiency
grounds, one should expect not less than two-thirds of the breeding cows to be giving a
calf at any given year. Thus, even in the function providing cattle for the market, the
While the bulk of sales in terms of number of heads sold were a little more less
proportional to the ratio of each cattle class to entire stock, the main revenue earners
were the breeding bulls and breeding cows. This follows more from the fact that these
On the criteria of volume, with relatively low calving rates, the pasture leases to
had been relatively unproductive sources of feeder or breeding stock for the industry.
On the basis of quality, the low incidence of infusion of new blood lines from external
sources through purchases of new breeding cows and bulls point to a high probability
that the genetic stock obtained from the pasture leases for livestock production
purposes, may have less than desirable qualities, not immediately discernible by ocular
6. Leaseholder Investment Behavior in the Face of the CARP and
. The reported problems associated with the CARP, contending claims to the
pasture leases by other parties (legal or illegal), and peace-and-order were documented
to exist in the areas covered. The impact on investments, however, have not been
shown to be general or systematic. Though these may have caused the deferment of
they did not point to the hypothesized strong adverse effect on the majority of the i
•P7,000 per lease, or P240 per hectare. -It appears, therefore, that with or without these
often-cited problems, there would have still been very little investments in the
For the segment of the pasture leaseholders who declared experiences with the
above problems to have contended with the "irritants" to pasture leasing activities by
majority of them investing in private security, with about one-third also investing in
guns and ammunitions. Total investments on security matters, at about P16 million,
were mostly in Mindanao, where about 80 percent of the whole was spent.
Total (reported) revenue from the sales ofcattle, in general, and in all locations,
were shown as not able to cover for total variable costs in operating the pasture lease
over the one year period covered. Taking into account, however, revenues from other
activities (cropping) within the pasture lease, losses are substantially reduced for two
The results presented a rather intriguing picture. First, in all locations, the
pasture leasing activity, by itself, emerged as an entirely losing venture, whichever way
it is looked upon. Second, in two locations, the income from non-pasture activities
greatly dwarfed revenue from cattle sales. In the aggregate, non-livestock income
over inflation of expenditures, it strikes one why the pasture leases are being kept at
gross income from all activities provided the result that the average farm, in all
locations was obtaining positive net income. Both results point a common conclusion:
Despite the reported losses in operating the pasture leases, and despite the
existence of external problems associated with the activity, almost all the leaseholders
want to continue with their operations, and even 80 percent will renew their lease
contracts at a higher rate of P20/ha. per year than the current PI.00/ha. per year. One
only has to look at the revenue from cattle sales and losses in the pasture lease (without
income from other activities), and one wonders why the pasture leases are kept at all,
the pasture lease may not already lie on the potential income from livestock operations,
but from the use of the land for other agricultural activities such as sugarcane, copra,
corn, and palay production. The substantial income obtain obtained from these could
even be the reason enough to maintain a security force for keeping out, not mainly
The worth of the pasture leases may be reflected in the value that the
leaseholders have placed on just maintaining their present rights to the pasture lease for
the duration of the remaining years of their contract.
cannot be discounted that many of the pasture leaseholders may simply be maintaining
a token number of heads of cattle, just enough to ensure that the pasture lease does not
appear "abandoned" - a reason for the DENR to cancel the lease - to be able to
maintain activities in non-livestock operations which provide for greater net income
extensive scale, not subject to land ceilings by the CARP. The larger the size of the
lease, the larger the absolute size of the economic rents obtained, with the financial cost
Thus, it does indeed, make sense not to put investments in the expansion of
operations, but within the pasture lease. This may partly explain why about half of the
•pasture lease workers are reported to be neither partly, nor fully, involved at all in
livestock production.
9. Recommendations
From the preceding discussions, it can be stated that f_e current arrangement for
access and maintaining the use of the pasture leases, the?e"l'bre,grossly distorts the
scarcity values of the pasture leases. Definitely, the pasture Jeases are not just worth
PI.00/ha. per year. Not even the floated rate of P20/ha. lSe'ryear would approximate
the true economic value of the pasture leases. The current intensity of investment and
use of the pasture leases are perpetuated because of the exclusivity of franchise given to
applicant and grantees - and would have as consequence the misallocation and
reviewed to in&ice a more rational, more productive, and more transparent access to
use of government property. Since.the economic rents obtainable from the pasture
maximum government revenue from them. This implies that the lease rates be raised
significantly, and that a systematic rates indexing be devised to reflect the growing
It is also recommended that the pasture lands be opened for bidding to all
interested parties, for all possible types of productive uses - provided only that they are
economically and ecologically sustainable. It is also recommended that the current rule
which limits non-livestock use to 10 percent of the area be recalled. As a rule which
applies to all pasture leases regardless of topography and productive potentials, it has
no scientific nor economic basis.
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Table 17. Average Carrying Capacity of Pasture Leases
ExpenditureType Distribution
Entry . Distribution
IH ' I I m p,i i
1- 2 "38 39 59 45
3- 4 13 23 18 20
5- 6 25 23 18 21
7- 8 13 6 0 5
9-10 0 6 6 5
11- 15 13 3 0 4
Horses 64 82 63 66.0
Guns 27 40 . 34 33.1
Vehicles 13 40 39 29.0
Radio 2 42 25 21.0
Others 2 4 2 3.0
• ,t , , : •
Table 82. E_timated Value of Assets Within The Ranch, 1992.
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Figure 69. Distribution of Pasture Lease Household Income from
All Sources, 1992
40-0-_1 ---._....
Percent 30"0-'_1
20.0"-'_i --...
o All
o o
o o
o o S. Cotabato
o o o o o -.2 Bukidn0n
¢9 ¢; o o o "I
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, '¢ © o d o o o
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, , o o d o >
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The universe of pasture leases for the whole Philippines was obtained from the
updated list of holders of Pasture Lease Agreements (PLAs) and Forest Land Grazing
Lease Agreements (FLGLAs) as of 1991. The list provided information on the number
of leases and area covered by municipality, province, and region. The distribution of
PLAs and FLGLAs across regions was generated to obtain a sense of the structure of
the leases in terms of their incidence and average lease sizes. The resulting distribution
of leases across regions and major island groups is shown in Appendix A: Table 1.
The identification of possible survey areas where the samples were to be taken
made use of the information given by the population distribution. The regions where
pasture leases were relatively prevalent in terms of the number of existing leases were
'identified. The initial choices were Regions II, IV, V, X and XI. Region II was taken
out from the possible sample set with the information that the access to the region was
hampered the destruction of the main arterial highway due to the 1991 earthquake.
With the remaining regions identified, the structure of lease distribution by province
was generated. In each region, the province where pasture leases were most prevalent
were identified and chosen to be the set of sample provinces. The provinces chosen
were Occidental Mindoro for Region IV, Masbate for Region V, Bukidnon for Region
X, and South Cotabato for Region XI. Having chosen the provinces from which to
Appendix Table 1. Distribution of Pasture Leases by Region, Philipines, 1991
VI 28 8.3 296.4
VII 13 7.1 546.2
VIII 2 0.8 400:0
IX 2 2.8 1,400.0
X 88 30.2 343.2
XI 86 49.0 569.8
obtain the samples for the planned survey of pasture leases, ocular inspections and a
The ocular inspection in Mindoro Occidental revealed that more than half of the
pasture leases were not being operated as they were supposed to be, where the cattle
were being brought down from the pasture lease areas to their lowland farms or even to
the towns for enclosed feeding; or rented out to small farmers for fattening on a profit-
sharing basis. The most prevalent reason given was the inability to operated in the hills
instrument for farm managers was enacted:as even the farm managers were not in the
pasture lease sites. With these problems met with the planned sample province,
Mindoro Occidental was deleted from the final set of samples. Thus, Region IV was
The final set of provinces chosen as survey sites were Masbate, Bukidnon, and
South Cotabato. For these provinces, the updated master list of pasture lease holders
were obtained from the central office of the DENR, and validated with the updated
records in the regional and provincial offices of the DENR. The list of pasture lease
holders in these provinces are shown in Appendix A: Table 2. From the list of pasture
lease holders in each province, samples were drawn randomly, with replacements for
possible non-response also drawn randomly. The number of samples obtained from
Percent of Percent of
Region Representing Sample Size Pasture Lease Pasture Lease
Province (number) in Province in Region
.(_r.c.e.nt). .....................
V Masbate 56 53.8 50.9
X Bukidnon 45 66.2 51.1
XI South Cotabato 44 54.3 51.2
All 145 57.3 51.1
It could thus be noted that the sample size was fairly adequate relative to the
pasture leases, the respective sample sizes were a little over 50 percent of"the regional
Appendix B
T.he cattle industry has been observed to be on a stage of decline throughout the
1980's. While the backyard sector of the industry has experienced modest reductions in
cattle populations, the commercial sector has shown to have exhibited a more rapid
decline, both in the number of farms and in cattle population. A significant number of
The reduction in commercial cattle raising activity has been blamed squarely on the
uncertainties brought about the by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
and the Peace and Order Problem related to insurgency in the countryside. To what
The study would not be able to include those ranches that have already closed
down. Thus, the survey will try to determine how the remaining ranches have been
adjusting in matters of allocation of assets, i.e, between investments in the pasture leases
and investments in some other non-pasture activities. Incomes derived from investments
in non-pasture enterprises would indicate the return from alternative activities relative to
The study also aims to establish whether the pasture leasing business is still
profitable or not, and determine which factors significantly affect the profitability of the
enterprise. These would mainly be: _, input prices, carrying capacity of the
pasture (i.e. efficiency of land use), herd productivity, and other non-price factors. The
private costs incurred ensuring,of farm assets and the rights to exclusive
(e.g. cropping activities) and the significance of their contribution to total farm income is
also to be established. Initial observations seem .to indicate that the lessees may have been
It is ideal that the dynamics of pasture and non-pasture (e.g. cropping) activities
within.the pasture lease be captured. Thus, the area devoted to cropping activities, in
relation to the area devoted to pasture be accurately obtained. In like manner, the
resources (material inputs and labor) and corresponding costs allocated between pasturing
and cropping activities should be accurately obtained. Finally, the respective incomes
obtained from these activities should, also be accurately established. This would reveal the
VI Herd Accounting
VIII Labor Requirements for the Pasture Lease for Both Pasture and
Non-Pasture Activities (I January - 31 December 1992)
The ranch manager is to be the respondent for the Pasture Lease Utilization,
Note: If the leaseholder is also the ranch manager, he would be the respondent for both
Bt, I
B.I, B.2 This section also traces the structure of loans made in the last two
years (1991 - 1992) and determi,le:
I. how loans lbr the pasture lease have changed over time and
2. how loans lbr the pasture lease dillTerlrromloans for other purposes or
C. Involvement in Economic Activities Outside Pasture Leasing
C.2 Liabilities
Thus, the GMP must reflect that by the end of the year 1992,
certain relevant targets must apply in terms of numbers of hectares
developed as improved pastures, heads of cattle produced per year, cattle
inventory, portion of the perimeter fenced, and others.
7 The Scarcity of Rental Value of the Pasture Lease and tile Rights
granged to it by the PLA/FLGLA.
Since the opening of forest lands to PLAs, the lease rental rates had
always been PI.00/ha./year. Over the years, it has never increased with
inflation. The investigator is convinced that P l.00/ha./year is no longer the
scarcity value of the lands but much higher. As estirnate of such a scarcity
value would be greatly informative for policy on future lease rental rates.
7-8 Tile Capit'alized Value of the Pasture Lease nntil its Expiration Date
This section aims to capture that part of the value of the pasture
lease, which, after accounting for all non-and values, would purely be
attributable to the value of the land itself (e.g. improvements) and the
privilege of operating it.
The three problems above had always been blames for the closure
o1" many commercial ranches and pasture leases, and for the poor
pertbrmance of the pasture leases in terms of investments on improvements
and cattle inventory.
1- 5 Objective:
The various cattle grot, ps are also identified according to their age
bracket, designed mainly to facilitate the pricing or valuing of the whole
herd. The accounting period is from 1 January to 31 December 1992.
For each group and age category, the t"ollowing accounting identity
should hold:
Notes on Price/Head:
(i) For the opening stock, this refers to the 1 January 1992 prices. For
the closing stock, this refers to estimated value/head at
31 December 1992 prices.
Increases in the price per head area expected due to inflation and/or
increase in the real value of the animal due to weight gain.
(i) Surplus - those produced and grown as planned and programmed for
sale at a designated time or month. From the viewpoint of
optimality, a longer stay at the farm would be
uneconomical, or would not be warranted by the pasture's
carrying capacity.
(ii) Culled - those that are disposed-offfor reasons of less than expected
productivity. It may include animals who have passed their
prime, injured cattle, or simply unproductive heads. They
are sold for all they are worth.
C.2 Sales of Cattle (Surplus, Culled)
A. Fixed Investments
!. Land Improvement
2. Construction of Physical Facilities
3. Equipment
4. Other Physical Structures
5. Livestock information obtained from Opening inventory (1 Jan.
1992) plus net additions to the stock.
These should include only assets which still had productive value
until the end of 1992. Thus, the list should exclude structures or
equipment which are already obsolete or exhausted productive life.
a. On year(s) undertaken/acquired
c. On Cost/Expenditure Incurred
This refers to the peso value of the investment item at the time of
1. Feed concentrates
2. R.oughage
A Composition of Workers
i-3 Objectives:
3. The average wage rate (P/day) or salary (P/month) for each worker
for each category; and
In the final analysis, the important set of information that is desired
to be extracted are:
A. Pasture improvement
B. Livestock Care
C. Operation, maintenance, repairs of equipments, machineries, and
D. R,entals
E. Interest of loans
F. Other material expenses for other farm production activities, e.g.
(ii) Price, Cost per unit - this refers to the buying price actually paid.
(iii) Price reference - the stated price either refers to that paid if:
When part of the pasture lease is devoted to crops for either fodder
(animal feed) or lbod purposes (or both), then the farm generates
additional income.
If t.he output is sold to another party, the price received per unit is
to be directly obtained.
If the _utput is used or consumed within the farm, the value per
unit if.purchaged at the farm level is to be imputed.