Annotated Bibliography

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Victoria Post

SC McGriff

07 July 2018

Annotated Bibliography

Research Question: Are extreme sports healthy for young child athletes?

Aubrey, Allison. “Student Athletes Who Specialize Early Are Injured More Often, Study Finds.”

NPR​, NPR, 25 July 2017,


The point of this article is that student athletes who specialize early are injured more

often. Study shows that waiting until late adolescence will minimize the risks and lead to

higher likelihood of success rates. The younger you start the higher your percentages

become in building up to physical problems in the future.

This source seems be very reliable. It quotes its findings by the American Academy of

Pediatrics, senior scientists of universities, athletic trainers, and many more educated

sources. The goal of this article is to show that dedicating a young child to a sport will

eventually cause and lead them to more injuries.

This source does fit into my research. It presents quotes by official sources. I’m able to

use this to support how being a child athlete isn’t always the best choice when it comes

overuse injuries. Most people believe starting young is healthier, but after reading this

article I beg to differ considering the fact that waiting may be more beneficial .

“Concussions: How They Can Affect You Now and Later .” ​University of Utah Health​, 17 Nov.


This article informs us about the short term and long term effects of receiving a

concussion. At the beginning of getting a concussion you may experience nausea,

dizziness, blurred vision, delayed responses to questions, and so many more side effects.

What the real problem needs to be identified is the long term effects that can affect your

brain in the long run. These symptoms include memory problems, disturbed

concentration, sensitivity to the exposure of light and noise, depression and many other

psychological problems.

This source compares to other bibliographies by specifically focusing on the causes of a

concussion to a person and their brain. It’s helpful by showing there are still side effects

being documented long after concussions have been healed.

This source is helpful because it gave a further understanding of what happens when

something traumatic happens to the brain and what people experience during a


Lee, Janet. “Surprising Health Risks Facing Young Athletes.” ​Consumer Reports​, 25 Sept. 2017,​.

The point of this article is to inform readers what and how athletes attracting diseases and

health risks, how it spreads, and how to minimize it . Outbreaks such as herpes, athletes

foot, staph infections, MRSA, etc.are being spread by contact. Even if it’s walking

barefoot on the gym floor, you can easily catch an infection. Close contact sports is an

extreme way to contract personal health related illnesses or diseases with the countless

amount of spores being left exposed to catch the infection. To minimize these risks the

best way is to practice good personal hygiene, do daily skin checks, stay up to date on

immunizations, and in the best way avoid sharp objects that you are unfamiliar with.

This is source is most definitely useful because it explains health risks that are being

exposed to athletes whereas the other bibliographies talk about the negative and positive

side effects of athletes health and the possibilities of physical trauma on their body.

This source was helpful in offering more information on health related illnesses brought

onto an athlete. It states how many of these are transferred through contact and are easily

spread amongst teammates. This article allows me to see that although illnesses can be

attracted from anywhere, 23% of athletes will attract something just from playing.

Maroon, Joseph, and Julian Bailes. "The Health Benefits of Youth Contact Sports Outweigh the

Risks." ​Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection​, Gale, 2018. ​Opposing Viewpoints In


VIC&xid=83657386. Accessed 22 July 2018. Originally published as "Weighing the

childhood risks of contact sports," ​Washington Times,​ 29 Jan. 2015.

This article is informing us on the incidents and severities of brain injuries dealing with

youth sports. The author discusses both benefits of playing sports and how there are

improvements being made in safety, specifically football, along with the risks of getting a

concussion. The main argument this article proposes is that although risks are at stake the

benefits of playing overly outweigh the negative side effects.

This source is useful and reliable considering the fact is addresses the risks of getting a

concussion. It compares with the other sources by, again, speaking of terms opposite of

my argument. The goal of this source was to express both pros and cons of young athletes

in contact sports, overall supporting the continuation of young athletes.

This article does not necessarily help my argument but it does discuss other viewpoints

on the opposing side which will reflect the pros and cons style of my argumentative

research paper.

Merkel, Donna L. “Youth Sport: Positive and Negative Impact on Young Athletes.”

Advances in Pediatrics.,​ U.S. National Library of Medicine, 31 May 2013,


This source displays both positive impacts and negative impacts. The positive impacts

section explains how it could decrease health risks for children preventing obesity. The

negative impacts explain how these sports can affect your growth, decrease flexibility,

coordination, and balance when approaching your adolescent years. Also being included

in the negative side effect section is a childs emotional state when being involved in a

sport. It describes that it can lead to stress, anxiety, and social pressure.

This is a very useful source. Not only does is show the positive and negative side effects

put onto a child, but it is also getting its information through other official documents

such as doctor journals, medical books, research articles. This compares to the other

sources by presenting actual side effects being produced by the negative and positive side

of young children participating in sports. The goal of this source is to inform the readers

about the many possible outcomes that could happen in this particle subject.

This source helps my argument by presenting me with information on medical studies

that are needed to help support my health risks topic in this paper. This article has shown

me that not only does playing sports bring multiple physical futuristic complications, but

it also has an extreme impact on the emotional state of the athlete. The main opposing

argument is that participating your child in sports will help improve their health. This

article made it clear to me that although that is possible, the only thing that will help

reduce health risks for your child is not what you participate them in physically, it is what

you feed them nutrionaly.

Office of Public Affairs. “Concussions: How They Can Affect You Now and Later .” ​University

of Utah Health,​ 1 Nov. 2016,

The point of this article is to discuss the short and long term effects of having a

concussion. It also states what a concussion is and how many people are affected by it.

Research shows that symptoms should resolve within a few weeks. Only ​about 20% of

people might suffer from post-concussion syndrome, where they continue to experience

symptoms after 6 weeks. However, the more concussions you get, the more likely you are

to suffer long term consequences, especially if you don’t give your brain enough time to

heal between injuries.

The goal of this article is to inform the reader. This is a useful source because it does

show both the short and long term effects along with their symptoms. It compares with

the other bibliographies by presenting information discussing only concussions, including

quotes by medical doctors with their Phd. This source is reliable considering the fact that

it only presents you with facts rather than a biased opinion on concussions.

This source helps me with my argument by allowing me to quote medical doctors which

proves as a reliable source. I can use what the doctor said in my argument by expressing

how concussions can lead a change in behavior, depression, and even suicide.

“Preventing Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes.” ​,​ 22 Mar. 2017,


This article informs us on how prevent overuse injuries in young athletes. An overuse

injury is damage to a bone, muscle, ligament, or tendon caused by repetitive stress

without allowing time for the body to heal. According this source the best way to prevent

this from happening includes preparing yourself, playing smart, rest, and train your body

properly. The worst thing to do to a young athlete is burn them out. A burn out consists of

mental, physical, and hormonal changes that can affect the child's performance.

This source was very useful as is relates to my research explaining how to prevent these

overuse injuries that could eventually lead to more painful outcomes in the future if not

cured in time or correctly.

I can use this source in my research by correlating it with my overuse injuries section. It

talks about how emotional and physical distressed a young athlete can become when they

get to a certain period of overusing their joints in muscles, especially using them in the

incorrect motion. When using them incorrectly as a child you can stunt your growth

plates causing you to need reach your full capacity in height. What this source will

mainly be used for in my paper is how the overuse injuries can lead to unnecessary

futuristic problems dealing with your joints and muscles.

Tuso, Philip J, et al. “Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets.” ​Advances in

Pediatrics.​, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Spring 2013,​.

After doing a study on multiple candidates suffering from high blood pressure, obesity,

heart diseases, and diabetes, all candidates found breathtaking improvements in their

physical and mental health after starting a strict plant based diet. The physicians proved

the major benefits for patients who decide to start a plant-based diet are the possibility of

reducing the number of medications they take to treat a variety of chronic conditions,

lower body weight, decreased risk of cancer, and a reduction in their risk of death from

ischemic heart disease.

This source is useful and gives more information on how to properly nourish your body.

None of the other articles talk about the nutritional value needed to continue an active

lifestyle. The goal of this source was to inform readers by showing the outcomes of

people who were dealing with medical problems and how they reversed that by simply

changing their eating habits.

This is extremely useful to shape my argument by showing it is not involving your child

in a sport that will help them stay in shape and prevent them from becoming obese and

catching medical conditions. The real problem is what you are feeding your child. This

article proves that if you change your eating habits to a plant based diet, it will lessen

your likely of getting cancer, contracting heart diseases, reduce those who are

overweight,and so much more. This action involves consuming the proper nutrition that

your body is meant to have and all together cleanses and heals you as a whole.

Umansky, Diane. “New Study Sheds Light on Long-Term Effects of Childhood Concussions.”

Consumer Reports,​ 20 Sept. 2017,


This article tells of research on adults who started playing football before the age

of 12 and those who started after. There research exhibited that Chronic traumatic

encephalopathy appeared more progressive in those who started playing before 12. The

subjects also showed signs of behavioral regulations and symptoms relating to

depression. This article also talks about why it is important to study the expansion of

concussions. According this article, it is important to understand this subject so you can

better understand what the factors are that are causing problematic trauma to the brain,

and take that information to find the solution.


This source is most definitely useful because it says something a little different than the

other articles. It talks about chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which could be brought up

in later years because of the physical activities of a child too young in age getting damage

to their brain.

This source is helpful in my research because it focuses on a progressive brain disease,

carefully being observed and researched on by Boston University's Chronic Traumatic

Encephalopathy Center. It states quotes by highly educated men and women with a

doctorates degree or higher and the material is easily understood.

Zimmerman, Jonathan. "We Must Stop Risking the Health of Young Football Players."

Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection,​ Gale, 2018. ​Opposing Viewpoints In Context,​

VIC&xid=bce3c049. Accessed 22 July 2018. Originally published as "Football: Unsafe

at any level," ​Los Angeles Times​, 13 Sept. 2014.

The main argument of this article is expressing how even though officials have tried to

modify games, the rate of injuries have continued to stayed constant. The author explains

that roots set in rugby have changed but the outlying effects still show smashed, broken,

dislocation, and fractures bones still being documented at a massive amount. The author

also adds forward passing, helmets, increased risks to the face, and money to enhance the

argument that changes will not fix the amount of injuries faced.

This source does show some biased opinion, but it is trustworthy considering the fact

that it implies actual scenarios that have been used to “decrease” these injuries, but still

show constant numbers of injuries. This source compares with other sources by using

documentation examples of rules being changed in a contact sport to make it more

secure, rather than just ruling out the pros and cons of this subject.

This source was helpful offering sufficient amount of scenarios that will help my

argument. It clarifies even when rules and regulations are changed it doesn’t always help

the purpose it is being put into effect for. This articled allowed me to see although minor

changes made in a game have partially decreased the numbers in harm, it does not

compare to the injuries that continue to happen on a regular basis.

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