Explanatory Models For Homeopathy

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Homeopathy (2016) -, 1e6

Ó 2016 The Faculty of Homeopathy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2016.02.003, available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com


Explanatory models for homeopathy:

from the vital force to the current
Silvia Waisse1,* and Leoni Villano Bonamin2
Center Sim~
ao Mathias of Studies in History of Science (CESIMA), Pontifical Catholic University of S~ao Paulo, Rua Caio Prado
102, S~ao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Research Center of Paulista University, Graduation Program of Environmental and Experimental Pathology, Rua Dr Bacelar
1212, S~ao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Facing claims for and against the scientific status of homeopathy, one is entitled to ask:
is there a scientific model for homeopathy? In this study we reconstructed the model put
forward by Hahnemann. The results showed that it was essentially based on the
assumption of a ‘vital force’ exclusive to living beings. While the vital force was a basic
element of 18th-century science, the existence of such a sui generis force of nature was
refuted with the formulation of the law of the conservation of energy by mid-19th cen-
tury. As a function of that fact for homeopathic theory, we discuss the history of the
rise and demise of the theory of the vital force from the last quarter of the 18th century
to 1830. Finally, we call the attention to the paradigm shift biology underwent starting at
the end of the 19th century as the framework for contemporary views on the functioning
of living beings and consequently, of the effects of pharmacological agents on them.
Homeopathy (2016) -, 1e6.

Keywords: Homeopathy; Explanatory models; Historical review

Introduction: scientific models and of objects and phenomena within their scope). In addition,
experiments and data should meet two intimately inter-
homeopathy twined properties: repeatability/reproducibility (repeat-
The notion of ‘scientific models’ and their difference ability: same method on identical test material, under the
vis-a-vis ‘scientific theories’ are a subject of much discus- same conditions; reproducibility: same method on iden-
sion. As a generic working definition, one might agree on tical test material but under different conditions e different
that: they are logical systems, i.e., their components are ar- operators, different apparatus, different laboratories and/or
ticulated through the laws of logic, the ‘pieces’ being ob- after different intervals of time)1 and predictability.
servations, axioms or postulates, which allow asserting Facing the countless claims for and against the scientific
under which conditions some assumptions occur, and status of homeopathy, one is entitled to ask: is there a sci-
thus allow inferring/postulating other possible facts by entific model for homeopathy?
applying a given set of rules. In this study we reconstructed the model put forward
Models must necessarily be consistent (i.e., not contain by Hahnemann. The results showed that it was essen-
contradictions) and complete (account for the full universe tially based on the assumption of a ‘vital force’ exclusive
to living beings. While the vital force was, indeed, a
basic element of 18th-century science, the existence of
such a sui generis force of nature was refuted together
*Correspondence: Silvia Waisse, Center Sima ~o Mathias of
Studies in History of Science (CESIMA), Pontifical Catholic with the formulation of the law of the conservation of en-
~ o Paulo, Rua Caio Prado 102, Sa
University of Sa ~o Paulo, SP, ergy by mid-19th century. As a function of the relevance
Brazil. of that fact for homeopathic theory, we discuss the his-
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Received 8 April 2015; revised 20 February 2016; accepted 29 tory of the rise and demise of the theory of the vital force
February 2016 from the last quarter of the 18th century to the 1830.

Please cite this article in press as: Waisse S, Bonamin LV, Explanatory models for homeopathy: from the vital force to the current paradigm, Homeopathy
(2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2016.02.003
Vital force and paradigm shift
S Waisse and LV Bonamin
Finally, we call the attention to the paradigm shift and medicine was the one based on observation and exper-
biology began to undergo starting at the end of the imentation and the inferences directly resulting from them.
19th century as the direct framework for the contempo- This was a basic assumption of the ‘new science’ that had
rary views on the functioning of living beings and conse- emerged in the 17th century, as we discuss below in more
quently, of the effects of pharmacological agents on detail.
them. In short, these are the assumptions that underlie Hahne-
mann’s model for health/disease/cure/therapeutics, as fol-
Hahnemann’smodel: the vital force as lows:

cornerstone  Disease: abnormal working of the vital force; it is caused

by anything able to disarrange the normal operation of
To have a clear understanding of the assumptions under- the vital force; therefore, the nature of any cause of dis-
lying Hahnemann’s explanatory model for homeopathy, ease must be the same as the nature of the vital force: ‘dy-
the most appropriate source is Spirit of the homeopathic namic’, spirit-like (geistig).
doctrine of medicine, first published in 1813 (revised in  Cure: real cures can only be achieved through the use
1833), which Hahnemann wrote to give the theoretical drugs necessarily able to act on the vital force and rein-
grounds underpinning his more practical-minded Organon state its normal functioning.
of medicine (1st edition, 1810).a  Actions and effects of drugs: a medicine is thus any sub-
The first and foremost assumption in science concerns stance able to act on and modify the functioning of the
the ultimate nature of being, and within our context of in- vital force; therefore, their nature must be the same as
terest it corresponds to the theory of matter. As it was the one of the vital force (‘dynamic’, spirit-like). When
almost the rule in the 18th and first decades of the 19th cen- such a substance is administered to a healthy individual,
tury, also Hahnemann adopted the vitalist perspective2: it elicits a specific series of manifestations (‘symptoms’);
“The material substances of which the human organ- this procedure became known as ‘proving’ or ‘pathogen-
ism is composed no longer follow in their living com- esy’ (and more recently, ‘homeopathic pathogenetic trial’
bination the laws to which the material substances in e HPT).5 Reciprocally, when that substance is adminis-
lifeless state are subjected, but follow the laws of vital- tered to an ill person exhibiting a similar set of symp-
ity alone; [.] here a nameless, all-powerful funda- toms, it is able to cure him/her. Therefore, concludes
mental force (Grundkraft) rules [.]”.3 Hahnemann:

Consistently, he defined health/disease/cure as the

normal/abnormal/recovered functioning of the vital force: “Both the [ability] to heal diseases and to pathologi-
“[.] it is evident that human diseases are caused by cally affect the healthy are inseparably found in all
the dynamic and virtual influence of pathological the remedies, and both operations patently originate
harmful agencies; in essence, they cannot be but from one and the same source, namely, from their po-
purely dynamic (can only operate in a spirit-like wer to alter the human health in a dynamic manner,
[geistig] manner) affections of the vital character of therefore, it is impossible that they might act accord-
our organism”.4 ing to different immanent natural laws in the sick
than in the healthy; then, it follows that it is the
As it was common among 18th and early 19th century same force in the remedies that which heals diseases
physiologists (see below), also Hahnemann admitted that in the sick and induces pathological symptoms in the
‘forces’, understood as the causes of motion, could not healthy”.6
be investigated as such, but only through their effects:
“Whatever life might be, it can only be empirically discern- The abovementioned assumptions led Hahnemann to
ible through its manifestations and phenomena [.]”.3 Be- formulate an experimental hypothesis, which might be
ing that the causes could only be inferred from their phrased as follows: if substance X heals disease Y, then it
perceptible effects, the only method valid in natural science elicits the symptoms of disease Y in healthy provers; and
reciprocally, if substance X elicits symptoms Y in healthy
provers, then it heals cases of disease that exhibit symp-
Hahnemann C Geist der neuen Heillehre (1813), Geist der
toms Y.7 Hahnemann tells us that he then set himself to
homo € opatischen Heillehre (1833), in Schmidt JM, Kaiser D, ed. demonstrate empirically this hypothesis. Unfortunately,
Gesammelte kleine Schriften. Heidelberg: Karl F Haug Verlag, his experimental notebooks did not survive, and we thus
2001, p. 639e648 and p. 842e852, respectively; here the 1833
version was quoted, as representing Hahnemann’s more mature have to take his word as authoritative.
views; only the 1813 version is available in English translation, To summarize, according to Hahnemann the mode of ac-
Spirit of the homoeopathic doctrine of medicine, in Dudgeon RE, tion of the cause of disease and of its healing remedy is the
The lesser writings of Samuel Hahnemann, London:
W Headland, 1851, 696e711. All translations from German are
same, the only difference being that the state induced by
ours, we translated in a way that makes sense to a present-day the former is ‘natural’, while the one elicited by the latter
readership, see Schmidt JM, Vorwort der Herausgebers, in is ‘artificial’ (to notice, term ‘artificial’ had no pejorative
Hahnemann C Organon der Heilkunst (6th ed.). Neufassung mit
Systematik und Glossar. 2nd ed. Mu € nchen/Jena: Elsevier/Urban connotation at that time, but merely meant ‘made through
& Fischer, 2006. art’).8 Here, Hahnemann introduced the only ad hoc

Please cite this article in press as: Waisse S, Bonamin LV, Explanatory models for homeopathy: from the vital force to the current paradigm, Homeopathy
(2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2016.02.003
Vital force and paradigm shift
S Waisse and LV Bonamin
hypothesis we were able to locate, and that moreover, he for future research in the best of cases.13 As a fact, New-
described as an ‘axiom’ (self-evident truth requiring no ton’s work gave rise to two traditions in the 1700s,14 which
demonstration): living beings are conditionally susceptible are worth of reviewing here summarily, as they define the
to the action of pathological agencies, but unconditionally exact 18th-century meanings of terms found all across
susceptible to the actions of remedies.9 Hahnemann’s writings, which should be understood within
Hahnemann found the final element he needed to explain the very temporal context of their production (and not in,
the effect of remedies (‘artificial diseases’) on (‘natural’) e.g., Aristotelian, 3rd century BC, or present-day terms,
diseases in the hypotheses put forward by Christopher Nu- an inadmissible anachronism one only too often finds in
gent (1698e1775) and John Hunter (1728e1793) to ac- the homeopathic literature).
count for the action of preventive/therapeutic means The so-called mechanistic tradition was grounded on
against infectious diseases, including vaccination. Accord- Newton’s theories on the ether, having recourse to ‘impon-
ing to Nugent, the basic feature of rabies was fiber spasm, derable fluids’ and collisions of atoms to account for the
and its occurrence could be prevented through the applica- occurrence of the natural phenomena; the source text for
tion of a different type of spasm, stronger but benign in na- this tradition was Newton’s Principia Mathematica. The
ture, which overpowered and destroyed the one caused by second tradition was described as dynamic, inasmuch as
disease.10 The reason was provided by Hunter: two it was grounded on the notion of ‘force’ and as of conse-
different diseases cannot coexist at once in the body, but quence, sought to explain the natural phenomena in the
‘a non-specific one might prevent the occurrence of a spe- terms of the (Newtonian) fundamental forces, i.e., attrac-
cific disease’.11 tion and repulsion. The source text for this tradition was
The model thus elaborated allowed Hahnemann to infer Newton’s Queries, in Opticks, Quest # 31 in particular,
explanations for other empirical findings, like the need to which was quoted ad nauseam in the 18th-century physio-
use small doses (the minimum needed to overcome the logical literature. Thus being, it is worth to look at the rele-
naturally induced ‘irritation’) and the so-called ‘homeo- vant parts of it:
pathic aggravation’ (result of the addition of the symptoms
“Have not the small Particles of Bodies certain
of the natural disease and the ones resulting from the own
Powers, Virtues, or Forces, by which they act at a dis-
action of the remedy, when the dose was too large, and thus
tance [.] but also upon one another for producing a
the ‘irritation’ it elicited exceeded by much the one
great Part of the Phænomena of Nature? For it’s well
induced by the natural disease).12
known, that Bodies act one upon another by the At-
In time, all those aspects came to be described by ho-
tractions of Gravity, Magnetism and Electricity; and
meopathic practitioners as the ‘pillars’ and ‘philosophy’
these Instances shew the Tenor and Course of nature,
of genuine homeopathy: law of similars, proving of rem-
and make it not improbable that there may be more
edies on healthy subjects, use of one single medicine at a
attractive Powers than these [.] How these Attrac-
time, small doses and vitalism. The possible reason
tions may be perform’d, I do not here consider [.]”.15
might be that Hahnemann’s model is consistent (lacks in-
ternal contradiction), complete (includes all the cases Newton did not consider which such ‘attractions’ could
within its scope), allows predicting phenomena, provides be, but this was the cue for chemists all along the 18th and
an explanation for all the phenomena within its scope early 19th century to seek ‘laws of chemical attraction’ or
with a minimum of ad hoc hypotheses, is translatable 
affinity, from Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772e1844)
into logical terms and is based on adequate methods. to Justus von Liebig (1803e1873).14
Finally, Hahnemann’s model was fully coherent with While Hahnemann had explicit recourse to Newton’s
18th-century science, the theory of matter in particular concept of ‘force’,16 more interestingly he emphatically as-
e vitalism, or theory of the vital force, which is the topic serted that.
of the next section. “Everything a doctor can know about his object, the vi-
tal organism, and all he needs to know in this regard, is
Rise of the theoryof thevital force. restricted to that which the wisest among us [.] un-
derstood and taught as physiology, and that one might
As shown in the previous section, the core of Hahne- designate as the empirical knowledge of vitality
mann’s model was the idea that a ‘vital force’ unique to [.]”.17
living beings existed side by side with other forces of na-
ture. Therefore, a proper understanding of the homeopathic And he actually mentioned those sages by name: the
model as formulated by Hahnemann naturally demands an Newtonian doctors Albrecht von Haller (1708e1777)
accurate comprehension of what the ‘vital force(s)’ meant and Johann F Blumenbach (1752e1840), two of the most
to men of science and doctors at the turn of the 19th influential physicians and men of science in the second
century. half of the 18th and early 19th century. It is worth to
A tradition arose in the early 1700s, which based on observe that the third member of this elite group is Heinrich
Isaac Newton’s (1643e1727) prestige and the universal A Wrisberg (1739e1808), whose work mostly dealt with
validity of the law of gravity, also legitimated the sugges- anatomy, gynecology, obstetrics and embryology, for
tions Newton made in the Queries appended to his Opticks which reason we did not consider him in the discussion
as ‘proved science’, while they were nothing but proposals below.

Please cite this article in press as: Waisse S, Bonamin LV, Explanatory models for homeopathy: from the vital force to the current paradigm, Homeopathy
(2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2016.02.003
Vital force and paradigm shift
S Waisse and LV Bonamin
As a thorough Newtonian,18 Haller focused his attention M€ uller’s answer to both questions was an unqualified
on the forces that put the living matter into action; his pro- yes!25
gram was taken up by virtually all physiologists in the To summarize the ideas discussed up to this point: the
1700s. Having defined physiology as ‘the science of mo- 18th-century physiologists extended Newton’s funda-
tion in living bodies’, and considering that motion de- mental (or central atomic) forces to the living beings, in
pended on mechanical forces, according to Haller, the agreement with the latter’s proposal to extrapolate the
task of physiology was to account for the forces active in forces active in infinitely large distances to the infinitely
living processes. Painstaking experimentation led him to small ones (i.e., between the particles, or atoms, composing
identify two properties exclusive to living beings, namely, bodies). As a consequence, the ideas of (chemical) affinity,
irritability and sensitivity, which being inherent to the ‘an- including a force unique to living matter, entered the main-
imal fiber’, did away with the need to provide any other, stream of physiological and medical thought and remained
and more fundamental cause for motion in living beings, until well into the 19th century.
“[.] as it is neither possible to indicate the cause of By 1842, Liebig, considered the founder of organic
attraction or gravity. The physical cause is hidden within chemistry, suggested a common origin for the mechanical
the internal structure, but it is sufficiently manifested to forces and the animal heat. However, discrepancies were
experience [.]”.19 found between his theoretical predictions and the experi-
Haller asserted that forces peculiar to living beings mental results reported by the French chemists Pierre
(mainly irritability and sensitivity) were similar to the other L Dulong (1785e1838) and Cesar M Despretz
forces of matter, i.e., they were a property of matter, in this (1798e1863). Liebig admitted that such discrepancies
case, of a unique type of matter, which was susceptible to could be attributed to the vital force and consequently he
equally unique stimuli. This paved the road for the 18th- wrote that forces exclusively active in living nature existed
century physiologists to postulate a sui generis force exclu- side by side with the other causes known in physics and
sive to the living matter, to wit, the vital force (Lebenskraft; chemistry (chemical force, affinity, gravity, electricity,
this term was minted by Haller himself).20,21 magnetism, etc.).26 However, the very arguments used to
Following in Haller’s steps, Blumenbach called the proclaim the legitimacy of the vital force also brought its
attention to three specific features that ought to be consid- doom with them.
ered relative to the singular organization exhibited by the
human body: 1) the materials needed for its subsistence
(the bodily vital fluids); 2) the structure of the solid parts
. and its demise
that contained the fluids; and 3) the vital powers through One of the main concerns in the 19th century was the
which the solids were influenced by and propelled the interconversion and equivalence of mechanical work and
fluids for the performance of movements, and which he heat. As a result, it was almost natural that the law of con-
qualified as ‘the essence of the living machine’.22 Blumen- servation of force would be simultaneously and indepen-
bach warned that such ‘vital powers’ were more easily dently discovered, in 1847, by at least three researchers,
recognized than defined; the very opposite of the purely including James P Joule (1818e1889), J Robert Mayer
physical, chemical or mechanical properties of matter (1814e1878) and Hermann von Helmholtz, (1821e1894)
(‘lifeless powers’), they were the actual basis of physi- as shown in the groundbreaking study by T.S. Kuhn.27
ology, no matter what their name, concept or definition The principle of conservation of energy (then ‘force’) is
could be: the first law of thermodynamics and states that the energy
of an isolated system remains constant, i.e., energy is
“[such names], as also attraction, gravity, etc., only
neither created nor destroyed, but merely transformed.
serve to designate a force, whose constant effect is
This law is particularly relevant for the present discus-
recognized in experience, while its causes [.] are a
sion, because in the case of Helmholtz, its discovery was
hidden quality for us. Ovid’s saying applies to all
the result of his explicit attempts to disprove the very exis-
such forces: causa latet, vis est notissima [cause is
tence of a vital force. To make a long story short,28e33
hidden, force is highly evident]. The application of
Helmholtz’s point of departure was Liebig’s work: based
the study of such forces merely consists in accurately
on the notion of the mechanical equivalent of work/heat,
establishing their effects and subsume them under
the German chemist had demonstrated the correlation of
more general laws”.23
the forces active in living beings, except for the
This tradition had enormous and long-lasting influence. aforementioned gap in the measurements, which he
So, for instance, Johannes M€uller (1801e1858), the so- attributed to the action of the vital force. The latter was
called ‘reformer of modern physiology’,24 devoted the inadmissible for Helmholtz, as he utterly rejected the
100 pages of the Prolegomena to his bestseller Handbook possibility of perpetual motion, and vital force an
of Physiology, 1833e40, to the following two questions: exemplary case of self-perpetuation. Mathematical
1) Does the material composition of the bodies that man- reasoning and a painstaking series of experiments led
ifest phenomena of life differ from the one of the inor- him to demonstrate that no force was ‘lost’ in the intercon-
ganic bodies studied by physics and chemistry?; 2) Are version of mechanical and chemical forces and animal
the phenomena occurring in both types of bodies as heat. To raise the stakes, Helmholtz made a daring modifi-
different as to require different fundamental forces? cation in the experimental circuit: instead of a frog muscle-

Please cite this article in press as: Waisse S, Bonamin LV, Explanatory models for homeopathy: from the vital force to the current paradigm, Homeopathy
(2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2016.02.003
Vital force and paradigm shift
S Waisse and LV Bonamin
nerve preparation, he had a living human being perform the we have discussed elsewhere.37 From this point onwards,
initial muscle contraction, who was required to first the language of biology became thoroughly impregnated
concentrate and think about the experiment, so that any ‘vi- with the lexicon of information/communication theory,
tal force’ could make itself evident through its effects. That and hardly one will read a piece on molecular biology (!)
was not the case. appealing to the physical and/or chemical interactions of
Therefore, as understood by the 18th and 19th century matter.
men of science and doctors, including Hahnemann, the vi- Contrariwise, the scope of informational/semiotic
tal force was one of the many Newtonian forces operating biology has not ceased to increase from the macro-
on matter. Together with the formulation of the law of the ecological to the minutest intracellular events, where
conservation of energy, no theoretical or practical room sometimes it seems as if phenomena would be restricted
was left in the map of science for any form of energy exclu- to up/down-regulation of gene/protein transcription/
sive to living beings to this day. As it was shown above, the expression. The publicity given to the discovery of the
entire theoretical building of Hahnemann’s homeopathy structure of the human genome, as well as the development
was supported by the notion of the vital force. Following of the ‘omics’ field (genomics, proteomics, transcriptom-
its demise, homeopathy became a theoretical orphan. Hah- ics, and so forth) demonstrates this point. To illustrate the
nemann missed these developments, since he had died four common understanding held by present-day scientists
years earlier. about the phenomena of life, rather than quoting from the
specialized literature (which is enormous and thus unquot-
able), let us show how molecular biology is represented for
Biologyas autonomous discipline and the lay in a blog published by graduate students to make
medical concepts and news understandable to a general
recent paradigmshift audience:
Since the end of the 19th century, scientists universally “Molecular biology is a branch of science concerning
agree that the fundamental natural sciences are three: phys- biological activity at the molecular level. The field of
ics, chemistry and biology, being that none can be reduced molecular biology overlaps with biology and chemis-
to any other. During the 19th century there was an explicit try and in particular, genetics and biochemistry. [.]
attempt to reduce the phenomena of life to the known laws The specific techniques used in molecular biology
of physics and chemistry, but it thoroughly failed. No biol- are native to the field but may also be combined with
ogist from the beginning of the 20th century onwards has methods and concepts concerning genetics and
asserted that life can be fully reduced to the phenomena biochemistry, so there is no big distinction made be-
proper to lifeless matter. It is worth thus to pay attention tween these disciplines. Molecular biology looks at
to the authoritative opinion of the community of biologists. the molecular mechanisms behind processes such as
So, for instance, Ernst Mayr (1904e2005), one of the lead- replication, transcription, translation and cell func-
ing 20th-century evolutionary biologists emphatically as- tion. One way to describe the basis of molecular
serted: biology is to say it concerns understanding how genes
“[.] most biologists realized that organisms are are transcribed into RNA and how RNA is then trans-
different from inanimate matter [.] there is nothing lated into protein.”38
in the processes, functions and activities of living or- Although it falls outside of the scope of the present
ganisms that is in conflict with or outside any of the study, it is worth noting that this paradigm shift has also
laws of physics and chemistry [.] organisms have modified fundamental research on the biological action
many characteristics that are without parallel in the of homeopathic medicines, as the latest reviews on this
world of inanimate objects. The explanatory equip- subject show.39,40 In any case, we are definitely very far
ment of the physical sciences is insufficient to explain from the matter-force view of the world that prevailed in
complex living systems [.] The phenomena of life Hahnemann’s time, and which many homeopathic practi-
have a much broader scope than the relatively simple tioners and theoreticians still believe to be the one that pre-
phenomena dealt with by physics and chemistry vails in modern biology.
According to Mayr, the following are properties exclu-
sive to living beings: complexity and organization; chemi-
cal singularity; quality; uniqueness and variability;
Conflict of interest
presence of a genetic program; historical nature; natural se- None.
lection; and indeterminacy (randomness, non-
predictability). To these, we might add, normal and patho-
logical functioning,35 and information processing.36
A radical paradigm shift, has indeed taken place in
biology along the past 60 years, starting with the discovery A part of SW’s contribution derives from her doctoral
of the structure of DNA. Matter-based explanations were research e S~ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
increasingly replaced by informational/semiotic views, as grant # 04/15324-7.

Please cite this article in press as: Waisse S, Bonamin LV, Explanatory models for homeopathy: from the vital force to the current paradigm, Homeopathy
(2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2016.02.003
Vital force and paradigm shift
S Waisse and LV Bonamin
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Please cite this article in press as: Waisse S, Bonamin LV, Explanatory models for homeopathy: from the vital force to the current paradigm, Homeopathy
(2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2016.02.003

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