Popular Jewish (Hebrew) Girl Names - Lifecycle Events

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The document provides a list of popular Jewish and Hebrew girl names along with their meanings and origins.

The document aims to provide a comprehensive list of common Jewish names from biblical, talmudic, and post-talmudic sources along with their meanings in Hebrew and variations.

For each name, the document provides the Hebrew spelling, gender, language origin, definition and variations.

08/03/2018 Popular Jewish (Hebrew) Girl Names - Lifecycle Events

Popular Jewish (Hebrew) Girl Names

Jewish names are the hallmark of Jewish identity. This list aggregates common Jewish
names from Biblical, Talmudic and post-Talmudic eras. Jewish parents name their children for
(departed) loved ones, for special events, or choose any Jewish name that they find beautiful.
A Jewish baby boy’s name is given at his circumcision, and a baby girl’s name is traditionally
conferred at the Torah reading shortly after her birth.

Girls' Names | Boys' Names


Adah ‫עדה‬ Female Hebrew "An ornament" Aida; Ayda,

Biblical. Genesis 4:19. refers to the wife of Lemech who was Noah’s father, who “luxuriated in
her,” and she was therefore called with the name of an ornament (The Jerusalem Talmud,
Yevamot 6:5).

Edna, Adel
Adela, Ayda,
"Gentle one;
Adinah ‫עדינה‬ Female Hebrew Eida, Eide,
Delicate one"
Eidel, Eidil,
Eidul, Eidela,

Biblical, Oral Tradition. Adina was the wife of Levi, who one of Jacob’s 12 sons, and forefather of
the tribe of Levi. Kindness and gentleness are highly valued attributes in Judaism.

Alte ‫אלטע‬ Female Yiddish ”Old woman“ Alta, Altie

From the German, hence in Yiddish. One of the amuletic names. Often given to a newborn after
another child in the family died at a young age. The name symbolizes a prayer for longevity.

Asnat "Belonging to Osnas, Osnat,
‫אסנת‬ Female Hebrew
(Asenath) G‑d" Asnas, Asna,

Biblical. Genesis, 41:45. The Biblical name of Asenath, the wife of Joseph who was viceroy of
Egypt (Genesis 41:45). The daughter of Potipherah, she saved Joseph’s life by reporting the true
story, when Potipherah’s wife falsely claimed that Joseph wanted to rape her (The Midrash,
Yalkut Shimoni, Vayeshev 146).

Avigail ‫אביגיל‬ Female Hebrew "Father of Abigail, Avigal,

(Abigail) happiness" Avigali, Ogla,

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Igla, Ogle,
Igle, Oglin

Contraction of two Hebrew words: avi "father of" (to create or induce) and gil "joyous
stirrings"—"happenings." Biblical. I Samuel , 25:3, I Chronicles, 2:16. In Numbers, 26:33 it states
that one of the daughters of Tzelafchad was Haglah (Ashkenazi: Hoglah). The Biblical name of
Abigail, one of King David’s wives and widowed wife of Naval (Samuel I 25:3). She was a
righteous woman and a prophetess. The verse says about her, “The woman was of good sense
and of beautiful form” (ibid). King David also had a sister by that name.

Aviva ‫אביבה‬ Female Hebrew "Spring"

Non Biblical. A name which has become popular in recent years.

Bityah, Basya,
Basye, Basel,
Bassie, Besel,
Basha, Bashe,
"Daughter of Basharel,
Batya ‫בתיה‬ Female Hebrew
G‑d" Batka, Batke,
Pasha, Pashe,
Pesa, Pese,
Pessy, Pesya,
Pesye, Pesha,

Biblical. Chronicles I, 4:17-18. The Biblical name of Bithiah, the daughter of Pharoah(Chronicles I
4: 18). She rescued Moses from the Nile after his mother placed him there in a small basket.
Because of her kindness, Moses was always referred to by the name she chose for him, even
though he had many other names (The Midrash, Yakut Shimoni, Shemot 166). When the Jewish
nation left Egypt, she rejected the idolatry she was raised with and joined them (The Talmud,
Megillah 13a). She married Mered, son of Ezra of the Tribe of Yehudah.

Bilah, Bileh,
"To act rashly
Billa, Beila,
Bilha ‫בלהה‬ Female Hebrew out of
Beile, Beilah,
Beilka, Beilke

Biblical. Genesis, 30:3-8. Maid servant of Rachel, wife of Jacob. Legal concubine of Yaakov.
Bilhah bore to Jacob, Dan and Naftali who progenitored the Tribes carrying their names. The
Spanish and Italian name Bella (beautiful) has no connection whatsover with the biblical name
Bilhah whose root means "confusion." This phonetic similarity, and its meaning of "beautiful,"
made it a popular name for one with the name Bilhah. See also Yaffa. The Hebrew female name
Bilhah was very popular in pre-expulsion Spain, and it permitted its bearer to disguise it among
the Gentiles by using the name Bella (beautiful). The family name Beilin derives from this form.

Bina ‫בינה‬ Female Hebrew ”Understanding” Binie, Bini

Wisdom, understanding and knowledge are three components of intellect. Understanding is being
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able to understand the wisdom and all its components. According to the Talmud, more
understanding was given to women (The Talmud, Nidah 45b).

Broina, Broine,
Breina ‫בריינא‬ Female German Broindel,
feminine brown
Bruna, Brune,

Into Lithuanian and White Russian Yiddish accent. One of the five female names referring to
complexion, eyes or hair.

Buneh Bunya,
Bunah ‫בונה‬ Female Spanish "Buena, good."
Bundel, Bina,

The independent translation equivalent of the Hebrew Tovah. Bina has no connection with the
female Hebrew name Binah which means "understanding." It is a phonetical coincidence

Hana, Hanne,
Chana "Gracious;
‫חנה‬ Female Hebrew Henne, Henka,
(Hannah) Graceful."
Henke, Henya,
Genya, Genye

Biblical. Samuel I, 1:2 The Biblical name for Hannah, the mother of Samuel the Prophet (Samuel I
1:2) and wife of Elkanah. Hannah is best known for her dedication to G‑d. Barren for many years,
she prayed to G‑d for a child, and promised to dedicate her child to G‑d’s service. And indeed,
when she gave birth to Samuel, she went to Shiloh – home of the Tabernacle – so he could study
in G‑d’s home. Hannah’s songs of praise for G‑d are said to be greater than anyone else’s (The
Zohar 3:19b). The Sefardi female name Gracia is a simple Spanish translation of the Hebrew.
The family name Henkin derives from Henka.

Charna ‫טשארנא‬ Female Slavic "Black" Czarne,

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Infers a brunette or a woman with black eyes. One of the five female names referring to colour,
complexion, eyes or hair. Black is often considered the color of choice in serious settings. For
example, judges wear black robes, formal events call for “black-tie” wear, etc

"Mercy; Chasia,
Chasha ‫חשא‬ Female Yiddish
Merciful" Chassi, Chasa

Derived from the (male) name Chasa, which is mentioned in the Talmud. Others opine that
Chasha is a derivative of the Hebrew name Chaya (which means “life”), while others insist that it
started as a Yiddish nickname for the Hebrew name Chana (“grace”).

Chava Chavaleh,
‫חוה‬ Female Hebrew "Gives life"
(Eve) Chavela,

Biblical. Genesis, 3:20. From the word chayah (life). The Biblical name for Eve, the world’s first
woman (Genesis 3:20). We know from Genesis that Adam named her Eve, “because she was the
mother of all life” (Genesis 3:20).

Chaya ‫חיה‬ Female Hebrew ”Life; Living“ Cheikalle,
Haya, Keila,
Keile, Keika,
Keike, Keikela,

Also used as an amuletic name. The family name Chaikin—Heikin derives from this form. In
Judaism, life is highly valued. In fact, it takes precedence over all but three commandments. The
name symbolizes a prayer for longevity and is often given to a newborn after another child in the
family died at a young age.

Devorah ‫דבורה‬ Female Hebrew ”A bee“ Dvoira, Dvora,

(Deborah) Dvoire, Dvorel,
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Dveira, Dveire,
Veira, Veire,
Vera, Dvosha,

Biblical. Genesis, 35:8, Judges, 4:4. The wet nurse of Rebecca, the wife of Isaac. Deborah was
the daughter of Utz, son of Nachor. Nachor was the brother of Avraham. Utz was the brother of
Bethuel, son of Nachor. Rebecca was Bethuel's daughter. Hence, Deborah was an older first
cousin to Rebecca. Deborah never married. The other and more famous one was Deborah, the
judge and prophetess of G‑d. She was the wife of Lapidot, she was wise and G‑d fearing (Judges
4:4). Deborah held court outdoors, in the shade of a palm tree, and people flocked to her for
advice and help. The name may have originally been given to a baby girl because her crying may
have had a buzzing or humming sound of a bee.

Doba, Dobe,
Dobah ‫דובא‬ Female Hebrew "A female bear” Dobka, Dobke,

Hebrew. Non-biblical. While adult bears are huge and heavy, cubs usually weigh just a few
pounds. It is with extensive care, love and nurturing that the cub becomes a large bear. Proverbs
describes a bear whose cub is lost, “May a bereaving bear encounter a person rather than a fool
with his folly” (17:12). The closer a parent and child, the most painful it is when they are

"My dear little
Drozah ‫דראזאה‬ Female Slavic Dreiza, Drieze,
Dreizil, Drezel

Ester, Esterel,
Estrina, Trina,
”A tree used in Treina, Esti,
idolatrous Esty, Sterel,
Ancient rites"—"Fertility Etta, Ette,
Esther ‫אסתר‬ Female
Persian symbol." In Ettel, Ettil,
Hebrew— Etka, Etke,
Asheirah. Essa, Esse,
Eska, Eske,
Itta, Itte, Itka,

In Hebrew—Asheirah. Biblical. Esther, 2:7. Refers to the heroin of the Purim story. Esther was
selected to marry King Achashverosh at a time when there was a decree to kill all the Jews.
Queen Esther placed her own life in grave danger and asked the King to save her nation. The
Talmud says, “Why was she called Esther? Because she hid her Jewish identity from others”
(Megillah 13a; See Esther 2:20). Another opinion in the Talmud says she was as beautiful as the
moon (ibid, see Rashi ad loc).

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Freida ‫פריידא‬ Female Yiddish "Joy; Freide,

Satisfaction; Freidel, Freidil,
Comfort." Freidka,
Frada, Frade,
Fradel, Fradil,

Derived from the German "Freude." It is a female translation of the male name Simchah. The
family names Freides, Freidin, Freidlin, Freidkes and Freidkin derive from these forms. Also,
Fradkes and Fradkin derive therefrom. In Judaism, serving G‑d with joy is considered admirable.
We read in Psalms, “Serve G‑d with joy” (100:2), and in the Talmud, “The divine presence dwells
only when the good deed is done with joy” (Shabbat 30b).

Old High Friedel, Friedil,
Freeda ‫פרידא‬ Female Tranquility;
German Friedka,

Frederica was the full original form. The original Old High German form was Frederica, and the
diminutive thereof is Frieda. Friede is the German word for "peace," and hence, this may be an
international female translation of the male name Shalom. The family name Friedman—
Freedman derives from Friede and has no connection with the meaning "a freed man"
(suggesting prior serfdom). Judaism is peaceful. According to Proverbs, “Its ways are ways of
pleasantness, and all its paths are peaceful” (3:17). The customary greeting between Jews is
“Shalom Aleicheim,” meaning “Peace unto you” (The Talmud, Berachot 54a).

Frema ‫פרימא‬ Female "Pious one"

According to the Talmud, a pious person is one who goes the extra step to look out for another
person, makes sure they are not in danger, makes peace between others and servse G‑d with
devotion (The Talmud, Baba Kama, 30a; Nedarim, 66b; Brachot, 32b).

Old "A certain
Frommet ‫פרומעט‬ Female Provincial species of
French grape."

Only through ignorance of the origin and meaning of the word was the mistake made to presume
that the name meant in Yiddish "pious one." The mistake was further compounded by women in
Israel who Hebracised their names from Fruma to Chassidah (piousone). Even today, some
women have retained the older form Frommet or Frummet: There are some who claim that this
name derives from the German word Frohmut ("joy" in German) and that it was a translation of
Simchah. This is highly improbable, as this name was used exclusively by woman, and Frohmut
is masculine gender.

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Gelleh ‫געלע‬ Female Yiddish ”Yellow” Gellah,

Galleh, Hellah,
Helleh, Hallah,

Refers to a blond or a light redhead. One of the five female colour names. Derived from the
German word gelb (yellow). The family name Heller derives from this form. It would be correct to
assume that the original personal name form was Helleh and that the it turned into a in Russia. A
vibrant color; used to describe somebody jubilant (The Talmud, Menachot, 68b; Sanhedrin, 10a).

Old woman"
Genana ‫גננא‬ Female Yiddish Genendil,
(when used as
a Jewish name)

Basically, it can also be a grandfather or old man. One of the amuletic names. The name
symbolizes a prayer for longevity. Often given to a newborn after another child in the family died
at a young age

"A gentle Yentileh,
Gentille ‫גנטילע‬ Female Old French
female" Yenteleh,
Yentlin, Yente,
Yenta, Yentel

Some authorities claim that Gentille is a direct translation of the Hebrew female name Adinah
(gentle one). But there is no evidence that the female name Adinah was in use during the early
medieval period. The name was probably just borrowed and used by Jews. Kindness and
gentleness are valued attributes in Judaism. According to the Talmud, “There are three
characteristics that are innate to Jews: they are merciful, bashful and do kindness” (Yebamot

Gissa, Gissel,
"Geisel"— Gissela,
Old High
Gisse ‫גיסע‬ Female hostage; Gissele,
"Geiss"—a doe. Gisha, Gishe,
Gizza, Gizze

The family name Gissin derives from this form. In the Bible, the deer is used to denote swiftness,
“Asahel was as light of foot as one of the deer which are in the field” (Samuel II 2:18). Ethics of
Our Fathers reads, “run like a deer” (5:20), in reference to fulfilling G‑d’s commandments (Kitzur
Shulchan Aruch 1:3).

Golda ‫גאלדא‬ Female Yiddish "Gold; Golden Goldeh,

personality." Goldie, Goldy,
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Zlota is the Polish word for "gold." Zlota is the name of a Polish gold coin. A simple translation to
the Yiddish. The family name Zlotkin—Slotkin derives from this form. Notwithstanding that the
expression "Goldilocks," in English, decribes a woman with blonde hair, it cannot be established
that the name Golda, in Yiddish, is one of the colour group. Proverbs considers a virtuous woman
wealthy, “A woman of valor who can find, for her price is beyond pearls” (31:10). The name also
refers to one who has a golden personality. We read in Genesis, “And the gold of that land is
good” (2:12), the sages say that gold was only created to be used for G‑dly endeavors (The
Midrash, Shemot Raba 35).

Grune, Grunia,
Gruna ‫גרונא‬ Female German ”Green” Grunie, Grina,

Derived from the German Gran. Either describing a jealous female nature or the colour of a
woman's eyes. One of the five female colour names. Some authorities claim that this female
name and the male name Gronum both derive from the Greek name Geronimus and that the
family name Groner derives therefrom. Geronimus in Greek means "an old one." That would
imply that the name belongs to the amuletic group (see also: Alter, Alte, Boba, Zeide, Sabta,
Saba, etc.) There is no proof that the name was used amuletically at the early period that the
name Geronimus was first used.

Gracia ‫גרסיאה‬ Female Spanish "Gracious"

A Spanish derivative of the name of Hannah, the mother of Samuel the Prophet. Hannah is best
known for her dedication to G‑d. Barren for many years, she prayed to G‑d for a child, and
promised to dedicate her child to G‑d’s service. And indeed, when she gave birth to Samuel, she
moved to Shiloh – home of the Tabernacle – so he could study in G‑d’s home. Hannah’s songs of
praise for G‑d are said to be greater than anyone else’s (The Zohar 3:19b)

Hodas, Hodes,
Hadas, Hades,
Hadassah ‫הדסה‬ Female Hebrew ”Myrtle” Hoddeh,
Hodiah, Hodel,
Hodil, Dassi,

Biblical. Esther, 2:7. The Biblical name for Queen Esther, heroin of the Purim story (Esther 2:7).
According to the Talmud "the righteous are called myrtles” (The Talmud, Megillah 13a). Others
explain that Esther was just like a myrtle which smells sweet but tastes bitter. She listened
(“sweet”) to the righteous Mordechai, and was adverse (“bitter”) to the wicked Haman (The
Midrash, Esther Rabbah on Esther 2:7). One of the four botanical species used together with the
palm, etrog and willows during the Festival of Sukkot.

Ella, Elleh,
Ilka, Ilke, Elka,
Illa ‫אילא‬ Female Aramaic quality; The
Elke, Ellush,

The family names Elkin and Elkind derive from Ellush.

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Kuna ‫קונא‬ Female Old Spanish "A cradle; Cute Kune, Kunya,
Child" Kunye

The family name Kunin is derived from this Kune.

Lei'l, Leiale,
Leika, Leike,
Leah ‫לאה‬ Female Hebrew ”Weak; Sickly“
Leicza, Leicze,
Leitza, Leitze

Biblical. Genesis, 29:23. One of four Matriarchs of the Jewish people, wife of Jacob. She is buried
with her husband in the tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Older daughter of Laban the Aramaen
(a Semitic Tribe). The family names Leikes and Leikin derive from Leika.

Liebe, Liba,
Libbe, Libby,
Liebel, Libbel,
"Loved one;
Lieba ‫ליבא‬ Female Yiddish Libere, Liberil,
Livsha, Livshe,
Lifhsa, Lifshe,

"Golden Machle,
Machla ‫מחלה‬ Female Hebrew bangles; Makhla,
Jewelry” Makhle

Biblical. Numbers, 26:33. The family names Machlis—Machles—Mukhlis—Makhles derive from

Machle and Makhle.

Malkela, Malki,
Malka ‫מלכה‬ Female Hebrew ”A queen”
Sultana, Sul,

Non biblical. Not to be confused with the independent name Milkah, which has identical spelling
in Hebrew. The family name Malkin derives from the original name form. Sultana is an Old
Spanish translation name that is still popular with Sefardi women.

”A pearl; A Margoliyah,
Margola ‫מרגולה‬ Female Hebrew
precious stone” Margolit,

Non biblical. The well-known family names Margolioth, Margoliot, Margolies, etc. derive from this
diminutive form. See also Penninah.

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Masheh ‫מאשה‬ Female Hebrew Mashah,


Hebrew, non biblical. A female form of Moshe. According to Rabbinic authorities, it was created
by those who wished to name a girl after her father or grandfather. In this case, the first vowel a is
fixed and never varies. The family name Mushin is derived from this name, the u being
pronounced like innut.

"Strong one; Meita, Meite,

Matilda ‫מייטילדה‬ Female Yiddish
Heroine" Meidlin

Probably a translation equivalent of Eishet Hayyil (A Woman of Valour). Meidlin has no

connection with Madeline

Mata, Matte,
Matel, Matil,
Matrona ‫מאטרונא‬ Female French "An old woman"

Latin: mater—matrona—mother. French: matrone

Gluk, Gllueck,
"Fortune; Good Glukel, Glukil,
Mazal ‫מזל‬ Female Hebrew
luck" Glick,

Non biblical. In Hebrew it is exclusively a Sefardi female name. In Spain and Italy, it was also
translated to Fortuna. Ashkenazi Jewesses translated it into German—Gluck, and finally into
Yiddish—Glick, Glickel. Family names derived from Glick. The origins of the family name forms
Gluck(s)man and Glick(s)man are difficult to ascertain. The man may be a diminutive suffix, or the
name may simply imply a "man of fortune."

Muna, Munia,
Mune, Munie,
Menia, Menie,
Menuchah ‫מנוחה‬ Female Hebrew Mina, Minneh,
Minka, Minke,
Mindel, Mindil,

Non biblical. Feminine form of Mano'ach and Menachem. The family name Menuhin derives from
the original name form. The famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin obviously had a female progenitor
called Menuchah.

Miriam ‫מרים‬ Female Hebrew "Bitter" (in plural Mira, Mireh,

form) Mirel, Mirela,
Mirele, Miri,
Mirka, Mirke,
Mere, Merele
Merka, Merke,
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Biblical, Exodus, 15:20. Sister of Aaron and Moses. Because she was born to her parents,
Amram the Levite and Yocheved, during the period of bitter bondage in Egypt, she was named
Miryam. Miryam was a prophetess and great Jewish leader who encouraged the Israelites not to
despair during the Egyptian Exile. She enabled Jews to persevere and prosper even during their
bitter times. Rescued her brother Moses.

Miryam- Mariyashel,
‫ראשי‬-‫מרים‬ Female Hebrew
Rashe Mariyashil,

Two Hebrew names: Miryam—Rachel. Contracted and diminutised to Mariyasha. In Russian,

Miryam is pronounced also—Maryam. A diminutive of the French pronunciation of Rachel
(Rachelle) is Rashe. Maryam and Rashe contracted to Mariyasha.

Muskat ‫מושקט‬ Female Old French Muska,

No direct relation to muscatel, the grape. Muskat plus the Old German suffix el arrives by
coincidence at the same phonetics.

"Inherited Nacha, Nache,

Nachalah ‫נחלה‬ Female Hebrew eternal Nachla,
possession" Nachle, Nachli

Non biblical.

"Comfort; Rest
Nechamah ‫נחמה‬ Female Hebrew Nechel,
from anguish"

Non biblical. Feminine form of Nachum, Nechemiah and Nachman.

Pei'ah, Pei'eh,
Pei'al, Pei'el,
Puah ‫פועה‬ Female Hebrew "To cry aloud"
Pei'ele, Pai'ah,
Pai'eh, Paika,

Biblical. Exodus 1:15. One of the midwives who were instructed by Pharoah to tell all the Jewish
women that they must kill all male babies born to them. Puah was actually Miryam, the older
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sister of Moses. She carried this additional name because "she used to gently soothe the babies
when they cried." According to other opinions, she was Batsheva.

Nina, Nina
Peninah ‫פנינה‬ Female Hebrew ”A pearl“ Perel, Perele,

Biblical. Samuel I, 1:2. Co-wife of Elkanah. Until her co-wife Hannah bore their husband a son,
Samuel the Prophet, she alone bore children. Hannah was originally barren. There is no
connection No connection with the Italian name Nina of the same spelling.

Rahel, Rohel,
Rocha, Roche,
Recha, Reche,
"An ewe of one Reihil, Rela,
Rachel ‫רחל‬ Female Hebrew
year or older" Releh, Relin,
Reke, Rikel,
Rikla, Rikle,
Rasha, Rashe,
Rashi, Rashel,

Biblical. Genesis 29:6. he name suggests tenderness. Wife of Jacob, her first cousin. Mother of
Josef and Benjamin. One of the four Matriarchs of the Jewish people, her tomb is in Bet Lechem,
an important site of prayer. Younger daughter of Laban the Aramaen.

Rivke, Rivkie,
"A woman who Rivah, Riva,
‫רבקה‬ Female Hebrew takes a man's Riveh, Rivel,
heart" Rivll, Rivkela,

Biblical. Genesis 22:23. Rebecca was the daughter of Betu'el, son of Nachor, the brother of
Abraham. She was the wife of Isaac, her first cousin, once removed, and bore him the twins,
Jacob and Esau. One of the four Matriarchs, she is buried in the Tomb of the Patriarchs in

Rodde, Rodel,
‫ראדא‬ Female Greek "A rose" Rodka, Rodke,

The word "red" originates from the Greekrhoda.Through to Latin, it becamerosafrom whence we
have the Englishrosewhich refers either to the flower or the colour of the rose flower.

Roza ‫רוזא‬ Female Latin "A rose” Raizel, Raizy,

Rozeh, Roiza,
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Roizeh, Rosie,
Reizeh, Reiza,
Reizel, Reizil,
Rizil, Rossa,

Non biblical. Came into Old German and from the German into Yiddish. One of the colour group
The name Roza has caused confusion. Most have presumed that it is a translation of Shoshanah.
The majority of authorities claim that Shoshanah refers to the lily, or even flowers in general. In
16th-century Jewish Burial Societies' Registers (Pinkassim), the Yiddish translation of Shoshanah
has been found to be Blumah (Yiddish: flower). Obviously, we refer to the original usage and
meanings of these personal female names. After so many centuries, as with many Yiddish
names, their original meanings have become lost. Also, as an independent name, Roza meaning
rose was adopted for use among Jewish women, but originally not as a translation from Hebrew.
The form Roza is very popular amongst Sefardi women, while Raizel is popular amongst
Ashkenazi women.

Rus, Rut,
"Friendship; Ruthie, Ruthy,
Ruth ‫רות‬ Female Hebrew Friendly; Rutl, Rutul,
Willing" Ritl, Rittel,
Ritla, Ritleh

Biblical. Ruth, 1:4. From the root word Re'ut. Ruth, the Moabitess, was the widow of Chilyon son
of Elimelekh and Naomi. She became a righteous proselyte to Judaism, and on the death of her
husband she returned with her mother-in-law to Beit Lechem in the Land of Judea. She remarried
to Boaz, a relative of her dead previous father-in-law Elimelech. King David descended from this
union in the direct male line.

Sari, Sorah,
Sorrel, Sorril,
Sori, Sorka,
"Ruler; Sorke, Sorkel,
Sarah ‫שרה‬ Female Yiddish Chieftainess; Sorkil, Serrel,
Princess." Serril Sirrel,
Sirril, Sirka,
Sirke, Sirki,

Biblical. Genesis, 11:29, 17:15. Sarah was a niece of her husband Abraham. She was the mother
of Isaac and the sister of Lot. Her original name was Sarai—my princess (in a limited manner).
The A-mighty changed the yud in her name to a hey inferring a princess in the general sense.
The it is the key letter of the A-mighty's name. Sarah was the progenitress of the Jewish People.
The first of the four Matriarchs, she is buried in the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Shoshanah ‫שושנה‬ Female Hebrew ”A lily; A rose” Shushanah,


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Blumke, Blima,
Blime, Blimel

Non biblical. Mentioned in Song of Songs as ‘keshoshanh ben hachochim’ which translates as ‘as
a rose among the thornbushes’, reference to the Jewish people. The name was used for flowers
in general. Bluma is Yiddish for flower, the family name Blum (Bloom) derives from this name and
its derivatives.

The biblical
meaning is Shulamis,
Shulamit ‫שולמית‬ Female Hebrew Shulamitess—a Shula, Shuleh,
woman from Shulka, Shulke

Non-biblical. This name was adopted at a later period as a feminine of Shlomo.

"Joy; Rejoice at Simhah, Sima,

Simchah ‫שמחה‬ Female Hebrew heart; Spiritual Simmeh,
joy" Simka, Simkeh

Non-biblical. Originally both a male and female name. Today, the name amongst Ashkenazi Jews
is almost absolutely a male one. The diminutive forms, however, have remained amongst
Ashkenazi Jews completely as female names. Amongst Sefardi Jews, however, the original
Simhah has remained a female name, also.

Tamy, Temer,
"Palm tree; Temma,
Tamar ‫תמר‬ Female Hebrew
Date" Temmeh,
Temel, Temka,

Biblical. Genesis 38:6. Wife of Er, first born of Judah. Tamar is a masculine form of the word.
Tamarah is the feminine form of the word. The form Tamarah as a name is non-biblical. The
prophetess Devorah taught Jews from underneath a Date tree. The Talmud explains that a palm
tree's entire life center is at its top —facing the sky—from where the fruits and branches grow,
and so too the heart of Jews is directed to the Heavens.

"Praise; Noble
Tilla, Tilleh,
Tehilah ‫תהילה‬ Female Hebrew light; Majestic
Tilka, Tilkeh

Non biblical. From the root word Halleil (Halleiluy-ah—Praise the L-rd.)

Tikvah ‫תקוה‬ Female Hebrew ”Hope” Tiki

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Non-biblical and biblical. Kings II, 22:14. Outside of biblical use, it is exclusively a female name.
In the biblical source, he was the father of Shulam, the husband of Chuldah the Prophetess. The
name Tikvah is a popular Israeli female name, but there is no evidence that the Hebrew form was
ever used in pre-expulsion Spain. It seems that the silent feelings of the Jews at that time were
expressed in the local tongue and that the original name was indeed reduced to Shprintza. It was
very popular among East European Jewesses.

Tirtzah ‫תרצה‬ Female Hebrew ”She is desired” Tirtze, Tirtzel

Biblical. Numbers, 26:33. One of the daughters of Tzelafhad. Feminine gender of the root word
ratz (to run).

Tovel, Tovi,
Gutte, Gutta,
Guttel, Guttil,
Gitta, Gitte,
Gittel, Gittil,
"A good Gitty, Dobra,
Tovah ‫טובה‬ Female Hebrew
woman" Dobreh,

Non biblical. Probably the equivalent of the male name Toviyah.

Tzippy, Tzipka,
Tzipke, Foigel,
Tzipporah ‫ציפורה‬ Female Hebrew "A female bird"
Foiglin, Feiga,
Feige, Feigel,
Feigele, Feigil,

Biblical. Exodus 2:21. Wife of Moses, daughter of Jethro, the priest of Midyan, who gave her to
Moses as his wife. She bore two sons to, Gershom and Eliezer.

Tzira, Tzireh,
"Decoration; Tzirel, Tzirele,
Tzirre ‫צירע‬ Female Yiddish
Jewel" Tziril, Tzirka,

To bedeck with jewellry. Zieren. The Hebrew word to paint, draw or decorate is le'tzayyer. The
root of the word is tzir. It is possibly a Yiddish adoption that arrived at the name Tzirre (a
decoration), hence the word for jewel.

Tzitta ‫ציטא‬ Female Italian "Fast one; Tzitte, Tzittel,

Energetic" Tzittil, Tzeitta,
Tzeitlin, Sitta,
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Sitte, Sittel,

Probably referring to the eishet chayil, woman of valor.

Tzviah, Tzivi,
"Female deer; Hinda, Hinde,
Tziviah ‫ציביה‬ Female Hebrew
Hind; Doe" Hindel, Hindil,
Hendil, Zibiah

Biblical. Melakhim II, 12:2. Mother of Yeho'ash. She was from Be'er Sheba.

Yael ‫יעל‬ Female Hebrew "Doe" Yaeli, Jael

Biblical. Judges 5, 6, Psalms 104:18; Job 39:1; Proverbs 5:19. The Hebrew yael, or yaalah is a
graceful creature of the deer family that lives in rocky mountains. Yael, the wife of Chever the
Kenite, was the brave woman who killed the cruel Sisera, commander in chief of Yavin, king of
Canaan, who oppressed the people of Israel until they were saved through the prophetess
Devorah. She was praised for her act by Devorah in her famous Song in the Book of Judges.
According to our Sages, in their time the story of Ruth took place (Midrash Ruth R. 1:1) .

Yaffeh, Yaffie,
Yaffah ‫יפה‬ Female Hebrew Sheindel,

Non biblical. Feminine equivalent of the male name Yefet. Yefet (Japeth) was a son of Noah.

Yehudis, Yudit,
Yudit'l, Yutta,
Yutte, Yuttel,
‫יהודית‬ Female Hebrew "To thank (G‑d)" Yuttele, Yitta,
Yitte, Yittel,
Idit, Itta, Itte,
Itka, Itke

Biblical. Genesis 26:34. Feminine form of Judah. Daughter of Be'eiri the Hittite, and wife of Esau.
Also, a non-canonical Second Temple period historical narrative named after the Jewish heroine
of the events it describes. When he was in a drunken sleep, she killed Holofornes, chief of the
Assyrians who were besieging the Jews. Deprived of their commander-in-chief by Yehudit's
courageous deed, the panic-stricken Assyrian soldiers took to their heels. .

"To see
Yiskoh, Iska,
Yiska prophetically;
Iske, Eska,
(Iskah) ‫יסכה‬ Female Hebrew Sight of royalty;
Eske, Eshka,
(Jessica) Desirous to the

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Biblical. Genesis, 11:29. Another name of Sarah our matriarch. See Genesis, 11:29.

Yochanah ‫יוחנה‬ Female Hebrew "She is graced"

Non biblical. Feminine form of Yohanan.

Yocha, Yoche,
Yochie, Yache,
Yocheved ‫יוכבד‬ Female Hebrew "Honor of G‑d"

Biblical. Exodus, 6:20. Contraction of the two Hebrew words: Yoh—Kavod. Yocheved was of the
house of Levi and the wife of Amram. Mother of Miryam, Aaron and Moses.

Yoina, Yoino,
Yoine, Yeina,
Yeino, Yeine,
Yonah ‫יונה‬ Female/Male Hebrew "A dove" Toiba, Toibe,
Teiba, Teibe,
Teib'l, Teibel,

Biblical. Kings II, 14:25, and the Book of Jonah. In the Hebrew form this is mostly a male name. A
Prophet of G‑d whose message was to the Gentile population of Nineveh. One of twelve minor
prophets whose prophesies are recorded in the Tanach in books bearing their names. Swallowed
by and spewed up by a giant whale on refusal to accept the mission the Almighty had sent him
on. After his ordeal with the giant whale, he accepted his mission and carried it out. The Yiddish
translation form is exclusively a female name. Not to be confused with the male names Tevel, a
diminutive of David, and Toviyah. Another six sages with the name Yonah are mentioned in the
Talmud. The name continued to be used in post-Talmudic times, most famous is Yonah ibn
Janach, one of the early and most important authorities on the Hebrew language and grammar
who lived in the 11th century in Spain. The most famous Rabbi and Talmudist bearing the name
of Yonah was Rabbeinu Yonah ben Abraham Gerondil also known as Rabbeinu Yonah
Hachassid, author of Shaarei Teshuvah, Sefer Hayirah, Iggereth Hateshuvah, and other ethical
(Musar) works.

Zelda, Zelde,
Zelda ‫זעלדה‬ Female Yiddish "Happiness"
Zeldi, Zeldy

Probably a feminine variation translation of Asher.

"Sweet one; Zisse, Zissel,

Zissa ‫זיסא‬ Female Yiddish
Sweetie" Zissil, Zissy

From the Yiddish Ziss. As the Yiddish word for sweet has no gender, it was inevitable that the
diminutive dynamics made some forms identical for the male and female names. See Zussman.

Zlota, Zlotka,
Zlata ‫זלאטא‬ Female Yiddish ”A gold coin“

Proverbs compares a virtuous woman as precious jewelry, “A woman of valor who can find, for
her price is beyond pearls” (31:10). This name also refers to one who has a golden personality, a
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woman with great virtues. Genesis states, “And the gold of that land is good” (2:12), the sages
say that gold was only created to be used for G‑dly endeavors (The Midrash, Shemot Raba 35).

Some of the names on this list have been excerpted from Talks and Tales by Kehot Publication

Many of the names listed are excerpted with permission from the book "Jewish Personal
Names" by Rabbi Shmuel Gorr obm.

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