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This sample chapter is for review purposes only. Copyright © The Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

126 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 127

Important Terms and the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG),
have created standards by which digital media and
additive color page grid
equipment must operate in order to be compatible.
aliasing palette
Due to the amount of information and the vast number
antialiasing pasteboard
of products available, this chapter covers general

hapter autotracing
Bezier curve
bitmapped images
PostScript printer
typeface file
information that applies to digital prepress operations.

Digital Basics
byte PostScript Type 1 font
color management system preflighting The desktop computer has become the focal
(CMS) print engine point of job creation and assembly of text and images
comparison proofing proof into page layouts within the graphic communications
context-sensitive menu proofreading industry. The computer and associated devices, in
cross-platform proofreader’s marks conjunction with the specialized graphics programs,
design axes RAID are components in the digital prepress system,
dialog box random-access Figure 7-1.
digital prepress system memory (RAM) A computer uses a binary system to process and
dot pitch raster image processor store information in digital form. This means that the
drop-down menus (RIP) computer recognizes only two numbers or digits: 1

Digital Prepress
font set selective compression and 0. These digits represent two states, on (1) and
gigabyte separation plates off (0). The individual 1s and 0s are called bits, or
graphical user interface (GUI) smoothing binary digits, and can be combined into groups of
hardware soft proofs eight digits to create a binary word, or byte. Since
ink-jet proofs software there are 256 possible combinations of 1s and 0s
interpreter style sheet in an eight-digit byte (from 11111111 to 00000000),
Job Definition Format (JDF) subtractive color a special code was devised to assign a specific
Learning Objectives lossless compression formation meaning to each combination.
After studying this chapter, you will be able to: algorithms suitcase file
• Identify different computer platforms. lossy compression template
algorithms text filter
• Explain the characteristics of different types of megabyte toner
storage devices. modem two-person proofing
• Differentiate between various output devices. open press interface (OPI) vector fonts
• Explain the processes used in text and graphics system vector images
preparation. output device WYSIWYG
page description language WYSIWYP
• Summarize the features of page composition (PDL)
• Identify the techniques used in creating digital
design files. Digital systems have penetrated every stage of
• Explain the proofreading process. the printing process: from formatting the author’s
manuscript, to platemaking and running the press.
• Explain the preflighting process. Figure 7-1. Using word processors on a computer
Maintaining a smooth workflow requires the consistency
• Compare types of production proofs. of digital data throughout the production process. is the most common method of composing text for
printed documents. A computer is also used for
• Explain digital prepress workflow. Sustaining consistency, as well as compatibility, requires
creating page layouts in page composition software.
that everyone involved in the production process have
an understanding of digital media.
In a perfect world, every piece of digital equipment, digital prepress system: A computer-centered process
as well as every computer program and file produced, that consists of preparing content, composing pages, and
would be compatible. Unfortunately, this is not the outputting the finished file.
case. For this reason, many organizations, such as bit: Binary digit. The basic unit of digital information.
the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), byte: A binary word, or group of eight individual 1s and 0s.
the International Standards Organization (ISO),
128 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 129

The American Standard Code for Information software have made this platform a strong competitor Hard Drive
Interchange (ASCII) provides a way to digitally store to the Macintosh® for DTP applications.
Both external and internal hard drives are common
and process letters, numbers, punctuation marks,
today, Figure 7-4. A hard drive contains one or more
and symbols. When the letter C is pressed on a UNIX® rigid, non-removable aluminum disks coated with a
keyboard, for example, it is converted to a specific UNIX® is a computer operating system that was magnetic material. When the computer is operating,
combination of 1s and 0s. Different combinations are developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at the drive motor spins the disk and a read/write head
assigned for the capital and lowercase forms of each Bell Labs. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the moves over the disk surface, which contains densely
letter. Once in digital form, the information can be influence of the UNIX® system within academic circles packed magnetic tracks. The head is used to write,
processed by the computer’s circuits and stored as led to large-scale adoption of the operating system by or magnetize, information to portions of the tracks as
digital or magnetic charges. commercial startups, the most notable of which is Sun they spin past the head. The head can also read, or
Regardless of size or complexity, a computer Microsystems, Inc. The Macintosh® OS X operating play back, previously stored information.
system has three major functions: input, processing, system is a UNIX®-based operating system. The amount of information that can be stored on
and output, Figure 7-2. Computer systems also have Today, UNIX® -like operating systems are a hard drive has increased steadily from fewer than
some means of storing information, either within Figure 7-3. Desktop publishing allows graphic commonly found, in addition to certified UNIX® 10 megabytes to capacities measured in gigabytes.
the system, in a portable form, or both. There are a designers to create and edit both text and art. systems. Linux® is a UNIX® -like computer operating Almost unlimited storage capacity is available with
number of different methods and devices used for system and one of the most common open-source a configuration known as a RAID (Redundant Array
input, storage, and output. They are described in the operating systems. An open-source operating system
Some file formats and devices are cross- of Independent Disks), which connects a number of
following sections. is a computer system that has had part of the source
platform, which means they can operate on or be high-capacity hard drives together, Figure 7-5. The
code released so third parties can develop programs. connected drives act like a single, huge hard drive,
used with different platforms. For example, a cross- Being a free, open-source system, the Linux® source
Computer Platforms platform word processing program allows users which is an advantage when managing extremely
code can be modified, used, and redistributed by large files involving graphics and text. Virtually all
The platform of a digital prepress system is the to create and modify documents using different anyone. It is used as an operating system for a wide
computer system hardware used to operate various operating systems, if necessary. Ideally, all computer digital prepress systems have an internal hard drive.
variety of computer hardware, including desktop The single most critical occurrence for a hard
programs. Computer platforms include the elements systems involved in creating and producing a computers like the Macintosh® OS X, supercomputers,
necessary to create, assemble, and output data document or project would use the same operating drive is when it becomes inoperable, or crashes.
video game systems, and embedded devices, such The adage of “It isn’t if your hard drive is going to
in the finished pages, Figure 7-3. Major computer platform. When this is not possible, using cross- as mobile phones and routers.
platforms are PC (based on the Microsoft® Windows® platform applications and devices reduces errors crash, it’s when your hard drive is going to crash”
operating system and the Intel® chip architecture), due to file conversion and makes the entire process should be taken very seriously. Optimizing the drive
Apple® Macintosh®, and UNIX®. Once the platform more efficient. Memory Types for operational efficiency and regularly backing
is defined, software developers design and install up the data should be part of standard operating
In addition to having a computer system capable
corresponding software applications. Software Macintosh® of running programs, there must be some means
is a computer program that initiates a specific ®
The Macintosh computer was introduced in 1984 of storing and transmitting data. Every computer
function of the computer. Types of software include and quickly became popular because of its ease of system is equipped with a certain amount of physical
word processing, page composition, and graphics use and ability to generate high-quality graphic memory, usually referred to as random-access
programs. images. The Macintosh® system was designed memory (RAM). RAM is the short-term memory platform: The computer system that is used to operate
around the concept of a graphical user interface the computer uses to store information in process. software. The platform defines the standard around which a
(GUI), which allowed for easy-to-understand, on- Systems can be updated and memory capabilities system can be developed.
Processing screen graphic representations of computing tasks. can be increased to enhance computing efficiency. hardware: A computer and its associated devices.
At that time, competing platforms were based on the Because most page composition files are very software: Computer programs that initiate and accomplish
more difficult method of typing commands to perform large, there are many types of storage devices available various computer-based tasks.
tasks. This platform was central to the development that accommodate large files. Storage devices vary in cross-platform: Describes applications, formats, or
of Desktop Publishing (DTP) Systems and continues terms of capacity, physical size, access capabilities, devices that work on multiple computer operating system
to play a major role. speed, reusability, and integrity. Storage capacity is platforms.
measured in kilobytes (1024 bytes), megabytes (1024 graphical user interface (GUI): A method of representing
Personal Computers (PCs) kilobytes), and gigabytes (1024 megabytes). computer operations and programs on the screen with icons
that can be selected with a mouse to perform activities.
The PC is the platform most often used in A number of different types of devices have been
developed to store and reuse digital files. Some of random-access memory (RAM): Type of short-term
business environments. In the early 1990s, the
computer memory that stores information in process.
Input original command-based operating system for PCs these devices use disks that contain magnetic tracks
to hold the encoded data, while others laser write megabyte: One million bytes; usually abbreviated MB.
was replaced by Microsoft® Windows®, which was a
Figure 7-2. This computer system configuration GUI designed to give the PC the same ease of use data onto specially coated discs. With the exception gigabyte: One billion bytes, abbreviated GB.
illustrates the three main functions of input (keyboard as the Macintosh®. The introduction of versatile word of the hard drive, storage devices make files portable, RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks. A hard drive
and mouse), processing (CPU), and output (monitor processing programs, sophisticated illustration and which allows a copy of the data to be loaded onto configuration that connects a number of high-capacity hard
and printer). another computer. disk drives together.
graphics software, and powerful page composition
130 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 131

A modem is an electronic device that converts
digital signals into a form that can be transmitted
over telephone lines, and from phone lines into
the computer system. The technical name for this
device is modulator/demodulator. Modems allow
information to be sent from one computer to another,
over distances great and small.

Four types of scanners are used today to capture
images: handheld, flatbed, film, and drum. Handheld
scanners are small devices that are moved across
the image area by hand. Flatbed scanners process
images that are positioned on a flat glass surface
or scan area that is stationary. The film scanner is
intended to capture images of various types of film.
The drum scanner scans images that are mounted
on a rotating drum. Some types can quickly convert
an entire page of type or printed material into digital
External Hard Drive Internal Hard Drive
form, Figure 7-7. Scanners are used extensively for
Figure 7-4. External hard drives are available in a range of storage capacities, from 500 gigabytes to 2 terabytes. Storage Figure 7-6. The removable storage media commonly image input. Scanners are discussed in more detail
capacity is an important factor for internal hard drives as well, but access speed is an equally important consideration. used for digital cameras, Personal Digital Assistants, in Chapter 8.
and computer systems pack a great deal of capacity
in a small space. Flash drives and memory cards are Voice Recognition System
CD and DVD Drives available in many different designs, all of which offer
easy data transfer and portability. Storage capacity The premise of voice recognition technology is to
The compact disc (CD) and digital video disc use voice commands to control devices and to enter
ranges from 1 to 64 GB.
(DVD) drives have become standard features of data simply by speaking into a microphone. Some
desktop computers, with most equipped to write data of the major challenges in using this type of system
onto the plastic disc. CD-R discs become “read-only”
after data is written to them, and CD-RW discs are
Input Devices include:
There are a number of ways in which text or • Recognizing the voices of multiple users on the
rewritable and can be recorded on many times. CDs
graphics information can be entered into the computer same system.
range in capacity from 670 to more than 800 MB. The
DVD was originally intended for use in the video system. Methods range from manual entry, such as • Distinguishing homonyms, such as “there,”
industry, but has made its way into the graphic keyboarding, to electronic transmissions through a “their,” and “they’re.”
communications industry because of its very high modem. As the technology advances, the use of this
storage capacity of 4.7 to 8.75 GB. system will extend into common applications within
Keyboard the industry. Presently, voice recognition is limited to
Flash Memory Cards The computer keyboard is the most common way common computer commands.
Flash memory cards are small, removable of entering text into a computer system. In addition
storage devices that have high storage capacity with to standard typing tasks, the keyboard may also be Output Devices
fast access and retrieval speeds. Common examples used to perform special functions through dedicated
Most computer systems are connected to a variety
of flash memory cards are CompactFlash® cards and keys (such as the delete and insert keys). Special
of output devices, including monitors, printers, and
USB flash drives, Figure 7-6. Applications for these function keys carry out different tasks, depending on
external processing devices. Some output devices
devices include storing digital camera images, game the program being used.
produce physical material, often referred to as hard
system data, and audio files. Flash memory cards
range in storage sizes from 8 megabytes to Mouse
32 gigabytes and have low voltage requirements. Many computer systems rely extensively on input
modem: A device used with computers to send and receive
They are small in physical size, have fast write and from the mouse. This navigation device is especially digital information through telephone lines.
Figure 7-5. By connecting a number of high-capacity erase speeds, and allow for easy file management. necessary for user interfaces and graphics. For
hard drives together, a RAID can provide an almost output device: A piece of equipment used to display,
example, a mouse is commonly used to cut content produce, or transfer information processed by a computer,
unlimited amount of data storage. (The RAIDinc Z 2,
from one document and paste it into another. such as monitors and printers.
courtesy of RAID, Inc.)
132 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 133

Ink-jet printers Image charged on

Ink-jet printers form images by using a print rotating drum
Manual paper Image
head that projects tiny droplets of ink onto the paper feed output
surface and provide a resolution of 300 dpi or more.
Positioning the droplet is carefully controlled. Ink-
jet printers are often used to make color proofs of
graphics and page proofs to show a client, as a color-
accurate representation of the final printed product,
Figure 7-9.
Laser printers
Laser printers operate much like a photocopy
machine. A photocopy machine uses reflected light
to create an image on a drum, while a laser printer
Figure 7-7. A flatbed scanner is commonly used to uses a laser beam to create an image on the drum,
convert photographs, pages of type, or other printed Figure 7-10. The laser printer has a print engine that
materials into digital form. Optical Character translates the output of the computer into a bitmapped Toner or Heated rollers
Recognition (OCR) software is used for typed or Cassette powder clings to melt toner powder
image for printing. A laser transfers the page image paper feed charged paper
printed originals. onto paper
Figure 7-8. The WYSIWYG monitor display provides to a light-sensitive drum that has a positive electrical
the user with a very close approximation of how charge. As the laser light moves across the rotating Figure 7-10. A laser printer produces an image by
copy. These include ink-jet and laser printers that material will appear when printed out. The screen in drum, it emits the image drawn from printer memory. a scanning technique combined with electrostatic
this figure is displaying an edited image. This image The polarity of the drum changes in the areas where principles. Rollers feed paper through the printer at a
produce copies on paper, and imagesetter and
can later be exported to a page layout program, where the laser has transferred the image to be printed. constant speed. The paper source may be a cassette (tray)
computer to plate equipment that outputs final film or
it may be altered further, as needed. for multiple sheets, or a manual feed for single sheets.
printing plates. Toner is a positively charged powder that is attracted
only to the negatively-charged areas on a page to
Monitors creates a problem for the desktop publisher who is create an image. The paper with toner applied Imagesetter and Computer-to-Plate Devices
As content is entered using a keyboard or other trying to achieve a WYSIWYG color environment. passes between heated rollers that fuse the powder
onto the paper and produce a permanent image. When high-resolution images must be output for
input device, it is almost instantly processed by the Since colors are displayed in RGB, it is difficult to
Laser printers can produce images of 300 dpi and commercial printing, an imagesetter or computer-
computer and displayed on a monitor. The software match the printed results of a subtractive color
higher, and are typically available in both color and to-plate (CTP) device is used, Figure 7-11. A digital
used for word processing and page layout on computer environment. In the subtractive color formation,
systems provides a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK) inks black-only models.
You Get) display on the monitor, Figure 7-8. Monitors are combined to produce the printed image. This WYSIWYG: A monitor display method used by word
means that full-color representations of images on a processing and page layout programs, in which the monitor
used for page layout are usually large enough (17″–
displays a RGB representation of the printed output.
21″ diagonal measure) to display an entire page, or monitor and on a printed sheet are achieved through
different principles. To overcome this problem, a dot pitch: A measurement of the vertical distance between
even two page layouts.
rows of pixels on a monitor, stated in decimal fractions of a
In addition to display size, resolution and dot color management system (CMS) is installed to
pitch are important characteristics to consider when provide a monitor display that is closer to a CMYK
additive color formation: Theory based on mixing red,
choosing a monitor. The resolution is a monitor’s representation of the final printed product. This
green, and blue light in various combinations to create a
ability to show fine detail and is stated in the number of software provides a WYSIWYP (What You See Is color reproduction or image.
pixels lined up across and down the screen. A typical What You Print) display.
subtractive color formation: The combination of cyan,
high-resolution monitor has 1280 pixels horizontally magenta, yellow, and black inks to produce a printed image.
across the screen and 1024 pixels vertically; this is Printers color management system (CMS): An electronic prepress
expressed as 1280 × 1024. The resolution of monitors For proofing text, graphics, and page layouts, a tool that provides a way to correlate the color-rendering
used in graphic communications range from 1024 × printer is used to produce a hard copy on paper. The capabilities of input devices, color monitors, and output
768 to 1600 × 1280, or even higher. Dot pitch is a resolution of a printed image is measured in dots per inch devices to produce predictable, consistent color.
measurement of the vertical distance between rows (dpi) and ranges from 300 dpi (or less) to 1200 dpi (or WYSIWYP: A monitor display method used by word
of pixels on the monitor. The distance is expressed in higher), depending on the type and quality of printer. processing and page layout programs that uses color
fractions of a millimeter (stated in decimal form), with In some cases, final copy or page layouts can be management software to produce a CMYK representation
of the printed output.
the image quality becoming crisper as the fraction output by a high-resolution laser or ink-jet printer to
becomes smaller. achieve quality sufficient for short-run reproduction print engine: A small computer component inside a laser
Figure 7-9. An ink-jet printer can be used to produce printer that translates the output of the computer into a
A color monitor uses the additive color by lithographic or xerographic methods. a high-quality proof copy of graphics or page layouts. bitmapped image for printing.
formation, based on the combination of red, Output is relatively slow when compared to laser toner: Positively charged powder that is attracted to negatively
green, and blue (RGB) to form white light. This printers. (Epson America, Inc.) charged image dots to make up the printed image on a page.
134 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 135

! It is important to maintain the original text

and image files when preparing content; make
a copy of the original material and work from
the copy. This ensures that the original material
is available if data is lost or destroyed during
prepress production, or if graphics must be
drastically resized or modified.

Text Preparation
There are several options available when
preparing text for the digital prepress process. The
simplest method is to enter copy directly onto the
page, while using page composition software. This Figure 7-13. Formatting of special attributes, such
is appropriate for materials that include only a small as different sizes and forms of headlines or various
amount of text. When a large amount of text is included types of lists, can be done by applying styles in a word
in a layout, it is better to compose the text using word processing program. In this screen example, the Style
Figure 7-12. With the addition of an add-on device, drop-down list is shown.
processing software. Text may be scanned from a
Figure 7-11. For highest quality output on photopaper many imagesetters are able to create plates as well as
hard copy using an Optical Character Recognition
or film, an imagesetter is used. This imagesetter offers film. (FUJI Photo Film U.S.A., Inc.)
(OCR) scanner, or imported electronically from a When the text is imported into the page composition
six resolution settings ranging from 1000 dpi to 3000 dpi,
and can output material up to 22″ (56 cm) in width. disc or through a modem connection. Once the text program, the code is recognized and the specified
(Fuji Graphic Systems) companies to interpret digital files from any number is electronically acquired, it is edited using a word text attributes are assigned to the copy. Such
of personal computers and software programs. processing program. attributes may include type size, leading, alignment,
Common PDLs include Adobe® PostScript®, Adobe® Word processing software is an efficient tool and indents. This technique saves many hours of
output station consists of two parts, the raster image PDF (Portable Document Format), and Hewlett- for creating and editing text. Originally designed for work once the text has been placed into the page
processor and the digital output device. The digital Packard PCL (Printer Control Language). correspondence and similar tasks in the business composition.
output device can be used to output high-resolution An interpreter is a computer program used with environment, this software has allowed computers to
text and graphic images onto paper, plates, or directly output devices that receive the PDL page descriptions replace phototypesetters in composing text for graphic
to a digital printing press. and translates them into patterns of dots for a communications applications. Many word processors Graphics Preparation
The raster image processor (RIP) converts all printer or pixels for monitor display. After receiving have the capability of formatting both text and graphics. Graphic images can be created and saved in a
elements of a page or image into a bitmapped image a page description, the interpreter constructs a However, it is considered better to use the word variety of ways. Digital images can be created using
at the resolution of the selected output device. The representation of the page to suit the output device. processor strictly for text entry and editing, instead paint programs, draw programs, digital photography,
RIP interprets the page composition information for For example, the interpreter can determine whether of trying to create an entire publication with it. This is and electronic scanning. The electronic images
the marking engine of the output device, such as an the output device is a black-only or color printer, particularly true if the publication requires extensive created are saved in one of many file formats. The
imagesetter, platesetter, digital printer, or large format an RGB video monitor, or a 2400 dpi platesetter. text formatting with numerous graphic elements. file format used for graphics is a very important
devices, Figure 7-12. Output problems are most Once these parameters are defined, the interpreter Word processors typically include proofing tools consideration, because it determines how much
likely to occur during the ripping process. It is usually modifies its instructions accordingly. that allow the operator to detect and correct errors an image may be manipulated and how well it will
the responsibility of the operator to troubleshoot in spelling, punctuation, and word division. These reproduce. Digital camera and digital scanner
these problems. However, if the files have not been proofing tools go beyond mere spell-checking, as they operation are covered in detail in Chapter 8.
properly prepared, they may need to be returned to
the point of origination for correction.
Preparing are usually capable of detecting incorrect, extra, or
missing punctuation, incorrect hyphenation; improper
Some graphics editing is possible with paint and
drawing programs, but more extensive and precise

Page Description Languages (PDLs)

Content abbreviation; missing or incorrect capitalization at the
Software used with digital imaging systems is beginning of a sentence; doubled words; and much
A page description language (PDL) serves more. This is a small sample of what proofing tools raster image processor (RIP): A device that interprets all
classified by its role in the digital prepress process. of the page layout information for the marking engine of the
as the interface between the page composition This process essentially consists of preparing content, can do to increase typesetting efficiency.
output device.
workstation and the RIP. PDLs are used in digital composing pages, and outputting the finished file to To assist in formatting the text when it is placed in
publishing to identify all the elements to be placed on a page composition program, special codes may be page description language (PDL): A file format that
an imagesetter, a platesetter, or directly to a digital describes a page’s layout, contents, and position within
the page, their respective positions on the page, and press. The software used in prepress work consists of incorporated to identify specific text attributes, such the larger document in a manner the output device can
the page’s position within the larger document, in a word processors, draw and paint software, graphics as headlines, subheads, or body text, Figure 7-13. understand.
manner that the output device can understand. PDLs editors, and page composition programs. Depending on the word processing program, the codes interpreter: A computer program used with output devices
enable digital output devices developed by different may be called styles, tags, or another similar term. that receive PDL page descriptions.
136 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 137

changes should be made with a full-featured image Vector Images

manipulation program, or image editor. Some of the
Marquee…… ……Move Vector images are represented as mathematical
most commonly used image manipulation programs
Lasso…… ……Magic wand formulas that define all the shapes in the image, as
include Adobe® Photoshop®, Macromedia® Freehand®
Airbrush…… ……Paintbrush well as their placement in a document. In computer
MX, CorelDRAW®, and Adobe® Illustrator®. Eraser…… ……Pencil graphics, a vector is a line that is defined by its start
Full-featured image editors allow almost any Rubber stamp…… ……Smudge point and endpoint. A piece of line art generated by a
aspect of an image to be manipulated, including Blur…… ……Dodge
Pen…… ……Type drawing program is a vector graphic, Figure 7-18. A
cropping, color and contrast, adding or removing
Line…… ……Gradient drawing program gives the designer control over shape,
visual information, and even combining images. See
Paint bucket…… ……Eyedropper placement, line width, and object pattern, Figure 7-19.
Figure 7-14. Experienced users of image manipulation Hand…… ……Zoom A Bezier curve is a vector graphic named after
programs can sharpen, blur, and smudge edges; Foreground color…… ……Switch colors French mathematician Pierre Bezier. It is defined
mix, choose, and apply colors; paint, draw, work with Default colors…… ……Background color
mathematically by two endpoints and two or more
multiple layers, clone, apply filters, create gradients Standard mode…… ……Quick mask mode other points that control its shape, Figure 7-20.
and textures, adjust color, and print color separations, Standard screen…… ……Full screen mode Nearly all drawing programs support Bezier curves.
as well as composites. Many programs allow the user mode

The two endpoints of the curve are called anchor
to restrict modifications to one area of a picture or to
Full screen mode with menu bar
make picture-wide changes. Figure 7-15. This piece of bitmapped art has been
In digital prepress, graphics can be broadly divided greatly enlarged to show the individual pixels. Figure 7-16. Most paint programs are limited to the
into two groups, bitmapped images and vector images. basic tools indicated above.
scale and color data. Each pixel might require eight
Bitmapped Images or even 32 bits of information to describe.
Bitmapped images are graphics files that
Working with bitmapped images
contain a map of pixels, each of which is assigned
Artwork created by a paint program is a bitmapped
characteristics. See Figure 7-15. A continuous tone
image. When using a paint program, Figure 7-16,
image (photograph) that has been digitized using a
the rows and columns of squares that compose the
digital capture device is an example of a bitmapped
image are visible by zooming in on any given area.
image. In a simple black-and-white bitmap, one bit Aliased Image
Color may be added or deleted by filling in or emptying
of information is assigned to each pixel: either it is
each square on the grid. When working with bitmap
on (black) or off (white). This information, in turn,
images, the individual pixels are edited, rather than
determines where ink is placed on the paper when
whole objects or shapes. Through these actions, the
the image is printed. Graphics programs also store
image size, shape, or colors may be modified.
location information for each pixel, providing gray Figure 7-18. A drawing program generates vector
When bitmaps are enlarged or reduced, the
edges can become ragged because they are images that can be easily scaled and modified because
composed of squares that do not create a smooth Antialiased Image the object is defined geometrically.
line. This process is referred to as aliasing. Aliasing Figure 7-17. The antialiasing technique helps smooth
is the process by which smooth curves and other jaggies by filling in squares along the edge with color bitmapped images: Graphics files that contain a map of
lines become jagged due to the reduced resolution of that varies slightly from that on the image. pixels, each of which is assigned characteristics such as
the graphics device or file. Antialiasing is a software color and brightness, to make up the image.
technique for diminishing jagged lines, or jaggies. aliasing: The process in which smooth curves and other
These stairstep-like lines occur because the output by changing the size and horizontal alignment of lines become jagged because an image is enlarged or the
dots to make curves smoother. Other printers reduce resolution of the graphics device or file is reduced.
device is not equipped with high enough resolution
to represent a smooth line. Antialiasing reduces the the size of those dots that make up a curved line to antialiasing: Software technique for diminishing the jagged
create a smoother appearance. edges of an image that should be smooth.
prominence of jaggies by surrounding them with
intermediate shades of gray or color, Figure 7-17. Some graphics programs incorporate an smoothing: A technique used by some printers to reduce
autotracing feature. Autotracing is a process for jaggies.
Shades of gray are used for gray-scaling devices,
and color is used for color output devices. Although converting a bitmapped image into a vector image. autotracing: A feature of some graphics programs; allows
Most autotracing packages read files in a variety of bitmapped images to be converted into vector format.
this reduces the jagged appearance of the lines, it
also makes them fuzzier. Many programs provide bitmapped formats (GIF and TIFF are very common) vector images: Images that are defined in terms of
and produce a vector format file, such as an EPS. mathematical parameters, which gives the artist or designer
an antialiasing option that is extremely useful when
The conversion techniques used and the accuracy control over shape, placement, line width, and pattern.
Figure 7-14. When cropping an image in an image editing placing text in an image.
of the conversion process differs from one software Bezier curve: A vector graphic defined mathematically by
program, such as Adobe Photoshop, use the marquee tool Another method to reduce jaggies is called
package to another. two endpoints and two or more other points that control its
to make a selection, and then trim the image. smoothing. Some printers accomplish smoothing shape.
138 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 139

• A computer can store vector images very Title bar

efficiently, making them ideal for high-resolution
Menu bar

Digital Page Rulers

scroll bar

The assembly of text and graphic images
into the final page is accomplished using a page
composer. The most widely used page composition
software packages today are Adobe® InDesign® and
QuarkXPress®. Although the specific operations are
somewhat different, an experienced operator can
use either program to combine text and graphics and
create a file in PostScript®. A PostScript® file can be
output to a laser printer, platesetter, or even directly
Selected line to a digital press.
Figure 7-19. When a line is selected on a vector image, Layout
the nodes will be visible. The object can be modified page
by grabbing and dragging the line. Composition Software
The features offered by different page composition
programs vary in details, but have many features in
common. See Figure 7-21. A menu bar occupies the
top of the screen, while scroll bars are on the bottom
and one side. The scroll bars are used to shift the Display
size Horizontal
screen view up and down or left and right. scroll bar
Handle Figure 7-21. Screen layout of one popular page composition program with menu bar along the top and scroll bars
Pasteboard down the right side and at bottom. The pasteboard is a work area, outside the page being composed, which is
A major portion of the screen display includes the used for temporary storage and preliminary assembly of page elements.
page or pages being laid out and a work area, usually
Anchor point called the pasteboard. This area of the screen is used
Drop-Down Menus working with an image on the page. Selecting some
for temporary storage of layout elements (such as a
items in a drop-down menu prompts a submenu to
piece of art or a section of typeset material) before By selecting one of the items on the menu bar,
display with additional choices, Figure 7-23.
moving them onto the layout page. The pasteboard using the mouse or keyboard, a menu of choices
Figure 7-20. By moving the handles, or the control can also be used to try out ideas for design elements, extends down from the bar. These drop-down
points, you can modify the shape of a Bezier curve. type treatments, and other composition changes. menus contain a number of choices that may be
used to create or modify documents, Figure 7-22.
Page Grid The Page menu, for example, is used to insert, delete,
points. The other points that define the shape of the
The page grid, sometimes called a frame or or move pages within a document, and provides pasteboard: An on-screen work area in page composition
curve are called handles, tangent points, or nodes. programs; used for temporary storage of layout elements
baseline grid, is a nonprinted set of guidelines on choices for quickly moving from page to page. Other
Attached to each handle are two control points. The before moving them onto the page.
each layout page. Guidelines for margins, columns, common menu bar selections are File, Edit, Style,
shape of the curve can be modified by moving the page grid: A nonprinted set of guidelines on each
gutters, and other basic page elements are included Item, View, Utilities, Window, and Help.
handles or the control points. composition page that includes guidelines for margins,
in the grid. One important function of the grid is to Some menus are context-sensitive menus—
There are several advantages to using vector images: columns, gutters, and other basic page elements.
align type horizontally when the page is arranged in the menu that appears depends on the type of
• Shapes can be resized without degradation material being worked on. For example, the Style drop-down menus: A selection list within software
two or more columns. The operator may choose to programs that extends downward from the menu bar on the
because objects are defined geometrically. menu may display a list of choices that only apply
display or hide the grid lines. computer display screen.
• The images print the same, even when scaled to text when working with the text on a page. The
context-sensitive menu: The characteristic of a selection
to different sizes, and can be represented at any list of available Style menu choices changes when menu in page composition software in which the options
resolution, which makes them more flexible than that display are dependent on the type of material being
bitmapped images. worked on.
140 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 141

Dialog Boxes Although there are more than six palettes

available, the Tool palette is the most-often used
Selecting an item in a drop-down menu often
because it allows the operator to perform many
opens a dialog box, which permits the operator to input
different layout functions. The Tool palette displays
additional information, Figure 7-24. This information
icons for the different tools available, including:
may specify an action, input measurements, select
colors, or apply a style. Some dialog boxes include • Item tool. Select a box, line, or other item on
drop-down lists, similar to submenus, which can be the screen to be moved, resized, or reshaped.
used to make a selection. • Content tool. Import and edit text and pictures.
May also duplicate tasks performed by the Item
Palettes tool.
A palette is a modified form of menu that can • Rotation tool. Establish a point, and then rotate
be resized and positioned on the screen to suit the an item (box or line) around that point.
operator’s preferences. A palette can also be set • Zoom tool. Enlarge or reduce the view of an
to display or be hidden. When displayed, it always item displayed on the screen.
Figure 7-22. Selecting one of the items on the menu bar remains visible, overlaying any other images on the
• Text Box tool. Accurately position text on a
opens a drop-down menu with a number of choices. screen, Figure 7-25.
layout. A submenu pops up to the side of the
Figure 7-24. A dialog box permits the operator to palette, which allows selection of different text
input information. The dialog box in this figure box shapes.
appeared when the operator selected Insert from the
Page menu. As shown, it allows entry of the number • Picture Box tools. Available shapes, such as
of pages to be inserted, and where they are to be rectangular and rounded-corner, are displayed
placed. The Master Page drop-down list holds a list on the Tool palette. Selecting the rectangular
of master pages that were created for this document. Picture Box tool icon opens a pop-up menu
with additional choices.
• Line tool. Draw a straight line at any angle.
A pop-up menu allows selection of tools for
drawing freehand line shapes.
• Orthogonal Line tool. Draw a line that is
precisely horizontal or vertical on a page.
• Line-Text Path tool. Position straight lines
of text at any angle. A pop-up menu provides
other options, such as arranging text along a
freehand-drawn line.
• Linking tool. Link text that is contained in two
or more text boxes. This permits text to reflow
freely from box to box or page to page, as
dimensions or type sizes are changed.
Master Pages and Templates
The design of a document typically results in the
repetition of certain attributes from page to page or
section to section. Attributes such as column width,
margins, page numbers, and headers and footers
Figure 7-23. The options available within context-sensitive menus change, depending on the type of material are often repeated. It is also common to have several
being worked on. When Style is selected on the menu bar, one of these three menus will appear. A—The menu
that appears when text is selected. B—The same menu for when images are selected. C—The menu for when lines
or strokes are selected. dialog box: A page composition software feature that
permits the operator to input information, such as specifying
Figure 7-25. A palette is a list or menu that can be an action, inputting a measurement, or selecting a color.
displayed or hidden, and can be positioned any place
palette: A modified form of a program menu that can be
on the screen the operator chooses. This is the Tool
resized and positioned on the screen to suit the operator’s
palette, used for many layout functions. preferences.
142 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 143

different page formats within a document. The page box to the desired size. In the same way, a section of font menu displays active typefaces alphabetically
geometry, typography, and other elements in each of
Importing Graphics text can be selected, dragged to a different place on the by attribute, not alphabetically by name. Type
these page formats can be set up as a master page, Both bitmapped graphics created with paint layout, and dropped into a new position. Material can be Reunion® unifies a type family into a list that makes
or template. programs and vector images created with drawing dragged off the page to the pasteboard for temporary true typeface selection easier.
A template can be created that incorporates all or illustration programs can be imported and placed storage or manipulation, or dragged off the pasteboard Font utility programs allow easier font activation
the master pages and other formatting attributes. in a picture box. Photographs are captured with a and dropped into the page. or deactivation and enable the designation of font
A new publication or page can easily be set up by digital device, such as a camera or scanner, which sets, or font lists. Font sets provide a quick list of the
opening the reusable template and customizing the converts them to a digital format. The digital file may Color Separations fonts used in a job, Figure 7-27. Font sets can be
page formats, as necessary. The main advantage of then be imported to a picture box. Instead of the physical overlays used in created for individual jobs and only the set needed
using a template is the increased productivity and less Once an image is in a picture box, it can be conventional paste-up to prepare material for color may be activated.
time spent recreating the same page information. manipulated in various ways to suit the page layout. printing, page composition software produces Even though the page composition program
The image can be enlarged or reduced, cropped, separation plates for each color on a page. For may give a list of fonts contained in a document,
moved around on the page, changed in color, or edited they may not list the fonts used in imported EPS
Importing Text and altered in various ways. The amount of successful
example, a page with black type and an illustration
graphics. Therefore, you must record all fonts used in
of a large red apple would be put out as two
Although text may be directly input and edited manipulation is affected by the format in which the separation plates. If a platesetter is used for output, supporting files from the font sets because they are
in page composition programs, documents of more graphic was imported. For example, bitmap images do one separation plate is generated for the black part of the page composition file. Fonts used within
than a few paragraphs in length are usually created not enlarge very well—as the image size increases, the images and a second separation plate is generated bitmapped graphics automatically convert into pixels
in a word processing program. The text file is then pixels increase in size as well, which gives the image for the red images. If the page contained a full- and lose font information, so it is not necessary to
imported into the page composition program and a jagged-edged look. When this occurs, the image is color photograph, four separation plates would be record the fonts used within these files.
placed in one or more text boxes. said to be “pixeled,” Figure 7-26. Graphic file formats created; one plate each for cyan, magenta, yellow,
The text formatting (boldface, italics, tabs, are covered in detail later in this chapter. and black inks. These four process colors are used
indents, line spacing, and similar parameters) in combination to print all colors. Color science and
that was applied in the original word processing Drag-and-Drop Manipulation its relation to printing processes are explored in detail
document may be retained when the text is imported Although keyboard commands are used for many in Chapter 9.
if a text filter is used. Text filters are available for functions of a page composition program, a mouse or
major word processing programs. If no filter is other pointing device is commonly used for quickly and
available or the imported material is unformatted easily manipulating page elements. For example, a text Font Formats and
ASCII text, formatting must be applied through the
page composition program.
box or picture box can be resized by clicking the mouse Management
or pointer on a side or anchor point, and dragging the
Style sheets used in page composition programs Most applications that support text also provide
(and in some word processing programs) are a variety of fonts to choose from. The printer should
formatting tools that combine a number of attributes. use the same fonts as the original page composition,
A paragraph style sheet can include such information provided they can support them. The entire page
as alignment, indents, leading between lines, space composition can change if fonts are substituted.
before and after the paragraph, and such typeface Font substitution can cause document reflow, bad
information as font, point size, and kerning. Usually, word or line breaks, and loss of kerning and tracking.
different paragraph style sheets are created to format The fonts must be included in the project files if the Figure 7-27. The font list above indicates all fonts used
specific elements of a document, such as body text, production house or printer is expected to use them. in a particular job.
main headings, subheadings, numbered lists, lists Font utility software, such as Adobe® Type Manager®
with bullets, or illustration captions. (ATM), Adobe® Type Reunion®, and Extensis®
A character style sheet is more specialized and is Suitcase™, can help manage and collect the fonts template: In a page composition program, a reusable
used in the original page composition. form that can be set up to include the page geometry,
typically applied to single letters, words, or phrases.
typography, and other elements of a page that recur in a
A character style sheet might be used to set off all document.
illustration references in the text, for example, by Font Utility Software
text filter: A page composition program feature that allows
specifying a type font and point size that is different Adobe® Type Manager® (ATM) creates bitmapped
the original text formatting applied to be retained when the
from body text. A major advantage of using style fonts in any size or style from PostScript® outline fonts. text is imported into the page composition program.
sheets is the ability to accomplish changes quickly This provides WYSIWYG font representations on the
style sheet: A formatting tool that combines a number
and thoroughly. For example, changing the attributes screen. ATM also converts any missing font sizes of attributes, such as type size, alignment, and other
of a heading style from centered 18-point Helvetica and helps improve fonts printed on non-PostScript® characteristics.
Figure 7-26. A bitmapped image cannot be enlarged
Bold to flush left 16-point Cooper Black takes only by more than a small percentage, or the individual output devices. separation plates: Special outputs for each color on a
seconds, and changing the style would alter every pixels will become visible. The image is said to be Adobe® Type Reunion® collects style variations page created by page composition software.
occurrence of that heading in the document. “pixeled,” which is characterized by a blocky and in a pull-down menu and lists the style variations of font set: The font list for a document. Font sets can be
ragged-edged appearance. a typeface together in a pop-up menu. Normally, the created for individual jobs and activate only the set needed.
144 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 145

Fonts represented with vector graphics are called outlines. Every typeface requires a separate printer
vector fonts, also known as scalable fonts or outline file to successfully output the composition. E L E C T R O N I C O U T P U T R E Q U E S T F O R : YO U R C O M PA N Y N A M E H E R E PAG E 2

fonts. The best example of a vector font system is Source Pathname: O:\CATHY\R14A_TX\CH14\Ch14.qxd

PostScript. The PostScript font characters have TrueType Fonts Destination Pathname: O:\Grph_com\quark\
Last modified: 11:03 AM; 11/18/97
Document Size: 2884K
no specific size and are described as mathematical TrueType font technology was developed jointly Most recently saved version: 3.3 Windows format
Document has been saved by the following versions of QuarkXPress:
3.31r5 Windows format
definitions of the outline. PostScript output devices by Microsoft® and Apple® as a cross-platform vector 3.32r3 Windows format
3.31r5 Windows format
render the characters as designated. font. Although TrueType support is built into all Total Pages: 60
Page Width: 8.5”
As with vector images, vector fonts retain smooth Windows® and Macintosh® operating systems, they Page Height: 10.875”
Required XTensions:
contours when slanted, rotated, or scaled to any do not always translate well. Active XTensions:
Cool Blends; CPSI Fixer; Kern-Track XTension; Immedia Project Menu; JPEG
size. However, converting illustration fonts into vector TrueType fonts have no specific sizes and Import; LZW Import; MS-Word Filter;
Filter; PhotoCD Import
MS-Write Import; WordPerfect Filter; XPress Tags

graphics or object outlines can create problems for work by combining the screen fonts and the printer DOCUMENT FONTS

small type sizes and large text blocks. For example, typeface into one file (instead of the separate files
External Name Internal Name
<Helvetica Helvetica-Bold
Printer Font Filename
<PalmSprings PalmSprings-Bold C:\PSFONTS\PFM\PALMSPRB.PFM
outlining small type can create shapes that are too used in PostScript). PostScript output devices <PalmSprings PalmSprings-Normal C:\PSFONTS\PFM\PALMSPRN.PFM
<ZapfDingbats SWA ITC-Zapf-Dingbats-SWA C:\PSFONTS\PFM\3030X___.PFM
complex to print. Converting text to outline also must either convert TrueType fonts or substitute a <Helvetica Helvetica-BoldOblique C:\PSFONTS\PFM\HVBO____.PFM
<Helvetica Helvetica C:\PSFONTS\PFM\HV______.PFM
makes editing more difficult, because the text is PostScript font, which slows processing. If TrueType <PalmSprings PalmSprings-BoldItalic C:\PSFONTS\PFM\PALMSPRT.PFM
<Symbol Symbol C:\PSFONTS\PFM\SY______.PFM
changed to a graphic instead of a font. fonts can be imported successfully, they can provide Figure 7-28. Settings for multiple master fonts can be <PalmSprings PalmSprings-It alic C:\PSFONTS\PFM\PALMSPRI.PFM
<Times Times-Roman C:\PSFONTS\PFM\TIR_____.PFM
many benefits in a cross-platform environment. Most modified within the program’s type management utility. <Symbol Symbol C:\PSFONTS\PFM\SY______.PFM

PostScript Type 1 Fonts prepress suppliers use PostScript Type 1 fonts as PICTURE FONTS
Picture External Name
note_c.eps No fonts used.
PostScript Type 1 is a format for vector fonts a standard, and may have limited TrueType fonts. r14opnr.eps No fonts used.

where each character in a typeface is stored as a To maintain a smoother workflow, it is best to avoid Font Report 00_aug.eps No fonts used.
note_c.eps No fonts used.
protip_c.eps No fonts used.

PostScript language program. Because they are using both PostScript and TrueType fonts in the same Most printers recommend that you create a protip_c.eps No fonts used.
note_c.eps No fonts used.
00_aug.eps No fonts used.
mathematical formulas, vector fonts take up less document. report to verify document fonts. Customers often protip_c.eps No fonts used.
00_aug.eps No fonts used.
space in a printer’s memory, and the quality of the overlook fonts used in PostScript files. To make
characters is not affected when scaled to different Multiple Master Fonts this task easier, most current software can compile
a document report, Figure 7-30. For example, Figure 7-30. The layout and design of font reports
sizes. PostScript Type 1 fonts can be rotated, Traditionally, standard type families had limited varies from program to program, but they often
outlined, or filled with patterns, and they produce style variation. Adobe Systems Inc. developed multiple QuarkXPress® can create a report that indicates the
include additional file information.
smooth curves even at large sizes when used as master fonts that allow variations to be created from a fonts used and lists the embedded EPS files. Adobe ®
display fonts. base design. Each multiple master font consists of the Illustrator® also indicates the fonts used. Adobe®
PostScript Type 1 fonts are device-independent, base font (the multiple master font itself) and one or InDesign® CS3 provides a font report that lists every Preflighting Fonts
which means that they can be used across a broad more instances of the font, Figure 7-28. An instance is open font on the computer and indicates the fonts
When preflighting files, all necessary font components
range of output devices. Any device that contains a a rendition of the font that varies from other instances used in the active file.
should be copied to disc. By using one of the software
PostScript interpreter can read PostScript Type 1 fonts. in one or more attributes, such as weight or width. utilities mentioned earlier, you can turn off all the
Although resolution varies among output devices, Multiple master fonts include one or more design fonts on a system and load the fonts directly to a
type generated from vector fonts is as sharp as the axes for almost unlimited variations of typeface printer-ready disc. If any fonts are missing, a prompt
particular device can produce. weight and width. A design axis is a variable typeface appears when the files are opened. Some programs
PostScript Type 1 fonts have two component files: attribute (weight, width, style, optical size). The base
a suitcase file for screen display and the PostScript font determines the range of variations available.
printer typeface file for PostScript device output. vector fonts: Fonts represented with vector graphics, also
These two components make a PostScript Type 1 font. Font Organization known as scalable fonts or outline fonts.
Digital fonts require two files because the images on Post Script PostScript: A programming language, commonly referred
A filing system of fonts acquired should be
a computer screen are created differently from those True Type to as page description language.
developed on the computer’s hard drive. Having an
reproduced onto paper. The screen font is a low- organized filing system makes it easier to collect and suitcase file: One of two component files that make up a
resolution pixel representation of the printer typeface, PostScript type family, used for the screen display of fonts.
send the fonts associated with a document, or to
which does not allow for high-resolution output. reconstruct a document if problems occur. Such a PostScript printer typeface file: One of two component
The suitcase file contains a set of screen font files that make up a PostScript type family, used for printing
filing system helps prevent mistakes caused by using
sizes and styles. Although the available sizes depend PostScript Type 1 fonts.
the wrong font, mixing font types, or mixing typeface
on the program, sizes usually range from 8 point to PostScript Type 1 font: Consists of all the variations of
72 point. Typical style choices include the primary one style of type; includes the suitcase file and PostScript
Create a separate font folder inside the system fonts printer typeface file.
font, italic, bold, and bold italic. Some font packages folder and file each job font by its name. Use separate
also include a variety of weights and widths. The design axes: Variable typeface attribute.
folders to avoid mixing fonts from different publishers. For
printer typefaces are the actual PostScript files that Figure 7-29. TrueType and PostScript fonts may preflighting: The process of checking documents for
example, there may be a font named Adobe® Garamond be identified by the icons used within the type
define the shape of the letters through Bezier curve completeness to avoid unnecessary or unsuccessful
and one named Agfa Garamond, Figure 7-29. management utility. processing.
146 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 147

substitute fonts or resort to the default font if fonts Tagged Image File Format for Image black, and two spot colors) and a master image. Other general rules for file naming include:
are missing from the file. The desktop color separations 1.0 (DCS 1.0) format • Use only alphanumeric characters; symbols
Technology (TIFF/IT-P1)
Problems also occur when fonts in a document creates five separate files, one for each process color should be avoided.
have the same name as the printer’s fonts, but are The tagged image file format for image (CMYK), and a data or master file. The DCS format
technology (TIFF/IT-P1, also known as ISO 12639) • File names should not begin with a space.
actually different fonts. Computers cannot distinguish supports grayscale, RGB, spot color, and CMYK
between fonts that are named the same, but originate is a device-dependent format used to describe color models. DCS files print faster than standard • Each file name should be unique.
from different publishers. It may not always be possible four-color documents, including specifications for EPS files and can contain both bitmap and vector • Use the appropriate file extension to identify file
to substitute one publisher for another. Avoid mixing printing presses. TIFF/IT-P1 is a raster-based input graphics information. type, such as .tiff, .eps, or .pdf.
publishers within the same typeface family because format designed to be used with high-end color To avoid confusion, revised files should not be
it complicates and slows the workflow. electronic prepress systems (CEPS). It is favored Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) submitted with the same name as the original file. If
by the magazine industry for digital delivery of color you are using OPI software, however, it is important
! Fonts are software and are subject to strict advertising files. The P1, or “profile one,” component
The graphics interchange format (GIF) supports
raster images and only handles up to 256 colors. that the file names remain the same as the original.
was added when the format was accepted by the The file name serves as the link to the high-resolution
software licensing agreements. The user is GIF files offer lossless data compression, which
International Standards Organization (ISO) for image, and changing the file name requires that the
responsible for maintaining licensed versions of makes them particularly effective for drawn images,
consideration as an international standard. TIFF/IT-P1 link be reestablished, which causes delays.
the fonts used at their location. animations, and images used on the Internet.
is designed to reduce the additional time and labor
Lossless data compression will be discussed later
required when CEPS cannot communicate easily.
in this chapter. File Compression
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) Portable Document Format (PDF) Before sending digital data to a printer, most
Creating Digital The encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is one of the
The Adobe® portable document format (PDF)
publishers compress, or reduce, the size of the
most stable file formats used in delivery to a digital files. Some programs automatically compress the
Image and Design output device. It is less convenient than a TIFF, but
has become a standard for electronic document
distribution throughout the world. PDF is a universal
file when it is converted and decompress when it
is viewed. Compressed files require less storage
Files usually provides more stable output results. EPS
provides a very reliable format for graphic images
file format that preserves all aspects of a native file, space, allow more efficient data management, and
There are several items to consider regarding the regardless of the application or platform used to can be transmitted faster because redundancies and
because it handles both vector and raster images.
files themselves when creating digital design files. For create the PDF file. Anyone using Adobe® Reader® other unnecessary elements are eliminated from the
The EPS format provides low-resolution previews
example, the file format selected determines the type can view, navigate, and print the file exactly as the original file.
for screen display and non-PostScript printing.
of modifications possible to the file and the type of author intended.
The EPS format supports bitmap, grayscale, RGB,
file compression used affects the storage, portability, Unlike the complex, continuous stream of data Lossless Compression
CMYK, spot color, and indexed color models.
and resulting quality of the file. All of these decisions in PostScript files, PDF files are simple, compact,
EPS files can be used in the open press A lossless compression algorithm refers to a
depend on the design environment and requirements vector files. They process quickly and can be sent
interface (OPI) system, which allows low-resolution data compression process in which no data is lost.
of the printer. across the Internet or a network for remote proofing
images to be placed in a layout, but automatically The PKZIP compression technology is an example
or printing. PDF files are also page-independent,
replaces them with high-resolution image files for of lossless compression. The files are often referred
so single pages can be replaced or altered without
File Formats printing. If saved in ASCII data format, EPS pictures
can be opened and read in a text editor.
reprocessing the other pages. Page independence
to as ZIP files and typically have .zip as the file
extension. PKZIP files with an .exe extension are
Many different image file formats exist; each varies in also allows printing pages in any order from a single
self-extracting files, which can be unzipped simply
file. The PDF file is also self-contained, meaning that
the way images are saved, how images can be modified, Windows® Metafile (WMF) and PICT by opening the file. Decompressing either of these
and how well images will reproduce. File formats the file has all the fonts and other resources needed
The Windows® Metafile (WMF) is a graphics file to image it.
types of files is called unzipping.
contain a number of important aspects, including image
format on Microsoft® Windows® systems. The PICT file For most types of data, lossless compression
placement, resolution, color, and background.
format is a Mac® graphics file that is most commonly techniques can reduce the file size by about 50%.
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF or TIF) used with the Mac® OS QuickDraw software. Both File Names Lossless algorithms used for image compression
WMF and PICT formats can hold bitmapped and vector File naming conventions are often overlooked, or assume that the likely value of a pixel can be inferred
The tagged image file format (TIFF or TIF) is a images. Many non-Windows® platforms are able to even ignored. However, carefully naming files helps
raster graphic file used for exchanging bitmapped utilize WMF files, but PICT files must be converted to keep work organized. Whether creating a standard
images between applications. Depending on the be used on non-Mac® systems. open press interface (OPI) system: A computer
in-house convention or following recommendations
source application, a TIFF file can allow lossless or configuration and software that allows the designer to use
from a printer, the file format must be consistently
JPEG compression. Compression is discussed later low-resolution images when creating document layouts in
Desktop Color Separations (DCS 1.0 and DCS 2.0) applied. page composition programs, and high-resolution images
in this chapter. The format supports bitmap, grayscale,
The desktop color separations 2.0 (DCS 2.0) file Computer platforms and programs are subject automatically replace the low-resolution images when the
RGB, CMYK, and indexed color models. TIFF files
format is an EPS graphic saved as a single file that to their own conventions. Even though some of the file is sent to an output device.
can also be exchanged among several platforms,
can include up to six plates (cyan, magenta, yellow, latest operating systems allow file names up to 255 lossless compression algorithms: A mathematical
including Mac® OS, DOS, PC, and UNIX®.
characters, file names should be limited to fewer formula for image compression that assumes that the
than 20 characters with a three-character extension. likely value of a pixel can be inferred from the values of
surrounding pixels.
148 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 149

from the values of surrounding pixels. Because system, cross-platform, cross-device standard that enables users to specify different compression levels for is the manuscript. It must still be read carefully for
lossless compression does not discard any of the can reduce files to about 5% of their normal size. the various elements within a single image. For example, errors and marked for corrections. After corrections
data, the decompressed image is identical to the JPEG is based on the discrete cosine transform EPS color image files embedded in a digital document are made, the copy must be checked again. In
original. (DCT) algorithm, which analyzes each pixel block, result in a very large file. EPS-JPEG compression some operations, checking type corrections may be
Other common lossless compression methods identifies color frequencies, and removes data creates files for page composition software that are combined with proofing the laid-out pages.
are the Huffman method, Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW), redundancy. This algorithm requires the same amount significantly smaller than standard EPS files. Images
and run-length encoding (RLE). Both the Huffman of processing to either compress or decompress an vary in the amount of data that can be compressed
and LZW methods of compression are techniques image. JPEG compression can incorporate other without affecting the visible quality. Experiment with
Proofreading Skills
where adjacent bits are replaced with codes of algorithms, including quantization algorithms and quality settings to determine the maximum compression A proofreader has the very important job of
varying lengths. For example, this technique would one-dimensional, modified Huffman encoding. settings that do not perceptibly alter appearance. Since making sure the final product meets the standards
encode the fact that zero occurs 20 times, rather than JPEG is a popular standard for images used on data is lost in each compression/decompression cycle, of expected quality and professionalism. In larger
using 20 zeros. This information would use 4 bytes the Internet due to its extreme compression capacity use JPEG compression at the maximum quality setting publishing and printing facilities, people are hired
instead of 20. Run-length encoding (RLE) encodes and ability to support 24-bit color. The JPEG file and only on final images, Figure 7-32. with expertise in proofreading. In smaller facilities, a
digital data to reduce the amount of storage needed format allows the compression ratio and reproduction variety of people may have this responsibility. Every
to hold the data without any loss of information. Each quality to be controlled at the point of compression, printer, especially in a small plant, should be able to
coded item consists of a data value and the number
of adjacent pixels with the same data value. In other
Figure 7-31. JPEG files contain bitmap information
only and support grayscale, RGB, and CMYK color
Proofreading read proofs.
The proofreader must be a meticulous person and
A proof is any copy or art that is checked before have the ability to accurately check individual letters
words, strings of the same character are encoded models.
going into print. In traditional typesetting, the proof in words, as well as look for combinations of letters.
as a single number. This is a very efficient way of A major goal of JPEG is to maintain the
is a galley pulled (printed) from the metal type or Proofreaders cannot scan a page, but must study
encoding large areas of flat color used in linework appearance of an image, rather than the actual data
a printout on phototypesetting paper. In today’s each word separately. If proofreading is done poorly,
and text. contained in the original. This works because we are
electronic production systems, a proof is typically a the highest quality paper, best printing methods,
visually less sensitive to high-frequency color. JPEG
printout from a laser printer.
Lossy Compression is a lossy compression, and therefore deletes some excellent content, and other favorable aspects of the
In traditional typesetting situations, manuscript product will be ruined.
A lossy compression algorithm refers to data image information, but the decompressed image
was edited and marked for type size and style before
compression techniques in which some data is lost. remains visually whole.
being sent to the compositor. The compositor followed Proofreader’s Responsibilities
Lossy compression methods attempt to eliminate JPEG functions best for color and grayscale,
all editing instructions and set the copy exactly as it
redundant or unnecessary information. Most video continuous-tone images. Compressing images with The typical duties of a proofreader include:
was written. After the copy was set, the proofreading
compression technologies use a lossy compression. high-contrast edges (such as line graphics or text) to
process was carried out to detect and mark any • Check the spelling of all words.
This improves the speed of data transfer, but significantly reduce the file size, adversely affects the • Ensure word divisions or hyphenations are
typesetting errors. The marked proof would then be
causes slight degradation when the image is portion containing the text. Selective compression correct.
sent back to the compositor for correction, and a
decompressed. corrected proof would be produced and checked. • Verify that the style is consistent.
Lossy compression techniques include In digital composition methods, the author and
quantization, Delta Pulse Code Modification (DPCM), • Make certain that the size of type, line length,
editor create the final copy, which eliminates the and spacing specifications are followed.
and JPEG. Quantization is a filtering process that separate typesetting step. This does not eliminate
determines the amount and selection of data to the need for proofreading, but changes the method • Check that copy has not been omitted or repeated.
eliminate, so data can be encoded with fewer bits. and approach. The typeset copy is not compared to Proofreader’s marks are widely used symbols
DPCM measures one set of bits and then measures the original manuscript, since the typeset material that single out and explain copy changes or errors,
differences from that set. The differences are then Figure 7-33. The symbols are used to show when
encoded into fewer bits. something should be taken out, added, or changed.
Lossless compression is preferred for printed
images because each time a lossy compression is
applied, more information is lost. The loss of data lossy compression algorithms: A mathematical formula
may not be noticeable on screen, but will be very for image compression in which data in an image that is
noticeable in high-resolution printed output. least perceptible to the eye is removed.
The JPEG file format was created by the Joint selective compression: A compression option that allows
Photographic Experts Group, in collaboration with the user to specify compression levels for different elements
the International Standards Organization (ISO) within a single file.
and the Consultative Committee for International proof: Any copy or art that is checked before going into print.
Telegraphy and Telephony (CCITT). The JPEG proofreading: The process of checking for typesetting
format was designed to establish an international Figure 7-31. When saving a file using the JPEG errors and marking them for correction.
data compression standard for continuous-tone, compression option, there are several encoding Figure 7-32. JPEG compression should be used at proofreader’s marks: Widely used symbols that single out
digital still images. JPEG compression is an open- options available. maximum quality to preserve the integrity of the data and explain when something in typeset copy is to be taken
being compressed. out, added, or changed.
150 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 151

Punctuation Spacing Marked copy

Period Insert space

Equalize space
Close up
Apostrophe Style of type
Open quotes Wrong font
Close quotes Lower case
Hyphen Corrected copy
Dash (show length) Figure 7-34. This is an example of how proofreader’s
Initial cap, then lower case marks are used to identify and correct copy problems.
Small capitals Note the caret placed at the point of error, and the
Delete and insert correction symbol written in the margin.
Initial cap, then small caps
Delete Figure 7-35. This spellchecker highlighted a word in
Delete and close up Set in roman
Two-person proofing requires the reader to the text and displayed it in a separate window. The
Insert omitted matter Set in italics work with an assistant. This is the most common most likely correct spelling is shown in the Change To:
box, but one or more additional suggestions are often
Let it stand Set in light face proofreading method when accuracy and speed are
presented, as well.
Set in bold face
important. It is frequently used with larger jobs, such
Paragraph as a textbook. The two people are referred to as the
Superior character reader and the copyholder. The reader follows the
Flush paragraph used, they can greatly reduce typos and make the
Inferior character printed design proof (or computer screen display) correction cycle much more efficient. A proofreader
Indent (show no. of ems)
Miscellaneous to check closely for errors. The copyholder follows must still review the copy. However, with fewer typing
Run in the original manuscript. Usually, the two take turns errors, more attention can be given to checking style,
Position Broken type
reading to each other. Each word must be carefully illustration references, sequence, and other important
Move right or left Invert pronounced and the reading pace must not be too content and typesetting aspects.
Raise, lower Push down fast. The reader must have time to scan the letters of
each word, check punctuation, style, and other items.
Flush left, right
Spell out
Shilling mark (slash)
A special jargon or language often develops
between the reader and copyholder. For instance,
Align horizontally In addition to generating various types of proofs
Ellipsis some readers pronounce each capital letter as “cap”
Align vertically before sending files to a printer, the files should be
and each period as “peer” to denote the beginning
See layout preflighted. Preflighting is an orderly review of files
Transpose and end of a sentence.
to identify items that could cause problems at the
Transpose space Query
output or prepress stage. To make sure preflighting
Figure 7-33. Some commonly used proofreader’s symbols are presented in this chart. Although many of the
Spell Check Programs goes smoothly, discuss file format and preparation
symbols are considered standard, there may be some variation from company to company. A spell check program, also called a spellchecker with the printer while the project is still in the design
or proofing program, is incorporated into the majority stage. Knowing their requirements ahead of time will
of word processing software. Depending on the save both time and money.
The appropriate proofreader’s mark is placed in
the margin of the page to indicate the type of correction
Proofreading Methods operator’s preference, the program automatically According to the Printing Industries of America
checks the spelling of each word as it is typed, or all the (PIA), some of the most common problems with the
to be made, Figure 7-34. This system is an efficient Comparison proofing, or one-person proofing,
words in a document when typesetting is complete. files customers provide are:
means of showing the compositor the location of the is done primarily to find such major problems as copy
deletion, incorrect sequence, or copy duplication. It A spell check program compares words in the • Missing or incorrect fonts.
fault and the desired correction. Proofreading marks document with those in the program dictionary. If a
must be written clearly and should be exaggerated is most suitable for small jobs with little copy. Using • Missing or incorrect trapping.
word is spelled incorrectly, a correction is suggested,
so they are not overlooked. When needed, the this method, the proofreader scans through the proof • File defined with incorrect color (RGB vs.
once to check for obvious errors or changes. The Figure 7-35. The typesetter can accept the suggested
proofreader can write special notes pertaining to the CMYK).
proof is then placed next to the manuscript, and the spelling or may enter the proper spelling to be applied
marks in the border. Sometimes, an extra sheet of to the document. Spell check programs also permit • Scans supplied in wrong file format.
instructions may be attached to the copy or page proofreader traces along the lines of the proof with
a pen while reading. Placing a straightedge across unusual spellings or technical words to be added to • Graphics not linked.
layout. the program dictionary.
the copy and moving it slowly down the page is also • Incorrectly defined or under defined bleeds.
Spell check programs can be very helpful
helpful. To be consistent, the proofreader must always • No laser proofs supplied.
compare the proof with the copy, not vice versa. to production speed and quality. When properly

ight Technician
The preflight technician uses digital imaging
technology to achieve the planned requested
is ready for the intended output device. The
ability to work closely with the customer and
other departments is an imperative attribute.
The preflight technician should have
File Submission Form
Book title/Part number
Order date
Press date
Sales representative
Chapter 7 Digital Prepress

Blues date
Bill to P.O. number

job. When using this technology, the preflight formal postsecondary graphic communications
technician takes the electronic files that are training in digital technology; an associate CUSTOMER INFORMATION

given to him or her by the customer and checks degree is often stated as a requirement in the Company name Design house

them for all aspects of completeness. It is very job description. It is also beneficial to be familiar Contact name Design contact

similar to the checklist a pilot goes over before with the printing process and production Address Address

workflow. Preflight technicians must have good City State Zip City State Zip
the plane takes off; the formalized preflight Phone Fax Phone Fax
manual checklist makes sure everything is in communication and basic problem-solving skills,
Modem Baud rate Modem Baud rate
order. Therefore, the preflight technician tasks be comfortable with the pressure of deadlines, and
are critical to the elimination of output problems be proficient with computer applications.
of the electronic files. Preflighting software can “Students entering the graphic
speed up the process. Sometimes checklists and communications discipline need to have a
variety of skills for employment in our ever- Platform ❑ Macintosh ❑ IBM-PC (or compatible) ❑ UNIX (DEC) ❑ UNIX (Sun) ❑ VMS (VAX) ❑ Other ____
software are both used by the preflight technician.
Some of the responsibilities of the preflight changing industry. They need to be versed in
Operating system ❑ Macintosh version _____ ❑ MS-DOS version _____ ❑ Windows version _____
technician include making sure submitted the practical application of traditional web and
discs are not damaged; ensuring discs are offset printing, digital printing, prepress and
Media ❑ 3.5 inch disk ❑ 5.25 inch disk ❑ SyQuest (size___) ❑ 150 Mb DC (QIC tape) ❑ Bernoulli cartridge
readable; checking in-house font availability; prepress software, print management, and to (size___)
have a firm understanding of the Internet and ❑ Zip cartridge ❑ Jaz cartridge ❑ Magneto-optical cartridge (size___) ❑ CD-ROM
checking for missing material on submitted
discs; checking for correct size indications; how it relates to the printing industry.”
Fonts ❑ Type 1 ❑ TrueType ❑ Complete font list, including manufacturer names, is attached on a
checking for proper trapping and adequate Tony Mancuso
separate sheet ❑ All printer and screen fonts are included on submission media
bleeds; and checking for font problems, All Typography Unlimited, Inc. (TUI)
these preflighting tasks ensure the digital job Files Files listed on other side are: ❑ Application files ❑ PostScript files
Are files compressed? ❑ No ❑ Yes (if yes, what compression software was used?_______version___)
Please complete the file list on the other side of this form.

• Missing graphics. linked instead of embedded, only the corrupt piece of Trapping ❑ Files do not need trapping ❑ Please trap the files for us

• Resolution too high or too low in customer- art needs to be recreated. ❑ Files need trapping, but we have taken the responsibility and done it ourselves

supplied scans. When preflighting files, check to ensure every

graphic used in the file is on the disc. If a graphic file Proofs ❑ Single blueline ❑ Folded blueline ❑ Blackprint ❑ Matchprint ❑ Iris
After the documents or pages have been created,
proofed, and corrected, they are ready to send to is missing, the art will print as low-resolution images
Artwork ❑ Digital scanning (to be placed in file) ❑ Conventional scanning (to be stripped into film)
the printer for output. At this point, the production or bitmapped placeholders. Include the original art
department can begin preflighting. Preflighting files in a separate directory for linked graphics that
Pagination ❑ Total page count _________ ❑ Page map included on separate sheets
begins with printing out color separations and are in a non-editable format. Print a list of all files
composite hard copies. The printer can refer to these included on the disc(s), as well as how many discs Other Special instructions attached on separate sheet
copies if problems are encountered with production, are included for the project. Prepare a checklist to
help verify that all graphic, font, and color components A
pagination, color, or even text flow.
Once the separations and composites are printed, are present and correct.
all the graphics should be linked. All page composition After the basic preflighting is complete and proofs Ble ed No. of H al fto ne N eg. o r R REU or
F ile Name A pplicati on /ve rsi on Tr im si ze amount p ag es scree n Pos. R R ED Col or separat ions
programs allow the user to select link or reference have been output, create a letter that outlines the
Chapter 01 QuarkXPress 3.31 8.5x11 1/8in. 16 133 Neg RRED 4 67
options as the art is imported. In QuarkXPress®, for software and fonts that were used to create the files,
example, all the graphics in the document are linked trapping requirements, print specifications, and any
to the Quark® file unless the art was created with the other pertinent information, Figure 7-36. Preflighting
also requires checking fonts and the color palette. B
drawing tools in Quark®. There are many benefits to
linking art files. If all the graphics are embedded in Font formats and management are covered in the Figure 7-36. If the printer does not provide a standard submission form, design a file submission form and file list
a document file and one piece of art is corrupted, previous section. For detailed information on color that includes the basic information shown in this sample.
the entire project can be lost. When the art files are management, refer to Chapter 10.

154 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 155

Online soft proofs are posted and managed
using Web-based applications specifically developed
for electronically proofing documents. While each
printer may not use the same interface, the functions
and tools available to proof a job are similar from
T hink Green Soft Proofs
The PDF file format allows incorporation of an
extended job ticket. An extended job ticket is an
electronic document that contains all the instructions
required for processing a job, Figure 7-38. It includes
customer information, proofing directives, trapping,
Depending on the complexity of a project and
one application to the next. Some of the common With the growing use of technology in the imposition and ripping parameters, and even
previous arrangements with the printer, a number
Web-based proofing applications are Kodak InSite, graphic communications industry, as well as finishing and shipping instructions. The job ticket
of proofs must be reviewed before the job goes to
eProof, inMotion, and proofHQ. the increased concern for environmental issues, specifications can be easily viewed and modified by
press. Proofs serve as samples for the customer
soft proofs are becoming more widely used everyone who has access to the file.
and guidelines for the press operators. Proofs can
than digital proofs. Soft proofs reduce the use The PDF file is practically an ideal preflighting
be made directly from digital files, viewed online, Digital Proofs of paper in multiple rounds of checking proofs. tool. If all the necessary elements are not present
or run off on a proof press. Cost variations often
The two most common types of digital proofs They eliminate the use of ink and the creation at the time of file creation, the user is warned. PDF
determine the type of proofs requested at different
used today are laser proofs and ink-jet proofs. Laser of any VOCs in the production of printing files also provide a single file for viewing, distributing,
stages of prepress production. The most commonly
proofs are printed onto paper using electronic files. proofs. There is also no transportation involved archiving, editing, and printing small file sizes, and
used proofs today are soft proofs and digital proofs,
They are produced by an industrial laser printer and since soft proofs are sent over the Internet. a built-in preview. PDF files can access many types
Figure 7-37.
may be in black and white or use four colors. They While some companies are concerned about the of files including EPS, TIFF, PICT, QuarkXPress®,
are an inexpensive type of proof. However, the quality quality of soft proofs, others have found that PageMaker®, and PostScript® from applications on
Soft Proofs is said to be less than that of ink-jet proofs. with monitor calibrations, the on-screen page both Macintosh® and PC platforms.
Soft proofs are electronic files that represent Ink-jet proofs are produced by a printing process should match the printed page. Companies
that generates four-color proofs directly from the have found soft proofs to be a more efficient
what the final printed page will look like. These
proofs may be press-ready files created using the digital files. Ink-jet proofing is often used as a contract alternative to hard copy proofs because of the Job Definition Format (JDF)
project composition files submitted to the printer. proof, replacing the press proof. The color simulates turnaround time and ease of use. For more The Job Definition Format (JDF) is a file
Soft proofs may be delivered via e-mail or accessed what will be produced on a press. However, there information, see format that automates the printing workflow, from
on the Internet, and are most often saved as PDF is often no halftone dot, so conventional screening design to production, and was developed through a
files. Soft proofing jobs has become a common problems such as moiré patterns cannot be predicted. partnership between Adobe®, Agfa, Heidelberg ®, and
industry practice, as it takes advantage of information Ink-jet proofs can be presented early in the proofing a printed proof. This enables accurate evaluation of Man Roland. This file format is based on Extensible
technology to save the time and expense involved in process because they are very inexpensive. the file for trapping, moiré, and other conventional Markup Language (XML) and provides a standard
producing printed proofs. Additionally, the client is Matchprint™ Digital Halftone has become an printing problems. format that is compatible with any JDF-enabled
able to review proofs in a significantly shorter time industry-standard halftone contract proof. The actual equipment.
frame and may instantly approve pages or send digital file that will be used to create the printed pages JDF files are similar to an embedded electronic
comments through e-mail or a secure Web site. is sent to a precalibrated ink-jet printer to produce job ticket, in that they can contain information on the
Digital Prepress document designer, fonts used, images contained,
stock type and size, ink colors, bindery instructions,
Workflow and other static data. In addition, the file may
contain instructions for JDF-enabled devices used
The changes resulting from the transition of in the production process, including ink fountain
conventional prepress methods to digital have settings on a press and the configuration of bindery
brought about many workflow enhancements and equipment. Throughout the production process, the
radically changed the processes in the prepress
comparison proofing: A proofreading method done
primarily by one person to find such major problems as copy
PDF Workflow deletion, incorrect sequence, or copy duplication.
In a PDF workflow, the PDF file is used to create two-person proofing: A proofreading method that requires
the film or plates needed by the print production the reader to work with an assistant, called the copyholder.
facility. The PDF file contains all of the necessary soft proofs: Press-ready, electronic files that represent
information, such as the fonts, graphics, images, what the final printed page will look like and are most often
text, and document layout. No further prepress PDF files that can be viewed on a computer monitor.
steps remain to be completed by the production ink-jet proofs: A type of job proof that provides four-color
department. Portable document software typically proofs generated directly from the digital files.
Soft Proofs Digital Proofs
saves a document bitmap, the ASCII text, and the Job Definition Format (JDF): A file format based on
Figure 7-37. Different types of proofs. Printed color proofs commonly include colors bars, registration lines, and Extensible Markup Language (XML), which provides a
font data. Even with compression, most PDF files
cut marks on the page. Soft proofs include the same information in color proofs, but the client may approve or standard format that is compatible with any JDF-enabled
reject each page individually. may be many times larger than the native file.
156 Graphic Communications Chapter 7 Digital Prepress 157

Review Questions 23. What are proofreader’s marks?

Please do not write in this book. Write your 24. What is preflighting?
answers on a separate sheet of paper. 25. Identify the types of production proofs and
explain how each is generated.
1. List the three major functions of a computer
system. 26. What are some advantages to using the PDF
file format?
2. A computer processes and stores information
using the _____ system: a series of 1s and 0s.
Suggested Activities
3. Explain the function of computer software.
4. What is a cross-platform device? 1. Prepare a workflow chart of a typical digital
prepress department.
5. List three different storage devices and describe
the characteristics of each. 2. Select a product you want to print that includes
line work and photographic images. Choose
6. What do the letters WYSIWYG represent?
the computer platform to operate the software
7. Explain the purpose of color management software. you will use to prepare the prepress project
8. What is the function of a raster image processor? documents. Explain your equipment selection.
9. Define page description language and give 3. What ergonomic factors should be considered
examples of common PDLs. when setting up a computer workstation?
10. Explain the difference between vector images 4. List the computer programs commonly used in
and bitmapped images. your school and explain the unique features of
11. Two software techniques for diminishing jaggies each program.
are _____ and _____. 5. Make an appointment to visit the prepress
12. A(n) _____ is a vector graphic that is defined department of a printing plant. Describe the
mathematically by two endpoints and two or preflight plan used by the prepress personnel.
more additional points that control its shape. 6. Research various printing facilities and make
13. Which of the following is not a common feature a list of the job titles found in the prepress
of the computer screen display for a page department.
composition program?
Figure 7-38. A job ticket contains several files, which allow the operator to access customer information, specific
A. Scroll bars. Related Web Links
page data, processing details, and finishing specifications. B. Pasteboard.
C. Scanner port. The International Cooperation for the
D. Menu bar. Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press, and
information and instructions contained in a JDF file (including the ability to navigate intranet and Internet Postpress Organization
14. List five tool icons commonly found on the tool
may be manually amended to allow for adjustments networks). Today, a single prepress professional
palette of page composition programs.
or additions, such as completion dates, delivery is capable of performing the duties of several CIP4 brings together vendors, consultants and
schedules, and client contact information. conventional prepress personnel from only a few 15. A reusable _____ contains all the master pages
end users in the print communications, graphic
This technology expedites production, reduces years ago. These expanding skills and responsibilities and other formatting attributes that make up a
communications industry, and associated sectors
errors that occur in the processes, and automates the will continue to grow as new technology and workflow multipage document.
to define future versions of Job Definition Format
workflow of print production. Other workflow solutions techniques enhance prepress functions, and extend 16. What is the purpose of a style sheet? (JDF), to study user requirements, and to design a
that are designed to optimize print manufacturing into all graphic communications processes, including 17. Explain the purpose of font utility software. JDF Software Development Kit (SDK).
processes include Kodak Prinergy™, Agfa :Apogee press and bindery operations. In the near future, a 18. What are TrueType fonts? How do they differ
Suite, Heidelberg® Prinect®, and EFI OneFlow®. single prepress operator may be able to control a print
Merriam-Webster Online: Proofreaders’ Marks
from PostScript fonts?
job, from creation to fulfillment, with commands from
19. Name three image file formats and describe the A table of commonly used proofreaders’ marks and
Summary a single computer workstation. The possibility of this
characteristics of each.
type of change emphasizes the importance of digital the meaning of each.
Today’s prepress professional must be 20. What are the general rules to follow when
and workflow technology, and will further change the Printers’ National Environmental Assistance
knowledgeable in both traditional graphic arts naming files?
career opportunities and skill requirements in the Center
techniques (such as fonts, mechanical trapping,
graphic communications industry. 21. What is the difference between lossless
and color separations), and strong computer skills
compression and lossy compression?
Resources include information on soft proofs in the
22. A(n) _____ is any copy or art that is checked printing industry.
before going to print.

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