Ods For A Motion Simulators I

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Operational deflection shape analysis and vibration

solving for a motion simulator

Jenneskens, R.J.

Published: 01/01/2006

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Jenneskens, R. J. (2006). Operational deflection shape analysis and vibration solving for a motion simulator.
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Operational deflection shape
analysis and vibration solving
for a motion simulator.

R.J. Jenneskens
DCT 2006.135

Report international internship

Startdate: Monday, June 5th 2006
Enddate: Thursday, January 18th 2007

Rob Jenneskens (R.J.), studentnr. 501016

Supervisor TU/e: Prof. Maarten Steinbuch

Supervisor SNU: Prof. Jongwon Kim

Section Control Systems Technology, TU/e


1 Introduction 7

2 Eclipse-II 9
2.1 Eclipse-II Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 One-man Ride Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Vibration Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 Vibration Analysis 11
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Modal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3 Operational Deflection Shape (ODS) Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 ODS on One-man Ride Machine 15

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2 Set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 ODS Results 19
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.2 Time Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3 Crosspower Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6 Design Modifications 23
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2 Changing Mass, Stiffness or Damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.3 Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.4 DVA Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.5 DVA Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.6 DVA Implementation and Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

7 Conclusions and Recommendations 31

References 33

A Equipment, Procedure and Test Experiment 35

A.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
A.2 ODS Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35


A.3 Measurement Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

A.4 Test Experiment: ”Modal Analysis of a Simple Plate” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

B Measurement Points 41

C Time Signal 43

D Design changes next prototype 45

E Technical drawings 47
List of Figures

2.1 One-man ride machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2 Major vibrations in the circular and vertical columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.1 Animation in LMS Test.Lab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.1 Schematic presentation of the hardware set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.2 Definition of the coordinate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5.1 Time signal of operating area (start-stop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5.2 Non-simultaneously stopping of the motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.3 The crosspower spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6.1 Simplified DVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6.2 SN-curve for aluminium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.3 CAD drawing of the assembled DVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.4 DVA mounted to vertical column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

A.1 The LMS Scadas III 310 data acquisition system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

A.2 B&K 4294 exciter with B&K 4506 accelerometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
A.3 The test experiment set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
A.4 Test experiment: attached accelerometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
A.5 Test experiment: FRF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

B.1 Measurement points for first sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

B.2 Measurement points for second sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

C.1 Time signal plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

E.1 Technical drawings block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

E.2 Technical drawings spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Chapter 1


The Robust Design Engineering Laboratory (RoDEL) at Seoul National University (SNU),
South-Korea, has developed a new parallel actuated platform, called Eclipse-II [1]. The plat-
form is used for generating six degree of freedom motions in space. The Eclipse-II platform
is very exclusive because it can generate continuous 360 degree rotations around all axes and
translations in all directions.

A real size motion simulator, based on the Eclipse-II platform, has been designed and manu-
factured. During tests, serious vibration issues were found. To be able to give an advice for
solving these vibrations, the vibration shapes of the structure under operating conditions are
determined. This is done by performing an Operational Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis.
When the vibration patterns of the structure are known, it is analyzed which components are
critical. Possible design changes are proposed, including adding dynamic vibration absorbers.

This report is organized as follows. Chapter 2 gives an introduction to the Eclipse-II platform.
The motion-simulator is presented and the vibration problems are discussed. In chapter 3 the
theory on vibration analysis and ODS is explained. Chapter 4 handles the ODS analysis of the
motion-simulator. The results of these experiments are presented and discussed in chapter 5.
In chapter 6 possible design modifications are proposed. The design of the dynamic vibration
absorbers is explained. Moreover, advice for implementing and testing the absorbers on the
motion-simulator is given. Finally, some concluding remarks and recommendations follow in
chapter 7.

Chapter 2


2.1 Eclipse-II Platform

Motion simulators are virtual reality systems. They assume the appearance of a real situation
by using movements of a motion-base and audio-visual effects. Most current motion simulators
use a hexapod motion base. A big disadvantage of such a base is that it has limited tilt
angels (±20 − 30 deg.). Therefore, the Robust Design Engineering Laboratory (RoDEL) has
developed a mechanism capable of 360-degree tilting motion as well as translational motion.
This parallel platform is called Eclipse-II. For more information about the kinematics of the
Eclipse-II platform you are referred to Jongwon Kim et al. ([1] and [2]).

2.2 One-man Ride Machine

After extensive testing of scaled prototypes, a real motion simulator has been designed and
manufactured. This machine is called the one-man ride machine1 and is shown in figure 2.1.
Its specifications are given in table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Specifications of the one-man ride machine

Machine dimensions (L x W x H): 4200 x 4200 x 4700 mm

Machine weight: 12000 kg
Kinematic workspace (∅ x H): 236.6 x 491.3 mm
Max. linear speed: 600 mm/sec
Max. linear acceleration: 4900 mm/sec2 (0.5 g)
Max. angular speed: 120 deg/sec
Max. angular acceleration: 500 deg/sec2
Number of axes: 9

In the hereafter the Eclipse-II one-man ride motion-simulator will be referred to as ”one-man ride machine”






(a) The motion simulator (b) Nomenclature of Eclipse-II

Figure 2.1: Realization of the one-man ride machine

2.3 Vibration Issues

During tests, some unexpected vibrations were found. Especially, when the vertical and
circular columns are rotating around the vertical axis and high decelerations are applied. In
that case the columns are vibrating heavily (see figure 2.2), causing the cabin to vibrate. It
should be noted that the vibrations shown in the figure are first assumptions, based on visual
The effects of vibrations in machines can be numerous; noise and annoyance, but also,
wear, fatigue, position inaccuracy or even failure (irreversible damage) can occur. Of course,
in a virtual reality machine no unwanted vibrations should be present.

(a) The vibrations in the circu- (b) The vibrations in one of the
lar column vertical columns

Figure 2.2: Major vibrations in the circular and vertical columns (scaled)
Chapter 3

Vibration Analysis

3.1 Introduction
Different experimental techniques can be used to analyze vibrations. The most common
techniques are experimental modal analysis and operational deflection shape analysis. In
experimental modal analysis the exact dynamic behavior of a structure can be determined.
This is explained in section 3.2. In operational deflection shape analysis the vibration shapes
under real operating conditions can be determined. This is explained in section 3.3.

3.2 Modal Analysis

The dynamic properties of a structure can be determined by FEM modal-simulations (Finite
Element Method), or by experimental modal analysis. As the machine already has been built,
an experimental approach is chosen. In experimental modal analysis the FRF (Frequency
Response Function) of a system is determined. The FRF is a model of a linear system. It
is the relationship between the measured output (e.g. displacement) and input (e.g. force),
as a function of frequency. When both the applied force and the response to it are measured
simultaneously, the FRF can be calculated. From this FRF the natural frequencies, mode
shapes and modal damping can be obtained [3].

In modal analysis an important assumption is that the measured structure is isolated from
it’s surroundings (e.g. by suspending it by elastic springs), so that no external forces are
acting on the system. Considering the size of the one-man ride machine, it is very difficult to
isolate it from its environment. Moreover, there is no equipment available to simultaneously
apply and measure input forces of this (high) level. Therefore, it is chosen to determine the
vibration shapes under operating conditions, using operational deflection shape analysis.


3.3 Operational Deflection Shape (ODS) Analysis

In ODS analysis the vibration shapes of a structure, under operating conditions, are deter-
mined. The output of the system can be any number of things (displacement, acceleration,
etc.). In contrary to modal analysis, the forces acting on the system (inputs) are not measured
and, thus, unknown.

The advantages of ODS with respect to modal analysis are [4]:

+ there is no assumption of a linear model
+ the structure experiences actual operating forces
+ true boundary conditions apply

The disadvantages are [5]:

− no complete dynamic model is obtained, so no natural frequencies, mode shapes and
damping properties can be determined
− operational deflection shapes only reflect the cyclic motion at a specific frequency, but
no conclusions can be drawn for the behavior at different frequencies

In the case of the one-man ride machine, the measured output is acceleration. With these
acceleration signals the vibration shapes of the structure can be animated as follows. In
specific ODS software the structure is represented by a simple wire-frame. The measurement
points are positioned on this frame. The signals are used as inputs for the points on the
wire-frame, and shown as (scaled) displacements. For each measured frequency different
movements can be animated. This allows the designer to study the vibrations and to identify
the critical components. An example of such an animation is given in figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Animation in LMS Test.Lab

For each measurement point accelerations can be measured in three perpendicular directions.
One combination of position and one direction is a Degree Of Freedom, or DOF.

Ideal situation
In the ideal situation, all DOFs for ODS analysis are measured [5]:
1. simultaneously,
2. under constant operating conditions,
3. with signals having a high signal to noise ratio, so that no averaging is required.

Item 1, obviously, depends on the number of DOFs to be measured and on the number of
acquisition channels on the measurement system. Item 2 depends on the complexity of the
system and whether all DOFs are measured simultaneous or not. When not all DOFs are
measured simultaneously, the operating conditions at different measurements can be different.
Item 3 depends mostly on the equipment and measurement techniques used.
It is very important that the measurement equipment does not influence the dynamic
behavior of the machine. Therefore as little mass, stiffness and damping as possible should
be added to the structure.

Time ODS
There are three types of ODS [4]:
1. Time ODS
2. Spectral ODS
3. Run-up/down ODS

Time ODS is used to investigate the vibration pattern of a structure as a function of time.
Spectral ODS and Run-up/down ODS, in contrary, investigate the vibration pattern at dis-
crete operating frequencies. This is typically done in continuous rotating equipment. Because
the vibrations in the one-man ride machine occur at movements with high accelerations and
decelerations (e.g. run-stop), time ODS is chosen to be the best method. The measured time
signal can be analyzed to see what happens to the machine over time.

Reference DOF
In ODS one specific DOF j is used as reference station. If operating conditions between
different measurements change, they hopefully change in the same way for all DOFs, so the
change can be canceled out due to the relative measurement. The reference DOF also provides
a fixed phase relationship between the different response signals.

Crosspower spectrum
When it is assumable that the operating conditions will not change between the different
measurement sequences it is possible to just measure the crosspower spectra between each
DOF i and the reference DOF j. The crosspower spectrum is defined as

Gij (ω) = Xi (ω)Xj∗ (ω) (3.1)

where X ∗ denotes the complex conjugate [5].

Crosspower functions have the advantage that peaks clearly indicate high response levels.
Obviously, crosspower functions are very useful when all DOFs are measured simultaneously.
Chapter 4

ODS on One-man Ride Machine

4.1 Introduction
The measurement procedure and the measurement equipment are described in appendix A. To
become familiar with equipment, software and the measurement procedure, a test experiment
on a simple plate has been performed. This test experiment is also described in appendix
A. The experiments on the machine were repeated once, because the results of the first set
of experiments were not satisfying. The major reason was found to be the presence of too
much electrical noise. This chapter describes the procedure. Furthermore, the changes of
the second experiments with respect to the first experiments are mentioned throughout this
chapter to show what was undertaken to improve results.

4.2 Set-up
Setup hardware and define geometry
Considering the high level of electrical noise on the first experiments, the LMS Scadas III 310
measurement system was electrically ground during the second experiments. This reduced
noise significantly. Moreover, to enable the simultaneous measurement over 54 channels, an
extra data-acquisition system was added.
The LMS Scadas III 310 (described in appendix A.2) was used as master system during
both sets of experiments. The LMS Scadas III 316 was added as slave system during the
second set of experiments. It is similar to the LMS Scadas III 310, only it has 18 channels
in stead of 36. The hardware set-up is shown in figure 4.1. Furthermore, a global coordinate
system is defined, see figure 4.2.


Scadas316 Triaxial accelerometers (6x)

Scadas310 Triaxial accelerometers (12x)


Figure 4.1: Schematic presentation of the hardware set-up


x y

ϕ ψ

(a) The 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) (b) Way to remember coordinate system

Figure 4.2: Definition of the coordinate system

Define DOFs
To define the DOFs to be measured, first, appropriate measurement points are selected. To
be able to sufficiently animate the vibrations, measurement points are distributed on the
main components. Six points are defined on the circular column and five on each vertical
column. Because all movements of the cabin are in direct contact with the user, these should
be identified well. In the first set of experiments, these movements were not clearly visible.
Therefore, ten measurement points (in stead of four) are defined on the platform. Four of
them are placed on the frame, containing the cabin. Three points are defined on both the
top and bottom surface of the cabin. Furthermore, measurement points were defined on the
main joints. In figure B.1 (appendix B) the measurement points on the circular column and
on the platform are shown. Also a closer look on some main points is presented. In figure B.2
the measurement points for both vertical columns are shown. Considering the complexity of
the machine, it is chosen to measure the acceleration at each measurement point in all three
directions (x, y, z).

Define measurement sequence

Considering the number of DOFs to be measured, the experiment is split up in two parts:
1. First, the vibrations of the platform and the circular column are measured (18 points
simultaneously, see figure B.1).
2. Second, the vibrations of the two vertical columns are measured (12 points simultane-
ously, see figure B.2).

The 2 sets of data are combined using the reference DOF (accelerometer number 1).

4.3 Measurements
Setup analyzer
The analyzer software is set-up with the following configuration (There was no reason to
change these settings after the first set of experiments). The sample frequency is 2048 Hz,

within a frequency range of 1-1024 Hz. This frequency range is sufficient as low-frequent
vibrations are expected. Operating the machine and starting the measurement is done by
different persons. A time of 5 seconds ensures overlapping of measurement and operating, so
a measurement time of 5 seconds is chosen.

Calibration and attachment of accelerometers

After setting up all hardware and making all connections, the accelerometers are calibrated (at
the measurement location). Thereby, there is no temperature and humidity difference between
the calibration location and the measurement location. The accelerometers are attached to
the structure, and local and global coordinate systems are written down.

Make measurements and validate measurements

To cause the machine to vibrate, all three motors (two on the vertical columns and one on
the circular column) are actuated simultaneously. When the platform is rotated 3.6 degree
around θ they are stopped. Several trial measurements are done. The crosspower spectrum
is calculated for each measurement. When the measurement data seems repeatable and noise
seems acceptable, three measurements are done. All data is saved. During postprocessing it
is decided which data set is best. It should be noted that, as the technique used is Time ODS,
no averaging can be done and no coherence can be calculated to ensure good measurement

The accelerometers are relocated to measure the second sequence (i.e. measuring the vi-
brations of the vertical columns). One accelerometer is kept in place (number one). This
reference accelerometer is used to couple the two sets of data.

Results are presented in next chapter.

Chapter 5

ODS Results

5.1 Introduction
The time signal and crosspower spectrum plots of all six measured sequences have been
analyzed thoroughly. The best sequences were combined to one set after these analysis. This
chapter is based on that data set.
The animation of the geometry, vibrating in time, has been studied to determine the
structures’ behavior in time during the experiment. The animation at certain frequencies
have been given a closer look to determine problematic frequencies. The most pronounced
results are presented in this chapter.

5.2 Time Signal

A plot of the time signal is shown in appendix C. Different peaks can be identified in the time
signal. A close up on the first three peaks is presented in figure 5.1. In this figure, the first
peak (at t = -1.60 s.) is the starting point (when all three motors are started simultaneously).
The start-up results in no significant vibrations of the structure. The second and third peaks
(at t = -1.24 and -1.21 s.) are caused by the non-simultaneously stopping of the motors. This
can be seen when the animation of the time-signal is run.

Figure 5.1: Time signal of operating area (start-stop)


In figure 5.2a the scaled deformation of the structure (in this time animation) at t = -1.24
s. is shown. The whole structure seems in normal shape, except the right vertical column,
which is deformed heavily. This deformation is caused by the high deceleration applied by
the motor attached on that corner.
In figure 5.2b the scaled deformation of the structure at t = -1.21 s. is shown. Now, the left
vertical column and the circular column are deformed heavily. This is caused by stopping the
two concerning motors. As the time signal shows, there is a difference in stopping time of 0.03
second. In the time signal between start and stop peaks, there are relatively low vibration
levels. As all motors are started simultaneously, it is expected that stopping all motors
simultaneously will decrease the vibration level too. It should be noted that it is not sure
wether the vibrations will increase or decrease when all motors are stopped simultaneously.
The rest of the time signal seems very chaotic, the structure is vibrating heavily. To
analyze if there are repeating movements in the structures, the crosspower spectrum is studied.

(a) Stopping of first motor (b) Stopping of second and third motor

Figure 5.2: Non-simultaneously stopping of the motors


5.3 Crosspower Spectrum

The crosspower spectrum is shown in figure 5.3. Four (low-frequent) peaks can be identified;
at 3.65, 5.06, 5.72 and 7.35 Hz. The moving animations of the structure show the vibration
shapes at these frequencies. These vibration shapes will be explained here.
1. 3.65 Hertz
At this frequency a combination of motions can be identified:
• Both rectangular columns are vibrating in, what seems to be, their first bending
• The circular column is vibrating heavily.
• As a result of these vibrations, the cabin is rotating around ϕ.

This peak is clearly the highest peak in the crosspower spectrum.

2. 5.06 Hertz and 5.72 Hertz

At these frequencies, especially at 5.06 Hz, the platform is vibrating heavily. It is
performing a translational motion in x-direction. The vibrations at both frequencies
are comparable. It is noticeable that the columns are hardly moving. That is why it
is assumed that this movement is a mode of the platform at 5.06 Hz. These peaks are
significantly lower than the peak at 3.65 Hz, though.

3. 7.35 Hertz
At this frequency the platform translates in z-direction. It is noticeable that this fre-
quency is almost exactly twice as high as frequency number 1 (3.65 Hz). Probably it is
a harmonic frequency which is excited by the vibrating vertical columns.

All other peaks in the crosspower spectrum have lower amplitudes and are less distinct. Low-
frequent vibrations were assumed to form the biggest problem before doing the experiments.
These assumptions are confirmed by the results of the experiments. Phase lag between DOFs
located at joints has been searched for to detect looseness of joints. No looseness of joints
was detected.
5.06 and 5.72

Figure 5.3: The crosspower spectrum

Chapter 6

Design Modifications

6.1 Introduction
Chapter 5 made clear that there is a difference in stopping time of the three motors driving
the columns. It is unclear wether changing the control algorithms (so that all motors are
actuated simultaneously) will result in an increased or decreased vibration level. This should
be tested first. It will be done by members of the RoDEL laboratory. When changing the
controls does not give the desired effect, this chapter provides other solutions to the vibration
To eliminate or decrease the level of the vibrations, several changes can be considered.
The constructions stiffness and inertial parameters can be changed, to tune them against
resonances. Damping properties can be increased by using other materials. Finally, dynamic
vibration absorbers can be used to reduce the vibration level [6].

6.2 Changing Mass, Stiffness or Damping

The best solution to solve a vibration problem is to separate the components natural frequency
from the exciting force frequency. In this case, the high decelerations are required to simu-
late real-life situations in fighter-aircrafts. Therefore, the exciting forces cannot be changed.
The natural frequency can be changed by increasing or decreasing the components mass or
stiffness. Furthermore, the vibration level can be decreased by increasing the constructions
damping properties, by using different materials. The structural changes to bring the prob-
lematic frequencies to another level are expected to be comprehensive. It is expected that the
budget of RoDEL laboratory is not sufficient for realizing the required changes. Therefore,
it is decided to decrease the vibration problem using Dynamic Vibration Absorbers (DVAs).
Nonetheless, some design changes for the next prototype are suggested in appendix D. The
design of the DVAs is explained in the next sections.

6.3 Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA)

A DVA is a device designed to have the same natural frequency as the (problematic) com-
ponent it is mounted to. The DVA will vibrate with the same frequency but with a phase
difference of 180 degrees, reducing the initial exciting force. The theory behind the working
principle of a DVA is explained in Den Hartog [7]. In general, a DVA consists of a simple


mass-spring system; an additional mass, connected by an elastic element to the source of

vibration [6].

DVAs have several advantages over changing the construction geometry:

+ DVAs are relatively cheap.
+ While changing geometry can be a matter of trial and error, designing a DVA is a
straightforward procedure.
+ Temporary DVAs can be attached. If the temporary absorber does effectively reduce
the vibration, it can be left in place till a more permanent solution is designed and
installed. If the absorber is not effective, it can be removed with the structure being
There is one disadvantage of DVAs:
− If the problem is not resonance, adding a DVA will create a resonance problem. There-
fore, if adding a DVA does not give the desired effect, it should be removed again.
Broadly speaking there are two types of DVAs; undamped and damped DVAs. Undamped
DVAs work on a narrow frequency band. Damped DVAs work on a wider frequency band, but
their effect is less. Moreover, a damped DVA influences the structure at different frequencies

6.4 DVA Requirements

The vertical columns cause the biggest peak in the crosspower spectrum. It is chosen to
design a DVA for these columns first. Because the vibrations at 3.65 Hz show a very narrow
peak, it is chosen to design an undamped DVA. Before designing the DVA for the vertical
columns, clear requirements are set:
• 3.65 Hz
The natural frequency should be around 3.65 Hz
• Tunable
The DVA should be tunable, i.e. the natural frequency can be varied in a range (± 10
• Safe
The DVA should be safe, a lifetime calculation should be made
• Costs
The DVA should be low-cost, so easy to manufacture (drilling, milling), no exotic ma-
terials will be used

6.5 DVA Design

To keep the design easy to manufacture a simple design is desired. The natural frequency
ωn of the DVA is determined by its mass and stiffness. By simplifying the design, these two
parameters are separated. The stiffness is variable by changing the length l of a cantilever
beam, defined as ’spring’ (see figure 6.1). The mass, defined as ’block’, is not variable. To
achieve a tunable natural frequency the block can slide on the spring.
In the following the dimensions in lowercase are dimensions for the spring and in uppercase
for the block; t and T for thickness, w and W for width and l and L for length. The thickness
6.5. DVA DESIGN 25

Block (M)

Spring (k, m)

Figure 6.1: Simplified DVA

T of the block is chosen to be 20 times higher than the thickness t of the elastic beam. The
resulting stiffness is 203 (see equation 6.4) or order 8·103 times higher and can be assumed
infinite. Consequently, it can be assumed that the stiffness (read: flexibility) of the system is
determined by the spring.

From Korenev et al. [6], it is found that the mass ratio of DVA to structure can lie between
1:5 and 1:20 to give the desired effect. It is chosen to design a DVA with a mass ratio of DVA
to structure of 1:10. For the vertical column (including electronics box and part weight of
cabin, about 700 kg) this means that the total mass of the DVA should be 70 kg.

Den Hartog [7] gives analytical equations for the simplified model of the DVA. A cantilever
beam with a mass M attached to the end has a natural frequency of
ωn = (6.1)
M + 0.23m
with stiffness k and mass m of the beam. A natural frequency of 3.65 Hz and a total mass of
70 kg is required. The stiffness of the spring should be

k = ωn2 (M + 0.23m) = (3.65 · 2π)2 · 70 = 36.8 · 103 N/m (6.2)

The stiffness k of a cantilever beam can be calculated by

k= (6.3)
with Young’s Modulus E and second moment of inertia I of a rectangular cross section

I= (6.4)
Looking at equation 6.3 the stiffness is determined by the parameters E, I and l.

Material choice
To achieve a low natural frequency, low stiffness is required. The allowable strain for a
material is defined by σy /E. It gives an indication of how much deformation the material can
tolerate. The properties of carbon steel, spring steel and aluminium are given in table 6.1.
Aluminium has the lowest Young’s Modulus. Moreover, it has the highest σy /E-value. Spring
steel also has good properties, but it is not easy to manufacture. Therefore, aluminium is
chosen. An extra advantage of aluminium is that it hardly corodies.

Table 6.1: Material properties

ρ [kg/m3 ] E [GP a] σy [M P a] σy /E
Carbon steel 7830 207 500 2.4 ·10−3
Spring steel 7830 207 1000 4.8 ·10−3
Aluminium 2800 70 500 7.1 ·10−3

Dimensions block
To realize a mass of 70 kg a volume of m 3
ρ = 2800 = 0.25 m of aluminium is required. To
achieve low stiffness of the cantilever, the length l should be maximized. Smart placement
of the DVA is necessary. The total length of the absorber Ltot = l + L can not exceed 750
mm, as that is the maximum space between the vertical column and the frame. This place
is chosen for mounting the DVA (which will be shown in section 6.6). To leave enough space
for the length of the spring, the length L of the block is set to 200 mm. As mentioned, the
total thickness T is 20 times the thickness of the spring, or 300 mm. The resulting width W
to achieve a volume of 0.25 m3 is 417 mm.

Dimensions spring
Setting the initial length l of the spring to 500 mm leaves 20 mm outward movement of the
block for decreasing the natural frequency and 30 mm space between DVA and frame. As
will be shown later, the fatigue stress depends on the surface properties of the material. A
smooth surfaces will fail at a higher number of cycles than a rough surface with notches and
cracks. Therefore, it is chosen to use aluminium of a standard thickness. This standard rolled
plate has good surface properties which should not be altered by using cutting techniques.
The sides of the plate should be finished using peripheral milling. It is very important that
the sides are machined using down milling (or climb milling), so the chips will not damage
and roughen the finished surface.
It is found that aluminium plate is available in standard thicknesses of 10 and 15 mm.
Now, the dimensions of the spring for a thickness of 10 and 15 mm are determined. The
following parameters are known; k, E and l. Equation 6.3 written explicit for I gives

kl3 36.8 · 103 · 0.53

I= = = 2.19 · 10−8 (6.5)
3E 3 · 70 · 109
The maximum stress in the spring can be calculated when the maximum force at the end
of the spring is known. From tabel 2.1 we know that the maximum angular acceleration of
the platform is 500 deg/sec2 or 2π/360 · 500 = 8.73 rad/sec2 . The distance (radius) between
mass and axis of rotation (z-axis) is approximately 2.4 m. This gives a maximum linear
(tangential) acceleration of 2.4 · 8.73 = 20.95 m/sec2 . The bending force F on the spring is
then F = m · a = 70 · 20.95 = 1467N .

From Fenner [8], we find that the maximum stress in a cantilever beam of length l with a
concentrated force F at the end is

F Lt
σmax = (6.6)
6.5. DVA DESIGN 27

For a thickness of 10 mm we find

1467 · 0.6 · 0.010

σmax = = 201M pa (6.7)
2 · 2.19 · 10−8
For a thickness of 15 mm we find

1467 · 0.6 · 0.015

σmax = = 301M pa (6.8)
2 · 2.19 · 10−8

Fatigue life of spring

The fatigue stress is a value for the allowed stress in a material to withstand a number of cycles
until failure. It depends on material properties, the surface properties and on the number of
load cycles. To be able to guarantee safety over a sufficient test period, the number of load
cycles is determined:

It is expected that the DVA vibrates over a maximum time of five seconds per stop. This
means a maximum of 20 vibrations (at 3.65 Hz) or load cycles per stop. The DVA will be
designed for 1000 start/stop-runs. This is sufficient to test the DVA extensively. 1,000 runs
equals 20,000 cycles. A safety factor of five is chosen to guarantee safety over the test period.
Failure should not occur before completing 100,000 cycles. It should be noted that the spring
should be removed after 1000 start/stop-runs, though.

The most common way to express fatigue stress is with SN-curves. In SN-curves the number
of cycles at which failure occurs is plotted against the maximum occurring stress in these
load cycles. In figure 6.2 a SN-curve for aluminium is shown. As can be seen in the figure,
aluminium parts with a smooth surface have a longer lifetime then parts with a rough surface.
Plate of standard thickness and peripheral milled sides is used. The figure shows that the
maximum allowed stress for a lifetime of 105 cycles, with a normal to smooth surface is 30
ksi, or 207 N/m2 . Comparing this value with the maximum stress calculated in 6.7 and 6.8
shows that only the spring with a thickness of 10 mm satisfies the lifetime calculation.

Figure 6.2: SN-curve for aluminium


Using equation 6.4 we can find that for a thickness t of 10 mm the width w of the spring
becomes 263 mm. The width w of the spring is much higher than the thickness t. This
ensures that the mass will vibrate in the desired (flexibel) direction. The total length Ltot
extending from the column is 720 mm. It is composed as follows; working length spring l 500
mm, extension for clamping the block 200 mm, extension for tunability 20 mm. The plate is
extended for 200 mm inwards so it can be mounted to the column. The total length becomes
920 mm. Four 12 mm holes are drilled in the plate, which can contain 12 mm threads to
mount it to the column.

The block is divided into two parts. Each block contains four 12 mm holes, and is clamped
on the spring with 12 mm threads. The blocks can slide on the spring to change the natural
frequency of the DVA. The only manufacturing techniques that should be used are drilling
and milling.

In table 6.2 the dimensions for spring and block are shown. A CAD drawing of the DVA
is shown in figure 6.3. Technical drawings can be found in appendix E. It is advised that
the blocks are connected to the column with a steel cable, for extra safety. This should be
included in the design.

Table 6.2: Dimensions for DVA

t/T [mm] w/W [mm] l/L [mm]

Spring 10 263 920
Block 200 417 200

Figure 6.3: CAD drawing of the assembled DVA


6.6 DVA Implementation and Tuning

For safety, it is very important that the DVAs are fixed well. It is advised that the blocks
are connected to the column with a steel cable. Damping decreases the effect of the DVA [6].
Therefore, a hysteresis-free connection should be achieved. This can be achieved by bolting
the DVA to the vertical column. Four 12 mm holes should be drilled in each vertical column.
In figure 6.4 an example for the implementation of the DVA for the vertical column is shown.

Figure 6.4: DVA mounted to vertical column

When the DVAs are attached, a first run/stop can be operated. Visual inspection should be
done to check if the initial vibration problem has decreased or increased.

Iterative test procedure

Because the intensity of the exciting force is not known, some trial-and-error experiments
might be needed. The DVA should be tuned, such that its natural frequency exactly matches
the natural frequency of the vertical column. This can be done by repeating this sequence:
1. run/stop the machine
2. check the effect of the DVA
3. move the DVA on the spring
4. start at number 1.

If improvements are visible, ODS can be performed again to verify the observations. If no
improvements are seen, the DVA should be removed, as it can introduce a resonance in the
Chapter 7

Conclusions and Recommendations

Two options have been considered for analyzing the vibrations in the one-man ride machine.
Experimental modal analysis was rejected because the proper equipment was not available.
Moreover, the size of the machine makes it impractical to isolate it from its surroundings.
Operational deflections shape analysis was expected to be the best method for analyzing the
vibration shapes of the motion simulator.

Two sets of ODS experiments were performed, resulting in clear and satisfying results. Dur-
ing the experiments, all three columns were rotated around the vertical axis, and stopped.
The time signal shows that one of three motors (attached to the right vertical column) is
stopped 0.03 seconds to early. The results show that the machine suffers from serious, low-
frequent, vibrations. The crosspower spectrum of the measurements is analyzed to identify
the problematic components. The highest peak indicates that the vertical columns are vi-
brating heaviest at 3.65 Hz. This results in vibrations of the cabin at twice that frequency,
7.35 Hz. The cabin is vibrating separately around 5.06 Hz.

Several options for modifying the one-man ride machine have been considered. Structural
changes (moving inertia or adding stiffness and/or damping) are expected to be effective
but too comprehensive and, thus, too expensive. Nevertheless, several design changes are
proposed which should be considered when building a second prototype. Tunable dynamic
vibration absorbers for the vertical columns are designed. They are designed to decrease the
vibrations of these columns at 3.65 Hz. An advice is given to implement the DVAs. They are
designed for a lifetime of 1000 start/stop-runs, which should be sufficient to test the machine
extensively. Technical drawings are included in the appendices.


• The control algorithms should be changed, such that all three motors are actuated

• If changing the control algorithms does not decrease the vibrations (at high decelera-
tions), dynamic vibration absorbers can be attached to the vertical columns.

• It is very important that the production methods described in this report are used. The
sides of the spring should be finished using peripheral (or climb) milling.

• An extra connection between blocks and column is advised. A steel cable can be used.
This is not included in the design.

• If the DVAs are effective, new ODS experiments should be performed to analyze the
behavior of the construction.

• Before building a second prototype, a thorough dynamic (modal) analysis should be

performed. In appendix D several design changes are proposed to improve the dynamic
behavior of the machine.

• This report might be used as a reference for performing ODS experiments.

• This report might be used as a reference for designing DVAs.


[1] Jongwon Kim, Jae Chul Hwang, Jin Sung Kim, Cornel C. Iurascu, Frank Chongwoo
Park, and Young Man Cho. Eclipse-II: A new parallel mechanism enabling continuous
360-degree spinning plus three-axis translational motions. IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom.,
18(3):367–373, June 2002.

[2] Jongwon Kim and Sun Ho Kim. A new fighter simulator based on a full spinning six
degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism platform. In I/ITSEC, 2005.

[3] D.J. Ewins. Modal Testing: theory, practice and application. Research Studies Press,

[4] Brüel & Kjaer. ODS tutorial: Introduction, definitions and terminology, measurements
and validation, applications, 2004.

[5] LMS International. Tutorial: Operational deflection shape analysis, 2005.

[6] Boris G. Korenev and Leonid M. Reznikov. Dynamic Vibration Absorbers. Wiley, 1996.

[7] J.P. den Hartog. Mechanical Vibrations. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1947.

[8] Roger T. Fenner. Mechanics of Solids. CRC Press, 1999.

Appendix A

Equipment, Procedure and Test


A.1 Introduction
In this appendix the equipment used for ODS experiments is presented. The equipment has
been made available by the Acoustics & Vibrations Laboratory of the Advanced Automotive
Research Center at SNU. The measurement procedure is divided in different steps, providing
a clear plan to do the experiments. To become familiar with equipment, software and the
measurement procedure, a test experiment on a simple plate has been performed.

A.2 ODS Equipment

Data acquisition front-end
The LMS Scadas III 310 signal conditioning and data acquisition system is a 36-channel
portable lab-device. It is shown in figure A.1. The system enables simultaneous measurement
of 36 DOFs. It is connected to a PC through a PCMCIA-card.

Figure A.1: The LMS Scadas III 310 data acquisition system


The software for data acquisition, analysis and visualization of results is LMS Test.Lab. This
software forms a perfect combination with the LMS Scadas III data acquisition system.
The whole procedure of calibration, defining the measurement range, doing measurements,
computing results and displaying animations is integrated in one software package.

The accelerometers are Brüel & Kjaer type 4506. These are piezoelectric triaxial accelerome-
ters with a low mass compared to the structure of the machine. The specifications are given
in table A.1. Each accelerometer is calibrated in all three directions before they are attached.
They are mounted on the structure using Endevco accelerometer mounting wax or Henkel
401 bond.

Table A.1: Specifications of B&K 5406 accelerometer

Sensitivity: about 10.00 mV/ms−2

(is calibrated before each measurement)
Frequency range: 1 - 6000 Hz
Weight: 15 g

Vibration calibrator
The device used for calibrating the accelerometers is a Brüel & Kjaer 4294 exciter. It has
a reference vibration level of 10 ms−2 . The operating frequency is fixed at 159.15 Hertz (=
1000 rads−1 ). It is shown in figure A.2. The measured vibration level is used as a reference
for the accelerometer signal.

Figure A.2: The B&K 4294 exciter with the B&K 4506 accelerometer mounted to it

A.3 Measurement Procedure

This section provides a clear measurement procedure which was followed narrowly to prevent
mistakes. The stepwise measurement procedure is divided in three main parts and is advised
by Brüel & Kjaer [4]:

1. Setup:
• Setup hardware
First, all hardware should be set up. All connections should be made and tested.
• Define geometry
The geometry of the test object should be well-defined, so that the DOFs to be
measured can be chosen.
• Define DOFs
Before attaching the accelerometers to the structure, suitable DOFs should be
determined. A rule of thumb is that there should be something (acceleration) to
measure on that specific position in that specific direction. To detect looseness of
joints, either sides of joints are also good measurement points.
• Define measurement sequence
In the case that there are less input channels (on the data acquisition system) then
DOFs to be measured, a measurement sequence should be chosen. It is very impor-
tant that operating conditions do not change between the different measurements.
As Time ODS is used, averaging is not possible.

2. Measurements:
• Setup analyzer
First step of setting up the analyzer consists of choosing the frequency range and
resolution. Time signals and crosspower spectra should be measured. All DOFs
should be linked to a different channel in the ODS software.
• Calibration
The transducers are calibrated using the exciter described in section A.2. Therefore
the accelerator is placed on the exciter. The ODS software has an auto-calibration
function, which uses the vibration level of the exciter as a reference.
• Attach accelerometers and make trial measurement
The accelerometers are attached using Henkel bond. This provides a reliable, light
and stiff connection. The wires should not be entirely fixed to the structure. When
the wires hang loose, they vibrate less, thereby generating less noise in the signal.
• Make measurements
When all transducers are calibrated and well-fixed and the measurement range
is chosen, the measurement can start. The machine is operated at normal, but
problematic, accelerations.
• Validate measurement
After measuring, the data should be verified. When the results seem not satisfying,
both the equipment and the set-up should be checked and the measurement should
be repeated.

3. Results and documentation:

• Transfer measurements to animation program
When the measurement is successful the data can be transferred to an animation
program. In this case that is another module in the same software package. The
DOFs can be linked to the corresponding directions in the nodes of the defined
geometry. For different frequencies the response of the structure can be visualized.
• Geometry animation
Now, the designer can analyze the vibration animation and can decide which com-
ponents are critical in what direction. Depending on this information, modifica-
tions in the design of the critical components can be done to reduce vibrations.

A.4 Test Experiment: ”Modal Analysis of a Simple Plate”

Before going to Incheon (location of the one-man ride machine) to do the ODS experiments,
a test experiment is performed. In this way one becomes familiar with the software and
equipment before the real experiment is performed. Moreover, the experimental procedure
can be practiced.

Modal analysis of a simple plate

To keep the practice simple and verifiable it is chosen to do the test experiment on a simple
plate. Because a simple plate does not have operating conditions it is chosen to do a modal
analysis experiment. However, the same equipment and software is used. The plate is isolated
from its environment by attaching it to a frame through weak springs (see figure A.3).

Figure A.3: The test experiment set-up


When the analyzer is set, the geometry is defined. A grid of six points on the plate’s surface
is defined. Measurement points are chosen on locations away from nodes of modes that are
expected. Each of the six accelerometers is calibrated in all three directions (x, y, z) and
positioned on the specified points, with the corresponding orientation (see figure A.4).

Figure A.4: All accelerometers attached in the right orientations

Now, the trigger for hammer-impact can be set. The impact frequency range is chosen by
impacting several times. When all ranges are well-defined, the roving hammer experiment can
begin. To reduce noise, for each point an average of five impacts is taken. When all six points
are excited, the results are analyzed. The accelerations can be transformed to displacement
signals by integrating twice. These displacements can be linked with points on the wireframe,
thereby animating the vibrations of the plate. The first six natural frequencies can easily
be recognized in the FRF (see figure A.5). The first six modes (three bending and three
rotation modes) can be visualized in the animation. After performing the test experiment,
the equipment is known well and the measurement procedure is clear.



0 Frequency 1024

Figure A.5: In the FRF of the test experiment the first six natural frequencies can easily be
Appendix B

Measurement Points

13 12
1 (Ref.)


4 15

Figure B.1: Measurement points for first sequence



19 19

1 (Ref.)

20 28
25 27 22 25
26 21



Figure B.2: Measurement points for second sequence

Appendix C

Time Signal

Figure C.1: Plot of the time signal that was selected best

Appendix D

Design changes next prototype

If, in the future, a second prototype of the one-man ride machine is built, these recommen-
dations for changes in the design should be taken in mind:

• All unnecessary inertia should be removed, the keywords are ’light’ and ’stiff’.
• The horizontal sections of the vertical columns are over-dimensioned in z-direction.
The weight of the columns can be supported by the wheel guiding at the bottom of the
• Currently, the cabin is connected to the platform frame with low rotation stiffness
around ψ. This connection can be made stiffer by moving the link with the circular
column to the top of the frame containing the cabin.
• The weight of cabin + platform frame is about 800 kg. This should be reduced (e.g.
by using sandwich constructions, they are light-weight, very stiff and have good noise
• The electronics boxes should be mounted as close to the motors as possible. This means
that the box is mounted low on the vertical column. Moreover, the electronics boxes
become better accessible for people.
• The circular column’s stiffness should be increased in transverse direction and decreased
in radial direction. There are low forces in the radial direction, which is dimensioned
stiffest. The main driving forces on that column are tangential, and the inertial forces
are in transverse direction.

Appendix E

Technical drawings

On the next two pages, the technical drawings for blocks and spring can be found. These
drawings are downscaled from A3 size. The block is on a scale of 1:2 and the spring on a
scale of 1:5.


Figure E.1: Technical drawings block


Figure E.2: Technical drawings spring

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