Very Low Altitude Drag-Free Satellites: R D Updates

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_______________________________________________________ R & D UPDATES



Triad demonstrated the practicality of the drag-free satellite subsystem DISCOS, which provided
control propulsion to precisely counteract the effects of drag and solar radiation pressure, and
results in a pure ballistic trajectory. The advent of Space Shuttle, which is ideally suited to launching
extremely heavy satellites into very low altitude orbits, now makes attractive the use of DISCOS to
. carry out space missions of increasing capability and sophistication.

The geometric advantages of high altitude - even concerned with photographic observation of the
synchronous - satellites, particularly for communi- earth's surface, are flown at very low altitudes.
cations relay, are widely recognized. It is less well Primary contributions to the current knowledge of
recognized that there are frequently good reasons for the earth's gravity field were obtained by observation
orbiting satellites at altitudes as low as practicable. In of the motion of satellites at altitudes below about
this article we discuss the use and advantages of the 950 km. A still higher order of detail has been ob-
drag-free technique for substantially lowering the tained, at least over the ocean areas, by the use of
altitude of a satellite to the minimum that can be radar altimetry from Geos-3, a low altitude satellite.
considered practicable. I t is generally recognized that further progress in
determining the higher-order (short wavelength)
THE USE OF LOW ALTITUDE gravity field terms requires the observation of
satellites at the lowest practicable altitude. The
SATELLITES reason for this is that these higher order terms arise
There are two quite different reasons for using from inhomogeneities in density in or near the crust,
very low altitude satellites. One is to minimize launch and hence their gravitational effect on the satellite
costs; other things being equal, the lowest launch falls off with the inverse square of the satellite
costs result from the lowest practicable altitude. altitude. Similarly, improved magnetic field measure-
Phrased differently, with a given launch vehicle the ments require extremely low altitude orbits to
maximum satellite weight results from the choice of identify the presence of magnetic anomalies that are
the lowest practicable altitude. It was for this reason crustal in origin (e.g., from magnetic ore bodies).
that the early manned suborbital and orbital flights The recent short-lived Seasat showed that a wealth
were at very low altitudes. The same consideration of observational data concerning the ocean surface,
led to the choice of a very low altitude for Skylab. sea state, wind velocity, surface temperature, etc.
The Small Astronomy Satellites (SAS) were put in could be obtained from low altitude satellites.
very low orbits to maximize the weight launchable by Lowering the altitude of such a satellite improves the
the least costly launch vehicle - the Scout. These resolution of the instrument by increasing the signal
considerations will be even more compelling in the strength and reducing the footprint for a given power
future with Space Shuttle as the primary launch and antenna size.
vehicle. Shuttle is ideally suited to putting very large Direct observation or remote sampling of the
satellites into orbits up to about 320 km at a low cost atmosphere, whether for meteorological purposes,
per pound. High orbits achieved from Shuttle, no environmental monitoring (pollutants, ozone), or
matter how small the satellite, require additional atmospheric science, is clearly aided by the use of
upper stages, with a considerable increase in launch very low altitude satellites, opening up the possibility
costs. of in situ measurements in some cases. By measuring
The second reason for placing satellites in ex- along the line of sight between two very low altitude
tremely low orbits is that the observations to be made satellites in the same orbit but displaced in phase, the
by the satellites concern the earth's surface or things measurement can be brought down to sea level.
in close proximity to the earth's surface (e.g., the Finally the use of a phase-displaced pair of satellites
atmosphere or the earth's crust). Thus the Air opens up interesting possibilities for stereoscopic
Force's classified surveillance satellites, which are observation of clouds and surface features.

Volume I, Number 4, 1980 279

Table 1 summarizes some of the potential ap- The satellites that are routinely tracked with the
plications for satellites at very low altitudes. greatest precision today are those constituting the
Navy Navigation Satellite System. These satellites
Table 1 continuously announce their current position based
on a 12 hour prediction. Even at their relatively high
APPLICATIONS OF VERY LOW ALTITUDE SATELLITES altitude of 1000 km, the error in the 12 hour
prediction is dominated by the uncertainty in drag
prediction. The reason for this is that current drag
Discipline Some Objectives
models are quite inadequate for precision tracking.
Both the composition and density of the high altitude
Geodesy Improved gravity field model
atmosphere are uncertain and vary markedly with
Refined gravity anomaly measurement time of day, recent solar activity, and other variables.
Oceanography Sea surface topography Even the mechanism of drag at certain altitudes is
Geomagnetism Improved geomagnetic field model uncertain. If the altitude is so low that intermittent
Refined magnetic anomaly thrust is required to prevent premature reentry (as is
measurement the case with reconnaissance satellites), the un-
Updated and improved magnetic certainty of these impulses further complicates the
charts determination of accurate tracking. Thus, up to now
Aeronomy Upper atmosphere and ionosphere the lowest practicable altitude for a satellite has
density and composition
almost always been the lowest altitude at which it was
possible to meet the tracking accuracy required by
Ozone measurements (drag
the mission.
Meteorology Cloud height measurements
Geology Stereoscopic photography DISCOS - THE DRAG-FREE
A design concept that completely eliminates the
HOW LOW IS PRACTICABLE? difficulties caused by drag and makeup impulses in
Generally, the lowest practicable altitude for a the tracking of low altitude satellites actually dates
satellite is determined by atmospheric drag effects. from the pre-Sputnik era; it was originally suggested
Depending on its ballistic coefficient, a satellite at an for application to ballistic missiles rather than
altitude below 200 km is doomed to reenter and ter- satellites. It appears to have been invented in-
minate its mission within a few days. In fact, dependently by a number of people in the 1950's but
reconnaissance satellites at very low altitudes require most vigorously pursued by Stanford University. It
occasional applications of thrust to prevent prema- was first demonstrated in a spacecraft called Triad
ture reentry. (Fig. 1), which was designed and built by the APL
Assuming that reentry is avoided either by the Space Department, with substantial assistance from
choice of a sufficiently high altitude or the applica- the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department of
tion of thrusting, the next problem that seriously Stanford University. APL has used the name DISCOS
complicates the use of low altitude satellites is preci- (for DISturbance compensation system) rather than
sion tracking. Generally speaking, the very con- "drag-free" since this device provides automatic and
siderations that suggested the use of low altitude also precise compensation for all external (nongravita-
require precision tracking of the satellite. In mapping tional) forces, including radiation pressure, and not
the magnetic field, it does little good to improve the just drag. The DISCOS device is illustrated in Fig. 2.
accuracy of determination of the magnetic field A small proof mass is located in a hollow cavity
vector unless the position in space at which the within the satellite. Means are provided for detecting
measurement was made is known with corresponding the position of the proof mass within the cavity; in
accuracy. Similar arguments apply to almost all the the Triad satellite this measurement was made by
suggested applications of low altitude satellites. The capacitive coupling. Six jets supply both positive and
desired data accuracy requires the highest possible negative thrust impulses along three orthogonal axes.
tracking accuracy. Figure 2 shows only that single axis along which drag
Unfortunately, very low altitude satellites are acts. The proof mass is caged during launch and
particularly difficult to track with precision. The uncaged after the satellite achieves orbit. At this
current knowledge of the gravity field of the earth is point, external forces (e.g., drag acting on the
quite adequate for superb tracking (to a few meters) satellite) apply a backward force, but the proof mass,
of satellites as low as 1000 km. But the still un- being housed in a solid walled cavity, is completely
determined higher order (short wavelength) terms of shielded from this force. Hence the satellite moves
the gravity field have an increasing effect on orbit backward relative to the proof mass. This motion is
determination as the orbit altitude is reduced. More sensed and the error signal is used to fire the aft
importantly, the effect of drag on satellite position thruster, thus providing a forward force that par-
increases very markedly as the altitude is reduced. tially compensates for the drag force. The closed-

280 Juhns Hupkin s APL Technical Digest

determined by the only force from which it cannot be
Radioisotope thermoelectric generator : .
shielded - the gravity field. Thus the proof mass
follows a true ballistic trajectory. But the collision-
avoidance servo system constrains the main satellite
Command receiver antennas to follow precisely the same trajectory. Thus the
simple collision-avoidance system results in metering
x the thrust impulses to precisely compensate external
~ Magnetometer sensors disturbing forces. In Triad the thrust impulses were
Power unit boom //,
of a fixed level and duration, with metering accom-
plished by varying the interval between the standard
impulses. This approach makes it possible to operate
Disturbance compensation system over a very large dynamic range of disturbing forces.
The Triad satellite was launched in September
1972. Figure 3 shows a typical 12 min period of oper-
ation with respect to the along-track axis. Between
thruster impulses there is a continuous force acting
on the satellite but not on the proof mass, resulting in
a parabolic relative displacement curve. The thruster
was set to fire when the relative displacement reached
1 mm (a 1 mm dead band). The proof mass remained
in the dead band throughout 18 months of operation
until the fuel (cold gas) was exhausted.
Of course the compensation of external forces is
not quite perfect. There is a small bias force, prin-
cipally due to the gravitational attraction of the main
satellite on the proof mass. This bias can be deter-
mined by comparing long-term prediction of along-
Fig. 1-Triad oriented by gravity gradient. track position with the position actually achieved.
For the Triad satellite, along-track position showed
(Only one axis is shown) an error of approximately 75 m in a 53 day predic-
tion. This corresponds to an along-track bias force of
· 5.5 x 10-12 g (see Fig. 4). However, this does not
represent the ultimate attainable accuracy. In fact it
D~~~e~~r~~ -------l)O~ is easy to design a system for applying forces of this
level on the proof mass (e.g., with magnetic or
1 )0
Dead zone electrostatic forces) and, by command, canceling the
bias force once it is calibrated in orbit. Thus there is
Forward di rection -----.. Aft literally no limit to the accuracy achievable with
of satellite motion ......·r-----~--I
DISCOS, and the lowest practicable altitude is no
Forward thruster '----,-r--"'<:-~ , Aft thruster longer set by tracking accuracy requirements.
Proof mass
A DISCOS-type satellite having a commandable bias
can be used not only to cancel the inevitable small
bias observed in orbit but, by providing for larger
bias capability, to provide a satellite that can be
Fig. 2-lllustration of DISCOS as used on the Triad purposely accelerated or decelerated with respect to a
satellite. drag-free orbit and thus be purposely driven into a
higher or lower orbit as desired. If two satellites with
loop control system that relates proof mass position DISCOS are placed together in identical orbits (e.g., by
to thruster firing is essentially a simple collision-
avoidance system that prevents the proof mass from Aft thruster fires
reaching the walls of the cavity. E
5 1~~-~~-~-~~-~~-~-,-~--.
To see that the system will automatically meter the C Q) . : ••••••: .' •• • •

~ :~ ~ ._.::..:.:....: .._.;: .....;... . ·:·;........:.•. _•.....: ... :__ •.. _ ...._r:- ..

applied thrust impulses and precisely counter the
applied external forces, it is only necessary to con- ~ ~ O~--------------------I
sider the behavior of the proof mass. Because the §~~
proof mass never reaches the cavity walls, no force is o - 1L--L_~~_~_L--L_~~_~~L--'-~
applied to the proof mass by the main satellite. Being ~ 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 12
Elapsed time (min)
shielded from external forces (drag and radiation
pressure), the proof mass follows a trajectory Fig. 3- DISCOS proof mass motion.

Volullle I, N lIlllber4, 1980 281

Mode led bias force: 5.5 x 1O- 12 g shows as a function of altitude the stagnation
Total distance traveled (prediction period) : 230 x 10 6 nmi
temperature that would have to be withstood by a
Pred ict ion period heat shield for prolonged periods. It appears that an
altitude of 125 km would result in stagnation tem-
Along-track results
peratures of about 300°C at the air density resulting
50 from solar maximum. It might not be too difficult to
O~~----------+-~~~-r------------~ design an appropriate heat shield to make 125 km

rJ T I~
practicable. Increasing the altitude to 150 km reduces
- 50
~-100 this temperature to the neighborhood of a relatively
comfortable 100°C, which is unquestionably practi-
W 100.----.----.-----.----.----.-----.----.
cable. Thus the feasibility of a DISCOS is considered
for operation at the low altitude limits of 125 to 150
50 Slant-range results
km. From Figs. 7 and 8 it is seen that the propellant
0~~----------~~~~~----~~~~-4 weight (hydrazine) lies in the range of 200 to 1000 kg
-50 per month per square meter of satellite frontal cross
_100L----L----~-- __ L __ _~_ _ _ _~_ __ _L __ _~

- 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Elapsed time (days)
Assumptions: Surface em issivity = 0.8
Fig. 4- Tracking results from Triad satellite using DISCOS. Solar input = 0

Shuttle), an accelerating bias followed by a decelerat-

ing bias to one of the two satellites will return the bi-
ased satellite to its original orbit with a change in
phase. Thus, a pair of satellites in the same orbit can
have their phase difference (spacing) altered at will
during the mission. This is very useful for many
scientific missions such as aeronomy. Varying the .Q200
phase between a pair of co-orbiting satellites makes it C

possible to vary the altitude at which the atmosphere ~ 100

is viewed along the line of sight (Fig. 5). Varying the
relative phase is particularly important for the so-
called low-low approach to dynamic geodesy. APL is
currently analyzing the low-low approach to geodesy
under a NASA contract, but enough work has been - 100L-----~----~----~--~~L---=-~----~

done to make it clear that the ability to vary in a 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
A lt itude (km)
controlled manner the orbit spacing of two DISCOS-
type satellites is very useful in distinguishing gravit y Fig. 6-Effect of altitude on stagnation temperature.
terms of different wavelengths.
In the pre-Shuttle era, the use of DISCOS to make
possible a great reduction in the practicable altitude 2
of low altitude satellites was not considered, simply
because of the rather large propellant weights 1.0 r---~,_T_----------------------------___t
necessary to counteract the substantial drag forces
~ 0.6
and the corresponding very high launch costs with Solar maximum
available boosters. But Shuttle provides a totally ~ 0.4 Exospheric temperature (T e) = 1300K
.2 Drag coefficient (Cd) = 3.3
changed economic base. It is ideally suited to carry
large weights into low orbits economically. o
e 0.2
With DISCOS making possible accurate tracking at 0.1 ~----------->r---~------------------__i
any altitude, the lowest practicable altitude would
appear to be set by thermal considerations. Figure 6
Constant altitude
l _-a--& -- n-O,-- -,-; ~~-----~ - - ~ __ ,_ 0.02

-//- \ Earth - ----, 0.01'------'-------'--------'------"'--------'-------'

100 150 200 250
Altitude (km)
Fig. 5-Line·of·sight and reflection communication
geometry. Fig. 7- Drag force for satellites at very low altitudes.

282 j ohns H opkins A PL Technical Diges{

provide a follow-on for Seasat and for an extendable
Area = 1.0 m2 boom to carry instruments (such as magnetometers)
Specific impulse = 231
400 that must be distant from the main spacecraft (fol-
low-on Magsat mission). The configuration shown
200 has provision for 2000 kg of hydrazine for 2 \12
:c months of performance at 125 km altitude or 20
~100r-----------~~~~----------------~ months at 150 km. The spacecraft could also be
E designed to permit refueling from later Shuttle
d, 60
-; 40 flights. As seen in Figs. 10 and 11, a pair of such
~ satellites would constitute only a modest fraction of a

~ 20 Shuttle payload.
~ 10r-------------------------~--------__4 CONCLUSION
6 The Shuttle capability appears to open up the
4 possibility of orbiting DISCOS (drag-free) satellites
that can operate at extremely low altitudes (as low as
2 thermal considerations permit). Such satellites have
1~ ____~____~_____ L_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _L __ _~
many applications and can perform many scientific
100 150 200 250 missions. The possibilities appear sufficiently at-
Altitude (km) tractive to warrant a more detailed design and cost
Fig. 8-Propellant usage for satellites at very low
study would seem to be warranted so that this
altitude. specific alternative can be considered in future
mission planning.

section. Selection of a preferred configuration

would, of course, require a detailed design study that
we have not yet carried out, but a conceptual design
of a Shuttle-compatible low altitude DISCOS satellite Maximum payload envelope 180 x 720 in .
clearly indicates its feasibility.
Attitude stabilization has been chosen to be earth- 'lI Ir- - - - J- - - - - - ~I
pointing because the primary reason for using a very L...J
_~ _ ___________ I:

low altitude orbit is observation of the earth or some- :1 II

thing closely tied to the earth (e.g., the magnetic LL_ =-_=-_=- _-= _-= _-= _-= _-=-_-=-_=-_ _j
field). However, gravity gradient stabilization, which Space shuttle Low altitude DISCOS satellite
is frequently preferred for earth-pointing satellites,
Fig. 10.-Shuttle launch configuration for low altitude
has not been adopted because it usually results in a DISCOS satellite.
high drag configuration. Instead we assume the type
of momentum wheel stabilization used in the earth-
pointing mode of SAS-3 and adopted for Magsat. Two low altitude DISCOS satellites
This allows the spacecraft to be flown horizontally to
achieve minimum drag.
The conceptual design (Fig. 9) shows two fuel
tanks symmetrically displaced with respect to the
DISCOS sensor. This makes it possible for the DISCOS
sensor to remain at the center of gravity of the
spacecraft as the fuel is used in equal quantities from
each tank. Provision is made for an altimeter dish to

1.0 m

~ Folding boom

\ Vect~r magnetometer Aft thrusters

Scalar magnetometer

Angular momentum flywheel

Fig. 9-Conceptual design of low altitude DISCOS satellite. Fig. 11-DISCOS on Shuttle pallet.

Volume I, NUl11ber4, 1980 283

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