Prodly Moover User Guide
Prodly Moover User Guide
Prodly Moover User Guide
© Copyright 2018 Prodly, Inc. All rights reserved. Prodly and Moover are trademarks of Prodly, Inc., as are other names and
marks. Salesforce and other names are trademarks of, inc., and are used here with permission. Other marks and
names appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 2
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Getting Started 6
Introduction 6
Terminology 7
Installation and Configuration 8
Installation Steps 8
Configuration Steps for New Installations 10
Configuration Steps for Upgrade Installations 13
Getting Started Tutorial 19
Typical Moover Workflow 19
Organization Connections 20
Data Set Creation 22
Deployment 24
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 3
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 4
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 5
Prodly Moover is a Lightning-ready application for Salesforce® that enables rapid migration of relational
data between any Salesforce organizations. Without Moover, migrating data between Salesforce
organizations is a painstakingly slow, cumbersome process.
Moover enables migration of data in conceptually the same way Salesforce change sets enable migration
of metadata. Salesforce administrators and developers commonly use change sets to deploy project
metadata to production environments. Yet in many cases, the data (such as custom objects and settings)
also contains configuration information. Moover enables you to move both the configuration information
in the data and the data records themselves.
The following list includes a few features and uses of Moover:
● Use Moover’s centrally-controlled deployment architecture to control all deployments from a
single Salesforce organization.
● Streamline implementation of AppExchange apps and custom development.
● Replace data loader exports, remapping of parent IDs, and manual imports into production with
1-click migration.
● Establish bi-directional migration of data sets between production and sandbox organizations.
● Manage lookup and master-detail relationships on complex object data models.
● Copy test data sets to multiple developer sandboxes with 1-click migration.
● Overcome the monthly refresh interval limitation of full sandboxes.
● Migrate data between two sandbox environments to stage data for user acceptance testing
● Scramble personal data (such as email addresses and social security numbers) in test data
deployed to a sandbox.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 6
● Create a backup of a Moover data set in the JSON file format and store it to GitHub.
The following list consists of select terminology present in this document:
● Source data - Information in an organization’s database that Moover copies to another
organization during deployment.
● Schema - A set of related objects in an organization. The complete structure of the database. Just
the structure, not the data in the structure. A schema defines the relationships between objects in
an organization or application.
● Data set - A reusable set of relational data migration instructions Moover uses to determine
which objects, records, and fields Moover copies during deployment. A data set identifies the
structure of the data Moover deploys, not the data in the structure. A data set might include SOQL
query record filters as well as instructions for performing tasks such as scrambling fields or
synchronizing picklist values. A data set consists of one or more data set elements. Refer to the
data sets chapter for definitions of data set element, root element, and more.
● The following definitions describe Moover’s use of your Salesforce organizations. Depending on
the use case, a single Salesforce organization can serve multiple purposes (refer to Figure 1 for a
visual representation):
○ Control organization - The organization where you install the Moover app, build your
data sets, store your data sets, execute deployments, and manage user security
parameters. The control organization is the key to Moover’s centrally-controlled
deployment architecture.
○ Source organization - An organization containing the source data to deploy.
○ Destination organization - An organization that receives the source data during
○ Schema organization - An organization containing the schema the data set editor uses
as the basis for building data sets in the control organization. All objects in a data set
must also exist in the source and destination organization schemas.
● Prodly Moover consists of the following components:
○ Moover application - The software program you install in your Salesforce organization,
providing the user interface to Moover.
○ Moover service - The backend portion of Moover that runs on a server in the Moover
cloud and performs the data deployment.
● Connection - Each Moover connection is a bridge between the Moover service and your
Salesforce control, schema, source, and destination organizations, which give the service limited
access to your organizations. Moover uses industry standard OAuth to eliminate the possibility of
exposing your login credentials.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 7
Installation Steps
To install the application from the managed package, perform the following steps:
1. In a web browser, navigate to the Moover installation webpage to access the installer. The Prodly
Moover installation webpage appears.
2. Click one of the following installation choices to specify the organization to use as your control
a. Install Moover in a production organization - Choose for active, trial, and developer
b. Install Moover in a sandbox - Choose for sandboxes.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 8
3. On the Salesforce login screen that appears, log in to the organization to use as your control
organization using your Salesforce login credentials. The Install Prodly Moover or Upgrade
Prodly Moover webpage appears.
4. Select one of the following options to give users access to Prodly Moover:
a. Install for Admins Only - This option provides access to system administrators only.
b. Install for All Users - This option provides access to all users with profiles in your
c. Install for Specific Profiles... - This option allows you to selectively choose which users
have access.
5. To optionally review additional details about the app, click View Components at the bottom of the
installation screen.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 9
7. Select Yes, grant access to these third-party web sites. Continue enables.
8. Click Continue. App installation begins.
9. Once installation completes, click Done. The Salesforce Setup app appears, displaying the Home
tab containing the Apps > Installed Packages list, which shows the version number of the Moover
managed package.
10. Send an email containing the organization ID of your control organization to [email protected]
to activate your subscription or trial license. You can find your organization ID at Setup >
Company Settings > Company Information > Organization ID.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 10
1. In the Salesforce organization where you installed Moover, navigate to Setup > Users >
Permission Sets. The Permission Sets list appears.
2. Perform the following steps to apply the Prodly Moover Admin permission set to all
Moover admins that will use the Moover application:
a. Click the Prodly Moover Admin permission set.
b. Click Manage Assignments.
c. Click Add Assignments.
3. Perform the following steps to apply the Prodly Moover User permission set to all Moover
users that will use the Moover application:
a. Click the Prodly Moover User permission set.
b. Click Manage Assignments.
c. Click Add Assignments.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 11
a. In Lightning Experience, click the App Launcher icon in the upper left of your browser
(the App Launcher dialog box appears) and click the Moover app. The Moover app
launches, displaying the contents of the Moover Home tab.
b. In Salesforce Classic, click the App Launcher dropdown list in the upper right of your
browser and select Moover. The Moover app launches, displaying the contents of the
Moover Home tab.
5. Perform the following steps to establish a connection between the Moover service and your
control organization:
a. Click the Connections tab. The Connections page appears.
b. Click New. The connection creation page for your control organization appears.
c. Optionally, in the connection name box, enter a connection name. Prodly recommends
entering Control Org.
d. Click Connect. Moover creates the connection, a new browser tab opens, and the
connection details appear.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 12
e. Notice the checkmark for Control Org, indicating that this connection connects the
Moover service to the control organization.
f. Click the Connections tab. Your control organization connection appears in the list of
6. The Moover app currently uses standard Salesforce user interface pages that contain elements
Moover does not use. Prodly intends to remove these elements in a future release. For this
release, optionally use Setup > Edit Page to remove unused user interface elements (such as the
Activity scope tab in Lightning Experience) and customize your user experience. Some elements
(such as New Case and New Opportunity in highlights panels) are not possible to remove.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 13
iii.If either Schema Org or Use Local Schema do not appear in the page layout, click
and drag their field labels from the Fields l ist and drop them in the Data Set Detail
e. Click Search Layouts. The S earch Layouts page appears. Perform the following steps:
i. At the right of the screen, select Edit from the dropdown arrow for the S earch
Results layout. The Search Results layout appears.
ii. If not already there, move Data Set N ame and Folder to the Selected Fields
iii. Click Save.
2. Perform the following steps to display the correct fields for the Deployment Result object in
the Moover app:
a. Navigate to Objects and Fields > Object Manager. The Object Manager page appears.
b. Click Deployment R esult. Details for the Deployment Result object appear.
c. Click Page Layouts. The Page Layouts page appears.
d. Click Deployment R esult Layout. The field definition appears.
e. Scroll down to the Deployment Result Detail section.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 14
f. If Data Record Failures does not appear in the page layout, click and drag the Data
Record Failures field label from the F ields list and drop it just below the Result field in the
Deployment Result Detail section.
3. Perform the following steps to display the correct fields for the Deployment Batch R esult
object in the Moover app:
a. Navigate to Objects and Fields > Object Manager. The Object Manager page appears.
b. Click Deployment B atch Result. Details for the D eployment B atch Result
object appear.
c. Click Page Layouts. The Page Layouts page appears.
d. Click Deployment B atch Result L ayout. The field definition appears.
e. Scroll down to the Deployment Batch Result Detail section.
f. If any of the following fields do not appear in the page layout, click and drag their field
labels from the Fields list and drop:them into the Deployment Batch Result Detail section:
i. Data Record Failures
ii. Data Record Failures Icon
iii. Deployment Completion Date/Time
iv. Deployment Data Set Result
v. Deployment Duration (Minutes)
vi. Deployment Duration (Seconds)
vii. Deployment Start Date/Time
viii. Result Icon
4. Perform the following steps to display the correct fields for the Deployment Record Result
object in the Moover app:
a. Navigate to Objects and Fields > Object Manager. The Object Manager page appears.
b. Click Deployment R ecord Result. Details for the Deployment R ecord
Result object appear.
c. Click Page Layouts. The Page Layouts page appears.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 15
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 16
c. Adjust the Selected Tabs list to include the following tabs:
i. Home
ii. Moover Admin
iii. Folders
iv. Connections
v. Data Sets
vi. Data Set Templates
vii. Deployment Center
viii. Deployment Results
d. Click Save.
7. Perform the following steps to launch the Moover app::
a. In Lightning Experience, click the App Launcher icon in the upper left of your browser
(the App Launcher dialog box appears) and click the Moover app. The Moover app
launches, displaying the contents of the Moover Home tab.
b. In Salesforce Classic, click the App Launcher dropdown list in the upper right of your
browser and select Moover. The Moover app launches, displaying the contents of the
Moover Home tab.
8. Perform the following steps to establish a connection between the Moover service and your
control organization:
a. Click the Connections tab. The Connections page appears.
b. Click the down arrow to the right of Recently Viewed and select All.
c. If connections from a previous Moover version appear in the list, perform the following
i. Click each connection to display the connection details and locate the
connection that has the Control Org field set. The organization with C
ontrol Org
set is your control organization.
ii. Proceed to the next numbered step.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 17
d. If no connections appear in the list, click New. The connection creation page for your
control organization appears.
e. Optionally, in the connection name box, enter a connection name. Prodly recommends
entering Control Org.
f. Click Connect. Moover creates the connection, a new browser tab opens, and the
connection details appear.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 18
g. Notice the checkmark for Control Org, indicating that this connection connects the
Moover service to the control organization.
h. Click the Connections tab. Your control organization connection appears in the list of
9. Perform the following steps to ensure the predefined data sets (root-level data set elements) list
view is correctly named:
a. Click the Data Sets tab. The D ata Sets page appears, displaying the Recently Viewed list
b. Click the down arrow to the right of Recently Viewed and look for Data Sets (Root
c. If Data Sets (Root Elements) is not in the list, select either Root Data Sets or Root
d. At the right of the screen, click the List View Controls icon and select Rename.
e. Enter Data Sets (Root Elements) and click Save.
10. Perform the following steps to add the Folder Name column to the Data Sets (Root Elements) list
a. At the right of the screen, click the List View Controls icon and select Select Fields to
Display. The Select Fields to Display dialog box appears.
b. Move Folder Name from the Available Fields list to the Visible Fields list.
c. Click the up and down arrows to position Folder Name t hird in the list.
d. Click Save.
11. The Moover app currently uses standard Salesforce user interface pages that contain elements
Moover does not use. Prodly intends to remove these elements in a future release. For this
release, optionally use Setup > Edit Page to remove unused user interface elements (such as the
Activity scope tab in Lightning Experience) and customize your user experience. Some elements
(such as New Case and New Opportunity in highlights panels) are not possible to remove.
Installation and configuration are now complete.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 19
Organization Connections
This getting started topic lists the minimum steps you need to connect your organizations to the Moover
service. Refer to the organization connections chapter for a full description of all organization connection
For the Moover service to deploy data between organizations, you must establish connections between
the Moover service and the organizations responsible for control, schema, data set, data source, and data
destination. During Moover installation and configuration, you established the connection to your control
organization (the organization that houses the Moover app, stores your data sets, and controls
deployment). This topic describes how to establish additional connections. Depending on the use case, an
organization can serve multiple purposes. In the most simple use case, the schema and source data
reside in the control organization.
The following figure of Moover’s centrally-controlled deployment architecture conceptually depicts the
install, control, schema, data set, data source, and data destination organizations as separately as
Figure 1: Moover’s centrally-controlled deployment architecture
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 20
Use the Connections tab in the Moover app to establish connections between the Moover service and
your organizations. Then later, during data set creation and at deployment, define the purpose(s) each
connection serves for your particular use case.
To establish connections, perform the following actions:
1. Determine which organizations to use as schema, data source, and data destination
organizations for your use case.
b. In the Salesforce Organization Type list, select the type of organization.
c. Optionally, in the Connection Name box, enter a connection name.
d. Click Connect. A new browser tab opens and the Salesforce login page appears.
e. Enter your Salesforce login credentials.
Click Log In. Salesforce verifies your credentials and the Allow Access? dialog box
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 21
g. Click Allow. Moover creates the connection and the connection details appear.
h. Notice no checkmark for Control Org, indicating that this connection connects the
Moover service to an organization other than the control organization.
i. Click the Connections tab. Your newly-added connection appears in the list of
b. In the Schema Org list, select one of the existing connections to tell Moover which
organization contains the schema to use during data set creation.
c. Click OK. The dialog box closes.
5. In the Deployment Object list, select an object from the list of the Salesforce standard and custom
objects to use as your root element. The object, its fields, and all objects with relationships to the
object become eligible for inclusion in the data set.
6. In the Upsert Method list, select your desired upsert method. Refer to the section covering
Expanded Upsert Capabilities for more information.
7. Click the OBJECT FIELDS tab. The list of fields in your deployment object appears.
8. Select Copy All Fields.
9. Click the CHILD OBJECTS or P ARENT OBJECTS tab. The list of objects with a child or parent
relationship to your deployment object appears.
10. Select the checkboxes for the related child and parent objects you want to include in the
deployment. Moover creates a separate data set element for each checkbox you select and each
object name highlights in the list.
11. Click the highlighted links to repeat the selection process, drilling into the objects to create a
chain of data set elements.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 23
12. Click Save. Moover stores separate data set elements for your root deployment object and each
deployment object in the data set chain.
13. Optionally, click the Show more actions for this record down arrow in the upper right and select
Create Template to create a template of the data set (including its chain of data set elements) for
future use. Moover creates a template file in JSON format and the details page for the data set
template appears. Refer to the data set templates chapter for a full description of all data set
template features.
This section lists the minimum steps you need to deploy a data set, monitor the progress, and verify the
results. Refer to the deployment chapter for a full description of all deployment features.
Deployment is the act of copying a set of related records from a source organization to a destination
To deploy a data set, perform the following steps:
1. Click the Deployment Center tab. The Deployment Center page appears.
2. Select the organization from the Source Salesforce Organization list that contains your source
3. Select up to five destination organizations from the Destination Salesforce Organization list.
4. Select the checkbox(es) for the data set(s) you want to deploy.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 24
5. Click Deploy. A deployment results tracking page appears, displaying the progress of the
deployment in real time.
6. Click a data set in the Deployment Data Sets Results section to see the details of the deployment
or the Deployment Results tab to see a list of deployment results for all data sets Moover
deployed from this control organization.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 25
For the Moover service to deploy data between organizations, you must establish connections between
the Moover service and the organizations responsible for deployment control and data sets, schema,
data source, and data destination.
The first connection you establish must be to your control organization.
Use New on the connections list page to initiate creation of exactly one new connection for each
organization in your use case. Depending on the use case, an organization can serve multiple purposes.
In the most simple use case, the schema and source data reside in the control organization. Refer to the
organization connections topic in the getting started chapter for basic step-by-step connection creation
Connections Tab
This topic describes the user interface elements available on each Connections tab page.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 26
This page contains the following options:
● Connections list - The list of established connections between the Moover service your
organizations. Click a connection name to display the details page for the connection. The Show
more actions down arrow at the right end of each list entry contains the following options:
○ Edit - Allows you to edit all fields from a single dialog box. Only edit the Connection
Name and the Active checkbox. The remaining fields will become read-only in a future
○ Delete - Permanently removes the connection.
● List views - Displays a portion of the connections list, based on the filtered view you select.
● New - Launches the new connection creation page.
● Import - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● List customization options - The standard set of Salesforce options for customizing the
arrangement and filtering of the list, located just below New and Import.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 27
This page contains the following options:
● Connection Name - Specifies an optional, human-readable name of the connection. When blank,
Moover sets this field to the organization’s company name during connection creation.
● Folder Name - Specifies an optional folder in which to store the connection.
● Salesforce Organization Type - Lists the available Salesforce organization types.
○ Production - Specifies as the link to use for organization
authentication during connection creation.
○ Sandbox - Specifies as the link to use for organization authentication
during connection creation.
● Custom Salesforce Domain - Specifies an optional custom Salesforce My Domain URL.
● Connect - Prompts you to select and authenticate an organization, creates a Moover connection
to that organization, and displays the details page for the connection.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 28
This page contains the following options:
● New Contact - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Edit - Allows you to all fields from a single dialog box.
● New Opportunity - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Show more actions for this record - Displays a list of the following actions:
○ New Case - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ New Lead - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the connection.
○ Change Owner - Allows you to name a different owner for this record.
● RELATED tab - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● DETAILS tab - The following list describes the fields in a connection record:
○ Connection Name - Specifies the human-readable name of the connection.
○ Folder Name - Specifies an optional folder that contains the connection.
○ Expires On - Specifies the date and time the current access token expires.
○ Active - Determines whether or not the connection is available for use. Only active
connections appear in the picklists during schema and deployment organization
○ Control Org - Specifies which connection connects the Moover service to your control
organization. You should never need to adjust this field. Moover automatically selects
this checkbox when you create the connection to your control organization on the
Connections tab.
○ Org Type - Lists the following available Salesforce organization types:
■ None - Ignore. Select either Production or Sandbox for your organization type.
■ Production - Specifies as the link to use for organization
authentication during connection creation.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 29
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 30
A data set is a subset of your data model (schema) you create to identify Salesforce object data to copy
from a source organization to a destination organization. Because of the recursive nature of relational
objects, what you conceptually think of as a data set is actually much more complex. The following list
consists of terminology that describes the components of a data set:
● Data set element - A portion of your data model specific to a single Salesforce object. During
data set creation in the data set editor, you select a Salesforce object, fields within that object,
and relationships to child and/or parent objects. These selections define the root element of the
data set. For each relationship you select, Moover also creates a data set element for each child
or parent Salesforce object you selected. Thus, a data set contains one data set element for each
Salesforce object in the deployment. The following list comprises each data set element:
○ Object fields - The individual fields in the data set element’s Salesforce object. Moover
functionality allows for inclusion of all fields or individual fields you select.
○ Field properties - Options for adjusting destination fields during deployment.
● Root element - The special instance of a data set element you create with New on the Data Sets
tab. The Salesforce object you choose as the deployment object in the root element becomes the
starting point from which all other objects and fields to copy stems. A data set contains exactly
one root element.
● Data set relationship - A parent-child relationship between two data set elements.
The totality of the preceding list constitutes a data set, that is, the chain of data set elements and their
relationships that Moover uses during deployment.
The data set editor is the main interface through which you interact with the Moover app. Refer to the
data set creation topic in the getting started chapter for basic step-by-step data set creation instructions.
The editor allows you to select Salesforce objects, creating data set elements and relationships which
connect Salesforce objects from the schema you select during data set creation. You create data set
elements and relationships by picking objects from the CHILD OBJECTS and P ARENT OBJECTS tabs in the
data set editor’s Tabs view to create a chain of instructions telling Moover which records to migrate and
in which order. Deployment starts at the root element and traverses the chain. Refer to t he related data
migration concept for more information.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 31
This page contains the following options:
● Data set elements list - Displays the list of data set elements present in your control organization.
Click a data set element name to open the data set editor. The Show more actions down arrow at
the right end of each list entry contains the following options:
○ Edit - Allows you to all fields from a single dialog box.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the data set element and all other data set elements in
the data set.
● Select List View - Displays a portion of the data set elements list, based on the filtered view you
select. Moover installations contain the following customized views:
○ Recently Viewed - Contains Data Set Element Name, Data Set Name, and Folder for easy
access to elements within data sets.
○ Data Sets (Root Elements) - Limits the list to just the root elements for easy access to the
data sets.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 32
● Cancel - Discards any changes to the data set and displays the data sets list page.
● Show more actions for this record - Displays a list of the following actions:
○ Delete - Permanently removes the data set, including all its data set elements.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 33
○ Clone - Duplicates the data set, including all its data set elements and relationships.
○ Create Template - Creates a template file of the data set in JSON format and creates a
data set template record in your control organization.
● Data Set Controls - Provides settings that pertain to the whole data set.
○ Schema Settings - Displays a dialog box you use to specify the organization that
contains the schema the data set editor uses for data set creation. By default, Moover
uses the schema from your control organization.
● Display As - Provides the following ways to view and edit data sets and their elements:
○ Tabs view - Arranges the data set element details on tabs. All editing takes place in Tabs
○ List view - Displays the data set elements using Lightning-experience cards.
○ Diagram view - Displays an entity relationship diagram (ERD) of the data set elements.
● Folders - Provides settings that pertain to use of folders and the Folders tab.
○ Folder Name - Specifies an optional folder that contains the data set.
Tabs View
This section describes the details of the data set editor Tabs view. All data set and data set element
editing takes place in Tabs view. Access all data set elements contained in the data set chain by drilling
down to child objects and up to parent objects.
The data set details appear on the following tabs:
● ELEMENT DETAILS - Allows you to configure the following data set attributes and options:
○ Data Set Element Name - Specifies the human-readable name of the data set element.
For non-root elements, the default name is <deployment object> Element. For
the root element, the default name is blank and doubles as the name of the overall data
object> Data Set
○ Data Set Description - For root elements only, an optional description of the data set for
easier reference.
○ Deployment Object - Specifies the Salesforce object to use as the basis of the data set
element. For the root element, a picklist shows all of the Salesforce objects available in
the schema that are accessible, queryable, and can either be updated or inserted. The
objects are sorted alphabetically. All objects with relationships to the deployment object
are eligible for inclusion in the data set through the PARENT OBJECTS and CHILD
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 34
OBJECTS tabs. For non-root elements, this field is read-only, determined by your
selections on those tabs.
○ Upsert Method - Specifies the upsert method to use during deployment. All upsert
methods require use of a Moover virtual external ID, Moover composite external ID, or
Salesforce external ID. Refer to the section on expanded upsert capabilities for more
information about Moover’s custom upsert capabilities. The following methods are
■ None - Instructs Moover to attempt to insert every record.
■ Virtual External ID - Manages inserts and upserts by tracking IDs through the
custom, proprietary Moover virtual ID manager, eliminating the need for
standard Salesforce virtual IDs.
■ Standard Upsert - Performs a standard upsert. If the SOQL query
returns more than one matching record, Moover generates an error. If one
record matches, Moover updates the record. If no record matches, Moover
inserts a new record.
■ Match First Found - If the SOQL query returns more than one matching record,
Moover updates the first record. If one record matches, Moover updates the
record. If no record matches, Moover inserts a new record.
■ Skip Duplicate - If the SOQL query returns more than one matching record,
Moover skips that source record and does not insert or update any of the
matching records in the destination organization. If one record matches, Moover
updates the record. If no record matches, Moover inserts a new record.
The default upsert method at the time of installation is virtual external ID. To change the
default upsert method, navigate to Setup > Objects and Fields > Object Manager > Data
Set > Fields & Relationships > Upsert Record Handling and select a new default in the
Values table.
○ Record Selection Criteria - Displays the following optional record selection criteria:
■ Query Filter - Specifies an optional SOQL query WHERE clause of up to 950
characters that determines which source data records to copy during
Use this field to seed test data or copy a subset of relevant data between
organizations, especially for partial sandboxes where memory limitations
prohibit copying large amounts of data. Be aware of the following rules for this
■ Specify only the notation after the WHERE clause. That is, do not enter
WHERE in the field.
■ Do not include LIMIT clauses when also using Record Selection Limit.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 35
○ Replicate Owner - When selected, assigns ownership of the destination record to the
owner of the source record. When deselected, assigns ownership to the username used
to establish the connection to the destination organization.
○ Replicate Record Type - When selected, sets the record type of the destination record to
the record type of the source record, if available. When deselected, sets the record type
of the destination record to the default record type of the user who established the
connection to the destination organization.
○ Create Missing Fields - Appears on root elements only and affects the entire data set.
When selected, Moover searches the destination organization for source organization
custom fields and if not found, creates the fields in the destination organization. Moover
grants access to the newly-created fields to the username used to create the destination
connection. When deselected, Moover silently ignores the source fields that don't exist in
the destination organization.
○ Sync Picklist Field Values - Appears on root elements only and affects the entire data set.
When selected, Moover ensures the destination organization’s values and status for all
picklists you select for deployment match the values and status in the source
organization. Moover adds any missing values to the destination organization and
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 36
deletes any destination organization values not present in the source organization. The
picklist appendix contains a list of the picklists Moover can synchronize during data
○ Set Audit Fields - Appears on root elements only and affects the entire data set. When
selected, Moover migrates the Salesforce audit field values from the data set’s source
records to the destination records during deployment. Salesforce records provide the
following audit fields: Created By, Created Date, Last Modified By ID, and Last Modified
Date. Moover migrates these fields on record insert only; updates retain the existing
destination record information. When deselected, the Salesforce audit field values in the
destination records reflect the deployment date and time and the username used to
create the destination connection.
○ Ignore Namespace - Appears on root elements only and affects the entire data set.
When selected, Moover ignores namespace mismatches for object and fields. If the
namespaces do not match or one organization has a namespace and the other does not,
Moover still considers the fields a match. When deselected, the namespaces must match.
○ Ignore Namespace name box - When Ignore Namespace is selected, this box specifies
the namespace to ignore.
○ Ignore Relationship Constraint - For non-root elements only (because, by definition, the
root element is never constrained). When selected, Moover copies all source
organization records of this object type to the destination organization. When deselected,
Moover copies only records related to the migrating parent or child records. Moover
applies query filters in either case. Refer to t he related data migration concept for more
● OBJECT FIELDS - Displays the fields of the deployment object of the currently-selected data set
element that are available for inclusion in the data set.
○ Search by field name… - Enter a search string to display only the fields whose LABEL or
API NAME contain the string.
○ Copy All Fields - When selected, Moover deploys all of the fields in the object, even fields
you might add after creating the data set. When deselected, Moover relies on individual
field checkmarks to determine which fields to deploy.
Moover does not deploy any field that meets one or more of the following criteria:
■ System field
■ Not accessible
■ Calculated field
■ Auto number field
■ Deprecated and hidden field
■ Binary field
○ Fields list - Lists all the fields in the deployment object.
■ Checkbox - Specifies which fields to deploy when you deselect Copy All Fields.
■ LABEL - Lists the field name.
■ API NAME - Lists the name to use from the API.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 37
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 38
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 39
Click the object name links to traverse the relationship path to access additional objects
and fields. Navigate the path on the PARENT OBJECTS and CHILD OBJECTS tabs to
determine each element’s position in a data set chain.
● CHILD OBJECTS - Displays the Salesforce objects available for inclusion in the data set that are
children of the deployment object of the currently-selected data set element.
○ Search by label, API name, or relationship name… - Enter a search string to display only
the objects whose LABEL, API NAME, or RELATIONSHIP NAME contain the string.
○ Show Managed Only - Limits the list to objects that are part of a managed package.
○ Namespace input box - When Show Managed Only is selected, specifies the namespace
Moover uses to filter the list. Leave the box blank to filter on all managed packages.
○ Child object list - Lists the LABEL, API NAME, RELATIONSHIP ID FIELD, and NAMESPACE
of each available child object. The list does not contain objects that meet any of the
following criteria:
■ Not accessible
■ Not creatable and not updateable
■ Not queryable
■ Deprecated and hidden
The list contains the following fields:
■ Checkbox - Controls creation/deletion of data set elements farther along the
data set element chain and defines the relationship direction of the data
migration. During deployment, Moover migrates associated records only in the
direction toward the checked objects.
■ LABEL - Lists the object name. When blue, the label links to the data set element
associated with the object. Use these links to traverse the data set element chain.
■ API NAME - Lists the name to use from the API.
■ RELATIONSHIP ID FIELD - Lists the field
■ NAMESPACE - Lists the namespace prefix for custom fields.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 40
Select/deselect the checkboxes to create/delete data set elements for the corresponding
objects and add links to the object names.
Click the linked object names to traverse the relationship path to access additional
objects and fields. Navigate the path on the PARENT OBJECTS and C HILD OBJECTS tabs to
determine each element’s position in a data set chain.
List View
The data set editor List view uses Lightning-experience cards to show key details about the elements and
their relationships to each other. No data set or data set element editing takes place in List view.
The following details appear on the cards:
● root - Displays a red icon to specify the root element in the data set.
● Data set element name in the card header - Specifies the name of the data set element.
● Object API name in the card header - Specifies the API name of the deployment object.
● Edit - Changes the display to Tabs view for data set and data set element editing.
● Element Details - Expands to display the following key details about the data set element:
○ DEPLOYMENT OBJECT - Specifies the name of the deployment object.
○ OBJECT API NAME - Specifies the API name of the deployment object.
○ STATUS - Specifies the deployment eligibility status of the data set element.
○ UPSERT METHOD - Specifies the upsert method Moover uses to migrate the data.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 41
● Relationships - Expands to display the following key details about all relationships coming into
and going out of the data set element:
○ OBJECT API NAME - Specifies the API name of the object at the other end of the
○ RELATIONSHIP ID FIELD - Specifies the name of the field that contains the relationship
○ RELATIONSHIP TYPE - Specifies whether this data set element’s deployment object is the
child or the parent in the relationship. The RELATIONSHIP ID FIELD resides in this data set
element’s deployment object (denoted by Child Relationship) or in the
deployment object at the other end of the relationship (denoted by Parent
Diagram View
The data set editor Diagram view displays an entity relationship diagram (ERD) of the elements in the data
set. No data set and data set element editing takes place in Diagram view.
● Access all data set elements contained in the data set chain by scrolling and zooming the screen.
● Mouseover any element box or relationship line to see details. Refer to List View for specific field
● Arrows indicate the direction of the data migration and point towards the checked objects in Tabs
● Double-click any data set element box to change the display to Tabs view for data set and data
set element editing.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 42
The following drawing depicts how a Moover VEID deployment works:
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 43
Figure 2. Migration Using VEID
1. In pass one, Moover inserts records from Org Dev X to an empty Org Prod Y using Virtual
External ID from the Upsert Method picklist.
2. In pass two, Moover updates the existing Org Prod Y records and inserts new data records into
Org Prod Y.
3. In pass three, Moover updates the existing Org Dev X records and inserts the new data records
into Org Dev X.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 44
Relationship Direction
In the data set editor Tabs view, you select objects from the CHILD OBJECTS and PARENT OBJECTS tabs of
other objects to create a chain of data set elements that define the direction Moover moves through your
data during deployment. Which objects link to which other objects is totally under your control and what
you choose is vitally important for identifying which records to migrate and in which order.
For example, in the following diagram, Moover migrates the green records when you select Account as
the root element in the data set, Contact from the CHILD OBJECTS tab of the Account element, and
Case from the PARENT OBJECTS tab of the C ontact child element. Moover includes the blue circles
only when you also select Contact from the CHILD OBJECTS tab of the Case child element:
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 45
Figure 3: Relationship Direction
Understanding relationship direction allow you to not include additional extraneous children of a child's
parent. This concept also applies to extraneous parents
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 46
Copy Relationship Value only works when the parent record exists in the destination organization. Errors
occur when the parent record does not exist in the destination organization. An example of a valid use
case is a lookup to User records, because User records are generally present in both the source and
destination organizations
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 47
CHAPTER 4 Folders
This chapter provides a detailed description of folders.
Folders are Salesforce objects you use to organize your data set and connection object data. You can
nest folders for even greater organization.
Creating and populating folders is straightforward and simple. Use New on the folders list page to create
a folder. Then assign data sets to the folder from the Folders icon on the Data Sets tab,
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 48
and connections from the Folder Name box on the Connections tab new connection page,
and the Folder Name box on the Connections tab connection details page.
Folders Tab
This topic describes the user interface elements available on each Folders tab page.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 49
This page contains the following options:
● Folders list - The list of your folders. Click a folder name to display the details page for the folder.
The Show more actions down arrow at the right end of each list entry contains the following
○ Edit - Allows you to edit all fields from a single dialog box.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the folder.
○ Change Owner - Allows you to assign a new owner to the folder record.
● List views - Displays a portion of the folders list, based on the filtered view you select.
● New - Launches the new folder creation dialog box.
● Import - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● List customization options - The standard set of Salesforce options for customizing the
arrangement and filtering of the list, located just below New and Import.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 50
This page contains the following options:
● Folder Name - Specifies the name of the folder.
● Description - Specifies an optional description of the folder.
● Parent Folder - Specifies an optional parent folder to nest the new folder under. Click the box to
list the available folders.
● Owner - Specifies the owner of the folder record.
● Cancel - Closes the dialog box without creating the folder.
● Save & New - Creates the folder and clears the dialog box for another entry.
● Save - Creates the folder and closes the dialog box.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 51
This page contains the following options:
● New Contact - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Edit - Allows you to all fields from a single dialog box.
● New Opportunity - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Show more actions for this record - Displays a list of the following actions:
○ New Case - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ New Lead - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the folder. Any data sets or connections residing in the
folder remain and are not assigned to any folder.
○ Clone - Creates a copy of the folder record. Data sets and connections that reside in the
original folder remain only in the original folder.
○ Change Owner - Allows you to name a different owner for this record.
● DETAILS tab - The following list describes the fields in a folder record:
○ Folder Name - Specifies the name of the folder.
○ Description - Specifies an optional description of the folder.
○ Parent Folder - Specifies an optional parent folder to nest the new folder under. Click the
box to list the available folders.
○ Created By - Displays the name of the person who created the record and the timestamp
when creation took place.
○ Owner - Displays a link to the username used to create the folder.
○ Last Modified By - Displays the name associated with the username that last modified
the record and the timestamp when modification took place.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 52
The following list describes the Moover records related to folders:
○ Data Sets - Displays the data sets residing in the current folder.
■ Each entry contains the following fields:
● DATA SET ELEMENT NAME - Specifies the name of the root element in
the data set.
● OBJECT NAME - Specifies the API name of the deployment object.
● ACTIVE - Specifies the active status of the data set.
● UPSERT RECORD HANDLING - Specifies the upsert method Moover uses
during deployment.
■ View All - Displays all the data sets residing in this folder.
○ Connections - Displays the connections residing in the current folder.
■ Each entry contains the following fields:
● CONNECTION NAME - Specifies the name of the connection.
● ACTIVE - Specifies the active status of the connection.
● CONTROL ORG - Specifies whether or not this connection is the control
org connection. You should never need to adjust this field. Moover
automatically selects this checkbox when you create the connection to
your control organization.
● USERNAME - Specifies the owner of the connection record.
■ View All - Displays all the connections residing in this folder.
○ Nested Folders - Displays the child folders of the current folder.
■ New - Launches the new folder creation dialog box.
■ Each entry contains the following fields:
● FOLDER NAME - Specifies the name of the child folder.
■ View All - Displays all the child folders of this folder.
● ACTIVITY tab - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 53
Data set templates are JSON-formatted files and contain the data set components Moover needs to
recreate the data set. The following list shows a few example uses of data set templates:
● Backup
● Transfer to another control organization
● Offsite storage
● Shared repository
A data set template file consists of the following components:
● A data set element for the root deployment object, containing settings for the entire data set
● Relationships between data set elements
● A data set element for each non-root deployment object in the data set
The following steps describe the export/import flow:
1. In the data set editor, use Create Template to create a data set template file.
2. On the data set template details page RELATED t ab, use Download to copy the file to your local
3. On the Moover Admin tab in any control organization, use Upload to import the downloaded file
and recreate the data set in that control organization.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 54
This page contains the following options:
● Data set templates list - The list of data set templates present in your control organization. Click a
data set template name to display the details page for the data set template. The S
how more
actions down arrow at the right end of each list entry contains the following options:
○ Edit - Allows you to all fields from a single dialog box.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the template record (but does not delete the template
● Select List View - Displays a portion of the data set templates list, based on the filtered view you
● New - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Import - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● List customization options - The standard set of Salesforce options for customizing the
arrangement and filtering of the list, located just below New and Import.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 55
This page contains the following options:
● New Contact - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Edit - Allows you to all fields from a single dialog box.
● New Opportunity - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Show more actions for this record - Displays a list of the following actions:
○ New Case - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ New Lead - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the template record (but does not delete the template
○ Clone - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element. Use Create
Template to duplicate a data set and create a new data set template record in the control
○ Change Owner - Allows you to name a different owner for this record.
○ Generate Data Set - Creates a data set and related data set elements from the template
● RELATED tab - The following list describes the Moover records related to the data set template:
○ Data Set Template Entries - Displays Moover records that describe the data set template.
Each entry describes one data set in the template.
○ Each entry contains the following fields:
■ DATA SET TEMPLATE ENTRY ID - Displays the auto-numbered ID of the data set
template entry.
■ CONTENT DOCUMENT ID - Displays the ID of the JSON-formatted template file.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 56
■ FILE INFO - V iew displays the contents of the JSON-formatted template file. If a
blank screen appears, check your browser popup blocker.
■ FILE DOWNLOAD - Download downloads the JSON-formatted template file to
your browser downloads folder. This feature allows you to export the template
file for data set backup or for import into other Moover control organizations.
○ Notes & Attachments - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● DETAILS tab - The following list describes the fields in a data set template record:
○ Data Set Template ID - Displays the auto-numbered ID of the data set template.
○ Template Name - Specifies the human-readable name of the data set template.
○ Description - Optional description of the data set template for easier reference.
○ Created By - Displays the name of the person who created the record and the timestamp
when creation took place.
○ Owner - Displays a link to the username used to create the folder.
○ Last Modified By - Displays the name of the person who last modified the record and the
timestamp when modification took place.
● ACTIVITY tab - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
This page contains the following options:
● New Contact - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Edit - Allows you to all fields from a single dialog box.
● New Opportunity - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Show more actions for this record - Displays a list of the following actions:
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 57
○ New Case - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ New Lead - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the record (but does not delete the JSON file).
○ Clone - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element. Use Create
Template to duplicate a data set and create a new data set template record in the control
○ Submit for Approval - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● RELATED tab - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● DETAILS tab - The following list describes the fields in a data set template record:
○ Data Set Template Entry ID - Displays the auto-numbered ID of the data set template
○ Data Set Template - Displays the data set template ID.
○ Content Document ID -
○ Description - Optional description of the data set template entry for easier reference.
○ File Info - View displays the contents of the JSON-formatted template file. If a blank
screen appears, check your browser popup blocker.
○ File Download - D ownload downloads the JSON-formatted template file to your browser
downloads folder. This feature allows you to export the template file for data set backup
or for import into other Moover control organizations.
○ Created By - Displays the name of the person who created the record and the timestamp
when creation took place.
○ Last Modified By - Displays the name of the person who last modified the record and the
timestamp when modification took place.
● ACTIVITY tab - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 58
CHAPTER 6 Deployment
This chapter provides a detailed description of the deployment topic introduced in Chapter 1.
Deployment is the copying of a set of data records defined by a data set from a source organization to a
destination organization. You initiate deployment by clicking Deploy in any of the following locations:
● The data set editor - Initiates deployment of a data set from any data set element in the data set.
● The deployment center - Initiates deployment of one or more data sets in one operation. For
example, if you need to deploy accounts CRM data as well as campaigns, you can initiate
deployment of both and track the entire deployment through one result record.
An application programming interface (API) is also available from Prodly that includes the following
● A global apex service class PDRI.DeploymentService with various deploy methods
● A REST web service DeploymentWebService with various load methods
A deployment result tracking record monitors the progress and captures the details of the deployment.
The Deployment Results tab contains all data set deployment results, with each result broken down by
data set element(s) and individual records. Moover updates progress automatically as the deployment
executes and proceeds through each data set.
While in progress and after deployment completes, you have access to results at the following levels:
● Entire deployment - Shows tracking information and a list of data sets Moover deployed.
● Each deployed data set - Provides a list of individual records as well as record batches for each
data set element. Large deployments have separate results records for each batch of data
records Moover deploys.
● Each deployed data set element - Provides a list of the individual records Moover deployed.
● Each individual record migrated - Provides a link to both the source record Moover copied and
the destination record Moover created or updated for each record Moover deployed. This level
allows for easy auditing.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 59
Figure 4. Moover Deployment Results Schema
If Moover encounters errors during deployment, errors appear in the results records. A successful
migration of all records in a data set element or batch results in Moover indicating success. When one or
more records in an element or batch fail to migrate successfully, then Moover sets the final status to
indicate failure.
Refer to the deployment topic in the getting started chapter for basic step-by-step deployment
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 60
This page contains the following options:
● Source Salesforce Organization - Specifies the organization to copy data from.
● Destination Salesforce Organization - Specifies the organization to copy data to. Use Ctrl+click
to select up to five destinations.
● Deployment Selection - Enter a search string to display only active data sets whose data set
name, deployment object, or namespace contain the string. Leave the box blank to display all
active data sets.
● Data sets list - Lists the data sets (root elements) available for deployment. Select up to 10 data
sets to deploy.
● Deploy - Starts the deployment and displays the details page for the deployment result to
monitor progress. Status updates appear in real time as deployment progresses.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 61
This page contains the following options:
● Deployment results list - The list of deployment results present in your control organization. Click
a deployment result name to display the details page for the deployment result. The Show more
actions down arrow at the right end of each list entry contains the following options:
○ Edit - Allows you to all fields from a single dialog box.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the deployment results record and the entire deployment
results tree for the deployment result.
● Select List View - Displays a portion of the deployment results list, based on the filtered view you
● New - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Import - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● List customization options - The standard set of Salesforce options for customizing the
arrangement and filtering of the list, located just below New and Import.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 62
This page contains the following options:
● Deployment Actions - The following action buttons appear depending on the status of the
○ Delete - Permanently removes the tracking record and the entire deployment results
tree for the deployment result. Moover does not allow this action while deployment is in
○ Pause - Pauses a deployment that is in progress. Pause appears only while a
deployment is in progress.
○ Resume - Resumes a deployment that you paused. Resume appears only while an
in-progress deployment is paused.
○ Stop - Terminates a deployment that is in progress. Stop appears only while a
deployment is in progress.
○ Rerun - Initiates another deployment of the same data sets between the same source
and destination organizations. Rerun appears only after a deployment completes.
● Deployment Results - Displays a progress bar graphically reporting the progress of the
deployment. Icons on the right give a quick reference description of the possible Result values.
● Deployment Batch Results - Displays a list of results for the data record batches Moover
○ DEPLOYMENT BATCH RESULT NAME - Displays a link to the deployment results.
○ DATA SET - Displays the name of the data set or data set element Moover deployed.
○ RESULT - Displays an icon indicating one of the following final states of the result:
■ Success - Indicates Moover was able to migrate the batch of records
■ Failure - Indicates Moover did not successfully migrate all records in the batch.
○ DATA RECORD FAILURES - Displays an icon indicating one of the following states of the
data record migration:
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 63
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 64
This page contains the following options:
● New Contact - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Edit - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● New Opportunity - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Show more actions for this record - Displays a list of the following actions:
○ New Case - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ New Lead - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the record.
○ Clone - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● RELATED tab - Consists of the following sections:
○ Deployment Record Results - Displays deployment result records for each data record in
each data set element Moover deployed. Each entry contains the following fields:
■ DEPLOYMENT RECORD RESULT NAME - Displays human-readable name of the
deployment result record.
■ SOURCE RECORD URL - Displays the URL of the source record Moover
■ DESTINATION RECORD URL - Displays the URL of the destination record Moover
■ ERROR - Displays any errors that occurred during deployment.
○ Notes & Attachments - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● DETAILS tab - The following list describes the fields in a record result record:
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 65
○ Deployment Batch Result Name - Displays human-readable name of the batch result
○ Deployment Data Set Result - Displays the human-readable name of the parent
deployment data set result record.
○ Data Set - Displays the name of and a link to the data set element Moover deployed.
○ Operation - Displays the call to Salesforce that Moover used to migrate the record. The
following operations are possible:
■ Update - Indicates Moover used an update query.
■ Insert - Indicates Moover used an insert query.
■ Upsert - Indicates Moover used the actual Salesforce upsert command.
○ Data Set Failures - Indicates whether or not any failures occurred during deployment.
○ Result Icon - Displays an icon Indicating whether or not deployment of the record was
○ Data Set Failures Icon - Displays an icon Indicating whether or not any failures occurred
during deployment.
○ Created By - Displays the name of the person who created the record and the timestamp
when creation took place.
○ Job ID - Displays a unique ID for the deployment of the record batch.
○ Result ID - Displays a unique ID for the deployment result of the record batch.
○ Result - Displays the status of the deployment of the record batch.
○ Deployment Start Date/Time - The date and time Moover started migrating this data.
○ Deployment Completion Date/Time - The date and time Moover finished migrating this
○ Deployment Duration (Seconds) - The total number of seconds Moover used to migrate
this data.
○ Deployment Duration (Minutes) - The total number of minutes Moover used to migrate
this data.
○ Last Modified By - Displays the name of the person who last modified the record and the
timestamp when modification took place.
● ACTIVITY tab - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 66
This page contains the following options:
● New Contact - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Edit - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● New Opportunity - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Show more actions for this record - Displays a list of the following actions:
○ New Case - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ New Lead - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the record.
○ Clone - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● RELATED tab - Consists of the following sections:
○ Deployment Batch Results - Displays deployment result records for each batch of data
records Moover migrated. For large amounts of data, several batches comprise the
results for a single data set element. Each entry describes a batch of records from a
single data set element in the data set. Each entry contains the following fields:
■ DEPLOYMENT BATCH RESULT NAME - Displays human-readable name of the
batch result record.
■ DATA SET - Displays the name of and a link to the data set element Moover
■ OPERATION - Displays the call to Salesforce that Moover used to migrate the
record. The following operations are possible:
● Update - Indicates Moover used an update query.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 67
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 68
This page contains the following options:
● New Contact - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Edit - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● New Opportunity - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● Show more actions for this record - Displays a list of the following actions:
○ New Case - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ New Lead - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
○ Delete - Permanently removes the record.
○ Clone - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● RELATED tab - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
● DETAILS tab - The following list describes the fields in a record result record:
○ Deployment Record Result Name - Displays human-readable name of the record result
○ Deployment Batch Result Name - Displays human-readable name of the parent data set
element result record.
○ Deployment Data Set Result - Displays the human-readable name of the grandparent
deployment data set result record.
○ Data Set - Displays the data set element deployed.
○ Partial Process Stage - Indicates the stage of deployment using one of the following
■ Initial - Indicates the first pass of deployment.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 69
■ Update - Indicates the second pass of deployment to update records that are
part of a self-referencing or circular relationship.
○ Success - A checkmark indicates Moover inserted or updated the record successfully.
○ Created - A checkmark indicates Moover inserted a new record in the destination
○ Error - Displays any errors that occurred during deployment.
○ Batch Operation - Displays the call to Salesforce that Moover used to migrate the batch.
The following operations are possible:
■ Insert - Indicates Moover used an insert query.
■ Update - Indicates Moover used an update query.
■ Upsert - Indicates Moover used the actual Salesforce upsert command.
■ Delete - Indicates Moover used a delete query.
■ Hard Delete - Indicates Moover performed a permanent delete.
■ Query - Indicates Moover used a view-only query.
○ Record Instances - Displays the following source and destination record information:
■ Source Record ID - Displays the unique ID of the source record Moover
■ Source Record URL - Displays the URL of the source record Moover migrated.
■ Destination Record ID - Displays the unique ID of the destination record Moover
■ Destination Record URL - Displays the URL of the destination record Moover
○ Created By -Displays the name of the person who created the record and the timestamp
when creation took place.
○ Last Modified By - Displays the name of the person who last modified the record and the
timestamp when modification took place.
● ACTIVITY tab - Ignore. Moover does not use this standard Salesforce element.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 70
Deployment Results with Deployment Data Set Results with Deployment Batch Results with Deployment
Record Results - Starts at deployment results, gets child deployment data set results, gets the children
deployment batch results, and then gets the child deployment record results.
Deployment Record Results - Starts directly on record results, includes parent batch, data set, and
deployment results.
Sample Report
Today's Deployment Record Results - Report of type Deployment Record Results that retrieves all record
results created during deployments that executed on the current day and includes result, error, record,
parent batch, and result information.
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CHAPTER 7 Troubleshooting
As with any software, issues invariably arise. This chapter describes approaches related to
troubleshooting and solving those issues.
Support Webpages
In addition to this user guide, the Resources, Support, and FAQs webpages at,, and contain many documents, tools, and other
information to assist you in migrating data efficiently and securely.
Solutions Database
When encountering issues, start looking for answers by searching our solutions database at The database is connected to our Salesforce Cases and contains detailed
descriptions of error messages and answers to many common questions.
Custom Settings
The Moover app contains both public and protected custom settings that allow you, as well as the
Moover technical support team, to customize the behavior of the app. All settings are hierarchy-based.
Public Settings
The following Moover custom settings are available to Moover admins at Setup > Custom Code (Develop
in Salesforce Classic) > Custom Settings > Moover Settings > Manage > Edit:
● Debug Deployment Email - Specifies the email address Moover uses during deployment
● Debug Deployment - Turns deployment debug mode on and off. When selected, instead of
calling the Moover service endpoint to initiate deployment, the Moover app emails the data set to
the Debug Deployment Email address. This mechanism allows the Moover support team to
debug customer issues by reproducing and running the scenarios through a developer debugger.
● Instance Type - Points the Moover app to various instances of the Moover service, such as
development, beta, demo, and more. For use only under the guidance of the Prodly support
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 72
● No Record Results - When selected, Moover creates deployment result tracking records for each
individual source data record Moover attempts to migrate.
● Object Selector Page Size - Specifies the number of objects to display in the deployment object
picklist in the data set editor. For organizations with a large number of custom objects, set a
lower number to improve performance.
Protected Settings
The following Moover custom settings are available only to the Moover support team, through granted
login access:
● Max Destination Orgs - Specifies the maximum number of destination organizations the Moover
service can deploy to during a single deployment.
● Salesforce API Version - Specifies the version of the Salesforce API that Moover uses.
Further Assistance
If you need further assistance, contact Prodly technical support at [email protected].
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 73
In Lightning Experience, to add the components to your home page, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to Setup > Edit Page.
2. From the Custom - Managed list of Lightning components, drag and drop a component onto the
3. Click Save.
Prodly Moover for Salesforce User Guide 74
The DeployDataSet component mimics the behavior of a data set deployment page.
Refer to the section on the deployment center tab for details.
The ImportDataSet component mimics the behavior of Upload on the Moover Admin tab.
Refer to the section on the Moover admin tab for details.
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Number ● Moover scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits
● Moover does not scramble decimal points.
Percent ● Moover scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits.
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Phone ● Moover scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits.
● Moover does not scramble special characters.
Text (Encrypted)
● Moover scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits and
Text Area
letter characters with random letters.
Text Area (Long)
Text Area (Rich)
Time (hour) 0-23
Time (minute) 0-59
Time (second) 0-59
URL ● Moover does not scramble http, https, or special characters.
● Moover scrambles the remaining numeric digits with random numeric
digits and letter characters with random letters.
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