Arc Flash Guide v2
Arc Flash Guide v2
Arc Flash Guide v2
Fig.6. Video frames from test ID 40 for the first six frames
(300 fps) viewed through an infrared-passing filter
When the ceramic bottles were in place, the arcing pattern
was similar, but the arc lengths were extended. Even with
extended arcs, the measured incident energies were reduced. Note 1: Bubble size reflects arc durations of 5.8, 10, 12, 20, 30, 45, 75
This is due to the absorption of the energy by the ceramic cycles respectively. Lines represent multipliers to IEEE 1584-2002.
bottles. The ceramic always broke, and in the process, some of Fig 8. Horizontal switchgear: measured vs. predicted energy
the energy was used to heat and break the ceramic, leaving
Multiplier to IEEE 1584-2002 Probability
3.0 65%
3.5 89%
4.0 98%
Multiplier to IEEE 1584-2002 Test ID
1.8 41
1.8 42
1.6 43
1.5 46
0.8 47
1.2 48
1.0 49
Fig. 9. Test ID #134- 3.3 kA, 45 cycles, calorimeter array at F. Test Results: Vertical, Rack-up Style
58 in (147 cm) from arc, image at or very near end of the event
To initiate the test, #16 AWG solid copper wire was wrapped
from A to B to C on the line side of the stationary contact.
Current research by the IEEE/NFPA collaboration project has
The bottle assemblies were only able to withstand one test
confirmed the effect of electrode configuration and enclosure
shot each, so test data was limited to the 12 available bottle
geometry on increasing incident energy beyond the values
predicted by IEEE 1584-2002. IEEE Std. 1584 is currently in assemblies.
the revision process to develop new more representative As expected, with a vertical electrode configuration, the
formulas for these conditions. Higher incident energies with emission of arc plasma (fireball) out of the cubicle took longer
horizontal electrodes matches other test results [4, 7]. than for the horizontal electrode configuration. For 5.7 kA, it
Previous testing [4] concluded that if an obstacle (circuit took six cycles for the fireball to reach 36 in (91 cm), as
breaker) was inside the switchgear, much of the incident energy compared to about three cycles for the horizontal electrodes.
would be diverted or absorbed by the obstacle. To verify this Higher currents also eject energy faster than lower currents.
conclusion, a simulated breaker was constructed. As shown in For 5.7 kA, it took three cycles to reach 24 in (61 cm) and six
Figure 10, the presence of the object forced most of the cycles to reach 36 in (91 cm). However, for 9.1 kA, it took
incident energy out the sides and bottom of the cubicle.
only one cycle to reach 24 in (61 cm) and only three cycles to
reach 36 in (91 cm). See Figure 11 for a side-by-side
comparison of Test ID #52 and Test ID #55. Figure 11 also
demonstrates higher overall energy. The end of the 9.1-kA
event appears “brighter” than the end of the 5.7-kA event.
5.7-kA Event 9.1-kA Event
Spc Box Dim PH Space Pin
# (inches) top/back/ph Config
WxHxD (inches)
1 30x41x24 14/8/10 Vert
2 28x29x18 9.5/8/10 Horiz
3 26x26x17 8.5/9/9 Horiz Specimen #1: Test ID 64 end of event Specimen #2: Test ID 74 End of event
4 17x27x18 8.5/6.75/9 Horiz
5 41x69x32 24/8.5/11.5 Vert
A #20 AWG copper wire was used to start a single phase arc
for all bushing compartments. The wire was wrapped around
the pin terminal and attached to the nearest grounded metal,
preferably near the front of the enclosure. If no readily
available spot was near the front of the cubicle, the wire was
connected to a bolt head on the back wall.
Fault current levels of 2.3 kA and 6.7 kA were chosen at the
beginning with durations of 20 and 40 cycles. After the Specimen #3: Test ID 85 end of event Specimen #4, Test ID 96 end of event
second specimen was tested, we discovered that the test values
were exceeding laboratory limits. The test plan was altered to
have 4.5 kA as the highest available fault current with a goal
of gathering some data at 60 cycle durations. All incident
energy measurements were made at 33 in (84 cm) from the tip
of the bushing.
B. Test Results
All transformers behaved very differently. The transformers
that had pin terminals pointing straight up tended to start with
arcing to the back wall of the enclosure, but some went to the
top. Both 3Φ transformers had this style of terminal, but both Specimen #5: Test ID 106 mid-event Specimen #5: Test ID 106 end of event
exhibited extremely different incident energy behavior. The Fig 20: Comparison of energy pattern from each specimen
largest cubicle had much higher incident energy expelled than
the smaller cubicle (opposite of expectations). The Recommendations in previous EPRI reports [4, 5] were to
transformers that had pin terminals pointed to the left tended use IEEE 1584 for all arc-in-a-box scenarios for voltages from
to start with the arc bouncing off the left side wall and 1 to 35 kV. For 25- and 35-kV class equipment, enter a voltage
attaching to either the roof or to a back wall protrusion. For of 10 kV in the IEEE 1584 spreadsheet, so the Lee Method is
these, the smallest did expel the most energy, but the values not triggered (the Lee Method gives incident energies that are
were higher than expected. unrealistically high). The measured values exceed predicted
Most specimens propagated to multiphase arcs on their own values using the IEEE 1584-2002 formula, as shown in Figure
very early in the test, except for the smallest and the largest 21. See Table 4 for the overall probability that each multiplier
enclosures, specimen #4 and specimen #5. These did not to IEEE 1584-2002 encompasses all the test data points.
propagate to multi-phase until the bushings were very
contaminated and beginning to erode. However, even with
single-phase arcing, these two expelled more incident energy
than any of the other specimens even when they went three
phase. The fireball ejected from the cubicle was not only
different in magnitude but also direction. Every specimen had
a first test of 2.3 kA for 20 cycles. Figure 20 shows the
comparison of incident energy patterns (fireball) for each
The test results discussed here show that it is important to
evaluate the specific equipment or arc flash scenario to better
refine arc flash analysis approaches.
With horizontal bus configurations (rack-in style), incident
2. energies ranged from 1.5 times that predicted by IEEE 1584-
0 2002 up to 4.7 times the predicted value. 89% of the
measurements had energies less than 3.5 times the IEEE 1584
formula. Only 2% exceeded 4.0 times IEEE 1584 predictions.
With vertical bus configurations, incident energies were
between 0.5 and 1.0 times what IEEE 1584 predicts.
Rack-in switchgear with horizontal electrodes had much
No Multiplier higher incident energies than the switchgear with vertical
electrodes. With horizontal electrodes, the magnetic forces
push the arc and the fireball out the front of the enclosure.
With horizontal electrodes, the fireball goes downward, and
Note 1: Bubble size reflects arc durations 20, 40, 60 cycles respectively. Lines more energy stays in the enclosure. Figure 22 and Figure 23
represent multipliers to IEEE 1584-2002. compare similar events on the two types of switchgear tested.
Fig 21: Live-front transformers: IEEE 1584-2002 prediction Both events were done with Iarc = 8.4 kA and duration = 31
vs measured incident energy cycles. IEEE 1584-2002 predicts 6.9 cal/cm2 for these
Multiplier to IEEE 1584-2002 Probability
1.0 34%
2.0 87%
3.0 98%
Multiplier Range to IEEE 1584-2002 Specimen
0.2 – 1.6 #1 Fig 22: Horizontal racking configuration: 22.1 cal/cm2
0.4 – 1.3 #2
0.4 – 1.5 #3
1.4 – 3.6 #4
1.1 – 2.5 #5
In support of the PG&E laboratories, we would like to thank
the dedicated work of Ralph Seban, Dan Kaufman, and Ryan
[1] ASTM F1959, Standard Test Method for Determining the Arc Rating of
Materials for Clothing: ASTM International, 2006.
[2] IEEE Std 1584-2002, IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard
[3] EPRI 1018693, Distribution Arc Flash: Analysis Methods and Arc
Characteristics: Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 2009.
[4] EPRI 1022697, Distribution Arc Flash: Phase II Test Results and
Analysis, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 2011.
[5] Kinectrics, "State-of-Art Report on Arc Hazard Modeling," in
Distribution Arc Flash: Analysis Methods and Arc Characteristics:
Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 2008.
[6] ASTM E 457 – 08, Standard Test Method for Measuring Heat-Transfer
Rate Using a Thermal Capacitance (Slug) Calorimeter: ASTM
International, 2008.
[7] Short, T. A. and Eblen, M. L., "Medium-Voltage Arc Flash in Open Air
and Padmounted Equipment," IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 245-253, Jan.-Feb. 2012.