Math 9 Exam

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Name: _____________________ Section: _________________ Score: _______________

Directions: Find out how much you already know. Choose the letter that you think best answers the question.
Write your answer on the space provided before each item.

_______ 1. What is a polynomial equation of degree two that can be written in a form a x 2 + bx + c = 0,
where a, b, c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
a. Linear Equation b. Linear Inequality c. Quadratic Equation d. Quadratic Inequality

_______ 2. Which of the following is a quadratic equation?

a. 2 x 2 + 4r – 1 b. 3t – 7 = 2 c. s 2 + 5s – 4 = 0 d. 2 x 2 –7x ≥ 3

_______ 3. In the quadratic equation 3 x 2 + 7x – 4 = 0, which is the quadratic term?

a. x 2 b. 7x c. 3 x 2 d. -4

_______ 4. Which of the following equation is NOT a quadratic equation?

a. 2 x 2 + 5x – 3 = 0 b. 3x ( x-2 ) = 10 c. ( 2x + 5 ) ( x-1 ) = -6 d. 2x+x+2=0

_______ 5. In a quadratic equation 3 x 2 + 7x – 4 = 0, what is the value of a?

a. 3 b. 3x c. 7 d. -4

_______ 6. Refer the equation in no.5, which is the linear term?

a. x 2 b. 7x c. 3 x 2 d. -4

_______ 7. Which of the following quadratic equation is written in standard form?

a. 3x - 2 x 2 = 7 b. - 2 x 2 – 7 = -3x c. -2 x 2 – 7 + 3x = 0 d. -2 x 2 + 3x – 7 =

_______ 8. Write ( x+3 )( x+4 ) = 0 in standard form of a quadratic equation.

a. x 2 + 3x + 4 b. x 2 + 6x + 12 c. x 2 + 7x + 12 d.
x + x + 12

_______ 9. Which of the following quadratic equation is in a form a x 2 + c = 0?

a. 2 x 2 + 3x = 0 b. 2 x 2 = 3x c. 2 x 2 + 3 = 5 d. 2
x 2 + 3x + 0

_______ 10. The following are the values of a, b and c that Edna and Luisa got when they expressed 5 – 3x
= 2 x 2 in standard form. ( Edna: a = 2, b = 3, c = -5 ; Luisa: a= -2, b= -3; c =5 )
Who do you think got the correct values of a, b c?
a. Luisa c. Both of them are correct
b. Edna d. Both of them are wrong
_______ 11. What is √ 16 ?
a. 4 b. 4 c. ± 4 d. √ 4

________ 12. How many real roots does √−16 have?

a. no real roots b. zero c. one real root d. two real roots

_________ 13. 3 h2 – 147 = 0, find for the root.

a. +7, -7 b. -7, -7 c. +7, +7 d. 0, +7

_________ 14. Which of the following quadratic equation has two real roots.
a. x 2 – 16 = 0 b. x 2 + 16 = 0 c. x 2 +2 = 2 d.
x 2 +3=3

_________ 15. Extract: (2 s−1)2=225

a. 8, -7 b. -8, 7 c. -8,-7 d. 8,7
_______16. Refer to the figure:
What equation would best describe the equation to the right?

a. S + S = 169 cm 2 c. S 2−169 cm 2 =0
b. S 2 + 169 cm 2 d. S= S + 169 cm 2

______ 17. How many real ?roots does a quadratic equation x 2

+5x+7=0 have?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

______ 18. Which of the following values of x make the equation x 2 +7x-18=0 true?
I. -9 II. 2 III. 9
a. I & II b. II & III c. I & III d. I, II, III

______ 19. The roots are -1 and -8, which of the following equations has this roots?
a. x 2 + 9x = -8 b. x 2 + 7x = 0 c. t 2 + 8 t + 16 = 0 d.
h + 6h = 16

______ 20. Factor: x 2+7 x=0 .

a. 7,0 b. -7,0 c. 7,1 d. -7, -1

______ 21. Factor: n2 + 7n + 15 = 5

a. 5, 2 b. -5, 2 c. 5, -2 d.-5, -2

______ 22. Which of the following equations may be solved easily by factoring?
a. 2 x 2=7 2 c. w 2−64=0
b. t 2 +¿ 12t + 36 = 0 d. 2 s 2+ 8 s−10=0

_______23. Form an equation then find the length and width of the figure.

a. L=17cm, w=9cm
b. L=9cm, w= 17cm
c. L=-17cm, w=
153 cm 9cm
d. L=17cm ,w=

_______24. Rey has an assignment, he needs to solve this equation by factoring: x + 9 x=−8 .
What must he do? Arrange the given below and choose the best answer.
1. x + 9 x +8 .
2 . ( x+1 )=0 ; ( x+ 8 )=0 .
3 ( x+ 1 )( x +8 ) =0 .
4 . x=−1; x=−8 .

a. 1-2-3-4 c. 1-2-4-3
b. 1-3-2-4 d. 4-3-2-1

_______25.What must be the number that should be added to make the equation ¿ to make it a
x +2 x ¿
perfect square trinomial?
a. 2 b. 4 c.6 d.8

_______26. Solve: y 2+ 4 y =32 by completing the square. What are the roots?
a. y = 4 & y = -8 c. y = -6 , y = -4
b. y =-4 & y = 8 d. y = 6 , y = 4

_______27. Solve by completing the square: 2 x 2 +8 x−10=0 . What are the roots?
a. 1,5 b. -1,5 c.1,-5 d. -1,-5
_______28. Which of the following quadratic equations has no real roots?
a. 2 x 2 +4 x=3 c. 3 s 2−2 s=−5
b. t 2 −8 t−4=0 d. −2 r 2 +r +7=0

_______29. One of the roots of 2 x 2−13 x +20=0 is 4. What is the other root?
2 −5 2 5
a. - b. c. d.
5 2 5 2

_______30. Observe the solution given below:

The equation is y 2+ 4 y −32=0 is to be solved by completing the square.
Observe the solution;
y +4 y −32=0 1
y + 4 y =32 2
y +4 y +16=32+16 3
( y +4 ) =48 4
Something is wrong with the solution, which part of the solution?

a. 1 b.2 c.3 d.4

_______31. Refer to the figure at the right:

Find the measurement of the sides.

a. s=11 cm
b. s=−8 cm
c. s=8 cm
d. s=−11 cm

_______32. Find the solutions of the equation 2 x 2 +3 x=27 using

quadratic formula.
What are the roots?
9 −9
a. -3 and c. 3 and
2 2
2 −9
b. -3 and d. -3 and
9 2

_______33. Mrs. Cruz asked the carpenter to construct a rectangular bulletin board for her classroom. She
told the carpenter that the board’s area must be 18 sq. ft. suppose the length of the board is
7ft. longer than its width. What equation would represent the given situation?
a. x 2+7=18 c. x=x 2+7−18
b. x 2+7 x +18=0 d. x 2−7 x−18=0

_______34. Given the problem above. What will be the length of each sides?
a. 13 cm c. 69cm
b. 16 cm d. 169cm

_______35. What equation would best describe the diagram below?

2s 3
S 228

Area= 228 cm 2

a. (s-4)(2s-3)= 228 c. (s + 4)(2s – 3)=228

b. (s+4)(2s + 3 ) = 228 d. (s - 4)(2) =228
_______ 36. Find the solution of the equation: (2x – 2 using the quadratic formula.
¿ ¿ −4=0
7 3 −7 3
a. & c. &
2 2 2 2

−7 −3 7 −3
b. & d. &
2 2 2 2
_______ 37. Describe the roots of quadratic equation when the value of b −4 ac is 0.
a. rational & equal c. rational & not equal
b. irrational & equal d. irrational & not equal

_______38. Describe the roots of quadratic equation when the value of b −4 ac is negative.
a. rational & equal c. rational & not equal
b. irrational & equal d. no roots

_______39. Find the discriminant of the equation x 2−4 x + 4=0 .

a. 0 c.4
b.2 d.6

________40. The roots of a quadratic equation are -5 and 3. Which of the following quadratic equations has
these roots?
a. x 2−8 x+15=0 c. x 2−2 x −15=0
b. x 2+ 8 x +15=0 d. x 2+2 x−15=0

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