Rmohn ELEN4314 Project Report

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2007/04/15 ELEN 4314 Communications Circuits - Design Project

A Three Transistor Discrete FM Transmitter

Russell Mohn, Member, IEEE

This paper explains the design and construction of a simple FM transmitter. The transmitter is
made from identical discrete bipolar junction transistors. Continuous tuning is achieved with a
variable capacitor. The designed tuning range was 88MHz to 108MHz. The transmitter can transmit
music on a 91.7MHz carrier over a distance of 50feet.

I. Introduction
Frequency modulation (FM) is a technique for wireless transmission of information where the
frequency of a high frequency carrier is changed in proportion to message signal which contains the
information. FM was invented and developed by Edwin Armstrong in the 1920’s and 30’s. Frequency
modulation was demonstrated to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for the first time in
1940, and the first commercial FM radio station began broadcasting in 1945. FM is not a new concept.
However, the concept of FM is essential to a wide gamut of radio frequency wireless devices and is
therefore worth studying in 2007. [1]
The objective of this paper is to explain the design and construction of a simple FM transmitter.
The salient specifications for the transmitter are as follows: one 9V supply, DC power consumption
less than 80mW, transmit frequency at a vacant spot in FM band (88MHz ..108MHz), transmitted
power not to exceed 10uW, and the only active device type allowed is the 2N2222A NPN BJT. In
addition, a pre-emphasis filter is required with a 3dB corner frequency equal to 1 / 75us. A variable
capacitor with value 4pF .. 30pF is used for tuning. The design has been simulated and constructed.
The built transmitter can transmit music at a distance of 50 feet. This paper will explain the design
decisions that were made in the process of design and construction.

II. System Design

A phase-locked loop (PLL) based approach to the FM transmitter was first considered. This
approach has the advantage that the channel frequency spacing of 200kHz can be selected with
accurate control. However, the complexity of the PLL based FM transmitter is high. It requires two
2007/04/15 ELEN 4314 Communications Circuits - Design Project

oscillators, one of which is usually a reference crystal oscillator, which is not allowed in the
requirements of this project. In addition, the common circuits used for the phase-frequency detector
and divider use digital gates that would be cumbersome to build out of NPN transistors. For these
reasons, I sought a much simpler system.
The simple system chosen is shown in Figure 1. The RF oscillator’s bias point is directly
modified by the audio input signal. First, the audio signal passes through the high pass pre-emphasis
filter. Then a programmable gain amplifier amplifies it. The programmable gain stage ensures that the
audio signal amplitude can be adjusted so that it modulates the oscillator; it also acts as a buffer
between the audio source and the oscillator. The audio source can be a variety of devices each with its
own output amplitude specification. An MP3 music player was used as the audio source in this design.
The input signal amplitude was specified as 100mVpk; however, a signal source with a 100mVpk
sinusoidal signal was not readily available. The MP3 player’s output signal has a peak value of
approximately 20mV as shown in Figure 2. Note that all of the frequencies present in the music
appear as a mixture of different signals on the oscilloscope. The gain stage was designed to be
programmable because it can compensate for audio sources with different output amplitudes. After the
linear amplification, the audio signal changes the operating point of the oscillator and therefore
modulates the frequency that the oscillator generates. An amplification stage after the oscillator was
deliberately omitted for simplicity and to keep the amount of RF radiated power below the FCC limit
of 10uW. If the goal was to build a transmitter that could transmit long distances, a power amplifier
stage would have been added after the oscillator.

III. Circuit Design

The simple FM transmitter schematic is shown in Figure 3. The audio input is AC-coupled to
the base of NPN Q2 through capacitor C4. The 3nF capacitor C4, NPN Q2, and its 100Ω emitter
resistor R5 comprise the pre-emphasis filter. The input impedance looking into the base of Q2 is
approximately β*Re which is 200*100Ω = 20kΩ. The product of the series capacitance, C4, and the
resistance to ground is set equal to the desired audio pre-emphasis of 75µs (1 / 13.3kHz) giving a
capacitance value of 3.75nF. In Figure 4, the simulation shows that a value of 3nF gives a f3dB of
11.2kHz which is closer to the desired 13.3kHz than the 7.5kHz simulated using the 3.75nF capacitor.
The difference can be accounted for in the input capacitance of the NPN.
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The NPN transistors Q2 and Q3 form a current mirror. The resistor RGAIN in the collector of
Q3 sets the current through Q3. Since Q2 has the same base-emitter voltage as Q3, the same quiescent
current will flow through Q2. As the value of resistance RGAIN increases from 0Ω to 5kΩ the voltage
across the base-emitter junction of Q3 increases which in turn increases the collector current in Q3.
Since the transconductance of a BJT equals IC / VT where VT is the thermal voltage and the gain from
base of Q2 to its collector is proportional to its transconductance, the gain of the stage is set by the
resistor RGAIN. In Figure 5, the gain at 10kHz varies from –44dB to 28dB, a range of 72dB. This is
sufficient to cover a wide range of input signal voltage magnitudes.
The audio signal, after being filtered, and amplified, is directly coupled to the base of transistor
Q1, which is configured as a Colpitt’s oscillator. Capacitor C3 shorts the base of Q1 to AC ground.
The inductor is hand-wound with an air core. Using the empirical formula, L = (an)2 / (9a + 10b) [2]
where a is the radius in inches, b the length in inches, and n the number of turns, the inductor’s
inductance value was calculated, 76nH. The variable capacitor CTUNE is used to tune the frequency
as shown in Figure 8 from 81.6MHz to 120MHz; this covers the specifications. The AC response in
Figure 8 uses a 1V AC source at the audio input to excite the circuit; the units on the y-axis are not to
be interpreted literally; their relative value is what is important. From the plots, it is apparent that the
circuit is excited at frequencies from 81.6MHz to 120MHz as the CTUNE is varied. A series parasitic
resistance RPAR of 0.2Ω was added to the schematic for more realistic simulation; the value was
measured after the circuit was built. A parasitic capacitance of 500fF was added between the oscillator
output and ground to account for board trace inductances. Transient simulation shows the oscillator
starts and oscillates at 94MHz with a magnitude of 16.5Vpp; this does not exceed the specified
breakdown voltage from collector to emitter of 75V.

IV. Measured Results

The board was built on a perforated board with pre-made traces as shown in Figure 8. The
board layout could be improved by placing the variable capacitor anywhere perpendicular to the
magnetic field passing through the inductor. When a metallic screwdriver is brought in proximity to
the inductor, it changes the oscillation frequency because the inductance value is changed.
Furthermore, the variable capacitor is very sensitive and difficult to tune. Touching the tuning
capacitor with a screwdriver changes the oscillation frequency as well. The 10pF fixed capacitor CFIX
was added in parallel to the tunable capacitor to desensitize the oscillation frequency from the absolute
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value of the variable capacitor. An improvement would be to use a controllable voltage to set the
capacitance of a reverse-biased PN junction which in turn sets the oscillator frequency.
The measured DC power consumption of the device is 46.5mW. Music was successfully
transmitted and received at 90.5MHz and 91.7MHz. At these frequencies, the transmitter did not have
to compete with more powerful received signals from radio stations. The music fidelity was good; its
volume was audible but faint. The circuit is sensitive to its environment and is not designed to operate
as the battery voltage drops or at extreme temperatures. A summary of the results is presented in Table

V. Conclusions
A simple three transistor FM transmitter was designed and built. The circuit consumes
46.5mW and can transmit music at 90.5MHz and 91.7MHz.
2007/04/15 ELEN 4314 Communications Circuits - Design Project

Figure 1. Simple FM transmitter system

Figure 2. Audio signal amplitude ~ 20mVpk (iPod output)

Figure 3. FM transmitter schematic with annotated DC voltages

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Figure 4. Pre-emphasis filter frequency response

Figure 5. Programmable audio gain for RGAIN = 100Ω .. 5kΩ

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Figure 6. Frequency response at antenna as CTUNE varies from 4pF to 30pF

Figure 7. Simulated time-domain oscillator output, f = 94MHz

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Figure 8. Functional prototype of simple FM transmitter

Figure 9. Measured output of FM transmitter

2007/04/15 ELEN 4314 Communications Circuits - Design Project

Figure 10. Transmitted signal received at 91.7MHz

Specification Target Measured Units

Power supply 9 9 [V]
DC power consumption < 80 46.5 [mW]
TX frequency 88 - 108 91.7 [MHz]
Frequency spacing 200 continuous [kHz]
Audio pre-emphasis 75 90 [us]
Audio input magnitude 100 20 [mVpk]
Maximum RF power < 10 TBD [uW]
FM deviation 75 TBD [kHz]
Table 1. Target and measured specifications of the FM transmitter
2007/04/15 ELEN 4314 Communications Circuits - Design Project

[1] Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FM_broadcasting_in_the_USA

[2] Tsividis, Y. ELEN4314 Design Project, class assignment document, Project2007.pdf.

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