Social Media Strategy Workbook PDF

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The All-in-One
Social Media

The All-in-One
Social Media
Strategy Workbook
Strategy Workbook
The tools, networks, and tactics
The tools, to
you need networks,
succeedand tactics
you need to succeed
The All-in-One Social Media Workbook
 Table of Contents 

Getting Started 4
Develop an Effective
Content Strategy 14
Driving Engagement 17
Amplify Your Brand 20
Measuring Your Brand 25
Ongoing Learning 28


The All-in-One Social Media Workbook
 The tools, networks, and tactics you need to succeed 

Assess your social media presence

Before you create a social media marketing plan, it’s
important to conduct a social media audit. Taking stock
of your current social media accounts and networks, as
Social Media Audit Template
well as the number and efficacy of users and owners,
will help you understand what efforts are working— This template is to help you conduct a social media audit for your business.

and what are not. You can then pare down on inactive
Follow these steps to execute your next social media audit.

accounts, give permissions to responsible users, and Step 1

Create a spreadsheet and write down all the social networks you own and the owner for each.

begin your strategy with a clean slate. Social Network URL To Profile Owner

Download Hootsuite’s social media audit template

to get started.
Step 2
Go on Google and search up any other social media profiles that is representing your company that you
don’t own (imposters). Create a separate spreadsheet.

Social Network URL Owner Shutdown Y/N

Social media strategy template Step 3

Evaluate the needs for all your social media profiles and create a mission statement for each.
For example: Instagram Profile—To share company culture and company achievements.

To help get you started, download our free social media Social Network URL to Profile Owner Mission Statement

strategy template.

Use this template to create a social media strategy to

guide your daily activities. Answer key questions about
your social media objectives, current status and profiles, SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIT TEMPLATE

content strategy, and how to measure success.

Download template:



In this chapter, you will learn about:

1 Four key points you

need to consider
before you create a
2 The differences
between popular social
media networks
3 Best practices
for the top social
social media strategy
4 key strategy considerations
Understand who your customer is and where to find Set a goal for each social profile and identify
them online. My audience is comprised of women aged benchmarks for success. Ex: I want to increase new
25 to 35, so the primary social networks I should focus follower count on Facebook by 50 each month to
on (at least initially) are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and amplify my brand and drive foot traffic to my brick-and-
Instagram. mortar business.

Create a mission statement for each social profile’s Develop a content strategy for each profile. Ex: I
purpose, tying this back to your business goals. Ex: I will want to post 2 unique images on Instagram each day to
use Twitter for customer service in order to promote increase engagement and positive sentiment around my
customer loyalty. brand.

Popular social networks

Number Demographic
Network More information
of users information

48% of users
Social network leader with
1.28 billion 65% female / aged 18-34,
Facebook largest audience, large focus on
users 35% male 31% aged
interaction with friends and family

Open network geared towards

255 million 62% female / 66% of users
Twitter conversations via short messages
users 38% male aged 15-34
(140 characters maximum)

Social network geared towards

300 million 39% female / 60% of users
LinkedIn building professional connections
users 61% male aged 25-54
to aid career development

All users Social network arm of Google’s

30% female /
Google+ 1 billion users have Google product offering, heavy visual
70% male
accounts focus.

45% of users A place to build virtual collections

70 million 83% female /
Pinterest between of visual content pertaining to
users 17% male
35-54 personal interests

90% of users
300 million 68% female /
Instagram under 35 years Platform for sharing visual content
users 32% male

Reaches more
U.S. adults Platform for hosting and sharing
YouTube 1 billion users user base is 18-
than any cable video content
34 years old

80% of users
45 million 40% female / Social network focused on geo-
Foursquare between 18-43
users 60% male location based interaction
years old


Best practices for top social networks

Network Focus Frequency Tip

Facebook Quality 5-10 per week Aim for 2 posts per day to keep audience interested

Twitter Quantity 3-5 per day One per hour is optimal

LinkedIn technical 2-5 per week LinkedIn posts get more traction during the work week

Content Your posts give Google more content to index and

Google+ 1 per day
relevancy enhance SEO rankings

storytelling Pin both original content and repin engaging
Pinterest 3-4 per day
through content from other users

Rich There is no real fatigue with posting but ensure

Instagram 1-2 per day
imagery consistency week after week


Getting started with Twitter on Hootsuite
‹‹Hootsuite allows you to work with multiple Twitter accounts in one place, making it easier to set up and view
multiple streams and tabs. Hootsuite allows you to use Twitter functions like quick search and saving streams as
you normally would, but with visibility into numerous accounts.

‹‹Long-time Twitter user? Grade your Twitter in terms of social media marketing with Hootsuite’s Social Grader
tool. You can measure your reach, engagement, profile, and receive an overall grade on performance. Social
Grader will also provide practical tips on how to improve your score.

‹‹Pictures can help increase engagement and make your posts stand out. Post photos directly from Hootsuite by
updating your picture upload preferences to Photos posted through Hootsuite using pic.twitter.
com will be automatically included in your Twitter profile’s photo gallery and will be displayed at the full resolution
supported on

‹‹Set up monitoring streams for your company’s influencers, competitors, keywords, and your own brand. Streams
are valuable for basic social listening, and help you track the social activity around your business and industry.

‹‹Geo-filter or geo-locate your searches to listen to relevant conversations in a local area—specify the range of
geo-tagged Tweets from 5km to 25km, for example (or the equivalent in miles). Narrow your search to industry-
related topics, terms, or brand mentions within that range so you can deliver localized content that resonates
with the right audience.

Anatomy of a great Tweet Bright, strong images that accompany Tweets

increase engagement and retweets.
Keep Tweets between 100 and 120 characters
so others can modify or add short notes before Maintain your own personality. You don’t want to
retweeting. sound like a robot!

Take the time to write a proper sentence (yes,

including grammar and punctuation) that fits within
the character limit.

Encourage conversation and build your audience by Hootsuite @Hootsuite 22h

posing questions to elicit curiosity, quoting others (with What goes with rum and eggnog? An owl of course! #holidayowl
proper citation), and thanking those who mention you
or pass your message along.

Twitter is the birthplace of the hashtag in modern

social media usage. Use the hashtag often, and
wisely. (Don’t overdo it with the number of hashtags,
though, or your Tweet won’t get as much traction.)

Shorten links to get the most out of your Twitter

real estate. Hootsuite’s shortener doesn’t Expand Reply Retweet Favourite More

just look pretty, either—it’s a powerful tracking tool

to see who’s clicking on your messages, and from
what region.


Getting started with Facebook on Hootsuite
‹‹Create streams for “Inbound posts”, “My posts”, and
“Messages” using the “Add a Stream” guide. You
will be able to view, like, and comment on content
posted to the company Facebook page, see what
you’ve posted, and review and reply to any private
messages sent to your company page.

‹‹Add the “Unpublished” stream via the “Add a Stream”

guide so you can manage Facebook ads directly
‹‹Create a Facebook profile if you haven’t already. You in Hootsuite. Click the tab hosting your Facebook
will then need to create a Facebook page for your content in your streams, then add a new stream.
company. Click here to learn the difference between Select a Facebook profile that will stream content,
a Facebook profile and a Facebook page. and finish by clicking the plus button inline with
‹‹Add your Facebook company page and any relevant
Facebook groups to your Hootsuite dashboard. That ‹‹Customize link previews and text for any URLs you are
way, all of your Facebook pages, groups, and (if you sharing. This will avoid sharing links that look like they
prefer) personal profile are all in one place. come from an untrusted source or that simply pop into
their stream without additional information. Instead,
Note: You don’t need to connect your personal profile to be you can build trust and engagement by pointing out the
able to manage your company page.
value of a specific URL to your audience.

Anatomy of a great Facebook post Add comments to your older posts to bring it up in
the newsfeed again. Great posts can have more than
Facebook has changed over the years from primarily
one chance at viral appeal.
text-based communication to a mixture of all kinds of
media. Successful posts use short, interesting “teasers” Post often, but not too often. Use Hootsuite
(usually 2 or 3 sentences) for context along with Analytics to research the perfect number of messages
colorful images, short videos, and links to other good to post per day, and use AutoSchedule to publish
content that followers will enjoy. them during optimal times.

Stay positive. Facebook users tend to share and

interact with inspiring, funny, and life-affirming pieces.
Get creative by building your own memes with text
overlayed onto unique images.

Pose questions, tell stories, and use language

that encourages commenting and interaction with
your page.

Images sized to 403 x 403 pixels or higher will look

the best in the newsfeed column.

Interact with your followers and fans, as well as

other people who comment on posts in your feed.
Organic conversation is a great way to increase
engagement and build a loyal fan base.


Getting started with LinkedIn on Hootsuite
‹‹If you haven’t already, create a LinkedIn company ‹‹You can also separate important discussions that
page for your brand, with a focus on visual appeal. happen in LinkedIn Groups into individual streams.
If no one at your company has prior experience This way, you can monitor those discussions without
on LinkedIn, there are structured training courses the risk of having them pushed down in the stream
available. Hootsuite University offers a number of as new discussions come in. To create individual
resources with information on how to manage and streams, hover your mouse over the message you’d
maintain your LinkedIn company page. like to separate, click on the arrowhead, and then
click Save Discussion as Stream. The stream will
‹‹After you’ve connected your LinkedIn company populate on the far-right side of all streams with
page to your Hootsuite dashboard, you can “Comments” as the heading.
customize the streams to monitor your company,
personal, and scheduled updates, as well as any ‹‹Engage with your followers by starting a
relevant keyword searches. conversation. Post status updates that either link to
rich content, invite discussion, or include creative
and thought-provoking images, but be sure to stay
on-brand and industry-relevant with every post.

Anatomy of a great LinkedIn post Don’t forget the power of images on LinkedIn.
When you share a link, the main image is what your
LinkedIn is a business- and career-centric platform,
audience will see in their feed. A succinct, relevant
so welcome the opportunity to offer your expertise
message with a vibrant image will get more attention
on a subject that relates to your audience. Pretend
than a simple text-based post.
it’s a company dinner party—maintain your real, but
professional, voice and don’t be boring. .

Keep it short. Two or three sentences is all you need

for an intro before an external link. Give your audience
just enough to know why you shared it and what it
means to them.

Stay interested to be more interesting. Reply to

those who comment on your posts and like any of their
content that has value for you. Commenting on your own
post can open up conversation as well, which leads to
more engagement and increased visibility.

Tagging people or companies that you are

connected to adds authority to your posts. Make sure
the posts are related and will be welcomed by those
you are tagging.


Getting started with Instagram on Hootsuite
‹‹Sign up for Instagram and explore all the ways you ‹‹The quickest way to build a following on Instagram is
can spruce up your photos. to monitor and engage with different hashtags. To do
this, see what popular hashtags your community is
‹‹Download the Instagram app from the Hootsuite adding to their photos and engaging with. Research
App Directory. After you’ve installed the app, add the which hashtags other industry influencers or
stream to a new tab (or if you prefer an existing tab) competitors are using, and then spend time each day
on your dashboard. monitoring the content of each tag.

‹‹Add a stream for your own photos. This will make ‹‹Collaborate with others on Instagram. Whether
it easy to share and amplify your Instagram posts you’re a blog featuring another blogger, a small
across your other social networks. business featuring another local company, or just
an Instagrammer showing off your best friend,
‹‹Create a second stream for any relevant keyword
collaborations are an organic and natural way to
searches you want to monitor. Note: You can be
increase followers for both of you.
logged into multiple Instagram accounts at a time,
which helps if you’re managing Instagram for multiple
clients or businesses.

Anatomy of a great Instagram post Hashtags are integral to promoting your product,
service, or brand on Instagram. Use industry- or
Pictures are the heart and soul of Instagram, but the trick
location-specific hashtags—do some research on
is to tell a story rather than simply focus on a product.
which ones are popular.
Use block colors (“blocks” of bold, bright shades from
Start your own hashtag campaign by getting your
a palette of two or more colors) to make your images
friends and followers involved.
stand out from the rest.

Develop your brand’s own recognizable visual

style. You can start by consistently using one or two
filters that fits with your company image.


Getting started with Google+ on Hootsuite

Anatomy of a great Google+ post

Google+ profiles and posts are rich with SEO
potential. As Google adjusts its algorithms to
reward unique, relevant content rather than
keyword-stuffed ad copy, Google+ content is high
on the list of discoverable material.

‹‹Like all social networks, Google+ gives you the People love images on Google+. Include images
opportunity to connect with a community of customers wherever you can, and maintain an up-to-date
and fans on a very personal, social level. Unlike other photo gallery.
networks however, Google+ also has significant impact
on SEO and search traffic volume for your brand, which The +1 has become a virtual high-five across
is why having a Google+ company page (not just a all platforms, so don’t forget to share the love
Google+ profile) is a good idea. on Google+. Be generous with your +1s (plus-
ones?) to show interest in others and encourage
‹‹To create a Google+ page, you must first have a engagement.
personal profile (create yours here). From your
profile you can click “Pages” in the left-hand menu, Relevant keywords and hashtags are
and you’re on your way. important if you want your Google+ content
to be easily found. Hashtags show up in regular
‹‹Once you’ve created and optimized your Google+ search as well as Google+ search, and keywords
company page, connect it to your Hootsuite dashboard. are still an important part of how Google indexes
and uncovers content.
‹‹See how users are engaging with your posts by
adding an “updates” stream. This will also allow you Google+ is better suited to slightly longer
to respond to comments on your posts directly from posts (four or five sentences) than other
your Hootsuite dashboard. platforms because it is more easily picked up by
the search engine. Also, it’s a great venue to share
‹‹Don’t limit your content to your followers. With
longer-form content as some argue the attention
Google+ Communities, which you can access from
span is longer (less “noise”).
the dropdown menu under your company name
on Google+, you can reach a more niche audience
interested in your content, products, and knowledge.


Scheduling content with Hootsuite
Whether you want to continue publishing content Not only is scheduling helpful for efficiency and
consistently regardless of staff schedules, need to consistency, it also allows you to track how often you are
organize your time to be more efficient each day, or publishing content to keep your followers engaged, not
are adhering to an editorial workflow that aligns with overwhelmed. Here are three ways to schedule social
a content calendar, scheduling your content is an messages with Hootsuite:
excellent way to keep everything on track.

9:35 am pm
am pm

1. Manually schedule a 2. Schedule messages in bulk. 3. Let Hootsuite’s smart

single message. By creating a comma-separated algorithm pick the best time to
Click “Compose Message”, add your value file, such as an Excel send out your messages.
content and any links, then select spreadsheet or .csv, you can upload With AutoSchedule, you don’t have
the profile(s) where you’d like the and schedule multiple messages at to guess what times are optimal to
message to be posted. Click on the one time (bulk scheduling). These post your content. AutoSchedule
calendar icon to select the time and can be created using Google Docs, does the work for you by choosing
date for your message to the sent, TextEdit, or TextWrangler. You can a time to schedule Tweets based on
then finish off by clicking “Schedule”. schedule up to 350 bulk messages when they perform the best.
at the dates and times that you
specify. Click here for a detailed


Setting up a profile image Facebook

Social media profiles for businesses are like storefronts.

Without a professional, brand-appropriate image (along
with a short, information-rich bio), your content might
851 x 315
not get the attention it deserves. A profile with a strong 180 Cover Image
image can also build trust in your company overall and
help maintain the brand’s visual style. Profile Image

We’ve created templates for the top social networks with

the optimal dimensions for profile images. Twitter
media-profile/ 1500 x 1500
400 Cover Image
Profile Image

Additional resources
Check out these resources for further insight into Log in to Hootsuite University and watch the
brand amplification strategies. following videos:

Read the Hootsuite blog for more tips and tricks: ‹‹SCMD 121: Introduction to Social Networks

Twitter for Business ~ A Guide by the Hootsuite ‹‹SCMD 125: Setting Social Media Profiles up for
Social Media Coaches Business Success

How to Set Up Your Social Profiles ‹‹Lecture Series Webinar: How to Get Your Life
Back: 4 Tips & Tricks to Effective Social Media
The Purpose of Each Social Media Profile: Blog Management

‹‹Lecture Series Webinar: The Google+ Playbook:

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan
Building Engagement on G+ Pages & Communities
with Scott Wilder from Google


an Effective
Content Strategy
In this chapter, you will learn about:

1 Understanding your
brand position and
2 Creating a content
calendar—and why
it’s important
3 Publishing content
more efficiently with
Content strategy checklist Why do I need a content
Understanding your brand’s identity is an important calendar?
first step to deciding on the content you should source
Planning, creating, and publishing content can be
or create. The answers to the following questions will
stressful and difficult to maintain if you aren’t organized.
inform your brand guidelines, which in turn influence
We recommend creating a content calendar that
your content strategy.
brings all the necessary information into one easily
1. What is your brand positioning and voice? accessible place. You will then be able to see everything
at a glance—channels, authors, content types, topics,
2. What issues are important to your brand? dates—and allocate resources accordingly.

3. How do external parties refer to your brand, such as Once your calendar is in place and is being used for a
the media, industry experts, etc? period of time, you’ll be able to:

4. What is your community interested in when they ‹‹See what content connects with your audience, and
aren’t talking about your brand or directly to you? what is missing the mark, so you can adjust future
plans for best results.
5. Historical performance: What content has worked
and what hasn’t? ‹‹Keep your contributors busy, but not overwhelmed.
Resource allocation can be a real challenge, and a
6. Search behavior: What do people search for when good content calendar will take the guesswork out of
they are looking for your brand’s products and assigning tasks to the right people at the right times.

How to develop a content calendar

Decide on dates, times, author, audience for blog ‹‹50% of content links back to the blog
posts and social content.
‹‹25% curated from another source
Tie your content calendar closely to your business
goals. For example, if your LinkedIn account is meant ‹‹20% drives content related to your business
to drive leads, focus on lead generation content.
‹‹5% is related to HR and company culture
Create a content matrix that defines what percentage
Download our editorial calendar template
of your content is allocated to different types of posts.
Consider breaking it down like this example, but using
your own content types and overall social media
strategy goals:


Publishing from Hootsuite

Additional resources
Check out these resources for further insight into
developing an effective content strategy.

Read the Hootsuite blog:

‹‹The Importance of Developing a Content


‹‹Beginner’s Guide to Content Curation

1. Download Hootlet for easy, one-click sharing of ‹‹4-Step Guide to Efficient Content Curation
content from anywhere on the web.
‹‹Social Media Tips to Enhance your Content
2. Use Suggested Content to find engaging content Marketing
based on keywords relevant to your company.
‹‹How Social Media Affects SEO
3. Add apps from the Hootsuite App Directory, such as
Flipboard, Trendspottr, and Content Gems, to your Log in to Hootsuite University and watch the
dashboard to discover trending content. following videos:

4. Never miss another update from your favorite blogs ‹‹SCMD 161: Generating and Sharing Content
with the Hootsuite Syndicator, which lets you bring Effectively
these sites straight into a stream in your Hootsuite
‹‹Lecture Series: Content Marketing with
dashboard simply by plugging in their RSS feeds.
Hootsuite and LinkedIn
5. Once you’ve added your own website’s RSS feed,
‹‹Lecture Series: Hootsuite and LinkedIn: Does
add one or two favorite feeds into Hootsuite so they
Your Content Make An Impact?
automatically publish using the RSS/Atom feature.
‹‹Lecture Series: Top 10 Ways to Improve
6. The Hootsuite Publisher calendar view gives you
Audience Engagement on Twitter: A Hootsuite
many options to manage and edit your content,
Guide for Small to Medium Businesses
depending on your preference.


In this chapter, you will learn about:

1 5 strategies that will

help drive engagement 2 Tips on how to increase
engagement for top
social networks
3 The must-have
apps for increasing
5 strategies that will help drive engagement

Tips on how to increase



Tweets that contain photos average a 35% boost

in retweets. Remember to keep messages at least
20 characters under the limit to allow for retweets
1. Create dialogue with your customers by following up
and comments.
on comments on your published content.
a. Build a private list of Twitter users you’ve engaged
with and continue to build on those relationships. Short text posts are being favored by Facebook’s
There is great potential to turn contacts into algorithm, which means they show up more
customers. frequently. However, the algorithm may change—
and your audience may change how they interact
b. Engage in deep listening. with Facebook posts that use shorter amounts
of text—so it’s worth adjusting your engagement
i. Monitor for @mentions and be timely. 71% of strategy as needed.
consumers who receive a quick brand response are
more likely to recommend that brand to others.
Engage your audience by asking relevant
ii. Listen to keywords relevant to your brand and questions and be sure to follow up on comments
industry, and proactively reach out to potential as soon as possible to keep the conversation
customers. going, whether the comments are on your
company page, in specific groups, or your
2. Measure what content your audience is engaging
published posts.
with most to learn what works.
3. Share, mention, and compliment other people’s
content that you like. You will create new Try posting “how-to” posts tailored to your
relationships and add value to your own content by audience, as these have been shown to be most
showing that you’re engaged as well. successful on the Google+ platform.
4. Attach images to your Tweets to help improve Instagram:
engagement. Tweets with photos average a 35%
boost in retweets. Remember: you’re posting about your brand, so
share authentic, brand-specific “insider” photos for
5. Participate in Twitter Chats to learn from others higher engagement rates.
and converse with your audience.


Must-have apps and must-do’s for your
Hootsuite dashboard

Additional resources
Check out these resources for further insight into
engagement strategies.

Read the Hootsuite blog:

‹‹Small Businesses Can Increase Twitter

Download the Hootsuite Mobile App so you can engage
Engagement With Twitter images
with your followers and fans on the go.
‹‹Social Media Engagement - Are You Doing it
Add useful apps directly from the Hootsuite App
Directory into your dashboard. For example:
‹‹Advanced Twitter Search Tips to Increase
‹‹JustUnfollow for Twitter lets you check relationships
Customer Engagement
between Twitter profiles, copy followers from other
similar accounts, and more. ‹‹How to Find Social Media Influencers

‹‹Reddit Keyword Monitor Pro looks at every post Log in to Hootsuite University and watch the
and comment to see who’s talking about your brand, following videos:
business, or competitors.
‹‹Lecture Series: Top 10 Ways to Improve
Set up geo-located monitoring searches on Twitter for Audience Engagement on Twitter: A Hootsuite
your area. The more local conversations you are able Guide for Small to Medium Businesses
to listen in on (via geo-tagged Tweets), the easier it is to
understand what’s important to your followers. ‹‹Lecture Series: How to Turn Leads into
Customers on Twitter with Twitter’s SMB
Filter streams by keyword to further refine your search. experts

Add URL parameters to your search so you can ‹‹Lecture Series: Relationships that Drive Results:
see exactly which type of post is driving the most 5 Key Steps to Engaging Followers on LinkedIn


Your Brand
In this chapter, you will learn about:

1 Using hashtags
to increase brand
awareness and
2 Proven tactics for
brand amplification 3 Best practices
for the top social
discover trending
Brand amplification

Tips and tricks for

brand amplification
Check out these resources for further insight into
engagement strategies.

Read the Hootsuite blog:

‹‹Small Businesses Can Increase Twitter

Engagement With Twitter images

‹‹Social Media Engagement - Are You Doing it

‹‹Optimize your social media profiles with consistent
avatars and handles, but use custom information like ‹‹Advanced Twitter Search Tips to Increase
your company bio on individual social networks. Customer Engagement

‹‹Add links to your social profiles across your web ‹‹How to Find Social Media Influencers
properties (website, blog, business card, signature, etc.)
Log in to Hootsuite University and watch the
‹‹Find top influencers in your industry and following videos:
interact with those who have previously shared
‹‹Lecture Series: Top 10 Ways to Improve
your social content.
Audience Engagement on Twitter: A Hootsuite
‹‹Encourage employees and colleagues to share Guide for Small to Medium Businesses
company-related content on their own social
‹‹Lecture Series: How to Turn Leads into
networks by posting interesting material (blog posts,
Customers on Twitter with Twitter’s SMB
unique images, etc.) that their followers would
enjoy as well. Broadening content beyond product
mentions allows you to connect with new audiences, ‹‹Lecture Series: Relationships that Drive Results:
amplifying your reach organically. 5 Key Steps to Engaging Followers on LinkedIn


Hashtags for brand awareness

Create a hashtag specific to your business and use it
as your central business tag on every social channel
(ex: KitKat uses #HaveABreak to connect the traditional
candy bar slogan with the company’s social efforts).

Encourage people to share your hashtag. When your

customers share photos of your product, you receive
authentic images of real people enjoying your business.

Monitor the hashtag across your social networks

and engage with or respond to customer mentions.
Quick action is integral: customers expect immediate
responses on Twitter (1 to 2 hours). #relevant
Use the magnifying glass icon (search) on the right side
of your Hootsuite dashboard to see if your hashtags are
being used by anyone else. (Or a tool like RiteTag.)

Create campaign-specific hashtags to spread the word

on contests or promotions.

How to discover trending

Hashtags are a great way to discover what people are
talking about on social media. It is important, though, to
know the dangers of wading into a topic that could turn
negative. Check out our How to Use Hashtags blog post
for best practices and tips.

Find trending topics on Twitter and Google+ (these #specific

trends are often happening simultaneously on
Facebook and Instagram) that you can track by creating
streams in your Hootsuite dashboard to monitor for
the associated hashtags.

Tag relevant keywords relating to a product or service

(#roomforrent), lifestyle (#recipeoftheday), event (#TEDTalk),
or location (#EastVan) to expand your reach to a qualified
user group searching for this type of content.

Be specific with your hashtags. Targeting a smaller

audience interested in your topic gives you a greater
chance of improving engagement and sentiment around
your brand.


Pro Tip
Develop and nurture your following without burdening the audience by following the rule of thirds when it
comes to social content:

‹‹33% should promote your business, convert readers, and generate profits.

‹‹33% should surface and share ideas from thought leaders/pioneers in your industry or like-minded businesses.

‹‹33% should be based on conversing with others and building your brand through engaging with people.

Sticking to the rule of thirds will keep your audience engaged, informed, and interested in what you have to say.

The Rule of Thirds:

Industry news and your product or service
useful tips


interact with others


Automatically schedule your content

Additional resources
Check out these additional resources for further
insight into engagement and amplification

Read the Hootsuite blog:

‹‹The Do’s and Don’ts of How to Use Hashtags

‹‹How Social Media Turns Your Employees Into

a Secret PR Army

‹‹How To Increase Twitter Engagement With

Save time by bulk uploading your content and have it Twitter Images
automatically scheduled in your Hootsuite dashboard.
Login to Hootsuite University and watch the
Use this template to create a series of social messages following videos:
you would like to share. Add the date and time you
‹‹SCMD 162: Growing Your Online Community
would like each messaged to be scheduled, include the
content in a separate column, and include any relevant ‹‹Lecture Series: How to Amplify Your Paid &
links in another column, then simply hit upload. Earned Social Media with Storify with Xavier
Damman, CEO of Storify
Download bulk upload template:
‹‹Lecture Series: Be Local Everywhere - Growing
Your Online Community with Dave Olson from
Excel Hootsuite

‹‹Lecture Series Webinar: Social Media 101 for

Nonprofits: Building a Thriving Community


Your Brand
In this chapter, you will learn about:

1 Measuring your social

efforts 2 Finding—and
compiling—the most
relevant data using
3 Social analytics
in action

Hootsuite Analytics
How to measure your Finding the data you need
social efforts with Hootsuite
All of your hard work and planning around social media
could go unappreciated or unnoticed within your
company if you don’t have the proof that it’s working.
Showing the results of your efforts starts with setting
goals around your initial strategy, then measuring the

Tie your overall social strategy to company goals. Every

business has its own set of metrics, but some of the
most common include: 1. Get started with Hootsuite Analytics through this
Onboarding Resource Center.
‹‹Reach, or the potential audience for a message
based on total follower count 2. Custom reports can be built using a variety of
analytics modules and customized to your business
‹‹Leads generated by your social posts
goals. View this 3-minute video on how to build a
‹‹Sign-ups (or conversions) for your product(s) or custom report.
3. Enhance your social analytics with key analytics apps:
‹‹Revenue tied back to your social posts
Twitter Analytics:
‹‹Select a social media analytics tool, such as Google
• Riffle Twitter Insights
Analytics or Hootsuite Analytics.
• Twtrland
‹‹Use a URL shortener like that can track who is
clicking on your content and from what region. • Demographics Pro for Twitter
‹‹Create a custom report and determine how Instagram Analytics:
frequently you will review social media metrics
(weekly or monthly, for example). • Iconosquare

‹‹Measure what’s working and what isn’t, and optimize • Vidpiq

your strategy based on the insight you’ve gained
from the data you’re tracking. YouTube Analytics


See social analytics in action
Success using social media means tying your social
efforts back to the success of your business, which is
Additional resources
most easily done through social media analytics.
Check out these resources for more insight into
A good example of this is a month-long campaign that measuring the effectiveness of your social media
MediaLeaders launched for the Palms Hotel. They activity.
tracked their social media activity end to end, and by
linking room bookings back to specific social messages Read the Hootsuite blog:
using Hootsuite and Google Analytics, they were able to
‹‹How to Measure Your Social Media ROI
show the revenue of a single social message.
‹‹How to Use Twitter Analytics for Business
You can replicate this by tracking revenue from your
own social outreach efforts. Get started with this 5-Step ‹‹Social Media Metrics for Small Businesses
Campaign Checklist.
‹‹Social Media Reporting for Social Media

5 Step Campaign Checklist ‹‹Hootsuite Analytics: Best Practices to Measure

Social Media for Business
1. Set your campaign goals and build your marketing
plan (content strategy and media mix) Log in to Hootsuite University and watch the
following videos:
2. Make sure your goals are set up in Google Analytics
‹‹Lecture Series: 5 Ways to Measure Success on
3. Set custom URL parameters in Hootsuite
Twitter with Hootsuite
4. Post all social messages through Hootsuite to ensure
‹‹Lecture Series: Storytelling on Tumblr: How
all links are being tracked
Great Brands Create, Engage & Measure
5. Once the campaign is completed, check its impact Success with Ari Levine from Tumblr
on engagement with Hootsuite Analytics and on
‹‹Lecture Series: How to Use Social Video to Drive
conversion with Google Analytics
Results with Cameron Uganec from Hootsuite

‹‹Lecture Series: Becoming an Effective Brand

Publisher: An Analytics Driven Approach


A concrete social media strategy—one that takes into
account the different social media platforms, your unique
brand voice, and other factors such as which social metrics
matter to you—is an important step in gaining solid benefits
from social media. But your efforts won’t stop there, and
we’re here to help as you move into the next stages.

Check out Hootsuite University’s Subscribe to the Hootsuite blog Add another layer to your
complete lineup of courses. or RSS feed and never miss expertise with the Advanced
We’re always adding more! another blog post. Social Media Strategy Certificate
(ASMS), co-sponsored by
Hootsuite and The Newhouse
School at Syracuse University, NY.

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