Fatigue Damage Modeling

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20th International Conference on Composite Materials

Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015


Endel V. Iarve1, Kevin H. Hoos2 and David H. Mollenhauer3
Air Force Research Laboratory
Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 45433-7750, USA
University of Dayton Research Institute
300 College Park Avenue Dayton, OH 45469
Email: [email protected]
Air Force Research Laboratory
Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 45433-7750, USA
University of Dayton Research Institute
300 College Park Avenue Dayton, OH 45469
Email: [email protected]
Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 45433-7750, USA
Email: [email protected]

Keywords: Composite Laminates, Fracture, Discrete Damage, Fatigue


The Discrete Damage Modeling (DDM) method is extended for progressive failure analysis in
laminated composites under fatigue loading. The essence of this technique is the insertion of true
displacement discontinuities independent of mesh orientation to simulate matrix cracking. Multiple
cracking in each ply is allowed. All plies are tied together by using cohesive interfaces, which are
allowed to delaminate. Matrix cracks in two adjacent plies interact through the interface cohesive
model, and their presence is a major delamination initiator. Failure criterion and cohesive zone model
for initiation and propagation of cracking and delamination under fatigue loading were proposed. A
material history variable in each integration point is introduced and updated after each loading
increment, corresponding to certain load amplitude and the number of cycles. The computation begins
without any matrix cracks present. A matrix crack is inserted when the material history variable value
reaches unity. Delamination and matrix cracking extent under fatigue loading in open hole graphite
epoxy laminates was predicted and showed good comparison with experiment.


Fatigue properties of carbon fiber composites were studied intensively in the past and
satisfactorily described for most isolated damage modes. The transverse strength properties have been
shown to satisfy exponential S-N behavior, and the fracture related damage modes, such as
delamination, have been shown to follow the Paris law. The delamination onset and propagation
investigation in composite laminates has been a critical research topic for several decades, and is the
subject of many reviews, e.g. [1-3]. Significant achievements in practical application of the virtual
crack closure technique VCCT [4] to delamination propagation in laminated composite panels both in
static and fatigue regimes were recently reported by Deobald and co-authors [5]. Although the
delamination failure mode is of great practical importance, it cannot be considered in isolation from
other less critical damage modes, e.g. matrix cracking [6]. Depending upon the layup and loading
profile, the delamination propagation can be precipitated by matrix crack formation, which can
drastically affect its propagation. Several scenarios directly influencing the damage tolerance
assessment are possible: matrix cracking can temporarily arrest the delamination; it can divert the

Endel V. Iarve, Kevin H. Hoos and David H. Mollenhauer

delamination to a different interface; it may cause an avalanche of multiple delaminations through the
thickness of the part.

Availability and rapid increase of computer power has enabled recent successes in the
development of the Discrete Damage Modeling (DDM) technique, which is based on the direct
simulation of displacement discontinuities associated with individual instances of matrix cracking
occurring inside the composite plies, and delaminations at the interfaces between the plies. These
methods employ variants of eXtended Finite Element Methodology (X-FEM) [7] and its regularized
implementation (Rx-FEM) [8-11] in particular. The goal of the present work is to extend these
methods for simulation of fatigue loading and experimentally verify the accuracy of the predictive

The Rx-FEM allows modeling the displacement discontinuity associated with individual matrix
cracks in individual plies of a composite without regard to mesh orientation by inserting additional
degrees of freedom in the process of the simulation. The propagation of the mesh independent crack is
then performed by using the cohesive zone method. The kinematic aspect of the technique does not
require any modification for fatigue loading, however the constitutive components do. There are two
components of DDM framework, which require modification: the failure criterion for crack insertion
and the cohesive law for damage initiation and propagation. It is these developments which will be
discussed in detail in the present paper, whereas the Rx-FEM formulation details can be found in
references [8-11]. The conceptual difficulty of application of cohesive zone models (CZM) in fatigue
lies in different representation of the crack tip in such models as compared to classical crack tip
representation, which is used in definition of the Paris law. This difficulty was recently addressed by
Harper and Hallett [12]. It was shown how to extract the fracture mechanics point crack tip energy
release rate (ERR) from the cohesive zone model, and subsequently directly apply the Paris law for
cohesive crack propagation. In the present work, we further develop this concept by introducing the
interpolation procedure for ERR calculation in the cohesive zone model, thus allowing the use of
coarser meshes for analysis. We also complete the fatigue cohesive zone framework by combining the
S-N information for the initiation phase with Paris law for the propagation phase for cracking and
delamination. The proposed fatigue CZM makes no explicit or implicit assumptions regarding initial
crack size for fatigue analysis, thus extending this key feature of CZM from static to fatigue. The final
development required for completing the DDM fatigue framework is the new crack insertion
identification law, which in static regime is performed by using the LaRC04 criterion [13]. We use
Palmgren-Miner’s rule to develop generic crack insertion methodology for fatigue loading regime. The
propagation of the mesh independent crack is then performed by using the cohesive zone method. We
will begin by describing the static and fatigue solution algorithms and fatigue extension of the failure
criteria and cohesive zone formulation.


2.1 Static Fracture Analysis

The DDM approach consists of Mesh-independent Crack (MIC) Modeling of transverse cracks in
each ply of the laminate, and modeling the delamination between the plies by using a cohesive
formulation at the ply interface. The matrix cracks are modeled by using the regularized formulation
[8-11], termed Rx-FEM. The regularized formulation deals with continuous enrichment functions, and
replaces the Heaviside step function with continuous function changing from 0 to 1 over a narrow
volume of the so called gradient zone. The formalism tying the volume integrals in the gradient zone
to surface integrals in the limit of mesh refinement was discussed in [9]. The simulation begins
without any initial matrix cracks, which then are inserted based on a failure criterion during the
simulation. The LaRC04 [13] failure criterion is chosen in the present work. The propagation of each
MIC is performed by using the cohesive zone formulation [14]. Note that the delamination between
the plies is simulated by using the same cohesive zone formulation; however, the cohesive element

20th International Conference on Composite Materials
Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015

between the interfaces is inserted during the initial model preparation. The schematic of the process is
shown in Figure 1. After the failure criterion is met at a certain location, an MIC

Figure 1: Static Solution Algorithm

is added by using Rx-FEM. Next, the load is increased and the program enters a nonlinear iteration
step at which the inserted crack(s) and/or delaminations are being opened. After convergence is
achieved, the failure criterion is checked again for new crack insertion. This process can be coupled
with progressive simulation of fiber failure and/or fiber criterion, if applicable. In the present paper,
we will not consider fiber failure modes.

2.2 Fatigue Crack Insertion Criterion

Conceptually, the extension of the DDM framework shown in Figure 1 to fatigue loading is
relatively straight forward. Indeed, the kinematic aspects of the DDM framework in terms of MIC
insertion and delamination modeling remain unchanged, what requires development is the constitutive
modeling of MIC and delamination opening, as well as crack insertion. In the present paper, we are
developing ply level phenomenological framework for modeling fatigue response. Namely, we will
use the S-N curves for ply level strength properties for modeling the damage initiation phase, and Paris
law for modeling the growth of damage. Extension of the cohesive zone model to fatigue regime will
be addressed in the subsequent section. In the present section, we will consider the fatigue failure

The fatigue failure criterion is built upon 3D static failure criterion LaRC04 described in [13]. The
idea of constructing a fatigue failure criterion based upon a static criterion is due to Hashin and Rotem
[18]. For a given frequency ϖ and R=σmin/σmax ratio, the fatigue failure load σ is defined as the failure
load amplitude vs. number of cycles to failure and can be expressed as

σ= σsf(R,N,ϖ) (1)

where σs- is the static strength and f(R,N,ϖ)− is the material fatigue function. In the present case, we
only consider matrix failure modes and limit ourselves to the tension shear envelope. The idea
expressed and experimentally verified in [18] consists of applying static failure criterion with degraded
ply level strength properties, which are given by two S-N curves, namely normal tension y(R,N,ϖ) and
shear s(R,N,ϖ), such that

Y(N)/Yt = 1 − s1 Log ( N ) and S(N)/S = 1 − s 2 Log ( N ) (2)

Endel V. Iarve, Kevin H. Hoos and David H. Mollenhauer

where Y(N) and S(N) are reduced strength values as the number of cycles for transverse normal and
shear strength, and Yt and S are their static values respectively; s1 and s2 are material parameters.
According to [18], the fatigue strength can be predicted by applying static failure criterion with the
respective ply level strength values provided by the S-N curves (2). Two modifications are required to
the methodology [18] for application in the DDM framework. First, we need to employ a 3D failure
criterion capable of predicting the transverse cracking angle relative to the normal direction to the ply
interface. Second, due to constantly changing loading amplitude during progressive damage
simulation, we need to generalize the approach to variable amplitude loading. To address the first
requirement, we employ the LaRC04 criterion [13]. In the tension-shear quadrant, it represents a
quadratic criterion similar to [18]; however, it is applied to the so-called failure plane where the failure
index attains its maximum value. In a 2D case, this plane is perpendicular to a ply midsurface;
however, in the presence of transverse shear stresses, it can form at an angle to the ply interface. The
second step required to complete the fatigue failure criterion development for DDM is generalization
to variable amplitude loading. It is accomplished by applying the Palmgren-Miner linear damage
accumulation hypothesis. For implementation purposes, we define a material point loading history
parameter dI as

∆N mq
dI = ∑
k =1 N f

where summation is carried out over all previous load steps 1…q and Nfk is the limited number of
cycles the specimen can survive within a given block of loading alone. The failure, according to the
Palmgren-Miner hypothesis, occurs when dI attains a value between 0.7 and 2.2 depending on the
material, R, and loading frequency. Without restricting generality, we will assume that fatigue failure
corresponds to dI =1. Based on this hypothesis and Eqn. (3), we can compute the number of cycles
until the failure event (dI =1), which in our context corresponds to the insertion of an MIC as

[( )
∆N c = min 1 − d Iq / N qf +1 ,
] (4)

2.3 Fatigue Cohesive Law

As seen in the previous section, the extension of static failure criterion in the tension-shear
quadrant for matrix failure mode to fatigue is conceptually transparent. A significantly more
complicated situation arises with the cohesive zone models. Based on previous work [12, 15-17]; two
problem areas can be identified. One area is simulation of the propagation of existing delamination
according to Paris law. The difficulty here is that Paris law is defined within the classical fracture
mechanics framework and uses the ERR or stress intensity factor magnitude associated with ideal
crack tip singularity. On the other hand, the cohesive zone model introduces a process zone concept
instead of the ideal crack tip. Two different approaches have been proposed to address this issue. One
is based on explicitly bringing in the process zone length into the propagation mechanism, as
described in [17]. The other approach proposed in Ref. [12, 15] extracts the ERR value of the classical
crack tip from the process zone information, and uses it to propagate a fatigue crack similar to VCCT.
In the present work, we will use the second approach for the delamination propagation phase. The
second problem area of the cohesive zone model extension to fatigue analysis is the damage initiation
phase and its transition into the propagation phase. It is this feature of the cohesive zone method,
which has earned its popularity in static analysis. Consider bi-linear static cohesive law shown in
Figure 2 with a dashed line. In the process of static deformation, material points move along the
traction displacement jump curve in a continuous fashion from left to right assuring the transition from
undamaged to damaged portion, and eventually to the fully separated state under load or stored energy.
In fatigue regime, the situation is completely different in both the initiation and propagation regime in
that the material points do not follow continuously the static cohesive traction law thorough the

20th International Conference on Composite Materials
Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015

initiation and propagation phases, and in some situations are not even located on the static cohesive
law curve at all.

First consider the initiation stage and a material point A on the ascending portion of the cohesive
law (see Figure 2). The point A has a ratio of stress amplitude to the static strength of approximately
0.5. According to S-N curves (2) this point will fail after ∆NI =exp(0.5/s1)cycles, assuming that it was
loaded in Mode I. However, what does it mean in terms of cohesive law? In [12] it is proposed to
assign to this element the propagation damage variable of d=1 moving it all the way to the fully
separated condition. The rationale behind it is that we will form a highly loaded crack tip zone, which
will be in the propagation regime and can be treated by the VCCT like approach. This damage
initiation approach is, however, similar to assuming a certain size of initial flaw, and that this size is
also tied to the mesh density. We propose instead to modify the cohesive law in each point depending
upon the history of how the damage initiation (DI) condition was achieved. Namely, we propose to
reduce the initiation strength of the cohesive law to that at which the DI condition was reached under
cyclic loading while maintaining the critical energy release rate (ERR) value for static propagation Gc.
It is illustrated in Figure 2 where a new cohesive law for point A is shown with a solid line after the
initiation variable dI = 1. We change the slope of the cohesive zone model to maintain the static
propagation characteristics. According to this hypothesis, each material point may have its own
cohesive law. The proposed approach eliminates any ambiguity or need for initial damage size or
presence of any cracks or delaminations in the structure.

Figure 2: Schematics of a cohesive zone model for static and fatigue simulation

To keep track of the loading history of each material point before crack insertion and after crack
insertion, we use the damage history variable dI and equation (4).

After the condition dI=1 is achieved, the material point A appears at the onset of the propagation
stage due to modification of the cohesive law. As mentioned previously, we will use the approach by
Harper and Hallett [12], where the cohesive law is used to extract the value of ERR, and subsequently
propagate the damage in a way similar to VCCT. In the propagation regime, the modified Paris law

da G 
= C  max  (5)
dN  Gc 

Endel V. Iarve, Kevin H. Hoos and David H. Mollenhauer

is used where Gc is the static critical value of the ERR, Gmax is the maximum value of ERR during the
cycle, and C and m are material fatigue constants. Analogues to VCCT, the crack is propagated one
element at a time so that the number of cycles ∆Np for propagation is

∆N p = m
G 
C  max 
 Gc 

where the length value for crack extension le is equal to one element size.

2.4 Fatigue DDM Algorithm

Two types of algorithms can be envisioned for modeling progressive failure in fatigue:

(i) Cycle based algorithm (CBA). In this algorithm, one predefines a number of fatigue cycles on
each solution step and simulates the damage which occurs during this cycles

(ii) Event based algorithm (EBA). In this algorithm, one defines an increment of damage or
damage event, such as new crack insertion or delamination extension for one element, and
computes the number of cycles required to advance to this event.

Recapturing the notations for various initiation and propagation events:

• ∆Nc - insertion of new crack,

• ∆NI - initiation of CZM damage progression (CZM modification),
• ∆Np - CZM damage propagation of one interval,
• ∆Nmax - specified maximum number of cycles per increment,

one can write down the number of cycles for each increment ∆N for an EBA as

∆N= min(∆Nc, ∆NI, ∆NP, ∆Nmax)

In a complex simulation, such as DDM, a combination of CBA and EBA is employed. Namely, the
propagation events determine the number of cycles per increment, and the history variables for
initiation events are updated according to this number of cycles, i.e

∆N= min( ∆NP, ∆Nmax)

and dI – updated for the number of cycles ∆N.


A [60/0/-60]3s IM7/977-3 composite laminate with a 6.35mm central open hole was subjected to
fatigue loading at 80% static failure load amplitude under tension-tension fatigue at R=0.1. IM7/977-3
ply level material properties and testing procedures were outlined in [21]. The DDM methodology
uses standard ply level stiffness and strength properties measured by using ASTM standard methods.
Static properties used in the simulations are shown in Table 1. In addition to these properties, the
methodology requires fatigue S-N parameters s1 and s2 for normal and shear strength defined in
Eqn.(2), as well as m and C parameters for Paris law defined in Eqn. (5) for Mode I and Mode II
propagation. These properties are given in Table 2.

20th International Conference on Composite Materials
Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015

Material Property Value

E11 (GPa) 164.0

E22,E33 (GPa) 8.977
G12,G13 (GPa) 5.02
G23 (GPa) 3.00
n12, n13 0.32
n23 0.496
a1 0.00

a2 (1/ C) 3.00e-05
GIC (N/mm) 0.256
GIIC (N/mm) 0.649
YT (MPa) 100.0
YC (MPa) 247.0
S (MPa) 100.0
XT(Gpa) 2.9
Xc(Gpa) 1.27

Table 1: Static IM7/977-3 ply properties

Material Property Value

S1 0.03
S2 0.075
m1 7.32
m2 6.354
C1 (mm) 0.025
C2 (mm) 0.065

Table 2: Fatigue IM7/977-3 ply properties

The [60/0-60]3s laminate was fatigued for 200,000 cycles and subject to X-Ray CT inspection.
Figure 3 displays the delamination pattern on each interface starting from the laminate top surface
from left to right. Note that the

Endel V. Iarve, Kevin H. Hoos and David H. Mollenhauer

Figure 3: Delamination extent in [60/0-60]3s laminate after 200,000 cycles.

CT images on each interface contain some bleed through shading from neighboring interfaces. In order
to evaluate the delamination patterns in detail, 3 interfaces were selected and are displayed in Figures
4-6 in an enlarged format. As seen in these figures, the delamination extent and distribution predicted
by using DDM is in good agreement with the experimentally observed delamination patterns.

Figure 4: Delamination extent on 60/0 interface after 200,000 cycles. Matrix cracks- red,
delamination- blue.

20th International Conference on Composite Materials
Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015

Figure 5: Delamination extent on outer 0/-60 interface after 200,000 cycles. Matrix cracks- red,
delamination- blue.

Figure 6: Delamination extent on inner 0/-60 interface after 200,000 cycles. Matrix cracks- red,
delamination- blue.


DDM methodology has been extended to fatigue loading. A combination of cycle and event based
progressive damage modelling algorithms has been implemented. The cohesive zone based fatigue
algorithm has been proposed, which eliminates any ambiguity or need for initial damage size or
presence of any cracks or delaminations in the structure.

A [60/0/-60]3s open hole IM7/977-3 laminate fatigued at 80% static failure load with R=0.1 for
200,000 cycles was subject to X-Ray CT examination and displayed a good correlation of matrix
cracking and delamination extent with DDM predictions on all interfaces.


The work was funded under an Air Force Research Laboratory contract with the University of
Dayton Research Institute. The authors are grateful to Dr. Stephen Clay of AFRL/RQ for conducting
the experimental work and for permission to publish the results.

Endel V. Iarve, Kevin H. Hoos and David H. Mollenhauer


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