End-Of-term Test 1 Standard With Answers

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The forum discusses different paths school leavers can take after finishing their exams such as university, traveling, work experience, volunteering and starting a blog.

Some of the career paths discussed are traveling, studying veterinary science, volunteering at a homeless shelter, and becoming a writer.

Kylie mentions doing charity work at a local homeless shelter.

Smart Planet 4 End-of-term test 1 Standard

Name  Class   Date

1 Are the sentences correct (✓) or incorrect (✘)?
1 When I was younger, I would have a pet rabbit. ✘ … I used to have …
2 How often did you use to visit your grandparents when you were little? ✓
3 Dad use to be a very good footballer. ✘ Dad used to be …
4 We didn’t used to go on school trips until we were teenagers. ✘ We didn’t use to …
5 Lucy would usually spend all her pocket money on clothes. ✓

2 Circle  the correct words.

1 I’ve worked / been working on this project for ages but there’s still a lot to do.
2 I’m sorry I’m late. How long have you waited / been waiting?
3 David hasn’t met / been meeting my family before, so he’s a little shy.
4 Who has used / been using my new phone?
5 We have seen / been seeing a lot of good films recently.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.
1 What time does the lesson finish (finish)?
2 This time next week, we ’ll be having (have) breakfast on the beach.
3 Watch out! That tree is going to fall (fall)!
4 We aren’t doing (not do) anything this evening, so why don’t you come over?
5 I promise I ’ll help (help) you with your project, so don’t panic.

4 Circle  the correct options.

1 Hi boys! Please come in and help to some pizza. There’s plenty here.
a yourselves b themselves c ourselves
2 When I got home my parents to bed.
a already went b had already gone c have already gone
3 I’ve got three sisters but they don’t see very often.
a each other b themselves c herself
4 I definitely see you later.
a may b won’t c will
5 Where spend your summer holiday last year?
a would you b did you c did you used to

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Smart Planet 4 End-of-term test 1 Standard

5 Complete the words. You have the first letter to help you.

1 a leather j a c k e t 2 flat s h o e s 3 a fitted c o a t

4 a stripy j u m p e r 5 a flowery d r e s s

6 Circle  the correct words.

1 Claudia’s really passionate / motivated about dancing. She’s always practising new steps.
2 Ben isn’t unfriendly, he’s just very sociable / shy when he doesn’t know people.
3 Steven’s a very talented / strict musician. I’m sure he’ll be famous one day.
4 Emma’s very determined / easy-going – she never gets annoyed with us.
5 Don’t be so impatient / strict. I’m doing my best!

7 Match the verbs (1–5) with the nouns (a–e). Use each noun only once.
1 d support a
a record
2 e win b a fortune
3 b make c voluntary work
4 c do d the community
5 a break e an award

8 Circle  the correct options.

1 You must be really proud all your achievements.
a in b on c of
2 I’m lucky because I on really well with my parents.
a get b go c count
3 Haven’t you filled out the application yet?
a path b form c exam
4 I gave running because it hurt my knees.
a over b on c up
5 I’ve always been fascinated my uncle because he’s so different from the rest of the family.
a by b for c about

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Smart Planet 4 End-of-term test 1 Standard

9 21   Listen to the speakers talking. Circle  the correct options.
1 Speaker 1 wants to buy a denim .
a skirt b shirt c jacket
2 Which adjective best describes how Speaker 2 feels about the concert?
a interested b motivated c disappointed
3 Which adjective best describes Speaker 3’s brother?
a impatient b determined c talented
4 Speaker 4 is worried about his university .
a exams b fees c degree
5 Speaker 5 is excited about the she has won.
a award b reward c fortune

10 Read the forum written by school leavers.

There is life after school!

It’s hard to believe that this time last month I was taking my final exams. Unlike most of my
friends, I decided not to go away but instead I’ve started helping out at the local homeless
shelter. It’s not full-time but I do go there every day. I’m really enjoying myself and I know that
this will also look good when I apply for university or a job.  Kylie

I’ve decided to go travelling for a few months. I’m not going to go to university until next
year and I’ll be spending the rest of my life working, so why not go and have fun now? My
parents aren’t too pleased because they think I should earn some money, but I intend to do
that while I’m on the road.  Rob

I’ve always wanted to be a vet, so I’m going to spend the summer doing work experience
at the local surgery. It won’t be paid but I think that I’ll learn a lot and it will help me when I
start my studies. With any luck I might be able to work there during the holidays!  Matthew

It’s really hard to know what to do. I mean, university isn’t for everyone and not everyone
wants to go travelling! So I’ve set up a blog with information about all the opportunities that
are out there. I’m writing it for people like me and I hope that it’ll be useful. I want to be a
writer, so I’m sure it’ll help me.  Sally

I love the idea of not knowing what’s round the next corner. My parents want me to study
law as they’re both lawyers but I know it wouldn’t be the right thing for me. They’ve never
taken risks and have always followed the sensible career path, so I think they’re finding it
very hard to understand me.  Deborah

Answer the questions.

1 Who wants to help other school leavers? Sally
2 Who is taking a gap year? Rob
3 Who is doing some charity work? Kylie
4 Who is excited about the future? Deborah
5 Who will be doing unpaid work connected with his/her future studies? Matthew

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Smart Planet 4 End-of-term test 1 Standard

11 Write a biography of a famous person in Spain. Use the prompts below to help you.
Write at least 150 words.
• name of the person
• where he/she is/was from
• personal facts
• why he/she is famous
• why you like or respect / don’t like or respect him/her

 Students’ own answers


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