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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 6 Issue 4, Jul - Aug 2018


Error Rectification Using Backpropagation

P. T. V.Lakshmi
Assistant Professor
NadarSaraswathi College of Arts and Science
Theni – Tamil Nadu
Artificial neural networks are a simulation abstract of nervous system, which contains collection of neurons. With the emergence of
neural networks design, modern methods of controlling nonlinear system have been more accurate and convenient. On the path I am
interested in giving backpropagation learning for the starters with an example of actual numbers. This post is my attempt to explain
how it works with a concrete example that folks can compare their own calculations in order to ensure they understand
backpropagation correctly.The goal of backpropagation is to optimize the weights so that the neural network can learn how to
correctly map arbitrary inputs to outputs. Error will be rectified according to the rule through the activation function, forward method
and backward method.
Keywords:- Artificial Neural Networks, Nonlinear System, Backpropagation, Activation function.


Back propagation was created by generalizing the propagate it to the next layer. The hidden layer receives the

Widrow-Hoff learning rule to multiple-layer networks and weighted sum of incoming signals sent by the input units

nonlinear differentiable transfer functions. Standard back (Eq. 1), and processes it by means of an activation

propagation is a gradient descent algorithm, as is the function. The activation functions most commonly used

Widrow-Hoff learning rule, in which the network weights are the saturation, sigmoid (Eq. 4) and hyperbolic

are moved along the negative of the gradient of the tangent(Eq.5) functions. The hidden units in turn send an

performance function. The term back propagation refers to output signal towards the neurons in the next layer. This

the manner in which the gradient is computed for adjacent layer could be either another hidden layer of

nonlinear multilayer network. arranged processing elements or the output layer. The units

Neural networks are typically arranged in layers. in the output layer receive the weighted sum of incoming

Each layer in a layered network is an array of processing signals and process it using an activation function.

elements or neurons. Information flows through each Information is propagated forwards until the network

element in an input-output manner. In other words, each produces an output.

element receives an input signal, manipulates it and Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer

forwards an output signal to the other connected elements

in the adjacent layer. A common example of such a
network is the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). MLP
networks normally have three layers of processing
elements with only one hidden layer, but there is no
restriction on the number of hidden layers. The only task
of the input layer is to receive the external stimuli and to
Flow of Information

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 6 Issue 4, Jul - Aug 2018

SUM   xiwi [1]
i 1

 n 
y  f   xiwi  [2]
 i 0 

 n

1 if xw  0 i i

f ( x)   i 1
n [3] Hyperbolic tangent function
0 if
 xw  0
i 1
i i


Consider a problem with the given weights.As
compared with the target value it isNot satisfied so it is
1 going to be back propagated to attain the target value.
f ( x)  [4]
1  e x
Let us consider this problem as,

X1 w1 w5 Y1
w2 w6
w3 w7
w4 w8

Sigmoid function

Activation function sigmoid = 1/1+e-x

e x  ex
f ( x)  x
e  e x
[5] Let us apply the values for input us
x1=0.05 x2=0.10
Weights as
w1=0.15 w5=0.40
w2=0.20 w6=0.45
w3=0.25 w7=0.50
w4=0.30 w8=0.55
Bias value as
Target value t1=0.01,t2=0.99

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 6 Issue 4, Jul - Aug 2018

differentiation to update the value of w5,

Forward pass: So Error at w5 is
W5 = ∂Etotal
H1=x1*w1+x2*w2+b1 ∂w5
H1=0.05*0.15+0.10*0.20+0.35 ∂Etotal = ∂Etotal x ∂outy1 x ∂y1
H1=0.3775 ∂w5 ∂outy1 ∂y1 ∂w5
Etotal = ½(T1-outY1)2+½(T1-outY2)2
Activation function: ∂Etotal = 2* ½(T1-outY1)2-1* -1+0
H1=1/1+e-h1 ∂outy1
=1/e =-(T1-outY1)
0.593269992 =(-(0,01-0.75136507)
Similarly calculate the value of H2,now the value is, outY1=1/1+e-y1
H2=0.596884378 ∂outy1 = outY1(1-outY1)=0.75136507(1-
After getting the value of h1,h2 now we have to calculate 0.75136507)
y1 and y2 values, ∂y1
Y1=outH1*w5+outH2*w6+b2 =0.186815602
=0.593269992*0.59+0.59688437*0.46+0.6 ∂y1 =1*outH1*w5(1-1)+0+0
=1.1059 ∂w5
Y1=1/1+e =outH1=0.593269992
=1/1+e Finally substituting values for,
Y1=0.75136507 ∂Etotal= ∂Etotal x ∂outy1 x ∂y1
Similarly calculate value of Y2 , ∂w5 ∂outy1 ∂y1 ∂w5
Y2=0.77292 =0.74136507 * 0.186815602 * 0.593269992
But the target values are, =0.082167041 Change in w5
T1=0.01 T2=0.99 Updating w5,
It does not match the target value,so we have to calculate W5 =w5 –η* ∂Etotal
the total error. ∂w5
Calculate total error, η is eta which is called as a Learning rate.It may vary from
Etotal=∑1/2(T-O) 0-1.
=½(T1-outY1) +½(T1-outY2) 2
Now we are going to substitute the value of η as 0.5
=0.4 – 0.5 * 0.08216
E1 E2 W5 = 0.3589
2 2
=1/2(0.01-0.75136507) +1/2(0.99-0.772) In the same way,
=0.274811083+0.023560026 W6 = 0.40866618
Etotal=0.298371109 W7 = 0.511301270
As we have the total error,we have to backpropagate to W8 = 0.061370121
update the values,here we are going to apply partial Then substitute the values of updated weight in the

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 6 Issue 4, Jul - Aug 2018

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