Consultant Application Form

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Reg Off: Ground Floor, Corporate One, Plot No. 5,

NHCC, Jasola, New Delhi - 110076
CIN: U74899DL1994PTC061083;,
Phone: 011-40409000; 011-66259000
Fax: +91 11-41551465
Email: [email protected]
Date of Registration: …..... /…..... /…........
Please complete the information below using uppercase and checking the appropriate boxes.

Name, Middle Name and Surname/Last Name: Tamas Bodzsar

Consultant Number: 5523307

Declaration by Sponsor: I/we hereby confirm and agree that I/we personally explained the Consultant filling this CAF about Oriflame
business opportunities including compensation plan and policies as prescribed in the Terms (overleaf) and Success Plan, basis on which
he/she is willing to become Oriflame Consultant.

Sponsor’s Signature:


Name, Middle Name and Surname/Last Name: Sex: F M
Mobile Number:
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY): Home Number:
PAN: Business Number:
Nominee Full Name and Relation: E-mail:


Home Address: Office Address (if any):

City: City:
State: State:
PIN Code: PIN Code:

Name of the Bank:
Account Number: IFSC Code:
Please provide any one of the mentioned self-attested ID and address proof with this form - Aadhaar Card, Passport,Voters ID or Driving Licence
By signing this CAF I hereby agree to become a Consultant of Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter “Oriflame”), subject to the consent of the latter.
I confirm the accuracy of the data mentioned above and agree to inform Oriflame of any changes thereto without undue delay.
I confirm that I have read the Terms and Conditions of CAF (overleaf), and I undertake to respect them without reservation; violations of these Terms and
Conditions may result in penalties as may be imposed by Oriflame including but not limited to immediate termination of membership.
I understand that the personal data submitted by me in this CAF may be used by Oriflame and any member of the Oriflame Group and by Oriflame third party
contractors including other Oriflame Consultants (“Authorized Parties”), within and outside the territory of India, to process my orders for Oriflame Products,
to administer my membership and for statistical purposes to which I expressly consent.
I hereby expressly consent to Oriflame and Oriflame Group for sending me promotional and marketing information / offers by E-mail, SMS, etc.,
on my mobile phone/E-mail ID. I understand that I may at any time opt out of receiving any such update by SMS or E-mail etc., by sending an
E-mail to [email protected].
I hereby agree and confirm that I have read and understood the Terms (overleaf), Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct, Oriflame Privacy Policy,
Guarantee of Excellence Claims Policy & Negation Policy, and I have been made aware of the Oriflame business opportunity as described in the
Success Plan/ Oriflame Brochure.
Original of this form shall be retained by Oriflame; Green copy should be retained by the Consultant for records. You may be asked to furnish a
copy of the CAF from time to time by Oriflame.

Consultant Signature
This Consultant Agreement between the Oriflame Consultant (“you”, the “Consultant”) and Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd. (“Oriflame”, “us”, “we”, “our”), a company registered under the Companies Act. 1956 with its registered office at Ground Floor, Corporate One, Plot
No.5, NHCC, Jasola, New Delhi – 110076 & CIN No. U74899DL1994PTC061083 is entered into in consideration of the mutual promises and commitments contained herein and these Terms & Conditions and any and all documents referred to in them (the “Terms”)
stipulate the Oriflame rules, principles and rights & obligations for Consultants and constitute, when you accept them, a binding agreement between Oriflame and you. We therefore advise you to print or save and retain a copy of these Terms.
We reserve the right to revise these Terms. The date of the latest update may be found at the end of the Terms. We will inform you of such changes as explained in these Terms on your registered email. You are responsible for keeping yourself up to date with any
such changes.

1. DEFINITIONS caused by circumstances beyond our control. N ame, address, registration number or enrolment numbers, identity proof and telephone
The following definitions are used throughout these Terms: 5.25 The risk of loss of Products and title to the Products will pass to you upon delivery of the number of the direct seller and details of direct selling entity
i. CAF shall mean the Consultant Application Form that is required to be signed for becoming a Products. A descriptions of the goods or services to be supplied
Consultant 5.26 Oriflame will not be responsible for non-delivery, wrong or late delivery of an order caused by E xplain to the consumer about the goods return policy of the company in details before the
ii. Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct: the set of binding rules, constituting part of the Oriflame the provision by you of incorrect or incomplete Personal Data. transactions, warranty of the goods and replacement procedure in case of defect
Success Plan, Oriflame Brochure governing the behaviour of the Consultants towards 5.27 We reserve the right to reject an order placed by you at any time if we reasonably suspect The order date, delivery date, the total amount to be paid by the consumer along with the
Oriflame, towards Customers and towards other Oriflame Consultants; that you are in breach of any of the Terms. bill and receipt;
iii. Customer: any natural person, who purchases Oriflame Products through a registered Time and place for inspection of the sample and delivery of goods
Consultant and who, while doing so is acting wholly or mainly outside his/her trade, business, D. CONFORMITY OF OUR PRODUCTS Information of his/her rights to cancel the order and / or to return the product in saleable
craft or profession; 5.28 We warrant that the Oriflame Products are manufactured in accordance with the best condition and avail full refund on sums paid
iv. Group: shall refer to the entire downline, including 21% Consultants and their downline standards for good manufacturing practices and the Oriflame code of practice. D etails regarding the complaints redressal mechanism;
v. Oriflame Catalogue, Catalogue: a paper or electronic brochure issued periodically by Oriflame
that includes Oriflame Product offers and their retail prices; 6 RIGHT TO CANCEL ORDERS 7.20 TRADE DISCOUNT: As a Consultant you agree to the following:
vi. Catalogue Period: the period indicated on the cover of each Catalogue during which the offers 6.1 Upon receipt of the delivery, you should check its content to make sure that it does not
from a given Oriflame Catalogue are valid; contain any Products that might have been damaged during transportation. You, or the person 7.20.1 That as an incentive to promote purchases of Oriflame products, Oriflame shall give each
vii. Oriflame Group: Oriflame, its ultimate holding company, and any entity that is controlled receiving the Products in your name, must notify Customer Services immediately by submitting consultant who qualifies (under Oriflame rules set out in the Success Plan) a trade discount
directly or indirectly by that ultimate holding company; a claim and describing the damage/defect under the Guarantee of Excellence Claim Policy based only on the volume of purchases from Oriflame in each month
viii. Oriflame Products, Products: cosmetics and the related accessories as well as dietary available on our website after you login. 7.20.2 This discount will normally be calculated and accounted for in respect of purchases in a
supplements offered for sale under the Oriflame Trademarks; the Catalogue describes the calendar month at the month end. However, Oriflame may withhold the trade discount which
Products’ main characteristics; RIGHTS OF RETURN AND REFUND is otherwise payable to any consultant if there is any outstanding in the Group in respect of
ix. Oriflame Literature: shall mean the Success Plan (containing the Policy Manual).The 6.2 You may cancel an order for Product(s) without giving any reason within 30 days from the date of any period beyond the credit period or Oriflame suspect that payment may not be received
Consultant’s Manual, Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct, the Product Catalogues, the invoice in the following manner. This means that within a period of 30 days from date of invoice against the sales made during any period or for any other good reason at the sole discretion
Product Guide, the bimonthly Newsletter (Interface), Oriflame Brochure and any other and in the manner provided in the Guarantee of Excellence Claims Policy and subject to the and judgement of Oriflame and may additionally forfeit the same in appropriate cases at the
literature(s) printed by Oriflame. Negation Policy, if you for any reason decide, you do not want to keep a Product, you can notify sole discretion and judgement of Oriflame.
x. Oriflame Success Plan: shall mean the document explaining the business opportunity with us of your decision to cancel the order and receive a refund. 7.20.3 That if you are granted a trade discount under clause 7.14.1 above, you agree and authorize
Oriflame. It helps you to create your own business through selling Oriflame quality products 6.3 You may cancel an order at any time even after you have received the order confirmation by Oriflame to reallocate a portion out of such discount to other consultants within the Group
and offer the business opportunity to others. e-mail or after your order has been verbally accepted by Customer Services but no later than according to the Success Plan, and hereby further assigns all right, title and interest in such
xi. Oriflame Brochure: it is a concise, easier and existent document/version of Success Plan; the 30 days from the day you receive physical possession of the Product or the last of the Products discount to such other Consultant who may be so entitled.
document explaining business opportunity that Oriflame offers; if you ordered more than one.
xii. Oriflame Trademarks: the name Oriflame, the Oriflame logo and the names of the products 6.4 To cancel an order, please contact Customer Services by telephone on 011-40409000 or 011- 8 ORIFLAME OBLIGATIONS
or the product ranges produced, marketed, sold or distributed by us; 66259000 or e-mail us at [email protected] or raise your complaint online. You 8.1 We will deliver any Products ordered by you subject to availability.
xiii. Prices: the prices of the Oriflame Products set by Oriflame and displayed on the pricelists valid just need to exercise your right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired. Therefore, if 8.2 We expressly exclude any liability related to Product shortage or Products being out-of-stock.
at the time of placing of the purchase order; you send us your cancellation notice by e-mail or by post, then your cancellation is effective from 8.3 You will receive, directly by us or by another Oriflame entity or third party provider, any benefits/
xiv. Territory: shall mean India; the date you sent us the e-mail. If you call to notify us of your cancellation, then your cancellation is payments due to you in accordance with the Oriflame Success Plan currently in force.
xv. Personal Data: the details provided by you upon your registration as a Consultant with effective from the date you telephone us. 8.4 To timely pay the incentive after deducting TDS. It is clarified that the incentive will be paid in
Oriflame as well as any additional information about you that you may provide us with from 6.5 You will receive a full refund of the Price you paid for the Products (except for the supplementary accordance to the Success Plan and only on the sale of Products.
time to time. costs arising if you choose a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard
2. REGISTRATION AND MEMBERSHIP delivery offered by us). We may make a deduction from the refund for loss in value of any 9 TERMINATION
2.1. You will be registered as an Oriflame Consultant after we have accepted your application Products supplied, if the loss is the result of unnecessary handling by you. You are only liable for 9.1 We may terminate your membership with immediate effect by notice in any of the following
and have granted you a unique Consultant number. The conditions of your acceptance as an any diminished value of the Products resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to circumstances:
Oriflame Consultant are stipulated in the Membership Rules section of the Code of Ethics and establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Products. We will process the refund due 9.1.1 if you make any statement or provide any Personal Data that is materially inaccurate or untrue;
Rules of Conduct. to you as soon as possible and, in any case, within (a) 45 working days after the day we receive 9.1.2 if a petition for your bankruptcy is presented to any court or if you are unable to pay your debts
2.2. You will be required to provide your valid Identity and Address Proof at the time of registration. back from you any Products supplied, (b) if no Products were supplied, 30 working (business)days to us as and when they fall due;
after the day on which you gave us notice of cancellation. 9.1.3 if you commit a breach of any of the provisions of the Terms that is not capable of remedy or
2.3. An applicant must be atleast 18 years of age to be a Consultant. 6.6 If you have returned the Products to us because they are faulty or mis-described, we will refund
2.4. Both you and Oriflame may at any time terminate your membership as stipulated further in in case of a breach of any of the provisions of the Code of Ethics and the Rules of Conduct;
the price of a defective Product in full, any applicable delivery charges, and any reasonable costs 9.1.4 if you commit a breach of any of the provisions of the Terms, including the documents referenced
the Terms. you incur in returning the item to us (please refer to Guarantee of Excellence Claims Policy on
2.5. Your membership will expire immediately after 2 years from the date of last BP order placed. Oriflame website for process). to herein and fail to explain to our satisfaction or in case of breach capable of remedy, to remedy
Further, all new registration will be terminated if BP order is not placed within 60 days of that breach within 30 days after receipt of a written notice from us.
6.7 Subject to clause 6.2, we refund you in your account with Oriflame or your bank account, at your 9.2 Your registration as Consultant will expire if you have not placed an order for a consecutive period
joining. However, it is clarified that in such case prospectus can re-apply for registration with the option and in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of the refund.
Company of 2 years from the date of last BP order placed
6.8 If the Products were delivered to you: 9.3 N otwithstanding anything contrary contained herein, your membership shall stand terminated
2.6. The membership is personal to you and cannot be assigned or transferred to any other 6.8.1 y ou must return the Products to us without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days
person without our prior written consent and as provided in Code of Ethics and Rules of with immediate effect in the event of provision of an incorrect / invalid Identity and Address proof.
Conduct. after the day on which you cancel the order/contract.The deadline is met if you send back the
Products before the period of 14 days has expired; 10 CODE OF CONDUCT
2.7. Upon your registration: 6.8.2 u nless the Products are faulty, you will be responsible for the direct cost of returning the Products
2.7.1You will be entitled to buy Oriflame Products in accordance with these Terms as well as use the to us; and O
 riflame strictly adheres to the Code of Conduct of IDSA and the World Federation of
other benefits set out in the Oriflame Success Plan; 6.8.3 y ou have a legal obligation to keep the Products in your possession and to take reasonable care Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) (
2.7.2 You will be obliged to adhere strictly to the rules of these Terms including the rules of any of the Products while they are in your possession. Oriflame requires its Consultants to strictly adhere to these codes as further implemented in the
documents referred to in them. Oriflame Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct.
6.9 We further guarantee the quality of any Product which carries the Oriflame name and certify
2.8. Your Oriflame ID Card and training manual will be sent to you on your email ID or shall be that they are manufactured by, or for us meet the highest standards of quality. We are confident
provided to you in your profile page with Oriflame. that our Customers will find our Products satisfactory in every way. We therefore offer a further 11 ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS
3. R IGHT OF WITHDRAWAL (COOLING OFF) AND EFFECTS OF THE MEMBERSHIP Oriflame guarantee that allows you to exchange, or get a full refund for any Product you are not While we use reasonable efforts to include accurate and current information on this website,
RESIGNATION completely satisfied with. The refund shall be claimed within 30 days from your receipt of the we do not warrant or represent that the website will be error-free. Data entry errors or other
3.1. You can at any time resign your membership by sending us a written notice of same Product as detailed in Guarantee of Excellence Claims Policy.This guarantee does not apply to any technical problems may sometimes result in inaccurate information being shown. We reserve
3.2. If you resign within 14 days from the date of your registration we will refund you all fees Product intentionally damaged or misused. Returns and refunds under this clause shall be made the right to correct any inaccuracies or typographical errors on our site, including pricing and
and costs and will accept the return of all Products bought by you. For reasons of safety in accordance with the terms of the preceding paragraphs of this clause 6. availability of products and services, and shall have no liability for such errors. We may also make
and hygiene we may refuse to accept Products that have been unsealed or not in saleable improvements and/ or changes to the site’s features, functionality, or content at any time. If you
condition. 7 OBLIGATIONS OF THE ORIFLAME SALES CONSULTANT see any information or description you believe to be incorrect, please contact Customer Services.
3.3. If you resign at any later time except in case of violation of the Terms, upon your request, we 7.1 You agree to present, promote and sell Oriflame Products using direct-to-consumers methods
will repurchase all Products from you, subject to the following conditions: only and not to sell to, sell in, demonstrate or display Oriflame products in any retail outlet of any 12 LINKS
3.3.1 returns must be made within 1 month from date of purchase, and will be refunded at 90% of nature including any retail/e-commerce website, whether in India or abroad unless you have an We may provide links to third party websites or resources. Our provision of such links is
the original net price paid after deduction of any payment we have made to you in relation to express prior written consent from Oriflame not an endorsement of any information, product or service reached through such link. We are
the purchase of these Products; and 7.2 Consultants buy and may sell the Oriflame Products in their own name and on their own account. not responsible for the content or performance of any portion of the internet including other
3.3.2 the returned Products must be marketable, meaning that they have not been used, opened or Should you choose to trade with the Oriflame Products you will be considered, and shall at all websites to which this site may be linked for or that can be accessed by this site. Please inform us
tampered with in any way; they have not passed the expiry date and they are still featured in times act as an independent person (self-employed/sole trader) and not as an Oriflame agent or of any errors or inappropriate material found on websites to which this site is linked.
our Catalogues. employee and working on principal to principal basis. You shall not have any authority to negotiate,
buy, sell or generally conclude any agreements in our name or on our behalf or in the name and 13 GENERAL PROVISIONS
4.1  You agree to have read and understood and shall abide by the Code of Ethics and Rules of 13.1 These Terms are governed by the laws of the Territory and any disputes arising out of, or in
Conduct, the Privacy Policy, Negation Policy, Guarantee of Excellence Claims Policy and Success on behalf of any other company in the Oriflame Group.
7.3 Should you chose to trade with the Oriflame Products you must obtain for yourself all permits, connection with the Terms shall be submitted to binding arbitration and shall be referred to sole
Plan as provided on arbitrator appointed in accordance with the applicable law.The venue of such arbitration shall be
4.2 Consultants must adhere to the Consultant Online Policy & Social Media Dialogue – 10 licenses, and generally make any and all registrations required under the relevant laws of the
Territory for the performance of an independent business practice, including any data protection at New Delhi and the award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties.The Court
Golden Rules as prescribed in Success Plan. of New Delhi shall have jurisdiction in relation to this Arbitration and any award arising therefrom.
registration and tax registration. You are solely responsible for the reporting and payment of any
A. PLACING AN ORDER taxes, duties and fees applicable to such activity. You are solely responsible for ensuring all aspects 13.2 If any provision of the Terms is held to be unlawful, void or for any reason whatsoever
5.1 You may place orders from the Catalogue by selecting the Products you wish to buy. Placing of of your use of your Customers’ personal data complies in all respects with national data protection unenforceable, the invalidity of that provision shall not affect the validity of the rest of the Terms.
the order is considered to be an offer made by you to us to buy the selected Products. and privacy laws.A direct seller shall keep and maintain proper books of accounts stating the details 13.3 The failure of Oriflame to enforce any of the provisions herein shall not be deemed a waiver
5.2 An order is considered to be placed when the following steps have been completed: of the products, price, tax and the quantity and such other details in respect of the goods sold by of their enforceability. We reserve the right to update and amend these Terms. Any change or
5.2.1 if ordering by telephone, you have told our customer services employee which Products you him / her, in such form as per prevailing law. In the event of a change in the law post signing of Terms, update will become effective from the moment of its publication on our website www.oriflame.
wish to purchase who has selected them for you; or including the introduction of GST, the Consultant shall comply with all provisions of such new law. such changes will be considered accepted if you continue to order Products after the
5.2.2 if ordering online, you have selected the Products you wish to purchase by using the option 7.4 We allow the return and exchange of Products as described in the Terms for your Customers as changes have been implemented.
“add to shopping cart”; you may at any time review and modify the content of the shopping well as for you. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to inform your Customers of their 13.4 U  nless you opt otherwise we may send you alerts, notifications, e-mail, direct mail and generally
cart by changing the quantity of Products, deleting Products or removing the entire content right to return the Products, and you shall make any return of Products to us on their behalf. communicate with you. You can update your preferences for marketing communications from
of the shopping cart; 7.5 You should carry your valid Oriflame identity card along with government recognized ID card us at any time by logging into your user settings. By accepting these Terms you agree that
5.2.3 y ou have provided the Personal Data necessary to allow delivery and have accepted that we while conducting your Oriflame business and solicit prior approval before visiting any customer’s Oriflame will send you any other information/ communications regarding your contract and/ or
can use this data for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy; and premises. your purchase orders on durable medium other than paper (i.e. via e-mail or any other means
5.2.4 you have selected your preferred method of delivery and payment. 7.6 You shall uphold the image and reputation of Oriflame. You shall not make any statements, nor addressed personally to you that allow you to store the information in a way accessible for
5.3 Once your online order is placed, it cannot be changed via the website; you will need to perform any acts, which might be detrimental to the image of Oriflame or the Products. You future reference for a long enough period and that also allows you the unchanged reproduction
contact Customer Services at 011-40409000 or 011-66259000 shall operate your business in a lawful and ethical manner and not make any false, misleading or of such information).
5.4 When we have accepted your order, an order confirmation will be sent to you by e-mail at exaggerated claims about the Products. 13.5 The notice period for any notice given under these Terms shall start on the date that the notice
which point the purchase contract will come into existence. We may refuse to accept your 7.7 You acknowledge that the Oriflame Trademarks, our trade name and logo are the property of is posted by registered post. If notice is given by any other means, the notice period shall start
order without stating a reason for rejection. We will refund in full any payment you have Oriflame and you agree not to infringe them in any way. For avoidance of doubt, all goodwill in running on the day of receipt of the notice. This does not apply to informing us of returns under
already made. the Oriflame name accrues to Oriflame. At our request you will sign such documentation as we Guarantee of Excellence Claims Policy and otherwise stated in the Terms, the time period for
5.5 In addition to the order confirmation you will receive details of your Products shipped to you reasonably request to confirm this. returns runs from the date you inform us that you wish to return the Product.
and all other necessary information. 7.8 When presenting the Oriflame Products to consumer, you will strictly observe the Code of Ethics
5.6 If you order online, please note the following: and Rules of Conduct. 14 PRIVACY POLICY
5.6.1 the concluded contract will not be filed or accessible: the parts of the contract will be your 7.9 You must also ask Customers expressly whether or not they wish to receive commercial 14.1 When you register as a Consultant, you expressly agree that Oriflame, the Oriflame Group
order and the Terms on the site (which may be saved or printed) or as may be communicated communications about Oriflame products from you, keep a record of their marketing preferences and its authorised third parties (i.e. Consultants, third party suppliers and third party service
by us using other means of communication; and respect those preferences. providers) may store, use and process (including through automatic means) your Personal Data.
5.6.2 the contract may only be concluded in English and not in any other languages; 7.10 We explicitly disclaim any liability for any penalties, costs, fees and generally any expenses that you We do so to comply with our obligations to you under these Terms as well.
5.6.3 Oriflame subscribes to the codes of conduct set out in clause 10 of the Terms. may incur as the result of any breach of applicable data protection and privacy laws. 14.2 We undertake to keep all Personal Data confidential and secure (although we reserve the right
5.7 Orders completed and paid for cannot be cancelled by you, except as described in clause 6. 7.11 If you wish to sponsor a Customer to become a Consultant you may collect certain personal to disclose this information in the circumstances set out below). We will keep it on a secure
5.8 Orders can be placed at any time during the day save for certain limited unavailability at information directly from the Customer.You must strictly follow our procedures for sponsorship server and we will fully comply with all applicable data protection and consumer legislation from
Catalogue Period closing when we update the Catalogue. from time to time.You will have the limited right to process that Customer’s personal information time to time in place.
5.9 Not all Products will be available at all times. If a Product is out of stock at the time you place only for the purposes of forwarding the personal information to Oriflame and of sending that 14.3 We confirm that any Personal Data which you provide to us and any information from which
your order, we will use reasonable endeavours to inform you before your order is finalized so Customer commercial communications (i.e. communications designed to promote, directly or we can identify you (“User Information”), is held and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy
that you can change or abandon the order. indirectly, the goods, services or image of a company) subject to certain conditions as described and for purposes herein described, especially the following:
5.10 The Catalogue may occasionally, and for limited periods of time, not be available due to below. 14.3.1 for processing your orders;
maintenance or for various technical reasons. Oriflame will not be responsible for such 7.12 Our online tools may allow you to use a Customer’s personal information to send commercial 14.3.2 for statistical or survey purposes to improve our sites, on-line tools and our services to you;
unavailability and will reject any claims thereof by Customers or by other visitors. communications, strictly subject to the following conditions: 14.3.3 for serving website content and advertisements to you;
5.11 For details on how to place order, make payment, delivery and related information please visit 7.12.1 y ou must have sponsored the Customer to become a Consultant, unless otherwise expressly 14.3.4 for administering of our sites;
the Customer Service section on our website agreed, 14.3.5 for communicating with you including sending you any marketing material you have not opted
7.12.2 such commercial communications concern only Oriflame Products, out of receiving.
B. PRICES AND PAYMENT 14.4 When we provide your Personal Data to authorised third parties we will provide only such
5.12 We may exceptionally allow you to place orders for others by using a specific online tool.This 7.12.3 the commercial communication shall be clearly identifiable as such,
7.12.4 the communication includes your name and contact details as the sender of the commercial Personal Data that is needed by them to perform their services under clause 14.1. All authorised
will only be possible for your downline consultants (except in case of SPO order), as explained third parties are explicitly prohibited from using any Personal Data for any other purposes and
in the Oriflame Success Plan, and only based on their explicit authorisation. If you use this tool communication and a valid email address at which Customers can reach you to notify you of
their preference to opt out of further commercial communications, from sharing any Personal Data with anyone other than us or as may be required by law.
you will be solely responsible for any claims based on unauthorised ordering and generally any 14.5 You should be aware that if we are requested by the police or any other regulatory or
privacy violations as well as for any costs and expenses that Oriflame or the person you have 7.12.5 c ommercial communications must not be sent to Customers that have opted out of receiving
them government authority investigating suspected illegal activities to provide your Personal Data and
placed the order for may incur in relation to this order. /or User Information, we are entitled to do so.
5.13 Except where noted otherwise, the Prices of the Products displayed in the Catalogue 7.12.6 p  romotional offers, such as discounts, premiums and gifts, where permitted by applicable law,
shall be clearly identifiable as such, and the conditions which are to be met to qualify for them 14.6 You are entitled to inspect your Personal Data at any time. You can update your Personal Data
represent the full retail price for the Products at the moment the order is placed. All Prices are by contacting Customer Services.
shown in local currency and are inclusive of all applicable taxes. shall be easily accessible and be presented clearly and unambiguously, and
7.12.7 the content of such commercial communications is compliant with these Terms and all 14.7 If you have been registered as an Oriflame Consultant before, when you register on this site
5.14 We reserve the right to change the Prices at any time and in our sole discretion, but any you also accept that some of your Personal Data may be transferred from the Oriflame entity
change to the Prices of Products you select before placing your order will not form part of the applicable law regarding commercial communications.
7.13 Under no circumstances are you permitted to send commercial communications on behalf of you have been originally registered with to Oriflame India Private Limited. We may transfer
contract between us unless you and we expressly agree that it will. any Personal Data provided by you, such as, without limitation: your consultant number, name,
5.15 The Prices do not include the costs of transport, delivery and any other fees and charges that Oriflame or in Oriflame name.
7.14 You expressly agree to share your personal data with Oriflame and the Oriflame Group for address, telephone number, e-mail address as well as information about whether you wish to
are clearly indicated as being additional charges to the price during the ordering process and receive marketing material from us.
that may vary depending on the delivery method chosen by you. purpose of performance of Oriflame’s obligation under the Agreement.
7.15 The Oriflame Consultants shall not use misleading, deceptive and/or unfair trade practices 14.8 U pon registering as an Oriflame Consultant you acknowledge and accept that we may send
5.16 The Prices may be discounted by us from time to time. Further discount may be provided to you information about offers and promotions, unless you opt out. Oriflame may analyse your
you in accordance with the Oriflame Success Plan. These may not always be indicated on your including but not limited to unfair recruiting practices, misrepresentation of actual or potential
sales or earnings, business opportunity, and advantages of direct selling to any prospective direct Personal Data in order to provide you with offers and information better tailored to your
purchase invoices. You can always address any inquiries about Price calculations to Customer interests and specific shopping history. By accepting these Terms you give your explicit consent
Services at [email protected] seller, in their interaction with prospective direct seller.
7.16 The Oriflame Consultant shall not provide any Oriflame Literature and / or training materials not to such analysis.
5.17 Payments can be made by credit card, by bank transfer or by other means specified in this 14.9 Further rights and obligations are contained in the Oriflame Privacy Policy
Policy or the modes provided under the Payment section under Customer Support available restricted to collateral issued by Oriflame or any information, to a prospective and / or existing
at the website Most of major payment cards are accepted. direct seller or float any scheme which has not been approved by the Oriflame
7.17 The Oriflame Consultant shall not require prospective or existing direct Sellers to purchase any 15 INDEMNITY
5.18 For the purposes of payment collection, we cooperate with various third party service In the event the Consultant breaches or violates any of the provision of any applicable law or
providers.You may expect to receive invoices and communication about the payment from Oriflame Literature or training materials or sales demonstration equipment
7.18 An Oriflame Consultant shall not compel or force others to order through him/ her, order any policies / procedures applicable to the Oriflame business of the Consultant including but not
this external service provider. As a rule, all guarantee credit and personal credit orders must be limited to the direct selling guidelines and consumer protection laws issued by the ministry of
paid within 21 days according to the instructions noted therein or such number of days as may minimum quantities or maintain stock of products. Consultant shall buy products depending
upon their consumption requirements or selling pattern only such quantity or value that can be Consumer Affairs, the Consultant agrees indemnify Oriflame for all costs including expenses,
be prescribed from time to time. Late payments interest may be charged on a daily basis at penalties, third party claims, that may accrue to Oriflame on account of any such violation/ breach
the prevailing Territory Central Bank interest rate as well as the reasonable costs of recovering foreseen to be sold to consumers or consumed within a reasonable period of time
7.19While approaching a customer/ potential Oriflame Consultant, the Consultant shall ensure the by the Consultant.
the debts.
5.19 For further information about payment methods including any possible credit terms please following:
contact Customer Services at 011-40409000 or 011-66259000 7.19.1 Trustfully Identify yourself and explain the purpose of your solicitation and about identity of 16 COMPLAINT HANDLING/ CONTACT US
5.20 For the safety of online payments made with a card, all payment information is encrypted. As Oriflame, nature of Oriflame Products The Company has robust system for handling any complaints for which the Company has
Oriflame works with authorized payment service providers, credit card information is handled 7.19.2 Try to answer any and all questions in a fair, truthful and understandable way constituted a Grievance Redressal Committee. All complaints related to Products may be directed
properly and in accordance with applicable laws. 7.19.3 R  efer your contact to the Oriflame website where she can read more about the products to the Oriflame Customer Services at [email protected] or on our helpline
and the claims; specifically, draw her attention to the Oriflame complaint handling procedures 011-40409000 or 01166259000 or raised online on the claims portal as per the Guarantee
5.21 For information related to payment mode and methods please visit the Customer Service of Excellence Claims Policy; for complaints related to the Code of Ethics please contact your
section on our website 7.19.4 O  ffer the prospective consumer, accurate and complete explanations and demonstration of the Area Manager or Senior Area Manager. It is clarified that Oriflame has a redressal mechanism for
C. DELIVERY AND TRANSFER OF RISK Oriflame Products, prices, terms of payment, terms of guarantee handling complaints related to breach of the Terms, Rules and Code, handled by COE Committee
5.22 The ordered Products can only be delivered within the Territory. 7.19.5 R  espect the privacy and other personal restraints the person may be under (e.g. time, place, headed by designated officers of the Company. We will make every reasonable effort to address
5.23 The place of delivery of the Products will be as provided by you at the time of placing the physical condition) your concerns and remedy any problems you bring to our attention.
order or as updated in Oriflame records from time to time. 7.19.6 S top any explanation (and leave) if asked to do so
5.24 We will process and deliver your order as quickly as possible but no later than timelines 7.19.7 Whenever you are selling Oriflame products inform the customer about her right to return
provided for each region under the Ordering Section in Customer Service on Oriflame them and get a refund.
website after the order has been confirmed by us. We shall not be liable for delays in delivery 7.19.8 Provide the following information at the time of sale of Products: Date:23.03.2017

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