Clearing Agents

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Clearing Agent Advantages Disadvantages Clearing Time

XYLENE (xylol)

-Colorless - most rapid clearing - for urgent biopsies - highly flammable 1/2-1 hour
- Most commonly used (15-30 mins) - Makes tissue excessively hard of
Used for clearing, both mounting - Makes tissue transparent used over 3 hrs
and embedding procedures - Miscible w abs alcohol and paraffin - Not suitable for nervous tissues and
- Generally suitable for routine - Doesn't extract out aniline dyes lymph nodes - causes considerable
histologic processing schedules of - For mounting procedures - doesn't hardening and shrinkage
<24 hours and when tissue block is dissolve celloidin
<5mm in thickness - During embedding and impregnation -
evaporates quickly in paraffin oven - can
be readily replaced by wax
- Cheap


- may be used as substitute for 1. Miscible w both absolute alcohol 1. Slower than xylene and 1-2 hours
xylene or benzene for clearing and paraffin benzene
both during embedding and 2. Acts fairly rapidly - recommended 2. Acidified in a partially filled
mounting processes for routine purposes vessel
3. Doesn't make tissues excessively 3. Highly conc solns will emit
hard and brittle if left for 24 hours fumes that are toxic upon
prolonged exposure
4. More expensive

- Preferred by some in the 1. Rapid acting - for urgent biopsies 1. Highly flammable
embedding process because it (15-60 mins) and routine purposes 2. Causes considerable tissue
penetrates and clears tissues 2. Volatilizza rapidly in paraffin oven - shrinkage if left in benzene for a
rapidly easily eliminated from the tissue long time
3. Doesn't make tissues hard and 3. Excessive exposure may
brittle extremely be toxic to man - may
4. Causes minimum shrinkage damage bone marrow (aplastic
5. Makes tissues transparent anemia)


- when used for clearing in 1. For routine processing (6-24 hrs) 1. Toxic to the liver after
embeds process, slower than 2. Miscible w abs alcohol prolonged inhalation
xylene 3. Causes min shrinkage - for tough 2. Wax impregnation after
- Causes less brittleness tissues (e.g skin, fibroid, decalcified chloroform clearing relatively
- Can be used for thicker tissue tissues) for nervous tissues, lymph slow
blocks (up to 1 cm) nodes and embryos 3. Doesn't make tissues
- Tissues don't be on translucent 4. For large tissue specimens transparent
5. Not flammable 4. Not very volatile in paraffin
5. Vapor may attack rubber seal
used in vacuum impregnating
6. Complete clearing is difficult to
7. Tissues tend to float in
8. Evaporates quickly from a
water bath
Clearing Agent Advantages Disadvantages Clearing Time

- used to clear both paraffin and 1. Very penetrating 1. Extremely slow - not for 2-3 days
cellodin sections during the 2. Miscible w 96% alcohol w/c it routine purchases
embedding process removes readily 2. Hard to be eliminated from
- Especially recommended for 3. Clears celloidin in 5-6 days tissues in paraffin bath quality
CNS tissues and cytological 4. Causes minimal shrinkage and not always uniform and good
studies (smooth muscles and hardening 3. Cedarwood oil becomes milky
skin) 5. Tissues may be left indefinitely w/o upon prolonged storage, should
- Requires 2 changes in clearing causing considerable damage and be filtered before use
solution distortion 4. Previously used to clear acetic
6. Makes tissues transparent acid and alcohol fixed tissues may
7. Improves cutting of sections be produce crystals
5. Very expensive

- Not normally utilized as a

routine clearing agent
- Recommended for clearing
embryos, insects, and very
delicate specimens - ability to
clear 70% alcohol w/o excessive
shrinkage and hardening

- Causes min shrinkage - Expensive

- Quality not guaranteed- - Unsuitable for routine clearing
tendency to become purposes
- Was impregnation slow and
difficult tissues become brittle,
aniline dyes removed, celloidin
is dissolved


- used in clearing tissues for - Highly toxic - dangerous to

embedding inhale on prolonged exposure
- Properties similar to
- Produces considerable tissue



- slow-acting clearing agents

- Can be used when double
embedding techniques are

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