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~ L,¥lrsen e TOIJ#ro Limited
L&:r,([t:mstf1l~rQn ,,' " ',','
1'1'" FliJor;T6w€r -11.GodreJWal€fSlde~,
Plo!. #,iJ, 5, Df! f3lOCk.9~qW·Y.$alttaA5f1,
~olka{a.700 091,INDIA. ' '" ",', J, '

'PjVjec/OfffC€; 33f¥F,GopfisWarp~JIy;8pOffice.ROfd, irrtrorrl of Govt, Of W,B.ijousingCdmpt,ex,'Mun(Cipalily Ward No,15, PO+PS.:;s,j~hnupur.' DJ~I:Bal)kwrai'Pi0~Z2~12g


fije Add!. ChlefEngineer(Tr. Project)

y:v~stBengaIState:'Eleqtricity Transmission Company Limited
D,WS,apurfield:;tonal (;jffice
<;,SI'Ad m,lnlS
'iF t' ",8""'1',,·,
. ist fCilIVe,UI u1rrg.,"'2nd
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' oor,
City' yent~e.bur@apur;.t6.

ltem.descriptlon UOM
Fitting,fbdng of
globules on earthwire as'aviation
sign§llqn x~ing spansfQrtowers'of heighthigher,thari
A~ M withsupply,0(aU nec~ss:3fY'materialsand
3;lrrang~mentcompJeteother than supply of glbbules

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