Regulatory T Cells - A Potential Target in Cancer Immunotherapy

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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Special Issue: The Year in Immunology

Regulatory T cells: a potential target in cancer

Kohei Shitara1 and Hiroyoshi Nishikawa2,3
Department of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Chiba, Japan.
Division of Cancer Immunology, Research Institute/EPOC, National Cancer Center, Tokyo/Chiba, Japan. 3 Department of
Immunology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan

Address for correspondence: Hiroyoshi Nishikawa, M.D., Ph.D., Division of Cancer Immunology, Research Institute/EPOC,
National Cancer Center, 6-5-1 Kashiwanoha Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8577, 5-1-1 Tsukiji Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan.
[email protected]

Cancer immunotherapy involving blockade of immune checkpoint molecules, such as CTLA-4 and PD-1, has
shown remarkable clinical success across several types of malignancies. However, a fraction of patients experience
disease progression after treatment; thus, exploring resistant mechanisms for immune checkpoint inhibitors and
improving their treatment outcome with additional modalities are of great importance. CD4+ regulatory T (Treg ) cells
characterized by expression of the master regulatory transcription factor FOXP3 are a highly immune-suppressive
subset of CD4+ T cells that maintain immune homeostasis. Several preclinical and clinical studies suggest that
Treg cells hamper immune surveillance against cancer in healthy individuals, prevent the development of effective
antitumor immunity in tumor-bearing patients, and promote tumor progression. Therefore, targeting Treg cells
should be crucial to improving the treatment outcomes of cancer immunotherapy. Several clinical studies directly
or indirectly targeting Treg cells in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors are ongoing or being planned.
Understanding the characteristics and roles of Treg cells in cancer settings could make disease-specific Treg -targeted
therapy more efficacious and reduce the incidence of immune-related adverse effects mediated by Treg cell inhibition.

Keywords: regulatory T cells; PD-1; PD-L1; CTLA-4; OX40

Introduction tumor-associated macrophages, and regulatory

T cells (Treg cells)), which interfere with antitumor
According to the cancer immunoediting hypoth-
immune responses3,4 (Fig. 1). The potential anti-
esis, less-immunogenic cancer cells are selected
tumor immune responses could be unleashed by
(immune selection), and immunosuppressive
blocking these immunosuppressive machineries or
networks to evade antitumor immune responses
the function of immunosuppressive cells.
are established (immune escape) during cancer
Cancer immunotherapies, including blockade
development in immune-competent hosts.1,2
of immune checkpoint molecules, such as CTLA-4
Clinically apparent cancers therefore harbor
and PD-1, reactivate cytotoxic CD8+ T cells and
several immune-inhibitory mechanisms: decreased
kill cancer cells,5 providing remarkable clinical
expression of cancer antigens and major histo-
efficacy across several cancer types, even in patients
compatibility complex (MHC) class I, resulting
with advanced disease.6–15 Long-term follow-up
in the failure of CD8+ T cells to recognize
in a pooled meta-analysis exhibited long-term
cancer cells; increased expression of various
survival in approximately 20% of patients treated
immunosuppressive molecules (e.g., cytotoxic T
with immune checkpoint inhibitors.16 On the other
lymphocyte–associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) and
hand, more than half of treated patients do not
programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1)); and
achieve clinical responses, indicating the impor-
induction/recruitment of immunosuppressive cells
tance of identifying biomarkers predicting clinical
(e.g., myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs),

doi: 10.1111/nyas.13625
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2018) 1–12 
C 2018 New York Academy of Sciences. 1
Regulatory T cells in cancer immunity Shitara & Nishikawa

Figure 1. Cancer immunoediting for cancer development: the three phases (3 Es: elimination, equilibrium, escape) of cancer
immunoediting. Abnormal transformed (cancer) cells, which are not controlled by intrinsic mechanisms, are detected and eliminated
by the immune system in the elimination phase (cancer immunosurveillance). In the equilibrium phase, dormant cancer cells with
decreased expression of cancer antigens and major histocompatibility complex class I are selected, and the balance of cancer
development and antitumor immunity enter into an equilibrium. Cancer cells gain immune-suppressive networks to escape attack
from the immune system. Established cancers therefore consist of a wide array of immune-suppressive cells, such as Treg cells,
MDSCs, and tumor-associated macrophages.

responses by exploring antitumor responses or T cells.18–20 Indeed, decreased numbers of FOXP3+

clarifying resistant mechanisms to the current can- Treg cells in tumors following anti-CTLA-4 mAb
cer immunotherapies for the development of novel (ipilimumab, IgG1 subclass) treatment strongly cor-
ones. One intriguing case is immune checkpoint related with clinical benefit,21 resulting in a potential
blockade against CTLA-4, which is constitutively biomarker for identifying clinical responders.
expressed by forkhead box P3 (FOXP3)+ CD4+ Treg Here, we review the current understanding of Treg
cells and upregulated by CD4+ and CD8+ effector cell–mediated immune-suppressive mechanisms in
T cells after activation. It was originally thought that cancer and the possibility for Treg cell–targeted can-
anti-CTLA monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) would cer immunotherapy, which can augment antitumor
exhibit antitumor effects via blocking an inhibitory immune responses, leading to a promising clinical
signal on activated CD4+ and CD8+ effector efficacy, as shown in several preclinical researches as
T cells and recovering their antitumor activity.17 well as in early-phase clinical studies.
Recent animal studies using anti-CTLA-4 mAbs
lacking antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity Classification of Treg cells
(ADCC) activity revealed the importance of Treg cells are a highly immune-suppressive fraction
FOXP3+ CD4+ Treg cell depletion by anti-CTLA- of CD4+ T cells, which were originally reported as
4 mAbs from tumors to augment antitumor CD25+ CD4+ T cells by Sakaguchi et al.22 and have
immunity, rather than direct activation of effector been shown to play central roles in maintaining

2 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2018) 1–12 

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Table 1. Classification of FOXP3+ CD4+ T cells

Subset Phenotype or markers Characteristics

Fraction I: naive Treg cells CTLA-4low CD25low

r Weak suppressive activity
(CD45RA+ FOXP3low CD4+ ) CD127low/– r Proliferate and differentiate into effector
Ki-67– Treg cells upon TCR stimulation
Fraction II: effector Treg cells CTLA-4high CD25high
r Strong suppressive activity
(CD45RA– FOXP3high CD4+ ) Ki-67+
r Prone to apoptosis
PD-1+ , TIM-3+ , GITR+
r Tend to increase in peripheral blood with
Fas+ , IL-10+ , TGF-␤+ aging
Fraction III: non-Treg cells IL-2+ , IFN-␥ + , IL-17+
r Heterogeneous population
(CD45RA– FOXP3low CD4+ ) r No suppressive activity

self-tolerance.23–26 FOXP3 was reported as the While FOXP3 expression represents the Treg cell
master regulatory transcription factor for Treg population in mice, to define Treg cells only by
cells,27–29 because FOXP3 gene mutations induce FOXP3 expression is difficult in humans, since
Treg cell deficiency, resulting in severe autoimmune FOXP3 is also upregulated following the acti-
disorders and allergy in both mice and humans.30–32 vation of naive T cells, compromising the sup-
In various types of cancers, immune-suppressive pressive function of the entire set of FOXP3+
cytokines, molecules, and cells constitute the T cells. Therefore, we established a classification of
immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment that human FOXP3+ T cells based on expression lev-
inhibits effective antitumor immunity. Treg cells, els of FOXP3 and the naive T cell marker CD45RA
one of the most common immune-suppressive cells that can reflect their immune-suppressive function
in tumors, suppress antitumor immunity, thereby (Table 1):33,34 naive Treg cells (nTreg cells: CD45RA+
promoting cancer progression.23–26 FOXP3low CD4+ cells), effector Treg cells (eTreg
Treg cells are separated into natural/thymic and cells: CD45RA– FOXP3high CD4+ cells), and non-
peripherally induced Treg cells according to the sites Treg cells (CD45RA– FOXP3low CD4+ cells). Naive
where they are generated and differentiated.23,33,34 Treg cells with weak immune-suppressive function
Natural/thymic Treg cells stem from self-reactive have recently egressed from the thymus and have not
thymocytes in animal models. A fraction of CD4+ yet been activated in the periphery. Upon TCR stim-
CD8– thymocytes receive T cell receptor (TCR) ulation, nTreg cells proliferate and differentiate into
stimulation by complexes of MHC plus self-peptide highly immune-suppressive eTreg cells. In contrast,
and acquire CD25 expression, through which non-Treg cells do not possess immune-suppressive
IL-2 transmits signals via signal transducer and function but rather are immune-stimulatory T cells,
activator of transcription 5 to express FOXP3, producing inflammatory cytokines, such as IFN-␥
resulting in differentiation into Treg cells.25,35 and IL-17.34
Peripherally induced Treg cells are converted from
conventional T cells by stimulation with TGF-␤ Suppressive mechanisms of Treg cells
or retinoic acid in animal models.36 However, FOXP3 directly suppresses IL-2 gene transcription
FOXP3+ T cells induced from conventional and upregulates transcription of CTLA-4 and
T cells by in vitro TCR stimulation with TGF-␤ CD25. Treg cells exhibit their suppressive activity via
do not gain suppressive function and produce several cellular and humoral mechanisms,23 such as
proinflammatory cytokines in humans.37,38 Several inhibition of antigen-presenting cell (APC) matu-
cytokines or a specific microbiota environment ration through the CTLA-4 pathway; consumption
can reportedly induce Treg cells with a suppressive of IL-2 via high-affinity IL-2 receptor expression
function from CD25– CD4+ T cells, but it remains with IL-2 receptor ␣-chain CD25; secretion of
unclear whether these peripherally induced Treg inhibitory cytokines, including IL-10, TGF-␤, and
cells are functionally stable.25,39,40 IL-35; degradation of ATP, an important source of
cellular energy; and expression of granzyme and/or

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C 2018 New York Academy of Sciences. 3
Regulatory T cells in cancer immunity Shitara & Nishikawa

Figure 2. Suppressive mechanisms of Treg cells. Treg cells mainly exhibit their suppressive activity through (1) suppression of
antigen-presenting cells through the CTLA-4 pathway, which downmodulates CD80/CD86 expression as a costimulatory signal to
effector T cells; (2) consumption of IL-2 via expression of CD25 (IL-2 receptor ␣-chain); and (3) secretion of inhibitory cytokines,
including IL-10 and TGF-␤, or expression of granzyme and/or perforin, which also downregulate or kill APCs and effector T cells.
TCR, T cell receptor; MHC, major histocompatibility complex.

perforin, which kills effector T cells and APCs. (TILs)) than in peripheral blood.23,33,34 The prog-
CTLA-4 engages with B7 molecules on APCs, which nostic impact of high infiltration of Treg cells into
inhibit costimulatory signaling through B7 and tumors remains controversial in humans,33,44,45 par-
CD28 to effector cells, resulting in the inhibition of ticularly colorectal cancer, in which high-FOXP3+
maturation of APCs (Fig. 2).25,26 T cells are associated with better prognosis. One of
the issues is the inconsistent definition of Treg cells
Treg cells in cancer immunity or the use of FOXP3 as the sole marker for Treg cells
Several preclinical animal models indicate the crit- in these reports. We have recently shown that there
ical roles of Treg cells in tumor immunity. Treg cell are two FOXP3+ CD4+ T cell subpopulations in col-
depletion by anti-CD25 depleting antibody or CD4 orectal cancer, and tumor-infiltrating bona fide Treg
depletion in mice prevents tumor growth.41,42 Addi- cells are indeed associated with poor prognosis,46
tionally, the secondary challenge of B16 melanoma suggesting that the proper classification of Treg cells
that does not spontaneously evoke concomitant is important to elucidate their prognostic impact in
immunity, a phenomenon in which the tumor- each cancer type.
bearing host rejects an inoculation of the same Why are higher populations of Treg cells present
tumor cells at a distant site, was rejected when in tumors? Interaction with chemokines and their
Treg cells were depleted by anti-CD4 antibody.43 receptors is reported to recruit Treg cells into
These results clearly show that Treg cells suppress TILs, such as CCR4 with CCL22, CCR4 with
antitumor immunity and promote tumor progres- CCL17, CCR10 with CCL28, and CXCR4 with
sion. In clinical samples from several types of can- CXCL1.25,47–54 In tumors, Treg cells exhibit highly
cers, proportions of Treg cells are significantly higher activated phenotypes, such as high expression of
in tumor sites (i.e., tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes suppression-related molecules like CTLA-4 and

4 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2018) 1–12 

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TIGIT.33,55 OX40 and GITR, members of the TNF more potently inhibit shared self-antigen–specific
superfamily expressed by activated T cells, are also CD8+ T cells compared with nonself-antigen–
expressed by Treg cells.25,56–62 Tumor-infiltrating specific CD8+ T cells.70 This might explain why
Treg cells are suspected to be activated by a large cancers with a lower number of neoantigens, in
number of self-antigens released from tumor cells,63 which shared self-antigen–specific CD8+ T cells
because Treg cells usually harbor high-affinity TCRs may mainly contribute to the antitumor effect, do
against self-antigens, which make up a different TCR not respond to immune checkpoint blockade, since
repertoire compared with conventional T cells and CD8+ T cells are under the control of Treg cell–
are predominantly activated in tumors.56,57 mediated immune suppression. However, it needs
to be addressed whether Treg cells contribute to
Role of Treg cells in the treatment of
the resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors,
currently approved immune checkpoint
although some studies showed that higher expres-
sion of FOXP3 is associated with resistance to
Immune checkpoint molecules, such as CTLA-4 immune checkpoint inhibitors.71 We are currently
and PD-1, are also expressed by Treg cells. The conducting a prospective study to examine the
anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab inhibits inter- immune phenotype in tumors to clarify the impact
actions between Treg cells and APCs.64 Analyses of of Treg cells as a resistance mechanism to immune
anti-CTLA-4 antibodies in mouse models revealed checkpoint inhibitors with samples from more than
that their antitumor efficacy was dependent on 1000 patients (UMIN00001912).
the depletion of CTLA-4+ Treg cells in tumors
through ADCC, since the loss of crystallizable Treg cell–targeted therapy
fragment (Fc) function of anti-CTLA-4 mAbs There are several potential therapies to control
totally abrogates their antitumor effects.18–20 In Treg cell suppression directly or indirectly. Some of
addition, ipilimumab-dependent cell-mediated the candidates are targeted therapies for previously
cytotoxicity for Treg cells was reportedly evoked by mentioned molecules expressed by Treg cells, such as
nonclassical monocytes in melanoma patients.64 CD25, CTLA-4, CCR4, OX40, and GITR. Depleting
Notably, responders to ipilimumab displayed CD25-expressing lymphocytes potentiated antitu-
significantly higher frequencies of peripheral mor immune responses, yet other studies failed to
nonclassical monocytes at baseline and a selective show similar results. This might be due to CD25
enrichment in tumor-infiltrating CD68+ CD16+ expression in other lymphocytes, particularly effec-
macrophages compared with nonresponders.64 tor CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Additionally, systemic
During chronic viral infection, PD-1 upregulation depletion of Treg cells might increase the risk of caus-
by Treg cells enhances the suppression of the ing autoimmunity. Therefore, selective depletion of
CD8+ T cell response rather than PD-1– Treg Treg cells in tumors should be developed to aug-
cells.65 PD-1 expression modulates the activation ment antitumor immunity without eliciting delete-
threshold of T cells, maintaining the balance rious autoimmunity. Another strategy is targeting
between regulatory and effector T cells.66 However, other immune-suppressive cells or other factors in
the correlation of PD-1 expression by Treg cells the tumor microenvironment that may indirectly
in tumors and clinical outcomes after anti-PD-1 influence Treg cells. Tumor-associated macrophages
blockade therapy remains unclear, which warrants or MDSCs produce Treg cell–recruiting chemokines,
further investigation using clinical samples. such as CCL17 or CCL22. Vascular endothelial
There are two types of tumor antigens: tumor- growth factor (VEGF) and TGF-␤ are also immune-
specific antigens, which are either oncogenic viral suppressive factors that lead to the activation of Treg
proteins or abnormal proteins stemming from cells. Thus, targeting these factors may indirectly
somatic mutations (neoantigens), and tumor- inhibit Treg cell suppression.
associated antigens, which are highly or aber-
rantly expressed normal proteins. Several reports Anti-CD25 antibody
have shown that many neoantigens are associ- Daclizumab is a humanized mAb with IgG1 iso-
ated with favorable outcomes after treatment with type that binds to the ␣-subunit of the IL-2 receptor
immune checkpoint inhibitors.67–69 Treg cells can (CD25) and has been approved for the treatment

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Regulatory T cells in cancer immunity Shitara & Nishikawa

of patients with relapsed multiple sclerosis. Sequen- showed confirmed objective responses in several
tial treatment with dendritic cell vaccination fol- types of cancers, such as hepatocellular carcinoma
lowed by daclizumab for 15 patients with metastatic (four of 15, 26.7%), and one partial response and
melanoma resulted in the depletion of not only Treg five cases of stable disease among 15 patients with
cells but also activated effector cells, thus not induc- pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Drug-related grade
ing the augmented T cell responses.72 In contrast, 3–4 adverse events occurred in 26%; the most
in another study of breast cancer patients, admin- frequently observed events were skin toxicities,
istration of daclizumab followed by vaccination followed by gastrointestinal toxicities.
with multiple tumor-associated peptides reduced
Anti-OX40 antibody and anti-GITR antibody
Treg cells and achieved durable, stable disease in six
Anti-OX40 antibody (OX86) augmented antitu-
of 10 patients, with median progression-free sur-
mor immunity in animal models with several
vival (PFS) of 4.8 months.73 No severe immune-
types of cancers, and the antitumor effects were
related adverse reaction was observed. Anti-CD25
mainly dependent on the reduction of Treg cells in
mAb administration therefore may exhibit different
tumors. Several phase I trials with OX40 agonis-
effects depending on the phase and state of antitu-
tic antibodies, such as MOXR0916 or PF-04518600,
mor immune responses.
showed modest clinical activity with stable diseases
in some patients, even in combination with PD-1
Anti-CCR4 antibody
blockade.76,77 The majority of treatment-related
Mogamulizumab (KW-0761) is a humanized anti-
adverse events were low in severity; a grade 3
human CCR4 mAb with enhanced ADCC activ-
pneumonitis was reported with combination of
ity that was approved in Japan in 2012 for
MOXR091 and an anti-PD-L1 mAb.76 In the PF-
the treatment of relapsed or refractory adult
04518600 trial, two previously immunotherapy-
T cell leukemia/lymphoma. CCR4, a receptor for
treated patients showed stable disease for more
CCL17 and CCL22, is highly expressed by tumor-
than 6 months with PF-04518600 single agent
infiltrating Treg cells and is an important chemokine
and with enhanced memory T cell proliferation at
receptor for Treg cell recruitment into tumors.
0.3 mg/kg.77
Ex vivo depletion of CCR4+ T cells by anti-
In animal models, anti-GITR mAb or GITR lig-
CCR4 mAb and subsequent in vitro stimulation
and can inhibit the suppressive activity of Treg cells
of the depleted cell population with the can-
and activate effector T cells, resulting in strong
cer/testis antigen NY-ESO-1 efficiently induced
tumor inhibition. Phase I clinical trials evaluating
NY-ESO-1–specific T cells.55 Additionally, in
GITR agonists, such as BMS-986156, AMG 228, and
vivo administration of anti-CCR4 mAb markedly
TRX-518, in solid tumors are ongoing.78–80
reduced the Treg cell fraction and augmented
NY-ESO-1–specific CD8+ T cell responses in an IDO-1 inhibitors
adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma patient whose Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is expressed in
leukemic cells expressed NY-ESO-1.55 Therefore, many human cancers, and high IDO expression is
mogamulizumab was investigated in a phase I trial associated with advanced disease stage and tumor
as a Treg cell–depleting reagent for solid cancer metastases. IDO inhibits the activation of effector
patients.74 The results showed that mogamulizumab T cells through depletion of the essential amino
at a dose range between 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg was safe acid tryptophan and promotes differentiation
and well tolerated. Four of 10 patients showed sta- and activation of Treg cells as well as MDSCs
ble disease over 4 months. FOXP3+ Treg cells in through kynurenine production.81 Epacadostat
the peripheral blood during treatment were effi- (INCB024360) is a potent and selective inhibitor of
ciently depleted, even with the lowest dose of 0.1 IDO1 that showed acceptable feasibility in a first-
mg/kg. Furthermore, the combination of anti-PD1 in-humans phase I trial.82 Dose-limiting toxicity
nivolumab and mogamulizumab is also being inves- occurred at doses greater than 300 mg (grade 3 radi-
tigated in a Japanese phase I trial for solid tumors.75 ation pneumonitis and fatigue). Prolonged stable
No dose-limiting toxicity was observed in patients diseases were observed in seven of 52 patients, with
enrolled in this dose-escalation study. Preliminary significant dose-dependent reductions in plasma
results in 90 patients in the dose-expansion cohort kynurenine levels and kynurenine/tryptophan

6 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2018) 1–12 

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Shitara & Nishikawa Regulatory T cells in cancer immunity

ratio. Several phase II trials showed promising in nonsmall-cell lung cancer and gastric cancer
activities with combinations of epacadostat and patients. Thirty percent of patients (n = 27) with
PD-1 blockade.83,84 In ECHO-202/KEYNOTE-037, previously treated advanced nonsmall-cell lung can-
a multicohort phase II study of epacadostat cer responded to this combination therapy, and
and pembrolizumab with 244 patients, common median PFS was 9.7 months with no new safety
treatment-related toxicities were fatigue (23%); rash problems.89 Preliminary results of a gastric can-
(16%); diarrhea and nausea (7% each); increased cer cohort with 41 previously treated patients and
alanine aminotransferase, increased aspar- 28 chemotherapy-naive patients also showed objec-
tate aminotransferase, and pruritus (6% each); and tive responses in 7% of pretreated patients and
pyrexia (5%). Objective response rate (ORR) was 14% of chemotherapy-naive patients.90 Median PFS
observed across multiple tumor types. Notably, in chemotherapy-naive patients was 5.6 months,
in nonsmall-cell lung cancer patients who had which warrants further evaluation with large cohort
fewer than two prior lines of treatment, ORR studies. We previously analyzed immune profiles of
was 39%, and that of renal cell cancer patients TILs with paired samples from primary tumors of
was 47%. Currently, the phase III trial ECHO- pre- and postramucirumab-treated gastric cancer
301/KEYNOTE-252 is ongoing for malignant patients. The frequency of FOXP3high CD45RAlow
melanoma, and additional phase III studies for CD4+ Treg (eTreg ) cells was significantly decreased
other types of cancers are also planned. after ramucirumab therapy compared with that in
baseline (mean 19.5% versus 13.6%).91 In con-
VEGF-targeting therapy trast, no significant changes were observed in the
The VEGFA–VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) axis is frequency of CD8+ T cells (mean 36.7% versus
known to increase tumor-infiltrating Treg cells 36.0%), which supports further investigation. Suni-
in mice. Selective inhibition of VEGF binding tinib, a multikinase inhibitor that blocks signals
to VEGFR2 was reportedly effective at control- downstream of VEGFR, improved type 1 T cell
ling tumor growth and inhibiting the infiltra- cytokine responses in renal cell carcinoma patients
tion of immune-suppressive cells, such as Treg while reducing Treg cell function.92 A phase I trial
cells, MDSCs, and macrophages, with increased of sunitinib and nivolumab showed a 52% response
mature dendritic cells.85 Furthermore, expression rate in renal cell carcinoma patients.93 Neoadjuvant
of immune checkpoint molecules (PD-1, TIM3, treatment with sorafenib, another tyrosine kinase
CTLA-4, and LAG3) on CD8+ T cells was sup- inhibitor, significantly reduced the percentage of
pressed by treatment with an anti-VEGFA antibody tumor-infiltrating Treg cells (mean 17.3% versus
or anti-tyrosine kinase inhibitors for VEGFR2,86 28.1%) in renal cell carcinoma patients in com-
supporting the use of VEGF blockade in combina- parison with nontreated patients.94 Lenvatinib, an
tion with immune checkpoint inhibitors. A phase oral inhibitor of multiple receptor tyrosine kinases
I trial of bevacizumab, an anti-VEGFA mAb, and targeting VEGFR, fibroblast growth factor receptor,
atezolizumab, an anti-PD-L1 mAb, showed par- platelet growth factor receptor ␣, RET, and KIT,
tial responses in four of 10 patients with renal also showed a decreased percentage of Treg cells in a
cell carcinoma.87 Although the detailed analyses of syngeneic mouse model.95 Many clinical studies of
immune phenotypes including Treg cells were not these multikinase inhibitors in combinations with
reported, intratumoral CD8+ T cells were increased immune checkpoint inhibitors are currently ongo-
following the combination treatment with increased ing (NCT03006887, NCT03406871, NCT02501096,
expression of intratumoral MHC-I, TH 1, and NCT02133742, and NCT03141177), and immune-
T effector markers, as well as chemokines, such as modulatory effects of multikinase inhibitors war-
CX3CL1.87 The bevacizumab–atezolizumab com- rant further evaluation with exploratory biomarker
bination was further examined in a randomized analyses.
phase II study (IMmotion150; NCT01984242) for
renal cell carcinoma in comparison with suni- PI3K inhibitor and HSP inhibitor
tinib or atezolizumab monotherapy.88 A combi- Another means of suppressing Treg cells is target-
nation of ramucirumab, an anti-VEGFR2 mAb, ing the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) path-
and pembrolizumab, an anti-PD1 mAb, was tested way or heat shock protein (HSP). Isoform-specific

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C 2018 New York Academy of Sciences. 7
Regulatory T cells in cancer immunity Shitara & Nishikawa

PI3K inhibitors and a PI3K␦-deficient mouse strain tumor necrosis. Local treatment with PDT abro-
revealed that PI3K␦ is functionally critical in Treg gated the suppressive capacity of peripheral Treg
cells, and coadministration of a PI3K␦ inhibitor cells in treated patients with esophageal cancer.101
with a tumor antigen–specific vaccine decreased Additionally, a preclinical study showed that CD25-
numbers of Treg cells and augmented antitumor targeted near-infrared photoimmunotherapy selec-
T cell responses, because PI3K␣ and PI3K␤ are tively depletes Treg cells, thereby activating CD8+ T
functionally redundant with PI3K␦ in conventional cells and natural killer cells.102
T cells but not in Treg cells in animal models, result-
Future perspectives
ing in selective depletion of Treg cells.96
HSP70 is a member of the conserved, ubiq- Treg cells have been shown to play critical roles
uitously expressed HSP family and is a major in tumor immunity, becoming a promising ther-
immunomodulatory molecule. HSP70-treated Treg apeutic target of cancer immunotherapy. However,
cells significantly inhibited the proliferation of their contribution to current cancer immunother-
CD25– CD4+ T cells and reduced IFN-␥ and apy has not been fully determined. Detailed analy-
TNF-␣ production. HSP70 increased secretion of ses of immune phenotypes in tumors before, during,
the suppressor cytokines IL-10 and TGF-␤ from and after treatment with cancer therapy are urgently
Treg cells, probably enhancing the suppressive capac- required. Deeper understanding of disease-specific
ity of Treg cells.97 Modulation of Treg cells through Treg cells, particularly their development, mainte-
PI3K or HSP warrants further evaluation in clin- nance, and function, could make disease-specific
ical studies (NCT02646748, NCT03257722, and Treg cell–targeted therapy more effective, resulting
NCT03095781). in an improvement of efficacy and decrease of side
effects related to cancer immunotherapy.
Targeting TGF-β
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cancers corresponding to tumor stage. TGF-␤
signaling contributes to tumor progression by The authors declare no competing interests.
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