Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals

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Your Testing Partner for

Natural Cosmetics Ingredients
and Products
• Global leader from regulatory
consulting to analytical
testing for cosmetics and
cosmeceutical ingredients
• Over 15 years of in-depth
expertise in natural botanical
ingredient tests in various
• ISO-17025 and cGMP111, to many laboratories with expertise primarily
210/211 complied state-of- focused on traditional chemical cosmetics. To CASE STUDY
the-art laboratory analytical meet the challenge of this growing need for
Natural ingredient analysis for
analytical data and regulatory requirements
capabilities requires expertise in natural ingredients (with
formulation development:
Natural ingredients such as aloe vera
focus on botanical ingredients) and related and aloe gel have been used in various
Natural and functional cosmetics and analytical sciences. Companies increasingly traditional medicinal products, and more
cosmeceuticals are among the fastest turn to the in-depth knowledge and recently in cosmetics products such as
growing personal beauty products. analytical capabilities of dedicated external skin and hair care products for various
However, the complexity of many natural laboratories for their natural ingredient and claimed benefits. Testing extracts from
and functional ingredients and their cosmeceutical product testing needs. different parts of the aloe vera plant
effect and safe use are less understood. require different ingredient markers,
FDA regulations for US and similar therefore choosing incorrect ingredient
global regulations require cosmeceutical Our Solutions markers may lead to erroneous testing
ingredients and products to meet the safety Intertek can provide you identification, results and affecting the product
and efficacy requirements supported by potency, purity and safety testing based formulation. A cosmetic manufacturer
product quality testing and clinical study was developing a skin care formulation
on our breadth of expertise from over 15 with inclusion of the aloe vera extract.
data. Independent analytical testing of years of focused analytical work in natural To better reflect the use of extract
ingredients and products is critical for and synthetic ingredients and products. from only part of the aloe plant, Intertek
product assurance and protecting the Our state-of-the-art cGMP and ISO-17025 Champaign Laboratories developed and
company’s brand. certified laboratories are equipped with qualified a method with a more specific
a broad range of platform technologies ingredient chemical marker for the outer
with regulatory accepted techniques leaf pulp of aloe vera, thus enabling an
The Challenge improved extract quantification used in
and methodologies. We can support your
Introduction of functional ingredients, analytical needs from raw ingredients the new formulation.
particularly natural ingredients, into cosmetic to finished products throughout the
formulation has led to a rapid growth experienced scientific and technical staff
product life cycle. Our laboratories can also (many with Ph.D. and M.S. degrees) can
of cosmeceutical products. However, provide you the routine safety chemical
formulation, efficacy and safety studies for provide close support to ensure your
and microbial testing to ensure regulatory
this new class of natural cosmeceuticals has needs are met.
compliance of your products. Our highly
presented significant technical challenges

Ingredient specification
Castor oil, with its rich content of
Ricinoleic acid, has been used in various
skin care products for effects ranging
from non-comedogenic, moisture
retention and texture, to anti-acne and
additional properties. A client produced
castor oil under a cultivation condition
and faced an industry specification
variation in benchmarking their unique
castor oil. Leveraging our in-depth
knowledge of botanical ingredients
and analytical expertise, Intertek
Champaign Laboratories provided
technical consultation and analysis to
develop a product specification for the
client. We differentiated the castor oil to
help ensure the product quality which is
important to the client’s brand reputation
and market success.

and derivatives, antioxidants and natural The Intertek Advantage

Our Services fragrance Intertek is a leading Total Quality Assurance
Intertek Champaign Laboratories offers • Sun protection ingredients and provider to industries worldwide. Through
a wealth of expertise and analytical products – Active UV blocking agents and our network of more than 1,000 laboratories
capability for identification, potency and SPF bioassays and offices and over 42,000 people in more
purity tests of ingredients and finished • Antibacterial and hygiene care than 100 countries, the Group is re-defining
cosmetic products in our state-of-the- ingredients and products – Botanical the industry with our Total Quality Assurance
art laboratories equipped with analytical extract ingredients and antibiotic agents proposition.
technologies such as HPTLC, HPLC, GC/ • Lip protectant ingredients and
GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, ICP, FT-IR, RT-PCR, wet products – Chemical ingredients such We go beyond physical quality control to
chemistry, biochemical and microbiological as camphore and menthol plus natural provide total peace of mind through our
analysis. Appropriate techniques are botanical ingredients in formulation innovative and bespoke Assurance, Testing,
chosen to ensure critical ingredient • Hair care and anti-dandruff Inspection and Certification solutions for
markers are analyzed while interference ingredients and products – Coal tar, our customers’ operations and supply chains.
by complex botanical matrix and other extracts and mineral base Intertek Total Quality Assurance expertise,
formulation components is addressed. • Cosmetic preservative and delivered consistently, with precision, pace
Our laboratories can provide the analytical effectiveness – Ingredient chemical and passion, enabling our customers to power
testing using either published (e.g., USP, analysis, preservative and effectiveness ahead safely.
AOAC) or cGMP validated methods in test
compliance with regulatory and client • Antimicrobial effectiveness and Intertek USA Inc.
requirements. stability – USP and relevant monograph Champaign Laboratories
tests for antimicrobial effectiveness 711 Parkland Court
The following are examples of our assessment Champaign, IL 61821
analytical services for traditional cosmetics • Safety compliance testing –
and cosmeceuticals: Detection of trace level heavy metals,
solvents and microbial contamination
• Diverse raw natural ingredient +1 800 WORLDLAB (967 5352)
testing – Identification of key ingredients We provide these services with our
such as aloe essential oils for potency and dedicated client services team and [email protected]
purity in support of cGMP manufacturing consultation with senior scientific and
• Skin care and anti-aging ingredients technical staff when required.
and products – Vitamins, fatty acid


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