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4th International Conference CIVIL ENGINEERING`13 Proceedings Part II





Dr. Nico P.M. Scholten, PhD

Expertcenter Regulations in Building (ERB)
Email: [email protected]
Prof.Ton C.W.M. Vrouwenvelder
TNO Built Environment and Geosciences
E-mail: [email protected]

Since 1992 there have been a number of proposals to renew calculation methods available to assess the
structural safety of the existing buildings. But without operational results.
Upon publication of the Eurocodes NL decided to renew and to include them in the Dutch building
regulations. The question was how.
It was decided to develop a new Dutch national standard: NEN 8700. That shows how, in conjunction with
the 58 Eurocodes, an expert opinion can be assessed on the structural safety of an existing building.
The Building Decree 2012 refers to this standard for load actions that have to be taken into account, the
response of the structure and the required strength of structure, and references to the Eurocodes. The set up
of the new standard is explained.
A building is classified as an existing building after it has been completed.
So the standard applies to all building stock, but the owner primarily must ensure that during the design
working lifespan the legally required performance for newly built buildings remains satisfied except
The safety assessment of an existing building differs from that of a new one in ways that are elaborated:
- cost in relation to safety;
- safety in relation to the reference period;
- availability of the actual status data versus the design data.
Unlike the regulations that apply to new buildings the new standard includes for the judgement of the lower
limit of safety of the existing structures (the moment that the use immediately has to cease):
- probability theory;
- harmonisation of the Eurocodes with safety of the existing building constructions on an arbitrary
- acknowledgement of durable safety requirements other than a 1 year period;
- exclusion of requirements pertaining to the uncertainties that may arise during the theoretical
design life;
- amendment of determination methods for the properties of the structural materials used;
- ability to review at any time the actual constructed situation.
The new standard also establishes the lowest limits of safety levels in the renovation, alteration or
enlargement of an existing building.
Reliability and load factors are summarized extracted from the underlying TNO report.
Keywords: safety assessment, regulation, existing building, renovation, standard, Eurocodes, NEN 8700

INTRODUCTION number of times but the content is unchanged till

April 1, 2012. This Order was originally based on
On October 1, 1992 the Building Decree came into
the TNO Building Research report B-91-832. After
force together with some 6 Ministerial Orders. As
April 1, 2012 reference is made to the Eurocodes.
from that moment quantifiable calculation methods
There have been a number of standardisation
became available to assess the structural safety of
proposals since to publish a separate TGB series to
the existing buildings as laid down in the Building
deal with the existing buildings, but this has not
Decree and later the Building Decree of 2003 and
come to anything.
the Building Decree 2012.
The above-mentioned TNO report was issued in
These calculation methods were based on the well-
2004 and published as TNO B&O report 2004-CI-
known Dutch TGB standards series together with
the more detailed regulations in the Ministerial
After the publication of the Eurocodes and the
Order on structural and user safety. This Order has
decision to include them in the Dutch building
been legally and administratively simplified a
regulations (following the introduction of the third

4th International Conference CIVIL ENGINEERING`13 Proceedings Part II

issue of the Building Decree in 2003) the question THE STRUCTURE

arose of what to do about the regulations
The intention is that the Building Decree 2003 will
concerning the structural safety of the existing
refer to NEN 8700 for load actions that have to be
buildings. The choice was not difficult because
taken in account, the response of the structure and
making 58 standards to cover the existing buildings
the required strength of the structure. The new
or alternatively making 58 sets of follow-up
standard will make reference to the Eurocodes.
regulations to cover the existing buildings in the 58
Purpose of the standard
Eurocodes was not an option. The choice was made
The standard applies to all existing buildings,
to develop a new Dutch standard: NEN 8700. This
regardless of their age. A building is classified as an
standard shows how, in conjunction with the 58
existing building after it has been completed.
Eurocodes, an opinion can be arrived at on the
The owner of the building must ensure that during
structural safety of an existing building.
the reference period the legally required standards
The following research questions are solved for the
are or remain satisfied other than caused by an
Dutch situation:
accident. The legally required standards are the
1. What are the differences between the public
safety standards required by legislation at the time
requirements for structural safety between
of construction, unless a building permit as defined
newly built buildings and existing buildings?
in the article 40 of the Housing Act has expressly
2. What are the backgrounds of the safety
permitted a lower standard (for example, in the case
philosophy to motivate these differences and
of renovation) or if knowingly or unknowingly an
how can the assessment of the safety of the
incorrect building construction is approved. The
existing buildings be used in practice?
legal regulations that determine new structural
3. What are the logical structural safety
safety standards apply to the entire reference period,
requirements by renovation of the structure of
which is defined as the design working life of the
the existing buildings?
In a national or international perspective the
If the legally required safety level at the moment of
research can be placed as following:
erection is not met, then the article 13 of the
New Eurocodes for the assessment of newly built
Housing Act may on request of the Authority
buildings are introduced in the European Union. In
require the building owner to modify the building
the Dutch building regulations also requirements
construction. Whether this is invoked depends
are given for the minimum performance of the
amongst others like on the timing of the
existing buildings. So the existing regulations have
infringement in relation to the remaining service life
to be changed to bring them in line with the 58
of the building. The Municipal authorities have the
Eurocodes parts. In 2010 the Eurocodes will be
discretion to accept a certain degree of deviation
compulsory. At that moment also the requirements
from the regulations.
for existing buildings and renovation should be
A separate issue is the private relationship between
contractual parties. If a contractual agreement has
Within the EU discussion is opened to develop also
not been met then the disadvantaged party has the
Eurocodes for the existing buildings. The Dutch
right to a civil law process and the other party is
NEN 8700 and background report can be a good
liable for not fulfilling the contractual obligations.
starting point.
The main conclusions and recommendations of the MAIN CONTENTS
project are:
The safety assessment of an existing building
a) The safety philosophy of newly built buildings
differs from that of a new one in a number of
can also be used for existing buildings and
renovation. essential ways:
b) The reliability-index can be decreased for the  Firstly, increased safety levels usually involve
assessment of the existing buildings and for more costs for an existing building than for
buildings in renovation, because economical buildings that are still in the design phase. The
aspects have to be dealt with in another way safety provisions embodied in safety standards
than by newly built buildings. Because of have to be set off against the cost of providing
another reference period the actions can be them, and on this basis these costs are more
decreased. Also durability aspects are not the difficult to justify for the existing buildings.
same. The way safety figures of the structure For this reason in certain circumstances a
itself may be used gives also a different lower safety level is acceptable.
assessment.  Secondly, the remaining lifetime of an existing
c) The study and standards provide a direction building is often different than the standard
how to judge in a practical way whether the reference period of 50 years or 15 years that
minimum safety requirements are fulfilled. applies to new buildings. This aspect plays an
important role in determining if the building
construction is still adequately safe.


4th International Conference CIVIL ENGINEERING`13 Proceedings Part II

Figure 1. Overview of the standard structure

Table 1
Minimum values for the reliability index  with a minimum reference
period (extreme limit) of 15 years for CC1B
Consequence Minimum New
class Reference construc- Repared Summone
period tion βr βb
for existing βn
wn wd wn wd wn wd
1Ab 1 year 3.3 2,3 2,8 1.8 1.8 0.8
b a a
1B 15 years 3.3 2,3 2,8 1.8 1.8 1.1a
2 15 years 3.8 2.8 3.3 2,5a 2,5a 2.5a
3 15 years 4.3 3.8 3.8 3.3a 3.3a 3.3a
wn: wind not dominant
wd: wind dominant
In this case the minimum limit for personal safety is normative.
In this case a distinction is made between class 1A (loss of life unacceptable) and 1B
(danger of loss of life is small).
For reference period and service life NEN-EN 1990 applies.
For reference period and service life local authority discretion (≥ 15 years) applies
With a remaining lifetime of 1 year.


4th International Conference CIVIL ENGINEERING`13 Proceedings Part II

 Thirdly, in an existing building actual are no indications that the actual situation is
measurement can be made in order to gather worse).
the facts. Because the introduction of the Eurocode standards
More information on these aspects and their NEN-EN 1990 up to NEN-EN 1999 represents a
influence in determining the reliability levels breakthrough in the traditional assessment methods,
chosen in the standard is contained in a report there is justification for further transforming the old
produced by TNO and the Expertcenter Regulations ways of working to the way that has been adopted
in Building: TNO-Report 2008-D-R0015/B. with the Eurocodes as described above. NEN 6720
Unlike the regulations that apply to new buildings assesses concrete on its cube compressive strength,
the requirements of the new standard include: whilst NEN-EN 1992 assesses concrete on its
 The regulations in NEN-EN 1990 which cylinder compressive strength. Timber has now
concern probability theory. This pays no introduced strength classes, whilst for years visual
attention to individual structural materials but control was the method used despite the need for an
is dependent on the purposes for which the objective strength assessment. These are just a few
building is used and pays attention to the examples.
probability of load stresses occurring over a In the development of the new standard we have
short reference period. Herewith account is tried not to change the confidence levels by which
taken of known actions on the building taken building structures were declared unsafe and were
place in the past and the probable properties of upheld by legal bodies up to the time of publication
the building itself and not the structural of the new standard.
properties of the building products as products In the transition from the TGB 1990 standards to
in the market from which the building is made. the Eurocodes (NEN-EN 1990 to NEN-EN 1999)
 Taking the opportunity to harmonise the the safety classes recognised in NEN 6700 have
Eurocodes with the basic principles on the been transformed to consequence classes. This
safety of the existing building constructions on classifies buildings differently than in NEN 6700.
an arbitrary moment. The safety assessment To avoid this having unintended effects for the
assumes a remaining lifetime of 1 year. existing buildings the consequence class CC1 has
Reference periods in determining the size of been split into class CC1A and CC1B. Class CC1A
the load factors are 1 year for buildings in includes buildings that according to NEN 6700 fall
class CC1A and 15 years for buildings in class in safety class 1 and according to the Building
CC1B, CC2 and CC3. This is therefore a Decree 2003 may be assessed using a reference
different assumption to the durable safety period of 1 year until the time of the introduction of
requirements of a newly built construction.4 the new standard. In Class 1A human safety will be
These have in the case of permanent buildings subsidiary.
a design lifetime and a reference period of 15
or 50/100 years dependent on the class of the RENOVATION
building. For this reason the reliability index β The new standard also establishes the lowest limits
and the load factor γ can be lower than those of safety levels in the renovation, alteration or
for a new construction. enlargement of an existing building. These limits
 Formal acknowledgement that guarantees on differ from those which apply to newly constructed
the durable safety requirements need other buildings and which are laid down in
than to cover a remaining lifetime period of 1 NEN-EN 1990. Note that granting exemptions to a
year. level of the standard that may be below an already
 Excluding requirements that relate to the legally sanctioned level is not the intention. By
uncertainties that may arise during the doing so the authorities would be accepting a lower
theoretical, paper design of the building. standard than they had originally sanctioned.
 Amendment of the methods to determine the However, the authorities could well take account of
properties of the structural materials used in the remaining lifespan of the building when
the building; and granting a permit for renovation, alteration or
 The ability to review at any time the actual enlargement. The remaining lifespan can be
constructed situation (a review based on the different from that of an entirely new building.
original design may be sufficient where there Exceptional circumstances also may occur whereby
exemption could be granted, for example, after the
occurrence of an accident.
The NEN 8700 and the Eurocodes make a difference The standard does not contain specific rules relating
between the reference period which expresses the size of to minimum safety levels for renovation, alteration
the loads to be taken as basis for the calculations and the or enlargement of a building whereby the remaining
service life or remaining lifetime. The remaining lifetime lifespan and therefore the reference period of the
is the indicator for the safety of the structure when loads
are applied.
building to be renovated are taken into account. The

4th International Conference CIVIL ENGINEERING`13 Proceedings Part II

TNO report 2008-D-R0015/B does include Figure 2 illustrates how the regulations are intended
recommendations for this. to work based on an example in consequence class
2 (with a service life of 50 years for a new
SUMMARY ON RELIABILITY AND LOAD construction and 15 years for renovation and in both
FACTORS cases the wind is not taken into account). Table 2
Extracted from the TNO report and applied to the shows the conversion to load factors.
different situations the reliability indices are shown
in Table 1.

Strictly speaking the reliability indices relating to various lengths of service life and remaining lifetime
cannot be captured in a single graph because to do this the β’s should be calculated on the basis of 1 year.
This has not been done.

Figure 2. Effect of the regulations on structural safety shown in terms of the required reliability of the
building against time


4th International Conference CIVIL ENGINEERING`13 Proceedings Part II

Table 2
Overview of load factors
Load factors ULS, New construction Load factors ULS – Renovation Load factors: ULS – Existing
(STR/GEO and extreme) (repair) buildings
Reference period is 15/50/100 Reference period: dependent Reference period 1 year with
years; service life is 15/50/100 years on the situation (≥ 15 years; CC1A 1 year and with CC1B and
service life: dependent on the 2 and 3
situation (≥ 15 years) ≥ 15 years; remaining lifetime 1
Load Permanent Dominant Other Extre Permanent load Variabl Wind Fire Permanent load Variabl Wind Fire
combination load variable variable me e load force e load force
Un- load load load Un- Un-
favour Favou favoura Favour favoura Favoura
able rable ble able ble ble

class 1 1,2 0,9 1,35o 1,35 o - 1,1 0,9 1.10o 1,10o - 1,1 0,9 1.00o 1,10o -
class 2 1,35 0,9 1,50o 1,50 o - 1,3 0,9 1.30o 1,30o - 1,2 0,9 1.15o 1,30o -
class 3 1,5 0,9 1,65o 1,65 o - 1,4 0,9 1,50o 1,50o - 1,3 0,9 1,30o 1,50o -

class 1 1,1 0,9 1,35 1,35 o - 1,1 0,9 1.10* 1,10* - 1 0,9 1.00* 1,10* -
class 2 1,2 0,9 1,5 1,50 o - 1,2 0,9 1.30* 1,30* - 1,1 0,9 1.15* 1,30* -
class 3 1,3 0,9 1,65 1,65 o - 1,3 0,9 1,50* 1,50* - 1,2 0,9 1,30* 1,50* -

Extreme (6.11)
All classes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

* = if "not dominant" multiply by o

Dependent on the reference period the following applies for variable loads: If NEN-EN 1991 has no
directive, as with floor loads, then the following may apply:
1-  1 t
Ft = Ft0 {1+ ln( )}
9 t0

Ft is the adjusted extreme value of the variable equally spread load for the remaining lifetime;
Ft0 is the extreme value of the variable equally spread load for a service life of 50 years;
1 is the  -factor value from table A1.1 in the standard;
t is the service life or the remaining lifetime;
t0 is the service life of 50 years.


ISO 2394:1998 (1998) General principles on reliability for structures. International Organization for
Standardization. Geneva. Switzerland.
NEN 8700 (2011) Assessment of existing structures in case of reconstruction and disapproval - Basic Rules,
December 2011 (not authorized translation).
NEN 8701 (2011) Actions, December 2011 (not authorized translation).
Steenbergen R.D.J.M., Vrouwenvelder A.C.W.M. & Morales Napoles (2011) General safety considerations
and modelling of traffic load on bridgeconstructions, TNO-060-DTM-2011-03695-1814 (in Dutch).
Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M. (2012) Target reliability as a function of the design working life. International
Forum on Engineering Decision Making. 6th IFED Forum. Lake Louise. Canada. January 26-29, 2012.
Vrouwenvelder A.C.W.M. (TNO), Scholten N.P.M. (ERB) (2012) Safety requirements for rebuilding of


4th International Conference CIVIL ENGINEERING`13 Proceedings Part II

existing bridges, TNO-034-DTM-2012-01104 (in Dutch).

Vrouwenvelder A.C.W.M. (TNO), Scholten N.P.M. (ERB), Steenbergen R. D.J.M. (TNO) (2011) Safety
asessment of existing buildings- background report for NEN 8700, TNO-060-DTM-2011-03086 (in Dutch).
Vrouwenvelder A.C.W.M. (TNO), Scholten N.P.M. (ERB) (2008) Safety assessment existing construction,
Background report for NEN 8700, 2008-D-R0015/B (in Dutch).
Vrouwenvelde A.C.W.M., Scholten N.P.M, de Winter P.E., (2004) Safety assessment existing construction,
Background report for the relative sections of the Building Decree 2003, TNO 2004-CI-R0159 (in Dutch).
Vrouwenvelder A.C.W.M., de Winter P.E. (2003) Structural safety assessment existing construction,
Background report for the relative sections of the Building Decree 2003, TNO B-91-832 (in Dutch).



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