Mechanisms, Clinical Implications, and Treatment of Intradialytic Hypotension

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CJASN ePress. Published on February 26, 2018 as doi: 10.2215/CJN.


Mechanisms, Clinical Implications, and Treatment

of Intradialytic Hypotension
Patrick B. Reeves1,2 and Finnian R. Mc Causland1,2

Individuals with ESKD requiring maintenance hemodialysis face a unique hemodynamic challenge, typically on a
thrice-weekly basis. In an effort to achieve some degree of euvolemia, ultrafiltration goals often involve removal 1
Renal Division,
of the equivalent of an entire plasma volume. Maintenance of adequate end-organ perfusion in this setting is Department of
dependent on the institution of a variety of complex compensatory mechanisms. Unfortunately, secondary to a Medicine, Brigham
and Women’s
myriad of patient- and dialysis-related factors, this compensation often falls short and results in intradialytic
Hospital, Boston,
hypotension. Physicians and patients have developed a greater appreciation for the breadth of adverse outcomes Massachusetts; and
associated with intradialytic hypotension, including higher cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. In this review, 2
Harvard Medical
we summarize the evidence for adverse outcomes associated with intradialytic hypotension, explore the underlying School, Boston,
pathophysiology, and use this as a basis to introduce potential strategies for its prevention and treatment. Massachusetts
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 13: ccc–ccc, 2018. doi:
Dr. Finnian
Mc Causland, MRB-4,
Physiologic Regulation of BP participants to predialysis systolic BP of 110–140 mm Renal Division,
In normal individuals, BP is maintained by a complex Hg (intensive arm) or 155–165 mm Hg (standard arm). Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, 75 Francis
array of effector and feedback mechanisms. This com- Although not powered for outcomes, rates of intra- Street, Boston, MA
plex physiology is classically simplified into the equa- dialytic hypotension (IDH), vascular access thrombo- 02115. Email:
tion: BP 5 cardiac output 3 total peripheral resistance. sis, and hospitalization were more common in the fmccausland@bwh.
Cardiac output is determined by stroke volume and intensive arm (2). Larger and more definitive random-
heart rate, whereas stroke volume is dependent on ized controlled trial data are needed to guide the most
preload, afterload, and contractility. In response to appropriate target BP for patients on hemodialysis.
hypotension, the sympathetic nervous system stimu-
lates increased heart rate and contractility in order to Intradialytic
increase cardiac output and raise BP. The sympathetic During hemodialysis the majority of patients experi-
nervous system and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone ence an overall decline in BP, on average in the range of
system, as well as various vasoactive hormones in- 28–40 mm Hg (3,4). When modeled, this decline is not
cluding arginine vasopressin, respond by increasing linear, with a relatively steeper decline noted in the first
total peripheral resistance (via vasoconstriction) to main- quarter of hemodialysis, followed by a less steep decline
tain adequate BP. In normal individuals this results in a (5). Although the pathogenesis of the early decline remains
relatively stable BP over time, with minimal fluctuations. poorly understood, it seems less likely to be explained by
In patients with ESKD requiring hemodialysis, the sit- excessive volume removal during this early period. As
uation is quite different. will be discussed later, an alternative hypothesis relates to
relatively rapid decline in plasma osmolality and impaired
implementation of compensatory mechanisms.
BP Patterns in Patients on Hemodialysis The transition between a “normal” decline in intra-
Interdialytic dialytic BP and what might be considered excessive
As a result of the intermittent nature of the typical (defined as IDH) is not clear, and likely varies from
thrice-weekly hemodialysis schedule, BP in patients on patient to patient. For the purposes of this review, we
hemodialysis exhibits marked variability, tending to be will assume that IDH is acute and profound enough to
highest in the immediate predialysis period, decreasing result in impaired end-organ perfusion. Further, it will
during the intradialytic period, and gradually increas- be assumed that other acute medical emergencies are not
ing again during the next interdialytic period. Obser- present (e.g., sepsis, acute myocardial infarction, tampo-
vational evidence suggests the presence of a U-shaped nade, pulmonary embolism, dialyzer reactions, etc.).
association of predialysis systolic BP with all-cause
and cardiovascular mortality, whereas 44-hour inter-
dialytic ambulatory or home BP monitoring has report- IDH
ed greater risk, with average interdialytic systolic BP Definitions and Measurement
.140 mm Hg (1). The BP in Dialysis ( The National Kidney Foundation defines IDH as a
identifier: NCT01421771) pilot trial randomized 126 decrease in systolic BP by $20 mm Hg or a decrease in Vol 13 August, 2018 Copyright © 2018 by the American Society of Nephrology 1
2 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

mean arterial pressure of 10 mm Hg associated with (defined as decline in cerebral oxygen saturation $15%
symptoms (6). Some have defined IDH on the basis of the from baseline for at least 2 minutes) (19). Mizumasa et al.
need to implement a corrective measure, e.g., administration (20) used magnetic resonance imaging to assess for pro-
of saline, reduction in ultrafiltration volume, or reduction in gressive frontal lobe atrophy in a 3-year prospective study
blood flow, whereas others have examined definitions on the of 32 nondiabetic patients, without previous symptomatic
basis of a threshold decline in systolic BP, change from neurologic lesions. They reported significant inverse corre-
predialysis BP, or absolute nadir in the absence of symptoms lation between the Frontal Atrophy Index (a measure of the
(7). A major limitation in the comparison of such studies re- ratio of frontal brain area to the intracranial frontal space) and
lates to the lack of standardized BP measurements, possi- the number of IDH episodes (r50.45; P,0.05; IDH defined as
bly resulting in overestimation of BP (8). Further sources of symptomatic systolic BP decline .50 mm Hg within 30 mins
variability exist in relation to the use of inappropriate cuff of hemodialysis initiation). Cognizant of the potential down-
size, readings taken in beds versus chairs, and the use of stream effects of cerebral hypotension, McIntyre and col-
lower extremity readings. Furthermore, there is no clear ev- leagues (21) performed a randomized study of cooled versus
idence to guide the optimal frequency of intradialytic mea- standard temperature hemodialysis (a strategy to mitigate
surements. Despite these inconsistencies, there is a body of against IDH) in 73 patients. Although changes in tissue water
literature that supports an association of various definitions content are not specific for cerebral ischemia, over 1-year of
of IDH with adverse clinical outcomes. follow-up they found that the use of cooled dialysate resulted
in fewer episodes of IDH and significantly fewer abnormal
IDH and Cardiac Outcomes cerebral white matter changes.
In a proof-of-concept study of four patients without severe
coronary stenosis, hemodialysis itself was associated with IDH and Residual Kidney Function
reduced myocardial perfusion (9), whereas greater intradia- The rate of residual kidney function decline appears to be
lytic decline in systolic BP has been associated with the greatest in the first 3 months after hemodialysis initiation,
development of regional wall motion abnormalities, and suggesting that interventions to preserve residual function
eventually a decline in left ventricular ejection fraction (10). should be targeted toward incident patients (22). In a pro-
Interestingly, in a study of seven nondiabetic participants spective study of 279 such patients, IDH was independently
undergoing hemodialysis with minimal ultrafiltration, a associated with approximately 1 ml/min per 1.73 m2 lower
reduction in myocardial blood flow was detected within the mean urea and creatinine clearance at 3 months (23).
first 30 minutes of the session. This occurred in the absence
of significant changes in BP or volume removal, suggesting IDH and Mortality
that other (poorly understood) factors must be involved Observational data has shown that IDH is associated
(11). Furthermore, IDH has been independently associated with both greater cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.
with higher risk for cardiovascular mortality, myocardial For example, Shoji et al. (3) reported a greater risk of death
infarction, and hospitalization for heart failure/volume with intradialytic systolic BP decline of $40 mm Hg in 1244
overload (12). Japanese patients over a 2-year follow-up period. In a
The prevalence of ventricular arrhythmia in patients larger study from the United States, Flythe et al. (7) re-
receiving maintenance hemodialysis is estimated to range ported a 30%–56% greater adjusted risk of death for those
between 21% and 34%, using 24–48 hour Holter monitoring that had a systolic BP decline to ,90 mm Hg during hemo-
(13,14). However, in a recent study using implanted loop dialysis versus not in at least 30% of exposure period treat-
recorders (n566), rates of atrial and bradycardic arrhyth- ments. When stratified by prehemodialysis systolic BP,
mia were more common, and appeared to increase during intradialytic nadir systolic BP ,100 mm Hg was most strongly
and after hemodialysis (15,16), highlighting the need to associated with mortality in patients with prehemodialysis
examine IDH as a potential risk factor for such events. systolic BP $160 mm Hg, whereas intradialytic nadir systolic
BP ,90 mm Hg was most strongly associated with mortality in
IDH and Vascular Access Outcomes patients with prehemodialysis systolic BP ,160 mm Hg. There
In a post hoc analysis of 1426 participants of the was also evidence to suggest a dose-response relationship
Hemodialysis study (IDH defined as any BP drop requiring between frequency of IDH episodes and mortality. Interest-
intervention), Chang et al. (16,17) reported that those with ingly, there were no significant associations of absolute BP
the highest quartile of IDH (compared with the lowest; declines (e.g., 20 or 30 mm Hg decline from the predialysis BP)
systolic BP decline of 44 mm Hg versus 26 mm Hg) had a with mortality outcomes, perhaps suggesting the presence of a
two-fold greater adjusted risk of developing thrombosis of critical threshold below which end organ hypoperfusion occurs.
an arteriovenous fistula during follow-up.
IDH: Pathophysiology and Preventive Measures
IDH and Cerebral Outcomes Despite the lack of mortality-powered prospective stud-
Hypoperfusion of the cerebral circulation is also a major ies, the totality of observational evidence suggests that
concern, with prior studies reporting that decline in intra- minimizing the magnitude and frequency of IDH is a
dialytic BP is significantly associated with a reduction in worthwhile clinical pursuit. It is noteworthy that ultrafil-
middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (18). In addition, tration goals in patients undergoing thrice-weekly hemo-
a recent physiologic study (n558; mostly white men) re- dialysis in the United States are often in the range of
ported a significant correlation between decline in mean 2.7–3.0 L (7) (roughly one total plasma volume). Therefore it
arterial pressure and intradialytic cerebral ischemia is assumed that a major etiological factor for IDH relates to
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 13: ccc–ccc, August, 2018 Intradialytic Hypotension, Reeves and McCausland 3

the development (at least transiently) of intravascular have been shown to reduce the risk of premature ventricular
hypovolemia. The primary compensatory mechanisms acti- complexes (33), others have questioned the broader clinical
vated in response to this acute insult include cardiac responses effect of serum and dialysate potassium gradients (34). Finally,
to maintain cardiac output, venous capacitance and return magnesium appears to play an important role in maintaining
(augmenting preload), arteriolar vasoconstriction (increasing myocardial electrical stability and regulating vascular smooth
total peripheral resistance), and plasma refilling from the muscle tone. Although the relationship between magnesium
interstitial and intracellular compartments (minimizing and IDH remains poorly studied, lower dialysate magnesium
intravascular hypovolemia) (24,25). The following section concentration has also been associated with decreased cardiac
will provide a brief review of these mechanisms and discuss contractility and IDH (35).
potential strategies that may be useful to counteract or prevent
IDH (Figure 1, Table 1).
Preload: Role of Venous Capacitance and Return
In the setting of hypovolemia, the need to augment
Maintenance of Cardiac Output cardiac output via increased cardiac preload appears to be
Heart Rate. A typical physiologic response to hypovo- of primary clinical importance. The majority of circulating
lemia is an increase in heart rate, although some have blood volume is located in the venous system, which has a
questioned the absolute importance of this for the main- large and modifiable capacity, and therefore can be
tenance of BP in nondialysis experimental conditions (26). mobilized to enhance preload. In the setting of hypovole-
Conversely, the prevalence of tachyarrhythmia in patients mia, vasoactive hormones and increased sympathetic
on hemodialysis appears to be higher in the peridialytic nervous system activity results in arteriolar vasoconstric-
period (15,16). Particularly in the setting of underlying tion and reduction of blood flow to venous beds. This, in
diastolic dysfunction, loss of the atrial component of ven- turn, results in lower pressure in the venous capacitance
tricular filling in atrial fibrillation may further exacerbate system and subsequent passive elastic contraction of the
reduced ventricular preload. vessel walls, augmenting venous return. This “DeJager–
With respect to hypotensive-prone patients on hemodi- Kroger phenomenon” appears to be particularly relevant in
alysis, one must keep in mind the myriad of “cardiopro- the splanchnic and cutaneous circulations (36). Not forget-
tective” medications that have negative chronotropic ting simple and noninvasive approaches, placing the hy-
effects. On the one hand, medications that result in negative potensive patient in the Trendelenburg position represents
inotropy and chronotropy may lead to more IDH; on the an immediate strategy to augment venous return in the
other hand, slowing of heart rate and improved ventricular outpatient unit.
compliance may augment diastolic filling and minimize IDH. Of additional clinical relevance in this regard is the
As outlined in a recent review of this topic, despite a paucity observation of increased splanchnic blood flow associated
of prospective evidence on the optimal combinations and with the historical use of acetate-based dialysate. In animal
timing of antihypertensive medications in patients on hemo- and human studies there appears to be a role for local
dialysis, individualized adjustment in an attempt to mini- production (potentially from ischemia-induced consump-
mize IDH may be considered for select patients (27). tion of ATP) and action of adenosine (inhibiting norepi-
Contractility. Heart failure is an important risk factor for
nephrine release) (37,38), giving plausibility to some reports
IDH and is present in approximately one third of patients
of beneficial effects of caffeine (an antagonist of adenosine)
on hemodialysis (28). Diastolic dysfunction is also common,
(39). Similarly, ingestion of food results in greater splanch-
with as many as 74% having left ventricular hypertrophy at
nic blood flow, and may result in postprandial hypotension
initiation of hemodialysis (29). Diastolic dysfunction results
in those with autonomic dysfunction. Thus, it may be
in a narrow range of tolerated filling pressures, such that
prudent to restrict intradialytic food intake in patients who
small reductions in cardiac preload and left ventricular
are prone to hypotension. Alternatively, the use of splanch-
volume can result in significant decline in cardiac output
nic vasoconstrictors have been suggested by some small
and BP. Systolic dysfunction, although less prevalent than
studies, including a systematic review that reported less
diastolic dysfunction, was reported in 15% of incident patients
decline in BP and fewer patient symptoms with the use of
on dialysis (29). It therefore seems intuitive that augment-
midodrine (40). In relation to the cutaneous circulation, it
ing cardiac contractility would also lead to improvements
has been recognized that cooling the dialysate can promote
in BP. However, as with heart rate, this may be less important
cutaneous vasoconstriction, increasing peripheral vascular
in the setting of reduced preload.
resistance and promoting venous return (41). The ongoing
Strategies that have been used with these pathophys-
Major Cardiovascular and Other Patient-Important Outcomes
iologic mechanisms in mind include the use of higher
With Personalized Dialysate Temperature study (clinicaltrials.
dialysate calcium, which has been shown to augment myo-
gov identifier: NCT02628366), a randomized trial of standard
cardial contractility (30). Even in patients with significant
versus cooled dialysate temperature, will examine the effect
cardiac compromise, higher dialysate calcium has been
on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular outcomes.
shown to minimize the decline in intradialytic BP (31).
However, one must be cognizant of potential downsides of
calcium loading and vascular calcification. Intricately re- Arteriolar Vasoconstriction
lated to the ionized calcium concentration, use of higher The development of peripheral arteriolar vasoconstric-
dialysate bicarbonate concentrations have also been asso- tion in response to hypovolemia is generally independent
ciated with IDH (32). The effects of dialysate potassium of cardiac preload and cardiac output and primarily regulated
concentration are less clear. Although interventions that by the autonomic nervous system and activity of vasoactive
reduce the rapidity of potassium changes during hemodialysis hormones.
4 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Figure 1. | Schematic demonstrating normal and inadequate compensatory mechanisms to maintain BP in response to hemodialysis with
ultrafiltration (blue background denotes venous circulation; red background denotes arterial circulation). Top: Normal compensatory re-
sponses involve activation of the sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and possibly increased vasopressin
release, in addition to adequate plasma refill. Together these facilitate maintenance of BP via increased venous return and cardiac preload,
increased cardiac output, and arteriolar vasoconstriction. Bottom: When any aspect of the normal compensatory response is impaired, the
maintenance of adequate perfusion pressure may be compromised, leading to intradialytic hypotension. UF, ultrafiltration.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 13: ccc–ccc, August, 2018 Intradialytic Hypotension, Reeves and McCausland 5

Table 1. Summary of management strategies for treatment and prevention of intradialytic hypotension

Management Strategies Proposed Physiologic Mechanism to Counteract IDH

Immediate management (excluding acute medical emergencies)

Stop ultrafiltration Optimize plasma refill/augment preload
Trendelenburg position Augment venous return/preload
Saline or albumin infusion Augment venous return/preload
Consider reduction in blood flow (Qb) and dialysate flow (Qd) Optimize plasma refill (minimize osmolar gradients)
First-line preventive measures
Reassess estimated dry weight Optimize plasma refill/augment preload
Reassess ultrafiltration rate Optimize plasma refill/augment preload
Counsel about dietary sodium and fluid goals Optimize plasma refill/augment preload
Avoid food ingestion during hemodialysis Promote arteriolar vasoconstriction
Review antihypertensive regimen Promote arteriolar vasoconstriction/optimize cardiac function
Review dialysate composition (Ca21, Mg21, Na1, HCO32) Promote arteriolar vasoconstriction/optimize cardiac function
Second-line preventive measures
Prescribe dialysate cooling Promote arteriolar vasoconstriction/optimize cardiac function
Evaluate for undiagnosed cardiac disease Promote arteriolar vasoconstriction/optimize cardiac function
Increase dialysis treatment time Optimize plasma refill/augment preload
Third-line preventive measures
Initiate midodrine before hemodialysis Promote arteriolar vasoconstriction/optimize cardiac function
Change dialysis modality

Adapted from European Best Practice Guidelines (50).

Autonomic Nervous System. The presence of hypovole- is related to a net positive fluid balance, resulting in
mia activates cardiopulmonary and baroreceptors, resulting hypervolemia and its attendant sequelae. One of the goals
in release of the tonic inhibition of sympathetic nervous of therapy is to safely remove this excess volume in pursuit
system outflow to the peripheral vasculature. Initially this of the elusive “dry weight.” As ultrafiltrate is removed from
leads to skeletal muscle and cutaneous arteriolar constriction, the intravascular compartment, “refilling” from interstitial
and eventually to increased heart rate and contractility (42). In and intracellular compartments ensues in order to maintain
some patients with ESKD there appears to be a paradoxical BP, and appears to be dependent, in part, on dynamic oncotic
decrease in sympathetic nervous system activity before the and hydrostatic gradients (45).
development of sudden IDH, which some hypothesize to be The performance of hemodialysis alone (i.e., without
related to heightened sensitivity of the Bezold–Jarisch reflex. ultrafiltration) results in diffusive clearance of waste
This reflex is initiated when myocardial mechanoreceptor products (e.g., urea), and can potentially lead to the ge-
activation in response to ventricular under filling leads to va- neration of temporary osmotic gradients between the plas-
gal afferent inhibition of the medullary cardiovascular center, ma and intracellular compartments. Consequently, plasma
resulting in a dramatic decrease in sympathetic nervous system refill may be enhanced with the use of albumin or with
activity and consequent arteriolar vasodilation, bradycar- hyperosmolar solutions (e.g., mannitol, glucose, higher di-
dia, and IDH. To date, there is limited evidence to support alysate sodium) that act to increase intravascular osmotic
therapeutic approaches to ameliorate IDH related to auto- pressure, facilitating movement of water into the intravas-
nomic dysfunction. However, results from prior small studies cular compartment (46). However, there are of course potential
using sertraline (43), postulated to act through augmentation drawbacks, particularly in relation to concerns of thirst,
of central serotonergic pathways, suggest this may represent
interdialytic weight gain, and hypertension with higher
an interesting area for further investigation.
dialysate sodium solutions (47). Other strategies proposed
Vasopressor Hormones. Inappropriate basal levels or
to reduce the rate of change in plasma osmolality include
inadequate increases in vasoconstrictor hormones in re-
lowering of the blood and dialysate flow rates.
sponse to hypovolemia have also been implicated in IDH.
On the other hand, isolated ultrafiltration results in the
Of particular interest is arginine vasopressin, which has
potent vasoconstrictor effects via its action on V1a receptors removal of fluid that is isotonic to plasma, resulting in
in the vasculature. Under normal conditions arginine va- minimal change to plasma osmolality and potentially help-
sopressin is stimulated by increases in plasma osmolality ing to explain some reports of less IDH with this modality
and significant hypovolemia; however, these responses ap- (46). However, others report limited benefit from the use of
pear to be blunted in hypotension-prone patients on hemo- sequential isolated ultrafiltration followed by hemodialy-
dialysis (44). Indeed, we previously reported that higher sis, and in clinical practice it is more common to have both
predialysis calculated osmolarity is associated with greater hemodialysis and ultrafiltration occurring simultaneously
decline in intradialytic BP (4), whereas others have report- (with greater risk of IDH). Potentially more important than
ed on the benefit of infusing vasopressin for the prevention the volume of ultrafiltration, greater ultrafiltration rates are
of IDH (44). associated with a higher likelihood of IDH (48), but also with
Plasma Refill. The combination of ultrafiltration and greater cardiovascular and all-cause mortality (49). The clinical
hemodialysis clearly presents a unique hemodynamic implications of these observations in response to IDH relate to
challenge. The vast majority of interdialytic weight gain the immediate actions of stopping/reducing ultrafiltration,
6 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

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Acknowledgments Kubo M, Fujishima M: Hemodialysis causes severe orthostatic
Dr. Finnian R. Mc Causland is supported by the National Institute reduction in cerebral blood flow velocity in diabetic patients.
of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases grant K23DK102511. Am J Kidney Dis 34: 1096–1104, 1999
19. MacEwen C, Sutherland S, Daly J, Pugh C, Tarassenko L: Re-
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Disclosures hemodialysis. J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 2511–2520, 2017
None. 20. Mizumasa T, Hirakata H, Yoshimitsu T, Hirakata E, Kubo M,
Kashiwagi M, naka H, Kanai H, Fujimi S, Iida M: Dialysis-related
hypotension as a cause of progressive frontal lobe atrophy in
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